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USPW: Old School is the New Skool

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]United States Pro Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] As you being wrestling fans already know, no other wrestling organization across the world has been able to rise is such a short time like United States Pro Wrestling. USPW was the brain child of the very successful announcer of SWF Danny Jillefski. In 2000, Danny got into a fight with owner of the SWF Richard Eisen because Danny wasn't happy with how much he was being paid since he was by all accounts the top announcer in the world of wrestling, and he still is if you ask me. The battle that raged on between the two men was made very public thanks to the internet. Both men appeared on various internet interview sites talking about the other and by the begining of 2001 it was clean to Danny that he wasn't ever going back to SWF. So in 2001, Danny started up his own wrestling promotion, and on July 4th, 2001 the first show USPW had its very first show Independance Day Slam! A surprising amount of people attended the show which attracted many of the older wrestling fans as the promotion is a throw back to the earlier days of wrestling. The main event match between Giant Redwood and Jim Force to crown a world champion was a hugh success. The fans absolutely hated Redwood and still do to this day when his hand was raised high. Throughout the years United States Pro Wrestling not only had old grizzled veterns but also young competitors who would go on to fame in other places, such as Rick Law, Rich Money, The Gambler and Frederique Antonio Garcia. The loss of their top young talent hurt the UPSW, but they wouldn't let it stop them. As the bigger promotions just kept bigger, so did the USPW. Their loyal fan base has spread a little more and in 2006 they got a little bigger. In August 2006, after owning the promotion for only 5 years and 1 month, Danny Jillefski sold 65 percent of the ownership of the company to his good friend and wrestling legend Sam Strong. Jillefski who will always remain with the company since he owns some stake didn't need the money but he felt like Sam Strong would be the man to take HIS company to new heights. Sam Strong, quiet possibly the biggest name in wrestling history and hero to thousands of little kids who have grown up to be men. Strong didn't let Jillefski down, he thought that Strong could take this company to places it had never been and he did. Strong got USPW their first ever television deal, without the network even having to look at USPW. They just took Sam's word for it, showing how Strong Sam really is. USPW could finally grow into the 3rd best promotion in the world, they got the television deal, they got Sam Strong what else could they possibly need to challange the big two? Sam Strong answered that question in October of 2006 when he brought in the biggest wrestler since well.. him. Bruce The Giant would win the USPW World Title during his very first match. Now its January 2007, and Strong with the help of his right hand man Jillefski, and his two biggest stars in terms of size and ring ability Giant Redwood the oldest USPW Champion and Bruce The Giant the newest USPW champion is looking to take USPW to new heights. But only time will tell if old school really is the new new school.[/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B]OOC:[/B] Sorry to those of you I let down during my last USPW Diary, I will try to make this one better for you guys. I was writing another dynasty but nothing can be compared to USPW. I know people hate them because they have no talent but they sure as hell are fun to book. [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER]Danny Jillefski left the meeting room with all the other guys who were attendance with Sam Strong. Bruce The Giant, Giant Redwood, The Lords of War, The Demons of Rage all left the giant conference room with smiles on their faces. In no other promotion did the guys get to sit down and talk to the owner about what they think should happen. But Danny was feeling a little bit down after the meeting. Sam Strong gave out four goals that he wants for the promotion, and two of them Danny strongly agreed with. With in two years Sam Strong wanted to have more money in his account then he has now, which is 6 million dollars. No problem Danny thought, this company has been making money for years. Sam also wanted the promotion to be more popular in the south east region which once again Danny thought no sweat. United States Pro Wrestling has been tearing the region apart for some time now and with Bruce The Giant, The Lords of War and comapny on the roster it wouldn't be a problem. But Danny felt that the next two goals of Sam Strong were ridiculous, he felt that Sam was trying to change everything that USPW was. For the next two years Sam Strong said that the roster should be biased towards genuine athetes and that constant injuries were a waste of time and money. Although Danny felt what Sam was saying, paying for injuries is a big waste of money. But USPW is about the bigger, slower, older guys and they aren't very atheletic he thought. The aren't very resilient either. But there was nothing that he could do about it. Plus Sam Strong gave him a special job to do. Being the head of USPW International studies, Sam Strong instructed Danny that he has signed deals to work with a few other promotions across the world. Danny had tried, again and again to get deals when he was the owner but was always turned down. Thats the power of Strong though, he can get a television deal, he can get Bruce and he can get people to say yes. Danny was informed that USPW has struck deals with PGHW of Japan, OLLIE of Mexico and NOTBPW of Canada. Sam said that Danny could bring in anybody that he felt would benefit the company and that he could trade anybody on the roster that the other companies wanted. Danny didn't join the guys at the bar on this night, as Danny has a long night ahead of him.[/CENTER]
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Push Danny Rushmore! :) USPW is more fun than most people give it credit. After a dismal first month in my multiplayer game that included the loss of my TV deal, Freddie Datsun and Darryl Devine I had to find a way to be successful... and one of those ways came as a massive shock when I found out that Bruce the Giant had chemistry with someone who would help put on B- level main events....... oh yeah, step up [b]Giant Redwood[/b], saviour of USPW! :) On a different note, Jungle Jack and Jack Griffith make excellent pick ups for USPW. I know you already know this but I figured they can fit in perfectly for USPW since they are both decent sized and can both brawl to a high standard. I try to keep as close as possible to USPW style of wrestling early on and hire mostly brawlers, regular wrestlers or entertainers. And you wouldn't believe how much a military themed stable of Corporal Doom, Sgt Bubba Lee West and Captain USA (after a heel turn) work with a few young recruits :) Anyways... needless to say, I'll be reading this diary too. USPW is fun simply because it's so damn hard if you try to stick with them as you find them.
