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[B]American Elemental (c)[/B] vs Bobby Thomas for the FWE Extreme Title Another win for Elemental, putting on a great match with Thomas before he heads out, OR, you signed Thomas after his great match with Elemental, and we could have some sort of shady finish to see something come of there chemistry... [B]Mathew Gauge[/B] vs Joey Beauchamp [B]Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong[/B] vs Steve Gumble and Hugh de Aske
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West: *** It’s Aaron Andrews to open the show, after finally revealing himself as the Masked Man. He reveals that his deep hate for Masked Cougar isn’t just because he lost the title to him – it was the affect that loss had. The loss of confidence saw him lose the TCW Tag Titles, and he had been talked about for TCW Heavyweight Title matches before that incident – but since them, nothing! He vowed that the way to strike back was against the cause – Masked Cougar, and on Thursday, at Reflexes, they finish everything in a cage [B](B-)[/B] [I]Based on fact this rant. Andrews was due a Main Event run at TCW, but his two PPV loses to Cougar badly damaged his overness, and he slipped back down to midcard, and has only just begun recovering[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental (c) beat Bobby Thomas[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 3.43 [B](B)[/B] -Bobby Thomas goes out doing the job, but also pulling out his best match of his career. If Elemental’s still around in six months, I’ll have to see if Thomas’s price is lowered. Inferno Splash for the win. *** As soon as the match ended, Steve Gumble ran out to attack Elemental, but a small fella came out to American Elemental’s aid. Katie Cameron did the identification (being someone she could recognise very well), revealing to Emma Chase it was Jacob Jett. Chase smiled, and stood up, saying if he wanted to be part of FWE so much, there’s someone who wants a match – the champion, Plague [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague (c) beat Jacob Jett[/COLOR] in a non title match in 6.45 [B](B-)[/B] -As Plague came out, Steve Gumble got in a sucker punch, and Jett was almost pinned right away. As Cameron rallied him on, Jett did recover, and even hit the Jett Take Off. He couldn’t recover in time to make the pin, a mistake that Plague didn’t make after hitting the Memory Remains. *** The music of Mainstream Hernandez hit, and Plague stood up in the ring, making eye contact with the youngster. We actually officially learned that it would be Hernandez taking on Plague on Thursday, and he had the crowd right behind him. He said that since Plague became champion he had avoided the big challenges, which tells Hernandez something about the champion – he’s a coward. DEVIL Karube started to argue, but Plague pulled her back, and simply held his title up in the air [B](B)[/B] *** Katie Cameron went to help Jett leave the ring, when Easy Emma stood up to address her. Emma said she knew full well that Cameron and Jett were an item. She doesn’t like the fact that she didn’t acknowledge this, so will only give Jett one chance for a contract. He must face American Elemental at Reflexes – and if he doesn’t win the Extreme Title, he’ll be gone forever [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 4.32 [B](C+)[/B] -Now that Perfect Package have broken up, I have nothing for Beauchamp, and he easily lost here. *** Mathew Gauge took a mic, and said that Perez had agreed to team up with him once more on Thursday – and he wants to face his brother. However, he said that he extremely doubted that his brother had any friends left at FWE, and wouldn’t be able to find a suitable partner. Greg appeared on the video screen, and asked Mathew if he really thought Perez was his friend – his mentor, not someone holding him back. Nonetheless, he accepted the challenge, telling Mathew to get out of the ring, as he and his partner, Joss Thompson, were having a warm up match right now [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge beat Rick Sanders and The Gambler[/COLOR] in 6.35 [B](C+)[/B] -No-one would have predicted this match incorrectly, as the newly formed team got the win over their motley opponents, Gauge pinning The Gambler. *** Easy Emma slipped backstage, and found Hugh de Aske ready for the Main Event. She reminded him that last week she said that she thought that he still needed to overcome to difficult challenges – the first one being tonight. However, it’ll get even harder on Thursday, as she’s signed him up against her young rival, Alicia Strong [B](B-)[/B] *** Hernandez and Strong got in some pre-Main Event hype. There’s history between them, but their alliance seemed strong, and both of them were confident for tonight and Reflexes [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Hugh de Aske beat Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong [/COLOR]in 22.18 [B](B)[/B] -In a major upset, the Dread Pirate and the man who as of yet hasn’t got a match at Reflexes, defeated two of the hottest stars in FWE. This owed much to Plague, who made his way out during the match, providing the perfect distraction to keep the heels on top. Pulling Hernandez off the apron when Strong was exposed also helped, leaving de Aske free to pin Strong. *** Hernandez fought back against Plague, but was stopped when caught by a baseball slide from Gumble. Plague hit a Creeping Death on Hernandez, before walking away, sneering [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C+[/I]
