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FWE - Without Your Kids (Cornellverse)

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[B]FWE Presents… Holiday:[/B] *** We treat the crowd to the finish of last show – just the finish, as the actual match between Andrews and Perez wasn’t that good [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Thomas Morgan[/COLOR] in 3.38 [B](C-)[/B] -For moaning about his lack of use, Morgan gets destroyed by a focussed Andrews. *** Andrews calls out Perez, and demands another title shot, but Perez isn’t having any of it. He says that Andrews couldn’t stick with him last week, and ended up cheating, and rightfully getting thrown out of the match. Andrews says that he has another contractual shot, but Perez points out that it isn’t guaranteed for singles competition, so will get his shot in a four way next month [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 5.32 [B](D+)[/B] -We found a few extra minutes, and as Gumble will be in the four way for the title next month, though we’d give him a win. [COLOR="blue"]Barry Kingman beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] in 10.03 [B](D-)[/B] -Kingman will be the other man in the four way. Just didn’t do much to impress here in a very disappointing match, and only won due to Kanishoki interfering. *** Nevada Nuclear appeared with Rhino Umaga, telling Kanishoki that he was a second class citizen in FWE, and the Rhino was to the top Samoan after eliminating Jungle Jack. That brought Tana out to refute the claims, and Nevada told him to prove his point – in tag action [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Nuclear Beast beat Tana the Mighty and Kanishoki[/COLOR] in 6.56 [B](D)[/B] -I don’t mind when I discover teams not working like this, as Tana and Kanishoki weren’t meant to be one the same page. To stop them fighting Tana left Kanishoki to his fate, which was a Rhino Charge from Umaga. *** Joey Poison and Cougar try coming out for their match at the same time, start to argue, and even fight before getting to the ring [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 7.53 [B](C-)[/B] -More of a brawl than the high flying action that we’re used to, which saw Cougar retain with a I am Cougar, Here Me Roar. *** Frankie Perez came out, and told the crowd his three opponents at the next show – Aaron Andrews, Steve Gumble and Barry Kingman [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] by DQ in 14.46 [B](D+)[/B] -Bad chemistry ruins what could have been a great match, and ensures that it’s the worst show I’ve put on for a while. We booked Insane Machine quite strong, and when Andrews attacked Perez with the Brass Knuckles, the DQ was called for. *** Andrews continued the assault, which brought Gumble out, who also got clobbered for his trouble. Barry Kingman came out, but wisely didn’t step a foot in the ring [B](C-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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1,000 sell out, and I forgot to restart a story after Jungle Jack left. Blow. And if I’d have known that Kingman was going to put in a lousy performance against Phoenix, I could have quite happily had him substituted in the title match next month. *** Freddy Huggins, whose jump to SWF to TCW moved him from midcarder to midcarder, also signs with DaVE. *** Frankie Perez leaves NYCW to cut his commitments down to three. So you’re telling me if he worked CZCW instead of NYCW, I’d have just lost my champion without noticing? Time to start paying more attention! *** Insane Machine is no longer tag champion at WLW, but Masked Cougar is, teaming with The Incredible KOYAMA (Koyama’s sixth reign). *** SWF’s Akima Brave is to go on his first Japanese tour, with GCG. [B]September:[/B] *** Back down to a loss of just $164, as I ran three sell out shows. *** ROF go out of business. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Forget School! Hell Monkey vs Joss Thompson Trademark vs Nuclear Beast Masked Cougar (c) vs Joey Beauchamp for the FWE Extreme Title Tana the Mighty vs Insane Machine Greg Gauge vs Joey Poison Frankie Perez (c) vs Steve Gumble vs Aaron Andrews vs Barry Kingman for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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Announced for FWE Presents… Forget School! [B]Hell Monkey[/B] vs Joss Thompson Trademark vs [B]Nuclear Beast[/B] [B]Masked Cougar (c)[/B] vs Joey Beauchamp for the FWE Extreme Title [B]Tana the Mighty[/B] vs Insane Machine [B]Greg Gauge[/B] vs Joey Poison [B]Frankie Perez (c)[/B] vs Steve Gumble vs Aaron Andrews vs Barry Kingman for the FWE Warrior Title
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[B]FWE Presents... Forget School![/B] So, you know that great Main Event that we had planned – how do you think it’ll turn out without Aaron Andrews in? Because he’s not going to be here, as he’s busy tonight. *** Rick Sanders comes out to point out to everyone that as Andrews can’t be here tonight, he’s in the Main Event. The crowd are none too excited by this [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Nuclear Beast beat Trademark[/COLOR] in 6.20 [B](D)[/B] -This was meant to be Nuclear Beast’s debut, so two shows ago I got a B- instead of a D. That’ll do me. Nevada Nuclear picked up the win with a Mushroom Cloud. *** Nuclear and Umaga took to the mic and did the introductions for Tana the Mighty, mocking his girth all the way to the ring [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Tana the Mighty[/COLOR] in 4.46 [B](C)[/B] -The announcing quality was weak, but for a change this was my compatriots, not me causing this. Maybe they were missing Bye1918. Nevada Nuclear provided the distraction, Umaga the interference, and Insane Machine topped it off with an Insanity Tsunami. *** Joey Poison comes out, expressing his disappointment at not being asked to be part of the Main Event tonight. Instead, he challenges anyone from the back to take him on, and a young man called [B]Greg Gauge[/B] answers the call [B](D-)[/B] [B]Greg Gauge beat Joey Poison[/B] in 7.40 [B](D+)[/B] -Poison mocked his young opponent, and disdainfully threw him from the ring. He was quite surprised when he turned around to find