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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[B]FWE Presents… The Lead[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Black Eagle beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 6.42 [B](D)[/B] -Another easy win for Black Eagle as he continues his run to his Extreme Title match at The Result Show. *** Insane Machine rushed the ring after the match, before blasting Black Eagle with a Termination Kick. He growled “I’m here!”, before heading from the ring [B](D).[/B] *** For our Internet crowd, Fumihiro Ota cut a promo telling Old School that they were wrong by making an enemy of him [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Mark Smart[/COLOR] in 6.54 [B](D-)[/B] --Again Appleby tried to attack Ultimate Phoenix, but it was easily shrugged off as he won again. *** Kathy Neptune caught up with Jen, and sarcastically asked her where her team was. Jen said she was waiting for someone to turn up, but admitted that Jungle Jack was her other choice, and he had left permanently for Japan [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Fumihiro Ota beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] in 9.45 [B](C-)[/B] -That’s better, a quality match between these two. Poison showed off some high flying moves, before Ota won with the Ninja Strike. He screamed out that that was “Old School” before leaving the ring. *** Cattley was cutting a promo backstage, saying how Vessey didn’t really win last time, as he teamed with Hoshino. The Japanese man came over to ask if he didn’t count in matches, which left Cattley stammering. Hoshino silenced Cattley, and told him it would count when he beat him later [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey drew with Insane Machine[/COLOR] when Black Eagle attacked both men in 13.30 [B](C)[/B] -Well, the entire announcing team let down this match. Both men had near falls, when Black Eagle made his way out. He drilled Insane Machine with a ladder, and when Hell Monkey protested he also got a ladder in the face, ending the match in no contest. *** Black Eagle threw the ladder on top of Insane Machine, and then climbed to the top turnbuckle. He made the motion of a title around his waist, before hitting the ladder with a leg drop[B] (D).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Eisaku Hoshino beat Mean Jean Cattley[/COLOR] in 7.42 [B](C-)[/B] -This event is in danger of being better than my big show in a month. Cattley tried every trick, but got distracted when Cameron Vessey came out, and fell to the Godzilla Plunge. *** Jen Neptune then came out, and said that she now had both members of her team. Firstly, Hell Monkey was annoyed at not being able to finish his earlier match, and wanted another bout. And secondly, introducing FWE’s newest signing, the former TCW worker American Elemental [B](E)![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders and Barry Kingman beat Hell Monkey and American Elemental[/COLOR] in 12.48 [B](D-)[/B] -Another let down in the Main Event, which can’t have been helped by Jen Neptune killing the crowd. American Elemental showcased all his moves, but Perez blasted Hell Monkey with a chair, to give Rick Sanders the easy win. Overall Rating [B]D[/B]
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1,764 people, good matches, distinctly average Main Event. Ultimate Phoenix arrived late, and received a warning. I think that may have been his response to being bumped down to an Upper Midcarder. [B]Week 3:[/B] *** CZCW put on a great show with two B- matches, far better than anything we’ve produced so far. It was actually better than both shows by TCW and SWF that night. *** Jimmy Cox is the new GCG Heavyweight Champion, after defeating Hiroyasu Gakusha. *** Another USPW PPV, another Jack Griffith appearance – a good match (C), and a victory! The rest of the show still wasn’t that great. *** TCW tried to save “The Edge”, but even Tommy Cornell vs Troy Tornado couldn’t save their second TV contract, which got cancelled. *** FWE announced two more matches for The Result Show – Fumihiro Ota vs Rick Sanders and Hell Monkey vs Frankie Perez. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Final Build: American Elemental vs Thomas Morgan Hell Monkey and Black Eagle vs Insane Machine and Frankie Perez Eisaku Hoshino and Fumihiro Ota vs Barry Kingman and Rick Sanders[/QUOTE] [B]Week 4:[/B] *** TCW lose their last TV show. Ironically, they’re putting on much better shows than SWF, just aren’t getting the ratings. *** First title change since Nemesis left DaVE, and its Big Cat Brandon defeating Eddie Peak for his first Unified Title win. *** Insane Machine has added the Show Stealer Title to his collection, making it the 7th different title he’s won in his journeyman career.
