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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] *** Eisaku Hoshino was shown with Frankie Perez, congratulating him on winning the title. He then informed him that now was the hard part – now he had to keep it [B](C).[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Randall Hopkirk beat Roderick Remus[/COLOR] in 4.35 [B](D)[/B] -Found another member of my roster for Hopkirk to squash. *** Hopkirk went to the back and dragged out Ultimate Phoenix, saying that he had a surprise. Out came The Foundation, and Hopkirk told Phoenix that he had a match – pity he had no partner. Hopkirk was as surprised as everyone else when [B]Masked Cougar[/B] rushed out to aid his CZCW comrade [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix and Masked Cougar beat The Foundation[/COLOR] in 10.33 [B](D-)[/B] -The crowd were round behind the CZCW duo, and Phoenix won with a Firebird Splash on Cattley. *** Hoshino and Perez came out for the Warrior Title match, and shared an uneasy handshake before the match started[B] (C).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez (c) beat Eisaku Hoshino[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 24.37 [B](C)[/B] -CZCW must have been delighted when they found out that I was running this match in the South West, as it helped their wrestler no end. Again, Hoshino tapped to the P-Clutch. [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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Another stellar show in the South West, always helped by our now growing CZCW contingent. 950 people saw Masked Cougar debut, and at least most of that crowd knew him. Not so sure about back in the South East. He was brought in to help Ultimate Phoenix out, after deciding that I never want him to face Hopkirk in singles action again. *** Owen Love makes Jacob Jett’s NOTBPW Unlimited Action run very short. *** We’re not even going to try and make Hoshino another offer, so he has just one more match left. A showcase with Hell Monkey is in order. *** Valiant signs with USPW. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… No Agents: Joey Poison vs Fumihiro Ota Masked Cougar, Ultimate Phoenix and Matt Sparrow vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Insane Machine and Randall Hopkirk Rick Sanders vs Barry Kingman Eisaku Hoshino vs Hell Monkey[/QUOTE] [B]Week 3:[/B] *** Duane Stone takes the Canadian Title from R.K. Hayes, but MOTN by far is Jeremy Stone defeating Dan Stone Jr in an A* classic. *** Interesting decision at USPW, where on the same day, on TV and on PPV, Bruce the Giant and Demon Anger go to time limit draws. Rumour that the time limit was 5 minutes are unconfirmed. *** PRIDE Koiso takes the PGHW Glory Crown from Nobuatsu Tatsuko for his first reign. *** Jimmy P deserves it. Prudence tags with Jim Force as The Partners to take the CZCW Tag Titles. They deserve one another. *** And PRIDE Koiso [I]loses[/I] the PGHW Glory Crown! Two days his reign lasted, before Eisaku Kunomasu ended it.
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[B]FWE Presents… No Agents[/B] This one is going to cost. Not the least because my dark matches are very expensive (wasn’t going to pay Tana for doing nothing this month). [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Cal Sanders[/COLOR] in 5.45 [B](D+)[/B] -He was focused, with the commentators reminding us how Ota screwed him out of the Extreme Title last month. *** Gumble grabbed a mic, and demanded that Ota come out and explain his actions. Ota did come out, but just pushed past Gumble, and got into the ring for his match [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Fumihiro Ota beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] in 8.07 [B](D+)[/B] -Ota showcased himself here, as if trying to prove a point, before winning with a Ninja Strike. *** Ota did decide to explain himself – pointing out that he was fired from TCW when the cruiserweight division was canned, but Gumble wasn’t. How, he’d never know, after Ota won eight titles (5 in singles competition), compared to Gumble’s five (just one in singles). And what did Gumble do with the opportunity? Two one week All Action reigns, and then getting himself fired. Ota asks why he shouldn’t be mad at Gumble [B](E+).[/B] *** The two men of CZCW, and the man once of, got together before the next match to ensure that they’d take down the arrogant Hopkirk [B](D-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Insane Machine and Randall Hopkirk beat Masked Cougar, Ultimate Phoenix and Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 13.40 [B](D-)[/B] -I kind of knew this one would be D-, but was hoping for a D. The new Extreme Title holder, Smith, destroyed Sparrow with a Bulldozer Lariat for the win. *** Brandon Smith doesn’t end there, and forces Cougar and Phoenix from the ring apron. Insane Machine just stares at him, and the commentators speculate that he hasn’t forgotten who took the Extreme Title off him [B](E+).[/B] *** Steve Gumble is shown shaking hands with Hoshino, saying the short time he’s been at FWE it has been a pleasure to work with a legend like Hoshino. Yeah, making the best of him while he’s here [B](C).[/B] *** Rick Sanders also shakes Hoshino’s hand, before hyping up his match with Kingman, a friend of the past, but no longer so [B](C-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Barry Kingman beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] in 12.19 [B](D)[/B] -This was helped by good chemistry, so hasn’t really helped either of their careers – I don’t see that either will reclaim the Main Event status that they started out at in FWE. Sanders slowly got on top until a large Samoan ([B]Kanishoki[/B]) interfered to allow Kingman to steal the win. *** Tana the Mighty was the last man to see Hoshino before he went out for his last appearance. He thanked Hoshino for giving him a title shot, and told him he’d always remember the day he faced Hoshino [B](B-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Eisaku Hoshino[/COLOR] in 32.49 [B](D+)[/B] -Probably too long for some of my crowd, but I was going to give Hoshino a decent send off. Even if it meant jobbing him. Hoshino attempted a Godzilla Plunge, but was hit with a Hell Fire Kick. It was followed up with a Tumbling Monkey, and the American got the win. *** Hoshino raised Monkey’s hand, saying that he was proud to face him, and believed that this would be the man to take the Warrior Title off Perez [B](C-).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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Just 520 people saw Hoshino’s swansong – but it wasn’t as good as some of his other matches. He passed the torch to Hell Monkey, who is expected to get the next Warrior Title shot. *** Since Titan left FWE he’s gone down as far as opening for Canadian Independent shows. In tag action. And losing. *** Skull DeBones has walked out on SWF, surprisingly with only one North American Title to his name. *** The NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title merry-go round is probably at an end, as Edd Stone becomes the fourth champion in as many weeks.