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[CENTER]Four hours before the show and the booking team is getting together at a small local restruant. One of Bruce The Giants favorite chinease joints. The booking team get to eat upstairs, in a room by themselves. Bruce The Giant, Danny Jillefski, Micky Starr, Sam Strong and Shane Sneer all sit at the round table, slowly eating their food and talking about the show tonight. Strong does most of the talking with the rest of the guys just nodding their heads. Strong says that he has cut another working agreement, this time with his old stomping ground TCW. Bruce questions Strong asking him why would he do business with one of the promotions that USPW are gunning for? Strong states the obvious, saying that right now USPW is the 4th, maybe 5th top promotion in the United States and TCW is second. Nobody goes from 4th to 2nd, says Strong as he says inable to beat DAVE we might need the help of TCW. Jillefski ask why didn't he know about this? He thought that he was suposted to be in charge of talent exchanges. Danny is getting really irratated and Sam sees this asking if their is something on his mind. Danny answers what is wrong with him, telling Sam Strong that he is changing USPW around. United States Pro Wrestling is about a time back in the 1980's. A time when Sam Strong was the greatest hero in the history of the world. About slow paced matches and now Sam wants to change it by brining in pure atheletes? When he is done with his rant Danny Jillefski also goes off about TCW, you didn't even tell me Sam. Strong assures him that the deal just happened a few hours ago and he felt that he should be the one to make the first deal with TCW considering his past relationship with Tommy Cornell. Sam says that Tommy wanted the Demons of Rage and he traded them for three appearances. Jillefski calmed down and asked who did he get in return? Strong said that the two guys he got will be at the show tonight and everyone can see them there. Strong asked if there was anything else that should be talked about and Shane Sneer had something to ask. Darryl Devine, Sneer said out loud, he got a contract offer from a bigger promotion, he said he was told to kept quiet about the deal and wouldn't even tell his girlfriend who its from and theres one other person who has an offer from a few other promotions. Everyone looked at each other before Micky Starr asked the question, Who? Me! Shane said, he really wanted to stay with USPW and he told them that but he said that he's going to go where the money is and if he can work for other promotions while still working for USPW then he would do it but if he couldn't he would have to leave the company that he has poured his heart into. Surprisingly Sam Strong was very supportive of Shane Sneer telling him that he should go where the money is, saying that time after time he left promotions for money. He said that it would be next to impossible to actually replace Shane Sneer and thats not something he wants to think about right now. Plus with a wink in Sneers direction, Honey Golightly gave me a call to ask about you Sam said. Now lets enjoy our food and write up a preview for tonights show. [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]Preview for USPW American Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="1"]for Wednesday, week 1, 2007[/SIZE][/I] United States Pro Wrestling ended 2006 with a bang and they look to start 2007 with the same intense amazing action tonight only on Sports America! The Demons of Rage ended 2006 on the same note that they had when they came to USPW in August, with a victory over Jim Force and Captain USA, The Forces of America. But tonight on there won't be a tag team match as one half of The Demons of Rage, Demon Anger will get a USPW National title match against Jim Force. Young wrestling prospect, "Mighty Fine" Darryl Devine has been on a bit of hard luck recently, it looked as if the young man would be the National Champion, as he rolled through everyone on the roster on his way to a number one contender match with Eric The Bull. But on that night, Giant Redwood distracted the referee to give Eric the win and the chance at the gold. After three weeks, Darryl Devine will finally get a chance against USPW Giant, Giant Redwood. The Lords of War will also be in action and Bruce The Giant will be in attendance to speak to the fans. All this and much, much more! Only on Sports America at 7:00 eastern time! "Don't be the only to miss it" [/QUOTE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="5"]USPW American Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [I][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Wednesday, week 1, January 2007[/COLOR][/I] [B]The Smark Report[/B] The show starts as it all ways does with the opening video and then some small fireworks go off in the arena, the camera pans the crowd, passing by as many signs as it can. Most of the signs are going for Bruce The Giant or Cheetah Boy. Shane Sneer and Danny Jillefski welcome us to USPW American Wrestling live from the Huntsville Fairgrounds. They run through the crowd saying