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Good attendance at 4,139, but a very expensive show, as we had to bring out most of our stars to book their matches for Reflexes. Mainstream Hernandez hasn’t been affected by his defeat too much – his turn brought his momentum up to A, and this defeat only lowered it to B+. *** Unleashed draws a 3.69, some record. *** Masked Cougar missed the show touring with BHOTWG – but made the most of it, taking the Openweight Title from Yoshi Shiomi. *** I decide that Steve Gumble needs a match on Thursday, so try to bring in Bart Biggz from DaVE… but get turned down. So I bring in Nevada Nuclear… who won’t be available Thursday. I try to go to NOTBPW to trade Shafner – but they don’t want to take him. Eventually Rudy Velasques comes in from DaVE, to a complete lack of excitement. *** Bobby Thomas leaves FWE, and now just has his MAW contract. If he can find someone he works as well with as American Elemental, he’ll be just fine. *** Shock horror – it’s another good match at USPW, Eric Tyler retaining the title against Hugh de Aske. *** NYCW sign up Hell’s Bouncer. It’ll be interesting to see how his style fits in – but his B- overness in the Tri State is definitely going to be an asset to The Stomper. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Reflexes [/B]on PPV: Mathew Gauge and Frankie Perez vs Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske Rudy Velasquez vs Steve Gumble American Elemental (c) vs Jacob Jett for the FWE Extreme Title Masked Cougar vs Aaron Andrews in a cage match Plague (c) vs Mainstream Hernandez for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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Mathew Gauge and Frankie Perez vs [B]Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge[/B] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs Hugh de Aske Rudy Velasquez vs [B]Steve Gumble[/B] [B]American Elemental (c) [/B]vs Jacob Jett for the FWE Extreme Title Masked Cougar vs [B]Aaron Andrews [/B]in a cage match [B]Plague (c)[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez for the FWE Warrior Title
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Good show last time. I liked it, and I liked the minimal, yet crucial interaction between Plague/Hernandez Mathew Gauge and Frankie Perez vs [B]Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge[/B] [I]A reason for Mathew to question Perez, maybe he is holding him back?[/I] Alicia Strong vs [B]Hugh de Aske[/B] Rudy Velasquez vs [B]Steve Gumble[/B] [I]I hate those three from DAVE.[/I] [B]American Elemental (c)[/B] vs Jacob Jett for the FWE Extreme Title [I]I see Jett only being a talent trade, from NOTBPW probably, but it'd be nice to see him stay, as I'm a huge fan.[/I] Masked Cougar vs [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] in a cage match [I]Don't know why. All reasoning points to Cougar, but I'm just not gonna pick him.[/I] [B]Plague (c)[/B] vs Mainstream Hernandez for the FWE Warrior Title [I]Too soon, and Hernandez, while a valiant competitor, not enough to dethrone Plague. Still lots to come from the masked one.[/I]
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[SIZE="5"][B]FWE Presents… Reflexes[/B][/SIZE] on PPV: *** We just missed a sell out, but there’s still a hell of a lot of people here. Our opening video concentrates on the Warrior Title bout, and Andrews taking on Masked Cougar [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge beat Mathew Gauge and Frankie Perez[/COLOR] in 17.45 [B](B+)[/B] -And we’re off to an absolute flyer! Everyone else will have a hell of a lot to live up to. A great technical bout, with the Gauges given some decent time against one another. Submission moves were broken up all over the place, and it became obvious that no-one was going to be given the time to win that way. Instead the win came when Greg shocked his brother with a lightning quick 12 Gauge, pinning him before Perez could made the save. *** Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson celebrated to the back, and were met by a young lady (Kristen Pearce), who they were eager to escort away [B](B-)[/B] *** Steve Gumble came to the ring, and spat in disgust at his opponent. Why does everyone want to be a wanabee gangsta? He said that he would let his skills do the talking [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Rudy Velasquez[/COLOR] in 8.49 [B](C+)[/B] -Velasquez tried to get the crowd on his side… and failed. For once the fans were happy to see Gumble picking up the win, as he did with the Savate Kick. *** Mainstream Hernandez got his hype for the Main Event, concentrated on how honourable he was, and Plague was a dark force in the world of wrestling. Now, if only DaVE wouldn’t keep jobbing Hernandez out, my crowd might treat him seriously [B](C+)[/B] *** Alicia Strong came to the ring, followed by de Aske, who stopped by Easy Emma. Strong