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Generations (C-Verse)

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Oh man, these are tough times indeed! Before I begin my senseless babble, your previous posts were quite excellent! Onto babbling; you've firmly established that you feel a connection to these characters, so my question is this: what's the next story you want to tell? Perhaps the next story flowing through your head does NOT involve Jerilynn or the Stones (or does; I'm being hypothetical). Your answer will help guide you on your next path. If your dynasty writing future is in the Stones (no pun intended), then I say do a time-skip. Write an ending to this part of the story, then when TEW 2008 comes out, continue your new story arc. If you have a new story idea you're dying to write that does not involve the Stones or invovles a brand new promotion altogether, then write an ending here that satisfies you and move on. That's my two cents. Keep up the great work. Latah.
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I vote to cut back on the wrestling write ups. Keep the promos with the same full flavor, but after a year (real time) of reading about elbows and clotheslines, I can gather the jist of the match from a simple write up. If there's some important storytelling or spots, feel free to expound on them but otherwise simple is just fine with me.
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;367967] Here's what I see are viable options. [LIST] [*]Write the epilogue to this story and give the dynasty a proper ending. Perhaps that means I start a new dynasty at some future point in this savegame's future. Perhaps that means I start a new diary with a different company, or even a real-world diary.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Just jump forward to the point in time that I want to, with a big "Interlude" post to cover things like title changes, comings and goings, etc.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Go into "superfast-forward" mode and just summarize key events for the next few months using a DVD "Year in Review" kind of format, then pick back up with full shows later on with a much narrower gap.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Go into "fast-forward" mode and trim back the show writeups to a style more like Welcome to the Coastal Zone or MWA - This Means War! in order to get through shows faster, and continue to focus on backstory character development.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Keep the current style of show writeups and continue as normal, but de-emphasize the backstory now that JeriLynn's an established character.[/LIST][LIST] [*]Stop playing/modding that damn Mafia game and spend that time keeping this dynasty up in its current format/style! (ok, this isn't a likely choice... :p )[/LIST][LIST] [*]Something I haven't thought of yet?[/LIST]So what would you like to see? I would really appreciate your thoughts.[/QUOTE] Seems we are both at crossroads? Of course mine is in 1983 and I have stalled there for what 3 months? lol Seriously, I would hate to see this end so with whichever way you decide to turn; the story must go on. Please! As with most questions such as this, usually the answer is already in the authors head. It is your story. You know what you want to tell. If it means fast forwarding thru months of shows then that is fine with me. If it can be accomplished by scaling back on the writeups and streamlining them until you get to the point that the next big story takes place then that is what needs to happen. I'm along for the ride. I have enjoyed it tremendously so far. I look forward to the continuation of the story. Now, what to do about these yearnings to get mine started again that you have stirred up? (??Hint>Forshadowing>??)
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Banger, I have spent the last several days slowly reading though and enjoying this diary, I believe it was Outlaw who said this is a hidden gem, and it's true. The backstory is brilliant and really makes it come to life in your mind, I'd hate to see that de-emphasized. So with this in mind and my desire to see what story you have cooking up in the brilliant head of yours next I would cast my vote to the fast-forward or superfast-forward options, so that you can get up to where you want to be.
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Banger, From the begining I have said that your backstage posts are what make this dynasty shine above the rest in my eyes. If you have more personalization you can put into it, then go for it. If you need to focus on in the arena action, then you're damn good at that. In my opinion, keep on trucking like you have been, just with less backstage stuff. At least until the next great, amazing storyline pops into your head.
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Mate, I just read this from start to finish, and I've got to say, it's pretty damn awesome. I'm not a huge fan of the C-Verse, but this and Monkeypox's DaVE diary have got me into it majorly, and I've started playing. As for the future, I'd stay stop playing Mafia, but that's not going to happen :P... Perhaps skipping ahead would be the best bet.
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Oh my, a diversity of opinions. You all are no help. :D On a more serious note, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. I really do appreciate it. I think I'll go with some level of fast-forward for the shows and still do my backstage writeups to bridge some of the gaps. I also had Payne make up a DVD cover for the upcoming portion of the diary, which I'm quite pleased with. I'll write up some scenes for that as well.
