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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[B]FWE Presents… The Crush:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Joss Thompson beat Roderick Remus[/COLOR] in 3.42 [B](C-)[/B] -It was short, but considering these two are virtual unknowns, this was pretty sweet too. Thompson won with the Clean Cutter. *** [B]Troy Tornado[/B] came out to a thunderous applause, taking time to stop with Alicia Strong and share pleasantries. He thanked the crowd, but was cut off by Aaron Andrews. The Warrior Champion demanded to know what Tornado was doing in his ring, after quitting the US last year. Tornado told Andrews that he never quit the US, and he certainly didn’t come back to have anything to do with Andrews. He’ll be back later, and promised the crowd that he’d be in action for them all [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 6.35 [B](C+)[/B] -Both of these wrestler’s gimmick’s need updated, but that didn’t stop them putting on a good technical contest, won with the Termination Kick. *** Insane Machine told everyone else who was in the Extreme Tournament that they were wasting their time – his victory over Hell Monkey was just the beginning [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews and Rhino Umaga beat Frankie Perez and Ryu Kajahara[/COLOR] in 10.33 [B](C+)[/B] -I thought this show was going to suck so brought in Tornado on loan, and it’s actually going pretty well so far. Kajahara did get Andrews on the back foot with some blows to the face, but eventually fell to a Flying Body Press. *** Backstage, Insane Machine went over to Masked Cougar, pointing to himself and calling himself the new Extreme Champion. Cougar told him that it didn’t matter – he wasn’t in the tournament. As he’s said before, he was after bigger things now, and would show everyone later [B](D+)[/B] *** Mathew Gauge got on the hype for his match versus Ultimate Phoenix, pointing out that it was his first match without his brother at his side, as he’s in Japan on tour [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] in the Extreme Tournament in 10.38 [B](C+)[/B] -Every single match so far has been rated higher than I thought it’d be. Gauge had his first match with a high flying opponent, but did well against this new style. He tried to rely on locking in the Proton Lock, but Phoenix wouldn’t be locked into the move, and hit a neckbreaker for the victory. *** Troy Tornado came down to the ring again, and said he was here for a match, a match he couldn’t have where he was working. He introduces one of the fastest rising talents in the world today, his opponent – Masked Cougar[B] (B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Troy Tornado beat Masked Cougar[/COLOR] in 18.57 [B](C+)[/B] -Well, as usual when I make trades, it ends up being very expensive for not a huge reward. I did deliver a match never done before, and never going to be done again anytime soon. Tornado dodged the High Rise Cougar Pounce, and hit the Star Maker for the victory. *** Tornado shook hands with Cougar before leaving the ring. That’s when Aaron Andrews dove in, and started the beatdown on Masked Cougar. The fans cheered as Tornado made a return to the ring, and together with Cougar forced Andrews back out of the ring [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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2,000 sell out, and several grand spent getting Troy Tornado on loan from NOTBW (where he’s being barely used). Aaron Andrews will get a match in NOTBPW in return, while Masked Cougar got the rub last night. I’ll let you into a little secret though – he also had a dark match against my most talented worker. Nope, not Hell Monkey, but Alicia Strong. That one got a B rating, and goes down in my stats as my best match ever booked. *** I’ve got a friend! I’ve built up an in game friendship with Otsune Tsumaru! Who? She’s an ex-5SSW Tag Champion who has brought in to face Alicia Strong in some dark matches (along with a few other women). Previously I had no long term plans for her. Now? We’ll see. *** No, I don’t speak Japanese. No, she doesn’t speak English. *** Roderick Remus leaves FWE. He put on some reasonable performances, and would be welcome back. When Sanders changes his hiring blocks. *** EEWW crown there first champions – Edward Cornell and Beast Bantom. *** Ex-FWE worker Joey Poison signs for SWF. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Brendan Idol vs The Gambler Joey Beauchamp vs Aaron Andrews Frankie Perez vs Ryu Kajahara vs Masked Cougar vs Steve Gumble[/QUOTE] We actually traded someone in to face Aaron Andrews, and then realised that he couldn’t make the show that we’d made the trade for. Skilfully done.
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] *** Alicia Strong (as ever, flanked by El Fuerza), brings out Brendan Idol, and wishes him good luck for his match [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Gambler beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 6.52 [B](D+)[/B] -Even match with both men getting near falls. Then Aaron Andrews came out and broke up an Idol pinfall attempt, and distracted him allowing The Gambler to Roll the Dice for the win. *** Aaron Andrews told Alicia Strong that she was still supporting losers. Like the Main Event tonight, which was apparently meant to determine his next opponent – which featured four men that he had already beaten before. He told her that she should just face facts – there was no-one in his league [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 6.34 [B](C+)[/B] -We know that Beauchamp isn’t in Andrews league, and he was summarily beaten. *** We cut backstage and Frankie Perez and Masked Cougar are together, agreeing that whoever won this match would have one another’s full support, to just shut Andrews up [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez beat Ryu Kajahara, Masked Cougar and Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 19.52 [B](C+)[/B] -We seemed to have forgotten to protect Kajahara, and he was exhausted way before the end of the match. Andrews forced Remus off the commentary table, and spent most of the match arguing with Alicia Strong about the competitors. Strong seemed to be behind Cougar, but Andrews told her that every big match that he had been in he had lost, however good the match ended up being. Kajahara