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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from New England: [COLOR="Blue"]Steven Parker beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 5.47 [B](D+)[/B] -A disappointing start - these two could pull out a D+ in their sleep when they started working together two years ago, and they should be able to do better by now. Sure, there less known in New England, but I'm 9 months on TV and PPV now. Parker won with the Future Shock. *** Alicia Strong came out, and demanded to know what Parker thought he was doing getting her banned from the ring. He responded by calling her an out of control psycho, as seen by her interference after the Main Event last week, and left through the crowd to avoid her [B](C+)[/B] *** Backstage, and it's the unusual combination of Frankie Perez, Masked Cougar and Mathew Gauge. Frankie tells Mathew that there's real training tonight - he can watch both him and Steve Flash in action (against their mutual enemy, Roberts), while he's also going to learn in the ring teaming with the Warrior Champion. Mathew even apologises to Perez for his arrogance last weak, in thinking himself ready to take on Plague [B](C+)[/B] *** It's a debut - and its DaVE colour commentator [B]Emma Chase[/B]! She's brought out by Rick Sanders, and it's obvious that she's his mystery date from last week. She thanks Sanders for letting her come to his show, and is given a seat on commentary. The rest of the commentary team seem less than impressed as Rick Sanders leaves, but not without first giving a Public Display of Affection [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and Mathew Gauge beat Bobby Thomas and Mohammed[/COLOR] in 7.54 [B](C)[/B] -Masked Cougar was off his game, and didn't mesh well with Mathew Gauge. While Emma criticised the champion for looking weak, Rock Downpour did point out that this was Cougar's first appearance since being crushed between two ladders by Plague. The faces had the skill to get over their difficulties, and Mathew Gauge made Bobby Thomas tap to the Proton Lock. *** Proving that shyness it not one of her traits, Emma Chase stops Masked Cougar as he's leaving the ring. She calls him a weak champion, and a new contender needed to be found as quickly as possible - which the former CZCW was quite happy to see. Emma called out Sanders, and said that she'd signed up a number one contenders match between him and Plague, which he didn't seem to happy about. She told him not to worry - batted her eyelids, and got Sanders to sign the paperwork to make the match official later [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 7.31 [B](C-)[/B] -A slow paced match, as Perez explained what he was looking for to a watching Mathew Gauge. What he saw was two people not clicking, but on far better than the other, and Perez won with the Perfect Parity. *** Perez and Gauge talked after the match, telling him that the most he was going to learn would be watching the Main Event, as if he ever wanted to defeat Enforcer Roberts, he'd have to watch his enemy at work [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 11.37 [B](C-)[/B] -Welcome to New England, where we put on a load of matches between people who don't click. Sanders did seem eager to impress his girl, who came down to the ring to support the boss. Unfortunately her excited jumping up and down only distracted Sanders and the ref, allowing dodgy shenanigans from both Plague and DEVIL Karube. A grounded Sanders crawled to the ropes where Emma Chase was, but was surprised to be met with a poke to the eyes. He staggered back into the middle of the ring to be met by a Creeping Death (Twist of Fate), Plague finished off the match with a Memory Remains from the top rope. *** The new Number One contender left the ring, and was replaced by Emma Chase. She grabbed a mic, and yelled at Sanders that she may be "Easy Emma", but she's certainly not Easy enough to be impressed by a desperate old man like him. Sanders tried to raise his head, but was met by a slap, and then Emma lent her stiletto heel against the side of his head. She told Sanders that the only thing he had that she was interested in was power - and that he's signed over to her. She opened the contract that Sanders signed earlier, saying that he really should have read it - as it was nothing to do with this match, it just signed over all his power to her. She added that if he tried to fight it, tried to claim it wasn't legally binding, well, Sanders had business partners at FWE - well, now she does - and they'd sure be interested to see what he got up to at FWE Headquarters last week - and she has the proof [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] in 15.54 [B](C+)[/B] -Maybe we should have had this match earlier, as that last segment would have been good enough to end it on. It