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[B]FWE Presents… Final Build:[/B] *** We start, unusually, with a video, and it’d hype for the Main Event, and the two singles matches that will take place at The Results Show (D+). [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental beats Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] in 6.41 [B](E+)[/B] -American Elemental’s first victory back in the indies, against a man who he clearly works a completely different style to. The win came with the Inferno Splash. *** Joey Poison comes out and is kind enough to tell everyone that Ultimate Phoenix vs Tempest Appleby has been added to the card of The Results Show, but still he is nowhere to be seen. However, he will be there, and will take on anyone up for the challenge [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey and Black Eagle beat Insane Machine and Frankie Perez[/COLOR] in 19.35 [B](C-)[/B] -Four of the best talents in the indies, and they absolutely tore it up – thoroughly justifying the extra time that we gave them. In the end it was Black Eagle who got the pin on Extreme Title holder Insane Machine. *** Black Eagle got in Insane Machine’s face telling him that he will take his title back, before Hell Monkey pulled him away [B](D).[/B] *** Mean Jean Cattley was out back, flanked by Harry Wilson, and taunting Mainstream Hernandez and Cameron Vessey. Cattley said that there would have been a tag match between the three at The Result Show, but he thought of a better idea. Why not have some six man action? At that, Bulldozer Brandon Smith charged in and attacked the two faces, before dragging Vessey to the ring for an impromptu match [B](D).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith beat Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] in 10.32 [B](D+)[/B] -This one was full of interference, but Bulldozer at the numbers on his side, and won with his signature move. *** Bulldozer Brandon Smith dragged Vessey over to the announce table, while Cattley and Wilson kept back Hernandez. Out from the back rushed American Elemental to make the save, but the crowd just don’t react to the guy [B](E).[/B] *** Hoshino was out with Ota, telling Old School that they’d made a mistake annoying Ota, and it made them weaker, and more likely that he’s walk away with the Warrior Title next show. Kathy Neptune did the talking for Old School, telling Hoshino that last time she saw off the threat of her sister – next time it’ll be Hoshino’s turn [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Barry Kingman and Rick Sanders beat Eisaku Hoshino and Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] in 15.51 [B](D-)[/B] -Maybe I should just put the Extreme Title contenders Main Event every show. Sanders got the victory here over Ota. *** Old School (including Perez) celebrated after the match, everything ticking over towards The Result Show [B](D).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D[/I]
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1,340 people as the industry continues to slide, and apparently I used Insane Machine far too much. I didn’t realise I was still pushing him as a midcarder, so that’s changed. [B]June:[/B] Another $5,000 profit, but that’s going to change soon. I also feel that I’m shortly going to get monumentally screwed. [QUOTE]Final card for FWE Presents… The Result Show: Ultimate Phoenix vs Tempest Appleby Joey Poison vs ??? Mainstream Hernandez, Cameron Vessey and American Elemental vs Mean Jean Cattley, Harry Wilson and Bulldozer Brandon Smith Hell Monkey vs Frankie Perez Fumihiro Ota vs Rick Sanders Insane Machine (c) vs Black Eagle for the FWE Extreme Title Eisaku Hoshino vs Barry Kingman for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE] It takes place this Wednesday ‘cause – well it has to. *** TCW put on a great PPV – a feud of Cornell vs Tornado would almost certainly see them back up to National, if only they had a TV show to help them. *** Shawn Gonzalez does what all good bookers do – put the strap on themselves, booking himself to victory over CZCW champion, Donnie J. *** The highlight of SWF shows is still Groucho Bling as he defends his North American Title against Rich Money.
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[B]FWE Presents… The Result Show:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Frankie Perez[/COLOR] in 16.51 [B](C-)[/B] -A violent match to start that saw the referee use the rules leniently to keep the flow of the match running. It’s a bad start for Old School after the Monkey wins with a Hell Fire Kick. *** Joey Poison comes down to the ring to wait to see who answers his challenge. Cue the smoke generators, as out come the former TCW Ice Man – [B]Clark Alexander[/B] [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Clark Alexander beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] in 5.51 [B](D+)[/B] -Joey Poison got in two minutes of offence, before Alexander took over, and won with an Ice Breaker. *** Backstage and Kathy Neptune is with Old School, keeping their spirits up, and telling them to not be disheartened by one defeat [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Tempest Appleby[/COLOR] in 3.11 [B](D+)[/B] -Ultimate squash, as Phoenix got to hit his real life enemy with a Firebird Splash. *** Hernandez, Vessey and American Elemental hype themselves up before the next match, telling one another that they are three young guns who should win next [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mean Jean Cattley, Harry Wilson and Bulldozer Brandon Smith beat Mainstream Hernandez, Cameron Vessey and American Elemental[/COLOR] in 7.35 [B](D)[/B] -Someone should have told the faces that their opponents were just as young in this one. This one had to be cut short, as this event should have been two and a half hours, but we only booked the hall for the two hours. Cattley was off his game, and Bulldozer pinned Hernandez. *** Backstage, and we see Jen Neptune back, talking to Hoshino, asking him to make sure that Old School don’t win the title tonight [B](E). [/B]Well, these backstage segments are killing the build up to the Main Event. [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] in 10.37 [B](E+)[/B] -I have no idea. I know that the poor preceding segment can’t have helped, but that didn’t cover up for a horrible match. It wasn’t even a chemistry issue. Kathy Neptune proves that she is a force, as her interference guarantees Sanders the win. [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine (c) beat Black Eagle[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in a ladder match in 15.33 [B](C+)[/B] -These two rescue the show, and put on an absolute barnstormer. They both took insane bumps off the ladders, Black Eagle ending up through a table (having fallen from a ladder), allowing Insane Machine to retain his title. *** Black Eagle is motionless out of the ring, but that doesn’t stop Insane Machine, who launches his ladder over the rope, to clatter into his opponent outside [B](D).[/B] *** While the wreckage is cleaned up, Hoshino cuts a promo telling everyone he isn’t doing this for anybody – he is in it for himself, and will prove victorious [B](C+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Barry Kingman beat Eisaku Hoshino[/COLOR] for the[B] FWE Warrior Title[/B] in 14.59 [B](C-)[/B] -A good match – it was only really looked slightly down along as the Extreme Title match was fantastic. Old School threw everything at Hoshino – Kathy Neptune, Rick Sanders and Frankie Perez, yet he fought each and every one of them off. At one stage he was the only one standing, being egged on by Ken Neptune, with all of Old School and the ref down around him. That’s when [B]Randall Hopkirk [/B]hit the ring, and hit Hoshino with successive Randilisms, before making the three count for the ref as he dumped Kingman on Hoshino. *** Old School slowly recovered, Rick Sanders looking on confused. Hopkirk took a mic, telling the crowd that he was the new man in control at FWE, and he makes the decisions, and his count tonight is official. Hoshino lunges for the TCW man, but gets cracked over the head with the mic. Rick Sanders also comes up to Hopkirk, and also gets a crack over his head with the mic, as the show ends [B](C).[/B] [I] Overall Rating C-[/I]