was the man a little out of place, not able to bring his hardcore style to the forefront. He was the subject of several pin attempts, but proved resilient by constantly kicking out. Aaron Andrews came down to the ring, and Strong sent Fuerza down to keep an eye on him. Andrews looked back up into the giants eyes, before pointing back at the announce table, where Rhino Umaga had sat down next to Alicia Strong. El Fuerza went back to his protector job, and Andrews pulled Masked Cougar underneath the bottom rope. While the ref was concentrating on Perez trying to lock the P-Clutch in on Gumble, Andrews thrashed Cougar’s head against the ring post, and stuffed the unconscious wrestler under the ring. Kajahara saw what was going on and went after Andrews, while in the ring Perez got his submission move locked in, and got the win. *** Perez went over to help Kajahara against Andrew, in a brawl that was joined by Rhino Umaga and El Feurza. It was wild for a while, before the two teams eventually separated [B](C-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Attendance of 1,731, and an Invasion show that actually concentrated on my main storylines – that’s unusual! Hopefully bringing out the big guns in the South West will have us at Cult status by the summer. *** Jay Chord renews his development contract with RIPW. I know that I scoffed at his asking price last year, but I’d happily bring him in now. *** What’s with all this happiness at FWE? Now Frankie Perez and Kathy Neptune are good friends. That’s must have been building for a while – it’s been over two years since Neptune managed Perez. *** In his one NOTBPW appearance, Aaron Andrews puts over Harrison Hash in an Unlimited Title match. *** Joey Minnesota may not have a title yet at TCW, but he does get a huge victory over Tommy Cornell at The War to Settle the Score. Aaron Andrews is surprisingly allowed to work a CGC show. [B]March:[/B] *** Both TCW shows’ runs are over, and they will not be on TV for the next quarter. They should be in no danger of dropping from their International level, but it might make scheduling my shows easier. *** My Extreme Tournament is taking so long because I delayed the qualifying rounds so I could sign someone this month. That someone I can’t sign till next month. Plan B. *** Nathan Coleman ends Stevie Grayson’s 18 month Empire Title reign. *** Bruce the Giant somehow finds the stamina to defeat Li Bingci for the Elite Series Title. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Forward March: Greg Gauge vs Rhino Umaga in the Extreme Tournament Steve Gumble vs The Gambler in the Extreme Tournament Aaron Andrews defends the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Forward March:[/B] *** Alicia Strong started the show to announce that last week Frankie Perez had earned a title shot at Aaron Andrews tonight. However, Ryu Kajahara was doing the honourable thing and coming to Masked Cougar’s defence after the unprovoked attack by Andrews. Cougar is out with concussion, but Kajahara has been added to the title match – where it will be a hardcore match! Aaron Andrews comes out with Rhino Umaga and Nevada Nuclear at his side, and complains at her obvious biased against him. She shrugs, and says that as tonight is a rare occasion when Nevada nuclear shows up, he will also face a match with Mathew Gauge later [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in the Extreme Tournament in 7.33 [B](C-)[/B] -At long last Gumble actually picks up a win, although The Gambler did well for himself. *** Aaron Andrews comes out once more, and goes face to face with Alicia Strong. He says that she just made Nevada Nuclear wrestle as they don’t normally see him wrestle – well what about her? She says she’s ready for the challenge, and Andrews says that has a female colleague ready to meet her later [B](B)[/B] *** Frankie Perez hypes his title shot, saying he doesn’t mind that Kajahara is in the match. Wish I’d made this one a fiver [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Nevada Nuclear beat Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] in 8.33 [B](C-)[/B] -Very even contest, until the Umaga assist allowed Nuclear to hit the Mushroom Cloud. *** Rhino Umaga and Nevada Nuclear got into an argument with one another, until Aaron Andrews had to come out and split the two men up (C-) [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Rhino Umaga [/COLOR]in the Extreme Tournament by DQ in 9.09 [B](C)[/B] -Another even contest, and then it was Nevada Nuclear’s turn to interfere. Pity for him (and Umaga) was that the ref noticed this interference, and disqualified Umaga. *** The tension was obvious between the two heels, but it was diverted by Alicia Strong leaving the announce both in her wrestling gear, flanked by El Fuerza, ready for her US wrestling debut [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Roz Larren [/COLOR]in 6.13 [B](C-)[/B] -Good chemistry? It’s almost as if they’ve been in a dark match together before! Aaron Andrews filled in on colour commentary, and was quite dismissive as Strong hit the Butterfly Effect for the win. *** Alicia Strong marched back up to her seat, where it didn’t look as if Andrews was going to move. Strong reminded him that he had a match, and Fuerza’s attention clinched the deal [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Frankie Perez and Ryu Kajahara[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 16.38 [B](C)[/B] -Yeah, Kajahara was exhausted in the end, but he did so some inventive moves featuring canes, chairs, stop signs, celery and an egg whisk. In the end though the hardcore match played into Andrews hands, as Umaga and Nevada Nuclear were allowed to attack his opponents, so Andrews was able to get the pin on Kajahara. *** The heels celebrated, but Andrews and Umaga quickly turned their attention on Nevada Nuclear, issuing him with a severe beatdown to end the show [B](C)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C[/I]