did lead to interesting discussions between the commentary team during this one though.Both Perez and Mathew Gauge were ringside here, scouting out Roberts. They didn't interfere, so although Flash held his own, he was gradually worn out, until Roberts could lock in the RCT for the win. [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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A sell out of 2,000, and I invested a lot in the show to try and break into B territory. It was not to work, but the show did achieve several things. Firstly, Emma Chase (who will be known as Easy Emma) is the new boss, by way of conning and blackmailing. Meanwhile, Plague is the Number One contender to Masked Cougar's Warrior title. *** Unleashed scores 2.77. *** Steven Parker replaces Masked Cougar at CZCW. *** European Wrestling Federation open in Europe, hoping that their slow paced traditional style works better than the now defunct Realism driven ELPW. February: *** We make a $5,000 loss, and only blame that on an expensive last show. PPV revenue was the big riser, although ticket sales were down (again , going to both New England and the Mid Atlantic explains that). *** Sam Keith retires, and Elemental II announces that he is going to go the same way. *** A great signing for MAW, as Hell Monkey joins them. A quick look into the editor shows that they're paying him way less than I was, justifying my decision to drop him. The one disadvantage thought is shown from their February show - which their new signing misses, working a Japanese date. *** American Elemental inks a new FWE contract, and becomes my eighth worker to earn over $2,000 a show. We're hoping that a TCW push starts for him soon, that I can take advantage of. *** At DaVE, the unified title is finally back in DaVE hands, with Chris Caulfield defeating Robbie Retro. *** Former UCR man, Lois Figo Manico, takes over at EWF. *** Brendan Idol gets his first win of the year at SWF - and takes the Top Contenders Title off Primus Allen. *** Masked Cougar is to go on tour with BHOTWG from next month, in what will surely prove a scheduling nightmare. *** SWF proved to be wise in waiting for a new PPV deal, as they've managed to sign with USA Free Choice. *** SOTBPW will debut a new show on Los Deporte Hoy, giving them a key entrance into the US. Unfortunately for them, they've been forced to put their show up against both NOTBPW and TCW. *** Billy Russell, unemployed but the current PGHW Historical Champion (although PGHW haven't so far brought in into their next tour), signs with MAW, while AAA get Gorgon, who left them in 2007 to concentrate on her 5SSW career. *** After a year out with a back injury, The Mighty Cavanagh is forced into retirement, after an injury suffered at the hands of Dallas McWade. [QUOTE]Announced for[B] FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East: Mathew Gauge vs Mohamed Fox Mask vs Joey Beauchamp Brendan Idol vs Steve Gumble Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez vs Plague and Joss Thompson[/QUOTE]
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[B]Mathew Gauge[/B] vs Mohamed Fox Mask vs [B]Joey Beauchamp[/B] I love The Breeze. Brendan Idol vs[B] Steve Gumble[/B] Don't think Gumble would be too happy too lose to Idol. [B] Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez[/B] vs Plague and Joss Thompson Love Plague, but I don't see him and Joss doing much together. I see Perez/Cougar as the more dominant 'team'.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East: [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 8.32 [B](C+)[/B] -Straight into a match, and Easy Emma (still sitting on commentary with Katie Cameron and Rock Downpour) announces that this one is for an Extreme Title shot in eight days time. And it’s the experienced Gumble who wins the match, catching Idol with a Savate Kick. *** Alicia Strong comes out to confront Easy Emma, and she demands that she should be allowed to wrestle. This brings out Parker, who wants anything but. Emma says she has a compromise – one that both should be happy with. Although blood is part of wrestling – everyone needs to learn control. Therefore, they shall take on one another tonight – and if either draws blood, they will be fired. Parker doesn’t seem to happy, but the commissioner’s got a sweetener – if Parker wins he gets a title shot of his choice in two weeks. If Alicia Strong wins, she will get to take on DEVIL Karube at Arrival, and all sides seem happy [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joey Beauchamp beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 4.46 [B](C-)[/B] -A rare win for Beauchamp, hitting Fox Mask with The Breeze. *** Joey Beauchamp headed backstage, and found Joss Thompson, and Beauchamp wasn’t happy about Thompson teaming with Plague tonight. Thompson told him not too worry – it was