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Attendance up to 1,936, and two stars of TCW made surprise appearances at last nights show. Clark Alexander was released, but Randall Hopkirk is still with the company, having signed a PPA contract at his renewal recently. He’s costing me a bomb, considering he’s not the most talented around, so lets hope he can help me progress. I tried the same trick with Brent Hill, but he wasn’t interested. Disappointment of the night? Rick Sanders vs Fumihiro Ota. It was just horrible. *** Not happy with being a nine time Burning Junior Champion, Optimus now ties Kiyaru’s record of three Best of the Super Juniors Titles. *** Bulldozer Brandon Smith is going on his first Japanese tour, with WLW. *** Dharma Gregg has been released from FWE. Making post The Result Show plans I tried to fit her in, but realised I was far better off using one the ladies that the crowd currently (barely) know. *** FWE Extreme Title holder Insane Machine agrees to tour with PGHW – his fourth commitment. Week 2: *** Pistol Pete Hall leaves GCG, but before he can even look at the FWE contract on the table, he signs full time with PGHW. *** At USPW Americana, Bruce the Giant and T-Rex get a C-! There is a title change, as The Demons of Rage take the Tag Titles off The Towers of Power. *** And they follow it up with a C- show, on the back of Bruce the Giant defeating Jack Griffith. Are USPW making a recovery? *** Crippler Ray Kingman re-signs for FWE, on a PPA deal. And we are to invade the South West, with just one announced match. Which you could see at CZCW for the Xtreme title, but that’s not the point: [I]Insane Machine (c) vs Black Eagle for the Extreme Title[/I]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion[/B] in the South East *** We only advertised one match, so we may as well hype it up [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat The Canadians[/COLOR] in 5.34 [B](E+)[/B] -Phoenix beats Appleby and his partner, and it wasn’t pretty. *** Phoenix tries to put the match behind him, by saying that only two men have been given a look in at the Extreme Title – after tonight he wants to throw his hat into the ring [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] in 7.46 [B](C-)[/B] -Yep, it’s lets use CZCW stars night. Perez wins with the P-Clutch. *** Perez announces to the world that he has one aim – revenge over the annoying Monkey masked one [B](C-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall Hopkirk beat Derek Frost[/COLOR] in a hardcore match in 6.08 [B](D-)[/B] -Hopkirk could have won in two minutes, but played with his opposition. *** Hopkirk tells the watching fans that FWE is his – he is in charge, and will do whatever he wants. He also knows how up everyone is in the South West – that’s why he’s told the new Warrior Champion, Barry Kingman, not to turn out tonight. He barely gets that out when Rick Sanders rushes in and starts attacking the TCW man. Hopkirk fights back, and after beating Sanders down calls out anyone from the back to take part in an impromptu match [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Mark Smart[/COLOR] by DQ in 5.53 [B](E+)[/B] -Luckily this match wasn’t meant to be good. It was virtually a handicap match, that led to the referee DQ’ing Smart due to Hopkirk interference. It didn’t go down well with “The boss”. *** Black Eagle came out for the Main Event, armed with a ladder. He told the crowd that this ladder was the one thrown onto him last week, and it’ll be this ladder that he climbs to become the two time Extreme Champion [B](D)![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Black Eagle[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in a ladder match in 23.47 [B](C)[/B] -One last time for the two of them. There were rumours that both these men could be leaving FWE, so no-one knew who was going to win. Eagle Swanton’d Machine through a table as the highlight of the match, before Machine got his revenge by powerbombing his opponent from the top of the ladder to the mat below. Machine won, my colour commentary sucked. [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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1,727 was a healthy attendance, especially as we were contemplating moving down a size in venue. Hopkirk again claimed to be in charge of FWE, which didn’t sit too well with Sanders, before Insane Machine and Black Eagle put on one last classic. *** Black Eagle has now left FWE. Rick Sanders told me about a past car jacking crime on his record, and informed me that he would not be re-signed. I just had to live with it. *** Thomas Morgan picked up Nigerian Green Plague while in the South West. Rumours that he visited a brothel that night are, as far as we can make out, unsubstantiated. *** On the same night, Guide has taken the DaVE Brass Knuckles Title from Sammy Bach, who proved a decent champion. *** Champagne Lover and Jennifer Heat have now split. *** Another blow for GCG, after losing Pistol Pete Hall, Yasuhide Tayama will be out for over a year with a major concussion. *** SWF hold Times of Trouble. Good news – DuBois appears, and wins. Bad news – it was only againt Kurt Laramee, and the match sucked. Good news – they’ve taken the Shooting Star title off Brett Biggz. Bad news – they’ve given it to Mikel Alonso. And the Train just keeps on running, here against Skull DeBones. *** Stevie Grayson also gets a Japanese tour under his belt, with WLW. *** American Elemental gets to tour with PGHW, and gets a chance to become a big name in Japan, after leaving WLW for TCW earlier in the year. *** Insane Machine cuts down his commitments to three, and it’s CZCW that he leaves. [B]Week 3:[/B] *** Texas Pete re-signs with TCW on a PPA deal. Nope – I’m sure he wouldn’t join me, but I’m going to have a hard enough time with Hopkirk, adding Pete to my promotion really isn’t going to help. *** Even Bruce the Giant vs Henry Lee match is hitting a C for USPW. Stunning. *** Byron loses his UCR World Combat Title to Jed High, and is so upset he goes blind for two weeks. *** CZCW replace Insane Machine with Jim Force. Bawahahaha! *** Mike Watson is the man to unseat Marat Khoklov as INSPIRE’s King of Fighters.
