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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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I tried to make Perez’s leaving an event, but the Main Event just blew it away. Plague’s match with Greg Gauge still rates as the best I’ve ever run, but this show is now officially my best, and it set up Aaron Andrews defending his Warrior Title against Plague, Hugh de Aske and Alicia Strong at Boldness, and was seen by a sell out 5,000 fans. *** Unleashed draws 4.79 – not a record, despite the quality (although it did peak at 5.48 when NOTBPW Crash wasn’t on). *** Frankie Perez leaves FWE, after signing a written deal with BHOTWG. One of the few originals to stay at FWE from the start (the owner Rick Sanders and Kashmir Singh being the other two), Perez was a Tag Team Champion (with Mathew Gauge), and Warrior Champion. He went 76-3-24, and his highlights were in the Tag Title feud with Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson. He was unlucky to be pushed out of the Main Event, but as he didn’t click with any of the three members of Liberation, I felt that I had no choice. However, for his services to FWE and the Tag Division, I am thankful to him. Incidentally, BHOTWG first approached Perez a week and a half ago. As their tour clashes with my TV show, this is why Perez got a beatdown, so I could run a concussion angle which would explain why he was missing for a few months. I never imagined that it would be used to explain why he was leaving the company. *** Masked Cougar is the first to arrive to a show late for a while. I… do nothing, as it’s perfectly clear that I’m a Cougar mark. *** Stevie Grayson gets a MAW contract, which will be a distraction from his normal Japanese tours. [B]August:[/B] *** At TCW, Mainstream Hernandez seems to be continuing a never ending (and unsuccessful) feud with Chance Fortune over the International Title, which is unfortunately the low-light of decent cards. *** Mathew Gauge loses one partner and gains another. As “The World’s Most Wanted Men”, he takes the DaVE Tag Titles with Bulldozer Brandon Smith. *** 5SW run their first show – time to have a look a them: [B]5SW[/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Hito Ichihara [B]Booker:[/B] Ryu Kajahara [B]Booking team:[/B] Sakurako Kagawa, Kiko Sakakibara, Taka Kahiwara, Akahito Miwa and Sadanobu Koruba [B]Main Event:[/B] Yuma Maruya, Joanne Rodriguez, Gorgon, Dragon Assassin, Tsuki Kawamta, DEVIL Karube [B]Upper Midcard:[/B] Yoko Ikina, Kiki Sakaibara, Otsune Tsumaru, Huntress Makiko, Megumi Nakajima, Fuyuko Higa [B]Midcard:[/B] Umeko Hotta, Chitose Ariwara, Yori Toyoshima, Ochiyo Iijima, Hana Ichimonji, Etsuko Arihyoshi, Ikuko Temko, Jaguar Endo, Gemmei Oonishi [B]Lower midcard:[/B] Chiyeko Kita, Miss Information, Stephanie Wade, Yukiko Matsumara [B]Opener:[/B] Nadia Snow, Nina the Psycho Ballerina, Kate Lilly Very definitely a 5SSW feel, with only Fuyuko Higa above midcard who never worked a match with 5SSW. It’s good to see some Europeans, even if low on the card (and mostly on touring contracts). Their first show rated D+ (from a D area), and three titles were won. Firstly Seek and Destroy (Makiko and Temko) won the Tag Team Titles over Chiyeko Kita and Yukiko Matsumara. The Tag Division has potential, with both Culture Shock and The Rainbow Girls active. That match rated E+, being bettered by the D+ Megumi Nakajima garnered defeating Kiki Sakaibara for the Top Contenders Title. The Main Event was rated C-, as Gorgon became the first figurehead of the company, defeating Tsuki Kawamta. The highlight of the show was the previous tag match, with Rodriguez and Maruya defeating Dragon Assassin and DEVIL Karube (which was rated C). They currently have $832,546 in their bank – I’ll update you later to see how they’re keeping it. Better than EWF, I hope, who are over $350,000 in the hole. *** At USPW, Eric Tyler takes a loss to Enygma, but in the main Event Joss Thompson picks up a win over Genghis Rahn. *** Mohammed signs up to tour with BHOTWG, and I realise that they aren’t touring this month, so Perez was always in line for a written contract. *** 5SW sign a TV deal, and will have a highlight show in place by next month. *** Masked Cougar is to tour with GCG, the place where wrestlers go to get injured. *** Joss Thompson strikes up a friendship with Ed Larkins. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West Jacob Jett (c) vs Insane Machine for the FWE Extreme Title Mathew Gauge vs Mohammed Masked Cougar, ??? and ??? vs Liberation[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West *** It’s a Liberation start to the show today, and they’re claiming that Masked Cougar will see them truly working in harmony – as a team, and he doesn’t stand a chance [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Mohammed[/COLOR] in 7.38 [B](B)[/B] -Great work by the two of these. The match was without interruption, and a focused Gauge won with the 12 Gauge. *** Mathew Gauge took a mic after the match, demanding that he got a match with Enforcer Roberts at Boldness, as he promised his mentor Frankie Perez revenge for his injury, and he will not let him down on that promise [B](B)[/B] *** Masked Cougar and American Elemental are backstage, looking at each other slightly worried. Elemental asks Cougar if he wants him to go in, but Cougar says no, saying this was his idea. He pushed through a door, and as it closes behind him, we say what is written on it – “Plague” [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] by DQ in 10.44 [B](B+)[/B] -Jacob Jett returned from Andrews’ beatdown a fortnight ago, but the commentary team noted that he didn’t seem to have fully recovered. Insane Machine tried to capitalize on this, but Jett proved resilient. However, rope breaks seemed to mean nothing to the challenger, as he ignored the ref’s five count and continued to rain in punches, earning the DQ. *** The punches continued to come down, and help came in the unlikely shape of Steve Gumble. He pulled Insane Machine away, and made sure that the champion was okay [B](C+)[/B] *** Backstage, and Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico offer one of their services for the Main Event, but Cougar tells them that they’re better off keeping away from Liberation until they get their Tag Title shot at Boldness. He shrugs, and says that he’s going to give Plague another go [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Brendan Idol[/COLOR] in 7.37 [B](B+)[/B] -This show is beginning to rock. Idol returned after a genuine injury lay off, and was fed to de Aske, who didn’t need the assist of his ringside Enforcer (Roberts). *** Hugh de Aske brought Roberts into the ring, and pretended to be staggered that someone like Mathew Gauge would dare set foot in the ring with the Silent Enforcer. That brings Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge out, and at Matt’s insistence, the match is agreed on. They also agree on another match – Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge vs Hugh de Aske and Enforcer Roberts for next week [B](B)[/B] *** First, it’s Liberation out for the Main Event, then Cougar and Elemental. Liberation don’t look too impressed when the third member turns out to be Plague, and he starts the match off[B] (B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar, Plague and American Elemental beat Liberation[/COLOR] in 20.32 [B](B)[/B] -While Cougar and Elemental worked well together, Plague kept to his own agenda, and that worked in Liberation’s advantage. Plague was strong enough to get himself out of any trouble, and it was him that ended up pinning Joss Thompson, while Cougar kept away Andrews. *** After the bell, the ring just exploded into a brawl, which caused Easy Emma to come out and demand that it all stops. It didn’t, so she threatened a suspension, which calmed down most people. Plague and Greg Gauge were lost in their brawl, and when they were eventually separated, Emma followed through in her request, suspending them from next weeks show [B](B+)[/B] [I]It’s almost as if they both work for OLLIE who are running a show next Saturday[/I] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I]