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I had joined Grandpa in his customary skybox at Canadian Air Centre after showering and watched the second half of Super Slam with him; besides the excellent view of the floor from our box, we had the live PPV feed and monitors tied to the primary camera angles. As Uncle Sean staggered up the ramp, giving high fives to the fans along the railings as the show faded to black, I turned to Grandpa. [COLOR=red]"Do you think I did the right thing?"[/COLOR] Grandpa smiled. [COLOR=blue]"If I thought you were making a serious mistake, I wouldn't have let you do it, my dear."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]"What a lovely manner you have of answering the question by not answering the question,"[/COLOR] I replied with only a hint of seriousness. [COLOR=red]"I mean it, Grandpa. If I were in Johnny's boots, I'm not sure how happy I would be."[/COLOR] Grandpa took a drink from his water bottle. [COLOR=blue]"Johnny is a professional. He handled the news like a professional."[/COLOR] That much was true. When I was convinced that I was losing Cliff, I re-wrote my mid-range Heavyweight Title storyline. I had intended to have Dark Angel chase the title for another month before winning it at Grappling Glory, then letting him run with the title at least through the summer. As I started to de-push Dark Angel, I had to consider who was going to step up into that #1 Contender's spot and take the strap off Uncle Sean. I knew it wasn't going to be R.K. -- I really do like him and he's well over, but MY top title holder has to be able to go at minimum 20 minutes in the ring, if not 30, and R.K. can't do that. No one else was in a position to step up other than Johnny. As far as I was concerned he was ready for a run at the title; he had consistently delivered top quality matches with the rest of the main event roster. His overness in Canada was making progress and his US overness was coming along even faster -- though it was still one and a half full grades below his Canadian pop. That was perhaps the only real knock against him, but we hadn't seen any real slowdown in the growth of his appeal and if it did top out we would have adjusted. And so I'd used last month's PPV as the setup for this match, where I had planned for Uncle Sean to put Johnny over and let him have his first main event level title run. When Cliff came back with the news that he was going to let his Japanese contracts expire and he wanted to revisit a long-term deal with us, it left me with a tough choice. Do I continue to move forward with a Bloodstone title run, and if so, what do I do with Dark Angel? Even with as much as I had de-pushed him he was still more popular than Johnny was and his dark, brooding gimmick was really beginning to take hold once I'd figured out how to balance it right with the audience. Cliff and Sean had been putting on Match of the Year candidates left and right, and Cliff could do that with almost anyone in the top half of the roster. He was the more talented, more popular heel, and if anyone was going to take the title off Uncle Sean after a year-long run, it made much more sense for it to be Cliff than Johnny. So I went to Johnny the night before Super Slam and told him I was changing the booking. I said I didn't want his first title run to be a transitional or otherwise artificially short run, doing that might be worse than not getting the title at all for his career, which was true. While he took the news in stride, I still felt like a chump for taking the opportunity away from him at the last minute. Perhaps sensing what I was thinking, Grandpa offered, [COLOR=blue]"They know as well as you do that as creative director, you have to adapt to a fluid situation. Some of the best storylines I ever came up with were blown to hell along with shredded knee ligaments, torn pectoral muscles and doubly distended anuses -- don't ask about that last one, please. You've made a choice, it's a perfectly acceptible choice, now stop feeling sorry for yourself, act like you run the place and get on about it."[/COLOR] At that point, Uncle Duane and Kirk walked into the skybox. [COLOR=darkgreen]"Dad, you almost done with JeriLynn? Vicki and I were thinking about going over to Greektown for our favorite baklava and we wanted to drag the kids along."[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]"Gee, thanks for letting us tag along, Duane,"[/COLOR] Kirk said playfully as he gave Duane a small shove. Duane returned the favor by mussing Kirk's shoulder length hair. [COLOR=blue]"Shouldn't be too much longer,"[/COLOR] Grandpa said. [COLOR=blue]"Just remember we have the Children's Hospital visit at 10am tomorrow so please don't be enjoying your 'baklava' all night."[/COLOR] Duane laughed. [COLOR=darkgreen]"You know me much too well, Dad. Besides, it's not the baklava you need to worry about, it's the ouzo I plan to chase it down with."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"At least now you're being honest, my boy."[/COLOR]
