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Generations (C-Verse)

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[B]September, 2006[/B] JeriLynn took the concrete steps two at a time, her gym bag in hand, down towards Rommedahl Fieldhouse. After a hellish day of classes, including a gruelling exam in Management Policy and Strategy, she was ready to vent her fustrations in the gym. She ran into her roommate Krystal in the locker room and they went out to the weight room to lift. After stretching and getting through their first set, a small ruckus could be heard in the hallway coming closer. [COLOR="Red"]“Here comes the football team, eh?”[/COLOR] JeriLynn said to Krystal. [COLOR="red"]“And it was so nice to be working out in relative peace.”[/COLOR] Then she saw him. He stood a full head above the other football players, easily north of six foot eight. His powerful, muscular body made the others look small and scrawny in comparison. And if that wasn’t enough, he was drop-dead gorgeous. [COLOR="red"]“Oh. My. God…”, [/COLOR]she said. [COLOR="red"]“I don’t remember anyone on the football team that big last year – he must be a transfer student.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]“Actually, he’s a freshman,”[/COLOR] Krystal replied. JeriLynn turned to her roommate. [COLOR="red"]“You’re kidding! That body CAN’T belong to an 18-year old. You can’t be right.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, I can, dear. That’s Kirk, he went to the same high school I did. Four years All-State first team as a defensive lineman and middle linebacker. On top of that, he was the first Minnesota wrestler to win a individual state title in the heavyweight division his freshman year. He finished his high school wrestling career unbeaten.”[/COLOR] JeriLynn stared in disbelief. [COLOR="Red"]“OK. Then what’s he doing HERE? Surely he was offered scholarships to Division I schools.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, he was. Minnesota Tech, Oklahoma, Iowa, Texas, USC, they all offered him full rides in football, wrestling, or both.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Then why would he come here, to dinky little Saint Knud College?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Because,”[/COLOR] Krystal replied, [COLOR="Blue"]“both his parents and all of his grandparents came here, along with almost every sibling and cousin. Despite all the offers, Kirk never wanted to be anything other than a Fighting Reindeer.”[/COLOR] Just then, JeriLynn realized that he was coming over to them. [COLOR="blue"]“Hey shrimp! Come here and meet my roommate!” [/COLOR]Krystal called out. JeriLynn turned to Krystal. [COLOR="Red"]“Shrimp??”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, that was my nickname for him back when I was still bigger than him. Kirk is my cousin, and lived just down the street from me.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Kris! Please don’t say that too loud, it’ll stick with the guys and I’ll never live it down.” [/COLOR] Kirk had made his way to the young women. [COLOR="Blue"]“Oh, you worry too much. Anyway, Kirk, this is my roommate, JeriLynn. JeriLynn, this is my cousin, Kirk Heidenreich.”[/COLOR] JeriLynn didn’t remember too much after that. Somehow she managed to get through the rest of her workout, but she couldn’t tell if her increased heartrate was because of the exercise or because of the fact she couldn’t stop thinking about him. As she was walking back to her dormatory, she whipped out her cell phone and punched a speed dial number. [COLOR="Red"]“Aunt Vickie? We HAVE to talk…”[/COLOR]
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JeriLynn ran into Kirk a few days later in an unexpected place – by himself at the TV Lounge in Hejlsberg Commons late on Saturday night. [COLOR="Red"]“Kirk? I’m surprised to see you here, I’d have figured you’d be out partying with the team after your win today.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Hey JeriLynn. I was with the guys, but most of them were trashed before nine, and it got boring. I’m no prude, mind you, but I’ve never really enjoyed the drink-until-you-puke crowd, though I put up with it since I can’t really avoid it. So I came back to watch some TV before heading to bed.” [/COLOR] Kirk grabbed the remote and changed the channel to National Pride TV. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Good evening!” [/COLOR]came the voice from the TV. [COLOR="darkorchid"]“This is NOTBPW Championship Wrestling. I’m Tommy London, and are we in for a treat tonight!"[/COLOR] [I]This is too perfect,[/I] JeriLynn thought to herself. [COLOR="Red"]“Do you mind if I join you?”[/COLOR] Kirk smiled. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Not at all, though I’m surprised you’d be interested in this kind of stuff.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Oh, I think there’s a lot about me that will surprise you.”[/COLOR] JeriLynn said with just a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice.
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[B]October 2006[/B] JeriLynn and Kirk had been dating for about a month at this point. [COLOR="Red"]“Kirk, would you come home with me this weekend for Thanksgiving?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Thanksgiving? Uh…that isn’t until next month.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“You’re so cute when you do the ignorant American thing. I’m Canadian, eh?”[/COLOR] Kirk blushed. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Oh, right. I’m sorry, that was really dumb—“[/COLOR] She interupted him with a kiss. [COLOR="Red"]“You are forgiven, this time. So, will you come? This is your bye week, so you don’t have to worry about missing a game. Now, if you’re still in need of inducement, what if I told you that I can get us into the NOTBPW pay-per-view at St. Crispin’s Ballpark?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“First off, I don’t need further inducement to spend time with you. Second, according to the ‘net, that show has been sold out for weeks. The only way you could get us in is if you were actually related to the Stones instead of just sharing their last name. Third, I can’t afford a plane ticket to Halifax and I don’t want to burden you.”[/COLOR] JeriLynn smiled. [COLOR="red"]“You let me worry about all those things. Be packed and ready to leave Thursday night after practice. See you later.”[/COLOR] As JeriLynn walked across the campus, she pulled out her cellphone and hit a speedial number. [COLOR="Red"]“Daddy? Hi, just wanted to let you know that Kirk was coming…No, I haven’t said anything to him yet…oh, can Uncle Sean come and meet us at the airfield too? Cool, thanks…I’ll see you in a couple of days…I love you too, Daddy. Bye.”[/COLOR]
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[B]December 2006[/B] In hindsight, it perhaps wasn’t very nice to surprise him like that (you should have seen the look on his face when his childhood hero Sean McFly met us at the airfield in Halifax!), but I wanted to make sure he truly was interested in me without knowing that I was actually JeriLynn Stone, daughter of Jeremy Stone, the first third-generation Stone to come of age. So, a little bit more about me. I’m getting my degree in Management Studies at Saint Knud College, a small Danish-Lutheran School in northern Minnesota. Having spent my entire life around wrestling, I knew I wanted to be in the business. Aunt Vickie was my idol growing up – strong, smart, in control – I wanted to be just like her, not just a performer, but really understanding the business side of things too. That was what prompted me to go away to school – it gave me some time away that I think was good. And of course, I wouldn’t have met Kirk if I’d just gone straight into performing out of high school. I finished all my coursework for my degree in the fall semester – the only thing left was my practicum. While it took some convincing, I was able to get the department chair to agree that I could go back and intern at the “family business”, as I would have a unique opportunity to work on all aspects of management – personell issues, marketing, conflict resolution, public presentation, the whole thing. I’m going to be head booker of NOTBPW, and I’m going to get college credit for it. Of course, Dad, Grandpa, and Aunt Vickie will be helping me a lot, but Grandpa has assured me that he will let me make my own decisions. The one thing I really thought would be difficult would be getting Grandpa to agree that Kirk was worth putting time into to see if he could make it as a wrestler. By God, he has the look, and the athleticism to be able to work the kind of matches that our fans want. But he’s completely raw, and he wants to stay in school at least for the rest of the year, but I can use the jet to bring him back and forth whenever I want, within reason. However, Kirk managed to warm his way into the hearts of my family, and so long as everything goes well over the next few months I think that Kirk will both develop as a wrestler and in our relationship.
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Nope, I'm a guy, it just seemed that this was the best way to tell the story. I'm a rookie player, had started a couple of games with TCW and got frustrated when I put the 1.3 patch in, I just couldn't seem to make any progress. I'd seen a few board posts that were keen on NOTBPW so I started tinkering with it and liked it. Then I read about the Heidenreich challenge and thought it would be a cool thing to do a diary on, but obviously Heidenreich couldn't be the user character, so I came up with the romance angle as a way of bringing Heidenreich into NOTBPW.