the spitting image of his opponent right behind him. The ref shrugged and let the match continue, and once more Joey threw his opponent out of the ring, but instantly got locked in the Proton Lock from behind, tapping out to his original opponent. *** Steve Gumble had his hype hat on for the Main Event, while respecting the quality of his opponents [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 5.35 [B](C-)[/B] -Fairly straight forward win, with Beauchamp only getting in one run of offence before falling to the I am Cougar, Here Me Roar. *** Out from the back came American Elemental with a mic, clapping at the champions performance. He told Cougar that he had spent the last two months in Japan, but was back and eager for his title shot. He’s had words with the powers that be, and he’ll be facing Cougar at the end of the month at Happyness [B](C-)[/B] *** Frankie Perez was the first out for the Main Event, to give sarcastic commentary as his opponents coming out, the highlight being “Here comes Ray’s son Barry – that guy knew how to win gold without carrying around a fat Samoan everywhere he went” [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez (c) beat Steve Gumble vs Rick Sanders vs Barry Kingman[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 18.46 [B](C+)[/B] -I was worried that this match wouldn’t work, but I had no need to be. Each and every man pulled their weight, the challengers making the best of the moment of glory. Even Kathy Neptune and Charlize Angelle bitched at one another ringside, keeping the crowd involved. The match deteriorated as you knew it was going but Perez, Gumble and Sanders all teamed up to eliminate Kanishoki. Gumble and Sanders continued to fight, but Perez kept the title after getting Kingman to tap to the P-Clutch. *** Frankie Perez held his title in the air, but his music cut, and was replaced by that of Hell Monkey. The flame haired wrestler slowly walked towards the ring, and the two stared at one another, their history not yet resolved [B](C-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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My sell out crowd weren’t enamoured with how much they saw Barry Kingman, but even so they saw a great Main Event. They also saw a successful debut by Greg Gauge, in no small part down to his twin brother, Mathew, helping him out. Aaron Andrews spent the night beating Jack Giedroyc at DaVE The Alternative Showcase, where I completely forgot that he worked. *** Johnny Martin picks up his third Brass Knuckles title, his 10th DaVE title across 16 years. *** Kathy Neptune finally takes the BSC Queen of the Ring title off Charlize Angelle after a long feud. *** The Great Hisato leaves a booking void at 5SSW, filled by Hito Ichihara. *** Joey Poison has left FWE after upping his asking price too much. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Greg Gauge vs Mean Jean Cattley Steve Gumble vs Barry Kingman Hell Monkey vs American Elemental[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] *** Randall Hopkirk comes down to the ring, but before he can speak he’s cut off by Steve Gumble. He wants to know what Hopkirk’s going to do about Ota attacking him. Nothing. But we’ll have a match now, instead [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Gumble beat Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] in 6.34 [B](D)[/B] -Hopkirk seems to have this non-clicky thing with a lot of my roster. And when you add on the fact that he sucks, he’s not proving value for money. Masked Cougar replaced me on commentary, distracting Hopkirk enough for Gumble to get a roll up. *** Hopkirk got into Cougar’s face, and told him that Insane Machine would be taking the Extreme Title off him later tonight – he’d see to it [B](D+).[/B] *** Mr Cattley was shown with Parker, telling him that he never had a better time to beat Hell Monkey – he was still showing the affects of his foot injury. Parker told Cattley not to worry – he was The Future, and he would prevail [B](D-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Hell Monkey beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] in 7.31 [B](D)[/B] -Two for two in not clicking, and the Parker push hasn’t begun yet. *** Masked Cougar came out with his title, and wondered aloud why it took Insane machine soooo long to finally get his rematch. He decided on the reason – Insane Machine just wasn’t good enough for the task (C-). [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 14.44 [B](C-)[/B] -It’s nice when we can go to the South West and watch two men of CZCW (one former, one current) give it their all and be truly appreciated. Hopkirk goaded Cougar from the match, but actually just made Insane Machine take his eye off the ball, as he obviously didn’t want the help. I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar, and that was it. *** Hopkirk threw his hands up in frustration and took the mic, telling the crowd that if he had to do everything himself, he would. Next week, at Final Build, it will be him who will be the one to take the Extreme Title off Masked Cougar. And he wanted the little man all in a cage for himself [B](C-)![/B] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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950 people, a Monkey coming back from injury, and Hopkirk giving himself an Extreme Title shot. That was about it. *** Kashmir Singh, Kathy Neptune, Charlize Angelle and Cal Sanders all re-sign with FWE. Not exactly breaking the bank here. *** Ultimate Phoenix and Steve Gumble are more expensive, but will also be back. *** Kurt Laramee Main Events SWF Supreme TV. In Canada. Do you need me to tell you that it sucked? *** Shane Stone re-signs. Why do my refs always want such a big raise? Of far more importance is Hell Monkey staying on with FWE. So does Insane Machine. *** Brent Hill has left DaVE. He had a good foray outside TCW, but went back to the larger company where he still Main Events. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Final Build: Steve Gumble vs Mainstream Hernandez Masked Cougar (c) vs Randall Hopkirk for the FWE Extreme Title in a cage match Jungle Jack and Hell Monkey vs Aaron Andrews and Frankie Perez[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Final Build:[/B] Hmm, the matches we announced were the only matches planned. We’ll have to think about this one… Things start off good, as I put on one of the matches of the year in the dark. Amazingly, it featured Kashmir Singh, and yes, showed the blessings of chemistry. *** Mainstream Hernandez started the show, and noted that he was up against someone who used to be in TCW. Just one more to beat on the way to Hernandez making it to the big leagues [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Steve Gumble[/COLOR] in 10.37 [B](C-)[/B] -Very even match this one, and it began to turn Gumble’s way. That’s when a fine mist started to pour into the ring, and Ota appeared to Ninja Strike Gumble, before disappearing to leave him to his fate. *** Gumble staggered around disorientated, but, having no idea where Ota went, couldn’t chase after him [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] -For a randomly thrown together match not affected by chemistry, this turned to be a real treat. Sanders won with an Up Yours. *** Sanders called out Kingman, who made it as far as the entranceway. Sanders told him that they need to have one more bout at The Result Show – where Sanders will know about the fat Samoan, and be able to do something about it. Kingman smiled, and Angelle accepted on his behalf [B](C-).[/B] *** Aaron Andrews was shown backstage going up to Jungle Jack, not able to believe that he had been given a Warrior Title shot next week. He demanded he forfeited the shot to him, and got so angry that Hell Monkey had to come and calm him down. Andrews told Monkey that if he wanted to interfere in everything so much, they could face one another at The Result Show (D+). [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 4.35 [B](D+)[/B] -A quick run out to give Insane Machine a win, which was supplied by am Insanity Tsunami. *** Andrews and Perez cut a promo against their opponents tonight. Well, Andrews ranted about how much better than them he was, while Perez quietly reminded him who the champion was [B](C-)[/B] *** Randall Hopkirk came out as the cage was fixed up, and told Masked Cougar that after he wins the Extreme Title, he would fire him from FWE [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Randall Hopkirk[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 8.35 [B](D+)[/B] -If you hadn’t noticed by Hopkirk’s four losses in a row, he’s out of FWE. This was his last match, and Masked Cougar hit an awesome looking High Rise Cougar Pounce from half way up the cage for the win. *** As the cage came down, Hopkirk looked resigned, before an evil look came over him. Hopkirk announced that he would have nothing more to do with FWE – but his last act would be to book Masked Cougar in a four way ladder match at the Result Show – facing Insane Machine, American Elemental and Joey Poison [B](D-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jungle Jack and Hell Monkey beat Aaron Andrews and Frankie Perez[/COLOR] [B](C)[/B] -Good, quality match, with all four men proving their worth. Andrews frustrated Perez by not wanting to tag out, leading to an argument between the two. The next time Perez wanted to tag out, Andrews waved in his face, and left the champion to it. One Jungle Jack Jammer later, and the champion was pinned. [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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Just 820 people, but we’re used to our half attendances that we get at the end of the month. What we did do was actually set up The Result Show, as it’s meant to be one of our biggest shows of the year. *** Joey Posion arrived late, but most of my Extreme division keep doing that, so I have to let him off. *** Roderick Remus re-signs at FWE. *** Joel Bryant made some comments about not getting on with Texas Pete at TCW. It must be annoying that they’re current Tag Team Champs. Must be even more annoying for Pete that he’s got on the bad side of the men booking both SWF and TCW at the moment. *** Randall Hopkirk leaves FWE. He had his uses. And they ended. *** Jay Chord gets his first gig at CGC, after we scoffed at his asking price. [B]June:[/B] *** Losses stand at $8,000. We can hold that for a while. *** Harry Allen defeats Freddy Huggins to begin his 112th TCW All Action Title reign. Zimmy Bumfhole seems to have found a tag team partner in the shape of Mr T. Cornell. *** Shawn Gonzalez has left NYCW, just like he did CZCW eight months previously. At least he wasn’t the champion this time, and we await news of his successor as booker. *** Masked Cougar is to go back on tour with WLW. *** Harry Allen loses the All Action Title for the 112th time, this time to Aaron Andrews. Gumble will be pleased to see his ex-partner taking on the exact role that he used to have in TCW – transitional champion. *** Lobster Warrior also gets a title win, his first International Title reign taking over from Wolf Hawkins. Wolf is expected to join the Main Event scene. *** Optimus just fails to retain his Best of the Super Juniors Title, losing in the final to Makuami Maiti. Whether or not this starts his push remains to be seen. *** Barry Kingman signs a new FWE contract, again at a price I wasn’t too impressed with. But he’s friends with the boss. *** Johnny Martin is the man to take over at NYCW. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Result Shot: Rick Sanders vs Barry Kingman Masked Cougar (c) vs Insane Machine vs American Elemental vs Joey Poison for the FWE Extreme Title Hell Monkey vs Aaron Andrews Frankie Perez (c) vs Jungle Jack for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… The Result Show:[/B] Ah, we forgot about American Elemental touring with INSPIRE. He won’t be here tonight, and his place in the ladder match will go to Ultimate Phoenix. [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Insane Machine, Ultimate Phoenix and Joey Poison[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in a ladder match in 17.68 [B](C+)[/B] -With American Elemental the odds weren’t stacked as much against Cougar as was originally planned. As such, we had a much more open contest, the highlight being Masked Cougar hitting the High Rise Cougar Pounce onto Joey Poison from the top of a ladder. It was also Cougar who grabbed the title, despite pressure from Insane Machine. *** We got played recorded interview from Jungle Jack, saying that the Warrior Title was born a year ago at this event, an event that he was never part of as he’d left. He was here to put that right, and he would become the new Warrior Champion [B](D+).