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[Death of the Territories] The Dunvegan Dynasty (MACW)

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[B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 3.59 PNW Unplugged TV Local - North West 0.47 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.61 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 4.47 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 2.84 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.94 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.60 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 12.02 Big Time Wrestling TV Local - North West 0.28 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.26 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.87 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 3, March 1984 Held in the Expo Square Pavilion in Tulsa, Oklahoma [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Greg Valentine defeated Gene Anderson in 5:30 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/B] *Gene Anderson seemed off his game tonight. *Gene Anderson could use something to freshen his character up. *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Greg Valentine looked good out there. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Ric Flair defeated Curt Hennig in 4:43 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/B] *Curt Hennig and Ric Flair have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *The performance of Ric Flair stood out as being good. *This match lifted the crowd. *Curt Hennig is improving in Rumble skills. *Curt Hennig is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] ALABAMA HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Super Olympia v The Flame (c)[/B] *Olympia and Flame put on a decent wrestling match, but most of the crowd seemed to simply not care about the two masked wrestlers *Flame tried to pound Olympia down, but was taken to the mat *Flame eventually turned the match around with a low blow *[I]The Flame defeated Super Olympia in 7:36 by submission after blatantly cheating. The Flame makes defence number 4 of his Alabama Heavyweight title.[/I] *Super Olympia and The Flame don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: FLAME V LAWLER[/B] *Bob Caudle announced that The Flame would be facing Jerry Lawler next week in a Title Unification Match involving the Alabama Heavyweight Title and the United States Heavyweight Title *Backstage, Sputnik Monroe is seen grinning [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 2] SOUTHEASTERN TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT The Bass Brothers (Ron Bass and Don Bass) v Fuller & Golden (Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden)[/B] *Fuller started things off with R. Bass here, putting on a nice brawl *The Bass Brothers had some good teamwork going, isolating Fuller and wearing him down *Fuller eventually made a hot tag to Golden, who cleared the ring *The Bass Brothers regrouped and double-teamed Golden to gain the advantage *Chaos erupted as Fuller entered the ring and all four men brawled *Fuller eventually caught D. Bass as Golden kept R. Bass occupied in the corner *[I]Fuller & Golden defeated The Bass Brothers in 7:51 when Robert Fuller defeated Don Bass by submission with a Fuller Leglock. Fuller & Golden win the Southeastern Tag Team titles.[/I] *Robert Fuller was really off his game tonight. *Robert Fuller is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: FULLER/GOLDEN V STEAMBOAT/YOUNGBLOOD[/B] *Bob Caudle announced that Fuller & Golden would be facing Steamboat & Youngblood next week in a Title Unification Match involving the Southeastern Tag Team Titles and the World Tag Team Titles [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] SOUTHEASTERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Magnum T.A. v "Bullet" Bob Armstrong[/B] *Armstrong and Magnum put on a good mat-based brawl *Magnum had Armstrong in trouble on several occasions, but Armstrong showed his experience and fought him off *Magnum almost caught Armstrong in the Belly-to-Belly Suplex several times, but Armstrong had good enough ring presence to escape each time *Armstrong finally caught Magnum off guard after a series of Irish whip reversals to take it home *[I]Bullet Bob Armstrong defeated Magnum T.A. in 7:44 by pinfall with a Bulldog. Bullet Bob Armstrong wins the Southeastern Heavyweight title.[/I] [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: ARMSTRONG V FLAIR[/B] *Bob Caudle announced that Bullet Bob Armstrong would be facing Ric Flair next week in a Title Unification Match involving the Southeastern Heavyweight Title and the World Heavyweight Title [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B[/I] [B]WAHOO HYPES HIMSELF[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel cut a promo in which he hyped himself *He said that he had been sitting on the back burner long enough and that it was time to get back into the championship picture *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]ORNDORFF ASSAULTS MR. WRESTLING II[/B] *Backstage, Mr. Wrestling II was stretching before his match when Paul Orndorff came out of nowhere and assaulted him with a chair *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Mr. Wrestling II v Paul Orndorff[/B] *Mr. Wrestling II looked seriously hurt coming out for the match; Orndorff looked arrogant, expecting an easy win now after softening him up *Orndorff was too arrogant, though, and Mr. Wrestling II still managed to take him to the mat and school him *Mr. Wrestling II got a little revenge as he picked Orndorff apart *Orndorff eventually got away in order to sort things out *Mr. Wrestling II worked the crowd a bit as Orndorff snuck in and pulled out some brass knuckles *Orndorff nailed Mr. Wrestling II with the brass knuckles out of the sight of referee Pee Wee Anderson, knocking him clean out *[I]Paul Orndorff defeated Mr. Wrestling II in 11:41 by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/I] *Mr. Wrestling II and Paul Orndorff have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]HARLEY MEETS WITH THE RUSSIANS[/B] *Harley Race is sneaking around backstage, and enters the locker room of The Russians *Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff are ready to beat Race down, but Race produces a wad of cash for Comrade Dink to get a few words in *Race says that they all have similar goals in the NWA: to be the best *Race explains that he can help Ivan and Nikita with their plans in exchange for a little help dismantling Ric Flair *Ivan and Nikita are skeptical, but Bobby Heenan tells Dink that there is plenty of green and gold if they work with them *After some thought, Ivan and Nikita shake hands with Race as Heenan shakes hands with Dink, sealing the deal *Bobby Heenan helped Race during this segment. *Comrade Dink helped Ivan during this segment. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Comrade Dink helped Nikita during this segment. *The performance of Harley Race was fantastic. *Nikita Koloff was very underwhelming. *Ivan Koloff is developing better performance skills. *Nikita Koloff is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B]LAWLER PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Jay Youngblood. *Lawler made sure to show off all his gold during the promo, with his prized CWA Southern Heavyweight Title belt around his waist with the Southeast Television Title belt over his left shoulder and the United States Heavyweight Title belt over his right shoulder *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Jay Youngblood v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Youngblood was determined to take most of the gold from Lawler for the good of the NWA, but it was definitely a challenge *Lawler brawled Youngblood into a corner and hit him with a series of punches *Youngblood was staggered, but managed a series of chops to escape *Youngblood took the fight to Lawler, who eventually had to escape to the floor to collect his thoughts *Youngblood taunted Lawler, then went to the top turnbuckle; Lawler laughed at Youngblood and dared him to jump *Youngblood grinned, and the crowd popped huge as Youngblood jumped at Lawler from the top turnbuckle and nailed him with a flying cross-body! *Youngblood tossed Lawler back into the ring and prepared to finish him off with a Flying Tomahawk Chop *Youngblood went for it, but Lawler nailed him in the gut with a back elbow and then took him down with a Russian legsweep *Harley Race, Ivan Koloff, and Nikita Koloff came out and watched; Lawler saw them but ignored them as they stood there *Lawler got a near-fall, then complained to referee Tommy Young about a slow count; this allow Youngblood to pull him into an inside cradle for a near-fall *Lawler was livid and nailed Youngblood with a European uppercut followed by kick to the midsection and then the Piledriver; when going for the pin, he grabbed the tights just to be sure of victory *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Jay Youngblood in 17:23 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 3 of his Southeast Television title. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 12 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Thursday, Week 3, March 1984[/U][/B] [B]AWA:[/B] Adrian Adonis defeated Wahoo McDaniel for the AWA World Heavyweight title [18 successful defences] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 3, March 1984 Well, the world tour on pay-per-view is over, so it is back to the normal circuit. On a side note, from here on out we will also be instating a policy regarding the NWA World Heavyweight Title; except for in special feature matches, title bouts must be Two-Out-Of-Three-Falls Matches. This week we are in the New England region where Roop & Hunter will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Dory Funk Jr. challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title; the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title will not be defended tonight.
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[B][U]Saturday, Week 3, March 1984[/U][/B] Things may not be so bad after all. After some heated negotiations and a lot of persistance on my part, we have secured a new pay-per-view deal with Closed Circuit U.S. (Big), averting any immediate crisis. On the other hand, Wahoo McDaniel sustained a Sprined Ankle at last night's show, and though he will be working through the injury, it could possibly be a bad omen. Time will tell . . . [B][U]Sunday, Week 3, March 1984[/U][/B] This is Gene Anderson's final day with MACW. He has had a great career, but his best days are definitely behind him. He has been loyal, though, and if I had been able to think of any way to use him, I would have. Sadly, it simply was not possible. I imagine he will likely be retiring now, and we all wish him a happy retirement. [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.12 PNW Unplugged TV Local - North West 0.49 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.68 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 4.69 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 2.92 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 8.03 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.58 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 13.98 Big Time Wrestling TV Local - North West 0.28 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.87 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.87 [/CODE]