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[SIZE="4"]2008:[/SIZE] Hmm, my end of year review is at work, and it's Easter weekend. Natch. [COLOR="Blue"]Wrestler of the Year[/COLOR] – [B]Jeremy Stone[/B] 2 A*’s with Sean McFly and Dan Stone Jr, only had one poor match (when he teamed with Dan against Hazel and Victoria Stone. More impressive was his fourth Ed Henson Memorial Cup win, his only championship in 2007. [COLOR="blue"]Young Wrestler of the Year[/COLOR] – [B]Emerald Angel[/B] Two WLW Universal Title reigns in 2007 (current champion), widely accepted as the best high flier in the business. [COLOR="blue"]Veteran Wrestler of the Year[/COLOR] – [B]Dread[/B] Consistent over the year, which is pretty impressive at his age. [COLOR="blue"]Female Wrestler of the Year[/COLOR] – [B]Sensational Ogiwara[/B] No brainer, but no title in 2007. Just nine defeats though, and a first match with Alicia Strong. [COLOR="blue"]Promotion of the Year [/COLOR]– [B]SWF[/B] By far the highest buy rates for the first 10 months, but they have dropped massively from where they were, and are highly unlikely to repeat next year. [COLOR="blue"]Most Improved Promotion[/COLOR] – [B]PGHW[/B] Consistent B rated shows, with A rated matches thrown in. Thriving. [COLOR="blue"]Match of the Year[/COLOR] – [B]Jeremy Stone beat Dan Stone Jr[/B], at NOTBPW Winter War [B](A*)[/B] A late winner, which went past unnoticed to me. [COLOR="blue"]Show of the Year[/COLOR] – [B]NOTBPW Super Slam[/B] Jeremy Stone’s other A* match, which also saw Dark Angel take the Unlimited Action Title. ___________________________________ [COLOR="blue"]FWE Wrestler of the Year[/COLOR] - [B]Eisaku Hoshino[/B] Sure, so he's left, but he did carry the company for the last year. [COLOR="blue"]Young Wrestler of the Year[/COLOR] - [B]Frankie Perez[/B] Had a brief stint at TCW, but otherwise overlooked by the big two in North America (TCW and NOTBPW). Suits me fine, as wrestles any style like a vet. Successes: Eisaku Hoshino, Frankie Perez, Black Eagle, Insane Machine, Hel Monkey, Bulldozer Brandon Smith Failures: Rick Sanders, Fumihiro Ota, Randall Hopkirk _________________________________ [B]January:[/B] *** Another $21,000 loss. Don’t think I can justify three shows a months with a) the economy, and b) my expensive TCW workers. *** Eisaku Hoshino has left FWE, and has announced that he’d heading back to Japan. We wish him all the best. *** Kuniyoshi Chishu has lost the book at 5SSW. *** Ultimate Phoenix leaves MPWF *** It’s AAA who lose Farrah Hesketh after she joined DaVE four months ago, with her unable to keep her commitments with four companies. ***Aaron Andrews takes the All Action Title back from Chance Fortune, for his second reign. *** Tana the Mighty wins the WL Streetfighting Title in his first appearance, while KOKI Ishibashi takes the Showstealer Title. *** Texas Pete takes the North American Title off Wrestling Machine #2. I’ll forgive this if he goes onto the Main Event. *** Especially as they look set to lose Rich Money. *** Teddy Powell took some shots as Shawn Gonzalez last night – apparently none to impressed at his booking at various smaller feds. *** NOTBPW rise to International status. SWF, TCW and me all hope that they’ll leave our stars well alone. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Start: Joey Poison vs Barry Kingman Matt Sparrow and Ultimate Phoenix vs The Foundation Masked Cougar vs Insane Machine Bulldozer Brandon Smith (c) vs Little Bill Lebowski for the FWE Extreme Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… The Start:[/B] Okay, it seems I’ve clashed with WLW. No Hell Monkey, no Insane Machine, no Tana the Mighty. Crud. *** The show opens with a graphic saying that Steve Gumble and Fumihiro Ota will face one another in tag team action later tonight, with their partners currently a mystery [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Barry Kingman beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] in 7.38 [B](D)[/B] -A little 4C match here, won when Kanishoki interfered. *** Kingman held Poison down, while Kanishoki splashed the poor Canadian [B](E+).[/B] *** Bulldozer Brandon Smith was with Charlize Angelle, hyping his first Extreme Title defence [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith (c) beat Little Bill Lebowski [/COLOR]to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 4.47 [B](D+)[/B] -Bulldozer played with his opponent, before putting him away with a Bulldozer Lariat. *** Charlize Angelle leapt into her mans arms, and let everyone see her land a big smacker on his lips [B](D-).[/B] *** Matt Sparrow, Ultimate Phoenix and Masked Cougar were together backstage, saying that Bulldozer did not represent the high flying nature of the Extreme Title, and one of them would take the title back soon [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Matt Sparrow and Ultimate Phoenix beat The Foundation[/COLOR] in 11.09 [B](D-)[/B] -Somehow The Foundation have found themselves as a jobber tag team, which is a hell of a waste of talent. Phoenix again put away Cattley with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. *** Steve Gumble was backstage, and revealed an impressive partner – new to FWE, and TCW All Action Champion – [B]Aaron Andrews (D)![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Randall Hopkirk beat Masked Cougar[/COLOR] in 4.47 [B](D-)[/B] -Masked Cougar pulled out a few high flying moves, getting hit by a Randalism. *** Hopkirk picked up Cougar again, but threw him out of the ring when Phoenix and Sparrow appeared. Hopkirk announced that next show the Extreme Title’s number one contender would be determined – in a ladder match between Ultimate Phoenix, Matt Sparrow, Masked Cougar and … Insane Machine [B](D-).