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[I]The Executive Committee of NOTBPW Incorporated met at their corporate headquarters in Halifax, Nova Scotia on December 28th, 2006 for their Annual Meeting. The meeting was brought to order by Dan Stone…[/I] Or at least, that’s how I have to write it up for my advisor back at Saint Knud. In actuality, we talked at the kitchen table over coffee, lox and bagels. The “Executive Committee” is Grandpa, Dad, Aunt Vickie and now me. While there actually IS an office, I learned early on that the real decisions get made here. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“It’s actually been a good year,”[/COLOR] Grandpa said. [COLOR="darkorange"]“We’ve had some outstanding shows, our fan base is solid, and we have about 8 million in the bank, even after profit sharing. We had no major injuries, and most folks on the roster pulled their weight.”[/COLOR] At that point, Grandpa sighed. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“So why do I feel like we’re missing something?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“To be honest, Dad,” [/COLOR]Aunt Vickie replied, [COLOR="green"]“what we’re missing is a direction. We have been on a plateau, both creatively and financially, for a few years now. There’s nothing wrong with the comfortable and familiar, especially when we make a good living off of it and we can keep a lot of good people employed. But if we’re going to give something meaningful to the younger generation like Edd and JeriLynn, we have to reach out to new fans. I’m not seeing that many younger fans at our shows anymore. That’s why I wanted JeriLynn to join us at the table, she has perspective that we don’t.”[/COLOR] At that point, all eyes turned to me. [COLOR="green"]“And that, my dear niece, brings us to you. You’ve had some time to think about this. So, if you had absolute carte blanche, how would you run things?”[/COLOR] I swallowed hard – this was my right of passage – I was now an adult in their eyes, so long as I took this seriously. [COLOR="Red"]“Well, first, no matter how old or young I am, I am a Stone. I always want our name to be associated with the highest quality wrestling on the planet. That won’t change. But if we are going to reach a generation that has been force-fed the notion that SWF is the pinnacle of wrestling in the world today, we need to speak their language. It’s funny, really, watching SWF and TCW at school, you had SWF that could tell interesting stories and build lots of heat, but their in-ring product sucks. Then you have TCW, who has better quality in the ring, but their stories are lame. We can show folks that you can have quality stories AND quality in the ring. Don’t get me wrong, I like Tom and Tommy, but they get stale after a while, having to build all the heat for us themselves.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]“If we are going to expand our footprint, there are only two directions we can go – west, and south. I genuinely believe that we can compete with TCW and SWF in the US market. But if we are going to go that direction, we have to adjust our product. Make those changes slowly, so as not to shock or upset our current fan base. But we need to make them.”[/COLOR] At that point, I stopped. I looked around nervously. My dad began to say something, but was interrupted by a low moan coming from the staircase. [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Oh dear,”[/COLOR] Grandpa said. [COLOR="darkorange"]“It sounds like your beau is a bit worse for wear.”[/COLOR] Sure enough, Kirk walked into the kitchen. Well, hobbled is perhaps a better term. Dad, Uncle Dan, Uncle Duane, and Uncle Edd had been taking turns with Kirk in the basement [I](nicknamed "The Torture Chamber", as it was where all the Stone children learned their trade, including me)[/I] all Christmas Break, giving him a crash course in the basics. Grandpa got up from the table. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Good morning, son! How are you feeling today?”[/COLOR] He reached around and gave Kirk a firm pat on the back. I could see him wincing in pain. Trooper that he was, he managed to screw on a smile. [COLOR="Purple"]“I’m doing OK, sir.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]“Good, good! Grab yourself some juice and a couple of hard boiled eggs and head downstairs – we’re almost done here.”[/COLOR] Kirk, not having the energy to muster anything other than meek obedience, got what he needed from the fridge and shuffled off. [COLOR="darkorange"]“Anyway,”[/COLOR] Grandpa said as he sat back down, [COLOR="darkorange"]“You have not disappointed me so far, my dear. I think you’re right; we’ve done as much with our current format as we can, and if we are to grow, we must adapt. That being said, JeriLynn, know this – if I feel like we are going too far afield, or going too fast, I will rein you in.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Grandpa. Now let’s discuss some specifics…”[/COLOR] And over the next couple of days, I convinced Grandpa on a handful of changes: [LIST] [*]We needed to start letting the workers build their own heat via angles [I][B](Match ratio from 90% to 80%, Mainstream from Very Low to Low)[/B][/I] [*]We needed to diversify our styles, we have great technicians, but we need more puro, brawling, and high flying to help broaden our appeal and give more options for Uncle Duane and Uncle Edd to work with. [B][I](Modern from Low to Medium, Lucha from None to Very Low, Match Danger from 20% to 40%)[/I][/B] [*]Create a brawling-based mid-level title to help give folks like Tim Westybrook, RK Hayes and Mighty Cavanagh something to feud over. Grandpa and I went back and forth on names – I wanted something that sounded edgy, but he wouldn’t go for it. I finally reached deep into my vocabulary and suggested the [B]NOTBPW Donnybrook Title[/B], and he loved it. Not my first choice, but not horrible, either. [*]After Big City Brawl, start a touring show that focuses on building our presence in both Western Canada and the States, to be called the Mat Masters Tour. We’ll keep our house shows focused east of Toronto. [*]Both of our TV contracts expire this month, and I suggested that we may want to hold off on renewing to see if we can get on better networks on both sides of the border. [*]Bolster our roster with some fresh talent, as is appropriate for a growing promotion like ours. After much back and forth, and getting input from a few others, our initial target list for negotiations is: [/LIST] American Elemental Frankie Perez Freddie Datsun Insane Machine JD Morgan Joss Thompson Jungle Jack Marc Speed Nathan Coleman Rhino Umaga Samoan Machine Shooter Sean Deeley Steve Flash Kashmir Singh Rolling Johnny Stones William Hayes Queen Emily
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][U]NOTBPW CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING[/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]NOTBPW kicks off the new year in grand style! This week's card includes: Stephanie Hazel (#1 Contender for the NOTBPW Women's Title) vs. Grace Harper Harrison Hash (NOTBPW Unlimited Action Champion) vs. Alysian Scottsfield The Can-Am Blondes (NOTBPW Tag Team Champions) vs The Kelowna Playaz R.K. Hayes vs. Mighty Cavanagh Sean McFly (NOTBPW Canadian Champion) vs. Tim Westybrook And a 4-man tournament for a Canadian Title shot at Big City Brawl! Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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OOC: A Note about our Protagonists From a game perspective, JeriLynn is a carbon copy of Victoria Stone, except that I took anywhere from 5-15 points off her ratings to reflect her youth. As such, her grades worked out like this: Brawling: E+ Puroresu: E- Hardcore: F Aerial: D+ Flashiness: E+ Mat Wrestling: D+ Chain Wrestling: C- Submissions: E+ Microphone: C Charisma: C Acting: C- Athleticism: B Toughness: D Stamina: B- Power: D- Basics: B- Psychology: C+ Safety: C+ Consistency: B- Selling: C- Respect: C+ Looks: B+ (This was the only exception in ratings, I actually raised her Looks rating to reflect her 21-year-old hotness) :D Star Quality: B Intensity: E Stiffness: F+ Resilience: B Menace: F MMA: F- Kirk is a classic Heidenreich challenge character as I understand it from the forums -- zeros in all Rumble, Flying, Technical, Performance and Backstage skills and 100s in Entertainment, Physical, Camera, and gimmick-based skills.
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I was sitting in the stands with Kirk, watching the crew put the ring up when my cell phone rang. [COLOR="Green"]“Hello?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Hello, JeriLynn, this is Grandpa.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Hi – shouldn’t you be here by now? Where are you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Grace called me from the hotel – her stomach is bothering her terribly. I brought her to the ER, they say it’s minor food poisoning, but it will be a few hours before they can get her set up for a stomach pump.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Oh no! Well, I can fill in for her, that’s fine. Do you want me to have Craig and Richard run your matches?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“No need – I’ve got Grace settled in as best as I can, I’m no more use here. I’ll be there in about half an hour. See you shortly.” And with that he hung up. I turned to Kirk.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Well, I need to go get ready, and you do as well, sweetie. Just do everything that Uncle Duane and Craig tell you to and you’ll be fine.”[/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Wednesday, Week 1, January 2007 Waterloo University Arena, Waterloo, Ontario 5,000 in attendance (sellout!)[/SIZE][/B] [B]Dark Match 1 Duane Stone vs. Kirk Heidenreich[/B][/CENTER] [I]Well, Kirk did exactly what I asked him to. In fact, Craig and Uncle Duane scripted it out step by step for him, and while he didn’t miss a beat, he wasn’t smooth enough to make it look spontaneous. Fortunately Uncle Duane has a knack for making anyone who puts a halfway decent effort in look OK, and Tom and Tommy did a great job keeping the focus on what Uncle Duane was doing rather than what Kirk wasn’t doing. I have seen worse debuts, but I have certainly seen better.[/I] [B]Duane Stone defeated Kirk Heidenreich in 7:40 by pinfall. (D+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dark Match 2 Jana Marie Bowen vs. Victoria Stone[/B][/CENTER] [I]Jana doesn’t have a lot more experience than Kirk, so in many ways this was the women’s version of the last match. Again, nothing spectacular, but this is why we have dark matches, right?[/I] [B]Victoria Stone defeated Jana Marie Bowen in 7:58 by pinfall. (D+)[/B] --- [B][I][The opening music blasts out of the speakers – a Hendrix-esque electric guitar riff of the first phrase of ‘O Canada’ then quickly transitions into a driving rock anthem][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]It’s 2007 in Canada! I’m Tommy London and this is NOTBPW Championship Wrestling! I’m joined by former Ottawa Rams defensiveman Tom Towsend, and are we in for a treat tonight![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Dear God, Tommy, do these folks know that New Year’s Eve was four days ago? They’re all still drunk, from the looks, sounds [wrinkles nose] and smells of ‘em![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]They’re not drunk, ya goon! They’re thrilled to be witness to the best wrestling on the planet today! Let’s get right to the action – tonight is a historic night, for tonight, the third generation of Stones enters the squared circle – coming down the aisle is the only daughter of Jeremy, this is JeriLynn Stone![/COLOR] Tom Townsend: [COLOR="Red"]Well, she’s got a tall order in her premiere, as she takes on the #1 contender to the NOTBPW Women’s title, Stephanie Hazel, and she’s not going to take any crap from a rookie, no matter who her daddy is. I bet Little Miss Pebble gets the whipping her daddy should have given her as a brat![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match Stephanie Hazel vs. JeriLynn Stone[/B][/CENTER] [I]Well, I hadn’t planned on making my debut this early, or on TV, but we managed to do OK. I have a feeling Tom’s going to keep the ‘Little Miss Pebble’ nickname for me, because it certainly seemed to generate some heat. I think I could have done better putting Stephanie over, but Grandpa said I did fine.