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What a show – from top to bottom, that was about as consistent as NOTBPW seem to put out. Not a sell out (4,798 people was close), but one of the shows I’m most proud of. *** Despite the good show, Uneashed drops to 4.67, and I’m beginning to feel the falling industry and economy. *** 5SW add another tag team, Ochiyo Iijima and Hana Ichimonji (a generated all rounder), who will wrestle as Club Enigma 2000. Elsewhere in the division, The Rainbow Girls fail with their first title shot. *** After Mainstream Hernandez’s failed attempts, Grouch Bling steps up to take the TCW Arena Championship off Chance Fortune. *** At USPW, Eric Tyler gets a revenge win against Enygma, but Hugh de Aske suffers a defeat to Runaway Train. *** SWF Welcome to the Jungle goes to the UK. I’ve never been so glad (selfishly so, for Enforcer Robert’s overness) that SWF have no PPV deal. *** Yoshimi Moshashibo defeats Mito Miwa, and is now six times PGHW Glory Crown Holder. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England Jimmy Cox vs Mohammed Steve Gumble vs Insane Machine Angel de Mexico vs Joss Thompson Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge vs Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske Aaron Andrews (c) vs Brendan Idol in a non-title match[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England *** Aaron Andrews started the show, and admitted that in the last few weeks he’s become focused on ridding FWE of masked wrestlers, but knows that would cost him. Next week, as well as the masked weakling, Plague, he’ll also take on Alicia Strong and Hugh de Aske for his title. So tonight, he’s getting his match out of the way early, so he can do some scouting. He addresses he challengers, and tells them he’s focused on them more than ever now – and a focused Andrews has never been beaten [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Brendan Idol [/COLOR]in a non-title match in 6.45 [B](B-)[/B] -Idol had one rally. Apart from that he was beaten down. *** Mathew Gauge is shown with Alicia Strong, and he’s worried about what affect Andrews will have on their match. Strong tries to calm him down – telling him that’s for her to worry about. He needs to use the match to feel out Roberts, ready for his big match next week [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jimmy Cox beat Mohammed[/COLOR] in 4.52 [B](B-)[/B] -Random match of the day, as Cox has contract renegotiations coming up. Not too happy that I refused to use him when he was injured, I proved to him that I would use him when fit, and got a surprisingly good match out of him and the recently pushed Mohammed. Think it’s the first time we’ve seen the Immortal Driver at FWE. *** Backstage again, and Jett’s talking with Steve Gumble, who saved him from an Insane Machine attack last week. Gumble tells him not to worry – he’ll be happy enough if he wins the next match, as whoever does will take on Jett for the Extreme Title at Boldness [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 11.09 [B](C+)[/B] -Pull out an A* match, like Insane Machine did two weeks ago, and your reward is to job out for the next two weeks. Harsh. Gumble could only win with a school boy, though, as Jett watched from commentary. *** Insane Machine beckoned into the crowd, and a large man jumped the barrier, and slid into the ring. As the cameras revealed it to be [B]Big Cat Brandon[/B], he delivered a Big Cat Drop to Gumble, before he was chased off by Jacob Jett [B](C+)[/B] *** Joss Thompson cut a quick promo, accepting that he was best known for his tag work, but Angel de Mexico would find out that he was equally adept alone in the ring next [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 5.49 [B](B)[/B] -Angel just isn’t on the level of Thompson, and fell to the Clean Cutter. *** Even after the match, Thompson locked in the Joss Lock, but was forced to break it when Fox Mask hit him with a leg drop from the top rope, rescuing his partner [B](D+)[/B] *** Fortunately, Hugh de Aske put us right back on track with an excellent promo, telling Aaron Andrews to watch closely, and find out what he was missing out on all this time [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts and Hugh de Aske beat Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge[/COLOR] in 19.05 [B](B)[/B] -Good match, with all four wrestlers showing off their talents in the ring. Strong / de Aske and Gauge / Roberts were mostly kept apart, just teasing the matches to come next week. The key point came when Andrews left commentary to drop Strong’s neck on the ropes, which allowed de Aske to hit the Cut Throat Driver for the win. *** Andrews smugly raised his title above the ring, supremely confident that he had the upper hand going towards Boldness [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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3,966 is our lowest attendance for a while, and admittedly we had previously announced that one of our top workers, Plague, would not be in attendance. That didn’t stop the rest of our workers stepping up to the plate and putting on a good show. *** Unleashed drops to 4.65. *** Big Cat Brandon joins on a talent exchange with DaVE. Since his Unified Title run in 2007 he’s been criminally under-pushed, with just one tag title reign (with Mario Heroic). American Elemental goes the other way. *** Sports America offer us a four season extension, but we’re happy signing for two. *** Steve Flash signs an extension, and he’s worth every penny. *** At NYCW Showdown there’s two title changes, both in decent matches. First Rudy Velasquez takes the Regional Title from Kid Toma for his first ever title run, then Johnny Martin defeats Sam Pratt for the Empire Title. *** We all know that some workers like to boast, but I read a story today about egomaniac Mohammed claiming to be the real star of FWE. He didn’t take doing the job to Cox very well, but may finding himself having to lay down for a few other people after those comments. *** Extraordinario Jr signs a nine month deal, after showing promise in his short term run with us. Meanwhile, long term target Willie Hayes signs a new written deal with INSPIRE. I’ve never been able to sign him due to his contracts with GCG and PGHW. Looks like I’ll never be able to now. *** Meanwhile, PGHW Glory Crown Holder, Yoshimi Mushashibo signs to a movie deal, and leaves PGHW temporarily to start filming “Lady Stardust”. They’ve got two weeks left of their current tour, but he may miss the whole of the next tour, so have vacated the Title. *** Enforcer Roberts leaves SWF after 14 years of service, and now has FWE as his major contract. He is touring with PGHW, but is rarely used there. *** Ed Larkins, he of a 0-1-19 record in his two FWE stints, signs for another 9 months. Looking at his relationships, he’s dating Missy Masterson… who just misses by B- Basic and Athleticism requirements. *** It took three and a half years, but The Heartbreakers finally drop the RIPW Tag Team Titles to Roger Dodger and Aristocrat. Still don’t think Raphael or Justin Sensitive are what SWF are looking for. *** Nobuatsu Tatsuka claims the vacant PGHW Glory Crown in a match with Eisaku Kunomasu. Although his third reign, it’s his first since the end of 2007. *** Mathew Gauge gets a huge boost before his match with Enforcer Roberts at Boldness – and that’s his second DaVE belt. He already holds the Tag Team Titles, but he also takes the Brass Knuckles Title from Shawn Gonzalez, in a match also featuring Nathan Coleman. *** All the years teaming together, and now Ed Larkins and Duberry Excess are now good friends. This at a point in time when they’re actually rivals at 4C, rather than a regular team. *** The Natural drops his NOTBPW Unlimited Title to Shane Nelson, while at USPW Apple Pie and Baseball, Joss Thompson is fed to T-Rex. Thanks. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from New England Steve Flash vs Big Cat Brandon Kashmir Singh vs Rick Sanders Brendan Idol vs Mohammed Jimmy Cox vs Enforcer Roberts[/QUOTE] To be immediately followed by FWE Presents… Boldness, live on PPV!