a one off thing, and they would be teaming together at Arrival to take on Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge [B](C)[/B] *** Frankie Perez got in some last minute psyching up on Mathew Gauge, as he prepared for singles action with Mohamed. Perez told Gauge to keep it as slow as possible, as one kick could take him out of action [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Mohamed[/COLOR] in 8.33 [B](C)[/B] -Mohamed did catch Gauge with a kick, but the INSPIRE man instinctively mounted Gauge, even though he had the ropes. The ref managed to pull him off, and Mathew bailed from the ring to get a breather. The next time Mohamed tried a kick, Gauge used the opportunity to get in close, and apply the Proton Lock. Mohamed struggled, but was forced to tap. *** Frankie Perez rolled into the ring to congratulate Mathew, although he did grab his chest where Mohamed’s kick caught him [B](C+)[/B] *** Alicia Strong came out to hype herself – and prove that she can cut a promo as good as Easy Emma. She said that it was ridiculous that she had to prove herself – this wouldn’t happen to a man. However, Parker was an opposition she could defeat without spilling blood, and then she will happily go onto DEVIL Karube [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 10.05 [B](C+)[/B] -Parker just hasn’t taken advantage of the superb match he had three weeks ago, with one defeat, and one poor match. This one is also slightly disappointing – I wasn’t hoping for an “A”, but a “B-“ should have been a given. Strong kept it technical, not risking opening Parker up, and she just proved to have the quality, winning with a Strong Arm Tactic. *** It’s promo time for Frankie Perez and Masked Cougar, as they’re both warming up for Arrival against Joss Thompson and Plague. Cougar did most of the talking, pointing out how Plague has attacked him, but never faced him at FWE – and that’s the only reason why he remains unbeaten [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and Frankie Perez beat Plague and Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 13.16 [B](C)[/B] -Huh. For some reason this show has dragged, and this Main Event did not take off like it should have done. Perhaps it was because everyone had their own agendas, perhaps they were saving up for next weeks PPV. Whatever the cause, Perez and Cougar took control of the match, and Plague left Thompson in the ring to be hit by an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. *** Cougar rolled out of the ring and got into Plague’s face, calling him afraid to fight. Plague’s eyes lit up, but Perez and Karube pulled them apart as the show ended [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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To be honest, we’re thankful that we got a C+, as I thought that I may have been putting on my worst show from the South East for a few years. 3,371 people hopefully weren’t too disappointed - but it certainly didn’t raise the heat for the Arrival’s Main Event. *** Unleashed holds at 2.77. Luckily. *** Captain Hero takes the book at EWF. *** Bart Biggz leaves MHW, where he had held the Universal Title, and the Tag Team Titles with Daniel Cano. In fact, he never got round to dropping the tag titles. *** Fox Mask inks a new FWE contract. *** Cameron Vessey signs with NYCW. Apart from FEW (ages ago), this is his first US contract, but he’s toured with WLW, GCG, INSPIRE and PGHW. *** Hugh de Aske joins USPW, where he will either be a star, or they’ll job him to the Warlords. It’s usually the latter. *** I have a new highest paid worker, who I planned to debut at my PPV. Of course, he’ll be unavailable for it, and the PPV can’t move. I also sign Fuyuko Higa. Bless you. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West: Alicia Strong vs Fuyuko Higa American Elemental, Steve Flash and Jimmy Cox vs Hugh de Aske, Rick Sanders and Steve Gumble Frankie Perez vs Bobby Thomas Masked Cougar vs Joey Beauchamp Bart Biggz vs Plague[/QUOTE] Yep, that’s Bart Biggz, back for a one off appearance.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West: [COLOR="Blue"]Alicia Strong beat Fuyuko Higa[/COLOR] in 6.10 [B](C)[/B] -An instant debut for Thunder Hike’s protégé, and although we gave her some offence, in the run up to Arrival she wasn’t going to get a win. *** Alicia Strong cut a promo on Plague and DEVIL Karube, insisting that she’s take Plague’s acolyte out of action, and then for once he’d have to learn how to fend for himself in the Main Event [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] in 6.33 [B](C+)[/B] -Thomas’ contract is coming up, so we thought that we’d better use him, as his trades to NOTBPW are well worth his contract. *** Backstage, and Steve Gumble was with Hugh de Aske and Rick Sanders. Although Sanders seemed down, Gumble did a good job of geeing them