[/B] *** Fumihiro Ota came out to admit that Gumble had an impressive partner, but so did he – FWE Warrior Champion, [B]Frankie Perez (D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez and Fumihiro Ota beat Steve Gumble and Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] in 21.36 [B](C-)[/B] -Ota was tired, but we managed a decent technical encounter. Andrews didn’t get a win on debut, as Ota pulled him off the apron allowing Perez to hit a Perfect Parity on Gumble. [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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We had an increase in attendance at 1,859, and a debut for Aaron Andrews. It wasn’t a victory, but it would not be surprising to see him in the Warrior Title hunt. *** Joey Poison arrived late to the show, and has been fined a week’s wages. *** Willie York has suffered a major concussion from Stuart Ferdinand, and will be out over a year. *** Rocky Golden has left TCW. He also works at CGC. *** NOTBPW’s expansion starts with Rich Money, Angry Gilmore, Pat Deacon and Darren Smith all signed from SWF. *** At SWF, Darryl Devine takes the Shooting Star Title from Akima Brave. *** Rumour has it that Bruce the Giant won’t be re-signing with USPW. No real surprise. *** At 5SSW, Burning EXILE becomes booking, and starts to cull the roster in a bid to survive their losses. *** Davis Wayne Newton joins the NOTBPW revolution, from CGC. *** SWF unwisely holds their PPV in Canada, when they really need to work at their US standing. The departing Angry Gilmore loses his North American title to starlet Groucho Bling, while The Warriors of the Deep lose the Tag Title to The Amazing Bumfholes. *** Li Bingci is to take his awesome mat skills to PGHW full time. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Hell Monkey vs Mean Jean Cattley Masked Cougar vs Matt Sparrow vs Ultimate Phoenix vs Insane Machine Tana the Mighty vs Steven Parker[/QUOTE] [B]Week 3:[/B] *** Bulldozer Brandon Smith signs with USPW. Let’s hope they use him well. *** TCW’s booker is going to share time with NOTBPW. *** Wrestling Machine #2 (aka Brent Hill) usurps Genghis Rahn as TCW World Heavyweight Title.
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Hell Monkey beat Mean Jean Cattley[/COLOR] in 8.59 [B](D+)[/B] -Another convincing performance, with the victory coming via a Hell Fire Kick. *** Hell Monkey got on the mic, and hyped himself, saying that he should be the next champion [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ultimate Phoenix beat Masked Cougar, Matt Sparrow and Insane Machine[/COLOR] in a ladder match in 15.37 [B](C-)[/B] -Ultimate Phoenix became the Number One contender, after Insane Machine was kept out of the match by the three faces. *** Randall Hopkirk came out to the top of the stage applauding, and said that the Main Event was made – Ultimate Phoenix gets his Extreme Title shot tonight [B](D+)![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Tana the Mighty beat Steven Parker [/COLOR]by DQ in 5.32 [B](D+)[/B] -Cattley was out with his partner, and as Tana set up for a Rumpshaker, Mean Jean attacked with a chair to earn the DQ. *** Cattley dragged Parker from the ring, and headed from the ring laughing at the larger Samoan [B](E+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith (c) beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title [B](D+)[/B] -Sigh. Both these men have found a lack of chemistry with quite a lot of my roster. A tired Phoenix missed a Firebird Splash, and was easy pickings for a Bulldozer Lariat. *** Bulldozer issued Phoenix with a few stiff kicks, as Hopkirk came out to congratulate the champ [B](D).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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950 people, and we can pull out a D+ in the South West (where we run all our Invasion shows) quite easily. *** Acid heads back to Canada with NOTBPW, and will be joined by Eddie Chandler. *** Mike Watson takes the INSPIRE King of Fighters Title off Marat Khoklov, who has announced his intention to leave INSPIRE. *** USPW have a new champion in Demon Spite. Let’s hope he doesn’t leave, like previous champions Demon Anger and Peter Valentine. *** Brandon Smith’s USPW debut sees him job to Tom E. Hawk. I think Sam hates me. *** Ultimate Phoenix joins SOTBPW. *** Billy Jack Shearer signs a new PPA deal with TCW. I realise I could reform Painful Procedure – then thankfully notice that Shearer sucks far more than Hopkirk. *** Knuckles is the surprise winner of the Rip Chord Invitational, beating Ota, Douglas, and finally Clark Alexander. *** The Faith / Train feud rolls on at SWF, with the Train taking back the title for his third reign. *** Mexico have two new feds – MHW (Hardcore) and MFDL (Lucha Libre). ____________________________ [B]February:[/B] *** Cut the loses to just $840 last month, which is slightly better than $21,000 *** Gino Montero makes me wish I was booking a Mexican fed. *** It seems that there’s not enough backstage staff for all the new Mexican feds, as we get a new one of everything. Decent road agent there. *** Mateo Iglesias is revealed as the owner of MHW, while Alfredo Menendez takes MFDL. *** USPW now job Brandon Smith to Al the Hillbilly. Thanks. *** WLW rise to cult. *** Bruce the Giant leaves USPW, while Bobby Thomas leaves CGC. *** Luis Montero takes the book at MHW. Does he think Gino’s a hardcore wrestler? He’s just about everything else. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Arrival: Tana the Mighty vs Cal Sanders Trademark vs The Foundation Matt Sparrow vs Insane Machine Steve Gumble and ??? vs Fumihiro Ota and ??? Hell Monkey and Aaron Andrews vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Randall Hopkirk[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Arrival:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Foundation beat Trademark[/COLOR] in 5.33 [B](D)[/B] -The Foundation repeat their win from their debut here, Cattley pinning Remus. *** Tana the Mighty “rushed” to the ring as it looked like we might have a post match attack, and got on the mic to announce he’d be facing off against Cattley at The Crush [B](C-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Tana the Mighty beat Cal Sanders[/COLOR] in 3.57 [B](D+)[/B] -Rumpshaker, Big Fat Samoan Squash. End of story. *** Tana turned to celebrate, and was met by a chair shot from Cattley. He dove into the crowd as Remus and Morgan backed up their colleague [B](D+).