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England *** The contenders for the Warrior Title hit the ring one by one, hyping themselves, until Aaron Andrews hits the ring, pointing out that Plague is at an advantage, having not fought last week. Plague smiles, and says that he’ll do something no-one else is brave enough to do – wrestle twice tonight [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Big Cat Brandon beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] in 6.12 [B](B-)[/B] -Brandon bullies Flash, and Insane Machine provides the assist. *** Big Cat Brandon hauls Flash above him, when Masked Cougar and American Elemental come out to the top of the stage, armed with mics. Cougar does most of the talking, telling Insane Machine that he seems to be the one man that doesn’t really care about what Liberation do, dishonouring the mask that he wears. He says that he and Elemental will show him a thing or to about honour, as they have been signed up for a tag match with him and his new friend, Brandon, later tonight[B] (B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Kashmir Singh [/COLOR]in 5.50 [B](C-)[/B] -Pre PPV filler. *** Steve Gumble is out back, propositioning (not in that way) Jacob Jett. Gumble says that tonight they should go back to the old way that the Extreme Title was defended – two men stealing the show, showing their skills, in a ladder match. Jett tried to speak, but Gumble goes on, prophesising the that the highilight of Boldness will be him taking down the Extreme Title, to become the newest champion at FWE. Jett tells him that he’s willing to steal the show – but he’s not giving up his title, so he better fight as well as he talks [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Brendan Idol beat Mohammed[/COLOR] in 7.56 [B](B)[/B] -Idol gets his first win back in a decent encounter… which I seem to be getting more and more of from Mohammed. He won with a Key Change from the top rope. *** Idol didn’t have time to celebrate, when Rick Sanders clubbed him down from behind, before leaving the ring shouting insults back over his shoulder [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Fuyuko Higa beat Dragon Assassin and Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] in 6.01 [B](C-)[/B] -A surprise ladies match, with the quality significantly outweighing the recognition factor. Higa got the win, pinning Tsumaru after a Higa Green Driver. *** We got a quick graphic flashing up, informing everyone that Brendan Idol vs Rick Sanders had been added to tonight’s Boldness card [B](C)[/B] *** Alicia Strong was next, but she wasn’t talking about her match, she was telling Mathew Gauge to go out and watch the next match, and learn everything he could about his opponent for later [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 9.50 [B](B-)[/B] -First time these two have met at FWE, although they have faced one another in Japan before. Roberts took it slowly, wearing down Cox, as Mathew Gauge looked on. As Cox tapped to the RCT, Roberts had his eyes locked on his young opponent for later tonight. *** Plague came down to the ring for the Maine Event, when the music of Aaron Andrews hit. He strood down to the ring, but was met by ref Farrah Hesketh, who ordered him away. He protested his innocence, and eventually took a seat with the commentary team [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 6.37 [B](B)[/B] -Plague dominated until Andrews stood up, distracting Plague and Hesketh, allowing an unseen low blow. It just simply wasn’t enough, and with Hesketh ensuring that Andrews didn’t interfere, Plague won with a Memory Remains. *** Andrews slid into the ring, trading insults with Plague as Hesketh desperately tried to keep them apart. That brought Alicia Strong out, who invited the two stars in the ring to brawl, and wear themselves out for later. That stopped them, but didn’t stop Hugh de Aske creeping up behind Strong, and leaving her down on the floor after a neckbreaker. In the confusion, Andrews got in a punch on Plague, before high tailing it out of the ring [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I] *** A pre PPV warm up scoring a B – I’m happy with that! [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents... [B]Boldness[/B] on PPV: Brendan Idol vs Rick Sanders American Elemental and Masked Cougar vs Insane Machine and Big Cat Brandon Mathew Gauge vs Enforcer Roberts Jacob Jett (c) vs Steve Gumble for the FWE Extreme Title Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) vs Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico for the FWE Tag Team Titles Aaron Andrews (c) vs Plague vs Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents... Boldness[/B] on PPV: *** We had a Main Event hype video open the show, which made all four competitors look good [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) beat Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Tag Team Titles in 11.52 [B](C+)[/B] -Well, we ignored this match in the last show, just giving the champions hype in the time between the events, so an upset really wasn’t on the cards. Joss Thompson pinned Angel de Mexico after a Clean Cutter. *** The champions left and met up with Aaron Andrews out back, and they did a little anti-masked speel. The Warrior Champion pointed out that there was a definitive line – with them, or against them, and for those choosing to be against them, they should also expect to feel the wrath of Liberation [B](B)[/B] *** Brendon Idol came out, acting like a pop star, but Rick Sanders cut him off, telling the youngster that he was neither a singer or wrestler, and would be disposed of next [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Brendan Idol beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] by DQ in 8.55 [B](B-)[/B] -These two do have history, with two draws between them, before Idol got the one decisive victory. He looked like he was going to make it two, when Mohammed dragged him down from the tope rope before kicking him full in the face, earning the DQ. *** Sanders pushed the ref out of the ring, and egged Mohammed on to land another stiff kick, leaving Idol down and out [B](C-)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske hyped the Main Event, pointing out that he was neither with nor against Liberation’s crusade against funny men in masks. However, he was after titles, and this was his first title shot at FWE – and it was the big one. He knows that chances like this don’t come along very often, and he insists that he’ll take this one [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental and Masked Cougar beat Insane Machine and Big Cat Brandon[/COLOR] in 16.44 [B](B)[/B] -I wish I could sign some workers to spice up FWE a bit, but my B- basics / athleticism rules out most brawlers. As this was Brandon’s last appearance, it was no surprise that he took the pin from Masked Cougar. *** A furious Insane Machine hit Brandon with a Termination Kick before storming off, and on the egging on of the crowd, Cougar hit a Cougar Calling Moonsault of the DaVE man, Elemental following it with an Inferno Splash. Use him then lose him [B](B-)[/B] *** Alicia Strong and Mathew Gauge cut a joint promo, saying that they would gain ultimate revenge for Frankie Perez by defeating the man who put him out of action, and taking the title off the man to end Perez’s Warrior Title reign (that’s Enforcer Roberts and Aaron Andrews for those not following at home) [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 16.37 [B](B+)[/B] -Gumble may have lost in two PPV’s straight, but they’ve been the best two matches of his career. We told the two men to give it everything, and they truly tried to make it the highlight of the show, risking their bodies as they flew from the ladders. Gumble’s Savate Kick from half way up the ladder was awesome, but he took too long to recover, and Jett walked the ladder out of reach of the title. The finish came when they were both fighting at the top of a ladder, when Jett got his body underneath Gumble and flipped him over his head, off the ladder, clearing the way to the title. *** We cut backstage – and Aaron Andrews and Plague are in the middle of a yelling match, surrounded by half the locker-room, who aren’t willing to interfere. It takes Head Ref, Farrah Hesketh, and Easy Emma to separate the two, but Andrews yells at Plague that he better watch his back, which doesn’t seem to phase the former champion at all [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] in 30.37 [B](B)[/B] -Huge upset, as Mathew Gauge managed to get revenge over the man that put his mentor out of action, and get the biggest singles win of his career to boot. Twice Enforcer Roberts had the RCT applied, the first time Gauge managed to get to the ropes. The second time the youngster tried everything to get to the ropes, but couldn’t managed it. Roberts went to slightly alter his hold, and Gauge used the opportunity to slip out, and perfectly switched into applying the Proton Lock. It was locked in extremely tightly, and Roberts held out in pain, before eventually tapping to the cheers of the crowd. *** Mathew Gauge sunk to his knees, before staggering out of the ring, to find Alicia Strong. They hugged, Strong telling Mathew Gauge that Frankie Perez would have seen that, and he would have been proud. Gauge smiled, and told Strong that next was her turn, and he could feel it was their night [B](B+)[/B] *** As Alicia Strong moved away, Hugh de Aske sidled up to her, and said that she’s found her weakness – the love sick puppy she carried around with her. Strong told de Aske to get a life, before becoming the first challenger to the ring [B](B+)[/B] *** After Strong came de Aske, before Plague’s music hit. He was barely out before Aaron Andrews attacked from behind, dropping the masked man with a title shot. This brought a moment of unity from Alicia Strong and Hugh de Aske, who slid from the ring and joining in the fight – which went on for several minutes, included several “hardcore” shots, before they eventually got back into the ring for the match to begin [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Plague, Alicia Strong and Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 23.12 [B](B+)[/B] -Plague had taken the worst of the fight outside the ring, and Strong also sported a large cut (although she’s proved before that a little cut never stops her). To counter that, much of the start of the match was Hugh de Aske vs Aaron Andrews, a singles delight yet to be seen at FWE of TCW (perhaps I should make sure that I put on that show before Cornell). Plague and Strong all had their turns, and despite a Standing Hot Shot, Butterfly Effect and Creeping Death, there was always someone around to break up any pin attempt. The Tag Champions were out to support Andrews – or at least to allow him to hit some illegal moves as Hesketh tried to make them leave the ring. Plague forced the issue though – taking them both out with a flying crossbody over the ropes, that had the unfortunate side affect of taking him out of the match. Hugh de Aske hit the Cut Throat Driver on Alicia Strong, but was instantly deposited from the ring by Andrews, allowing him to steal the pin on Strong. *** Aaron Andrews posed with his title, having once more defeated all his challengers, leaving the announcers to question whether or not anyone could stop him [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I]
