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The Road To Wrestlemania AND So On

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[I]Note: I admit the game is getting actually annoying when you book matches and you get a D. So I apologize for this happening again and again. Triple H isn't injured neither Rey Mysterio so....read 2007, the year where Wrestlemania goes to Ford Field. Fans are awaiting this event to come a 4 hour spectacular but what if I ran the WWE. No, no this isn't a sick joke. This would actually how I would do it personally. Bring back In Your House, Rebellion & King Of The Ring. ECW GONE! Mick Foley going Hardcore Once again and amen D-X GONE! -------------------------------------------- If you take a look at me you could tell a strong booker who would book awesome storylines. A Man who has put Triple H as WWE Champion not John Cena, as we all know ECW is gone but they were drafted to where they belong. Now it is the first of February, SmackDown! will host No Way Out and RAW will host a event known as In Your House: The Return. I know it sound weird but I am looking for PPV Buy Rates. So every time one promotion holds an event like say if RAW host Backlash. SmackDown! will host In Your House that type of thing. ------------------------------------------- Now lets start this insane story as we look into Mr. McMahon's Office where Joel Trent is applying for job as Head Booker. Stephanie McMahon had quit this to look after her baby. [B]Vince:[/B] So What do you have in mind to turn this federation back to the good 'ol times when we had fans come all around the world to see Pay Per Views? [B]Joel:[/B] Ah, you see I had this plan to actually make some big PPV's like SummerSlam or Survivor Series to go aboard to England or Japan to make us more popular in the region. What I would also suggest D-X to be disbanded. I know they are huge with the fans but Triple H is well known as a heel and thats what he should be. [B]Vince:[/B] I think your right. D-X has killed Michaels & Hunter's heat lately. Carry on. [B]Joel:[/B] I would recommend that William Regal should be pushed to at least Main Event-Upper Midcard status because he is big over in England and I and several fans want him to be big here in the U.S. He has great Technical Skill and can put up a good brawl. Mr. McMahon, the plans of Foley being a retired Wrestler and not being on television for quite sometime makes me think. He could feud with someone hardcore I am thinking your Son? [B]Vince:[/B] And me.....I may be 62 years old but I can brawl. [B]Joel:[/B] *Laughs* [B]Vince:[/B] Do you want this job or not. If you do stop laughing if you don't continue. [B]Joel:[/B] *Stops*. So McMahon I tell you If I was head booker I would make everything worth the while. I can be an announcer too. [B]Vince:[/B] Alright, thats a deal. You start work on the first day of February. Which is NOW! As Joel seemed happy he was told to goto a meeting room which he did and thats where the story ended really. Another Note: Poor Backstory, I know but I'll make up for it.[/I]
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The Roster [CENTER][QUOTE][I]A Roster Shakeup was announced as superstars went to new brands. This was huge as this is what the rosters are:[/I] [IMG]http://ewb.orion-hosting.co.uk/forum/uploads/monthly_02_2007/post-15202-1170483840.png[/IMG] [B]THE ROSTERS:[/B] [COLOR="Red"][U]RAW:[/U] Al Snow Ariel Ashley Balls Mahoney Charlie Haas Chavo Guerrero Chris Benoit Christopher W. Anderson CM Punk Edge Eugene Finlay Funaki Hardcore Holly Harry Smith Idol Stevens Jerry Lawler (Announcer) Jillian Hall Jim Ross (Announcer) Joel Trent (Announcer) Joey Mercury Johnathan Coachman K.C James Kane Kelly Kelly Kenny Dykstra Kristal Marshall Lance Cade Lillian Garcia (Interviewer) Matt Hardy Matt Striker Michael Cole (Interviewer/Announcer) Michael Hayes (Announcer For HeAT) Michelle McCool Mick Foley Montel Vontavious Porter Randy Orton Rene Dupree Rey Mysterio Ric Flair Rob Van Dam Sabu Sandman Sgt. Slaughter (Road Agent/Occasional Wrestler) Shad Shane McMahon Shelton Benjamin Super Crazy Sylvester Terkay Tatanka Test Tommy Dreamer Torrie Wilson Trevor Murdoch Trinity Vince McMahon William Regal [U]TAG TEAMS:[/U] Cade & Murdoch Mr. McMahon and Shane World's Greatest Tag Team Teachers Pets Rated RKO [/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][/CENTER][COLOR="Blue"] [U]SMACKDOWN:[/U] Batista Bobby Lashley Brian Kendrick Candice Michelle Carlito Chris Masters Dave Taylor Dusty Rhodes Elijah Burke Gregory Helms Jamie Noble Jazz Jeff Hardy Jim Duggan Jimmy Wang Yang Joey Styles (Announcer) John Bradshaw Layfield (Announcer) John Cena Johnny Nitro JTG Ken Kennedy Kevin Thorn King Booker Layla El Little Guido Maritato Maria Melina (Manager For Johnny Nitro) Mickie James Mike Knox Mike Mizanin Monty Brown (Screw The Marquis Cor Von) Paul London Rob Conway Robbie McAllistar Roddy Piper Ron Simmons Rory McAllistar Scotty 2 Hotty Shannon Moore Queen Sharmell Shawn Michaels Simon Dean Snitsky 'The Brooklyn Brawler' Steve Lombardi Stevie Richards Sylvan Tazz The Undertaker Theodore Long Todd Grisham Tony Mamaluke Triple H Umaga Val Venis Victoria Vito [/COLOR][/QUOTE] So LETS BEGIN!