[/B] *** Steve Gumble was shown announcing his partner for his tag match later – [B]Harry Allen[/B]! Former TCW Cruiserweight Tag Champions The Young Guns will be reforming for one night only [B](D+)![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 7.39 [B](D)[/B] -The commentary mentioned how Insane Machine is yet to get a rematch for the Extreme Title that he lost to Bulldozer. After Hopkirk came out to distract Sparrow, Machine won with a Termination Kick. *** We cut to Aaron Andrews with Hell Monkey. Andrews is telling the Monkey that he has only come to FWE for one thing – gold, and he won’t let Perez’s feud with Hell Monkey get in his way [B](D+).[/B] *** Fumihiro Ota come out with his partner – [B]American Elemental[/B]! Ota hypes him up, hoping that we’ve all forgotten how he lost almost all his matches six months ago [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The Young Guns beat Fumihiro Ota and American Elemental[/COLOR] in 15.53 [B](D+)[/B] -All men once of TCW, only Harry Allen remains there now. And he was the one off his game. Both the heels administered near falls, but Gumble managed to pin Ota after a Savate Kick. *** The Young Guns celebrated, but American Elemental quickly got on a mic. He called the win a fluke, and Harry Allen’s continuing employment as TCW astounding. At The Crush, he wanted to face him for his TCW roster spot [B](D).[/B] *** Randall Hopkirk was out with Brandon Smith, Hopkirk telling Bulldozer that him winning this would put him in line for his second title around his waist – the Warrior Title [B](C-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey and Aaron Andrews beat Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] in 11.17 [B](C-)[/B] -Skill versus strength, and it was a well matched contest – admittedly with Smith having to do more than his fair share of the work. Matt Sparrow came out, and managed to distract the entire world, allowing Masked Cougar to race up the ringpost and hit a High Rise Cougar Pounce on Hopkirk. He only recovered to be met by a Hell Fire Kick, and took the pin. *** Cougar and Sparrow celebrated, while Hopkirk looked on, stunned [B](E+).[/B] [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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A 2,000 sell out! A C- show! My fans can pick them, and my TCW workers also helped. American Elemental re-debuted, while Harry Allen came in for two shows as a talent trade for Steve Gumble. Keeping my promise to only have talent trades that make sense! Gumble got two All Action Title shots in his two matches at TCW. *** Rhino Umaga leaves GCG to tour with BHOTWG, where his ex-partner Samoan Machine is currently Main Eventing. *** Kid Toma goes to MAW. He’s found consistent work since leaving SWF. *** Tana the Mighty loses his WL Streetfighter Title to UK Dragon. *** Luis Montero Jr goes to MHW. Just the youngest to complete the trio… *** We enter negotiations with the unemployed Bobby Thomas, but nothing comes out of it, as he’s, well, nothing spectacular. *** Aaron Andrews loses the TCW All Action Title to Chance Fortune. *** Gino Montero shows he’s not mucking about, and gets his first professional contract with OLLIE. *** Hoshino goes to BHOTWG short term. *** At NOTBPW Clash Classic, their top eight matches are all in B territory. Rich Money vs Acid was just sixth on the bill. *** Christian Faith leaves SWF. Unless he decides to explore Japan, NOTBPW looks his best bet – but he should note how low down the card Rich Money is. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Crush: Tana the Mighty vs Mean Jean Cattley Rick Sanders vs Ultimate Phoenix vs Insane Machine vs Barry Kingman Harry Allen vs American Elemental Hell Monkey vs Aaron Andrews vs Fumihiro Ota to become No. 1 contender to the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… The Crush:[/B] *** Randall Hopkirk is out first, furious at being attacked by Masked Cougar last week, and demands he comes out to face him now, which is quickly accepted [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar beat Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] in 6.44 [B](D)[/B] -Cougar took quite a beating until Matt Sparrow came out to help, providing the distraction for Cougar to hit the High Rise Cougar Pounce, for the huge upset. *** The faces make a quick exit, as Hopkirk kicks a barrier in frustration [B](D).[/B] *** Tana the Mighty comes out, taking a mic to say that for some reason Cattley wanted to next match, to which the MAW came out to confirm it – saying that he could take any big man out, and just hadn’t been given the opportunity [B](C-).[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Tana the Mighty beat Mean Jean Cattley[/COLOR] by DQ [B](D+)[/B] -A couple of weeks ago these two pulled out a very good dark match, which they couldn’t match here. Cattley grounded Tana a couple of time, but after a Choke Bomb Parker had to make the rescue, causing the DQ. *** Thomas Morgan and Roderick Remus rushed to the ring, but Tana proved that he didn’t need any help, easily removed The Foundation from the ring [B](E+).[/B] *** The Young Guns were shown backstage, Gumble offering Allen good luck for his last match in FWE [B](C-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental beat Harry Allen[/COLOR] in 6.56 [B](C)[/B] -Hopefully this sterling win will provide American Elemental the springboard that he needs at FWE. The two flew all around the ring, before Ota interfered to allow the ex-TCW man pin the current TCW man. *** After the bell Ota dragged Allen from the ring, and literally threw him into the crowd. As Gumble ran out to help his partner, Ota mouthed “You’re next” at him, before legging it. You’ll have to trust me that was what he mouthed though, as no-one could actually see it [B](D-).