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;249213]It is good to see someone sticking in making a Cornellverse diary. We have msses of real world but limited verse.[/QUOTE] [I]There's a good few people who have diaires running longer than me (Shipshirt, Scapino, Jehovah...), but as long as my data survives, I'll keep this running. Uh, even if my house buy goes through the room. Number of rooms that need decorating? Er, all of them. Unless you like old people wallpaper and orange doors.[/I] 2,000 sellout, and we’re probably bleeding Andrews’ overness a little bit now – although his title defence did keep him at B+ in the South East. We also got Alicia Strong’s ring debut, and she is the one worker lucky enough to have worked dark matches, so I could put her up against someone she works well with. Very few people get that luxury (as you may have noticed by the bad chemistry that I put main show). *** Johnny Martin and Valiant team as Break and Enter to take the DaVE Tag Titles off JD Morgan and Travis Century. *** El Fuerza joins WLW on tour. *** Rick Sanders great friend Barry Kingman leaves FWE as his contract expires. Sanders takes it out on Dazzling Dave Diamond, calling him an “egotistical nobody”. Okay, I won’t sign him then. *** Greg Gauge signs for OLLIE. Any more interest and I might lose him. *** Rhino Umaga signs a new contract with FWE. *** Masked Cougar signs for a tour with GCG, while Mathew Gauge goes with WLW. Only five of my workers that I share with WLW now! *** SWF Awesome Impact sees Robbie Retro win the SWF North American Title off Kurt Laramee. They have fallen well below DaVE now. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Kashmir Singh vs Insane Machine Steve Gumble, Ultimate Phoenix and Greg Gauge vs Joss Thompson, Joey Beauchamp and The Masked Luchadore Aaron Andrews will be present![/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] *** Aaron Andrews comes out, and says that he here tonight on his only – he doesn’t need his colleagues. Rhino Umaga has gone back home to the islands for a week, while Nevada Nuclear is still tucked up in a hospital bed somewhere. He then proceeds to rip into the South West, saying that once there was an up and coming promotion here, but he can find no-one who’s p to the task of meeting him. Out comes former CZCW worker Valiant, who tells Andrews that that’s one challenge he’s not going to back down from [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Insane Machine beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 5.53 [B](C-)[/B] -All four semi-finalists in the Extreme Tournament in action tonight, Insane Machine picking up the first win. *** The other three semi-finalists are teaming together tonight, and are promo duty. They know that two of them will be facing off next week, but don’t know who, but for tonight they we be one well oiled machine [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble, Ultimate Phoenix and Greg Gauge beat Joss Thompson, Joey Beauchamp and The Masked Luchadore[/COLOR] in 8.48 [B](C+)[/B] -A debut for The Masked Luchadore. He’s a Luchadore, and he’s got a mask on. Sorry, but I need to keep his identity secret till the reveal! Here, Greg Gauge made Joss Thompson tap to the Proton Lock. *** Just before Valiant goes out for his match, CZCW worker Masked Cougar caught up with him, and shakes his former colleague’s hand. Cougar tells Valiant that they could do with him back down here one day, and Valiant nods his head, telling Cougar that maybe one day it’ll happen again. Cougar also informs Valiant that he’s still on the shelf due to concussion (sure, Cougar – whatever. How’d you win your dark match then?) [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Valiant[/COLOR] in a non title match in 15.38 [B](B-)[/B] -Best match in the South West for a while, and I’m investing in my overness here. We gave Valiant plenty of offence, and the crowd really got behind him. Andrews used a few dirty tricks, but got a clean pin after a Flying Body Press *** Andrews rolled out of the ring, and was blasted over the head by a trash can. He could barely recover to see that it was his ex-colleague Nevada Nuclear giving him a beating that he’s remember for a while [B](C)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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2,000 sell out, with a return to CZCW country for Valiant. It was just a loan deal agreed with DaVE, with Nevada Nuclear having worked a show for them, doing the job to Chris Caulfield. *** Mainstream Hernandez arrived very late to the last show. Well, I’m stunned he was available, and he’s still working through Chronic Shoulder Pain, so I really don’t care. *** A sneaky look in the editor, and it’ll take another three shows like that for me to hit Cult. I’ll give myself a bit of leeway, and say May. Once I get to that level, suddenly a lot more workers will choose me over their other commitments, and there will be much less risk of losing wrestlers who over commit themselves. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Reflexes: Alicia Strong vs Otsune Tsumaru Steve Gumble vs Insane Machine in the Extreme Tournament Ultimate Phoenix vs Greg Gauge in the Extreme Tournament Aaron Andrews (c) vs Nevada Nuclear for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Reflexes:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Rhino Umaga beat Ryu Kajahara[/COLOR] in 6.31 [B](D+)[/B] -Kajahara was a temporary Main Eventer, and he slipped back down the card with a defeat to Rhino Umaga. *** Aaron Andrews called Nevada Nuclear out, and called him deluded if he thought that he could take the Warrior Title off him tonight. He called Nuclear nothing compared to him, but Nuclear stopped him, and told Andrews that he better hope he was right. Nuclear would have stood at Andrews’ side – but due to his actions he will be firmly against him for the rest of his life [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in the Extreme Tournament in 11.33 [B](D+)[/B] -We thought that if we gave these two time, they would pull out a good match. Instead it ended up being adequate, Machine winning with a Termination Kick. *** We showed a mass poker game going on backstage, which had come down to The Gambler vs Ultimate Phoenix. The Gambler tried to convince Phoenix to throw his place in the Extreme Tournament into the pot, but Phoenix decided better of it and left the game [B](D+)[/B] *** Alicia Strong left her announce booth (and was replaced by El Fuerza), and told the crowd that last week she showed Andrews that she could hold her own in the ring, and would build her her unbeaten record as well [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] in 5.54 [B](C)[/B] -Okay, these two also have good chemistry together. I won’t deny that I got lucky. Strong won with the