took a mic and interrupted them, not knowing why Emma booked this match, but knowing that it would be de Aske’s hardest battle yet [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] in 17.46 [B](C+)[/B] -These two youngsters didn’t quite put on the match that I anticipated – but, admittedly, there was little build up to it. While it was a brawl, de Aske was on top, however, he couldn’t hit any big moves on Strong. She, on the other hand, used every opportunity she had to get to the top ropes, hitting a hurricarana for the first time at FWE. Although de Aske did kick out, Strong dodged a charge into the corner, and eliminated her opponent with a Moonsault on the rebound. *** As Strong left, flashing a smile Emma’s way, de Aske screamed that it wasn’t over – he was the Dread Pirate [B](C+)[/B] *** We cut backstage, and the crowd cheered on Masked Cougar. He said that he wasn’t going to apologise for defeating Aaron Andrews – not once, but twice. He blamed those defeats on Andrews underestimating him – but just because he’s lost his title, doesn’t mean anyone should think any less of him now [B](B-)[/B] *** We cut to Plague, and he’s found somewhere quite dingy to sit, burning something in the corner while DEVIL Karube looks on, chanting softly[B] (C+)[/B] *** Jacob Jett comes to the ring, and Easy Emma orders Katie Cameron out of the announce booth, and ringside to join her man. Cameron hesitates, but Strong advises her to move – her boyfriend’s career depends on it [B](B)[/B] Jac[COLOR="blue"]ob Jett beat American Elemental (c)[/COLOR] to win the [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]FWE Extreme Title[/COLOR] in 11.49 [B](C+)[/B] -The two men shook hands before the bout, and although Jacob Jett started hurriedly, the Extreme Champion soon took over. He even went for the Inferno Splash, but a careless ref got in the way, and got taken out of action. Both men were down in the ring, when Steve Gumble swaggered down. Cameron ordered him away, but got a slap in the face for her troubles. He slipped into the ring, and threw Jett to the outside, before unleashing his fury on American Elemental. He dropped him headfirst onto his title belt, before dragging Jett back into the ring. He dumped Jett on top of American Elemental, and woke the ref up, who made the count, giving the unconscious man the win. *** Backstage, and it was Aaron Andrews turn to hype his cage match against Masked Cougar. Andrews’ accepted that he had made mistakes in the past – but knew that the best thing was for him to take actions to correct those mistakes, and that is what he’s doing here tonight [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Masked Cougar[/COLOR] in a cage match in 27.26 [B](B-)[/B] -A suitable epic here that swung both ways, and had Masked Cougar trying the escape opportunity for the win at every opportunity. Andrews always just managed to grab a foot or join Cougar, and used the cage as a suitable weapon that soon had blood pouring from Cougar’s mouth. We paid our ring crew well, as we fixed it for one of the ring ropes to come undone in one corner, and one Cougar escape was only thwarted by Andrews lashing Cougar’s back. However, then the rope proved to be a deadly weapon, and the ref could do nothing about the barrage that Andrews unleashed on Cougar. Amazingly, he kicked out of the first pinfall attempt, but after a Standing Hot Shot, and further whips, he was down for the three count. *** Andrews celebrated, EMT’s were called out to tend to Masked Cougar as the cage was taken down. Easy Emma called out the competitors for the Main Event, and ordered DEVIL Karube to stay outside the ring, and make this match one that the watching world would remember [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague (c) beat Mainstream Hernandez [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Warrior Title by DQ in 24.34 [B](B)[/B] -Hey, these two have pretty good chemistry with one another, which bodes well, as this is far from the last time that they will meet. They did keep it fairly clean – until Hernandez was knocked to the outside of the ring, and Karube got round Emma’s instructions, raking with her nails while outside the ring. Although she drew blood, it wasn’t much longer until Hernandez did the same to Plague. Both men exchanged finishing moves, just getting knees up or rolling out of the way, to ensure that they didn’t quite do the job. When they were both down, Aaron Andrews swaggered down from out back, ignoring DEVIL Karube and grabbing the Warrior Title. Karube tried to wrestle it off him, but Andrews said it was his title, and drilled it into Karube’s head. He slid into the ring, with the ref remonstrating at him, but when Plague charged in he was also met with a belt to the head. To the boos of the crowd, the ref called for the bell, giving the match to Plague by DQ. *** Andrews continued his assault – and it was the ref that got the title in the head. Hernandez tried to take Andrews’ weapon off him, but was met with a blow between the legs, and then another belt shot. Andrews held the title in the air, as the show ended with bodies littered around him [B](C+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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A