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Alan: [COLOR="Blue"]“Look, Sanders, our product just isn’t right.”[/COLOR] Rick: [COLOR="Red"]“In what way?”[/COLOR] Alan: [COLOR="blue"]“Well, we’re basically a hardcore fed. Which is a bit weird, as we’ve lost The Giants and Jungle Jack. In fact we’ve only got three brawlers on our roster, whereas our main stars – you, Kingman, Hoshino, Insane Machine and Hell Monkey, are some of the best technicians on the indy circuit.”[/COLOR] Rick: [COLOR="red"]“So after six months establishing ourselves, you want to go changing everything.”[/COLOR] Alan: [COLOR="blue"]“For the better.”[/COLOR] Rick: [COLOR="red"]“It’ll confuse our fans something silly. The next show, they won’t know what to expect.”[/COLOR] Alan: [COLOR="blue"]“That’s true. Of course, if we run a test, we’ll make sure to keep them on our side.”[/COLOR] Rick: [COLOR="red"]“How so?”[/COLOR] Alan: [COLOR="blue"]“Take the show out of the US. We’re unknown out there – the fans can evaluate us truly.”[/COLOR] Rick: [COLOR="red"]“If they even turn out. It’ll be a financial disaster.”[/COLOR] Alan: [COLOR="blue"]“No it won’t. We’ve got plenty of cheaper workers. We’re paying Hoshino anyway, so he’ll headline – and his appearance alone will bring them out.”[/COLOR] Rick: [COLOR="red"]“So, where are we running the show?”[/COLOR] Alan: [COLOR="blue"]“Where’s the Wrestling Economy strong?”[/COLOR] Rick (consulting chart): [COLOR="red"]“Er, nowhere.”[/COLOR] Alan: [COLOR="blue"]“Okay, where have we got over wrestlers?”[/COLOR] Rick: [COLOR="red"]“Well – Hoshino in Japan. But no-one else. But some of our guys are known in Canada. And we’re not.”[/COLOR] Alan: [COLOR="blue"]“That’s your answer. Oh Canada.”[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Eisaku Hoshino. That’s it.[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Present… Invasion in Ontario.[/B] Thomas Morgan beat Harry Wilson [B](D-)[/B] Joey Poison beat Phenomenal E [B](D-)[/B] Insane Machine (c) beat Cal Sanders to retain the FWE Extreme Title[B] (D-)[/B] Eisaku Hoshino beat Cameron Vessey [B](D)[/B] [I]Overall Rating E+[/I] Surprisingly 112 people turned up, which meant that we weren’t able to interview everyone like we planned to. Instead we took a few people, and they thought that the intensity was far too much. That’ll be the way that Hoshino and Vessey went at it. They also suggested that the matches should be more dangerous – I can understand that, I didn’t advertise us as being dangerous at all after reducing our Hardcore influence. It affected our final rating – but not in the US. It’ll be the last show that I’ll run this month. Three shows, but only one in our home town. We now advertise ourselves as a Modern fed, with Mainstream and Hardcore influences. [I](Okay, this was all done before the update where you could check new settings, but it gave my workers a day out, if nothing else)[/I] We were nice enough to let Kingman go down the road to turn out for 4C, who were also in Ontario. They turned out a decent show considering we used their booker last night. *** Johnny Bloodstone ruptures his spleen in a DQ win over Dog Fyte at NOTBPW. It was followed by Edd Stone taking the Unlimited Action Title from Dark Eagle. *** Meanwhile Remo has thrown his hat in as an SWF World Championship contender, defeating Runaway Train in a non-title match. Train’s best match this year so far. *** The Awesome Kiyaru has taken the Junior Championship off Optimus. Another five to go to catch him up.