[/I] [B]Stephanie Hazel defeated JeriLynn Stone in 7:56 by pinfall. (C-)[/B] --- [B][I][The camera cuts backstage where we find The Can-Am Blondes warming up.][/I][/B] The Natural: [COLOR="DarkRed"]You know something, Owen? The tag division in NOTBPW stinks like day-old moose patties. I mean, there’s no challenge![/COLOR] Owen Love: [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Don’t I know it! We’re going to have these belts for a long time, ‘cause no one has the game to take it from us. I mean, look at these MC Hammer wannabes we’ve got tonight – no class whatsoever.[/COLOR] The Natural: [COLOR="DarkRed"]Too true, too true. Then you’ve got those warmongering, gun-loving McWade brothers – I mean seriously, how do those barbarians even get across the border? Don’t the Mounties do their jobs anymore?[/COLOR] Owen Love: [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]Apparently we let anyone in the country nowadays. Then, of course there are the Stones – Old Stone, Older Stone, Stoned Stone, and that other Stone. They’re too busy worshipping Grand Old Stone to be any bother to us.[/COLOR] The Natural: [COLOR="DarkRed"]Yep, we are set for a good long run as champions, I think. Let’s go out and show these doorknobs what real men look like.[/COLOR] --- [I]Moose patties? MC Hammer wannabes?? That is the LAST time I let Damian and Owen improv a promo. That was lousy, and the crowd knew it. I can only hope it played better on TV. Regardless, Grandpa will be on my case for that one. [/I] [B](D)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Tag Team Championship Match The Can-Am Blondes vs. The Kelowna Playaz[/B][/CENTER] [I]For as lousy as their promo was, their in-ring performance tonight made up for it. They managed to carry Craig and Gregg to an acceptable performance, and Grandpa says he’s seeing improvements in the performance of both the Kelowna Playaz.[/I] [B]The Can-Am Blondes defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 8:03 when Owen Love defeated Craig Green by pinfall with a Love Gun. The Can-Am Blondes make defence number 1 of their NOTBPW Tag Team titles. (C-)[/B] --- [B][I][The video board shows a series of highlights from past matches involving Dark Angel, Jeremy Stone, Dan Stone Jr. and Johnny Bloodstone. The voiceover (recorded by Tommy earlier today) says:][/I][/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“Dark Angel. Jeremy Stone. Dan Stone. Johnny Bloodstone. They represent the best of the best in NOTBPW, and they all want the same thing – a shot at the champion, Sean McFly, at Big City Brawl. Tonight, Dark Angel faces Dan Stone Jr. and Johnny Bloodstone faces Jeremy Stone. The winners face off at the Main Event next week on NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, and then the winner of that bout gets his shot at the 4-time NOTBPW champ!”[/COLOR] --- [I]After the debacle that Damien and Owen did live earlier, I was glad that I had much more control over this segment – the mini-tournament announcement got a HUGE pop.[/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship Match Alysian Scottsfield vs. Harrison Hash[/B][/CENTER] [I]Oh dear Lord – what a train wreck. Being away for so long, I guess I hadn’t realized just how much Alysian had slowed down – he was late to nearly EVERY spot. Harrison was clearly getting frustrated at the end. Tom and Tommy tried to spin it as best as they could, but all the lipstick in the world won’t make this pig any prettier.[/I] [B]Harrison Hash defeated Alysian Scottsfield in 7:44 by pinfall. Harrison Hash makes defence number 1 of his NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. (E+)[/B] --- [B][I][Dan Stone Junior’s music hits the speakers and the crowd pops as he comes down to the ring.][/I][/B] [COLOR="Orange"]“You know, whenever I come out here these days, I feel naked. I feel naked, incomplete, unfulfilled when I don’t have the title belt around my waist. Sean, I love you like a brother, but you’re starting to remind me of the neighbor who borrows the lawn mower and never gives it back, or the guy at work who never seems to have any cash when it’s his turn to get doughnuts and coffee from Jim Borton’s. That title rightfully belongs to me, and when I hold it aloft at the end of Big City Brawl, I will be NOTBPW’s first SIX-time champion!” “Dark Angel, simply put, you are in my way. That, I will take care of tonight!”[/COLOR] --- [I]Now [U]that[/U] was a promo. Damian, Owen, were you listening?[/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]R.K. Hayes vs. Mighty Cavanagh[/B][/CENTER] [I]If Alysian’s match was a train wreck, then this one was a car crash – less deadly, but still ugly. Supposedly, Danny Cavanagh is a midcarder, but he put on a dark match performance – stiff, plodding, and uninspired. That being said, Danny’s meandering made R.K. look like he was quick and agile in comparison, and Tom and Tommy played that up and R.K. ended up looking pretty good. Still, this was an unacceptable performance this high up the card.[/I] [B]R.K. Hayes defeated Mighty Cavanagh in 8:33 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. (D)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Canadian Championship Match Sean McFly vs. Tim Westybrook[/B][/CENTER] [I]Most of the family is impressed with the progress Tim has made since he was recruited into NOTBPW. This is his first of a series of job-to-the-stars matches to see if he’s ready to make a run at the top half of the card. And to be honest, it wasn’t too shabby a match, though Sean can make anyone look good. Objectively, it was an OK match, but In comparison to the previous two matches, it seems like a Match of the Year candidate! At least the crowd was buzzing again.[/I] [B]Sean McFly defeated Tim Westybrook in 14:44 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 1 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. (C)[/B] --- [B][I][Jeremy Stone appears from behind the entrance ramp curtain, mike in hand. He addresses the crowd as he walks down the aisle.][/I][/B] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]“Are you ready, Waterloo? Are you ready to see a clinic? Are you ready to see me take apart this so-called ‘Submission Demon’? And are you ready to see me get one step closer to becoming a five-time Canadian Champion?”[/COLOR] --- [I]Dad has always been a to-the-point kind of guy. [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [B][CENTER]#1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/CENTER][/B] [I]Now we’re getting somewhere! A very pure, mat-based match with lots of action – hold, counterhold, reversals, reversals of reversals, screams of agony, everything you could want. The only problem with a match like that is that it can be really hard for the announcing team to keep a steady stream of commentary going, and if the workers can break it up a little bit it helps, which they didn’t do enough of for my taste (though Dad surprised me by taking Johnny up top to deliver a Belly-to-Belly Superplex for the finisher – I didn’t know the old man had THAT in him!)[/I] [B]Jeremy Stone defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 22:14 by pinfall. (B)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]#1 Contender Tournament Semi-Final Dark Angel vs. Dan Stone Jr[/B][/CENTER] [I]I love watching Uncle Dan and Cliff work, they always manage to do something new and fresh in their matches together. They had gone full bore at each other for twenty minutes, and then Uncle Dan catches Cliff in a Fisherman’s Suplex, which Cliff breaks at the last possible second. Cliff wobbles around for a bit, then Uncle Dan sets him up for a Stone Back Suplex, the crowd is going nuts, then Cliff out of nowhere backs out of the hold, spins him around for the reversal and hooks his arms in for the Double Underhook Facebuster (or the Descent into Hell, as Dark Angel calls it.)[/I] [B]Dark Angel defeated Dan Stone Jr in 22:04 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. (A)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: B This show can be considered a success; it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Waterloo University Arena, and drew 5000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been positive, with most having liked the vast majority of the show. 7.38 rating on Canada On-Air 0.06 rating on National Pride TV[/B]
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[COLOR="Blue"]“Young lady, you will not speak to me in that manner!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Huh?"[/COLOR] JeriLynn was caught by surprise. [COLOR="red"]"Grandpa, what are you talking about?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You said you were going to give me an arse feed! Now I don’t know what passes for manners for you college kids, but I won’t stand for that kind of language from you!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Grandpa, that’s not what I said! I said I was going to give you an RSS feed. That’s R-S-S, not that other thing.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“And why, pray tell, do I want to have an R-S-S feed? “[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Because then you won’t have to go to twenty different websites to get all the latest industry news. I learned how to do this in school – I could go to one place and get all the headlines from the wrestling news and company sites. Let me show you…”[/COLOR] I clicked on the feed page I had set up and the following headlines popped up: [QUOTE][B]The Week in Wrestling: January 2007 Week 1[/B] Saeko Hirojuke defeated Yuma Maruya for the 5 Star All-Asian title ([url]www.5ssw.jp[/url]) Demon Spite defeated Bruce the Giant for the USPW World title ([url]www.uspw.com[/url]) Igor Ivanoff defeated Daniel Black Francis for the 21st Century United Kingdom title ([url]www.21stCentury.co.uk[/url]) Marcos Flores Becomes Booker of MPWF ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Arson Welles Becomes Booker of ROF ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Shane Sneer Becomes Booker of RIPW ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Jamie Anderson Becomes Booker of MOSC ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Shawn Gonzalez Becomes Booker of CZCW ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Burning Exile Becomes Booker of WEXXV ([url]www.tew.com[/url]) Queen Emily signs with SWF ([url]www.swf.com[/url]) Trent Shaeffer defeated Shooter Sean Deeley for the CGC Canadian title ([url]www.canadiangoldencombat.ca[/url]) Jimmy Cox and Kiminobu Kuroki defeated Coleman & Ferdinand for the GCG Tag Team Title ([url]www.gcg.jp)[/url][/QUOTE] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, that is nice to have in one place,”[/COLOR] Grandpa said begrudgingly as he stared at the screen. [COLOR="Blue"]“Have I mentioned to you that I hate computers?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"I would never have guessed, Grandpa..."[/COLOR] --- Our batting average for new signings was really good so far, only Queen Emily had turned us down, but Shooter Sean Deeley, Rhino Umaga, Jungle Jack, Insane Machine, Freddy Datsun, Frankie Perez, Kashmir Singh, Nathan Coleman, Marc Speed, Joss Thompson, JD Morgan, and Steve Flash had already signed contracts. Hopefully the rest will fall into place next week.