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What a show – strong, with good backstage segments, and in ring action. 12,043 people saw two great shows, where no titles changed hands, but Mathew Gauge did get a huge win over Enforcer Roberts. Mathew Gauge popularity now far outstrips his brother’s (a large reversal from a couple of months ago), ranging from B to A in the US. Only Andrews, Strong, Plague, de Aske and Easy Emma are more popular (all being at overness A or better across the states). *** Unleashed drew 4.80, while Boldness drew 1.83, and that a record. *** Big Cat Brandon leaves FWE, having only been signed to provide Insane Machine with a partner. Nothing against the big man, but we can’t sign him, so couldn’t make long term plans for him. *** I politely ignore all my fatigue e-mails that I get sent – even though Brendan Idol sent me two – one for each show he worked on! *** Fuyuka Higa land badly on her head outside the ring in a match against Yuma Maruya. In the week after I gave Higa her first win, it looks as if she’ll be out for the rest of the year. *** I say – Hugh de Aske Main Event TCW showdown (in defeat to Eddie Peak). Suddenly losing Mainstream Herndanez, who is struggling to make an impact (although his loss to Zimmy Bumfhole this week was one of his better loses), is not so big of a deal. *** USPW run their first stinker of a show for a while. Eric Tyler was reduced to Tag Team duty with Runaway Train, and the Main Event of Enygma defeating Charlie Thatcher… sucked. *** EWF’s owner and head booker, Loius Figo Manico and Captain Hero, are pulling off “B-“ matches at will – but not drawing in the crowd to pay their bills. *** Extraordinario Jr signs to tour with GCG, where he’ll be joined by Big Cat Brandon, while at 21CW, Joss Thompson strikes up friendship with Arthur Tuttle. *** Thompson’s busy, as he inks a new USPW contract. This is actually largely disappointing, as USPW have a TV deal, and every so often decide to put a “talented” wrestler like Enygma over him, which isn’t doing his overness any good. And, annoyingly, if his USPW contract had come up a few weeks ago, he would have never re-signed, as the role that he was on would have definitely had him thinking that he’s too big for them. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic: Jacob Jett (c) vs Steve Gumble for the FWE Extreme Title And we will have new number one contenders for the FWE Tag Team Titles and FWE Warrior Title by the end of the show.[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic [COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 10.54 [B](C)[/B] -A rematch from Boldness, but not as a ladder match. Also missing was any of the pace and excitement of the original, before Jett pulled out the win. *** Liberation were out, and as usual, they wished to proclaim their dominance over FWE[B] (B)[/B]. Easy Emma agreed that they were champions now, but everyone needed challengers. Masked Cougar and American Elemental would face off with Rick Sanders and Mohammed for the right for a Tag Team Title shot, but that was only the beginning of the action. Also, four wrestlers would fight against the clock against mystery opponents for the right to challenge Aaron Andrews for the Warrior Title – and if their opponents could get a win, they’d be rewarded with an Extreme Title shot. The four wrestlers will be those that competed in the Main Event last week – Strong, Plague and de Aske, and up first the man who got a huge upset win last week – Mathew Gauge [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat The Gambler[/COLOR] in 5.36 [B](B-)[/B] -Mathew came out flying, but The Gambler showed quickness around the ring that told Gauge that he’d not be picking up the early win. Gauge also realised that wearing his opponent down for the Proton Lock was not an option, and instead got the pinfall win after the 12 Gauge. *** We cut backstage, and Greg Gauge snorts at the result of the match to his partners. He absolutely guarantees Aaron Andrews that there is no way that his brother will get the title shot at the end of all this [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar and American Elemental beat Rick Sanders and Mohammed[/COLOR] in 10.50 [B](C+)[/B] -I think Sanders and Mohammed may well stay a tag team for a while, but couldn’t get the win here. American Elemental picked up the win with an Inferno Splash on Mohammed. *** The two masked men had time for a quick interview after leaving the win, reminding the Tag Champions that they had got nowhere in their quest to remove them from FWE, and would now have to put their titles on the line to go any further [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Dragon Assassin and Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] in 5.39 [B](C+)[/B] -Hugh de Aske joined commentary, and was disgusted that Alicia Strong was only taking on girls. When Rock Downpour pointed out that she was facing two opponents, he claimed he could take on as many girls as he wanted. He went quiet when reminded that he had never pinned Alicia Strong in one on one action. Strong was dominant in the ring, but having two opponents certainly slowed her down. She took both out with a Butterfly Effect, but de Aske pulled Tsumaru’s foot onto the bottom rope to break the pin. Strongn pulled Dragon Assassin into the middle and eventually made the pin, but it was two seconds too late. *** Strong let de Aske know her mind, but he casually ignored her, slowly removing his jacket in preperation for his match [B](B+)[/B] *** We had time to cut backstage, where Joss Thompson had a grin on his face, telling Greg that he may have underestimated his brother. Greg told him to keep quiet – he might just need him to help out later (B) [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 6.07 [B](B-)[/B] -Angel de Mexico came the closest so far to pulling out an upset, with Downpour reminding everyone that the opponents weren’t lambs to the slaughter – they were challenging for an Extreme Title shot. Gradually de Aske took over, and as he set up for a Cut Throat Driver, the music of Alicia Strong hit. De Aske threw de Mexico down, but was confused when Strong didn’t appear. He almost fell to a roll up, before finally hitting the Cut Throat Driver on Mexico. Nevertheless, the damage had been done – de Aske went over the six minute mark, and Mathew Gauge still led the field. *** Hugh de Aske picked up a mic, and he was absolutely furious. He accused Alicia Strong to finally stooping to his low level, proving once and for all she had no honour or respect. De Aske announces that as he has been screwed out of a title shot, he can finally gain the one thing he has yet to get at FWE – a singles win over the self proclaimed Queen of FWE – Alicia Strong [B](B+)[/B] *** Plague comes to the ring, and we await for his challenger – before cutting to out back, and seeing the Tag Team Champions beating down Fox Mask. Downpour says that now we really know how much Greg doesn’t want his brother to get a title shot, before a stunned Fox Mask gets shoved down to the ring [B](C) [/B] [COLOR="blue"]Plague beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 3.42 [B](A)[/B] -Plague was not happy, and didn’t go straight for the pin, but as the clock ticked down, he realised it was win the match or lose a title shot. So he won the match. Easily. [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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4,842 people, and it was a reasonably show from the Mid Atlantic (i.e., not what we’d expect from one of our two homes). The Extreme Title rematch was definitely a disappointment, but fans seemed to rave about Plague’s anguish shown in defeating Fox Mask in the Main Event. *** Unleashed hits 4.74. We run an extra show from Canada… as we can now we’re more financially viable. [B]FWE Presents... Invasion[/B] from Ontario (attendance 1,000) [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) beat Jimmy Cox and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Tag Team Titles [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong beat Otsune Tsumaru[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Steve Flash[/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Brendon Idol[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title [B](B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I] (which isn’t bad as we are D- overness in Canada) *** Perhaps of some significance was a post match attack on Jacob Jett by Enforcer Roberts. Or maybe they were two of the more well known people in Canada. We’ll have to wait to Unleashed to see. [B]September:[/B] *** EWF finally go under. They did give Europe some decent matches. *** The new network schedules are released – and NOTBPW Crash is over. They have two more shows, but now longer do I have to go head to head with one of the