Butterfly Effect from the top rope. *** Mathew Gauge was hyping up Greg for his Extreme Tournament bout, telling him that he’d be at his side to see him roll onto the final [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Greg Gauge[/COLOR] in the Extreme Tournament in 13.50 [B](C-)[/B] -This one was more impressive than the other semi-final, and was noticeable for the appearance of The Gambler. He went after Ultimate Phoenix, but Mathew Gauge pulled him out, wanting to see a clean fight. While he dealt with The Gambler, Phoenix was able to hit a neckbreaker and Firebird Splash for the win. *** Nevada Nuclear came down to the ring, telling the fans that he didn’t care what they thought of him – he thought a lot less of Andrews, and would get revenge for the beatdown he received a fortnight ago [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 13.49 [B](B-)[/B] -I hope I’m tempting fate, but so far Andrews has hasn’t found positive chemistry with any of my roster, despite me trying numerous combinations. I had hoped that this one would be the one to surprise me, but it still ended up being good – and you never know, could be repeated in a bigger promotion somewhere down the line. Ref bump, Umaga interference, Standing Hot Shot and this was over. [I]Overall Rating C[/I]
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Another 2,000 sell out, but still not willing to take the financial risk by going anywhere bigger. We have our two finalists for the Extreme Title – Insane Machine will take on Ultimate Phoenix in the first week in April. Assuming I can ensure they’re both available on the same date. *** Brendan Idol signs a PPA deal with SWF. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion (90 minute special!): Greg Gauge vs Joss Thompson Mathew Gauge vs The Gambler Nevada Nuclear vs Rhino Umaga Aaron Andrews vs The Masked Luchadore in a non title match[/QUOTE] I warn you, out of those announced matches, only the Main Event and Mathew Gauge / The Gambler takes place. Greg Gauge and Rhino Umaga are not here. Neither is Hell Monkey who was going to make his surprise reappearance. So I’ll pay him a downside this month for doing nothing.
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Gambler beat Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] by DQ in 7.32 [B](C-)[/B] -Good match from two youngsters, but when Ultimate Phoenix came down to the ring and argued with The Gambler it got physical, and the ref ended the match in DQ. *** The two continued the argument, until The Gambler walked off – only to take a seat at the announce booth, while Phoenix readied himself for his match [B]C-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Steven Gumble[/COLOR] in 9.43 [B](C+)[/B] -Damned good match considering they don’t click. Ultimate Phoenix kept an eye on The Gambler, and as such allowed Gumble more of the match than he should have done. Not enough to win though. *** Aaron Andrews is shown backstage talking to Insane Machine, telling him than Rhino Umaga isn’t here tonight, so he needs Machine to do a job for him [B](C-)[/B] Alicia Strong beat Roz Larren in 6.40[B] (C)[/B] -Well, I’d lost three matches and Larren’s contracts almost up, so this was filler. *** On our small monitor we cut backstage, and it’s Aaron Andrews giving the beatdown to Nevada Nuclear. Insane Machine joins in, the between them they drag the SWF man to the ring [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] in 8.44[B] (C)[/B] -Aaron Andrews forced the announcer to make the match a hardcore match, and Nuclear stood no chance 2 vs 1, falling to an Insanity Tsunami. *** Aaron Andrews pulled Nuclear up, and Insane Machine administered a Termination Kick that almost snapped Nuclear’s head off [B](D+)[/B] *** Alicia Strong gets on the mic to call Aaron Andrews a disgrace, but he’s quite happy to stand there and grin, asking her what she’s going to do about it. She tells him that perhaps he’s underestimating his opponent tonight, and that could be his downfall [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat The Masked Luchadore[/COLOR] in a non title match in 13.31 [B](C+)[/B] -The Masked Luchadore made a fight of this, hitting a nice looking moonsault to get a near fall. We weren’t going to let a mysterious masked man get the win over our top commodity here without more build up, so fell to the Standing Hot Shot. *** Andrews raised his arms high, when the music of [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] hit. The high flier still had his shoulder strapped up, and reminded everyone how he was powerbombed through a table by Aaron Andrews two months ago. He was back, and had the unfinished business that would end with him taking the Warrior Title [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C[/I]
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Our loyal 1,736 fans didn’t see a good a show as last time in the South West, and I’m glad that I gave myself some leeway in my deadline for becoming Cult. They also saw the return of Mainstream Hernandez – however, he’s still hindered by his injured shoulder, which made his dark match, frankly, poor. *** Nevada Nuclear has now left FWE. It was a hard decision not to renew his contract, and the crunch really came was the dates he was unavailable – my best dates are often when he’s away at USPW or SWF, so I simply couldn’t give him the downside he required. *** Otsune Tsumaru signs a new contract with FWE. I hope that no-one thinks that my friendship with her had anything to do with it. *** SOTBPW go National! At last there is a place for the big Mexican names to go, and I’m forced to offer them a working agreement to fend off attacks – and they reject it. [B]April:[/B] *** $15,000 profit, and in the black three months running – I might even get back to my starting level next month. *** For probably one month only I go back on the Internet. *** Insane Machine’s INSPIRE tour is over, which he capped with three straight B matches. *** UCR has the banks closing in on them, *** Nicolas Lopez, two years unemployed since leaving OLLIE, is the first to be snapped up by SOTBPW, back where he made a name for himself. He’s followed by El Bandito and Championa Jr. *** Hell Monkey (aka the guy who is never available to me, but who I pay a downside for) loses his WLW Universal Championship to Bairei Yasujiro. *** Next day, and it’d rookie sensation Gino Montero and "I'm 16th best wrestler in the world in Infinity's game" El Leon joining SOTBPW. *** Hooded Kudo takes his fifth BHOTWG World Championship. *** Roz Larren, Ginko Kuroda and Shiori Jippensha all leave FWE. At least Roz got on a show. *** Angel de Mexico, Rolling Johnny Stones and Phenomenal E (again) get added to the FWE roster. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Cracking the Egg: Joss Thompson vs Aaron Andrews Kashmir Singh vs The Gambler Steve Gumble vs Greg Gauge Frankie Perez vs The Masked Luchadore Ultimate Phoenix vs Insane Machine for the FWE Extreme Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Cracking the Egg:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 6.58 [B](C+)[/B] -For a change our main champion started the show – and as usual he won. *** He called out Mainstream Hernandez, who made his way down to the ring. Andrews ripped off Hernandez’s top, and noted the bandages, and told him too go home and rest in bed like a good boy. Hernandez would have none of it, and said that he was ready for revenge, and Andrews told him he would earn it later [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The Gambler beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 4.57 [B](D)[/B] -Couldn’t really have expected anymore from this – I just hope it doesn’t affect the show rating too much. Clinical victory from The Gambler, debuting the Double or Nothing. *** We let Insane Machine have the mic to hype his title shot – and he did a good job [B](C-)![/B] *** Steve Gumble and Greg Gauge then come to the ring. We’re reminded that these two were the losing semi-finalists in the Extreme Tournament, and both look ready to get back on the winning run [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 9.52 [B](C+)[/B] -Mathew was ringside to see Greg get his biggest win to date, winning an even contest with the Proton Lock. *** Greg danced out of the ring after the match, and his brother had to calm him down as they headed out back [B](D+)[/B] *** Backstage, and we see another returnee, Masked Couger, with Mainstream Hernandez. Cougar told Hernandez that he was being stupid tonight – he wasn’t cleared to wrestler, and shouldn’t be doing anything rash. Cougar said he, like Hernandez, was under instructions not to return to the ring for a few weeks, but Hernandez cut the masked man off. He said Aaron Andrews put him out, and he didn’t care what he had to do, but it would end in revenge [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat The Masked Luchadore[/COLOR] in 6.50 [B](B)[/B] -Not chemistry, just unexpected awesomeness. There you go, you now know that The Masked Luchadore has good technical skills in his repertoire. *** It was only fair to give Ultimate Phoenix the mic for his title shot, saying he was ready to take it from American Elemental – but a victory over Insane Machine would be just as sweet [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] for the FWE Extreme Title in a ladder match in 13.39 [B](B-)[/B] -Not match of the night, but Perez’s was a huge unexpected bonus. These two flew all over the place, and both had chances to win it. Phoenix had the chance, but instead tried to take Insane Machine out of the action with a Firebird Splash. That’s when The Gambler came out to attack Phoenix, and on commentary we were reminded that he tried to buy into Phoenix’s tournament slot a few weeks ago. He hit the Double or Nothing on Phoenix, and Insane Machine was allowed to claim the title. *** After the celebrations were over (forgot to run that angle), Aaron Andrews called out Hernandez. He came down in wrestling gear, but Andrews told him he wasn’t having a match – this was going to be a simple arm wrestling contest. Hernandez set himself up, but Andrews corrected him, saying this was going to be left handed – fair, as both men were right handed. Hernandez felt his shoulder, but got down to the task. He fought hard with Andrews, neither giving an inch, until Andrews jumped up form the table, still holding Hernandez’s arm. He locked in a submission hold on the shoulder, causing Hernandez to cry out in agony, tapping desperately. Andrews would not let go for a good half a minute, leaving Hernandez on the mat in agony. Andrews took the mic, and informed Hernandez that he was not ready – he’d never be [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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2,000 sell out, a new Extreme Champion, and another opponent seemingly eliminated for Andrews. Insane Machine becomes the first person in FWE history to hold a title more than once, to conclude an Extreme Tournament that even I didn’t know who was going to win until I made the decision on show day. *** Insane picks up another belt, winning the WL Show Stealer title for the third time, beating Magnum KOBE for the vacant title. *** It seems SWF have one more star to lose – Jack Bruce is just itching to leave. *** The Gauge’s sign new contracts with FWE – let’s not let onto Mathew that his brother is earning almost twice as much that he is. *** With Freddy Huggins set to leave DaVE, another SWF boy, Darryl Devine gets the Unified Title. As usual, Tyler made the match Triple Threat to at least give it a DaVE feel. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Frankie Perez vs The Masked Luchadore Aaron Andrews vs ??? in a non title match Ultimate Phoenix vs The Gambler[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez beat The Masked Luchadore[/COLOR] by DQ in 15.53 [B](B-)[/B] -Knowing these two could work together we gave them much more time, the masked one only losing this time after bringing a chair to the ring and earning the obvious DQ. *** Ultimate Phoenix is shown looking like a man on a mission, until he finally finds The Gambler out back. Despite Phoenix’s anger at being cost the Extreme Title last week, The Gambler coolly lounges back on his sofa, telling Phoenix that they can settle things in the ring later [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in a non title match in 5.20 [B](C+)[/B] -Another new signee to FWE gets the treatment from the champ, who is watched by Masked Cougar who has joined the commentary team. *** Aaron Andrews strides up to the commentary booth, and demands to know if Masked Cougar has been bad mouthing him. Alicia Strong makes the point that Cougar has a reason to be angry, having concussed Cougar last month. Any