up for the next bout [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske, Rick Sanders and Steve Gumble beat American Elemental, Steve Flash and Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 12.56 [B](C+)[/B] -Easy Emma’s main contribution to this event (apart from colour commentary), was to make sure everyone knew the matches for tomorrow’s arrival. Not only was Gumble taking on American Elemental from this match, but Hugh de Aske was also taking on Steve Flash. A little out of control this match – de Aske and Flash fought outside the ring, and American Elemental took them both out with an Inferno Splash. This exposed Jimmy Cox in the ring, who fell to a Savate Kick from Steve Gumble. *** Masked Cougar was ready to come out, when Joey Beauchamp came up to him. He said he had no idea where his partner was – but that wasn’t to stop him. If he thought that they were better on their own – he’s make the impact tonight [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 6.36 [B](B-)[/B] -And this was Joey Beauchamp creating an impact. To be fair, it was a decent match. Beauchamp wasn’t going to win it though, and the Warrior Champion looked good in his last match before Arrival. *** Before the champion could leave the ring, the lights dipped, smoke started pouring, and Plague made his way out, with DEVIL Karube at his side. Masked Cougar left the ring, giving his challenger a steely glance, before joining the commentary team [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Bart Biggz [/COLOR]in 21.36 [B](B)[/B] -These two are well known in the South West due to their televised Mexican work – but I also got lucky and struck good chemistry between the two of them. Easy Emma suggested that Bart Biggz would try his hardest, having only just come up short against Masked Cougar when he had a title shot, and a win here would put him right back in the frame. However, he was here in a one off deal, and feel to the Memory Remains. *** Plague stared a hole into Masked Cougar, who left the announce desk, holding his title in the air. What he didn’t expect was to be brought down from behind, and issued with some stiff kick by a Masked Man, as Plague looked on with a smile [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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3,451 people, and a show that really must have been on the cusp of B-. *** New record rating for Unleashed of 2.83 [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents... Arrival[/B] on PPV: Steve Flash vs Hugh de Aske Brendan Idol vs Rick Sanders Mathew Gauge and Frankie Perez vs Perfect Package Alicia Strong vs DEVIL Karube American Elemental (c) vs Steve Gumble for the FWE Extreme Title Masked Cougar (c) vs Plague for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE] Yeah, we snuck on Brendan Idol vs Rick Sanders without anyone noticing. They've drawn twice before, I promise there'll be a result this time.
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[B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Hugh de Aske [B]Brendan Idol vs Rick Sanders[/B] (DRAW?) [B]Mathew Gauge and Frankie Perez[/B] vs Perfect Package Alicia Strong vs [B]DEVIL Karube[/B] [B]American Elemental (c)[/B] vs Steve Gumble for the FWE Extreme Title Masked Cougar (c) vs[B] Plague [/B]for the FWE Warrior Title
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[SIZE="5"][B]FWE Presents... Arrival[/B] [/SIZE]on PPV: *** We’ve got a record crowd, who start the show watching the long build up that’s been going on between Plague and Masked Cougar [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Brendan Idol beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 10.56 [B](C-)[/B] -Fairly weak start, with Easy Emma saying that she made this match to give Rick Sanders a chance to redeem himself, against a man who he had never beaten (two previous draws). He didn’t here either, falling to an Idol Drop. *** Masked Cougar hyped up his title defence. He said that Plague played his cards too early, revealing his added help yesterday – but now Cougar’s ready. He’ll make sure it’s just him and Plague later – a contest he knows he can win [B](C+)[/B] *** In another locker-room, and we see Joey Beauchamp accusing Joss Thompson of being the mysterious masked man. Thompson denies this, saying his wasn’t even in the area last night, so it couldn’t be him. Beauchamp doesn’t look convinced, but cannot prove anything, so the argument is forced to end [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] in 9.01 [B](C+)[/B] -The build up for de Aske continues, and he’s managed to bulldoze through most of the midcard now. The win was with the Cut Throat Driver. *** As de Aske left the ring, he addressed Easy Emma, telling her that the last regime overlooked his talent – but she shouldn’t waste a star like him [B](C+)[/B] *** Frankie