that Peter Valentine will be taking on Captain USA, wow I bet the this match is going to go down really well, Giant Redwood will fight Darryl Devine. Is this the way to treat your best wrestler? Putting him in a match with a big piece of trash who can’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag and in the main event the USPW National Title will be on the like when Demon Anger takes on Jim Force. This card is just looking great. My prediction for this show is a D-, maybe if they get lucky. Finally the announcers shut up and the show starts, it starts up with a really cool Bruce The Giant video. It shows him choking the hell out of some of the other guys on the roster, like Tom E. Hawk, T-Rex and Patrick Cool. Then it shows him hitting a few chokeslams on a couple of guys and then it fades to black, saying that Bruce has something to say tonight. Those choke slams were probably the best action we’re going to see all night. Next out was Tom E. Hawk, now the fans are excited! Not! This guy gets no reaction at all. So you know what that means? Its time for him to get his ass kicked. His opponent comes out and its one half of the USPW Tag Team Champions, Danny Rushmore. The match absolutely sucked, if it wasn’t for Danny Jillefski and Shane Sneer this match would of put me to sleep, those two guys gave this stinkfest a boost. It looked like both guys were getting better at performance skills, but they both still suck. Whoever scripted this match out should be shot. Rushmore killed Hawk for damn near six minutes before finally putting his ass away. Stop the pain! I think even the fans were annoyed at this match. They were pretty quiet before the match and they are damn near silent right now. I thought that the last match sucked but the two workers who came out next have to piece the two worst workers in the world. Besides Big Smack Scott that is but at least that guy is solid on the stick. These guys just suck. You know who I’m talking about don’t you? I know you do, those damn Hillbillys. Their Opponents? Java and Tribal Warrior, Savage Fury. This match was another piece of crap, which isn’t unusual for a USPW card. This is why I tell you readers of mine to buy some Japanese dvd’s off the internet. Seriously, I mean The Hillbillys eventually picked up the victory after about 7 and a half minutes. Again thank God for Jillefski and Sneer, these guys getting pumped up kept me awake once again. The two big stupid hillbillys couldn’t even last for 7 and half minutes, they looked severely tired. Pete and Tribal Warrior did look like the were improving their performance skills but just like I said last match, it isn’t enough. I should just write the same review for each match and just switch the names around, you guys wouldn’t know the deference would ya? Nah, I didn’t think so. The crowd’s mood got a slight increase when cult favorite Cheetah Boy made his way out to the ring. Why do fans even like this guy? He’s another one of the worst wrestlers I’ve ever seen in my life. T-Rex came out to be his opponent and I’m not even going to tell you how I feel about him because you guys have heard it about 6 or 7 times already since I’ve started writing this. Cheetah Boy was another competitor who seemed to increased his performance skills, who the hell did Sam Strong get to help these guys because I know his lazy ass didn’t teach anyone anything. These matches are freakin’ boring! I mean seriously, how many times can you pick a guy up and scoop slam them. I literally fell asleep during this one but only for a few seconds as Shane Sneer’s reactions made me wake up quickly. T-Rex wins at the six minute mark with the Jurassic Crush. That’s one of the best submission I’ve ever seen in USPW. Sam will probably make him stop using it real soon once he finds out that people like it. The Lords of War came out to the ring next, they called for microphone’s and said that they don’t have a match tonight and they are making a challenge to any tag team that thinks they can beat the best tag team in the world. The best tag team in the world? Where are they? Because they sure as hell aren’t in USPW. They said they aren’t leaving the ring until they get to kick some ass. Well I’m guessing they said ass because the word was beeped out. USPW really is old school, SWF and TCW say “Ass” “bitch” all kind of words with out being bleeped out. Ass is like the most un bad word you can say. The Towers of Power came out to the stage and said that they accepted the match but they won’t put up their tag titles. This sucks.. I mean not only do we have to watch Danny Rushmore once, but we have to watch him twice. A non-title match too? You know what happens every time there is a non-title match. If I have to tell you, you’re probably some kind of stupid mark who doesn’t know anything about the way the wrestling world works. Anyways this match did feature some good brawling but there’s only so many ways you can punch somebody. Danny Rushmore seemed way worse then earlier today, he was way off his game. That will show the bookers to use him twice in one show. This match ended in just under 8 minutes when Warlord Agony