record 9,699 attendees – and a strong show, especially the opening tag bout, which was stunning. Applauds all round. *** It’s our most successful PPV ever, drawing a buy rate of 0.51, and that should mean the first month in profit for a while. *** Jacob Jett does get a full contract with, after his unexpected NOTBPW release. *** Frankie Perez gets to tour with GCG, the first worker I’ve had there for a few tours. *** Buddy Garner wins the PGHW Elite Series, with wins over Mushashibo , Diaz and Lee Bennet. The first two rounds were great matches (although Diaz did suffer a cracked sternum), but the final with Bennet (who had a much easier route with Bingci and Kataoka) was slightly lackluster. [QUOTE]Preview for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed:[/B] FWE hit New England for the fall out from Reflexes. The man with the most explaining to do is Aaron Andrews, after first seriously injuring Masked Cougar, and then ruining the Main Event, by attacking the man he helped win the title, Plague. The man most wanting answers will be Mainstream Hernandez, who looked Plague’s equal, but once more missed out on the Warrior Title due to a disqualification.[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England: *** We had some PPV stills to show, concentrating on the path of destruction that Aaron Andrews took during the show [B](C+)[/B] *** It’s Andrews to start the show, and he here to explain himself (once more). He stated that he never helped Plague win the title – he helped take the title off his mortal enemy – Masked Cougar. Well, after last month, Andrews had taken Cougar out of action permanently, so it was time to change focus – and that was back to the title he rightfully claimed as his own, the FWE Warrior Title. That brought out Mainstream Hernandez, who pointed out how Andrews would have to wait his turn – otherwise he was making an enemy he couldn’t afford to have. Easy Emma stood up to calm the situation down, and declared that she had two announcements. Firstly, at the next PPV she was introducing new Tag Team Titles for FWE. As Andrews and Mainstream Hernandez shrugged in the ring, Emma went on to suggest that her next announcement may just prove of more interest. Also at next PPV, their would be an inaugural eight man tournament to crown the first ever [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]FWE Grindhouse Champion[/B] [/COLOR]– a title which would lead to the winner getting a Warrior Title shot – and a tournament that both men in the ring would be taking part in. The lights went out, pyros popped, to reveal Plague somehow in the ring – mic in hand. He said that he didn’t care if it wasn’t the idea – he was in this tournament, and no-one could stop him becoming the Grindhouse Champion as well as Warrior Champion [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge beat Jimmy Cox [/COLOR]in 7.56 [B](B-)[/B] -Rock Downpour on commentary suggested that Greg Gauge may be interested in Emma’s first announcement, and she conceded that he and Joss Thompson would compete for the new Tag Team Titles after their win at Reflexes. She also revealed that any Warrior Champion, past or present would be in the Grindhouse Tournament, and as such Plague was in – but he’d have to team with Aaron Andrews in the Main Event against Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong. By the time that had been revealed, Cox had tapped to the Proton Lock. *** The new Extreme Champion, Jacob Jett came out with Katie Cameron, and Emma Chase rolled her eyes. She said that she only set up that match so she could fire Katie Cameron and her boyfriend, but she would still use the situation. While Jett is champion, Cameron could manage him, and stay out of the announce booth [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Hugh de Aske beat Jacob Jett and American Elemental[/COLOR] in 8.37 [B](B-)[/B] -The current and former Extreme Champion were outclassed here, de Aske looking particularly focused, and getting the pin on Jett. *** de Aske stormed backstage, and when caught for a quick interview promised Strong that one victory over him was not the end [B](B)[/B] *** Frankie Perez than cane out and addressed Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson – telling them that their win last night proved not to be too important. It’s be the victory for the new Tag Titles that would really matter, or victory in the Grindhouse Tournament, one of which he promised to succeed in [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 3.41 [B](B)[/B] -Perez absolutely destroyed Thompson’s ex-partner, making him tap to the Perfect Parity. *** Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson steamed in to attack both Perez and Beauchamp, before Mathew Gauge came out to join in. It wasn’t so much of a save, as the heels only left on their own terms – and into the waiting arms of Kristen Pearce [B](C)[/B] *** Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong hyped the Main Event, Strong disgusted with Andrews’ attack on Cougar, which makes him a major doubt for the Grindhouse Tournament. Nevertheless, at least tonight she was on the same page as her partners, unlike their opposition that were fighting last night [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong drew Plague and Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] in 24.58 [B](B+)[/B] -The draw in this one was simple – the ref got knocked down, and just never recovered. Until that point we had seen a phenomenal bout, but the match turned into a chance for people to stake a claim for the Grindhouse Tournament. Steve Gumble, American Elemental, Hugh de Aske and Frankie Perez all joined the fight in the ring, and people were flying one way and another. Plague and Andrews did do a good job of clearing half the ring each, but couldn’t keep it on the same page, and attacked one another. It was de Aske who ended the show on top, after making best use of a chair to eliminate everyone else still standing. [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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A good 3,327 attendees, a whole lot of money setting up the Grindhouse Tournement (which may change to being known as The Grind), but a great Main Event to match it. I’ll warn you now – I’ve already chosen who’s going to be participating in this tournament, even if it’s a month off. As next month my stars will prioritise TCW, SWF, DaVE, WLW, BHOTWG, GCG and OLLIE, there’s every chance that I’ve screwed it up, and I’ll miss one of participants. We’ll see. *** Unleashed continues to set records, hitting 3.69. *** The Flying Stones (Duane and Ed) win their second Ed Henson Memorial Cup, breaking the Stone Siblings three year reign (it’s back to 2005 for the McWades for a non-Stone victory). Team of the tournament were finalists Tim Westybrook and Sean McFly who stole the show in the semi’s against the Siblings, but also were involved in the second best match of the night, against Dark Angel and Dog Fyte. *** Mainstream Hernandez extends his CGC contract – a pity, otherwise Sundays would become much more open again. *** Thank goodness for that – Warlord Pain drops the USPW National Title. Valiant takes over, having been pushed from the Main Event by Tyler and de Aske. *** Masked Cougar now adds the BHOTWG Junior Tag Titles (with Hyosuke Kokan) to his Openweight Title. His star falls in the West, it rises in the East. *** DaVE Unified Title holder Chris Caulfield is out for 4 weeks after injuring his knee, but DaVE don’t vacate the title. They soon learn to regret it when contract talks stall, and Caulfield may have wrestled his last DaVE show. *** Is there tension in the air at CZCW? Beach Babe Bunny put over boss Leo Davis in a recent interview – and barely mentioned boyfriend Remmy Skye’s name at all. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South East: Steve Flash vs Joss Thompson American Elemental vs Hugh de Aske for entry to The Grind Frankie Perez vs Steve Gumble for entry to The Grind Mainstream Hernandez vs Steven Parker Plague vs Joey Beauchamp in a non title match[/QUOTE]
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[B]Steve Flash[/B] vs Joss Thompson [B]American Elemental[/B] vs Hugh de Aske for entry to The Grind [B]Frankie Perez [/B]vs Steve Gumble for entry to The Grind [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs Steven Parker [B]Plague[/B] vs Joey Beauchamp in a non title match Wow, all down the left, that can't be good, but I'm sticking with it.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South East: *** We start with clips of Easy Emma announcing The Grind last show, and the mayhem at the end of the show that ended up with de Aske ending up on top in the ring [B](C+)[/B] *** Slowly the main protagonists from last week come out. Due to financial constraints, neither Alicia Strong or Aaron Andrews are in attendance, but we do get to see Hernandez and Plague (who are confirmed participants) who will take part in warn up matches later, and American Elemental, Hugh de Aske, Frankie Perez and Steve Gumble, who will take part in two qualification matches [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Joss Thompson beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] in 5.37 [B](C)[/B] -A small reminder that their will be tag titles contended at The Grind, as Thompson beat Flash with the Clean Cutter. *** American Elemental came out, and wondered if de Aske would have to resort to a chair once again to get the upper hand. The Dread Pirate came out to tell his opponent that it’s take more than fancy pirouettes off the top rope to win The Grind – and he had that X Factor [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat American Elemental [/COLOR]in 10.52 [B](B)[/B] -Wow, these two certainly tore the place up, giving the later stars something tough to live up to. Elemental did get in most of his top rope repertoire, but couldn’t keep the Pirate down. De Aske’s first Skull and Crossbones almost produced the win, and the second on ended up being decisive. *** As Elemental left the ring, Gumble pushed past him, telling him that he should watch to see how a true winner works [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 12.25 [B](B)[/B] -Perez and Gumble respond to the earlier match, and if The Grind lives up to these two first qualification matches, then I’m onto a good thing. Gumble cheated almost the entire way through the match, but was crotched