pushing is soon stopped by El Fuerza splitting everyone up, and Cougar is given a microphone. He informs Andrews that he’s been cleared to wrestle next week, and he only has one thing on his mind. Andrews pointed at himself, but Cougar shakes his head, and points at Andrews’ title [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The Gambler beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] in 11.02 [B](B-)[/B] -Huge upset here in the Main Event, as The Gambler gave it everything, and showed off his Hard Eight finisher. *** The Gambler left the ring, just leaving Ultimate Phoenix in the ring. He started to give the South West a farewell speech (his new SOTBPW contract is full time), when Aaron Andrews came out. He told Phoenix that there would be no farewell party, and immediately brought the beatdown. El Fuerza charged down to help, but was slowed by a chair shot. Then Frankie Perez and Masked Cougar came out, and Andrews jumped into the crowd. Somehow he got hold of a mic, and said that he knew the best way to find his next challenger – and that’s be a nice number one contender’s match between the two men in the ring – Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez. The two faces were happy with the arrangement, and just about remembered to give Ultimate Phoenix a goodbye handshake (C) [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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2,000 sell out, and a quality show. Three strong matches; and the dark match wasn’t too bad either. *** Ultimate Phoenix arrived late, but it was his last show with me, so I’ll let him off. It was SOTBPW going National that finally made me decide on Insane Machine winning the Extreme Title, a decision validated when after the show Ultimate Phoenix told me he was leaving. I can’t blame him – he’d been Main Eventing at SOTBPW for a while now. *** Frankie Perez signs a new FWE contract, always good news. *** Mainstream Hernandez is fully fit! Of course, last week I effectively wrote him out of the script for a while. *** Nathan Coleman defeats Robbie Retro for the DaVE Brass Knuckles Title. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… More Showers: Insane Machine (c) vs Brendan Idol for the FWE Extreme Title Steve Gumble vs Mathew Gauge Masked Cougar vs Frankie Perez[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… More Showers:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Insane Machine (c) beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 8.57 [B](C)[/B] -Routine first defence for Insane Machine, allowing Idol only sporadic offence. *** Aaron Andrews came out to boos, and addressed Alicia Strong. He told her that sending her trained monkey down to the ring last week was a big mistake, as actors have no place in the ring. El Fuerza starts to head down to the ring, but Strong stops him, and says that they can settle this the proper way – in the ring later tonight [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The Masked Luchadore beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 6.35 [B](C)[/B] -This one was actually blessed by chemistry, reminding me that although talented, these workers aren’t necessarily over yet. The Masked one hit a backbreaker for the win. *** Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez were on joint hype for the Main Event – saying that they’d make sure that Aaron Andrews did not interfere, and each would support whoever won in their bid for the title [B](C-)[/B] *** Mathew Gauge comes out for his match, and was clotheslined down from behind by his opponent, Steve Gumble, and dragged to the ring [B](D-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] in 6.25 [B](C-)[/B] -Gumble displayed a new heelish side that we have yet to see at FWE, and the pin came via pulled tights and use of the rope. *** Just in case our crowd are slow, Gumble stuck a few boots into Mathew after the match, scooting off into the crowd when Greg came out [I](by the way, he’s a heel now)[/I] [B](D-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong offers some last minute words of encouragement to El Fuerza, before sending him to the ring [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat El Fuerza[/COLOR] in 7.42 by count out [B](C+)[/B] -Andrews got in an early cheap shot, but then was forced onto the back foot by Fuerza’s size. However, the plot begun to thicken when [B]The Masked Luchadore[/B] came out, ripping the headset off Alicia Strong, and starting his colour commentary in perfect Spanish. Strong tried to get the headset back, but was pushed to the floor by the Luchadore. In the ring, El Fuerza hit a powerslam on Andrews (having used up the rest of his repertoire – punch and clothesline – earlier in the match), before rolling out to come to Alicia Strong’s side. The ref tried to call the Mexican back into the ring, but in the end was forced to count him out. *** El Fuerza got into The Masked Luchadore’s face, but he spread his arms innocently, taking his headset off. As Fuerza turned to Alicia Strong, the Luchadore smashed his headset into El Fuerza’s face, before wrapping the wire around his neck. There were enough people around to force the attacker off, who ripped off his mask, and I’m sure at least two people recognised him as [B]El Critco (C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Frankie Perez[/COLOR] in 19.36 [B](C+)[/B] -The first match that I’ve had for a while that suffer from a lack of selling. Both men gave it there all, and were watched all the time by Aaron Andrews, who had replaced Alicia Strong on colour commentary. Perez worked over Cougar’s leg, but it wasn’t enough to stop him hitting the I am Cougar, Here Me Roar for a hard fought win. *** Aaron Andrews made his way down to the ring, and Cougar went into a defensive crouch, but for now the Warrior Champion was satisfied by giving the winner a sarcastic round of applause [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Another 2,000 sell out, and we learned that the new Number One Contender to Aaron Andrews’ Warrior Title is Masked Cougar. Apart from that, we had a heel turn from Gumble. Well, I had to do something with him. Oh yeah, we unmasked El Critico as well, earlier than planned, after an attack on El Fuerza. *** Ash Campbell gets his first professional title, defeating Brett Biggz for the SWF Shooting Star Title. *** Nevada Nuclear joins the growing amount of brawlers at CZCW. *** Kanishoki leaves FWE. The only person who notices is the hamburger man. *** The US economy is officially falling. I’m not going to complain, it is at A* [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: El Fuerza vs El Critico Alicia Strong vs Otsune Tsumaru Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez vs The Gambler and Insane Machine No Aaron Andrews today folks.