defeated Danny Rushmore after hitting the War Machine. Whatever Danny and Shane get paid, they should receive a huge upgrade for keep people interested in the match. Lets see if I have to write that note for every match because I’ve written for every match so far. Agony really looks like he’s improving, even at his old age, it seems like he had better performance skills and better rumble skills then usual. The lights cut out in the arena as The Lords of War are celebrating and they stay off for a few seconds, when they come back on Warlord Pain is down on the mat, dazed from the assault, his partner checks on him and there is no other wrestler around. In the running for worst match of the night was the match that featured the brightest young star in USPW, Darryl Devine. I hope that the rumors are true and that Devine does get picked up by one of the top promotions in the USA. I mean this guy could be working wonders for TCW or SWF instead of trying to carry a man three times his size and not being able to do it. He’s too good for that. Of coarse Giant Redwood won the match with the standing splash, Devine sold it well holding his ribs, I don’t know he might of really been hurt. I hope not. Thank you Mr. Sneer and Jillefski once again, the crowd seems to be getting less and less interested as the show goes on. Can’t they do ANYTHING to lift this crowd? Bruce The Giants music hits for his “giant” interview but he doesn’t come down to the ring. The fans are cheering like crazy and his music stops and then is played again. They cut to the back and Bruce is on the ground bloody with a bunch of agents around him. They ask him if he’s okay and he says he’s fine as he grabs his head. They ask who attacked him and Bruce says he’s doesn’t know as he gets up and stumbles around. Absolutely forget what I told you guys about the worst match ever before! This match is clearly the worst. Jim Force and Demon Anger bother were tired by the time this match ended at the 12 minute mark. This match lacked any real flow or anything, as the two men just for power move after power move. It makes me sick to be a real wrestling fan and to actually wants this kind of ****. Well hey its my job, I get paid to watch wrestling so that’s why I’m doing it. Jillefski and Sneer did a great job calling the action. Anyways Jim Force looked to have the match locked up when Demon Spite ran in and gave Force a low blow while Anger distracted the referee. This allowed Anger to hit a Demon Slam for the one two three. We have a brand new USPW National Champion. As far as I know this is the first time either one of the The Demons have held a singles title but I will have to check that. There’s still 6 minutes left so I’m waiting for a celebration of angle or something, but no there is another match. The match is another one that sucks but it is by far better then the last match. Captain USA took on Peter Valentine. Valentine dominated most of the match and then finished him off with a Heart Breaker within 5 minutes. Sneer and Danny helped me stay in tune. That’s the end of the show I guess, but I thought that before but it wasn’t! My overall thoughts for this show was that it was terrible. If you recorded or taped the show I suggest that you don’t watch it. Don’t watch any of it at all. Overall I would give this show a [B]D rating[/B]. Usually I would point out a few positives in the show but quite honestly there was nothing positive about this show. All the shows sucked, Demon Anger as the USPW National Champion sucks, the only thing that looks vaguely interesting is who is responsible for the lights going out and who is responsible for the Bruce beating? Well until next time, it has been fun. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Its just a few hours before the show and like every show they have the booking commitee is getting together to talk about the last show, the next show and future shows. Mickey Starr is the last one into the small room, Bruce The Giant, Danny Jillefski, and Sam Strong are all their already talking about the last show. Mickey interrupts, where is Shane? Strong doesn't hesitate to answer his question, saying Shane has accepted the head booker job with Rhode Island Pro Wrestling. He's still working here but I thought that it would be best if he wasn't on the booking team, that way he can concentrate on his own company. I'm not even sure if we are going to continue using him as a color commentator either. The room goes silent as everyone else in the room doesn't know what to think. Anyways Shane's spot on the booking commitee has already been filled. For those of you who don't know, this is "The Shooter" Craig Prince. He's here to not only work on the team but he's going to be a road agent for the company. Prince shakes hands and greets everyone, as Sam continues to talk. He's not going to say or do much today, but after today he isn't going to be let off the hook any more. Craig isn't the only one who will be joining the company as I have signed a few other people to deals. Jungle Jack, Wanda Fish, and The Big Problem. The Big Problem? Danny says. You mean that kid from NYCW who