[/B] *** Rick Sanders was caught for a quick interview going to the ring for the next match. He mocked Hopkirk’s earlier defeat, and revealed that the forthcoming match was for the next shot at the FWE Warrior Title [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Ultimate Phoenix, Insane Machine and Barry Kingman[/COLOR] in 10.49 [B](D+)[/B] -An all over the place match. After a ref bump Kanishoki came out, and levelled Sanders and Ultimate Phoenix. Insane Machine darted out of his way, before shaking his head and leaving the ring. He took Kanishoki and Kingman’s attention, and Kingman fell to a schoolboy roll up. *** Hell Monkey was about to cut an interview, when Aaron Andrews came over. He said that their alliance from last week was over – it ends now. He was here for gold, and will become the number on contender next [B](C-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Aaron Andrews and Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] in 15.48 [B](C-)[/B] -Ota made his bed earlier in the night, so it wasn’t too surprising to see Gumble attack the cruiser, taking him out of the match. We were left with a classic encounter, with Hell Monkey finally hitting a Hell Fire Kick for the win. [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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Thankfully 1,900 people turned up – we’re using all our TCW men (and neither of our champions), so our shows are proving to be very expensive. Match of the night was Harry Allen’s last match, a defeat to American Elemental. *** USPW decide to invest in new, young talent. They get Gargantuan, so at least they’ve started young. I think they went for him after Randall Hopkirk turned them down. Didn’t know he would though, hence his job last night. *** USPW continue the movement, taking the National Title off Giant Redwood, and giving it to… Tom E Hawk??? *** Rick Law is jumping to SWF when his TCW contract ends, filling the void that’s been building up there. *** Former TCW World Heavyweight Champion Ricky Dale Johnson leaves for CGC. *** In the DeColt family, Jack takes the CGC World Title from Ricky for his fifth reign. *** Meanwhile at NOTBPW Sean Deeley gets a Canadian Title shot after making his way into the Main Event. *** Wolf Hawkins takes the TCW International Title from Texas Pete for his first reign. *** PGHW are giving Marat Khokluv a chance, with a touring contract. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Ultimate Phoenix vs American Elemental Cameron Vessey vs Insane Machine Frankie Perez (c) vs Masked Cougar in a non-title match[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] *** Ultimate Phoenix is on hype, saying that he will get over his loss last night at CZCW, with victory tonight [B](D).[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] in 8.38 [B](C)[/B] -An awesome show of chemistry, these two could easily Main Event against each other. American Elemental won with an Inferno Splash. *** Elemental grabbed a mic to announce that he was a force to be reckoned with, and would stop at nothing on his way to the top [B](D).[/B] *** Insane Machine was out to moan about the fact that he still hasn’t been given his rematch for the FWE Extreme Title – instead he’s thrown into matches where fat Samoan’s ruin it all [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] in 7.04 [B](C-)[/B] -We bring out Vessey for the first time for ages, and find an opponent he has good chemistry with. This may help his career. *** Frankie Perez came out to tell the world that after his INSPIRE tour, he considered himself a model fighter, and pityed the poor Cougar who’s face him next [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Masked Cougar[/COLOR] in 17.36 [B](C)[/B] -Not chemistry, just a great match. Somehow Perez eventually managed to dodge a High Rise Cougar Pounce, and lock in the P-Clutch. *** Perez held his title high above his head, as the house lights went up at the end of the night [B](C-).[/B] [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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My South West shows are really taking off, even if only 520 people saw this one. I’ll pass my thanks onto CZCW. *** It must be good to be able to book yourself – Joey Poison’s 4C Championship reign is currently at 15 months. *** Insane Machine announces he is to tour with BHOTWG. Of the Japanese men’s promotions, he only needs GCG to complete the list. [B]March:[/B] *** A huge $15,000 loss last month, and that was even with taking FWE off the Internet. *** Frankie Perez and Tana’s tours with GCG and WLW come to an end. Perez has announced that he will tour with WLW next month, but as of yet they haven’t approached Tana, who won the Streetfighting Title last tour. *** Genghis Rahn leaves TCW. They give him a victory over Grunt to end with. *** Double change at DaVE, with Hell’s Bouncer taking the Brass Knuckles title in a triple threat match with Gonzalez and Scout, while in the Main Event Chris Caulfield took his fourth Unified Title from Eddie Peak. *** Eisaku Kunomasu wins his second PGHW Elite Series, defeating Burning EXILE, Dread and Shuji Inukai Inukai knocked out Marat Khoklov in the other semi, who had picked up a debut win over Pistol Pete Hall. *** Gino Montero already holds a title, after taking the OLLIE Trios title with Decimilio and Julio Dominguez [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Forward, March! Joey Poison vs Aaron Andrews Tana the Mighty and Trademark vs The Foundation and Insane Machine Bulldozer Brandon Smith (c) vs Rick Sanders for the FWE Extreme Title Steve Gumble vs Fumihiro Ota[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Forward, March![/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Joey Poison [/COLOR]in 6.13 [B](D+)[/B] -Andrews showed off his Standing Hot Shot, in a clinical victory. *** Andrews took the mic after the match, saying that he didn’t care what anyone said, what anyone thought – he was going to be the number one in this promotion, and he’d go through everyone to prove it [B](C-).[/B] *** Tana was with Trademark, basically trying to leech some of his overness onto them. Oh, and hyping up their six man action, next [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The Foundation and Insane Machine beat Tana the Mighty and Trademark[/COLOR] in 7.36 [B](D+)[/B] -Insane Machine found himself the extra man in the middle of the feud, but he used it to his advantage, remaining focused to pin Morgan after an Insanity Tsunami. *** Ota was caught backstage, saying that Gumble didn’t deserve anymore breaks in his life, and he’d show him what he had shown in TCW several times before – he was the better man [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Bulldozer Brandon Smith (c)[/COLOR] by DQ in 10.41 [B](D)[/B] -They don’t click, they don’t click. Anyway, Kanishoki attacked for the DQ. *** Kathy Neptune suggested to Charlize Angelle that she had recruited Kanishoki. She denied it. Slap. Brawl. Someone lost their top [B](D-).