by a returning American Elemental to allow Perez to hit the Perfect Parity for the win. *** Gumble shouted after American Elemental with fury, while Rock Downpour on commentary pointed out that American Elemental was only getting revenge for Gumble costing him the Extreme Title [B](C-)[/B] *** We caught up with Frankie Perez backstage, who had been accosted by Joss Thompson. He congratulated Perez on qualification, but pointed out that he’d never win The Grind – after all, he couldn’t win one tag match against him and Greg Gauge last time out. He, on the other hand, was going to walk out of The Grind with a shiny title around his waist, and straight into the arms of an appreciative lady[B] (B-)[/B] *** Mainstream Hernandez came out, to hype himself up while putting down Aaron Andrews, Plague and Hugh de Aske. When Parker came out complaining that he wasn’t in The Grind, Hernandez told him to get into the ring and he’ll show him why [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 9.42 [B](C)[/B] -Ouch. Really showed up badly against the other matches. Do I blame the consistently disappointing Parker, or do I accept that Hernandez should share some blame? Don’t know, but the win was with a Super Kick. *** DEVIL Karube came out chanting, but Hernandez just pushed past her, and headed out back. She continued with her histrionics, leading to Plague appearing in the ring for his match [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 6.26 [B](B-)[/B] -This could have been over quicker, but Hernandez, de Aske and Perez came out for a scouting mission, which put the champion off. Eventually Beauchamp got his full concentration, and quickly fell, leaving Plague to gesticulate triumphantly at his audience. [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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3,929 people, and we slightly slowed down our hype for The Grind, as we can’t afford all our stars at once. Plague, Mainstream Hernandez, Frankie Perez, Hugh de Aske, Alicia Strong and Aaron Andrews have been confirmed for the tournament. *** Our new Unleashed record is now 3.75. *** Rudy Velasquez signs with NYCW, his first contract outside DaVE (not counting his one FWE loan appearance). He’ll be looking to add to his seven wins in the last three years. *** Remmy Skye loses the CZCW Xtreme Title to Snap Dragon. Maybe Beach Babe Bunnie told Davis they’d never be more than friends. *** Big Smack Scott leaves USPW. Apparently Eric Tyler never saw him as a true wrestler. Strange that. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed from the South West: Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge vs Jimmy Cox and Kashmir Singh vs City Wrestlers vs Steven Parker and Joey Beauchamp Brendan Idol vs Aaron Andrews[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West: *** We started off with Easy Emma, and she had an announcement about the participants of The Grind. Alicia Strong, Aaron Andrews, Mainstream Hernandez, Plague, Frankie Perez and Steve Gumble were in. Masked Cougar would have been in, but is out injured, and his replacement will be decided next week. The other competitor was an FWE man that everyone had forgotten about, but would be in a match later tonight. Meanwhile, Greg Gauge and joss Thompson’s opponents for the Tag Team Titles would be decided next [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge beat Jimmy Cox and Kashmir Singh, City Wrestlers and Steven Parker and Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 18.49 [B](B-)[/B] -Elimination action, and Easy Emma was surprised that City Wrestlers comprised of Steve Flash and Rick Sanders, who she thought she had sacked. Rock Downpour refreshed her memory, reminding her that although she had stolen FWE from Sanders, she had never sacked him, which drew a steely glance from the boss. Nevertheless, Sanders and Flash had no chemistry, but were only second out, Beauchamp taking the early fall from Kashmir Singh. Perez then took out former ally Sanders, before finally Mathew Gauge got Kashmir Singh to tap to the Proton Lock. *** Greg Gauge came out to applaud Perez and Mathew Gauge – but then asked if Perez thought he would really win four matches at the Grind to win everything? He declares that he would enter the Grind, but is willing to concentrate on the Tag Team Titles, so will sit this one out – and to prove it, he’ll take on anyone from the tournament in the Main Event [B](A)[/B] *** Brendan Idol got caught for a quick interview before his match, and said that while there’s a place in the tournament up for grabs, he has to take every opportunity to prove himself worthy [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 9.31 [B](B)[/B] -Great match from the two, and this is looking to be a good show. Idol showed glimpses, but Andrews showed why he’s one of the early favourites for The Grind, winning with a Standing Hot Shot. *** Andrews started to leave the ring, when Enforcer Roberts jumped the crowd rail, and applied the RCT to Andrews. Easy Emma ordered him to stop, but revealed that he was the seventh entrant for The Grind, and would showcase why next [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Mohamed[/COLOR] in 2.55 [B](C+)[/B] -The faced