big two in North America when on TV on Saturday night. Of much less importance I also get to use Trent Shaffer again. The only new TV show to start up is the 5SW highlight show. *** The wrestling world is mourning at the loss of Sessue Kawate, the BHOTWG worker. The first wrestling death in four years, but his persistent drug use will likely have been a factor. He was a former 2 time BHOTWG Tag Team Champion. *** My friend, Otsune Tsumaru, gets another contract extension. What are you saying? *** I like Aaron Andrews. TCW must like Aaron Andrews – as he’s just Main Evented TCW Hotter Than Hell. He failed in his World Heavyweight Title shot against Joey Minnesota. *** As I schedule this month’s PPV, I realise that my Mohammed / Rick Sanders Tag plans will have to be on hold, as Mohammed is touring with BHOTWG for a while, and will also miss my PPV. *** Jimmy Cox’s contract comes around (well, it has been for a while, but he keeps renewing with his other promotions), and he asks for a large raise, and a downside. Well, I’m rich, he’s talented, everyone’s happy (well, perhaps he'd like to win a match once in a while). *** Another PPV Main Eventer, and this time Mathew Gauge’s DaVE Unified Title attempt fails to Eric Tyler (who still holds the main title in both DaVE and USPW). *** What do you know – 5SW have made a profit. Of $204, but that’s a profit. *** Enforcer Roberts signs for another INSPIRE tour. I’m beginning to wonder if he wants to end his career in MMA. *** BHOTWG failed to get World Champion Bruce the Giant to tour with them again, so their Kawate tribute show see’s a new champion crowned – Kinnoji Hirro beginning his second reign after defeating Eisaku Hoshino. *** SWF finally get a new PPV deal, having been without one for a couple of months. *** Greg Gauge signs to tour with WLW – expect him to have a bigger influence than his two matches he got for PGHW two years ago. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) vs Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask in a non title match Brendan Idol vs Ed Larkins Hugh de Aske vs Otsune Tsumaru and Dragon Assassin Jacob Jett (c) vs Rick Sanders for the FWE Extreme Title Mathew Gauge and Plague vs Aaron Andrews and Insane Machine[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West [COLOR="Blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] by DQ in 7.53 [B](B)[/B] -Infinitely better than last week’s Extreme opener, but no decisive result as Enforcer Roberts followed up his Canadian attack with an attack on Jett here, getting him DQ’d. *** Big man angry (at something), little man… little. Little man gets beaten up [B](B+)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews is backstage, furious at his partners. He claims that Greg Gauge’s petty family feud has meant that he has to face the psychotic Plague once more. And not just that – but he’s being punished, by getting Insane Machine dumped on him in the Main Event. Joss Thompson tried to say something, but was cut off instantly by Andrews, telling them to just get one thing right, and win the next match[B] (B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) beat Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask[/COLOR] in a non title match in 9.57 [B](B)[/B] -These teams have put on a good series of matches, but it’s time for the champs to move on with new opponents, so they got the decisive win here. *** Easy Emma stood up, and suggests that the punishment should not be finished yet. Next week Greg Gauge will be busy taking on Masked Cougar, leaving Aaron Andrews and Joss Thompson nothing for them to do. Well, she’s found a solution. They can face Fox Mask, Angel de Mexico… and Plague [B](A)[/B]! [COLOR="blue"]Brendan Idol beat Ed Larkins [/COLOR]in 5.15 [B](B-)[/B] -Decent encounter, but we know who Idol is, and not Larkins. So Idol won. *** Brendon Idol took a mic after the match, and directed his attention towards Rick Sanders. He notes that he’s been abandoned by his thug Mohammed, so maybe at Happiness they should have one more fight – this one, for a change, might just be fair [B](B)[/B] *** Mathew Gauge finds Plague somewhere… dark, and tries to talk to him about the match tonight. Plague ignores him, and Mathew just shrugs, pointing out that he’s not the one with a title match down the line – what does he care what happens to Andrews [B](B+)[/B]? [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Otsune Tsumaru and Dragon Assassin[/COLOR] in 5.07 [B](B-)[/B] -I think de Aske was making a point here, and two Cut Throat Drivers and a pin quicker than Alicia Strong managed last week made it. *** Alicia Strong appeared on the screen, and asked Hugh de Aske what he had proved. He could defeat women, she could defeat women. But could he defeat her? Strong says that she knows the answer, but if they have to find out once more, so be it – she’ll be waiting for de Aske at Happiness [B](B+)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews tried to talk to Insane Machine, and had about as much luck as Mathew Gauge did [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge and Plague beat Aaron Andrews and Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 18.51 [B](B+)[/B] -Minor epic, with Plague deciding that he did have a vested interest in fighting Andrews, and Insane Machine always happy for any fight. All four men had their chances of success, but it was Mathew Gauge who got the pin on Insane Machine, as Plague and Andrews brawled outside. *** Mathew Gauge baseball slid into Andrews, and then raised Plague’s hand in celebration. Plague ripped it back down, surveyed the scene, and left, leaving Mathew to shrug, and enjoy his victory [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B+[/I]
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*** 5,040 people attended. Either there were too many people in the building or… yes… we’ve pulled an Infinity and booked the V. Thompson Arena. Fortunately the V’s one of the smaller arenas around. As for the show, it was good. And Insane Machine was used too much. *** Unleashed jumps up to 5.69, gaining almost a point now that we don’t clash with NOTBPW. *** It’s Angel de Mexico contract time… and I’m unsure. He’s asking a lot, and although he had a good Tag Team feud, the question is what’s next for him? *** Losing a TV show hasn’t slowed down NOTBPW, where Dark Angel wins the Unlimited Action Title from Shane Nelson, for his first title reign in two years. *** Ash Campbell wins his second career title at SWF, the Top Contender Title off Todd Hart. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the Mid Atlantic Masked Cougar vs Greg Gauge Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh vs The Gambler and Casey Valentine Mathew Gauge vs Ed Larkins Jacob Jett and Brendon Idol vs Enforcer Roberts and Rick Sanders Plague, Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico vs Aaron Andrews and Joss Thompson [/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic [COLOR="Blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Ed Larkins[/COLOR] in 4.42[B] (B)[/B] -Mathew Gauge came out of the match looking good, and that’s what this easy win was meant to do. *** After the match Insane Machine, who Mathew pinned in the Main Event last week, enters the ring to give the youngster a Termination Kick, before making a quick exit [B](B-)[/B] *** Backstage, and it’s Liberation time. Andrews is still not happy, being stuck in a handicap Main Event, and tells his colleagues not to step out of line, as it’s him who’s getting into trouble [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar drew with Greg Gauge[/COLOR] in 12.08 [B](B)[/B] -Remarkably, the first ever match between these two, setting up their Tag Team Title match at Happiness. Both had there partners ringside, both had an affect, leaving the ref to give up and call it a draw. *** Before the two teams can fight too much, Easy Emma stops them, and says that next week it’ll be American Elemental vs Joss Thompson, with partners banned from ringside [B](B+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske is out back, when a pretty young woman (who many fans recognise as Dawn the Cheerleader) rushed up to him. She swoons over him, telling him that she’s his hero, and fully supports him against the nasty Alicia Strong. De Aske smiles, and tells the lady to meet him in the ring after the next match [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh beat The Gambler and Casey Valentine[/COLOR] in 6.08 [B](C-)[/B] -Quiet interlude… but everyone played their roles well, Steve Flash coming out of the match looking good, pinning Valentine after the Flash Bang. *** The young lady came out slightly nervously, before Hugh de Aske strolled out with a big grin on his face, and bottle in his hand. He took a mic, and told everyone that this is what women should be – subservient, looking up to great warriors like him. He tells Alicia Strong that she should consider her place, as she should be acting like this pretty young lady. The lady plants a large kiss on de Aske’s lips, and rolls him against the ropes. He comes out with an even bigger grin when he sees that the lady’s handcuffed him to the ropes, and asks her if she likes it kinky? She smiles, and rolls out of the ring, and de Aske’s look of confusion soon changes to anger as Alicia Strong’s music hits, and she comes out, shaking the other ladies hand. Once in the ring, Strong claims that the only women who would be subservient to him are priate wenches – and he’s a couple of years to late for that. As de Aske shouts in anger, Strong views the bottle, shaking her head at the poor quality of it. She says that only a pirate could stomach this, and proceeds to pour it over de Aske, before leaving the ring laughing [B](A*)[/B] *** Brendan Idol and Jacob Jett cut a promos against their opponents tonight, who they’ll individually meet at Happiness, but couldn’t fail to chuckle at Hugh de Aske’s predicament [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts and Rick Sanders beat Jacob Jett and Brendon Idol[/COLOR] in 9.31 [B](B+)[/B] -Hmm, top quality match which was the classic tale of heels against