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Total Championship Wrestling - The Real Deal

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All the TV stations in the great lakes region flash on and off then cut to a public service announcement.. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TGadzFB.jpg[/IMG] "My name is Tyler Gadzinski you may or may not know, for those that don't let me give you a brief history. I used to work for the World Wrestling Entertainment wrestling company but mostly as a worker on HEAT and a couple dark matches before the main show ... even though i only lost two matches in my entire career with them they still refused to put me on the main roster. Then after about three months I was fed up with the way Vince was treating people and so were a couple other workers so we left WWE together and invaded TNA if you will. We were there for a couple months also and then started talking to some of the workers there and they wanted to get out and move onto bigger things but didn't want to put up with the WWE bullcrap. So me and my pals offered them contracts to a promotion we were starting up and thus it begins the start of Total Championship Wrestling." TV goes blank then flashes the TCW logo.. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TCWcopy.jpg[/IMG]
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[IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/winc_logo.jpg[/IMG] Live internet feed of backstage interviews with the stars of TCW. The video starts with the TCW logo flashing while the theme for TCW plays... [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TCWcopy.jpg[/IMG] the video then pans to show a ring with no fans around it as this is a private interview.. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/deluxeproshowpic.jpg[/IMG] The interviewer stands in the ring.. "My first guest I'd like to talk to is the one that started this all.. Tyler Gadzinski" Tylers music plays and he walks down to the ring.. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TGadzFB.jpg[/IMG] Interviewer: "Now that I've got you down here Tyler why don't you let the people know a little more about your show." Tyler: "Well as you should know by now I have started up my own wrestling promotion and have had a little help from some great friends who you should see coming up." Interviewer: "Yeah I was looking over some of the people and it's pretty impressive I have to say. What type of backstage stuff are you running here, I know the other promotions won't tell us about this stuff." Tyler: "Well, we don't have as much money as the other promotions but we do have enough to get started and one day we will be the top promotion here in the United States." Interviewer: "How about we get some other people out here, you want to introduce him or you want me to?" Tyler: "Folks straight from the WWE he is...." Tyler: "Rob Van Dam!!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/RobVanDamFB2.jpg[/IMG] RVD walks out then stops before he gets in the ring and does his taunt but stops after the second self point and looks straight at the camera and flips it off and mouths "F*** YOU WWE" he then climbs into the ring. Interviewer: "So RVD tell us why you quit WWE?" RVD: "I quit because they treated us like crap there and made me give my belt away because I got pulled over and got arrested for being High in public. Here it feels like my old home at the Bingo Hall they let you drink and smoke pot hell they encouraged it then. Now if you smoke pot you will never get a title reign instead a wigger with no talent." Interviewer: "Seems like you have alot of built up anger towards your old employer...." Before he can finish we hear the music of another superstar... As the music plays RVD starts to talk over the music... "This has been a good friend of mine through the years and it's no suprise he came with me to TCW... The Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal ... SABU!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/SabuFB1.jpg[/IMG] Sabu comes out with a chair in hand and enters the ring. As soon as he gets in the ring he shakes hands with Tyler. Interviewer: "Sabu I didn't even see your name on the roster list." Sabu: "That is because me and Tyler have an unspoken agreement that if RVD came here so did I. When the WWE restarted ECW they completely ruined a part of my life. I loved ECW to death and thats exactly what happened it DIED then that bastard Vince brought it back then refused to put on Hardcore matches because that was what it was about." Interviewer: "I can see you all have anger towards WWE and what there doing over there. Well since we have an ECW theme going here why don't we see a couple more people you got." Interviewer: "You may know this next superstar... Stevie Richards." [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/thStevieRichardsFB1.jpg[/IMG] Stevie enters the ring and just stands next to the other three men in the ring. Interviewer: "Now why don't we move on to the next guy as it seems that Steven doesn't want to talk." Tyler: "Alright how about we get a man that has done so much in his career and one of the ones that left on good terms with his former employer... " Tyler: "Christopher Daniels!