[/B] *** Mainstream Hernandez came out, and claimed that he was offered Ultimate Phoenix’s spot in the Extreme Title match, but turned it down, as the title was beneath him. He had bigger fish to fry, but didn’t prove it with his opponent of choice – Kashmir Singh [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 6.42 [B](D+)[/B] -Stroll in the park for Hernandez, and Singh does what he does best – sell for my stars. *** Steve Gumble comes down to the ring with a mic – and he’s got a complaint. This is The Result Show, were grudges are settled – but where is Fumihiro Ota? Not to be found. He continues to attack Gumble everywhere he goes, but will not face him in a match. As he speaks, smoke starts to fill the ring. Gumble leaps out and checks under the ring, but find nothing. As the smoke clears Gumble grins, and gets back into the ring, when suddenly the lights go out. A microphone thuds to the floor, and when the lights come back on Gumble is in a bloody mess in the ring. Fumihiro Ota is seen standing outside the ring, and bows before leaving [B](E+).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 23.27 [B](C)[/B] -We told these two to just go out and do there best, which they did. They mixed up their styles, making the contest ebb one way then another. Andrews exposed one of the turnbuckles, and while the ref fixed it decked Monkey with a pair of brass knuckles, getting the victory. *** Andrews took the mic and addressed both Perez and Jack – telling them that whoever ended up with the title tonight better give him a shot – otherwise he would make their life hell [B](C-).[/B] *** Kingman came to the ring with Angelle and Kanishoki at his side, followed by Sanders and Neptune. Kingman’s smile was wiped from his face when Tana the Mighty joined Sanders, and any protests were thrown out by the ref pointing at Kanishoki, and starting the match [B](D).[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rick Sanders beat Barry Kingman[/COLOR] in 11.46 [B](C-)[/B] -We’ll admit, this match was chaotic, with the ringside contingent proving very hard for the ref to control. The cheers came when Tana the Mighty slugged it out with Kanishoki, clearing the path for Sanders to win with an Up Yous. *** Kingman rolled out of the ring, but Kanishoki was still slumped in the corner. It proved too tempting to Tana who gave his Samoan brethren a Rumpsaker [B](E+).[/B] *** Frankie Perez came out with his title, and said that he doesn’t care where his opponents come from, be it TCW, Japan or Mexico – he was not going to give it up [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez (c) beat Jungle Jack[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 25.38 [B](C-)[/B] -Surprisingly only 3rd best match of the night. Perez worked technically, while Jack went for the full scale brawl. Gradually Perez wore down Jack, and although he couldn’t get him to tap, did pin him after a Perfect Parity. *** Perez celebrated, but Andrews charged out and attacked the champion pretty fiercely. He left Andrews down, before taking a mic to say “The countdown begins – your time is up” [B](C-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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Well, a sell out and a successful show, apart from the crowd got a bit sick of Kanishoki (he was in a dark match as well). *** Frankie Perez is Johnny Martin’s first signing for NYCW. *** Little Bill Lebowski has left FWE after his contract expired, with nothing for him to do. *** Steven Parker has re-signed. But will he ever get pushed? *** Rock Downpour has also left FWE, with Steve Smith having replaced him on commentary. *** SWF are after Mainstream Hernandez. He may not sign a written contract, but he’d still leave me… Incidentally he’s needed after Steve Frehley, SWF’s biggest star, left the moment his contract expired. *** UCR rise to Cult. Well, they did it quicker then me. *** SWF must like their UK fans – after all they’re the only ones who got to see Remo defeating Runaway Train for the World Heavyweight Title. First championship reign for the young man. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Joss Thompson vs Fumihiro Ota Matt Sparrow vs Mainstream Hernandez Cameron Vessey vs Insane Machine[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] The industry really blows at the moment, so we only half filled the Snake Pit tonight. Last show I’m running this month. [COLOR="Blue"]Fumihiro Ota beat Joss Thompson[/COLOR] in 6.31 [B](D)[/B] -Thought that we’d better put Ota in a match, so people remembered he could wrestle, not just do sneaky stuff. The win came with the Ninja Strike. *** Steve Gumble pelted out after the match, but once more, smoke filled in the ring. You could make out Gumble attacking someone in the smoke, but when it cleared, it turned out to be Steve Parker, and Ota was nowhere to be seen. We still had a match, though [B](D-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Steven Parker [/COLOR]in 10.35 [B](C-)[/B] -Gumble fought like a madman, which rescued Parker, as he was able to slow the match down. He couldn’t keep Gumble down long enough to get pinned, and Gumble hit a Savate Kick for the win. *** Mainstream Hernandez came out, and bragged to everyone how SWF had contacted him – and he may turn them down. He has the choice of anyone who he wants to work for, and won’t settle for a second rate has been promotion [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Mainstream Hernandez beat Matt Sparrow[/COLOR] in 9.45 [B](C-)[/B] -Damn it, was thinking about making this the Main Event, but didn’t trust it. Let’s hope that Insane Machine’s chemistry with Vessey shows through. *** Before his match we gave Insane Machine a bit of mic time, as he needs to get better if he’s ever going to get a Main Event run [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Insane