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Monday Night Raw Preview! [QUOTE][U]6 MEN ONE TITLE:[/U] The WWE Heavyweight Title is set to goto a new owner in a 6 Way Brawl. The competitors are: Chris Benoit Edge Kane Randy Orton Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam. This will be an elimination bout [B][U]THE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MAYHEM:[/U][/B] Tonight in an open challenge 10 Men Will walk into the ring for a chance to become Intercontinental Champion. This means ANYONE will turn up including Steve Lombardi......But that'll never happen OR will it? [B][U]CRUISERWEIGHT SHOWCASE:[/U][/B] Super Crazy will go one on one against Gregory Helms. [B][U]ECW IS ALIVE?!?!?!:[/U][/B] Sabu will face Hardcore Holly in a ECW Rules Match. Can one of them prove that ECW is inside RAW? ---------------- CONFIRMED CARD: ---------------- WWE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Chris Benoit vs Edge vs Kane vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio vs Rob Van Dam INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE OPEN INVITATIONAL: 10 Men Will Turn Up. Super Crazy vs Gregory Helms Hardcore Holly vs Sabu [/QUOTE] Enjoy teh show!
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[QUOTE=Joel;197419][I]Note: I admit the game is getting actually annoying when you book matches and you get a D. So I apologize for this happening again and again. [/I] [/QUOTE] Burn, sick burn. :D But seriously, I've been able to get in the low C's on some shows in my diary , and I'm not even using a very skilled roster, so I'm sure improving your show ratings is doable. It's probably a product issue?
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WWE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: [B]Chris Benoit[/B] vs Edge vs Kane vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio vs Rob Van Dam - can't go against you're fave real world wrestler INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE OPEN INVITATIONAL: 10 Men Will Turn Up. - either finlay or CM Punk [B]Super Crazy[/B] vs Gregory Helms - he's super, he's crazy, he's super crazy Hardcore Holly vs [B]Sabu[/B] - in ECW rules can anyone beat him
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licking the story man, abit differnet but u cant fight that heavyweight tite match, just ask u british match, just askin because of the regal convo u had wid vince, anyway raw will be gd but smackdown oh my god i looked at the smacdown roster Triple H, Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker looks like smackdown will finally give raw a run for its money
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Raw Results (shake Up Big Time) [COLOR="Red"][B][U]MONDAY NIGHT RAW (LIVE FROM: AMERICAN AIRLINES CENTER)(15,000 IN ATTENDANCE) :[/U][/B] [B][U]PRE-SHOW: Al Snow defeated Matt Striker RATING: C-[/U][/B] [I]RAW starts off backstage seeing Chris Benoit, Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio backstage. They are talking about tonight and the roster split but suddenly Rated RKO and Kane come through the door as they look at the 3 and then they come close up. Rated RKO and Kane throw punches at all 3 as they take them down, Kane threw RVD into a locker leaving a dent as Rated RKO used chairs to beat Mysterio & Benoit down. The question is will they be okay for the match?[/I] [I]Vince McMahon and Mick Foley are in his office as McMahon says th at Foley better watch his step or else he will join the kiss my ass club.[/I] [B][U]Match #1 (ECW Rules Match): Sabu vs Hardcore Holly Match Background:[/U][/B] [I] With their hopes to bring back ECW, Hardcore Holly & Sabu will compete in a ECW Rules Match to show that ECW is still in WWE.[/I] [LIST] [*]Sabu and Holly took the fight throughout the arena as Sabu threw a chair at Holly knocking him down. [*]Holly fought back as he gave a Alabama Slam to Sabu through a table. [*]Sabu had gained control in the end and had given Holly a Triple Jump Moonsault from a chair. [/LIST] [B][U]Winner: Sabu (At 9:43) RATING: C[/U][/B] [I]Rated RKO are backstage as they say that the other competitors will die in the 6 Way Match, Orton then done a pose as Edge laughed and we cut to backstage where Gregory Helms and Super Crazy are standing.