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][U]NOTBPW CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING[/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Big City Brawl is this Saturday, but don’t you dare miss NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Wednesday night! This week's card includes: Melody Cuthill (NOTBPW Women's Champion) vs. Emma Bitch Duane Stone vs. Kashmir Singh The McWade Brothers vs The Demolition Crew Edd Stone vs. Craig Green Dan Stone Jr. vs. Tim Westybrook Sean McFly (NOTBPW Canadian Champion) vs. Johnny Bloodstone And to determine the #1 Contender for the Canadian Title, and gets his title shot this Saturday at Big City Brawl: Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Wednesday, Week 2, January 2007 Molson Palais des Sports, Laval, Quebec 5,000 in attendance (sellout!)[/SIZE][/B] [B]Dark Match 1 Tamara McFly vs. Grace Harper[/B][/CENTER] [I]Kind of a flat match, to be honest. There was really nothing wrong with it, but it just didn't get anyone going, even a little bit, despite Tom and Tommy's best efforts. An acceptible dark match, but nothing more than that.[/I] [B]Tamara McFly defeated Grace Harper in 7:45 by pinfall. (D+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dark Match 2 Harrison Hash vs. Kirk Heidenreich[/B][/CENTER] [I]Hmm. In hindsight it was perhaps not a good idea to put Kirk in a match with anyone other than family this early on. Having not worked with Harrison before, I think Kirk ended up trying too hard, and that just threw him off. On the other hand, it's only his second match, so there's still a lot of time for him to learn and develop.[/I] [B]Harrison Hash defeated Kirk Heidenreich in 7:46 by pinfall. (D-)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Who will face Sean McFly at Big City Brawl?? We find out tonight on NOTBPW Championship Wrestling! This is Tommy London and Tom Towsend, and we have a humdinger of a card tonight![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Do you honestly think that anyone, even Jeremy Stone, can stop the Dark Angel after his decisive victory over Junior Stone last week? I don't think so -- it's like trying to stop a 5 on 3 power play![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match NOTBPW Women's Championship Match Melody Cuthil vs. Emma Bitch[/B][/CENTER] [I]A solid opening match -- right now the fans love Melody and she really feeds off of that. Emma is generating some good heat as well, and her performance is improving.[/I] [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Emma Bitch in 7:44 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill makes defence number 1 of her NOTBPW Womens title. (C)[/B] --- [B][I][The camera cuts to the announcer's table.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Big City Brawl has some marquee matchups planned, and one I'm really looking forward to is Duane Stone taking on R.K. Hayes -- these two have put on some great matches in the past, and this one will be no different![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Agreed, it's going to be a great match. It's high time Duane got that pretty face of his messed up -- maybe he'd go back to wearing a mask so I don't have to look at his ugly mug! R.K. is just the man to do it, too.[/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Yeah, you would like R.K. -- he's a big dumb goon, just like you![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]You gonna call him a goon to his face, eh? I can arrange that, you know.[/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, it so happens that our next match features Duane Stone, and here he comes down the aisle now...[/COLOR] --- [I]You know, while I still want to see the workers hyping themselves more in NOTBPW, it's good to have Tom and Tommy -- the fan base is comfortable with them, they play well off each other, and Tommy is even starting to show more charisma, which I never would have thought would happen![/I] [B](B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Duane Stone vs. Kashmir Singh[/B][/CENTER] [I]How is it that Kashmir could go unnoticed in the industry this long? It just baffles me -- he's a decent worker, and he definitely has some chemistry with Duane -- Kashmir is holding up his end of the bargain in this one -- I think he'll fit in quite well, based on such an impressive debut![/I] [B]Duane Stone defeated Kashmir Singh in 8:43 by pinfall. (B)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]There you have it folks, Duane Stone is your victor![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Yeah, but that victory may be short-lived -- look who's coming down the aisle now!![/COLOR] [B][I][R.K. Hayes comes to ringside, grabs a microphone, and steps up to the apron.][/I][/B] R.K. Hayes:[COLOR="Green"]Pathetic. You beat a no-name puke and you think you're ready to take me on Saturday at Big City Brawl?[/COLOR] Duane Stone:[COLOR="Purple"]Oh, I don't think that at all. I think I'm ready to take you on NOW.[/COLOR] R.K Hayes:[COLOR="Green"]You want to do this now?[/COLOR] Duane Stone:[COLOR="Purple"]Do I need to use smaller words? What part of NOW don't you understand??[/COLOR] [B][I][They both pause, psyche themselves up, and charge. The ring gets flooded by numerous other wrestlers, and the two are pulled away before they can make contact by Clarence Garcia, Craig Prince, Matthew White, Mammoth, Tom Townsend and Alysian Scottsfield.][/I][/B] --- [I]Well, THAT whipped folks up into a frenzy -- a standard formula, for sure, but for NOTBPW fans, it's not something they see that often, so it works![/I] [B](B)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]The McWade Brothers vs. The Demolition Crew[/B][/CENTER] [I]Ugh. The only bright spot in this match was Dean's work, otherwise it was a very dull affair. I find myself unimpressed again with Alysian, although Derek Frost is showing progress. Tom and Tommy also helped make this match seem more exciting than it actually was.[/I] [B]The McWade Brothers defeated The Demolition Crew in 8:45 when Dean McWade defeated Alysian Scottsfield by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat. (D)[/B] --- [B][I][The camera cuts to the announcer's table.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]The McWades are on a roll going into Big City Brawl, and they look like they're ready to win back the tag team belts from the Can-Am Blondes at Big City Brawl![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Oh, please. Those doofuses don't know anything about REAL wrestling, they just like beating you to a bloody pulp![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]I would have thought that would appeal to you, or is it different on the ice rather than in the ring?[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]You're damned right I got in my share of fights, but that's what the fans paid for when they came to see me play. Here, they're expecting something else?[/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Pitiful, Tom. You go to a hockey game to watch HOCKEY. You go to an NOTBPW event to see WRESTLING. They're not the same.[/COLOR] --- [I]Um, guys? Can you NOT GO OFF ON A TANGENT WHEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PUTTING THE PPV TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH OVER?!?!?[/I] [B](D)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Edd Stone vs. Craig Green[/B][/CENTER] [I]We definitely need more high flyers and super juniors to help show off Edd's strengths -- Craig is developing nicely, but he is still a project in many ways. Still, this was an OK match, perhaps a bit too far along in the card, but Edd managed to carry it pretty well.[/I] [B]Edd Stone defeated Craig Green in 9:51 by pinfall with a Party's Over. (C)[/B] --- [B][I][Edd Stone celebrates in the ring, dancing to his theme music][/I][/B] Edd Stone:[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Crank up the tunes, get up out of your seats, grab a brew, 'cause when Eddy is in the house, it's a party! And Saturday night, when I get my Unlimited Action title back, it'll be an Unlimited party time at Big City Brawl![/COLOR] --- [I]Not bad, but while the fans do love Edd, apparently they love him in small doses and he overstayed his welcome a bit.[/I] [B](C)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dan Stone Jr. vs. Tim Westybrook[/B][/CENTER] [I]I'm beginning to see why the family likes Tim -- he can go full throttle as long as anyone in the ring, including Uncle Dan, he's a solid performer, and when there's chemistry there (and there is with Uncle Dan), he can be a lot of fun to watch! I'm definitely thinking Tim belongs in the upper half of the roster, and the crowd seems to agree.[/I] [B]Dan Stone Jr defeated Tim Westybrook in 12:25 by pinfall. (B+)[/B] --- [B][I][Sean McFly appears from behind the entrance ramp curtain, mike in hand, and NOTBPW Championship belt over his shoulder. He addresses the crowd as he walks down the aisle.][/I][/B] Sean McFly: [COLOR="Orange"]“It doesn't matter who I face Saturday night -- the result is going to be the same. Sean McFly is your champion now, and will be your champion at the end of Big City Brawl!”[/COLOR] --- [I]Sean is very over right now -- he could read the dictionary and the crowd would pop for him. [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [B][CENTER]NOTBPW Canadian Championship Match Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/CENTER][/B] [I]A great match -- a little bit of everything: great technical wrestling, some good aerial spots, some great brawling exchanges, and some high drama -- for a brief moment it looked like Johnny had a shot at getting Sean to tap out after catching him in a Boston Crab in the middle of the ring, but after a literal tug of war Sean clawed his way to the ropes and rallied for the victory.[/I] [B]Sean McFly defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 20:10 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 2 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. (B+)[/B] --- [B][I][A video recap of last week's main event matches (Dark Angel/Dan Stone Jr. and Jeremy Stone/Johnny Bloodstone) is shown.][/I][/B] --- [I]It's a cheap way to fill time, but it works![/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]#1 Contender Tournament Final Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone[/B][/CENTER] [I]There's always a risk when the penultimate match is outstanding that the main event will be a letdown -- that was definitely not the case here!! Dad and Cliff just tore into each other, back and forth, bunches of near falls, and a great finish when Cliff slipped out of the Canadian Shoulder Bomb that Dad was setting him up for and caught him square in the jaw with a thrust kick, stunning Dad long enough for Cliff to set him up for the Descent Into Hell.