Perez talked over some last things with Mathew Gauge, saying that if Perfect Package decide to keep on arguing – that’s just fine. However, they have to assume that they’ll turn it around and act like a team, so can’t take this match as a given [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge and Frankie Perez beat Perfect Package [/COLOR]in 16.05 [B](B)[/B] -Suddenly this PPV gets going, with a great match. At first Perfect Package worked in union, but as they took control, neither seemed too interested in tagging the other one in. This led to an argument, and a rally for the faces. Joey Beauchamp went for an all or nothing top rope move, missed, and was tied up by Mathew Gauge in the Proton Lock. Beauchamp quickly tapped, giving the faces the win. *** Thompson got into the ring with Beauchamp, but it was only to slap him in the face, before strutting off [B](C-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong came out for her match, and was stopped by Easy Emma. The commissioner had a plan she thought Strong would like – to make the following match a no DQ First Blood match. Strong eagerly accepted, saying that one person would not be able to affect the Main Event after she’s through with her [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat DEVIL Karube[/COLOR] in a First Blood match in 7.12 [B](C+)[/B] -Nope, Karube wasn’t going to win this one. After having to tone down her offence in the last few weeks, Strong proved to be quiet at home using any weapon available. Karube did show one advantage – and that was her viscously long nails, but Strong avoided them, and drew blood after driving Karube into the ring post, face first. *** Strong celebrated, before finding Masked Cougar backstage. She said that she’ll find Joss Thompson, and keep an eye on him during the Main Event [B](B-)[/B] *** Disaster! Steve Gumble’s hype segment for the Extreme Title match is carried out by… Steve Flash [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental (c) drew with Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 17.40 [B](B-)[/B] -Well, a confused crowd soon forgot that dodgy segment, by these two putting on a great high flying show. There were numerous near falls, and both of them went up on of the ring posts. They exchanged blows, but both fell outside of the ring (onto a conveniently stacked pile of “equipment”). Neither was to move, the match ending in a double count out. *** Cougar came out for the Main Event, demanding that Plague came straight out. The challenger made his way slowly to the ring – DEVIL Karube being conspicuous by her absence[B] (B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Masked Cougar (c)[/COLOR] to win the [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]FWE Warrior Title[/COLOR] in 23.52 [B](B)[/B] -Most feuds that I’ve set up seem to be hit by bad chemistry, so as I always knew that Plague would be my next champion, he won the title at his first attempt. I was pleasantly surprised to see them put on a great little high flying match with neutral chemistry. It only turned one way when the Masked Man came out… but there was no Alicia Strong after him. Of course, this was just after the convenient ref bump, so the Masked Man was able to hit Cougar with a piledriver, setting Plague up for the Memory Remains, and the win. *** Plague grabbed the title from the announce desk, while the Masked Man gave Cougar another kick, before leaving through the crowd as Alicia Strong appeared [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Could that have been a B- without giving Steve Flash a mic? Maybe, but maybe not. Anyway, 9,265 people attending was a record, but the buy rate of 0.40 was a dip on last month. And more importantly, we’ve got a new Warrior Champion in the shape of Plague, winning it at his first attempt. Masked Cougar managed six months – can Plague go onto beat that? *** Teddy Powell joins MAW, where he’ll Main Event. *** Bobby Thomas comes back with huge wage demands. I postpone negotiations, and investigate other options. *** Bobby Thomas does sign for MAW, and BHOTWG approach another of my workers, in what will be an irritating move. *** EWF run their first show – and Captain Hero defeats Luis Figo Manico for the EWF Championship. Although it may have been predictable that the two power players of the company ended up facing one another, they put on a decent C+ match. *** Frankie Perez leaves CZCW – and they make an offer to bring Fox Mask back to them. *** At the age of 39, Jesse Christian announces his return to wrestling. It remains to be seen whether he’ll find a promotion for his swansong. *** Brendan Idol inks a new CZCW contract, and announces that his friendship with Mark Speed had a lot to do with his decision. *** Jacob Jett is released from NOTBPW, having never been fully utilized. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West: [I]Bunch of matches announced, but most importantly, it's rematch time for Masked Cougar![/I] Brendan Idol vs The Gambler Jimmy Cox vs Greg Gauge Bobby Thomas vs Hugh de Aske Alicia Strong vs Joss Thompson Plague (c) vs Masked Cougar for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West: *** With a few stills, we explain to those who didn’t buy the PPV how Plague defeated Masked Cougar with the help of the Masked man [B](B)[/B] *** The ex-champion is out, with Alicia Strong. Alicia says that she couldn’t find Joss Thompson last week, and is convinced that he is the mystery man. Therefore, she’ll be fighting him just before Masked Cougar gets his rematch – and she won’t leave his side after that. Masked Cougar goes on to say that his title reign was only ended by blatant cheating, but he’d make sure the Plague’s reign was the shortest in FWE history [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] in 5.35 [B](C)[/B] -You stall on contract negotiations, you get fed to the Dread Pirate, who won with a Skull and Crossbones. *** Hugh de Aske went up to Easy Emma, and the commissioner said that so far she was impressed. However, she had some tough challenges ready for de Aske, and he better be ready [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Brendan Idol beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 4.59 [B](C+)[/B] -That’s right – The Gambler still exists! He did get easily beaten with an Idol drop though. *** Brendan Idol also took a turn to stop at Easy Emma’s announcing position. He pointed out how he’d been here longer than de Aske, and had worked his backside off since arriving, and wanted to make sure he wasn’t looked over. Emma mused that he did defeat that old codger last week, and asked him if he was ready for a title shot. He said he was, so next week, Brendan Idol will take on whoever comes out with the title from the Main Event tonight [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 7.37 [B](B)[/B] -Wow, good show guys. Gauge has a bit of a boost to his popularity here, from his OLLIE work, but he still really stood out from anyone else so far tonight. He wore down Cox, and made him tap to the Proton Lock. *** Greg taunted Mathew for not being here tonight, resting on his laurels after a couple of tag team wins. Greg accused Frankie Perez of trying to turn Mathew into Jimmy Cox – which from as you just saw, is not a position you want to be in [B](B+)[/B] *** Alicia Strong was down in the ring, and grabbed a mic, and demanded that Thompson came out. Eventually he did, armed with mic, and asked if he really had to prove himself? Strong demanded to know where he was last week, but with Thompson not replying, they were left to sort it out in the ring [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong drew Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 7.47 [B](B)[/B] -That’s two double count outs in two shows, which I would normally consider lazy booking. This one I needed, as after Strong built up an advantage, Thompson just bailed from the ring, rushing out back. Strong didn’t want to lose sight of her quarry, and rushed right after him, ignoring the refs count. *** There was silence in the arena, which was broken when Masked Cougar’s music hit. He rushed down to the ring, looking psyched as the new champion came out [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague (c) beat Masked Cougar [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 17.25 [B](B)[/B] -Alicia Strong joined the commentary team, with Easy Emma mocking her for losing sight of her prey. Strong was non-plussed, insisting that she could do an equally good job from the announce both. In the ring, Cougar and Plague were putting on a great match, when DEVIL Karube came down to the ring. Alicia Strong tried to force her away, but all she was doing was taking the bait, and distracting the ref into bargain. The Masked Man leaped the barrier, and as Plague pushed the ref over from behind, the Masked Man hit a neckbreaker on Cougar. He followed it up with a leg drop, and then suicide dove into Alicia Strong, who was trying to get into the ring. As DEVIL Karube made sure no-one else would get into the ring, Plague headed up the ring post, and hit the Memory Remains for the win. *** The Masked Man pulled himself away from Alicia Strong, just keeping his mask on, before heading back through the crowd [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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Just in case anyone was wondering, that’s my first “B” ever. It was gained through good use of Mexican stars you are super over in the South West (Plague and Greg Gauge), and pure talent (Masked Cougar, Alicia Strong, Joss Thompson and Hugh de Aske). Not one match chemistry affected, either, in front of a South West record 4,344 