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[quote] OOC: Here's my first take at a 'fast-forward' format, condensing one full week of shows into a 'DVD' chapter. I think doing this, and then full writeups of the PPV's, interchanged with continued backstage development would let me get through the summer pretty quickly. Please let me know what you think -- does this format work for you? [/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/WallyDVD.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=4][B][I]Disc 1, Scene 15[/I][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Principessa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TheNatural.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/OwenLove.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWTagTeam_1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/NOTBPWUnlimitedAction.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][A collage of scenes from Super Slam are playing on the screen, displaying the celebrations on new champions Stephanie Hazel, Jacob Jett with Katie Cameron, and The Can-Am Blondes, followed by highlights from Carvill's MotSC match with Sean McFly and the Blondes' first title defense on CW.][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TommyLondon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]The aftermath of Super Slam was, in a word, chaotic. Three out of the five NOTBPW titles changed hands at the Canadian Air Centre, and the new champions wasted no time in celebrating their victories. In fact on the Masters of the Squared Circle following Super Slam the main event was a Champion vs. Champion match as new two-time Tag Team Champion Damian "The Natural" Carvill squared off with Heavyweight Champ Sean McFly. And while Carvill came up short on Monday night, on Wednesday's Championship Wrestling, Carvill and partner Owen Love looked every bit the champions they were as they beat back a surpisingly strong challenge from Steve Flash and Harrison Hash.[/COLOR] [B][I][The scene shifts to a series of highlights from Steve Flash's career in NOTBPW, RPW and NYCW.][/I][/B] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]'Remarkable' Steve Flash is one of the true workhorses of professional wrestling. The two-time NOTBPW Tag Team Champion has always made an effort to take younger wrestlers under his wing and help them reach their potential. Perhaps this trait was never so evident as in his tenure in the Philadelphia-based Rapid Pro Wrestling in the mid-90's where he held their World Title on three separate occasions before the company folded, a victim of the legendary "East Coast Wars".[/COLOR] [B][I][The highlights now focus on the pairing of Steve Flash and Harrison Hash, both in the ring and in each other's corner during singles matches.][/I][/B] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]Since his return to NOTBPW, Steve has continued along the path that has defined his career by teaming up with Harrison Hash. In just the few short months that Flash and Hash have been together, it became clear that despite early struggles, they were determined to be taken seriously as contenders to the Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [B][I][The scene fades to black. The music changes and we see a collection of images of Johnny Bloodstone.][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/TomTownsend.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]Though "The Submission Demon" Johnny Bloodstone was beaten at his own game in the main event of Super Slam, he had proved that he he was a legitimate contender for the title. In fact, the loss at Super Slam only seemed to fuel his passion to dominate even more.[/COLOR] [B][I][We cut to a scene from the Championship Wrestling show the Wednesday after Super Slam.][/I][/B] [quote][B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/JohnnyBloodstone.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/B] [B][B]Johnny Bloodstone:[/B] [COLOR=purple]You aren't getting rid of me that easily, Sean McFly! I don't care who I have to go through, I don't care what I have to do! You know, McFly, deep down in the places you don't like to talk about, that no one has pushed you the way I have--[/COLOR] [B][I][Sean McFly's music hits and the champ comes down the aisle to face Bloodstone. They get up in each other's faces in the middle of the ring.][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Sean McFly:[/B] [COLOR=green]Credit where credit's due, Johnny. We gave the crowd at Super Slam one hell of a ride! And if you want to go again, I'll tell you the same thing I told you before, and the same thing I tell everyone else -- ANY TIME, ANY PLACE! Because I never back down from a challenge, I always give everything I have in this ring, because that's what these people paid good money to see! And the only way that someone will get this title off me is if they want it more than I do, and right now there isn't anyone -- even you, hungry as you are -- that wants to be champ more than me.[/COLOR] [/B][/quote] [LEFT]--- [LEFT][B]Masters of the Squared Circle -- Monday, Week 3, April 2007[/B][/LEFT] [quote] (Dark) Coleman and Ferdinand defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 7:39 when Nathan Coleman defeated Gregg Boone by pinfall with a Pioneer Twist.[B] (D)[/B] (Dark) Duane Stone defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 7:48 by pinfall. [B](B-)[/B] [LEFT]Hard Working Wild Men defeated Samoan Insanity in 9:49 when Jungle Jack defeated Insane Machine by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. [B](C)[/B] [LEFT]Stephanie Hazel defeated Victoria Stone in 7:48 by pinfall. Stephanie Hazel makes defence number 1 of her NOTBPW Womens title. [B](C)[/B] Jacob Jett defeated Harrison Hash in 12:11 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. Jacob Jett makes defence number 1 of his NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. [B](C+)[/B] Owen Love drew with Edd Stone in 12:00 when the time limit expired. [B](B+)[/B] Dan Stone Jr defeated JD Morgan in 13:21 by submission. [B](B+)[/B] Jeremy Stone defeated R.K. Hayes in 14:47 by pinfall. [B](A*)[/B] Sean McFly defeated The Natural in 23:07 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 26 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. [B](B)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Final Rating: B+[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/LEFT] [LEFT]---[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Post-Event Report[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Masters of the Squared Circle at Waterloo University Arena, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews.[/LEFT] [LEFT]2.39 (up from 2.12) rating on Sports America[/LEFT] [/LEFT] [/quote][LEFT] [LEFT]---[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Championship Wrestling -- Wednesday, Week 3, April 2007[/B][/LEFT] [quote] (Dark) Emma Bitch defeated Alicia Strong in 7:32 by pinfall with The Payback. [B](B-)[/B][LEFT](Dark) Steve Flash defeated Kirk Heidenreich in 7:40 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. [B](D-)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Stephanie Hazel defeated Tamara McFly in 6:41 by pinfall. Stephanie Hazel makes defence number 2 of her NOTBPW Womens title. [B](C)[/B] The Flying Stones defeated Coleman and Ferdinand in 9:36 when Edd Stone defeated Stuart Ferdinand by pinfall with a Party's Over. [B](C)[/B] Jacob Jett defeated Frankie Perez in 9:42 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. Jacob Jett makes defence number 2 of his NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. [B](B-)[/B] The Can-Am Blondes defeated Flash and Hash in 12:41 when Owen Love defeated Steve Flash by pinfall with a Love Gun. The Can-Am Blondes make defence number 1 of their NOTBPW Tag Team titles. [B](B+)[/B] Shooter Sean Deeley drew with Freddie Datsun in 15:00 when the time limit expired. [B](B)[/B] Dark Angel defeated Tim Westybrook in 17:50 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. [B](B+)[/B] Sean McFly defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 20:32 by submission. Sean McFly makes defence number 27 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. [B](A)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Final Rating: B+[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/LEFT] [LEFT]---[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Post-Event Report[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling at Molson Palais des Sports, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews.[/LEFT] [LEFT]12.64 (up from 11.85) rating on GNN Total Sports[/LEFT] [/quote] [LEFT]---[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Mat Masters Tour -- Friday, Week 3, April 2007[/B][/LEFT] [quote] (Dark) Kirk Heidenreich defeated Joss Thompson in 7:37 by pinfall. [B](E+)[/B][LEFT](Dark) Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 7:32 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver.[B] (C)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Harrison Hash defeated Marc Speed in 9:39 by submission. [B](C)[/B] Steve Flash defeated Kashmir Singh in 11:56 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. [B](C)[/B] Melody Cuthill, Alicia Strong and Victoria Stone defeated JeriLynn Stone, Grace Harper and Jana Marie Bowen in 8:56 when Victoria Stone defeated JeriLynn Stone by pinfall. [B](C)[/B] Duane Stone defeated Joey Minnesota in 13:09 by pinfall. [B](C+)[/B] Jungle Jack, Freddie Datsun and Frankie Perez defeated Dallas McWade, Dean McWade and Derek Frost in 9:48 when Jungle Jack defeated Dean McWade by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. [B](C-)[/B] The Stone Siblings defeated Samoan Insanity in 15:49 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening when Jeremy Stone defeated Rhino Umaga by pinfall. [B](B)[/B] Sean McFly defeated Dark Angel and The Natural in 21:58; the order of elimination was The Natural first, and finally Dark Angel. Sean McFly makes defence number 28 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. [B](A*)[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Final Rating: B+[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.[/LEFT] [LEFT]---[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Post-Event Report[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Mat Masters Tour at McGaw Arena, and drew 3,900 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews.[/LEFT] [/quote] [/LEFT] [/LEFT]
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;375365]At that point (April 2007) he had managed to raise some stats up to F, but most were still in the F- range. Each match he seems to pick up a fraction of a point and nothing appears to have topped out yet.[/QUOTE] I've noticed with mine at least that they seem to improve at 0.2% at least for every match. BTW, I love the DVD format, good stuff Banger :D
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/WallyDVD.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=4]Disc 1, Scene 16[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]When Stephanie Hazel lost her Women's Title to Melody Cuthill in November of 2006, she started making plans then and there for when she would eventually get her title back and how she would keep it. With her tag team partner Emma Bitch, the self-styled 'Bitch Clique' worked as a team in the Women's Title Four-Way match at Super Slam to bring the title back to Hazel. Little did we know that was only the beginning of Hazel's plan to consolodate her position now that she had her title back. Her grand scheme unfolded a couple of weeks after Super Slam. It started Monday night on Masters of the Squared Circle...[/COLOR] [quote] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]Our opening match tonight features the new Unlimited Action champion--[/COLOR] [B][I][On cue, music hits the speakers, but it is not Jett's theme...][/I][/B] [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]Wait a minute, London, that isn't Jett's music![/COLOR] [B][I][Melody Cuthill appears on the ramp in street clothes and marches down the aisle.][/I][/B] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]Ladies and gentlemen, this is an unexpected turn of events! Melody Cuthill isn't scheduled to be in action tonight. We'd been told that Melody was still recovering from injuries sustained in the Women's Title four-way at Super Slam![/COLOR] [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]Well she looks all right to me, London! Let's see what she has to say...