[/I] [B]Dark Angel defeated Jeremy Stone in 24:09 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. (A*)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: B This show can be considered a success; it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Molson Palais des Sports, and drew 5000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews. 7.60 (up from 7.38) rating on Canada On-Air 0.06 rating on National Pride TV[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][U][COLOR="Purple"]LIVE FROM CANADIAN AIR CENTRE IN DOWNTOWN TORONTO NORTH OF THE BORDER PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING PRESENTS BIG CITY BRAWL[/COLOR][/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][I]Only $9.99 (plus taxes) on Canada 1-Choice gets you two and a half hours of the hottest wrestling in the Canadian winter![/I] Matchups announced at this time include: [B][I][COLOR="purple"]NOTBPW Tag Team Championship Match[/COLOR][/I][/B] The Can-Am Blondes (NOTBPW Tag Team Champions) vs. The McWade Brothers [B][I][COLOR="purple"]NOTBPW Women's Championship Match[/COLOR][/I][/B] Melody Cuthill (NOTBPW Women's Champion) vs. Stephanie Hazel [B][I][COLOR="purple"]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship Match[/COLOR][/I][/B] Harrison Hash (NOTBPW Unlimited Action Champion) vs. Edd Stone R.K. Hayes vs. Duane Stone Jeremy Stone vs. Tim Westybrook Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone [B][I][COLOR="Purple"]Main Event -- NOTBPW Canadian Championship Match[/COLOR][/I][/B] Sean McFly (NOTBPW Canadian Champion) vs. Dark Angel [/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]ORDER TODAY!![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Subscribers!! Email your predictions for the match winners to [email]BigCityBrawl@CanadaOneChoice.ca[/email]! All entries that correctly predict the entire card will be entered into a drawing for a year's supply of Jim Borton's coffee and doughnuts!(*) (**) [/SIZE] [SIZE="1"]*Offer only valid in CornellVerse. **Assumes that Mammoth doesn't eat them first.[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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JeriLynn gazed out the window and looked at the Toronto skyline. Most of the family had flown directly to Toronto from Montreal after the TV show and had set up shop in a Holiday Inn in Markham. Yes, really, a Holiday Inn, but not a typical Holiday Inn – at one point the property was independent; it was sold to a franchisee a few years ago. Typical Holiday Inns don’t have three 4-bedroom penthouse suites, all of which the family had taken over since Thursday. [COLOR="Red"]“Hey, squirt, you ok?”[/COLOR] Jeremy walked into the living room. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hm? Yeah, I’m fine, just taking a break from looking at match footage.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Ah.” [/COLOR] Jeremy crossed the room and put his arm around JeriLynn. [COLOR="red"]“You know, it’s nice having you around again, and being part of the business. I’m so proud of you, and I know Mom would have been too.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah.” [/COLOR] It was surprising to JeriLynn to hear her father speak this openly, especially about her mother, who had died in a car crash when JeriLynn was 16. For all of his performance skills in the ring and arena, away from the spotlights Jeremy was an intensely private, soft-spoken person. [COLOR="blue"]“You know what else, Dad? I wish Mom could have met Kirk. I think she would have really liked him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“I think so too, JeriLynn. It’s too bad he couldn’t make it up this weekend.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I know, but I’m glad he’s taking his classes seriously – a lot of freshmen don’t, and it costs them dearly."[/COLOR] Since the subject had turned to Kirk, and her father was being uncharacteristically open, JeriLynn decided to probe a little bit. [COLOR="blue"]“Dad, honestly, what do you think of Kirk?”[/COLOR] Jeremy stared at the skyline for a moment, and then turned to face his daughter. [COLOR="Red"]“Kirk seems to be a fine young man. But ‘young’ is the key word there – you have plenty of time, don’t rush. There’s a lot he doesn’t realize yet about being involved with a Stone, and you’ve seen some of the things that have happened to your uncles.”[/COLOR] That was a true enough statement – having a relationship with someone who is on the road at minimum 45 weeks out of the year can be a strain on the strongest of relationships and there had been some spectacularly unpleasant episodes involving JeriLynn’s uncles. Deep down, she knew that she had ulterior motives for convincing her grandfather to take a chance on trying to develop Kirk – if he were part of the full time roster, then they could be together more. However, JeriLynn genuinely believed that Kirk had the potential to be a good, possibly great, wrestler. At one point in her teen years, JeriLynn swore she would never get involved with someone in the business. So much for that principled stand. [COLOR="red"]“It’s clear that Kirk adores you,” [/COLOR] Jeremy continued. [COLOR="red"]“And he has, at least so far, been an excellent student of the business – he works hard, he sticks with things until he masters them, and he asks good questions. But it's only been a few weeks, and part-time at that; he has a long way to go.”[/COLOR] JeriLynn was about to respond when Grandpa’s voice called out from the dining room. [COLOR="Green"]“Jeremy! JeriLynn! The trucks made it to the arena! We should go down and treat the boys to a beer after they get everything unloaded.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Sounds good, Dad,”[/COLOR] Jeremy called back. [COLOR="red"]“C’mon, squirt, you should be there too.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Okay, Dad.”[/COLOR] JeriLynn wrapped her arms around her father’s torso and squeezed. [COLOR="blue"]“And thanks.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“It’s what I’m here for, dear.”[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]NOTBPW Big City Brawl[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Saturday, Week 2, January 2007 Canadian Air Centre, Toronto, Ontario 14,934 in attendance[/SIZE][/B] [B]Dark Match 1 JeriLynn Stone and Victoria Stone vs. Grace Harper and Jana Marie Bowen[/B][/CENTER] [I]Oh, that was fun! As a kid I dreamed about being able to tag with Aunt Vickie, and we aren't half bad together! I still have a long ways to go before I'm as good as her, but I pulled off a couple of spots that I was really happy with.[/I] [B]JeriLynn Stone and Victoria Stone defeated Grace Harper and Jana Marie Bowen in 8:12 when Victoria Stone defeated Grace Harper by pinfall. (C)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dark Match 2 Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Kashmir Singh[/B][/CENTER] [I]Even though it was a dark match, the crowd was buzzing when they realized that Sean was debuting for NOTBPW! As a signing it is a significant victory for us, Sean fits in perfectly with us and the DeColt's loss is our gain. Kashmir put up another fine effort in putting Sean over as well; again, I'm amazed at the fact that he wasn't working prior to our signing.[/I] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Kashmir Singh in 7:49 by pinfall with a German Suplex. (B-)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]We are LIVE from Canadian Air Centre in downtown Toronto! It may be fifteen below outside, but fifteen thousand strong in attendance makes this arena the hottest place around! This is NOTBPW Big City Brawl![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]This crowd is electric tonight! They are ready to see some historic matches and NOTBPW is ready to deliver![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Right you are! From top to bottom, the next two and a half hours promises to be an extravaganza of wrestling excellence! Let's get right to the action![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Ladies and gentlemen, our first contest is for the NOTBPW Tag Team Championship! Introducing the challengers, one of the most dominant tag teams in North American wrestling in the past ten years. Twice they have won the Ed Henson cup, and they are five-time NOTBPW Tag Team champions. Tonight they seek to reclaim what was taken from them at this past Nirvana in November; I give you Dallas and Dean, the McWade Brothers![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Their opponents, the NOTBPW Tag Team champions, won those very belts from the McWade Brothers two months ago. This is their first reign as tag team champions and they have a bright future ahead of them. From San Diego, California, "The Natural" Damian Carville, and from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Owen Love, they are the Can-Am Blondes![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match NOTBPW Tag Team Championship Match The Can-Am Blondes vs. The McWade Brothers[/B][/CENTER] [I]Dallas and Dean redeem themselves in my eyes somewhat by putting in a solid effort, but truth be told, Damian and Owen carried the load on this match. In a match between past and future, future definitely wins.[/I] [B]The Can-Am Blondes defeated The McWade Brothers in 10:03 when The Natural defeated Dean McWade by pinfall with a Nature Calls. The Can-Am Blondes make defence number 2 of their NOTBPW Tag Team titles. (C)[/B] --- [B][I][A video clip plays on the jumbo screen:][/I][/B] Sean McFly: [COLOR="Orange"]“It doesn't matter who I face Saturday night -- the result is going to be the same. Sean McFly is your champion now, and will be your champion at the end of Big City Brawl!”[/COLOR] [B][I][The camera cuts to the announcer's table.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Sean McFly made that bold statement just three nights ago, Tom Towsend. Is he overconfident?[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Is the flag red and white? Of course he's overconfident! He's facing a man that put down two Stones in two weeks and is right now looking more dangerous every time he gets in the ring! Sean McFly is in the express lane on the highway to Hell, and Dark Angel is driving him there personally![/COLOR] --- [I]Cute, perhaps a bit cliched, but still a good bit of colour commentary.