[/I] [I]Super Crazy and Helms are backstage as Helms starts to annoy Crazy saying he didn't have the guts to come to SmackDown instead Helms had to come to RAW to whop his ass. Crazy said that he will come to SmackDown and whop Helms ass like he will tonight, Crazy left Helms as Helms looked angry.[/I] [B][U]Match #2 (Crusierweight Challenge): Gregory Helms vs Super Crazy Match Background:[/U][/B] [I]Gregory Helms is a SmackDown! Superstar. Making a special appearance for tonight as he faces Super Crazy. As stated earlier Helms wanted Crazy to come to SmackDown! But until then the match is now and Helms looks to impress.[/I] [LIST] [*]Helms and Crazy had an intense battle. [*]Helms hit 3 Shinning Wizards and One Nightmare On Helms Street to win the match. [/LIST] [B][U]Winner: Gregory Helms (At 10:42) RATING: D+ (WHAT THE ****!)[/U][/B] [I]William Regal is shown backstage talking to Finlay about the upcoming Open Invitational. Regal & Finlay are then shown shaking Hands.[/I] [B][U]Match #3 (Intercontinental Title Open Invatational): 10 Men Have Turned Up Un-Annoucned Match Background:[/U][/B] [I]10 Men have an opportunity to waltz into the ring and get a Intercontinental Title Shot. But there's one problem 9 other men have the same thinking. The men who walked in were: Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero, CM Punk, Eugene (Who was chased by The Sandman but he left), Finlay, Matt Hardy, Ric Flair, Shelton Benjamin & William Regal.[/I] [LIST] [*]The first man eliminated was Chavo Guerrero after William Regal and Finlay double teamed him hitting him with the brass knux [*]The second person eliminated was Eugene after Flair made him tap out to the Figure Four Leg Lock. [*]Matt Hardy was next after Finlay hit a Celtic Cross [*]CM Punk was next after Shelton Benjamin hit a Springboard Lariat. [*]Charlie Haas was next after Regal made him tap out to the Regal Stretch. [*]Shelton Benjamin was eliminated after Flair got him with a roll-up [*]Finlay was eliminated next when Regal accidentally hit him with the Brass Knux, Flair pinned him without Regal attempting to help him. [*]Finlay came back though and hit Regal with the Shelaleh allowing Flair to cover him for the win. [/LIST] [B][U]Winner & New Intercontinental Champion: Ric Flair (At 14:35)[/U][/B] [I]Chris Benoit and Edge meet in the parking lot as Benoit retaliates with a punch and then throwing Edge into a car. Was this Benoit revenge?[/I] [I]Rob Van Dam is caught with Rey Mysterio talking about working together.[/I] [B][U]Main Event (6 Way Brawl)(WWE Heavyweight Title): Chris Benoit vs Edge vs Randy Orton vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio vs Rob Van Dam Match Background:[/U][/B] [I]Tonight a new WWE Champion will be crowned. 6 Men will enter one will come out the winner. Which man will that be?[/I] [LIST] [*]Halfway through Kane Chokeslammed Rob Van Dam through the announcers Table. [*]Edge had Speared Mysterio but when he tried on Benoit it was reversed into a Crossface. Orton got him out though. [*]Benoit locked in the Crossface on Orton as he tapped out straight away. [/LIST] [B][U]Winner & New WWE Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit (At 19:53) RATING: B+[/U][/B] [I]Benoit remains in the ring celebrating as RAW comes to a close.[/I] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING: C[/B][/COLOR]
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RAW Rating & Crowd Sell Out [QUOTE]It was confirmed that The Airline Center was sold out for this event. RAW drew a 40.22 Rating on USA Network and 3.04 on Sky Sports. RAW has announced the card for In Your House: The Return and Here it is: [CENTER][B][U]In Your House: The Return (Saturday Week 2 Of February)(Live From: Madison Square Garden) OFFICIAL THEME SONG: [url=http://polvita.imeem.com/music/gyYrymTX/coming_undone/]Coming Undone by Korn[/url] Main Event: Chris Benoit vs Edge & Randy Orton Rob Van Dam vs Kane Non Title Match: Ric Flair vs Shelton Benjamin William Regal vs Finlay Interpromotional Match: CM Punk vs Gregory Helms Hardcore Holly vs Sabu vs Balls Mahoney [/U][/B][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] So What Are Your Thoughts?