[/B] *** Backstage and Hell Monkey came up to Frankie Perez, informing the world that at Reflexes at the end of the month he would be getting his Warrior Title shot – and as the man with the experience and history in the US and Japan, he’d be coming out on top [B](C-).[/B] *** Mr Gumble came out, and told everyone in the crowd that Ota was jealous of him. Well, duh – you kept your job at TCW when Ota was far more successful [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Fumihiro Ota beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 13.35 [B](D)[/B] -Gumble needs a break – he hasn’t won too much since joining me. Ota got back on the right track, with a quick series of kicks of which only two were illegal. *** Frankie Perez came to the ring, and wondered aloud what Hell Monkey’s Japanese experience meant. He called out Cameron Vessey – trained in Japan with two men who are vastly experienced, but will it make a difference [B](C-)?[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Cameron Vessey [/COLOR]in a non title match in 5.31 [B](C)[/B] -Sorry guys, once more I blew my lines here. Vessey took a beating well, would not tap, but fell to a Perfect Parity. *** Perez once more brought a mic in, to say Vessey’s experience meant nothing. He cracked the youngster (well, even younger than Perez) over the head with the mic, that brought Hell Monkey charging out for the save. Perez bailed, looking confident about keeping his championship [B](D-).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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A 2,000 sell out! Not too many of them – and we’ve held better shows. Expensive though – almost all our stars were there (no, Hopkirk’s not a star, he’s just expensive). We’ve got one more Invasion show, then its Perez / Monkey III. *** Joining Perez on tour at WLW will be Joe Sexy, who’s also working CGC. *** Alicia Strong is to get another 5SSW tour under her belt. *** It’s announced that TCW and Troy Tornado may not be able to come to terms on a new contract. This would be a huge blow for TCW’s efforts to move back to a National level. *** American Elemental will take his style to NYCW. It’ll be interesting to see how he fares. *** Eric Eisen books himself in a North American Title win over Groucho Bling. Okay. *** Then Zimmy Bumfhole announced that contract negotiations have stalled. Eisen won’t be happy, having booked him in a non-title victory over Runaway Train last week. *** Rocky Golden defeats Ryan Powell for the CGC Canadian Title. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion Masked Cougar vs Joey Beauchamp Matt Sparrow vs Insane Machine Aaron Andrews vs Ultimate Phoenix[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 7.21 [B](D)[/B] -A debut for the ex-UCR man, who fell to an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. *** Cougar took a mic, and ranted about how he was Cougar, at FWE would hear him roar. Okay [B](D).[/B] *** Ultimate Phoenix was caught backstage to say that Aaron Andrews was on his patch tonight, and everyone knows that home advantage counts [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 12.35 [B](D)[/B] -A reasonable run out for these two. Sparrow arrived almost at the same time as Cougar, but hasn’t done nearly as well. *** Insane Machine reminded the world that he was the rightful Extreme Title holder, and would get it back whenever he finally gets his rematch [B](D-).[/B] *** Andrews came out, and demanded that Phoenix comes out right now for his match. Home advantage wouldn’t outweigh his talent [B](D+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrew beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] in 13.38 [B](D+)[/B] -Hoped to break into C range here, but a good back and forth contest, ended with a Standing Hot Shot. *** Phoenix tried to shake Andrew’s hand, but was pushed away. Matt Sparrow came out to remonstrate with the TCW man, and was caught unawares by a quick forearm strike [B](D-).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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950 people, just short of a sell out. Four workers once of CZCW, one of TCW, and a debut for former UCR worker Joey Beauchamp. So yeah, that’s creating no home grown stars. *** Cameron Vessey is to join the next GCG tour. *** Tom E Hawk’s USPW National Title reign is unsurprisingly short, 3 bouts before losing to Warlord Agony. Bulldozer Brandon Smith actually picked up a win against Gargantuan in an ugly match. *** TCW finally do it – they’re back to National. Whether or not they’ll be able to keep on Troy Tornado still remains to be seen. *** On the same night Rick Law debuts at SWF, and has to job to the bosses son. *** Word going round is that Thomas Morgan and Bulldozer Brandon Smith aren’t getting on too well. They’ll survive. *** Zimmy Bumfhole announces that he’s interested in working in Japan one day. In other news, his SWF contract is running out – that’s good, hard negotiating. *** Giant Redwood thinks he’s too big for USPW. No-one’s too big for USPW, surely? *** The Stone Siblings once more won the Ed Henson Memorial Cup – beating surprise finalists Angry Gilmore and Rich Money. *** At TCW The Machines lose the Tag Team Titles, and seem likely to settle at Main Event level. The new champions are The Futurists, that despite sounding like an indie band are actually Giant Tana and Ronnie V. Pain. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Reflexes Little Bill Lebowski vs Randall Hopkirk Joey Poison vs American Elemental Frankie Perez (c) vs Hell Monkey for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE] [B]Week 3:[/B] *** Richard Eisen will not be happy. One month after leaving SWF, Christian Faith signs with the newly National TCW, along with free agent Nemesis. In a hammer blow to SWF they will also be signing Lobster Warrior, Zimmy Bumfhole and Jessie, as well as Jack Griffith from DaVE. That’ll force a change for the Tag Titles at SWF and DaVE. *** TCW don’t have it all their way, with Eddie Peak and Shawn Gonzalez turning down contracts. *** Sammy Bach and Duane Fry are the next two to join TCW. They’ve just about got a free reign on the US talents not at NOTBPW. *** Faith is the only newcomer on TCW’s next show, but he’s in the Main Event, teaming with Liberty in defeat to Cornell and Tornado. *** SWF’s response to all the steals – they take the Shooting Star Title off Darryl Devine, and give it back to Mikel Alonso. *** Actually, they’re trying to make a splash, by offering Tana the Mighty a contract. Surely he won’t feel the need to leave TCW? *** Frankie Perez injures his elbow in a CZCW match, and will be out for three weeks. And will miss his scheduled title defence for FWE. [QUOTE]Replacement match announced for FWE Presents… Reflexes: Hell Monkey vs Fumihiro Ota[/QUOTE] [B]Week 4:[/B] *** Huge blow to SWF, as TCW sign Groucho Bling, the one ray of light in their company. I guess he didn’t appreciate Eric Eisen booking himself in a North American Title win over him. *** Barry Kingman finally gets one over Sayeed Ali, taking the 4C Hardcore Championship from him.