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[B]July:[/B] Profits down ever so slightly, but making $4,000 when I held three shows is fine by me. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Second Half: Mainstream Hernandez vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Joey Poison vs Clark Alexander Cameron Vessey vs Randall Hopkirk Hell Monkey and Frankie Perez vs Rick Sanders and Barry Kingman[/QUOTE] [B]Week 1:[/B] *** Texas Pete Main Event’s TCW Excessive Force. Thank goodness he was put with Cornell. *** Ed Monton’s successful CGC career is drawing to a close, as he’s announced he’ll be retiring at the end of the month. *** Also at CGC, Dan DaLay has picked up a shoulder injury. Minor news maybe, but his contract’s up for renewal, and CGC look ready to bring Elite to a close. *** WEXXV have their first bank warnings – they are on tour for the next two months, so will have to learn how to put on cheap shows. *** DaVE pull off a reasonable Double Header, but with no title changes. *** Kazuma Narato gets a development deal with SAISHO. *** Victoria Stone is once more on top of a rather shallow NOTBPW woman’s division, after defeating Emma Bitch. *** Bruce the Giant and Warlord Pain hit C-. I think that I’m going to have to give Bruce more credit than I’m used to – although at B+ overness, maybe C- should be expected. *** Alicia Strong signs up to tour with 5SSW, along with Karen Bilous *** Insane Machine’s WLW Showstealer reign is over thanks to Koji Kojima, and the Streetfighting Title goes from The Incredible KOYAMA to Harufuji. *** We put out flyers to point out that despite being advertised, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Cameron Vessey, Hell Monkey and Frankie Perez will not be at The Second Half. Sheesh. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Second Half: Joey Poison vs Clark Alexander Everything else has been cancelled.[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… The Second Half[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 10.50 [B](D-)[/B] -It was announced that the winner of this match would get a shot at the Extreme Title next time, Hernandez dutifully earning the shot with a Super Kick. *** The two men shared a handshake after the match, Elemental wishing his opponent good luck for his title shot [B](D-).[/B] *** Rick Sanders and Kathy Neptune catch up with Warrior Title holder Kingman out back, and demand to know what alliance he has with Hopkirk. Kingman denies being involved, saying he has no idea what the TCW man was doing claiming he had taken over FWE, but it was nothing to do with him [B](C-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Clark Alexander beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] in 8.57 [B](D-)[/B] -A rematch from The Result Show, Alexander winning again with an Ice Breaker. *** Randall Hopkirk comes out to once more proclaim himself in charge, claiming that he had banned a number of stars from attending tonight personally. Instead of Cameron Vessey, he’d be facing Little Bill Lebowski next [B](C).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall Hopkirk beat Little Bill Lebowski[/COLOR] in 4.52 [B](D)[/B] -Squash. *** Hoshino came out to tell Hopkirk that he didn’t care if he was in charge of FWE or not – but he did care about him interfering in matches. Hopkirk told him he should be more worried than that – he made the matches, and Hoshino would not find out his opponent until he came out for the Main Event tonight [B](C).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders and Barry Kingman beat Ultimate Phoenix and Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 8.56 [B](E+)[/B] -Eugh. Maybe it’s my product change. Maybe it just sucked. But Kingman got the win over Singh. *** Sanders looked on at Kingman, still suspicious, but went away from the ring talking happily to his partner [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Eisaku Hoshino beat Burning EXILE [/COLOR]in 16.42 by DQ [B](C)[/B] -How this Main Event made up for the rest of this show. Some members of the crowd popped for EXILE when he came out, but the rest of the crowd soon got into him as he showed off what he could do. In a huge stroke of luck these two had great chemistry, and the match only ended when Hopkirk blasted Hoshino with a chair for the DQ. *** EXILE looked angry that his match had ended in defeat, but left Hoshino to the fate of a beating from Hopkirk[B] (D+).[/B] [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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1,756 people ma have been bored for a while, but the Main Event gave them something to cheer about. Burning EXILE meshed well with Hoshino, and was unlucky to not come out of the match with a successful result. Meanwhile, I’ll do my best to avoid INSPIRE and WLW shows now they’re back on tour. [B]Week 2:[/B] *** SWF have finally fallen to Cult. Funnily enough, the final nail was taking the North American Title off Groucho Bling, who had a great run as champion. Joe Sexy is the new champ, as Andre Jones (0-10), Knuckles (0-8-1), Kid Toma (3-13-1), Valiant (0-3), Grease Hogg (1-12-1), Shady K (4-4), Dawn the Cheerleader, Duane Fry and Shane Stones all get released. *** On the same day, two major titles change hands, with Eisaku Kunomasu winning his first Glory Crown from Yoshimi Mushashibo, while R.K. Hayes won his second NOTBPW Canadian Champion, defeating Sean McFly. *** Hell Monkey picked up an elbow injury last night against Emerald Angel at WLW, and will miss the rest of the month. *** Now I know why SWF took the North American Title off Groucho Bling – so he could move into the Main Event to take on Runaway Train at The Supreme Challenge. Match of the Night, as well. *** Insane Machine never seems to be long without a Japanese title – he’s now Tag Champion in PGHW with Kazushige Matsuki. *** Big Smack Scott is the first SWF star to re-sign on PPA terms. No, I won’t go near him. *** Bryan Vessey has damaged his spine (against Buddy Garner), and will be out over a year. I actually tried to bring him in on a loan, but Hoshino refused to go to PGHW. Cameron Vessey will have to remain underused. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Undercurrent: Ultimate Phoenix vs American Elemental Frankie Perez and Cameron Vessey vs Barry Kingman and Rick Sanders Insane Machine (c) vs Mainstream Hernandez for the FWE Extreme Title Eisaku Hoshino and ??? vs Randall Hopkirk and ???[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Undercurrent[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 10.42 [B](D-)[/B] -Once again American Elemental found himself pinned, falling to a Phoenix Firebird Splash after a well fought contest. *** Sanders and Kingman are outback, demanding to know why they are in a match against Frankie Perez. Randall Hopkirk comes over to remind them that he call the shots – it was his doing. He banned both men from the last show, and they went to wrestle for INSPIRE. He tells Kingman and Sanders that is not acceptable, so tonight is their punishment. He pauses, before telling Sanders to make sure he does punish them, before walking off [B](C).[/B] *** Mainstream Hernandez then comes out, telling the world that he will win his first FWE title at his first attempt [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine (c) beat Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 11.42 [B](D+)[/B] -First time this title has been defended in a non-ladder match, and it was a reasonable contest. Hernandez missed a top rope move, and was met with a Termination Kick to end the match. *** Out from the back charges Ultimate Phoenix (ladder in arms), as Insane Machine slowly gets up, unawares. He gets blasted from behind, before Phoenix grabs the title, and points to the ladder. A challenge, perhaps [B](D)[/B]? *** Perez and Vessey are on their way out, clearly not happy to be teaming together. They probably aren’t too happy that they’ve each got an 0-1 record at INSPIRE as well [B](D)[/B]. [COLOR="blue"]Barry Kingman and Rick Sanders beat Frankie Perez and Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] in 11.49 [B](D-)[/B] -I may have discovered my week link in matches – not Vessey, but Sanders. We shall see. At first Perez fought with Sanders and Kingman as if wrestling an exhibition match, but turned angry after Kingman hit him with a low blow. He then caught Vessey laughing at his injury, so tagged him in and stormed off. Vessey did his best, but fell to Sanders. *** Sanders and Kingman headed backstage, where Sanders was surprised to see his old tag partner [B]Johnny Martin[/B]. Martin revealed that he had been brought in as Hopkirk’s partner for the Main Event, that left Sanders stunned. He tried to warn Martin away, but he would have none of it, telling Sanders that Hopkirk was a good man, he just hasn’t got to know him properly yet [B](D).[/B] *** Hoshino was the first out for the Main Event, and revealed that he’d also brought along someone from outside FWE for the main event – [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B](D+)! [COLOR="blue"]Eisaku Hoshino and Wolf Hawkins beat Randall Hopkirk and Johnny Martin[/COLOR] in 11.52 [B](D)[/B] -Well, that was an expensive D. Johnny Martin did most of the work for the heels, but couldn’t carry the match, losing to a Full Moon Rising from Hawkins. *** Martin walked away from the ring, disgruntled, and came face to face with Rick Sanders. Sanders extended his hand, but was caught completely unawares by a Twist on the Rocks from Martin, leaving him down on the floor [B](D+).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D[/I]
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1,900 fans saw us bring in Johnny Martin and Wolf Hawkins on trades, to a not particularly inspiring Main Event. Bringing in Hawkins really was pointless, and I’ll stick to talent trades with a purpose in the future. On the other hand, Martin and Sanders have history, so that was far more relevant. Martin will be sticking around for our next show. [B]Week 3:[/B] *** NOTBPW pull out back to back A’s, with McFly defeating Jeremy Stone, before Hayes retained against Dan Stone Jr. *** The Mean Machine, who had the honour of working a dark match with Hawkins last week, regains the Mid Atlantic Title, defeating Des Davids. *** Bart Biggz has won the SWF Shooting Star Title from Mikel Alonso. At least DuBois got a victory over Big Smack Scott. *** I missed that T-Rex left USPW last month. Probably too young. *** Randall Hopkirk’s first match a DaVE (as part of the deal that brought Martin in) ends in defeat to Johnny Martin. On TV. Thanks, DaVE. We decide to hold an extra show at the end of the month. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… An Extra Show: American Elemental vs Burning EXILE Eisaku Hoshino vs Fumihiro Ota Barry Kingman (c) vs Clark Alexander for the FWE Extreme Title Mainstream Hernandez and Ultimate Phoenix vs Insane Machine and Mean Jean Cattley Rick Sanders vs Johnny Martin[/QUOTE] Thinking of these show names really takes it out of me. [B]Week 4:[/B] *** A new CGC World Champion. Is it a DeColt – of course! Ricky defeats Alex, the last to get his hands on the title. *** Does everyone who has worked at SWF or TCW want at least $1,000 a show? I’m not paying! *** Out of nowhere, Bruce the Giant and Jack Griffith put on a B- match. Griffith hasn’t bettered this in DaVE. Bruce hasn’t bettered this since he came back to the US. *** Nobuatsu Tatsuko is out of the rut – he’s been Mr Consistent this year and is rewarded by defeating Eisaku Kunomasu for the PGHW Glory Crown. Short reign for the ex-DaVE man. *** Rick Sanders is going on about what a great guy Wiley Coyote is. I think he wants me to bring him in. Luckily I don’t get subtle hints. When it suits me.
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[QUOTE=Gozer;209120]Pulling a C- without most of your announced (and pre-booked) matches was quite a feat, dude. I usually take a huge hit in the ratings if I do that. Do you have strict advanced bookinng turned on?[/QUOTE] I do have it turned on. However, you can change the announced matches now in the advance booking screen, you just take a hit in in the heat department. You may get a few less people attend (as I had to change all but one match, so everything else had very little heat), but you're guaranteed a better rating. It also helped that great chemistry on EXILE's debut made my Main Event!