Machine beat Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] in 9.06 [B](C)[/B] -There you go, for once I actually did the right thing. Let’s hope that my home town crowd never realise that they’ll see a better event in the South West. Termination Kick for the win. [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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The attendance really was the only down factor of that event, a damning indictment of the industry in the US. Now I see why UCR are doing so well – Europe is a much rosier place right now, economy and industry. *** Three time TCW All Action Champion Freddy Huggins gambles on a move up the card, by signing a pre contract agreement with SWF. *** Marat Khoklov goes freelance – possibly a wise move for someone of his build. *** Shane Stones and Mainstream Hernandez seem to have struck up a friendship with one another. Not something I’ll allude to on the screen (wait, what screen?) anytime soon. [B]July:[/B] *** Just under $5,000 loss, but that’s quite large considering I only ran two shows. *** The unemployed Captain USA retires. Hurray! *** On the back of Excessive Force (the highlight being a draw between Groucho Bling and Tommy Cornell) TCW are back up to National. Again. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… The Second Half: Tana the Mighty vs Kanishoki Cameron Vessey vs Insane Machine Steve Gumble vs Fumihiro Ota Frankie Perez (c) vs Rick Sanders for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… The Second Half:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Insane Machine beat Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] in 7.54 [B](C-)[/B] -One more time before Vessey’s contract runs out. *** Steve Gumble is on hype duty for his match with Fumihiro Ota later. He says that he’s had to sacrifice everything to get this match later – so much so that both men’s careers will be on the line [B](D)[/B] *** American Elemental calls out Ultimate Phoenix, and berates him for stealing his slot at The Result Show, and, even worse, not doing what he would have done, which was to win the Extreme Title Phoenix takes offence, and we get a match out of it [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]American Elemental beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] in 10.58 [B](C)[/B] -Yep, put my two best high fliers in the ring, and they can deliver. The Firebird Splash was missed, the Inferno Splash hit. *** American Elemental took a mic, and warned Masked Cougar that he would be getting his title shot [B](D)[/B] *** Rick Sanders was shown backstage with Kathy Neptune, reminding the world that he once teamed with Frankie Perez. He was pretty intense, and for the first ever time, the crowd actually bough into him [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Tana the Mighty beat Kanishoki[/COLOR] in 5.35 [B](D+)[/B] -I was slightly nervous about putting these two together, which is why I ran this match in the dark at The Result Show. It worked even better then, but was good enough here. Apart from the fact that I’m not exactly booking Kanishoki like a monster like I should be. Barry Kingman tried to help his partner, but just got in the way. *** Tana challenged Kingman to a match at Undercurrent, so he could put the ex-champion in his place [B](C-)[/B] *** Rick Sanders hyped the Main Event. Didn’t we do this all ready? And wasn’t it better the first time around [B](C)?[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Fumihiro Ota[/COLOR] in 11.53 [B](D+)[/B] -I’d say that both men have been a disappointment, so it could have been either one leaving. Gumble was off his game, but it was to be Ota’s last match, as he went down to a Savate Kick. *** Frankie Perez came out to tell Sanders that he didn’t care about the past – it just made him more focused to win tonight. I think that Sanders first hype was meant to be Aaron Andrews criticising the choice of Sanders as Perez’s opponent tonight. Just so you know [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez (c) beat Rick Sanders[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title by DQ in 7.58 [B](C)[/B] -We booked this one very even, to leave it open to a rematch, which normally means that bad chemistry is set to ruin my plans. It didn’t happen here, and the match only ended Andrews and chair came into ring, and chair made contact with Perez’s head. *** Chair then also made contact with Sanders' head. This Andrews is a bad dude, and he wants the Warrior Title [B](C-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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The show exceeded expectations, as I was worried about Rick Sanders finding his way back into the Main Event. I shouldn’t have been, as he’d developed himself over the last year. The show was much better than the SWF show that night. Okay, so it was in the UK, but? *** Nevada Nuclear takes the Shooting Star title off Brett Biggz in just his fifth match for SWF *** Fumihiro Ota has left FWE. For some reason he just hasn’t worked out, unlike at MAW where he’s been a successful champion. *** After Sam Pratt’s (Calamari Kid) release from SWF, we met for contact discussions. And then laughed at his request. We have made a couple of signings though… *** Hell’s Bouncer signs for SWF – perhaps as a replacement for Runaway Train, who is rumoured to be leaving. *** In sensational news, current TCW World Champion Brent Hill will be leaving in a week to go to NOTBPW. *** Phenomenal E leaves FWE. Did anyone remember he was there? *** No title change yet, as Brent Hill is kept off TCW Riptide. *** Randall Hopkirk renews his TCW contract as an exclusive, so will be leaving the CZCW title vacant once again. *** Insane Machine begins his second WL Tag Team reign, this time with UK Dragon. *** Matt Sparrow has left FWE – he just wasn’t given the ball like Masked Cougar was. Cameron Vessey also leaves. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Kashmir Singh vs American Elemental Steve Gumble and Ultimate Phoenix vs Mainstream Hernandez and Joey Beauchamp Jungle Jack vs Insane Machine[/QUOTE] Apologies for the first run of flyers announcing that Matt Sparrow and Joey Poison will be taking part. They won’t.