people. *** Unleashed draw a 3.16, another record. *** Only one down point of the show – I experimented in the dark with Easy Emma as de Aske’s manager. It’s not a goer. *** Trent Shafner signs with FWE. Yes, he’s the same overness in Canada as Bobby Thomas, but cheaper. *** Jesse Christian does get a swansong, at CZCW. *** EWF decide two more champions – Herschel the Hammer defeating FWE old boy Rolling Johnny Stones for the Wrestling Spirit Title, while Robert Milano has a new tag team partner in the shape of Danny Patterson as Team Slaughter, defeating Hercules Johansson and former WEXXV worker Munemitsu Senmatsu. *** The next day, Haiti Voodude wins the EWF Wrestling Spirit Title. *** Warlord Pain takes the USPW National Title off Jim Force, who recently picked up a shoulder injury against Rhino Umaga at a CZCW show. De Aske debuts in defeat to Valiant. I’ll take that – Valiant is one of their (only) stars. *** Fox Mask does return to CZCW – let’s see if he gets the push he deserves as a former 5 time CZCW Champion. *** I make an expensive midcard signing. In a show or two, you’ll see him. *** Fox Mask gets an Extreme Title shot against Remmy Skye on debut – but loses. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic: American Elemental (c) vs Bobby Thomas for the FWE Extreme Title Rick Sanders vs Enforcer Roberts Masked Cougar vs Joss Thompson Plague (c) vs Brendan Idol for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]American Elemental (c)[/B] vs Bobby Thomas for the FWE Extreme Title Rick Sanders vs [B]Enforcer Roberts[/B] [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs Joss Thompson [B]Plague (c)[/B] vs Brendan Idol for the FWE Warrior Title Pretty straightforward predictions I think this time around. Congrats on the B.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;298178]Congrats on getting that first "B" :D[/QUOTE] Many thanks - although I seem to be slipping quite far behind you. And although you're significantly further ahead in your game, I've started out from a more popular position overall, so I really should be getting to this level a little more often!
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic: [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental (c) vs Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 7.43 [B](B-)[/B] -Huh – great chemistry. The things you discover about jobbers 11 days before their contracts up. To say the least, this was Thomas’s best showing, although it was once more in defeat, to the Inferno Splash. Good start to the night. *** The cameras show Masked Cougar storm into Joss Thompson, and demand to now what he did do Alicia Strong. Thompson looks on perplexed, as Cougar explains that her car has been sabotaged, and she’s stuck on the other side of the country. Thompson stops Cougar, asking him if he really thinks that not only is he the mystery masked man, but also someone who flies half way across the country to sabotage some loser’s car. And if Cougar does – he should really prove it, as he’s getting bored of all these accusations [B](C)[/B] *** Rick Sanders comes out forlornly, as Easy Emma points out that he still has one ally in FWE – Enforcer Roberts. Well next, if Roberts doesn’t put in a good show against Sanders, that one ally will be fired [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 11.26 [B](B-)[/B] -A slow paced match, this one, as Roberts didn’t seem too eager to fight with his old boss. Emma made her way to the ring to reinstate her firing threat, and Roberts began to take control. When he did lock in the RCT, Emma demanded that he held it tighter and tighter, and Sanders was quite wise to tap out. *** Brendan Idol got in some hype for his title match – he knew that the past year has been all about Masked Cougar, but now there’s someone else with the title, and they’ve yet to prove themselves. He claims to have as much chance as anyone of defeating Plague, and will be trying his hardest [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Joss Thompson [/COLOR]by DQ in 16.37[B] (B-)[/B] -These two once met in an awesome contest, and this is the first time I’ve put them together since. With Cougar no longer the champ, and outside out home territory, I was very pleased with the result. It was a competitive match, and we finally got the answer to whether or not Thompson was the Masked Man. He wasn’t. As Masked Cougar set up for a Cougar Calling Moonsault, the masked man appeared once more to attak Cougar, getting Thompson DQ’d. *** Thompson wisely left the ring, while the Masked Man dragged Cougar over to the announce table, driving him through it. He then dragged out a gas can from under the ring, and started to pour it over the former champion. Help came from an unexpected ally, as Mainstream Hernandez appeared for the first time in five weeks, driving the man back. He even managed to rip