has been known as "The Big Flop" over the past year? Why did you sign him? Didn't you say that we needed more "atheletes?" Danny calm down, Sam assures him, I gave him that contract before the begining of the year. Sorry Sam, Danny says looking at the owner. Next, American Wrestling got a 3.98 rating last week and although I'm pretty happy with those numbers, the new executive at Sports America isn't happy and is threatening to pull the network off the air. I don't know what we can do at this time, for now our fan base is what it is. I think its pretty decent considering that we were just 84 people away from 5,000 people. Do anyone of you guys have an concerns? Bruce The Giant begins to speak, Darryl Devine has informed me that he is leaving the company for SWF. We can't match the deal as he has signed a written deal. I mean I don't know what we can do with him tonight? Maybe put one of the young guys over him? And I know that you were disappointed with the overall product of the last show, but I think that this storyline we are running are going to blow the fans out of the water. Okay before the show gets started I want a you guys go do me some favors, Sam Strong says Danny I want you to train Wanda Fish about some of these guys favorite moves and finishers so she can be prepared, just in case. Bruce I want you to go talk to Jungle Jack and The Big Problem, tell them what we expect and how to wrestle one of our style matches. Me, Mickey and Craig will take care of this weeks preview. The group all go into their seperate directions. [QUOTE][B][SIZE="4"]USPW American Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/B] [I][SIZE="2"]Wednesday Week 2, 2007[/SIZE][/I] Last week on USPW American Wrestling, Demon Anger upset the world when he won his first title in United States Pro Wrestling and it wasn't with his partner Demon Spite. Although it was with the help of the other half of The Demons of Rage, Anger was able to beat Jim Force for the USPW National title. Force has asked Mickey Starr for a re-match but he won't be getting his rematch until USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams! Tonight he will get a small chance at revenge when Jim Force takes on Demon Spite. Also last week the world tag team champions were defeated in a non-title match when The Lords of War were able to beat The Towers of Power. This week they get a rematch, and if they are able to beat The Towers of Power they will get a match at USPW Stars, Stripes, and Slams for the titles. After that match, the lights went out and the Lords of War were laid out, and nobody knows by who, also World Heavyweight Champion Bruce The Giant was laid out in the back and wasn't able to see who it was. Tonight Bruce says he will find out who did it. All this and much, much more only on Sports America![/QUOTE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="7"]USPW American Wrestling[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="2"]Wednesday week 2, 2007[/SIZE] [B]The Smark Report[/B] The show starts as always with the stupid video package, half the stuff they show isn’t even from their promotion and is from 20 years before they were in business. But anyways next up is the shot of the crowd followed by the shot of Shane and Danny! Man, I can write this in my sleep. Well maybe I can’ because sitting next to Danny Jillefski is a hot piece of ass, I guess her name is Wanda Fish. Danny ask what she is doing there and where is Shane but Wanda says that tonight he will find out, and she was hand picked by Shane to take his spot. The first match of the night started off with some high paced action, between to of the worst workers I’ve have ever seen in my life, totally uncool Patrick Cool and Cheetah Boy. The fans still love cheetah boy, but the fans don’t hate Cool that much. That chic Wanda Fish or whatever isn’t that bad and she is doing a good job of being the “bad guy”. Patrick Cool picked up the victory with a Mexican Stretch variation . I can’t believe this match actually took place. It was horrible. What’s next? We come back from a pretty good slew of commercial that show better talented wrestlers in the McDonalds commercials then on the USPW roster. Shane Sneer is standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone, I’m not known for my play by play capabilities but let me try to tell you exactly what he said, well forget that since I wasn’t paying attention to the first few words, basically he said he’s sick of all the politics and the games going on in USPW and that he’s quitting. He said that Wanda Fish is more then capable of taking his spot and he isn’t worried about that, Wanda stands up and blows him a kiss. He said that he has already packed his bags and now he is leaving. He quit! Darryl Devine is the next one out and I’m kind of excited, I mean for at least 4 or 5 minutes we get to see a hint of talent on this show and his opponent has to be better then last weeks when it was Giant Redwood. I’m not expecting him to win you know since this is his last match with the company, for those of you who didn’t know, Darryl Devine is moving up to the big leagues real soon. Remember