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[B]FWE Presents… An Extra Show:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Burning EXILE beat American Elemental[/COLOR] in 7.54 [B](D)[/B] -Neither are that over, and they didn’t click, so I’m happy with the match. EXILE won with the Exile Driver. *** Rick Sanders was backstage with Kathy Neptune, giving it the full hype for the Main Event. He said that he felt betrayed by Martin, and was pleased to use his influence to make it a cage match tonight, so they could finish it between the two of them [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Eisaku Hoshino beat Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] in 10.45 [B](C-)[/B] -I have little for Ota right now, as other heels are hogging the limelight. He still managed to take place in what will probably be match of the night. *** Hoshino met Hopkirk on the ramp, and made it clear that he wasn’t impressed that Kingman’s first title defence would be against Clark Alexander. The argument continued until the champion was out, when both men decided to sit in a commentary, forcing Remus and myself out of our seats [B](C[/B]). [COLOR="blue"]Barry Kingman (c) beat Clark Alexander[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 7.52 [B](D-)[/B] -Uninspired. We learnt that next show Hoshino and Hopkirk would face each other one on one, while Kingman won with consecutive German Suplexes. *** Even after the match Hoshino and Hopkirk argued, and somewhere along the line the announce table was flipped. The locker room emptied to keep them apart, and I officially appeared in my first angle [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine and Mean Jean Cattley beat Mainstream Hernandez and Ultimate Phoenix [/COLOR]in 11.23 [B](D-)[/B] -Again, none too impressed, although I forget that Insane Machine isn’t that over, as he’s been putting some superb matches. As Phoenix went to go ariel, Insane Machine pushed him outside the ring, and dragged in Hernandez to get the pin. *** Ultimate Phoenix recovered enough to grab a mic and shout after Insane Machine that he would not let him go – he will make sure that he gets a title shot [B](D-).[/B] *** Rick Sanders is backstage, looking for someone, when Johnny Martin comes out, dragging Kathy Neptune behind him. He locks himself into the cage and starts throwing Kathy around, drawing blood from the young lady. Sanders charges out, but is forced to scale the cage, and is immediately set upon by his ex-tag partner [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Johnny Martin [/COLOR]in a cage match in 10.55 [B](D)[/B] -I was pleasantly surprised by Martin’s willingness to do the job here, and wouldn’t turn the offer down. Dragging Kathy Neptune into the ring proved his undoing, as she rescued Sanders from a pin, and scored with a Field Goal Kick to turn the match Sanders way. *** As the ref unlocked the cage, Kathy Neptune unleashed a barrage of abuse at Martin, before being dragged away by Sanders [B](E-).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D[/I]
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Not too surprised that only 1,023 people attended – it was our third show in the South East this month. Just about our only mistake was to put Kathy Neptune back in angles, as once again she killed the crowd. The main event would have been a whole lot different, but Martin was gracious and happy to put his old colleague over. *** American Elemental has left FWE. He was only brought in short term, and didn’t live up to his costs. He’d be welcomed back in the future. *** Johnny Martin’s two deal trade is now also over, and we are very thankful for his efforts, as he willingly jobbed on both occasions. *** Both Mainstream Hernandez and Ultimate Phoenix were very late for the show. They were travelling together, so I’ll let them off.
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August: I made a loss, but it was only $259. Three shows a month looks quite acceptable, especially if I run one out of area. Week 1: *** Eisaku Hoshino made his TCW debut in a one shot deal which allowed us to use Wolf Hawkins. He was defeated by BLZ Bubb at TCW Summer Showdown. *** Ed Monton has retired as a three time World Champion, two time Canadian Champion and two time Tag Team Champion at CGC. *** Primal Rage has also announced his retirement, after not being able to pick up another deal since leaving CZCW. *** American Elemental is now going to work a more cruiserweight style. Of course, he tells me this the day after he leaves us. *** At CGC Nate Johnson has defeated The Natural for the CGC Canadian Title. *** Burning EXILE is being, well, his usual self, claiming that others are holding him back, and he should be Main Eventing at FWE. *** Hell Monkey has moved up another step at WLW, taking the Universal Title off Emerald Angel for his first reign. *** Enygma has left SWF. Fans rejoice. *** SWF go into Quebec, and put on a stinker of a show for them (C-). No-one was too excited to see the Biggz face one another for the Shooting Star Title, which garnered a D-. NOTBPW go into the US the same night, and walk away with a B. *** TCW are to get back on TV next season, with Riptide on the Pop! Network. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Holiday: Ultimate Phoenix vs Mean Jean Cattley Eisaku Hoshino vs Randall Hopkirk[/QUOTE] Week 2: *** Gargantuan has already got signed up in CGC. *** Giant Redwood gets a contract extension at USPW. Where’s he’s gone 25-1, defeating anyone who he faces for his National Title. The matches have all sucked though. *** SWF pull out another poor show in Canada, and lose their TV deal. They didn’t fight to keep it. *** Bruce the Giant has lost his USPW World Title, Demon Spite surprisingly taking the victory.
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[B]FWE Presents… Holiday:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Rick Sanders beat Cameron Vessey [/COLOR]in 11.13 [B](D)[/B] -Sanders carried on his momentum with a victory after an Up Yours from Sanders. *** Kathy Neptune took a mic, and declared that Sanders was back and after two things – the recognition that Hopkirk does not own his company, and the Warrior Title from his so called friend Kingman [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey and Burning EXILE beat Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Frankie Perez[/COLOR] in 13.55 [B](D)[/B] -All four men back from touring in Japan, and it was Hell Monkey who got the win over Perez with a Hell Fire Kick. *** We saw Perez trudging backstage, where Vessey mocked him for losing again. The two squared up, and agreed to face each other at Boldness (E+). [COLOR="blue"]Barry Kingman beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] in 9.58 [B](D)[/B] -Poison came out with a new hippy gimmick, and did well against the champion. Still lost to a series of Germans. *** Randall Hopkirk came out to congratulate Kingman, be he shrugged the TCW man away and left the ring on his own [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Mean Jean Cattley[/COLOR] in 13.33 [B](D)[/B] -The two gave it everything, and the commentary hinted towards the result. They kept banging on about Phoenix wanting to challenge for the Extreme Title, so he was the obvious winner. *** Hoshino was out, and made in known that after getting rid of Hopkirk, he’d leave him to argue over FWE with Rick Sanders – he was going after the Warrior Title [B](C+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Eisaku Hoshino beat Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] by DQ in 8.46 [B](D+)[/B] -The finish left a rematch open, but the lack of chemistry doesn’t. Hopkirk just couldn’t keep Hoshino down, so started to great creative. That meant using weapons, which got him DQ’d when the ref refused to turn a blind eye any longer. *** Hopkirk grabbed the ref round the next, but Rick Sanders was out for the save, proving to be equally creative with weaponry to give himself an advantage [B](C-).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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1,926 is a good start to the month, and it was a strong show, with no real weaknesses. The next show will be another Invasion, before Boldness at the end of the month. *** Ultimate Phoenix arrived late, and received an official warning. That’s two shows running. *** Jacob Jett and Katie Cameron have got engaged, despite not working together (as Jett is now losing lots of matches at NOTBPW). *** SWF stay in Canada for their Welcome to the Jungle PPV. That was also a C-, and no, Marc DuBois didn’t take part. *** UK Dragon takes the WLW Showstealer Title, and is really getting over now. Hence he gets signed up to tour with GCG the next day. *** How could I forget – SWF Supreme TV is still on the air. In the UK. Far better than their last few shows, as well. *** After the show Joe Sexy, the current North American Champion, announced that his contract with SWF was coming to an end, and it was unlikely that he would resign. This will be a huge blow to the Eisens. *** Dan Dalay has left CGC, where he won the Triple Crown.