the mask from the attackers face – revealing that [SIZE="4"][B]Aaron Andrews[/B][/SIZE] had returned to FWE [B](C+)[/B]!! *** Mainstream Hernandez cemented his face turn by helping the EMT’s put Cougar on a stretcher, before cutting a promo attacking both Andrews and Plague [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague (c) beat Brendan Idol [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 15.41 [B](B+)[/B] -Wow – both men really stepped it up here, with a neutral chemistry match, that anyone watching would have though was blessed by superb chemistry. Idol went for the Idol Drop, but Plague just managed to wriggle away. After that the champion finally took control, and apart from one cheeky roll up dominated, before winning with the Memory Remains. *** Seemingly not too happy with the significant challenge that Idol proved, Plague hauled him over his shoulders to continue the attack. He stopped when he saw Mainstream Hernandez at the top of the stage, dropping Idol, and ending the show with a staredown [B](C)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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3,146 attendees, and quite frankly another great little show. Was Masked Cougar’s reign holding back others? Hopefully not too much, but they’re getting their chance now. The main part of the show was the reveal of the Masked Man as Aaron Andrews, and Mainstream Hernandez returning as a face. Interestingly, Aaron Andrews did miss the PPV due to his CGC commitments, and his role was played by Joss Thompson, who shares a similar build to Andrews. *** Unleashed drops in rating to 3.10. It was good, but not as good as last week. *** You know you’re slumping when Big Smack Scott asks to leave, as he’s done to USPW. Actually, maybe they’re blessed. One quick unofficial foray into New England to end the month: [I][B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] Mathew Gauge beat Bobby Thomas in 9.49 [B](C)[/B] -Third time I’ve run this non-clicking match Joss Thompson beat Angel de Mexico [B](B-)[/B] Greg Gauge beat Brendan Idol [B](C+)[/B] Overall Rating C[/I] *** First time I’ve run a C rated show in a while. It did make a healthy profit. though. [B]March:[/B] *** $3,000 loss – but it would have been $17,000 worse if I hadn’t run that last show. *** Elemental II is the big retiree – for next month the biggest news will be Peter Valentine, and he’s been unemployed for two and a half years. *** Leaving the Main Event to Wolf Hawkins defending over Joey Minnesota, Tommy Cornell vs Human Arsenal was one of the opening bouts at TCW’s latest PPV. It was still the best of the night. *** Bruce the Giant signs up for another BHOTWG tour. They had approached Plague, but he must have rejected them. Just as well, as a tour would have meant him missing all my TV shows for the next few months – which is what’s happening to Masked Cougar. *** Troy Tornado signs a new NOTBPW contract. While he’s being wasted there, I’m happy with that, as that’s the only was I can get him to appear on FWE shows. *** Jeffery McPherson inherits MOSC from his dad, current MOSC UK Champion, The Highland Warrior. Warrior will continue to book the shows. *** My PPV plans are somewhat awkward with my having to avoid other dates – so much so that there’s just one more show before it. *** Greg Gauge, who went to DaVE for Bart Biggz’s appearance last month, gets a PPV appearance at March into Battle, losing to Nevada Nuclear. *** Raul Darkness defeats Jungle Jack for the TCW Arena Championship, both “brothers” now having held this relatively new title. *** Former Brass Knuckles and Unified Title holder Robbie Retro announces that DaVE are too small for him. His only other contract is with SWF – I doubt they’re also big enough. *** EWF are already releasing workers due to costs, and are expected to set a new record for “fastest sinking promotion”. *** Citizen X, who has done nothing of note since being called up by SWF last year, also gets a job at CZCW, where he first broke out. *** Mr Lucha III joins WLW for another tour. He doesn’t get to wrestle for them much – but still more than he does for FWE. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West: American Elemental (c) vs Bobby Thomas for the FWE Extreme Title Mathew Gauge vs Joey Beauchamp Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong vs Steve Gumble and Hugh de Aske Plus appearances from Aaron Andrews and Plague![/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=theunholyicon;299325]Only a C rating? Thats suprising, considering all the good ratings you got, and the B+ match with Plague/Idol. You only had two C's so that came as a shock.[/QUOTE] The C was my quick Invasion show (which I was still admittedly disapointed in), the TV show got my standard "B-" that I usually get.
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