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/ChristopherDanielsFB4.jpg[/IMG] Daniels walks down to the ring and enters the ring and grabs a mic right away. Daniels: "Now I didn't leave TNA all pissed off like these fine men here but we had a mutual separation and me and Dixie are still friends." Interviewer: "Sorry Christopher but we are getting close to the end of this show so if you don't mind I'm gonna ask Tyler to introduce the rest of the roster." Tyler: "Well the first one comes from the age of the new ECW so you should know why he left." Tyler: "CM PUNK!!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/CMPunkFB4.jpg[/IMG] Punk comes running out to the ring with a smile on his face staring at the camera. Tyler: "And here are the rest.." Tyler: "Ken Doane!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/KennyDoaneFB2.jpg[/IMG] "Andrew Ryker with the lovely Athena." [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/AndrewRykerFB1.jpghttp://[/IMG] [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/AthenaFB1.jpghttp://[/IMG] "Chris Hero!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/ChrisHeroFB3.jpg[/IMG] "Ken Kennedy" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/thKenKennedyFB1.jpg[/IMG] "X-CAL!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/X-CalFB1.jpg[/IMG] "Nick Gage" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/NickGageFB1.jpg[/IMG] "Diego Corleone!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/DiegoCorleoneFB1.jpg[/IMG] "Shannon Moore!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/ShannonMooreFB2.jpg[/IMG] "Paul Burchill" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/thPaulBurchillFB2.jpg[/IMG] "The Suicide Messiah... Necro Butcher!!" [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/NecroButcherFB1.jpg[/IMG] "Then we have one more but he is currently in jail for Grand Theft Larson.. but he will be at our first show." screens flashes the TCW logo again then the internet feed is gone. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TCWcopy.jpg[/IMG]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TCWcopy.jpg[/img] TCW The Show Part 1 Results Location - Sports and Activities Center in Kenosha, Wisconsin Attendance - 1,750 PRESHOW: Chris Hero walks out for his match.. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/ChrisHeroFB3.jpg[/IMG] Just as he gets to the ring ... Kenny's music hits and he heads down to the ring. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/KennyDoaneFB2.jpg[/IMG] Paul Burchill enters the ring and the match begins [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/thPaulBurchillFB2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/ChrisHeroFB3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/KennyDoaneFB2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/thPaulBurchillFB2.jpg[/IMG] The match starts out slow but picks up quite fast.. a lot of back & forth action between Chris Hero and Paul Burchill.. Ken Doane sits at ringside until he sees he can get the upper hand at the 6 minute mark Ken still hasn't done anything Chris gets the upper hand on Paul and hits a Hero's Welcome and in the blink of an eye Doane gets in the ring and Superkicks Chris .. Doane quickly jumps to the top rope and hits a big Leg Drop off the top rope Doane pins Chris for the win at 8:09. RATING - D+ HC Loc walks out and challenges Stevie Richards to a match.. [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/NickGageFB1.jpg[/IMG] Stevie comes out to answer Loc's challenge [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/thStevieRichardsFB1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/NickGageFB1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/icon_vs.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/thStevieRichardsFB1.jpg[/IMG] The match quickly escalated to heavy violence although no weapons were used both men had taken a toll at 6:46 Stevie hit a Stevie T for the victory.. after the match Stevie spit in the face of Gage. RATING - E+ The show opens to Tyler walking out... [IMG]http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n250/Tylergadzinski/TGadzFB.jpg[/IMG] TYLER: Ladies & Gentlemen welcome to the first ever TCW Event I hope you enjoy it... also on our last video we said we had one last member to the TCW roster and you will all see who that man is tonight. Lets get it started right now with this man that was on the poll. [IMG]http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k197/flamebrain101/FB%20Background/HCLocFB1.jpg[/IMG] HC Loc walks out. TYLER: Hey man, one question.. Are you the person that ties together our roster? HC LOC: Tyler, I would love to be apart of TCW sometime but not right now I gotta get my life straight right now. So NO I am not that man. TYLER: That sucks man, Good Luck with everything and hope to see you again. NOTE: I WILL UPDATE THIS MORE LATER IVE JUST GOTTA GO SOMEWHERE RIGHT NOW HOPE THIS'LL SETTLE YOU FOR NOW.
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