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] So, it turns out that Insane Machine also won’t be with us tonight. Damned WLW. We knew we were going to be without our TCW two, so substitute in Frankie Perez, and make it a title match. *** American Elemental comes out to claim that former CZCW worker Matt Sparrow was so scared to face him, he actually resigned from the company, which got him cheap heel heat rather easily [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]American Elemental beat Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] in 5.32 [B](C)[/B] -We booked this match quite evenly, and there were several near falls before American Elemental landed the Inferno Splash. *** Jungle Jack came out just to make sure that anyone who missed the signs knew that he was getting a title shot tonight [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble and Ultimate Phoenix beat Mainstream Hernandez and Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 10.46 [B](C-)[/B] -Hernandez’s first defeat back at FWE, but he blamed it full on Beauchamp, who took the Savate Kick from Gumble. *** Frankie Perez came out to let everyone know that he had no problem in appearing tonight and giving Jungle Jack a title shot – as he’s beaten him before, and will do it again [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez (c) beat Jungle Jack[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 19.44 [B](C)[/B] -Perez wanted to end the match with the P-Clutch, but once more Jack refused. Perez had to resort to the Perfect Parity, and use of the ropes for the win. [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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Another stellar show from the South West, which drew just 285 people. The industry is so poor that we’re cancelling our last show of the month, Undercurrent. *** Is it Liberty who’s being groomed as next TCW champion? He defeated Human Arsenal at TCW Pain to state his case, but TCW are running out of time to make the move. *** SWF run The Supreme Challenge from Scotland. It, er, didn’t excite (and was rated the same as the RIPW show the same night). *** Brent Hill joins NOTBPW. They may be National, but TCW have no champion. *** RIPW sign up Jay Chord on a development contract. *** Eddie Peak leaves DaVE, and there must be a huge temptation to TCW to sign him up. *** Akima Brave defeats Squeeky McClean for the SWF North American Title, as it’s announced that McClean is going to TCW. *** Steve Frehley also signs for TCW, and there roster looks good enough for them to comfortably stay at a National level. *** NOTBPW rise to Global, making TCW realise that they still have competition. Brent Hill debuts in defeat to Dark Angel. *** A new TCW World Champion is crowned – and Zimmy Bumfhole defeats Steve Frehley for the crown, and the first TCW show run in Canada to be any good. *** Scout and John Maverick are the first of NOTBPW new signings, and are joined by Troy Tornado and Elmo Benson. *** Nevada Nuclear’s short Shooting Star reign is over to Mikel Alonso. *** Eric Tyler takes the DaVE Unified Title off Chris Caulfield, in a Triple Threat match that also included Hell’s Bouncer. On the same show, Tank Bradley took the Brass Knuckles Title off the departing Scout. After the show it’s announced that DaVE have signed Black Eagle. *** Insane Machine loses the WL Show Stealer title to Haru Kurofuji, but still holds the Tag Titles. *** Kanishoki re-signs with FWE for 9 months. Don’t ask me why. [B]August:[/B] *** Loses down to $3,000 as we cut down the shows due to the terrible industry. *** Runaway Train leaves SWF, obviously hoping to join either TCW or NOTBPW. *** Puerto Rican Power takes the vacant CZCW title in a triple threat match also featuring Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Donnie J. He also signed with SWF PPA after the event. *** Tank Bradley provides a definition of transitional champion, holding the Brass Knuckles Title for just a week before losing it to Hell’s Bouncer. *** Skull DeBones, who’s been unemployed all year, joins CGC. *** Phoenix I leaves a booking slot open at OLLIE. *** Guide’s been on a roll since joining TCW, and has now won the All Action Title off Aaron Andrews. *** Koji Kojima shatters his knee, robbing WLW of one of their Main Eventers for over a year. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Boldness: Tana the Mighty vs Barry Kingman Steve Gumble vs Mainstream Hernandez Masked Cougar (c) vs Mean Jean Cattley for the FWE Extreme Title Jungle Jack vs Insane Machine Rick Sanders and Hell Monkey vs Frankie Perez and Aaron Andrews[/QUOTE]
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[B]FWE Presents… Boldness:[/B] *** The show opened with first Aaron Andrews, then Frankie Perez coming to the ring to claim to be the greatest wrestler in FWE. Then Hell Monkey and Rick Sanders were out to say that they both would be tested in tonight’s Main Event, where two people who surely can’t get along with each other will be forced to team up with two people with one focus – the FWE Warrior Title [B](C-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Barry Kingman beat Tana the Mighty[/COLOR] in 6.53 [B](D)[/B] -This might be Tana’s last appearance, as recent bolstering of the roster means that he will not be having his contract renewed. Kingman got a cheap roll up. *** Mainstream Hernandez was hyping up his match with Steve Gumble when Joey Beauchamp came across to apologise for his part in