[/I] [B](B-)[/B] --- Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Our next contest is for the NOTBPW Women's Championship! The challenger tonight was champion herself just two short months ago. She is an international women's wrestling superstar and has quickly reestablished herself as #1 contender. From Waterloo, Ontario, Stephanie Hazel![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Her opponent, in her first reign as NOTBPW Women's Champion, has proven she can go toe-to-toe with the best in the business and has taken on all comers since winning the title. Ladies and Gentlemen, the NOTBPW Women's Champion, Melody Cuthill![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Women's Championship Match Melody Cuthil vs. Stephanie Hazel[/B][/CENTER] [I]A great effort from both Stephanie and Melody -- no complaints at all. Melody is doing a great job of developing her performance skills and it is showing in her matches, she is a very credible champion right now and it's great to see.[/I] [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Stephanie Hazel in 9:36 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill makes defence number 2 of her NOTBPW Womens title. (C)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]We are backstage with Dan Stone Jr, who will face Johnny Bloodstone later tonight. Dan, how are you feeling tonight?[/COLOR] Dan Stone Jr: [COLOR="Green"]I feel great, Tommy! It's always a rush for me to go out and compete in front of a big crowd like tonight's.[/COLOR] Tommy London:[COLOR="Blue"]You have Johnny Bloodstone tonight, Dan, certainly a tough draw, eh?[/COLOR] Dan Stone Jr:[COLOR="Green"]I've never shied away from a challenge, Tommy. That's what makes NOTBPW great -- every match is a challenge. We bring the best of the best not only from Canada but from around the world so that every match here is of a quality that would be a main event anywhere else. Johnny Bloodstone, you certainly belong here in NOTBPW, but you are not prevailing tonight. That much is certain.[/COLOR] --- [I]A good, solid promo -- even though Uncle Dan's mic skills are not the same level as his in-ring skills, he does just fine.[/I] [B](B)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Our next match of the evening is for the NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship! Tonight's challenger is no stranger to the UA title, having won it on three separate occasions in the past two years. He is the youngest of the Stone brothers, the twenty-four hour party animal, Edd Stone![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]His opponent, the current UA title holder, is a fierce competitor who took the belt from Eddy a few short weeks ago and is a rising star in NOTBPW. I give you the NOTBPW Unlimite Action Champion, Harrison Hash![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Unlimited Action Championship Match Edd Stone vs. Harrison Hash[/B][/CENTER] [I]A solid match, though I had hoped for a little better outing. Harrison was a little frustrated with the booking and it showed in his performance; he had wanted a little longer run with the belt. I assured him that I was not playing favorites or not confident in his abilities, but I do think we need to repackage him a bit before we continue with his push, and it's easier to do that without the belt on him. He seemed ok with that explanation.[/I] [B]Edd Stone defeated Harrison Hash in 9:58 by pinfall with a Party's Over. Edd Stone wins the NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. (C) [/B] --- [B][I][The camera cuts to the announcer's table.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Coming up next, a match that almost happened Wednesday night when R.K. Hayes came out to confront Duane Stone after his match on NOTBPW Championship Wrestling![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]They should have just let them go -- poor Duane has been suffering under the delusion that he's coming out of this match in one piece. R.K. is on a rampage and I don't think anyone is stopping him![/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Yes, the rough-and-tumble brawler from Fort MacMurray is going to be a tough customer indeed, but don't count Duane Stone out![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]I don't want him counted out, I want him knocked out! Preferably bloodied and bruised first![/COLOR] --- [I]There's no doubt about it -- Tom and Tommy are a great pair to have in the booth.[/I] [B](B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Duane Stone vs. R.K. Hayes[/B][/CENTER] [I]A short, but intense, match that really played to R.K.'s strengths -- the crowd was definitely buzzed after this one![/I] [B]R.K. Hayes defeated Duane Stone in 9:50 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. (B+)[/B] --- [B][I][Jeremy Stone appears from behind the entrance ramp curtain, mike in hand. He addresses the crowd as he walks down the aisle.][/I][/B] Jeremy Stone: [COLOR="Purple"]Tim Westybrook, they call you the Iron Man, but even iron can be bent when enough heat is put on it. Come into my blast furnace and let's see how long you last![/COLOR] --- [I]Well, he certainly got a pop, so who am I to complain?[/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Jeremy Stone vs. Tim Westybrook[/B][/CENTER] [I]Outstanding! A twenty-minute affair that kept folks guessing and on the edge of their seats. It even seemed like folks were starting to smell an upset and started to get behind Tim -- an excellent sign for his future.[/I] [B]Jeremy Stone defeated Tim Westybrook in 19:47 by pinfall. (A)[/B] --- [B][I][The match is over, and Jeremy Stone is celebrating. Tim Westybrook walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect, and the two competitors shake hands.] [/B][/I] --- [I]Tim also scored points with the crowd with this gesture -- they are starting to really care about Tim and his momentum is starting to builid up. [/I] [B](C+)[/B] --- [B][CENTER] Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone[/CENTER][/B] [I]I think Tom and Tommy are starting to peter out, they're not quite as verbose as they've been earlier tonight. Of course, we're getting into the longer matches so this isn't surprising, but it is weighing on the matches ever so slightly. Still, this was a solid outing for both Johnny and Uncle Dan, and the crowd was very appreciative.[/I] [B]Dan Stone Jr defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 22:58 by submission.(B)[/B] --- [B][I][The house lights dim and Tommy London is spotlighted in the ring:][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Ladies and Gentlemen, North of the Border Professional Wrestling, in cooperation with Jim Bortons restaurants, is proud to present the main event of the evening! Please welcome to the ring the chairman of NOTBPW, Mr. Dan Stone![/COLOR] Dan Stone: [Color="DarkOrchid"]NOTBPW fans, I have an important announcement to make. It was well stated earlier tonight when it was said that NOTBPW is about bringing the best athletes together, not only from across Canada, but across the world to compete. Competitors from North America, Europe, and Asia have given their all in this ring for you and this shall continue. It is time that our premiere title reflect this reality -- while we have called it the Canadian Championship, its holders are not merely the best of Canada, but of the entire sport. Therefore, effective today, the Canadian Championship is being renamed to the NOTBPW Heavyweight Championship.[/Color] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Thank you, Mr. Stone! Now, tonight's contest, for the NOTBPW Heavyweight Championship, is an "I Quit" match. The only way to win is to either knock your opponent out or force him to say "I Quit!" to the referee. Introducing first, the challenger! He comes from parts unknown, his past shrouded in mystery. He is a two time NOTBPW champion and earned the right to this title shot with succesive victories over the past two weeks over Dan Stone Jr and Jeremy Stone. He is...DARK ANGEL![/COLOR] --- [I]Dark Angel's entrance generates a solid pop, thanks in part to Tommy's buildup.[/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]His opponent, and reigning NOTBPW Heavyweight Champion, is arguably one of the greatest wrestlers of this generation. He has won the NOTBPW title on four separate occasions. He has been the SWF World Heavyweight Champion twice prior to joining NOTBPW, and is recognized the world over. Ladies and Gentlemen, a man that needs no introduction: From Kansas City, Missouri, your NOTBPW Heavyweight Champion...SEAN MCFLY![/COLOR] --- [I]Sean's entrance gets a great pop as well, the atmosphere is perfect![/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Heavyweight Championship Match Dark Angel vs. Sean McFly[/B][/CENTER] [I]And for the first time in my booking career, the crowd chants "That was Awesome!" -- and it was. There really isn't that much else to say.[/I] [B]Sean McFly defeated Dark Angel in 34:48 when Dark Angel was knocked out. Sean McFly makes defence number 3 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. (A*)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: A This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Big City Brawl last night in Canadian Air Centre, and drew 14934 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews. 0.37 buy rate from Canada 1-Choice[/B]