[/COLOR] [B][I][Cuthill is now in the ring with microphone in hand.][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MelodyCuthill_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Melody Cuthill:[/B] [COLOR=purple]HAZEL! Get your scrawny little butt out here right now! You can't take me one-on-one, so you set it up for your tagalong Bitch to do your dirty work for you and take my Women's Title from me! I beat you for that title once, and I don't mind doing it again. In fact, let's do it TONIGHT![/COLOR] [B][I][The crowd cheers for a few seconds as Cuthill awaits a response.][/I][/B] [B]Melody Cuthill:[/B] [I](sarcastically)[/I] [COLOR=purple]What's the matter, Stephie? Did you give wittle Emmy the night off so she could rest her face after all the sucking up she's done for you? You afraid to give me my rematch without your backup in tow?[/COLOR] [B][I][Stephanie Hazel's music hits and she emerges on the ramp, Women's Title around her waist, with a microphone in hand. She speaks from the top of the ramp.][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Principessa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Stephanie Hazel:[/B] [COLOR=green]Melody, Melody, Merry Melody. You think you can just come out here and demand things of [I]moi[/I]? Didn't you get the message, honey? The Bitch Clique is running the Women's Division now, and you're either in, or you're out.[/COLOR] [B][I][Hazel runs her hand over the title belt around her waist.][/I][/B] [B]Stephanie Hazel:[/B] [COLOR=green]And now that you don't have this anymore, Melody, you are decidedly out.[/COLOR] [B]Melody Cuthill:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Oh aren't you a precious little thing. I hear all this talk, but I notice you're keeping your distance. Afraid if you come down I'll give you the reality check you deserve?[/COLOR] [B]Stephanie Hazel:[/B] [COLOR=green]You don't get it, girlfriend. You're beneath me. I'm not wasting my time with you.[/COLOR] [B]Melody Cuthill:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Seems to me you don't have a choice, Stephie. It seems to me, as the previous champion, that I get a rematch.[/COLOR] [B]Stephanie Hazel:[/B] [COLOR=green]What part of "I'm running the show now" did you fail to understand, Melody?!? But considering how...insistent you are, I can't help but oblige you.[/COLOR] [B][I][A dark, primal, percussive anthem blares from the speakers. A robed, hooded figure emerges from the back and stands at Hazel's side. The figure stands a full head above Hazel. As the music roars to its peak, the figure removes her hood and robe.][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]OH MY LORD! Look at the SIZE of her![/COLOR] [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]Where did Hazel FIND her?[/COLOR] [B]Stephanie Hazel:[/B] [COLOR=green]Meet the newest 'in' girl for the Bitch Clique, Melody. This is Gorgon, and the only way you're going to get to me is by going through HER. Have fun, dear![/COLOR] [B][I][Gorgon, a twisted smile on her face, comes down the aisle. Cuthill, eyes wide at the massive woman approaching her, collects herself quickly and charges Gorgon as she comes through the ropes.][/I][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MelodyCuthill_alt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG] [B]Melody Cuthill vs. Gorgon[/B][/CENTER] [I]Great debut match for Gorgon, who used her size and power to dominate the first couple of minutes until Melody ducked and pulled the ring rope down to cause the charging Gorgon to spill out of the ring and onto the floor. Hazel came down to ringside and got a couple of cheap shots in on Melody as well. In addition, Hazel exposed a turnbuckle while the official was otherwise occupied, but this backfired on the Clique when Gorgon whipped Melody into that corner only to have Melody grab the ropes and leap to let Gorgon pass under her and smack the naked steel, giving Melody enough time to climb the ropes and deliver a frog splash to get the surprise win.[/I] [B]Melody Cuthill defeated Gorgon in 8:59 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. During the match we also had Stephanie Hazel run in and attack Melody Cuthill. (C)[/B] --- [B][I][As Hazel helps Gorgon up the aisle, she turns and addresses the celebrating Cuthill.][/I][/B] [B]Stephanie Hazel:[/B] [COLOR=green]Oh, we aren't done yet, Melody! You find yourself a partner. Wednesday night on Championship Wrestling, you and your partner face me and Emma -- you win, you get your title shot. LOSE, and you give up the right to challenge me for the title so long as I hold it! Those are my terms, take it or leave it![/COLOR] [/quote] --- [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]The 5'11" 240-lb Gorgon was one of the largest, fiercest competitors the Women's Division had ever seen, and she was the new muscle of the Bitch Clique. But even as Melody Cuthill was able to withstand the frontal assault that Gorgon represented, Stephanie Hazel was putting the pieces in place to put a knife in Cuthill's back. Fast forward to Wednesday night at the Molson Sports Palace...[/COLOR] --- [quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MelodyCuthill_alt.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [I][B][B][I][Melody Cuthill is seen arriving through the backstage entrance, gym bag in hand.][/I][/B] [B]Off Screen Voice:[/B] [COLOR=darkred]Melody![/COLOR] [B]Melody Cuthill:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Hi Grace! Hey, have you seen Victoria recently?[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/HelenWheels.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Grace Harper:[/B] [COLOR=darkred]No, I haven't. I saw what happened on Monday -- are you still looking for a partner to take on Hazel and Bitch?