losing last time. Hernandez told him to get lost, and turned down Beauchamp’s offer of having his back [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] in 11.12 [B](C-)[/B] -Even match, and Beauchamp did make an appearance. He tried in vain to attack Gumble, which led to Hernandez yelling at him to clear off. Hernandez turned straight around into a Savate Kick, and after the pin yelled his frustration at Beauchamp. *** Jungle Jack thanked Insane Machine for actually turning up tonight, as although he was thankful of the title shot last show, he had prepared for the Machine, and wanted to beat him [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Mean Jean Cattley[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 7.58 [B](C-)[/B] -Cattley tried to keep Cougar grounded, but he took over once he was able to utilise his ariel prowess, and got the pin after a High Rise Cougar Pounce. *** No sooner had the bell been rung than Steven Parker hit the ring hitting a Future Shock on the Extreme Champion. Parker yelled at the downed man, before gesticulating at his title [B](D-)[/B] *** Aaron Andrews was shown out back with Perez, informing him that he was unbeaten in singles competition at FWE – a trend that would continue into next week. However, every tag match he’s in he seems to be stuck with a useless partner who costs him the match, and demanded that didn’t happen tonight. Perez held his title in front of Andrews face, and told him he was no weak partner, and had no intention of losing tonight [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Jungle Jack beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] by DQ in 9.33 [B](C-)[/B] -Insane Machine got a near fall after an Insanity Tsunami, then Jack took over. He was stunned when SWF’s [B]Nevada Nuclear[/B] and former GCG and BHOTWG worker [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] debuted to attack him, ending the match in DQ. *** The two debutants were viscous, Nuclear hitting a Nuclear Bomb and Umaga hitting a Rhino Charge to leave Jack well and truly down [B](D-)[/B] *** As Jungle Jack is helped from the ring, we get the hype for next week, when Aaron Andrews gets his Warrior Title shot [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez and Aaron Andrews beat Rick Sanders and Hell Monkey[/COLOR] in 12.58 [B](C-)[/B] -The heels shared something in this match, and it was shear determination to win. Frankie Perez didn’t look impressed when Andrews brought the Brass Knuckles into play, sending Sanders into dream land for the easy pin. *** Andrews casually blew his knuckles, before pointing at Perez. The champion didn’t back down, and only the referee stopped them starting their fight tonight [B](C)[/B] [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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A sell out (always good with the poor wrestling industry), and some good set up to Perez vs Andrews. Also we had two debuts, Nevada Nuclear and Rhino Umaga making an instant enemy of Jungle Jack. *** Raul Hughes takes his first INSPIRE King of the Fighters from Mike Watson. *** Giant Redwood headlines an American Independent show. Cameron Vessey is way down the card losing to Ace Youngblood. *** Marcos Flores becomes booker of OLLIE. *** Frankie Perez inks a new FWE contract. We’re quite happy to have him around. *** Mainstream Hernandez defeats Warlord Agony for the USPW National Title. Hopefully they’ll stop damaging his local popularity now! *** Well would you know it – NOTBPW are currently broadcasting in the US on GNN. This has given Joey Poison some exposure I wasn’t aware of, which has drastically raised his asking price. I’m not sure… *** Well, I tried with Joey, but when he asked for a downside, I felt that I just couldn’t justify it. I do re-sign Masked Cougar, so that’s both our champions happy. *** Jungle Jack is to tour with BHOTWG… so he’s going to leave FWE. I hope he realises that I’m now going to get him to job for one of my new signees. I just hope he realised that I’ve had to reschedule Invasion to accommodate this – a task not easy as there are 13 companies my workers would rather work for. Let’s hope I’ve got this right. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Invasion: Masked Cougar (c) vs Steven Parker for the FWE Extreme Title Jungle Jack vs Rhino Umaga Frankie Perez (c) vs Aaron Andrews for the FWE Warrior Title[/QUOTE] *** Frankie Perez strikes up friendship with Pee-Wee Germaine. I’ve also just discovered that Black Eagle harbours a strong dislike for Tommy Cornell. Getting cut from TCW a year ago obviously didn’t go down to well, and explains why they’ve never been interested in re-signing him. *** Johnny Bloodstone wins the NOTBPW Canadian Title the same day as reports spread of a new friendship with McFly. Wise man. *** Bloodstone and McFly then headline a double Main Event “A” NOTBPW Super Slam, which is already hot favourite for Show of the Year. *** Primus Allen signs his first professional wrestling contract – and it’s with SWF. *** Wow. Gino Montero takes just 6 months to take a Main Event Title in Mexico – the OLLIE title that was vacated after Phoenix I left. *** Gargantuan also signs with SWF. So far he’s yet to achieve anything with CGC or USPW. *** After leaving CZCW Mario Heroic gets close to an FWE contract, before I realise he’s expensive, and I don’t really need him. *** Jay Chord’s RIPW debut comes against Champagne Lover. I’m trying to find a video of the match as we speak.