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] What? I thought Wednesday was our sweat spot, but it seems that all of our touring wokers are well, touring. Thankfully, didn’t advance book any of them. *** Mainstream Hernandez came out to ask Kingman to make the next match for the Warrior Title – and he accepted [B](C-)![/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Barry Kingman beat Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] to retain the Warrior Title in 15.40[B] (D+)[/B] -Kingman isn’t too well known in the South West, while Hernandez’s USPW TV appearances are slowly getting him over. We took advantage of that. *** Hoshino came out to tell Kingman that he was just keeping the title warm for a true champion – the Japanese Warrior, Hoshino [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Clark Alexander[/COLOR] in 9.51 [B](D+)[/B] -Alexander’s last FWE booking. He’s been perfectly acceptable, but just doesn’t justify his cost. *** The competitors for the Main Event came out, with Cattley telling Hoshino that he was too arrogant to decide he was the only one worthy of a title shot, and he’d prove it now [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Eisaku Hoshino beat Mean Jean Cattley[/COLOR] in 13.32 [B](C-)[/B] -Good contest, there may be a future in a feud between the two. Not yet though, and Hoshino showed off his Nuclear Death Bomb to end the night. [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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1,808 is a good showing in the South West, so we may think about keeping it as a second home. Two matches so far announced for next week. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Boldness: Cameron Vessey vs Frankie Perez Rick Sanders and Eisaku Hoshino vs Barry Kingman and Randall Hopkirk[/QUOTE] We managed to hit special show dates for INSPIRE and WLW, but successfully worked our way around it. *** Clark Alexander’s short term contract with FWE is over, and he has left. *** Travis Century has suffered a back injury, and will be out for two months. *** USPW Apple Pie and Baseball has two C- matches, including Demon Spite defending his title against Mario Herioc. Puerto Rican Power also took the National Title off Giant Redwood. [B]Week 4:[/B] *** After champion Yamanoue picked up an injury, Kazuma Narato was given the Destiny Title at SAISHO in his second match there. *** Well, they may as well. SWF bring their TV show to the UK. The crowd just weren’t into it (D-).
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[B]FWE Presents… Boldness:[/B] *** We open with a video, as our four Main Eventers collide in tag action in the Main Event [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beats Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 3.49 [B](E+)[/B] -A little run out for Ultimate Phoenix, and a chance for the commentators to announce that he has a shot at the Extreme Title next month. This wasn’t impressive, though. [COLOR="blue"]Joey Poison beat Mark Smart[/COLOR] in 5.45 [B](D)[/B] -This was much more impressive, as Poison’s new character picks up a victory with the Antidote Web, after losing to the Warrior Champion last week. *** Bulldozer Brandon Smith comes out to announce that despite losing in tag action, he has yet to be pinned in FWE, and Hell Monkey will not be the first to do it [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] in 9.53 [B](C)[/B] -Well, the Monkey was the first to do it. And I’m glad he was, as it gives these two some history to work with, as they can clearly work a great match together. *** Backstage and Hopkirk is with Kingman, telling him that he is only champion because he helped him, and he wants him to help him out with a little task later [B](C).[/B] *** Vessey comes out to, and is about to get on the mic when Perez runs out, and we’re going straight into their match [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] in 18.21 [B](D+)[/B] -These two have built up a dislike for one another in the last few weeks, and neither wanted to give an inch here. Vessey refused to tap to the P-Clutch, but was tired by the end, as Perez won with a Perfect Parity. *** Perez took a mic after the match, and said that he was in perfect conditioning, and could outlast anybody. To that extent, he wants a rematch with Hell Monkey, at Happyness next month [B](D+).[/B] *** We cut backstage where Hoshino and Sanders have been jumped by Hopkirk and Kingman. Hopkirk’s size is proving a huge advantage, and they manhandle their opponents down to the ring for their matc [B](C).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders and Eisaku Hoshino beat Barry Kingman and Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] in 11.58 [B](D+)[/B] -The heels tried to finish this match in the early minutes, but their opponents proved far more resilient than anticipated. Sanders and Hopkirk eventually ended up fighting up the aisle, which took the refs eye off the ring. Kingman brought his title into the ring, but missed Hoshino. The Japanese legend wrenched the title from the champion and blasted him in the face, before making the cover for the win. [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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