off, before Mohammed went for the win with the big kick. It missed, Roberts took down Roberts, found the RCT, and won. *** Greg Gauge came out to the ring, and waited to see who he would face. The crowd popped as Alicia Strong appeared, for the first ever meeting between the two second generation stars [B](B+)[/B] Alicia[COLOR="blue"] Strong beat Greg Gauge[/COLOR] by DQ in 16.51 [B](B+)[/B] -Awesome match – a great cap to a great show. Joss Thompson appeared to be a constant distraction, before Perez and Mathew Gauge came out to support Alicia Strong. She rallied, and set up for the Butterfly Effect, when Enforcer Roberts dragged her from the ring, and slammed her to the mat, earning the DQ for Greg Gauge. *** Perez and Mathew Gauge rushed around the ring to help Alicia, and an all out brawl started – this may be the theme for a few weeks. Despite a large cut to her head, Alicia Strong recovered, and hit the decisive roundhouse kick to Roberts as the show ended [B](B-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I]
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Wohoo – that’s my first ever B+! If The Grind is as good as the run up to it, then I’ll be over the moon. We’ll see. For the moment we continued to take advantage of Greg Gauge’s superb overness in the South West (which dropped from A to B+ with his loss), while revealing Enforcer Roberts as entering The Grind Tournament, and Frankie Perez and Mathew Gauge as challengers to Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson. I don’t normally like giving away big matches for free (especially first ever confrontations, like the one between Alicia Strong and Greg Gauge), but they are far apart storyline wise currently, and I’m on the hard sell for The Grind. ***4,153 people turned up, and we drew a record 3.98 rating. *** Former BHOTWG 2 time Openweight Champion and 2 time Junior Tag Champion Yoshii Shiomi shatters his knee, and his career is on the line. *** Former Unified and Brass Knuckles Champion Robbie Retro (leader of the SWF Invasion) leaves DaVE, now solely working for SWF. [B]April:[/B] *** A $31,500 profit in March – we’ve just never seen anything like that before. *** TCW Just Another Day is a bit of a damp squid. The midcard match of Aaron Andrews defeating Randy Bumfhole (B) was decent, but apart from that I’d have rather been watching FWE. Wolf Hawkins retained against Joel Bryant in the Main Event (4 month reign), while the Jacks battled over the International Title, Giedroyc holding off Griffith’s challenge (10 month reign). *** Steve DeColt wins the CGC World Title from Alex DeColt, to cap a mediocre WrestleFestival. *** SWF move the Top Contenders Title from Brendan Idol to Todd Hart, but it’s more significant news a TCW. Jack Giedroyc is due a Main Event run after he loses the International Title to Christian Faith (for his first TCW title run), in a relatively poor match. The main event of Joey Minnesota defeating Tommy Cornell was solid though, his third victory over the great one. *** There’s a spate of injuries in Japan, and apart from Shiomi, the most serious is Bryan Holmes damaging his spleen, keeping him out of action for 2 months. *** Steve Gumble finally signs for someone other than us, inking a DaVE contract. He’s joined by Nathaniel Ca$ino, aka The Gambler. We now share 7 workers – but I’ll stake my claim, as I signed all of them before DaVE did. Well, then Plague left me, joined DaVE, and then came back, but I had him first. *** SWF World Heavyweight Title change, and the Eric Eisen / Lead Belly feud runs on… and on. Eisen at last (?) takes the title here,. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the Mid Atlantic American Elemental vs Steve Gumble for the last place in The Grind Angel de Mexico vs Joss Thompson Rick Sanders and Joey Beauchamp vs Plague and Frankie Perez Jimmy Cox vs Aaron Andrews Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong vs Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;305581]Now I am the one who is jealous. Here you are cranking out B level events left and right, and I can't crack a C+ anymore :( Congrats on the B+ hopefully National won't be too far off for you. :D[/QUOTE] Ah, you're developing new stars - I'm just sticking my Top 8 in the run up to The Grind, and effectively ignoring everyone else. And National's still a way off - I'm at "C" in the four areas where I run shows, "C-" everywhere else. Still a few more years. [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the Mid Atlantic *** It’s Easy Emma to open the show, revealing that Steve Gumble and American Elemental get a second shot at The Grind tonight – but it’ snot going to be easy, as whoever wins tonight will face Plague in the first round [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 4.56 [B](B)[/B] -Hopefully after this tournament I’ll start to push Cox, as he definitely deserves it. Here, he was fodder to Andrews. *** Andrews grabbed a mic after the match, and said he was disappointed that he would not be facing Plague in the first round – but wanted a chance to defeat the champion, so wished him all the best, as he wanted to be the one to take him out [B](B+)[/B] *** American Elemental got a short segment hyping his qualification, saying