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The mood on the jet was a jovial one as we waited on the tarmac for clearance to take off. After a well deserved morning of sleeping in, we were headed west to Vancouver to put some of our new talent in the ring. Dad and Uncle Sean were stretched out in the back, having taken the most punishment the previous night, while the rest of us were up in front. Aunt Vickie and I were looking over the footage from Big City Brawl on my laptop (one of the advantages of a private jet is no one gives you the "portable electronic devices" spiel). [COLOR="Blue"]“A solid show across the board, even on second look,”[/COLOR] Aunt Vickie said. [COLOR="Blue"]"And I'll say it again, you did a fine job in the ring with me -- we definitely need to do it more often. We can call ourselves 'The Stone Sisters'!"[/Color] [COLOR="Red"]“But we're not sisters, though you look young evough to be my twin, of course."[/COLOR] We both giggled. [Color="Red"]"Perhaps "The Stone Seductresses" instead?"[/Color] [COLOR="Blue"]“That might work, Sean can at least vouch for the 'seductress' part, eh?”[/COLOR] Aunt Vickie said with a wink. [COLOR="Red"]“TMI, Aunt Vickie, TMI!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“If that's all it takes to make you blush, girl...“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“OK -- change of subject! I downloaded some industry tidbits that you might be interested in.”[/COLOR] I clicked on my cached RSS page I had set up and the following headlines popped up: [QUOTE][B]The Week in Wrestling: January 2007 Week 2[/B] Shingen Miyazaki signs with BHOTWG ([url]www.burninghammer.jp[/url]) K'Lee Hawkins defeated Billy Robinson for the Ring of Fire #1 Contender Title ([url]www.ringoffire.co.uk[/url]) Craig Prince signs PPA deal with CGC ([url]www.canadiangoldencombat.ca[/url]) Kiko Sakakibara and Nakajima defeated All Business for the 5 Star Tag Team Titles ([url]www.5ssw.jp[/url]) American Elemental signs written deal with TCW ([url]www.tcw.com[/url]) Samoan Machine has signed with BHOTWG for a written deal ([url]www.burninghammer.jp[/url]) The Natural signs a PPA deal with CGC ([url]www.canadiangoldencombat.ca[/url]) Tribal Warrior defeated Jim Force for the USPW National Title ([url]www.uspw.com[/url]) Hell Monkey signs Written deal with BHOTWG ([url]www.burninghammer.jp[/url]) Jim Force joins SWF ([url]www.swf.com[/url]) Ed Monton defeated Trent Shaffer for the CGC Canadian title ([url]www.canadiangoldencombat.ca[/url]) [/QUOTE] [COLOR="Blue"]“That's great news about Shingen, I always knew he'd do well in Japan!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]"Yeah, Burning Hammer is picking up its numbers a bit. Though I wish we could have gotten Samoan Machine from them -- I was drooling over the idea of reuniting him and Rhino Umaga to shake up the tag division. Lost out on Hell Monkey and American Elemental as well."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Don't worry overmuch about it, those things happen. We did get Rolling Johnny Stones, and while its certainly not the same immediate impact as those others would have been, I do think with some effort he can be a solid member of the roster. Besides, anyone with 'Stone' in their name can't be all bad, right?”[/COLOR]
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I'm glad Grandpa allowed me to make an investment in Mat Masters Tour -- this gives us a chance to do some matchups that we might not do on TV and gives us a chance to really evaluate our new talent while still being able to build our popularity in areas where we are not as well known (Western Canada and the US). As long as we have good main events, we can afford to experiment a bit with the undercard and not be under so much pressure as if we were on TV. As this is a touring show, I'll do more of a summary for this one rather than a full report. [QUOTE][B]NOTBPW Presents -- Mat Masters Tour -- Monday, Week 3, 2007[/B] Harrison Hash defeated Joss Thompson in 6:43 by pinfall. [B](C-)[/B] Jungle Jack defeated Rhino Umaga and Nathan Coleman in 7:57 when Jungle Jack defeated Nathan Coleman by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. [B](C)[/B] Frankie Perez defeated Marc Speed in 8:08 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. [B](C)[/B] Tim Westybrook defeated JD Morgan in 9:45 by pinfall with a TNT Whirlwind. [B](B-)[/B] Edd Stone defeated Insane Machine in 9:54 by pinfall with a Party's Over. Edd Stone makes defence number 1 of his NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. [B](C+)[/B] Johnny Bloodstone defeated Steve Flash in 9:58 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation. [B](B+)[/B] R.K. Hayes defeated Freddie Datsun in 9:45 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. [B](C)[/B] Sean McFly defeated Dean McWade in 14:56 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 4 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. [B](C+)[/B] Dan Stone Jr, Jeremy Stone and Duane Stone defeated The Natural, Owen Love and Shooter Sean Deeley in 27:34 when Dan Stone Jr retrieved the item. (Capture the Flag match) [B](A)[/B] --- Final Rating: [B]B[/B] This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Mat Masters tour last night at the King Edward Multiplex, and drew 3555 fans. The feedback from viewers has been positive, with most having liked the vast majority of the show.[/B] [/QUOTE] Well, in this case we found more things not to do than things to do: [LIST] [*][COLOR="Green"]Joss Thompson and Harrison Hash have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. [/COLOR][I](This was a pleasant surprise, and can make for a good undercard feud later. I used this opportunity to turn Harrison face, and will use web and video to spread the word, as I knew that this could be risky on live TV [the angle only mustered an F+ rating!])[/I] [*][COLOR="Red"]R.K. Hayes and Freddie Datsun don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. [/COLOR][I](Disappointing, as one of the reasons Freddie was brought in was to potentially feud with RK, but that's the way it goes sometimes, Freddie is still a valuable worker and will give us some additional credibility as we develop our American fan base.)[/I] [*][COLOR="red"]Sean McFly and Dean McWade just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances.[/COLOR] [I](I did not think it was possible to drag Sean down to a C-level match. At least I didn't make this the main event, and I sure as hell know not to put this on TV!)[/I] [/LIST]
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][B][I][U]NOTBPW CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING[/U][/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]We rocked the roof off Canadian Air Centre at Big City Brawl, but the beat goes on this Wednesday on NOTBPW Championship Wrestling! This week's card includes: Rhino Umaga vs. Craig Green Victoria Stone vs. Stephanie Hazel The Stone Siblings (Dan Jr. and Jeremy) vs The Demolition Crew (Alysian Scottsfield and Derek Frost) Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Steve Flash R.K. Hayes vs. Duane Stone Also, an important announcement from the NOTBPW Exectuive Committee! [/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Craig Green Rhino Umaga is good, Craig Green isn't! lol! I just see Rhino being built up for feuds with say R.K. Hayes or Tim Westybrook. [B]Victoria Stone[/B] vs. Stephanie Hazel You can't have your aunt lose! I'll be honest, never got into the NOTBPW Women's Division. Maybe you can turn it around. [B]The Stone Siblings[/B] (Dan Jr. and Jeremy) vs The Demolition Crew (Alysian Scottsfield and Derek Frost) Come on, do I need a reason. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Steve Flash If my memory serves me correctly, Shooter has some decent Canadian pop, so this is to make him look good. [B]R.K. Hayes[/B] vs. Duane Stone You don't want to come across as to much of a kiss up to your family now.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Wednesday, Week 3, January 2007 Molson Palais des Sports, Laval, Quebec 5,000 in attendance (sellout!)[/SIZE][/B] [B]Dark Match 1 Dallas McWade and Mammoth vs. Kashmir Singh and Kirk Heidenrich vs. Rolling Johnny Stones and Greg Boone (Three-way Tag Team Elimination)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Let's see now. 8-minute three-way tag match, check. Make sure Grandpa knows who to protect (like I have to remind him, but still), check. Make sure there are NO pre-show snacks in the locker room, check. HOW THE HELL CAN MAMMOTH STILL BE EXHAUSTED?!? Pathetic much? Gotta get rid of this clown.[/I] [B]Dallas McWade and Mammoth defeated Kashmir Singh and Kirk Heidenreich and Rolling Johnny Stones and Gregg Boone in 7:31; the order of elimination was Kashmir Singh and Kirk Heidenreich first, and finally Rolling Johnny Stones and Gregg Boone. (D-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Dark Match 2 JeriLynn Stone, Jana Marie Bowen and Tamara McFly vs. Melody CUthill, Emma Bitch and Grace Harper[/B][/CENTER] [I]Odd as this 3v3 matchup sounds, it had one thing going for it: after the previous debacle, anything would look good in comparison. With an 8-woman division and only 2-3 slots a week, sometimes you end up doing stuff like this to keep folks from complaining about not being used enough.[/I] [B]JeriLynn Stone, Jana Marie Bowen and Tamara McFly drew with Melody Cuthill, Emma Bitch and Grace Harper in 5:00 when the time limit expired. (C)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]OH MY WORD! What an amazing show we put on at the Canadian Air Centre Saturday night! In a main event that will certainly go down as one of the great matches of all time, Sean McFly went pillar-to-post with Dark Angel and still came out on top as Heavyweight Champion! How do you top a night like that? Join us for the next two hours on NOTBPW Championship Wrestling! This is Tommy London and Tom Towsend, and we have another full evening of jaw-dropping wrestling excellence for you![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]His face may still be in one piece, which is disappointing to say the least, but Duane Stone's pride is in pieces after the humiliation he received from R.K. Hayes! R.K. continues to do what he does best, which is make Stones look silly in the ring! And yet, inexplicably, Duane is coming back for more! Tonight, Duane yet again will embarrass his old man by getting a beating from R.K.![/COLOR] [B][I][Tommy London enters the ring, mic in hand. A table with a black leather case is in the middle of the ring.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Ladies and gentlemen, before we begin tonight's festivities, I have in my hands a dispatch from the NOTBPW Executive Committee to share with you! Fans of NOTBPW: Tonight you are witness to the birth of another proud tradition for NOTBPW. The NOTBPW Executive Committe has authorized the formation of a new title in our promotion to reflect our growth, both in talent and prestige, in the wrestling industry. We are proud to introduce into competition the [B]NOTBPW Donnybrook Title[/B].[/COLOR] [B][I][Tommy opens the case and holds aloft the shiny new Donnybrook Title belt.