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[B]FWE Presents… Reflexes[/B] *** Hell Monkey opened the show, to tell everyone that Frankie Perez had cried out of his title defence, and would not be here tonight. Fumihiro Ota was soon out, pointing out how he had been attacked in the Number One contenders match, so felt that he would be the new Number One contender when he won tonight [B](D).[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Randall Hopkirk beat Little Bill Lebowski[/COLOR] in 3.33 [B](D+)[/B] -Youch. $2,000 a show for this? *** Hopkirk says that for weeks Insane Machine has been moaning about not getting a rematch for the Extreme Title – well today, he planned to give it to him. Unfortunately Machine is in Japan, so there’ll be no match, and instead Smith comes out to be declared the champion. That’s when Masked Cougar’s music hits, saying that there should still be a match tonight, and he wanted to be part of it [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar beat Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] for the FWE Extreme Title in 7.48 [B](C-)[/B] -Hey, my good chemistry list is catching up with the bad. Hopkirk and Angelle tried to help Bulldozer, but Kathy Neptune pulled her BSC girl from the apron, distracting everyone enough for Cougar to hit his Pounce, and get the pinfall for the Extreme Title! *** Kathy Neptune blew kisses at the heels, before disappearing (naturally) [B](D).[/B] *** Rick Sanders and Tana the Mighy cut an interview backstage – they’d be facing Kingman and Kanishoki later tonight[B] (D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] in 8.07 [B](D+)[/B] -An Inferno Splash sealed this even contest. *** Elemental took a mic and told Masked Cougar that he was lucky that he talked himself into an Extreme Title shot, as he didn’t deserve it at all [B](D+).[/B] *** Charlize Angelle was shown backstage ranting to Randall Hopkirk, who calmed her down, and told her to bring “her belt” to the next show [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Tana the Mighty and Rick Sanders beat Barry Kingman and Kanishoki [/COLOR]in 7.55 [B](D)[/B] -There was to be no debut win for the younger Samoan, as Kingman took the Big Fat Samoan Squash. *** Backstage we saw Joey Poison congratulating Masked Cougar on his title victory, when American Elemental attacked the new champion. He quickly scampered off, leaving Cougar accusing Poison of being in cohorts with Elemental [B](E).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Fumihiro Ota [/COLOR]in 16.57 [B](C-)[/B] -Gumble came to ringside to support Monkey, but didn’t interfere. Still, Ota was distracted, and was Tumbled Monkeyed out of the match. *** Ota blamed Gumble for the defeat, but the American just grinned at the Japanese man. It took Hell Monkey to get between the two men and stop a brawl [B](D-).[/B] [I]Overall Rating D[/I]
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I blame Hopkirk for keeping me in “D” territory. Also didn’t help that there were only 520 people in the crowd, in a very disappointing attendance. Bulldozer Brandon Smith had the Extreme Title taken off him because USPW are using him so poorly, it’s affecting his overness in the South East. *** Zimmy Bumfhole goes straight into TCW’s Main Event, defeating Liberty. Christian Faith also picks up a victory over Troy Tornado. *** Tana the Mighty refuses to leave TCW to join SWF, but does sign with CZCW. *** Rock Downpour signs with DaVE. A blow, as I tend to run my events on Wednesday, also known as DaVE day. However, I don’t think a commentary team of Remmington Remus and me is going to cut it. *** Mainstream Hernandez signs up with DaVE. Can you say rising star? [B]April:[/B] *** $7,700 loss, as I cut my costs in March. *** SWF try Andrews with a contract. Can’t see that one working, either. *** Cal Sanders is now officially a Super Junior. Still won’t push him, though. *** Change at TCW, with Freddy Huggins taking the All Action Title back off Chance Fortune, while Joel Bryant and Texas Pete (Hell Bound) defeat The Futurists, who had an extremely poor one defence. *** Meanwhile Troy Tornado loses to Brent Hill in the Main Event, and it’s his last TCW match, as he leaves with his contract expiring. Getting him must be a carrot to SWF to get back up to National. *** Hell’s Bouncer’s Brass Knuckles reign is over in a month, as Scout takes the title. *** Both there partners have left, so SWF team Randy Bumfhole and Elmo Benson up to form The Uprsising, and they take the vacant Tag Titles in a match with the even more random Big Smack Scott and Jumbo Shrimp, who has turned heel since Lobster Warrior left. *** DaVE also sort out their vacant tag belts, with makeshift duo JD Morgan and Travis Century defeating The Unholy (Vin Tanner and Tank Bradley). *** TCW add Guide and the artist formerly known as Flex to their ranks. *** Former TCW International Champion Rocky Golden, now of CGC, signs with SWF. *** FWE re-sign two former workers. I’m hugely over on my roster size, so cuts will be made when contracts are up for renegotiation in three months. *** Zimmy Bumfhole is still in the Main Event, defeating Wolf Hawkins. So far he’s been kept away from TCW’s two major heels – Tommy Cornell and Brent Hill. He’s also never faced Christian Faith. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents … Cracking the Egg Masked Cougar (c) vs Joey Poison for the FWE Extreme Title Matt Sparrow vs Aaron Andrews Hell Monkey vs Barry Kingman[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents … Cracking the Egg[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 5.44 [B](C-)[/B] -Beauchamp’s been in a few dark matches, and should eventually fit in to the Extreme division. He lost to an Inferno Splash, and the debutant may well be in match of the night. *** American Elemental taunts Masked Cougar, saying that the champion is already paranoid, not trusting Joey Poison, and he will be quick to fall [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 10.41 [B](D)[/B] -A conclusion to the spat these two had in the South West a few weeks ago. Andrews won with a Flying Body Press. *** Andrews told Hell Monkey that in the absence of Frankie Perez, they should be fighting one another to prove who was the true number one contender. Hell Monkey came out to tell the TCW man that he was the number one contender, but when he won the Warrior Title, he would give Andrews the first shot at it [B](C-).[/B] *** Backstage, Randall Hopkirk is with Charlize Angelle and Kathy Neptune – and Angelle has brought her belt – the BSC Queen of the Ring belt. Hopkirk informs Neptune that she will get a shot at the title later – in a bra and panties match. Rick Sanders comes over to protest, but Hopkirk tells him to head to the ring, as he has to face the monster Kanishoki [B](D).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Kanishoki[/COLOR] by DQ in 4.08 [B](D+)[/B] -Kanishoki dragged Sanders outside the ring, and splashed him through a table. Which wasn’t in the rules. *** Sanders was barely moving, but Kanishoki wasn’t finished. He dragged another table from under the ring and threw it on Sanders, and hit another Splash. Sanders was wheeled out on a stretcher, but when Neptune went to him, Hopkirk forced her to head to the ring. [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Charlize Angelle beat Kathy Neptune [/COLOR]to retain the BSC Queen of the Ring Title in a bra and panties match in 4.53 [B](D+)[/B] -The men got to see flesh, and Kingman helped pin down Neptune to allow Angelle to pull off her top for the win. Kathy Neptune scampered from the ring, to go see to Sanders. *** Kingman took the mic to announce himself as a winner, and a win tonight will ensure that him, not Aaron Andrews, will get the next available Warrior Title shot – a title that should be his [B](D+).[/B] *** Joey Poison comes out to plead his case to Masked Cougar, that he was nothing to do with the attack last week, but the Cougar doesn’t look as if he’s going to trust anyone in his first title defence [B](D-).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] by DQ in 6.12 [B](D+)[/B] -We let the two have a mini spot fest before American Elemental and Insane Machine attacked the champion, and we’ve got our second DQ tonight. Which I would say is poor booking. *** Joey Poison sided with Cougar, and just managed to get the champion out of the ring before too much damage was done [B](E+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Barry Kingman[/COLOR] in 15.47 [B](C-)[/B] -These two don’t click, which is, er, already on my list, as they faced one another early on last year (my old memory not helping me here). Still, it wasn’t a bad contest, and Hell Monkey avenged last years defeat with a Tumbling Monkey. [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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A 2,000 sell out, and an event that came out a lot better than I thought it would. The ladies kept the men interested, the Main Event worked around and chemistry issues, and my quickly put together opener worked out well. Success. *** Ultimate Phoenix arrived late again. I need him happy, so let him off. *** Giant Redwood and Marcos Flores have left USPW and MPWF respectively, leaving two booking positions open. *** Danny Jillefski gets his USPW booking job back. Cique Jr gets the MPWF job. *** SWF finally call up Nevada Nuclear to fill their huge void. *** Zimmy Bumfhole has faced Christian Faith now. And he’s won. *** SWF make a play for Bulldozer Brandon Smith. It’ll be PPA, but he’ll still probably leave FWE due to our dire prestige and other commitments. *** We sign Steve Smith to replace Rock Downpour, who we’ve gone off after committing himself to DaVE on Wednesdays. Smith’s only commitment is at 21CW on a Wednesday. Oh. *** Mr Potential Sean Deeley gets his first NOTBPW title, the Unlimited Action Title after defeating Edd Stone. *** Kurt Laramee replaces Giant Redwood at USPW. He still works at SWF as well. *** NOTBPW Super Slam makes another play for show of the year – a B+ with two A rated matches, Owen Love getting a big win over Dan Stone Jr, and Duane Stone over Jeremy Stone. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Masked Cougar (c) vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith for the FWE Extreme Title Tana the Mighty vs Insane Machine Hell Monkey vs Randall Hopkirk[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 11.55 [B](C+)[/B] -This one was planned before we knew the possibility of Smith leaving. Couldn’t have him without a rematch for months like we did with Insane Machine. Cougar won with a High Rise Cougar Pounce. *** Tana came out and said that he had no idea why Insane Machine had challenged him, but he accepted, and would cut him down to size, as the biggest thing in FWE [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Tana the Mighty[/COLOR] in 5.53 [B](C+)[/B] -Holy cow! These have been my two best matches of the year, and who would have thought that there’d have been the chemistry between these two. Frankie Perez attacked Tana, allowing Insane Machine to take the win. *** Perez angrily told Tanan that he the biggest thing in FWE had the Warrior Title – Frankie Perez. And he would retain next week, by defeating Hell Monkey. But in the meantime, he demanded a warm up match with anyone right now [B](D+)![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in a non title match in 6.20 [B](C-)[/B] -Perez kept this one very technical, and made Singh tap out to the P-Clutch. *** Hell Monkey came out for his match, and the two men shared a frosty stare as they passed one another [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] in 7.48 [B](C)[/B] -I’m quite embarrassed – the second pair I’ve found to have great chemistry tonight. This show may well go down as show of the year. Monkey took some blows, but won with a Tumbling Monkey. *** The champion couldn’t resist it, attacking the challenger, and the two brawled as the show ended [B](D)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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