that it deserved to be settled in the ring between him and Gumble, rather than costing one another matches like they have been [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 4.56 [B](C+)[/B] -Mathew Gauge was on scout duty, and he saw a polished performance from Thompson, winning with the Joss Lock, after Kristen Pearce provided an assist. *** It was then Gumble’s turn to hype his match – I hope it’s going to be better than the promos [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 10.59 [B](B-)[/B] -Decent match, with both competitors putting their all in. Aaron Andrews surprisingly dropped into commentary, saying that he wanted to make sure that the right man got through to face Plague. He left to drag Gumble away from an Inferno Splash, allowing him to get a cheap pin. *** Gumble dizzily got out of the ring, and Andrews’ raised his arm. Then Plague’s music hit, and Gumble tried to shrink away. Andrews would not let him, and pushed him towards Plague, who just laughed in his face. He pushed past Gumble, and stared Andrews down, a stare that was only broken when the other competitors came out for the next match [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague and Frankie Perez beat Rick Sanders and Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 6.20 [B](B)[/B] -Perez was in the ring first, but when he tagged in Plague he soon realised that the wasn’t going to get a chance to get back into the match. Plague didn’t want or need him, and hit the Creeping Death on Beauchamp for the win. *** Perez stayed ringside after the match, and took a mic, saying that he had a big announcement. He realised that the chances of him winning four matches at The Grind was highly unlikely, and as such he would have to pull out of one of the matches. Mathew Gauge came out with a look of horror on his face, but Perez calmed the youngster down, saying that he was pulling out of the tournament, to focuse fully on winning the Tag Team Championship. A smile broke out over Mathew’s face, and the two stars hugged, before leaving the ring [B](B)[/B] *** Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong cut a promo before their match, saying that one of the favourites had just left the tournament – but they wouldn’t be underestimating any replacement. Alicia added that she would like to meet one of their opponents in the first round at The Grind, having had run ins with both over the last few weeks [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez and Alicia Strong beat Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] in 19.39 [B](B+)[/B] -Well, this was an awesome match, and it’s definitely paying off finally putting my main stars all together. Roberts was on top for large portions of this match, but de Aske’s recklessness put him in danger, and it was him who fell to an Apparition No. 14. [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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I’d have rated it “B”, but I obviously don’t count. 4,285 people hopefully went away quite happy. *** Unleashed draw 3.86 – strong, but not the best we’ve done recently. We draw 4.12 when we’re not up against the drawing 7.65 NOTBPW. *** We sign a new PPV deal with USA Free Choice. Although we lose our Canadian audience, we’re hoping for an increase on current buy rates (which topped out at 0.51 last month). *** Mr Lucha III wants a large pay rise – and as I rarely use him, I’m not inclined to give it. *** At USPW, Hugh de Aske gets a surpise non-title win against Eric Tyler. *** Farrk Hesketh leaves CZCW, leaving her doing colour commentary at CGC and DaVE, the latter of which she also books for. *** Eric Tyler’s contract comes up at USPW – and he surprisingly chooses to stay for another booking term. Aaron Andrews extends his TCW contract, our working agreement stopping his contract becoming written. *** SWF The World is Watching did have one decent match – Eric Eisen defending the World Heavyweight Title against Enforcer Roberts. Quite why they had Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Joey Poison defeating Larry Wood and Robbie Retro as the Main Event, I’m not sure (Wood and Poison are midcarder, Bulldozer Upper Midcarder, and only Retro normally Main Events). *** Donnie J suffers a major concussion against Snap Dragon and Fox Mask at the latest CZCW TV taping, and is out for the foreseeable future. *** After a two and a half year reign, The Lords of War finally lose the USPW Tag Team Titles – to the bizarre team of Joss Thompson and Java. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West: Frankie Perez vs Greg Gauge Jacob Jett (c) vs Joey Beauchamp for the FWE Extreme Title American Elemental vs Aaron Andrews Alicia Strong vs Steven Parker Plague and Steve Gumble vs Enforcer Roberts and Mainstream Hernandez[/QUOTE]
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Announced for FWE Presents… Unleashed from the South West: Frankie Perez vs [B]Greg Gauge[/B] [B]Jacob Jett (c)[/B] vs Joey Beauchamp for the FWE Extreme Title American Elemental vs [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs Steven Parker Plague and Steve Gumble vs [B]Enforcer Roberts and Mainstream Hernandez[/B]
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