[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=black]Melody Cuthill:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=purple]Yeah, I am, was planning on asking Victoria if I can find her.[/COLOR] [B]Grace Harper:[/B] [COLOR=darkred]Oh. Well, actually, I wanted to ask you if I could be your partner.[/COLOR] [B]Melody Cuthill:[/B] [COLOR=purple]Really?[/COLOR] [B]Grace Harper:[/B] [COLOR=darkred]Yeah, I mean, I want to see those two get what they deserve as much as anyone. I can help you take them, really![/COLOR] [COLOR=black][B]Melody Cuthill:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Hmm...what the heck, you're on. Let's go get ready -- we've got some planning to do.[/COLOR] [B][I][The scene cuts back to the announcer's table.][/I][/B] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]And there you have it -- Melody Cuthill and Grace Harper team up against the Bitch Clique with Melody's shot at Stephanie Hazel's Women's Title on the line.[/COLOR] [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]I'm not sure Harper knows what she's getting into, especially if that beast Gorgon shows up in the Bitch Clique's corner![/COLOR] --- [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Principessa.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/EmmaBitch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Gorgon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/MelodyCuthill_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/HelenWheels.jpg[/IMG] [B]Bitch Clique w/Gorgon vs. Melody Cuthill and Grace Harper[/B][/CENTER] [I]For some reason this didn't go as well as I'd hoped it would, though it did do what was needed to kick the storyline to the next level. After Emma and Grace went at it for a minute or so, Grace tagged in Melody, who proceeded to go to town on Emma until Stephanie distracted her allowing Emma to take the advantage and isolate Melody. Grace would try to get involved, but each time she tried to get in to save her partner, the official would push her back to the corner, during which time Emma, Stephanie and Gorgon would all get their shots in. Finally Melody started to mount a comeback and planted Stephanie with a DDT. Crawling to her corner she desperately strained to reach the outstretched hand of Grace, but at the very last moment, Grace pulled her hand back and jumped off the ring apron! A few seconds later a freshly tagged Emma grabbed Melody by the hair and dished out The Payback for the win.[/I] [B]Bitch Clique defeated Grace Harper and Melody Cuthill in 10:16 when Stephanie Hazel defeated Grace Harper by pinfall. During the match we also had Grace Harper turn on Melody Cuthill. (D+)[/B] [B][I][Grace Harper reenters the ring and hugs both Stephanie and Emma. Boos rain down from the crowd, as it is now clear that Harper is part of the Bitch Clique.][/I][/B] [B]Stephanie Hazel:[/B] [COLOR=green]What did I tell you, Melody? The Bitch Clique runs the show now. And now it's time to make sure you never forget that.[/COLOR] [B][I][The four Bitch Clique members proceed to beat down Melody.][/I][/B] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]No! Stop this -- you've already beaten her![/COLOR] [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]This isn't about winning or losing, London -- this is about making an example out of Cuthill![/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/VictoriaStone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s59/Wallbanger1071/Random_Female08.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][I][Suddenly the crowd cheers as Victoria and JeriLynn Stone sprint down the ramp. Hitting the ring both Stones immediately go after Gorgon, hittng her with a double spear that sends her rolling out of the ring. Hazel and Harper go after Victoria and Bitch goes after JeriLynn, but after a few traded blows the fresh Stones get the upper hand and all three Bitch Clique members bail out of the ring. Victoria and JeriLynn tend to Melody and the two groups stare each other down as Tom and Tommy take it to commercial.][/I][/B] [B]Tommy London:[/B] [COLOR=red]Tom Towsend, the Women's Division has just erupted into full scale war![/COLOR] Tom Towsend: [COLOR=blue]London, you may be right, but the Bitch Clique looks like they're going to be 'in' for a long time, and I don't think there's anything that that Victoria and little Pebbles can do about it![/COLOR] [/B][/I][/quote] --- [B]Tom Towsend:[/B] [COLOR=blue]War was exactly what it was -- Bitch Clique versus the rest of the Women's Division, led by Victoria Stone and niece JeriLynn Stone.[/COLOR] --- [B]Masters of the Squared Circle (Monday, Week 4, April 2007)[/B] [quote] (Dark) Freddie Datsun defeated Derek Frost in 7:36 by pinfall with a Patriot Press. [B](B-)[/B] (Dark) Jungle Jack defeated Joey Minnesota in 7:44 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. [B](B-)[/B] Melody Cuthill defeated Gorgon in 8:59 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. During the match we also had Stephanie Hazel run in and attack Melody Cuthill. [B](C)[/B] Jacob Jett defeated Craig Green in 8:58 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. Jacob Jett makes defence number 3 of his NOTBPW Unlimited Action title. [B](C-)[/B] Flash and Hash defeated The McWade Brothers in 9:41 when Steve Flash defeated Dallas McWade by pinfall with a Flash Bang. [B](C)[/B] Tim Westybrook defeated JD Morgan in 14:11 by pinfall with a Double Powerbomb. [B](B)[/B] Dan Stone Jr defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 14:49 by submission. [B](A*) !!![/B] Johnny Bloodstone drew with Duane Stone in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [B](B)[/B] Jeremy Stone defeated Nathan Coleman in 14:27 by pinfall. [B](A)[/B] [B]Final Rating: B+[/B] This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. --- [B]Post-Event Report[/B] North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Masters of the Squared Circle at Waterloo University Arena, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews. 2.44 (up from 2.39) rating on Sports America [/quote] --- [B]Championship Wrestling (Wednesday, Week 4, April 2007)[/B] [quote] (Dark) Marc Speed defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 7:51 by pinfall. [B](C-)[/B] (Dark) JeriLynn Stone defeated Alicia Strong in 7:52 by pinfall with a Girl's Best Friend. [B](C)[/B] Edd Stone defeated Gregg Boone in 9:53 by pinfall with a Party's Over. [B](D)[/B] The Can-Am Blondes defeated Kashmir Singh and Kirk Heidenreich in 9:46 when Owen Love defeated Kashmir Singh by pinfall with a Love Gun. [B](C)[/B] Bitch Clique defeated Grace Harper and Melody Cuthill in 10:16 when Stephanie Hazel defeated Grace Harper by pinfall. During the match we also had Grace Harper turn on Melody Cuthill. [B](D+)[/B] Duane Stone defeated Insane Machine in 13:39 by pinfall. [B](B-)[/B] R.K. Hayes defeated Frankie Perez in 13:39 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb. [B](C)[/B] Shooter Sean Deeley defeated Jungle Jack in 13:40 by pinfall with a German Suplex. [B](B-)[/B] Sean McFly defeated Jacob Jett in 22:10 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. Sean McFly makes defence number 29 of his NOTBPW Heavyweight title. [B](A)[/B] [B]Final Rating: B+[/B] This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. --- [B]Post-Event Report[/B] North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling at Molson Palais des Sports, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been awesome, the show is getting fantastic reviews. 12.69 (up from 12.64) rating on GNN Total Sports [/quote] --- [B]Mat Masters Tour (Friday, Week 4, April 2007)[/B] [quote] (Dark) Gorgon defeated Tamara McFly in 8:08 by pinfall with a Hydra Bomb. During the match we also had Grace Harper run in and attack Tamara McFly. [B](C-)[/B] (Dark) Samoan Insanity defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 8:27 when Rhino Umaga defeated Craig Green by pinfall with a Rhino Charge. [B](D)[/B] The McWade Brothers defeated Kashmir Singh and Kirk Heidenreich in 9:36 when Dean McWade defeated Kirk Heidenreich by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat. [B](D-)[/B] Victoria Stone defeated Jana Marie Bowen in 10:03 by pinfall. [B](D+)[/B] Joey Minnesota defeated Rolling Johnny Stones in 9:31 by pinfall with an Empire Spiral. [B](C)[/B] Harrison Hash defeated Joss Thompson in 9:32 by pinfall. [B](C)[/B] Frankie Perez defeated Derek Frost in 10:18 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. [B](C-)[/B] The Natural drew with Steve Flash in 20:00 when the time limit expired. [B](C+)[/B] Dark Angel defeated Tim Westybrook in 23:46 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. [B](B+)[/B] [B]Final Rating: B[/B] This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity. --- [B]Post-Event Report[/B] North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Mat Masters tour at War Memorial Auditorium, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been positive, with most having liked the majority of the show. [/quote]
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I just finished reading this from front to back last night actually, and I love it. I just wanted to say that. Keep up the good work man. I LOVE those DVD covers those are awesome! Great way to fast forward. I have you now bookmarked. [SIZE="1"]CHEAP PLUG!....... Happy Pills........ CHEAP PLUG![/SIZE] :)
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[I][COLOR=black]Friday, Week 4, April 2007[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=black]Saint Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota (Mid West)[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=black]It always sends a chill down the spines of everyone in the locker room when you hear the ambulance leave the arena and you know it isn't a work. When it happens in an early match it impacts the entire tone of the show, and tonight was no exception. Everyone struggled to keep focused, even the veterans, and we turned in a subpar performance as a result. That, however, was one of the furthest things from my mind as I pulled into the visitor's lot at the hospital. It had been raining steadily all afternoon and hadn't let up yet and we were soaked by the time we got to the main entrance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Kirk and I walked into the lobby along with those whose travel plans allowed them to stay; all in all Aunt Vickie, Grace Haprer, Alison Rush (Gorgon), Chris Perkins (Insane Machine), Kashmir Singh, Steve Flash, and Damian Carvill had followed us after the show. The charge nurse seemed a bit surpised and perhaps a bit miffed to see the nine of us, dripping wet in front of her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][COLOR=darkred]"Pardon us, ma'am,"[/COLOR] Kirk addressed the nurse in that distinctive Scandanavian-American accent that dominated this part of the country, [/COLOR][COLOR=darkred]"but we're looking for Tamara McFly. She came in by ambulance about three hours ago. Is she able to see visitors yet?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=navy]"I'll need to call back to the ER and check on her status. It may take a few minutes, please make yourself comfortable in the meantime."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]We settled into the comfy chairs and couches you find in most hospital lobbies and waited for additional word. I sat down next to Aunt Vickie, who was on her cell phone with Uncle Sean back in Halifax filling him in on the current situation. After a minute or two she finished her conversation and we both sat silently for a moment.