plucky underdogs. Which unfortunately ended with Roberts pinning Idol after he slipped on the still wet mat. *** Aaron Andrews and Joss Thompson are out for the Main Event, with Andrews taking the time to ensure that ref Farrah Hesketh made sure that the mat was completely dried [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews and Joss Thompson beat Plague, Fox Mask and Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 13.07 [B](B-)[/B] -While Plague was in the ring he dominated, but his colleagues couldn’t quite keep up their end of the bargain. He did try to break up Andrews’ pin on Mexico, but this only forced Hesketh into a surprising quick count, ensuring the fair finish. *** Plague was furious was Hesketh, but took his eye off the ball and was blindsided by Andrews. Add to the fact that Andrews had a chair in his hand, and it made contact with Plague’s head, the Warrior Champion definitely ended the show on a high [B](A)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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I pulled another Infinity (his spirit lives on), with 5,067 attendees and 4,933 empty seats. Why I keep picking Medium size venues, I’ll never know. For a change, an angle was the talk of the show, with Alicia Strong’s humiliation of Hugh de Aske with the help of Dawn the Cheerleader. Dawn was never named in the segment, as I’m currently grooming her as the manager of a new signing in dark matches, but just happened to be in the right place at the right time to take part in a killer segment. *** Unleashed scores a 5.50. *** Hugh de Aske signs a new contract with USPW. This is quite weird, as de Aske is one of the Top 10 popular workers in the US, and I wouldn’t expect him to re-sign for either me or USPW, who are both at Cult. Strange. It’ll also be annoying when he starts losing again to other USPW “talents” (I’m thinking Enygma here). *** Champagne Lover makes 13 months before losing the RIPW Championship – will this see a main roster call up? Grandmaster Phunk wins the title. *** What happens at USPW United States on Pain (on PPV)? Hugh de Aske gets fed to Runaway Train. Admittedly, at “B” rating, it’s the best match in USPW history, and admittedly it wasn’t the result on the card that upset me the most. That was Eric Tyler’s World Title run finally ending to Enygma of all people. *** Then the next night, de Aske loses to Charlie Thatcher. *** I approach Rolling Johnny Stones over him coming back to FWE (where he previously managed a less than impressive 0-10 record), but he wants the money of a midcarder, so negotiations never get off the ground. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England Jimmy Cox vs Enforcer Roberts Extraordinario Jr. vs Insane Machine American Elemental vs Joss Thompson Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh vs Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]*** Hugh de Aske signs a new contract with USPW. This is quite weird, as de Aske is one of the Top 10 popular workers in the US, and I wouldn’t expect him to re-sign for either me or USPW, who are both at Cult. Strange. It’ll also be annoying when he starts losing again to other USPW “talents” (I’m thinking Enygma here).[/QUOTE] I'm guessing that either his overall popularity is b- or less or that his popularity in the Southeast is b- or less. That should allow a cult sized promotion to re-sign him.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;370171]I'm guessing that either his overall popularity is b- or less or that his popularity in the Southeast is b- or less. That should allow a cult sized promotion to re-sign him.[/QUOTE] That's why I'm surprised - his overness across the US ranges from A-A*. Not a bad re-signing for a Cult promotion. I expect it must be something to do with my working agreement with TCW (where he also works) changing his re-signing criteria for his third promotion
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[QUOTE=eayragt;370869]That's why I'm surprised - his overness across the US ranges from A-A*. Not a bad re-signing for a Cult promotion. I expect it must be something to do with my working agreement with TCW (where he also works) changing his re-signing criteria for his thrid promotion[/QUOTE] Now that is strange unless he is a booker there, or has some kind of loyalty relationship. According to one of Adam's posts, if they are over 75% popularity, which is at B range, that is usually the trigger point where they refuse to sign with a cult level. Maybe that was changed in a later patch.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from New England *** Hugh de Aske storms out to start the show, not happy at the humiliation he received at the hands of Alicia Strong last week, He blames it on all pretty boys, and calls out one of them, Brendan Idol, who dared to laugh at him, out for a match right now [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Brendon Idol[/COLOR] in 7.49 [B](C+)[/B] -Brendan Idol came at de Aske confidently, but the pirate seemed more focused than he had ever been before. He just would not stay down, and when Rick Sanders knocked Idol from the top rope, de Aske put him away with a Cut Throat Driver. *** Alicia Strong appeared on the screen, watching a TV and laughing to herself. The camera pans round to see Hugh de Aske being soaked last week, before focusing back on Strong. She addresses de Aske, saying that’s how she will always remember Hugh de Aske – a sexist pig, and an easy target. Hugh goes ape in the ring, but only has Idol to kick before leaving the ring [B](B+)[/B] *** Jacob Jett comes out and cuts an interview on Enforcer Roberts, saying he knows the reason that he’s been attacked by the man – because he’s the Extreme Champion. He says that he knows the risks of being champion, and relishes them – he’s been attacked, beaten, bloodied, but at the end of it all, he’s always remained the champion [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Enforcer Roberts beat Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 7.38 [B](B-)[/B] -Jett joined commentary, and watched a comfortable RCT inspired win for Thursday’s opponent. *** Roberts and Jett shared a stare off, but they were going to be civil enough to wait until Happiness to settle it [B](B)[/B] *** Liberation time, Aaron Andrews taking the lead, saying that he’s not sure that Plague will turn up to Happiness after the beating he got last week. His title is secure, and he tells Thompson to keep the momentum to keep their titles when he faces American Elemental [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Extraordinario Jr. [/COLOR]in 5.37 [B](C+)[/B] -Insane Machine was off his game tonight, but we’ll put that down to his hectic travel schedule. He won with a Termination Kick that caused the Mexican to simply crumple to the floor. *** Mathew Gauge was watching the match out back with Masked Cougar and American Elemental, and winced when he saw a replay of the Termination Kick. Elemental tells him not to worry – avoid the Kick on Thursday, and he should be fine. Mathew returns the complement, telling that they have nothing to fear in their Tag Title shot, and he can’t wait to see the title taken from his undeserving brother [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat American Elemental [/COLOR]in 14.33 [B](B)[/B] -Amazingly, like Cougar / Greg Gauge last week, this was another first meeting between these long time FWE employees. It was also by far and away the most competitive match of the night, with both of the competitors partners having been banned from ringside last week. Unfortunately Aaron Andrews wasn’t, and Farrah Hesketh somehow missed his assist, which delivered Elemental to Thompson for the Clean Cutter. *** Greg Gauge came out to join his Liberation partners, soon followed by Masked Cougar to help his colleague. However, Liberation were the ones to force the Tag Challengers from the ring under their terms, Joss then staying ringside for the Main Event [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews and Greg Gauge beat Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 7.44 [B](B+)[/B] -Wow, some slightly underperformed angles were completely made up for in this great, if one sided, Main Event. Along with Jimmy Cox, Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh are two talented jobbers. Liberation didn’t need it, but Thompson’s distracting of Flash left Singh easy pray the Standing Hot Shot from Andrews. *** Joss Thompson went to enter the ring, when suddenly Plague’s music hit, and the former Warrior Champion charged out from the back. Thompson went to meet him, but was dropped by a clothesline. Plague entered the ring, and a charging Greg Gauge was levered over the ropes, landing on Thompson. Aaron Andrews wisely left the ring, circling the ring to join his colleagues, being watched like a hawk by Plague. When he got to Thompson and Gauge he looked more confident, but a rush of movement from Plague saw him flying over the top rope, taking out all three men. There were bodies lying everywhere, and it was Plague who recovered to settle a lingering stare over the Warrior Title [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B[/I]