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[B]FWE Presents… Invasion:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Steven Parker[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title [B](D+)[/B] -They didn’t click, but it was reasonable. Only one person going to win, though. *** Frankie Perez cut a promo on Andrews, telling him that last week he showed himself to be the weak link in their team, resorting to using Brass Knuckles. Once more tonight, he would be the weakest link [B](C)[/B] *** Jungle Jack called out Rhino Umaga, noting that they were scheduled to fight. Jack noted the lack of Nevada Nuclear – off tonight with a former big boy of wrestling. It was not to matter, he also had bigger fish to fry once he had won tonight [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Rhino Umaga beat Jungle Jack[/COLOR] in 7.49 [B](B-)[/B] -For anyone who missed the rating, you can go back and have a look. Best match in FWE history. Which isn’t bad as everyone knew that Umaga would be winning, which he duly did with a Rhino Charge. *** Andrews had to battle the crowd, and try and convince them that the next match they saw would be even better, as would feature the crowning of a new Warrior Champion [B](C)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez (c) beat Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] by DQ to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 16.50 [B](D+)[/B] -And disappointment of the year goes to putting these two heels together. I’ve now irrevocably damaged Andrews overness – thankfully in the South West, not the South East. Andrews resorted to the Brass Knuckles, and was DQ’d. *** Even after the DQ, the two kept brawling – this feud isn’t over [B](C+). [/B]Which makes their disastrous lack of chemistry even more awkward. Can anyone say “Triple Threat” or “Fatal Fourway”? [I]Overall Rating C-[/I]
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We have had Match of Forever, which wasn’t too much of a surprise for that show. What was much more of a surprise was that it came from Rhino Umaga and the departing Jungle Jack, not Andrews and Perez. At least a sold out crowd of 1,000 witnessed the event. *** If you think SWF are in a mess, take a look at their tag situation. They have no experienced tag teams left, and the belt has been vacated three times in a row after the departures of Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore, Zimmy Bumfhole and them Elmo Benson. Akima Brave and Rick Law are thrown together to become new champions, defeating the quite hideous team of Hell’s Bouncer and Big Smack Scott. *** Frankie Perez is to tour with BHOTWG, along with Insane Machine. *** Human Arsenal is surviving after Brent Hill leaving TCW – he takes the International Title off Lobster Warrior. *** Eric Eisen runs a C- show from the US. For some reason Main Events between Eric Eisen and Kurt Laramee just aren’t working. *** Bruce the Giant is going back to Japan, touring with BHOTWG. [QUOTE]Announced for FWE Presents… Holiday: Masked Cougar (c) vs Joey Poison for the FWE Extreme Title Thomas Morgan vs Aaron Andrews Ultimate Phoenix vs Barry Kingman Frankie Perez vs Insane Machine in a non title match[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=eayragt;239373][COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez (c) beat Aaron Andrews[/COLOR] by DQ to retain the FWE Warrior Title in 16.50 [B](D+)[/B] -And disappointment of the year goes to putting these two heels together. I’ve now irrevocably damaged Andrews overness – thankfully in the South West, not the South East. Andrews resorted to the Brass Knuckles, and was DQ’d. *** Even after the DQ, the two kept brawling – this feud isn’t over [B](C+). [/B]Which makes their disastrous lack of chemistry even more awkward. Can anyone say “Triple Threat” or “Fatal Fourway”?[/QUOTE] Ouch. There's nothing worse than setting a feud in motion and then finding the components don't click. I know people will say "that's what dark match time is for" but sometimes it's not financially viable to experiment like that often and on paper, I would have though Perez and Andrews would make a good pairing. Shame, because I enjoyed the build with Perez disapproving of Andrew's methods of dispatching Rick Sanders and Hell Monkey, but for the sake of ratings, some additional blood needs adding to the feud. Also nice job on getting a B- rating from the departing Jungle Jack.
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Thanks for the kind words. I'll admit to not fully utilising my dark time - I never put Main Eventers against each other, as I like their first meeting together to genuinely be the first time that they meet. Foolhardy maybe... but the Main Eventers wrestle on the Main shows most weeks, and I can't really risk doubling them up in dark matches, and doubling their chances of picking up an injury. I don't really have the strength in depth in my roster to cope with injuries.
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[B]FWE Presents… Holiday:[/B] *** We treat the crowd to the finish of last show – just the finish, as the actual match between Andrews and Perez wasn’t that good[B] (C)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Aaron Andrews beat Thomas Morgan [/COLOR]in 3.38 [B](C-)[/B] -For moaning about his lack of use, Morgan gets destroyed by a focussed Andrews. *** Andrews calls out Perez, and demands another title shot, but Perez isn’t having any of it. He says that Andrews couldn’t stick with him last week, and ended up cheating, and rightfully getting thrown out of the match. Andrews says that he has another contractual shot, but Perez points out that it isn’t guaranteed for singles competition, so will get his shot in a four way next month [B](C+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Steve Gumble beat Joey Beauchamp[/COLOR] in 5.32 [B](D+)[/B] -We found a few extra minutes, and as Gumble will be in the four way for the title next month, though we’d give him a win. [COLOR="blue"]Barry Kingman beat Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] in 10.03 [B](D-)[/B] -Kingman will be the other man in the four way. Just didn’t do much to impress here in a very disappointing match, and only won due to Kanishoki interfering. *** Nevada Nuclear appeared with Rhino Umaga, telling Kanishoki that he was a second class citizen in FWE, and the Rhino was to the top Samoan after eliminating Jungle Jack. That brought Tana out to refute the claims, and Nevada told him to prove his point – in tag action [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Nuclear Beast beat Tana the Mighty and Kanishoki[/COLOR] in 6.56 [B](D)[/B] -I don’t mind when I discover teams not working like this, as Tana and Kanishoki weren’t meant to be one the same page. To stop them fighting Tana left Kanishoki to his fate, which was a Rhino Charge from Umaga. *** Joey Poison and Cougar try coming out for their match at the same time, start to argue, and even fight before getting to the ring [B](D)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Masked Cougar (c) beat Joey Poison[/COLOR] to retain the FWE Extreme Title in 7.53 [B](C-)[/B] -More of a brawl than the high flying action that we’re used to, which saw Cougar retain with a I am Cougar, Here Me Roar. *** Frankie Perez came out, and told the crowd his three opponents at the next show – Aaron Andrews, Steve Gumble and Barry Kingman [B](D+)[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Frankie Perez beat Insane Machine[/COLOR] by DQ in 14.46 [B](D+)[/B] -Bad chemistry ruins what could have been a great match, and ensures that it’s the worst show I’ve put on for a while. We booked Insane Machine quite strong, and when Andrews attacked Perez with the Brass Knuckles, the DQ was called for. *** Andrews continued the assault, which brought Gumble out, who also got clobbered for his trouble. Barry Kingman came out, but wisely didn’t step a foot in the ring [B](C-)[/B] [I]Overall Rating D+[/I]
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