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Just then Grace came up to us and bent down so her head was level with ours. [/COLOR][COLOR=green]"Can you guys come and talk to Alison? She's taking this pretty hard."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Indeed, that appeared to be the case when we sat down beside Alison in the corner -- her eyes were red from crying and despite her size she looked uncomfortably timid as she looked at us.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]"Victoria, JeriLynn, I-I'm so sorry--I've never hurt someone like th-that before. I know you don't know me very well and I know I'm used to the harder hitting stuff in Japan, but I really thought I'd d-dialed it back, honest--"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][COLOR=purple]"Hey, hey now,"[/COLOR] Aunt Vickie said reassuringly. [/COLOR][COLOR=purple]"Alison, look at me. I watched the whole thing from the back. Yes, you put her down hard with that release spinning powerbomb, but I didn't think you did it unsafely."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Gorgon's Hydra Bomb is an impressive finisher; few women have the strength to pull it off properly and Alison is one of them. When I asked her about it after we first met, she jokingly attributed it to all the bales of hay she had to help stack growing up on her parents' central Missouri farm. This night, however, instead of Tammy landing on her back like she was supposed to, she landed squarely on her tailbone, which took all the impact shock and left her in excruciating pain.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]I was about to add my two cents of reassurance to Alison when we were interrupted by one of the doctors.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Good evening folks, I'm Doctor Andersen. You're all here for Ms. McFly?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=black][COLOR=red]"Yes, yes we are, Doctor,"[/COLOR] I replied as I turned to face him. Everyone pressed in to hear the news. [/COLOR][COLOR=red]"Can we see her now?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"I'm afraid not, she's under sedation and is resting at the moment. However, I have good news -- the x-rays show no broken bones and no disc damage. So really, all she has is a VERY sore bottom. We'll keep her overnight for observation, but we'll release her in the morning. I'd suggest, though, that she not do anything strenuous for at least the next two to three days."[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]You could feel the tension dissapate from the room as he spoke, knowing Tammy had gotten lucky, but sometimes luck was all you had in this business. Alison especially seemed relieved, as did Victoria, who quickly grabbed her phone to let Uncle Sean know his sister would be ok. Each of us took a moment to shake the doctor's hand and thank him personally.[/COLOR]
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Dude, lucky break with Tamara right there. Long term injuries or injuries you could retire from are always the worst thing to happen to workers in a game, even worse it seems then leaving your company. I'm loving the round-up style right now, seeing as it's pretty obvious it would be hard to keep going at the pace you were going. I don't know if I've commented before but I've been reading for quite a while so keep it up!
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Great to see you back in action, Banger. I'm loving the condensed version. It's got all the important stuff, without burning you - or us - out. I'm really happy to see that you're keeping the backstage stuff. That's what's always set this apart from other dynasties, and it's always a pleasure to read. Cheers!
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[quote=Shmoe;376941]Dude, lucky break with Tamara right there. Long term injuries or injuries you could retire from are always the worst thing to happen to workers in a game, even worse it seems then leaving your company. I'm loving the round-up style right now, seeing as it's pretty obvious it would be hard to keep going at the pace you were going. I don't know if I've commented before but I've been reading for quite a while so keep it up![/quote] While it's mean to say (I know, I know, I'm talking about a fictional character, but still :p ), having Tamara McFly go out with a long-term injury would not impact my plans much. She's the least skilled worker in the company, man or woman. That being said, she has good chemistry with a couple of folks and never turns in a really bad performance (unlike some of the "high potential" women on the roster), which makes her a great jobber for the division. She works cheap (probably mooches off her brother a lot) and rarely complains. Officially she had a distended anus, which of course is nothing like what I put in the entry, but I wasn't about to try and write it for accuracy. Injury Realism in TEW08 FTW!!! :D
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;377292]While it's mean to say (I know, I know, I'm talking about a fictional character, but still :p ), having Tamara McFly go out with a long-term injury would not impact my plans much. She's the least skilled worker in the company, man or woman. That being said, she has good chemistry with a couple of folks and never turns in a really bad performance (unlike some of the "high potential" women on the roster), which makes her a great jobber for the division. She works cheap (probably mooches off her brother a lot) and rarely complains. Officially she had a [b]distended anus[/b], which of course is nothing like what I put in the entry, but I wasn't about to try and write it for accuracy. Injury Realism in TEW08 FTW!!! :D[/QUOTE] :eek: :D Can't wait for more.
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