[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] *** The show starts off with Alicia Strong bringing out Mainstream Hernandez, who has his arm in a sling. Alicia Strong tells everyone that as she’s wrestling tonight, and ringside at El Fuerza’s match, she’s handing over her commentary job to Mainstream Hernandez [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong beat Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] in 6.53 [B](C+)[/B] -I’m going somewhere with Alicia Strong, but the first plans have got ruined by someone leaving. *** Debutant [B]Jenny Playmate[/B] comes out with [B]El Critico[/B] to explain his actions. Critico gives us the Spanish version, Jenny Playmate the translation. Apparently El Critico appeared on The Young and the Fearless with El Fuerza in a wrestling match, where El Fuerza came out on top. El Critico is reminded every day about that – but that was all acting. He knows that in the real world, he’s the wrestler, El Fuerza is the actor – there would be no contest [B](C-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong and El Fuerza are given a chance to respond, and Fuerza thanks El Critico for working against him two years ago – it’s given him the experience to win tonight [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]El Fuerza beat El Critico [/COLOR]in 9.04 [B](C-)[/B] -This feud was meant to simmer for a while, with The Masked Luchadore becoming the mysterious nemesis of Fuerza and Strong, and was all planned to start with last weeks distraction in the Fuerza / Andrews match. Then SOTBPW approached El Critico, and I had to fit a two month storyline into two shows – barely introducing Jenny Playmate who was brought in to be Critico’s mouthpiece. Fuerza got in a decisive win with… a powerbomb. *** Frankie Perez and Masked Cougar are on promo duty, and last weeks match doesn’t seem to have affected there friendship. They still have one thing in mind, and that’s getting the Warrior Title off Aaron Andrews[B] (C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez beat The Gambler and Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 15.44 [B](B-)[/B] -Nice. Slightly concerned about jobbing out The Gambler and Insane Machine, but if they’re going to put on a match like this it’s not really going to damage anyone. Both sides had plenty of offence, and everyone made a pinfall attempt. Masked Cougar got the win with the High Rise Cougar Pounce on The Gambler. [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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1,750 attendees, and the end of El Critico’s short career. It’s a pity, as I think he could have had a decent set of matches with Alicia Strong. *** Rolling Johnny Stones arrives late to the show. So, you didn’t know he was with me? Signed him about a month ago, and he’s had one dark match. He’ll probably be part of a tag team, but I have no tag division. *** Hell Monkey receives a blow in the head working against Yasuhiko Taira at BHOTWG, and is suffering migraines. Another worker injured at someone else’s show. Again, he’ll pick up a downside from me this month despite not being available for any of my shows. [B]May:[/B] *** $16,000 profit, and after two years and four months we’re into overall profit! *** Jay Darkness defeats Ronnie V Pain for the newly created TCW Arena Championship, after the All Action Title is retired. *** El Critico leaves FWE, and CZCW, SWF and DaVE all offer Greg Gauge a contract. *** I dipped my toes into TV negotiations, but no small network wants another show at the current time. *** Buddy Garner takes the PGHW Historical Japan Title from Li Bingci. *** Ash Campbell was purely a transitional champion, passing the SWF Shooting Star title to Nevada Nuclear. *** A month after leaving SWF Jack Bruce is back in TCW, and is at the press conference to announce a new TCW show – TCW Direct (TCW are currently off the air). [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Lead: Masked Cougar vs Steve Gumble And appearances from Aaron Andrews, The Gambler, Alicia Strong and Mainstream Hernandez[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… The Lead:[/B] Just to clarify, I’m purposely going up against BHOTWG and WLW, so have no Hell Monkey, Rhino Umaga, Insane Machine, El Fuerza and The Gauges. Admittedly I thought I’d have Greg – OLLIE must be running a show tonight. Mainstream Hernandez is on colour commentary. [COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez beat Rolling Johnny Stones[/COLOR] in 3.37 [B](C)[/B] -Could have sworn that Perez was also not here tonight. Instead I let him punish Johnny for turning up late last week. *** Mainstream Hernandez leaves the announce table to find Alicia Strong, and tells her that she can take back up her commentary position. Alicia refuses – as far as she’s aware he’s in no fit state to fight, and would be better off behind the desk. Hernandez asked her what she was going to do – and Alicia said that she had a match later, against Steven Parker. Hernandez muttered under his breath that maybe he'd get a match, and stormed off [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The Gambler beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 7.50 in a filler match [B](D-)[/B] *** Jenny Playmate comes out from the back and shares words with Hernandez. They seem in agreement, as she takes a seat beside the former MAW man [B](C-)[/B] *** Backstage, and Frankie Perez is shown going up to Masked Cougar. He apologises but he’s going to have to leave – he’s had an urgent call about a relative. Cougar tells him to go – he will watch his own back tonight [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 9.42 [B](C+)[/B] -I think of these two peoples card position in other people’s diary, and they must wish that they had the chemistry that they showed here. Also, Parker must wish that he was pushed as in those diaries. A hard fought match won with a Butterfly Effect (Shooting Star Press), while Mainstream