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]With a name like 'Donnybrook' it goes without saying that matches for this title will be donnybrooks indeed! This title cannot be defended in a 1v1 match; title defenses must be at minimum three-way dances, but can also be defended in larger number match formats, including battle royales! In order to determine our first NOTBPW Donnybrook Champion, the NOTBPW Executive Committee has organized a Fatal Four-Way Free-For-All Festival! Starting tonight, and on the next four episodes of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling, we will have Fatal Four-Way qualifying matches, the winners of which will compete in a Fatal Four-Way Final at Clash Classic to crown our first NOTBPW Donnybrook Champion! Sixteen worthy NOTBPW superstars were chosen by the Executive Committee to have the honor of participating in this festival and the draws were made earlier today -- our four Fatal Four-Way qualifiying matches are as follows: Tim Westybrook vs. Derek Frost vs. Steve Flash vs. Rhino Umaga Dallas McWade vs. JD Morgan vs. Mammoth vs. Frankie Perez Alysian Scottsfield vs Jungle Jack vs Nathan Coleman vs. Kashmir Singh And finally, Ladies and Gentlemen, in a qualifying match later tonight! Dean McWade vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Mighty Cananagh vs. Insane Machine![/COLOR] [I]There was WAY too much alliteration in that angle for my taste -- but Grandpa wrote it and he doesn't take too kindly to being edited -- oh well.[/I] [B](C+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Opening Match Rhino Umaga vs. Craig Green[/B][/CENTER] [I]A good effort by Rhino, but the fans are still getting to know him somewhat. Craig was perhaps not the best pairing, but despite being winded at the end, it still wasn't a bad outing for him either, his mat work is getting better. Regardless, it's a good win to get Rhino off on the right foot.[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga defeated Craig Green in 10:48 by pinfall with a Rhino Charge. (D+)[/B] --- [B][I][The camera cuts to the announcer's table.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]For those of you at home that missed Big City Brawl, you can still order it from Canada One Choice for $9.99 for the rest of the month! We've got a few highlights for you from that awesome main event where Sean Mc--[/COLOR] [B][I][The lights in the arena go out.][/I][/B] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]What the--? Did the Quebecers refuse to pay the electric bill because it was printed in English or something?[/COLOR] Female Voice: [COLOR="Purple"]Fools. You revel in the fleeting glory of your so-called 'champion'. Do you not realize that the Angel of Darkness has only drawn but a miniscule portion of his power? Do you not understand the true nature of the Angel of Darkness is not in his physical form, but in the angst that he inspires in the hearts of the weak? Weak, pathetic, ignorant mortals like yourselves? The Angel of Darkness feeds on your fear, your distrust. That is why it is only a matter of time before your champion will fall, as all mortal men fall, before the wrath of the Angel of Darkness. You choose to believe in Sean McFly. We will show you how foolish your belief is.[/COLOR] [B][I][A spotlight hits the ring. Dark Angel stands there with a young woman in Gothic attire, holding a mic.][/I][/B] Female Voice: [COLOR="Purple"]This is not over, Sean McFly. The Angel of Darkness will haunt your soul and drag you to the gates of Hell, where I and his other minions will feast on your flesh and cause you great suffering. We will strip you to nothing, consume you, and spit your entrails on the ground for the worms to embrace. Your fate is already determined, and you cannot escape it. The Angel of Darkness rules over all.[/COLOR] [B][I][Dark Angel raises his hands, and the spotlight goes out, leaving the arena in darkness again. After a few moments, the lights come back on, and the ring is empty, save for a small pile of black feathers.][/I][/B] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sure what to say in response. An unnerving development, to say the least...[/COLOR] --- [I]I knew I was taking a risk with this angle and with the entire idea of hiring a manager/mouthpiece for Dark Angel, playing up the darker side of his character. My disappointment is tempered in the knowledge that it will take time for the fans to get used to the changes I have planned and that I'll introduce them slowly.[/I] [B](F+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Victoria Stone vs. Stephanie Hazel[/B][/CENTER] [I]Another great chapter in the Stone/Hazel rivalry! Aunt Vickie and Stephanie really work well together and they keep things interesting in the women's division, even if neither one of them is champion at the moment.[/I] [B]Victoria Stone defeated Stephanie Hazel in 9:42 by pinfall. (C+)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Tonight, Duane Stone is a man bent on payback as he seeks to avenge his loss to R.K. Hayes at Big City Brawl.[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Oh, please, were you listening to me earlier? R.K. Hayes' hobby is making Stones look bad -- not that there's much challenge in that, but still, it's good to have a hobby.[/COLOR] Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]Hey, remind me, Tom, what's the name of the guy that signs your paychecks?[/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR="Red"]Now THAT was a predictable comeback, Tommy. I'm amazed by the amount of lameness you managed to pack into that sentence. Can we please get back to something interesting like the next match?[/COLOR] --- [I]There are few jobs in this world where you get to bad mouth your employer on a regular basis -- Tom has one of them, and he's good at it, too.[/I] [B](B-)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Donnybrook Title Qualifying Match Dean McWade vs. Freddie Datsun vs. Mighty Cananagh vs. Insane Machine[/B][/CENTER] [I]Not bad actually, considering that out-and-out brawling is not something our current fanbase sees a lot, they seemed to be getting into it. In truth I want this to be a hardcore title, but we're a long way from being able to do that. I'm still not impressed with Mighty Cavanagh -- guys who can't go 15 minutes in the ring are not going to find themselves with a spot in my roster unless they are hugely over, and Cavanagh simply isn't.[/I] [B]Dean McWade defeated Freddie Datsun, Mighty Cavanagh and Insane Machine in 10:33 when Dean McWade defeated Mighty Cavanagh by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat. (C-)[/B] --- [B][I][Sean McFly comes down to ringside.][/I][/B] Sean McFly: [COLOR="Green"]You've got to be kidding me. I'm supposed to be scared because Dark Angel found himself a girlfriend with a leather and vinyl complex? Let's get one thing straight. Sean McFly fears no one. I have battled in this ring with 500-pound giants, psychopathic nutjobs, and the finest athletes in the business. You want to prove how scary you are, Dark Angel? Let's do this again. You, me, the Heavyweight title, tonight. Anyone here have a problem with that? I didn't think so.[/COLOR] --- [I]Heh. And here you thought I didn't have a main event planned.[/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]The Stone Siblings vs. The Demolition Crew[/B][/CENTER] [I]A better performance from Alysian than his previous outings, but in protecting him I ended up tiring Derek Frost out. Can't win for losing, it seems. Regardless, a good, momentum-building outing for Dad and Uncle Dan.[/I] [B]The Stone Siblings defeated The Demolition Crew in 12:51 When Jeremy Stone defeated Derek Frost by pinfall. (C+)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [I]While Steve was the sentimental favorite for this crowd (one of the reasons I brought him in is because he would be a familiar face to long time fans, and despite his age, he can still bring it every night), Sean has a very bright future ahead of him and it showed in tonight's performance.[/I] [B]Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Steve Flash in 14:53 by pinfall with a German Suplex. (B-)[/B] --- Tommy London: [COLOR="Blue"]We were going to bring you some highlights from Saturday's Big City Brawl main event when we were rudely interrupted. Let's take this opportunity to run those highlights for you now...[/COLOR] [B][I][A video recap of the Sean McFly/Dark Angel match at Big City Brawl, followed by Dark Angel's earlier appearance with his new valet/acolyte and Sean McFly's challenge to a title match tonight is shown.][/I][/B] --- [I]Just in case folks haven't figured out that this is an ongoing feud... [/I] [B](B+)[/B] --- [B][CENTER]R.K. Hayes vs. Duane Stone[/CENTER][/B] [I]To my previous comment about guys who can't go 15 minutes in the ring not being on my roster unless they're hugely over...well, R.K. Hayes is hugely over. The fans love to hate him and they hate him beating my uncles! Not quite as good as Saturday's match, but good nonetheless.[/I] [B]R.K. Hayes defeated Duane Stone in 12:51 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. (B)[/B] --- [CENTER][B]NOTBPW Heavyweight Championship Match Dark Angel w/Acolyte vs. Sean McFly[/B][/CENTER] [I]A solid match and the Acolyte's presence at ringside added a twist that kept things interesting -- Sean kept a watchful eye on her, which kept him from fully taking control of the match. They took it right up to the last second and they looked like they could have kept on going for an hour, but alas, we'd run out of time leaving the fans wanting more.[/I] [B]Sean McFly drew with Dark Angel in 20:00 when the time limit expired. Sean McFly makes defence number 5 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. (A)[/B] --- [B]Final Rating: B+ This show can be considered a success; it should have increased our popularity.[/B] --- [B][I]Post-Event Report[/I][/B] [B]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Molson Palais des Sports, and drew 5000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews. 7.43 (down from 7.60) rating on Canada On-Air 0.06 rating on National Pride TV[/B]
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[QUOTE=JonnyV1;207354][B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs. Craig Green Rhino Umaga is good, Craig Green isn't! lol! I just see Rhino being built up for feuds with say R.K. Hayes or Tim Westybrook. [B]Victoria Stone[/B] vs. Stephanie Hazel You can't have your aunt lose! I'll be honest, never got into the NOTBPW Women's Division. Maybe you can turn it around. [B]The Stone Siblings[/B] (Dan Jr. and Jeremy) vs The Demolition Crew (Alysian Scottsfield and Derek Frost) Come on, do I need a reason. [B]Shooter Sean Deeley[/B] vs. Steve Flash If my memory serves me correctly, Shooter has some decent Canadian pop, so this is to make him look good. [B]R.K. Hayes[/B] vs. Duane Stone You don't want to come across as to much of a kiss up to your family now.[/QUOTE] Good calls all the way across, JonnyV1. I must strive to not be so predictable in the future. :D
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