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A 5,000 sell out (rare for New England, and yes, I actually booked the arena properly this time). No radical matches, but plenty of setting up Thursday’s PPV between. *** Unleashed scored 5.68, just under our best. *** Citizen X, in his second run with the Zone, upsets Clark Alexander and wins the Coastal Zone Championship. *** The Amazing Bumfholes get their first TCW Tag Team Titles – Randy’s (a former two time SWF Heavyweight Champion) first at the company, while Zimmy was TCW World Champion back in 2008. *** GCG veteran Tasuka Shinozuka gets a major concussion (tagging the Extraordario Jr against Swarm I and Big Cat Brandon at GCG), which will likely cause his retirement. *** Trent Shaffer – remember him (he still works for me)? – has seen a major push in CGC, and backed up with work for NOTBPW, he’s now at A* overness in Ontario. Not only has this seen people in the US and start to take notice of him, it’s also made me think that I should make sure I schedule my Canadian Invasion shows when he’s available. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Happiness?[/B] Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) vs American Elemental and Masked Cougar for the FWE Tag Team Titles Brendan Idol vs Rick Sanders Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask vs Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh Mathew Gauge vs Insane Machine Jacob Jett (c) vs Enforcer Roberts for the FWE Extreme Title Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske Aaron Andrews (c) vs Plague for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c) vs [B]American Elemental and Masked Cougar[/B] for the FWE Tag Team Titles Brendan Idol vs Rick Sanders [B]Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask [/B]vs Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh Mathew Gauge vs [B]Insane Machine[/B] [B]Jacob Jett (c)[/B] vs Enforcer Roberts for the FWE Extreme Title [B]Alicia Strong [/B]vs Hugh de Aske Aaron Andrews (c) vs [B]Plague[/B] for the FWE Warrior Title
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[SIZE="5"][B]FWE Presents… Happiness?[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental and Masked Cougar beat Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson (c)[/COLOR] for the [COLOR="Purple"]FWE Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] in 17:32[B] (B)[/B] -A title match to start the night, and a title change to boot as well. The champions tried their best to keep the match slow paced and on the match, but their opponents wanted none of that. They utilised their flying skills to the highest level, coming at the two youngsters in the ring from every angle conceivable. They also fought out of several submissions moves, and Cougar wrapped it up with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar on Thompson. *** The new champions celebrated, with Rock Downpour pointing out how Masked Cougar is the first person to have held all three titles at FWE [B](B)[/B] *** A pre-recorded interview with Alicia Strong was shown, cut in between clips of her pinning Hugh de Aske before hand, and his humiliation at her hands two weeks ago. Strong smiles sweetly at the camera, telling de Aske that once more he shall get her, in the ring, once more will have her on top of him, and will once more be pinned [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Rick Sanders beat Brendan Idol [/COLOR]in 9.57 [B](B)[/B] -A rematch from the last PPV, which ended in a DQ after Mohammed interfered. Idol was much more confident here, with Mohammed with BHOTWG, but missed with an Idol Drop. Sanders locked in the Figure Four, and Idol had no chance of escape. *** Backstage, and Aaron Andrews fumed at his colleagues, telling them that they had made a laugh stock of Liberation. He will not be made a fool, and tells them to stay out of the Main Event – find a different way of making an affect tonight. Thompson starts to complain, but Andrews tells him he’s not required later [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh beat Angel de Mexico and Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 6.05[B] (B-)[/B] -Very short – in fact it wasn’t built up properly as I didn’t know if I’d have time to fit it in the PPV. I did, and after a few spots Steve Flash hit the Flash Bang on Angel de Mexico for the win. *** Jacob Jet cut an interview with girlfriend Katie Cameron, hyping up his encounter with Enforcer Roberts. He notes how Roberts recently left the promotion that he called home for years – the promotion where he had little success holding titles (it’s SWF for those wondering). Jett tells his that things don’t get any easier here – wrestlers here can actually, you know, wrestle, and he’s not about to hand over his title [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mathew Gauge beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] in 12.54 [B](B+)[/B] -The commentators remind everyone how close Mathew Gauge got to being in the Main Event tonight, and said very little about Insane Machine (apart from the always impressive stat that he’s held 9 different professional titles). It wasn’t that surprising then that, despite a great match, Mathew picked up the win – Insane Machine’s first tap out at FWE. *** Mathew Gauge gets caught for an interview backstage, and says that his main focus now is the title. He’s asked if he’s ready, to which he replies “Why not?” – at which point he’s blasted from behind by a chair. The attacker turns out to be his brother Greg, who tells his sibling that he’ll show him why not. Greg proceeds to drag Mathew through the back, using iron bars, cameras and cable to leave him unconscious on the floor [B](A)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske comes down to the ring, and asks Alicia Strong what her previous victories meant? What her joking around the other week meant? He’ll tell her what it meant – Alicia Strong is foolish and overconfident, while he’s focused, and due a win [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Alicia Strong[/COLOR] in 24.24 [B](A)[/B] -If these two had any chemistry they’d be blowing the rest of the world away – but nonetheless they were still doing a damned good job (and just blew Rock Downpour away, affecting his commentary). Hugh de Aske spent most of the match looking for the Cut Throat Driver, that commentary said would spell the end of Strong. She, on the other hand, went for several different forms of attack, be it on the mat or from the top rope. She did hit her Butterfly Effect Moonsault, but de Aske managed to grab the bottom rope to break the pin. He then hit the Skull and Crossbones, but Strong kicked out. She tried to hit the Strong Arm Tactic, but de Aske blocked, and got in a headbutt that drew a warning from the ref. As he saw to Strong, de Aske revealed a turnbuckle, and at the next opportunity sent Strong head first into it. She fell back into de Aske, who went for the easy Cut Throat Driver, and the win. *** De Aske left the ring, shouting that he’d proved himself, as Alicia Strong staggered back to her feet [B](A)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews cut an interview from his locker room – just him and his title. He told Plague that’s what it will be like tonight – two men, one ref, one title. The best man walks out on top, the lesser man is finished. Andrews told Plague that he’s had his chances – tonight will be his last[B] (A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 13.42 [B](B+)[/B] -Meant to be a cool down match before the Main Event, but the two competitors seemed to want to match it. Jett hit a Frog Splash, but Roberts kicked out. He looked to get the RCT locked in, but Jett wriggled clear and got the schoolboy roll up, sneaking out the win. *** Plague was shown readying himself for the Main Event, when Easy Emma came up to him. She told Plague that Andrews was right – he's had plenty of chances. Tonight must be the last – is he doesn’t win the Warrior Title, the next challenger will have to be someone else. Plague stared straight at Emma, and tells her he’ll win the title tonight [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews (c) beat Plague[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 25.56 [B](A)[/B] -These two aren’t the best at selling for each other, but they can still put on a damned good match. The rest of Liberation did as bade, and did not appear, leaving this match on a knife edge. There were several nearfalls, but realistically no-one thought this match would end until someone managed to land a big move. That came when Plague hit the Memory Remains. Farrah Hesketh got to two, then stood up shaking her head. As commentary tried to work out what broke the count, Plague hit the Creeping Death, and again Hesketh just got to two. Plague looked incredously at Hesketh, allowing to Andrews to get in a low blow and roll up. Hesketh got on her kness and administered a quick three count, keeping the title on Aaron Andrews. *** Farrah Hesketh took a mic, and presented Aaron Andrews with the Warrior Title, calling him the number one wrestler on the planet. Joss Thompson and Greg Gauge came out looking confused, but when Hesketh announced that they were the most talented Tag Team on the planet, everyone realised that Liberation had just grown in size[B] (B)[/B] [I]Overall Rating A[/I]
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A healthy crown of 12,397 (neither the economy or industry are that hot at the moment) saw a great show, with no let down matches, a title change, and a screw job win for the Warrior Champion, thanks to Faraah Hesketh. It also goes into the record books as the best FWE show ever, and a buy rate of 1.84 is the highest ever. *** At CZCW, Beach Babe Bunnie’s loyalty to booker Leo Davis is tested as she doesn’t get a contract renewal. She’ll never get a job at Joey Poison’s NOTBPW or SWF, so she’s left looking for a job at 4C. She won’t get it. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B]from the South West Jimmy Cox vs Greg Gauge Angel de Mexico vs Joss Thompson Steve Gumble vs Hugh de Aske[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the South West *** Aaron Andrews started the show as so often he does, this time with Farrah Hesketh at his side. Hesketh claims that for too long she’s been considered the sweet ref of FWE. She doesn’t wrestle like Alicia Strong – a knee injury has seen to that – and she doesn’t book matches, like Easy Emma. She says she’s finally found a way to make a mark, and that’s with the number one group in wrestling – Liberation. Aaron Andrews takes the mic, and says once more he’s champion, and by Easy Emma’s own words, Plague will not get another shot. He does recognise that the Tag Titles were lost at Happiness, but he’s proud that his two colleagues have offered to wrestle tonight to make amends [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Greg Gauge Jimmy Cox[/COLOR] in 7.27 [B](B)[/B] -Cox did get a few blows on Greg Gauge, but this was not to be an upset, and as soon as Greg got Cox into the Proton Lock, there was nothing he could do. *** Greg Gauge acknowledged his attack on his brother, telling his injured sibling that it was to teach him a lesson. Does he really think that he can challenge Aaron Andrews for the title? Does he really think he is that good? Nonetheless, why should Andrews face him, when he’s never even dared to face his brother in the ring [B](B+)[/B]? [COLOR="blue"]Brendon Idol beat Fox Mask, The Gambler and Ed Larkins [/COLOR]in 7.20 [B](B)[/B] -We found a gap in our show, so asked these four fliers to go out and showcase their skills to the crowd. I was very surprised that they got the crowd going as they exchanged finishing moves, Idol getting the win after getting the Idol Drop on Larkins. *** Kashmir Singh approaches Easy Emma backstage, and claims to be the most overlooked wrestler at FWE. He’s been here from the start, and he thanks Emma for giving him a chance to finally get a PPV win on Thursday – but he wants to use that as a stepping stone. Emma muses over it, and tells him he can have a match with American Elemental – keep winning, and he may get somewhere [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Joss Thompson beat Angel de Mexico[/COLOR] in 5.50 [B](B+)[/B] -Thompson picked apart at Mexico, showboating to the crowd at every opportunity, before taking the pin after a Clean Cutter. *** Trent Shaffer came out, and claimed to be the greatest Canadian on the planet, and it’s time the US to sit up and take notice of him. He challenges anyone, from any country to come out and show him up [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Trent Shaffer beat Extraordinario Jr[/COLOR] in 6.51 [B](B-)[/B] -Extraordinario Jr answered the call, but could pull out the win. They did show good chemistry which I luckily stumbled on at the Happiness preshow, and I decided to use it here – Shaffer winning with the Heart Burn. *** A quick backstage promotion from the new Tag Team Champions, with American Elemental congratulating Masked Cougar on being the first man to win all the FWE titles. Cougar thanks his partner, but tells him he’s the one who can shine tonight [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Kashmir Singh beat American Elemental [/COLOR]in 6.58 [B](B-)[/B] -Huge upset here, but it wasn’t really of Singh’s making. Farrah Hesketh, Greg Gauge and Joss Thompson came out, distracting the ref and American Elemental, leaving him open to a neckbreaker from Andrews. Singh looked confused, but couldn’t refuse the free win handed to him. *** Masked Cougar rushed into the ring to protect Elemental, but Liberation just walked away, laughing between themselves, saying that they were off for the rest of the night [B](B+)[/B] *** Hugh de Aske came out, hyping up himself after his win over Alicia Strong, and calling himself the Number One Contender to the FWE Warrior Title [B](A*)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 9.50 [B](C)[/B] -Ouch. Not so good was to find out about bad chemistry, especially with de Aske claiming a Warrior Title shot. We were thankfully put out of our misery with a Cut Throat Driver. *** Alicia Strong came out, an ugly wound showing on her head where she met turnbuckle on Thursday. Strong congratulates de Aske on getting the win over her, but things that he’s getting ahead of himself. One win, one cheating win does not make him the better man. It makes him the man who managed it – once. De Aske claims that he’s managed plenty in his life, and his victory over Strong is only highest on the list now as he’s yet to have the opportunity to do anything greater. Easy Emma stand up to stop the two arguing, saying that de Aske did get his win, however much he didn’t follow the rules at Happiness. Well, when the two meet once more at No Agents, there will be no rules, no excuses, as they’ll be fighting in a Street Fight. And the winner of that will earn the next shot at the Warrior Title [B](B+)[/B] [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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A 5,000 sellout, and a show that I thought might be poor ticked along quite nicely… until the Main Event. Suffice it to say I’ll be trying my damned hardest to make sure Gumble and de Aske never face one another in singles competition again. Still, I’m disappointed in a B-, having not had one for 17 TV shows, so I think that’s a sign of FWE’s strength. *** Unleashed drops to 5.51, having lost viewers badly for the last half hour. *** Hugh de Aske gets a TCW World Heavyweight Title shot at Destructive Energy – unfortunately it’s in Canada, so the crowd aren’t quite behind it like they would be in the US (it rated B-, but both him and Joey Minnesota are A* overness in the US). [B]October:[/B] *** I open negotiations with American Elemental – who asks for more than Rick Sanders will let me offer. *** Kristen Pearce, who has subtly been moved away from working with Liberation, replaces Beach Babe Bunnie at CZCW. *** Angel de Mexico leaves FWE as his contract expires. He’ll continue to work at MFDL and MPWF, and had some decent matches at FWE despite his 2-34 record. *** It looked like Stuart Ferdinand’s career was winding down as he recently left both INSPIRE and GCG, but he’s shown intent to continue with a written contract back at PGHW. *** We have an addition to our short list of workers who we could sign (B- basic and athleticism, work in US, overness max B-, not touring, less than three contracts), and it seems that Steven Parker has got his basics up to a sufficient level. Of course, he only left two months ago, so our list is still… small. *** I make a great comeback signing, swooping to pick up Hell Monkey the moment he leaves MAW. I immediately make plans to throw him into an Extreme Title feud… and then realise that he’s going to miss almost all my shows due to working for BHOTWG. And it’s not just one tour – he’s there full time. [QUOTE]Announced for [B]FWE Presents… Unleashed [/B] Jacob Jett (c) vs Brendan Idol for the FWE Extreme Title The Gambler and Ed Larkins vs Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh Masked Cougar vs Enforcer Roberts[/QUOTE] There were other matches that got cancelled, as proof is given that you shouldn’t play TEW tired.
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[B]FWE Presents… Unleashed[/B] from the Mid Atlantic Okay, didn’t properly check who was working for BHOTWG. No Insane Machine. No Greg Gauge. No Jimmy Cox. Suffice it to say, you’re not getting all the advertised matches. Amazingly, for the first time for a long time, I forgot to actually advance book my matches. So I got lucky :) *** Joss Thompson starts the show, complaining about losing his Tag Team Titles. One half of the champions, Masked Cougar (American Elemental’s not here either comes about), comes out to mock Thompson, who just stands there grinning. It’s revealed why when Aaron Andrews jumps Masked Cougar, security splitting up the fight before it gets too serious [B](A)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews and Joss Thompson beat Steve Gumble and Extraordinario Jr. [/COLOR]in 8.10 [B](B)[/B] -Steve Gumble has definitely got the most to lose when my hiring blocks changes, but did a decent job here. Actually, a team with Extraordinario may put him on a few more of my shows. Hesketh does the cheerleading, Andrews does the pinning. *** Kristen Pearce is backstage, and catches Kashmir Singh and his partner before they go to the ring. She says she’s on the look out for new clients, and so far, so good from him. That sends Singh to the ring with a smile on his face [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Flash and Kashmir Singh beat The Gambler and Ed Larkins[/COLOR] in 5.39 [B](C+)[/B] -These four men easily outdo their overness with their performance, Singh getting another pinfall, this time on The Gambler. *** As Flash and Singh leave the ring, Pearce comes out to talk to Easy Emma. She nods, and stands up to announce that Flash and Singh have done enough to earn themselves a Tag Title match next week [B](C+)[/B] *** Brendan Idol got in some hype for his Extreme Title match. Not much more to say [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hugh de Aske beat Fox Mask[/COLOR] in 4.38 [B](B+)[/B] -Nope, that’s not chemistry, that’s just the uber-over Hugh de Aske brutalizing poor Fox Mask, before almost killing him with a Cut Throat Driver. Infinitely better than last weeks disappointment against Gumble. *** Hugh de Aske picked up Fox Mask, and hit another Driver. As Rock Downpour complained that that was enough, de Aske grabbed Foxy once more, when Alicia Strong charge from out back. De Aske rolled from the ring and backed away, laughing at Alicia Strong all the time [B](B)[/B] *** Dawn the Cheerleader cut a quick promo, saying that she was here at FWE, and she had a new client, waiting to take the wrestling world by storm. Hmmm, mysterious (unless you’ve been to our last several shows, as said wrestler has been performing in the dark) [B](B+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett (c) beat Brendan Idol [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 10.52 [B](B-)[/B] -A strange match for these two, as neither was able to play the role of the underdog. As such we saw a little more mat work than usual, before the flying broke out. It never really got going to the next gear, and by the time Jett won with the Jett Take Off the crowd were ready for something else. *** Idol and Jet shook after the matches. Both still faces, then [B](B-)[/B] *** Masked Cougar brushed off the attack by Liberation earlier, pointing out how he had beaten Andrews and Thompson before, and them attacking him just proves how scared they are [B](B)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] in 16.36 [B](B-)[/B] -First time meeting… and they don’t click. A suitable end to a lackluster night, which didn’t even have Liberation interference to give this match a real reason. Perhaps I shouldn’t book (or write up shows) when tired. As it was, Cougar played the underdog role, before reversing his fortune with a Cougar Calling Moonsault. [I]Overall Rating B-[/I]
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