Hernandez and Jenny Playmate made derogatory comments about women’s wrestling. *** Hernandez rolled into the ring, and made his feelings clear to Alicia Strong about her being in the ring. He even said that part injured he could do better, and Jenny Playmate brought out Brendan Idol to be his opponent right now [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Brendan Idol [/COLOR]in 6.33[B] (C)[/B] -Hernandez exploded into action, and then hurt his shoulder against the ring post. He was thankful for Jenny Playmate providing a between the legs assist on Idol, and Hernandez made the pin grabbing the tights. *** Backstage and there was an attempt to interview Steve Gumble before his match. He pushed the mic away, and headed to the ring [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 10.34 b DQ [B](C+)[/B] -Ah, more good chemistry (and this one that I hadn’t found in a dark match last month). Gumble was far more focussed than normal, and when Cougar started to get the upper hand, threw him to the outside. The ref allowed the hit on the ring post. He allowed the throw into the barrier. The chair shot was one too many though, leading to the DQ. *** Gumble continues the attack, and was joined by Aaron Andrews. With no Perez to help out, the attack went on for a while, before finally Rick Sanders broke things up. Aaron Andrews took a mic and announced that Masked Cougar would get his title shot at the end of the month – and now he’d get a warm up with the interfering Sanders. And it would be a hardcore match [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in a non title hardcore match in 10.51 [B](B)[/B] -Wow, Rick Sanders has proved that he certainly remembers how to work a hardcore match. This rating was completely out of the blue (and not affected by chemistry). Gumble stayed ringside, and gradually the numbers game counted against him. He was driven through the announce table before being brought back into the ring for the pin. [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Well, without an earlier D- we could have been looking at more than that, but considering we were short staffed, both the 2,000 fans and I will be more than content with that result. Rick Sanders returned after a while twiddling his thumbs, and put a supreme effort into the Main Event. *** Now INSPIRE offer Greg Gauge a tour. I’m just happy they’ve all made offers at the same time – he’s not going to take all of them! *** As for my people missing last night, in WLW defeat for Insane Machine (Main Event) and Mathew Gauge, victory for Hell Monkey, in OLLIE defeat for Greg Gauge. No match for El Fuerza. *** In the next WLW show Insane Machine loses the Show Stealer Title to Haru Kurofuji. *** At PGHW, Willie Hayes wins his second International Title from Ryoma Muruyama, and then loses it straight away to Tetsunori Yasuda. *** Remmy Skye joins SWF. Let’s see how rigorous their drug testing program is. *** Emerald Angel shatters his elbow, and the WLW star will be out for over a year. *** Brett Biggz (who has held the SWF Tag and Shooting Star Titles a total of seven times), also adds DaVE to his commitments. *** Hector Galindo puts over Emma Chase on the radio. I can just imagine what he said. We’re running two Invasion shows before The Lead, which will look like this (subject to change): [QUOTE]FWE Presents… Invasion part 1: Greg Gauge vs The Gambler Angel de Mexico vs Mainstream Hernandez Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez vs Aaron Andrews and Steve Gumble[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]FWE Presents… Invasion part 2: Insane Machine defends his Extreme Title Aaron Andrews vs 21st Century Boys Masked Cougar vs The Gambler[/QUOTE] If anyone’s wondering, 21st Century Boys are Joss Thompson and Rolling Johnny Stones.
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Angel de Mexico [/COLOR]in 6.58[B] (C)[/B] -Alicia Strong is back on commentary, and despite selling a shoulder injury Hernandez gets the win with a Superkick. *** Hernandez can’t resist a dig at Alicia Strong, telling him that’s why he’s so good – close to 100%, but still better than anyone here [B](B-)[/B] *** Greg Gauge is shown about to come out for his match, when The Gambler comes up to him. We discover that if Greg wins this match, he’ll become the number one contender to Insane Machine’s Extreme Title [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 10.59 [B](B-)[/B] -Both these men have been impressive since joining FWE. Although The Gambler looked more impressive in the sky, Greg was able to ground him, and was able to hit the Twin Gauge for the win. *** Greg celebrated with his brother, when The Gambler offered a double or quits option. Simple high / low choice on a card – if Greg gets it right, Mathew Gauge will be the next Number One contender after Greg, wrong, he loses his shot. Greg looked unsure, so The Gambler went on the hard sell, telling Greg that if he won the Extreme Title, his first defence would be against his brother – and took a pack of cards, a showed him the top card – a four. Mathew wanted Greg leave, but Greg was sold, and went for “higher”. The Gambler looked at the next card, and his shoulders drooped. He then revealed the three to The Gauges and rolled out of the ring with a smug grin on his face [B](C-)[/B] *** Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez were on hype for the Main Event, and we find that there was no family emergency for Perez last week – some joker placed a face call, and he reckoned it was one of the two men that they were facing tonight [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez beat Aaron Andrews and Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 15.41 [B](B-)[/B] -Maybe I should apologise to Gumble – since turning him he’s lost two matches son the bounce. At least the quality of his matches has drastically increased. The heels slowly made headway, until Gumble grabbed his phone from ringside, and goaded Perez by telling him that he was the one who made the phone call last week. This gave Perez a second wind, and he really took it to Gumble, before tagging in Masked Cougar and taking Andrews off the ring apron with a Suicide Dive. It was down to just the two men in the ring, and Masked Cougar hit the I am Cougar, Here Me Roar for the win. [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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