that comment I made about Giant Redwood? Well come to find out I was wrong! USPW actually found a worker who is worse then Redwood and they put him in a match against Devine? His opponent is the former NYCW flop, The Big Problem. USPW does have a Big Problem, they hired ANOTHER talented piece of crap. Anyways the match was a total ass kicking, Devine didn’t even get one move in at all as The Big Problem finished him off with a simple Choke Slam that he almost botched. The announcers put the Problem over as a huge threat, I’m not sure about that, were exactly are they going with this? Next up was a match between two more rookies, Tom E. Hawk and Eric The Bull. I know the match sounds bad but it was the best match of the night so far, who knows maybe their will actually be a good one on this card but I high doubt it. These two young guys actually had pretty good chemistry, I’m semi-impressed with the two losers. Hawk eventually won the match with just under 6 minutes. Next up was a weird video, at first they showed a bunch of trees in the jungle and then they showed a few animals, I thought they were going with a Cheetah Boy video! But no, towards the end of the video, they should the muscle bound Jungle Jack and said that he would be here tonight. Not a bad video, its better then anything else USPW has put on this year. I forgot that I read the spoilers and knew Jack signed with USPW. It was kind of a shock at first. This match actually has some ability. I have some tapes from Japan. The next match was quite obviously, another piece of crap!! Jim Force took on Demon Spite, the two men applied many slams, punches and restholds as we usually see when these two guys are in the ring, weather it be a tag team match of not. Spite go the victory when Demon Anger came in and hit Force in the head with the National title, Spite picked Force up and hit the Demon Slam just for good measure. This one only lasted 6 minutes thankfully. After the match the lights go off in the ring and Jim Force is laid out when the lights come back on! Wow this is the second week in the row something like this has happened. Jungle Jack is making his debut next! He comes out with leopard underwear tights and knee pads and snake skin boots with his signature head band! His opponent is Corporal Doom. Jack looked very strong, with his brawling abilities, hitting some wild punches where he just swings his arms into his opponent who is backed into the corner. I think Doom was busted open the hard way by one of those wild fist. The crowd liked Jack but they weren’t all that into him. Doom is getting tired at about the 7 minute mark and he uses brass knuckles to beat Jack in his debut match!! WOW this is ridiculous. Next up was the big slow Giant, Bruce! He came out and said that he was attacked a week ago by two men who turned the lights out so that they couldn’t be seen. He said he’s not the smartest man in the worlds, well no kidding. Tell us something that we didn’t know. He goes on to say with the attacks on The Lords of War and Jim Force this week, that all the signs point in one direction and that is the Demons of Rage. He says since Demon Anger already has a match at USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams! He will challenge Demon Spite and put his world title on the line. Demon Spite and Demon Anger show up on the stage, they say that they have know idea what Bruce is talking about but if he wants to put the title on the line then Demon Spite accepts the challenge. They say he is making a huge mistake though and if they were the ones to lay out Bruce, then he wouldn’t be standing right now. This was actually a pretty good angle! The best I have ever seen in USPW. So two matches for the Pay Per View have been announced and they both feature The Demons of Rage, not in a tag match though. Interesting… Giant Redwood was the next one out and his opponent was another giant! A talentless one too, none other then Al The Hillbilly. Giant Redwood dominated the match, squishing his opponent in the corner with a Redwood Splash which is similar to the stinger’s splash and then when Al falls to the floor, Redwood hits the Standing Splash. Easy victory. In the Main Event, we had our re-match from last week when The Lords of War took on The Towers of Power. This was a very open match, it was a decent match. But there is only so many ways you can slam someone. The Lords of War had this match wrapped up with a mask man came in and attacked them. Mick Muscles was able to pin Warlord Pain. The masked man, walking up the ramp backwards took off his mask when he got to the top to reveal Shane Sneer as the show went off the air. [B]Overall I would rate this show a D-,[/B] there wasn’t really anything good on the show besides the segment between The Demons of Rage and Bruce The Giant. There are a few things that have caught my interest though, one is who is behind all the lights going off and the attacks? This could get good and the other is where exactly are they going with this Shane Sneer thing? Is he the one responsible for the attacks? [/CENTER]
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