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SmackDown! [COLOR="Blue"][B][U]SMACKDOWN! (LIVE FROM: RICOH COLISEUM)(10,000 IN ATTENDANCE): Pre-Show Matches: JTG drew with Little Guido (RATING: C-) Candice & Victoria defated Jazz & Maria (RATING: E-) Ken Kennedy defeated Carlito (RATING: D-) [/U][/B] [I]SmackDown! starts off with JBL & Tazz hyping the main event. A 5 Man Match for the World Heavyweight Title featuring Batista, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker & Umaga.[/I] [B][U]Match #1 (Cruiserweight Title Match): Johnny Nitro vs Jamie Noble vs Jimmy Yang Wang Match Background:[/U][/B] [I]This will be a match for the vacant Cruiserweight Title. 3 Men have entered with they're hopes held high.[/I] [LIST] [*]All 3 Men gave an impressive showing. [*]The match ended when Johnny Nitro hit a Corkscrew Moonsault on Jamie Noble. [/LIST] [B][U]Winner & New Cruiserweight Champion: Johnny Nitro (At 12:37) RATING:[/U][/B] [I]The Brooklyn Brawler is backstage. He says he is here for the Hardcore Title Match.[/I] [I]A Video plays hyping the next match which is Super Crazy vs Gregory Helms.[/I] [B][U]Match #2 (Re-Match): Gregory Helms vs Super Crazy Match Background:[/U][/B] [I]After Helms showed up on RAW defeating Super Crazy he said that there was a re-match to be made so he could kick his ass. That Re-Match is now as Helms takes on Crazy.[/I] [LIST] [*]Halfway through the match, Gregory Helms was distracted by CM Punk who ran down. [*]Crazy got a Backslide Pin on Helms for the 3. [/LIST] [B][U]Winner: Super Crazy (At 8:41) RATING: C-[/U][/B] [I]Theodore Long is backstage saying the U.S Title will have a holder and it will be decided between Jeff Hardy, Paul London & Brian Kendrick.[/I] [I]The camera's catch Bobby Lashley being carted out as Estrada is laughing as Umaga destroys the medics and then gets to Lashley choking him out. Lashley was attacked by Umaga as we suspect but was it really Umaga?[/I] [B][U]Match #3 (U.S Title Match): Jeff Hardy vs Paul London vs Brian Kendrick Match Background:[/U][/B] [I]This will be a match for the vacant U.S Title.[/I] [LIST] [*]The match ended when Jeff Hardy hit a Swanton Bomb but when he got up he got a Sliced Bread 2 [/LIST] [B][U]Winner & New U.S Champion: Brian Kendrick (At 9:46) RATING: D+[/U][/B] [I]Steve Lombardi taunts the others in the Hardcore Title Return Match.[/I] [B][U]Steve Lombardi defeated Snitsky & Chris Masters to win The Hardcore Title.[/U][/B] [I]A Video is played hyping the next match. John Cena vs King Booker.[/I] [B][U]King Booker defeated John Cena by Count Out RATING: D[/U][/B] [I]King Booker taunts Cena about the loss.[/I] [B][U]The Undertaker defeated Umaga, HBK, Triple H & Batista when Triple H turned on Michaels during a set up for the Sweet Chin Music but Triple H Pedigreed him. Umaga gave a Samoan Spike to Batista & Triple H but got Chokeslammed in the end by The Undertaker. Therefore The Undertaker is the new World Heavyweight Champion. OVERALL SHOW RATING: D Little Guido was injured during his match with JTG. The arena was sold out for this event.[/U][/B][/COLOR]
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INY: The Return Re-Scheduled & New Arena To Be Held The In Your House: The Return event has been rescheduled for this week. It will be held in either The Olympic Stadium in Quebec or in The Manchester Evening News Arena.
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No Way Out Matches Annoucned! [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f292/unknown_wwe/No%20Way%20Out%2006/no_way_out_banner.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Main Event (World Heavyweight Title Match): The Undertaker vs Opponent To Be Announced Next Week TBA Match: Shawn Michaels vs Triple H Bobby Lashley vs Umaga Open Challenge: Johnny Nitro puts the Cruiserweight Title On The Line against anyone Paul London vs Brian Kendrick vs Jeff Hardy [/U][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] Thoughts?
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Main Event (World Heavyweight Title Match): [B]The Undertaker[/B] vs Opponent To Be Announced Next Week TBA Match: Shawn Michaels vs [B]Triple H[/B] Bobby Lashley vs [B]Umaga[/B] Open Challenge: [B]Johnny Nitro[/B] puts the Cruiserweight Title On The Line against anyone Paul London vs Brian Kendrick vs [B]Jeff Hardy[/B]
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