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[B][U]Monday, Week 4, March 1984[/U][/B] Randy Savage Fails Steroid Test In other news, the WWF held an event last night that promised to rock the wrestling world forever: WRESTLEMANIA! [CODE] [B]The Popularity Race[/B] MACW WWF AWA GCW WCCW PNW [Great Lakes ]: [COLOR="Yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [Mid Atlantic]: [COLOR="Green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [Mid South ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [Mid West ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [New England ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [North West ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [South East ]: [COLOR="green"]B-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [South West ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]D-[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C-[/COLOR] [Tri State ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [Puerto Rico ]: [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [COLOR="yellow"]C[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 4, March 1984 Held in the Stegeman Coliseum in Athens, Georgia [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]The Blackjacks defeated Doug Dunvegan and Magnum T.A. in 4:31 when Blackjack Mulligan defeated Magnum T.A. by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *The performance of Doug Dunvegan stood out as being good. *Blackjack Lanza is improving in Performance skills. *Blackjack Mulligan is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]The Russians defeated The Hollywood Blondes in 4:38 when Ivan Koloff defeated Ken Timbs by submission with a Bear Hug.[/B] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Nikita Koloff seemed off his game tonight. *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: D[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] ALABAMA HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH The Flame (c) v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Flame took the fight right to Lawler, catching him in the corner early on *Lawler would not take it for long, hitting a European upeercut and taking control of the match *Lawler lost his balance while pummeling Flame, which turned the match around again *Lawler eventually recovered and schooled Flame and finished him off for a relatively easy win *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated The Flame in 6:13 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Jerry Lawler wins the Alabama Heavyweight title. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 2 of his United States Heavyweight title.[/I] *The performance of Jerry Lawler stood out as being good. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]MR. MONROE BOOKS LAWLER FOR A SECOND MATCH[/B] *Mr. Monroe comes out, smiling, and announces that in order to fulfill MACW championship regulations, Jerry Lawler will be defending the Southeast Television Title later tonight *The opponent: Bob Roop! *Mr. Monroe also notes that given the original stipulations, the CWA Southern Heavyweight Title will be on the line as well [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]LAWLER THREATENS MR. MONROE[/B] *Jerry Lawler marches over to Sputnik Monroe and complains about getting booked in two matches *Mr. Monroe "apologizes" for the oversight in not having all the gold on the line during Lawler's match against The Flame, but "rules are rules" *Lawler keeps complaining, but Lawler tells him that he's the one who wants to carry so much gold so it's his own doing having to defend all that gold [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 2] SOUTHEASTERN TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH Fuller & Golden (Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden) (c) v Steamboat & Youngblood (Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood) (c)[/B] *Steamboat and Fuller started thigns off *Steamboat and Youngblood showed their excellent teamwork once again here, keeping Fuller isolated *Golden entered the ring to make the save, and a chaotic brawl was the result *Steamboat and Youngblood both had the crowd behind them and took control of the match *Golden put up an excellent fight against his opponents, but was eventually overwhelmed *Youngblood kept Golden out of the ring as Steamboat finished Fuller off *[I]Steamboat & Youngblood defeated Fuller & Golden in 8:45 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Robert Fuller by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress. Steamboat & Youngblood win the Southeastern Tag Team titles. Steamboat & Youngblood make defence number 32 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.[/I] *Jimmy Golden came out of the match looking good. *Ricky Steamboat came out of the match looking good. *Jay Youngblood looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. *Robert Fuller is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]THE RUSSIANS ATTACK![/B] *As Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood celebrate and work the crowd, Comrade Dink comes down to the ring *As Dink taunts Steamboat and Youngblood, Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff come up behind them and lay them out with chains *Ivan and Nikita beat Steamboat and Youngblood down mercilessly, and then Dink covers them with the Soviet flag after the three spit on the fallen champions *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ricky Steamboat was a real star in this segment. *The performance of Jay Youngblood was fantastic. *Ivan Koloff performed poorly in this segment. *Nikita Koloff looked dreadful in this segment. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] "Playboy" Buddy Rose v "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel[/B] *Dory Funk Jr. took over Gene Okerlund's spot at the podium by force *This was a pretty standard brawl *Rose did fairly well to keep up, but Wahoo was on top of his game despite his injury *Funk continually criticized Wahoo's technique throughout the match *Funk says Wahoo has no business thinking he deserves the gold *[I]Wahoo McDaniel defeated Playboy Buddy Rose in 9:57 by pinfall with a Chop.[/I] *Wahoo McDaniel was slowed by injury somewhat. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]WAHOO CELEBRATES A VICTORY[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel celebrates his victory and motions that he'll be wearing the gold soon enough [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]FUNK INSULTS WAHOO[/B] *Dory Funk Jr. and Tony Schiavone are discussing the match, and Funk says he's not impressed *Funk says that just because Wahoo thinks he's ready to get back into the championship race doesn't mean that he actually is *Funk says Wahoo is a washed up has-been who should retire to an Indian reservation somewhere [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]WAHOO WARNS FUNK[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel, who has overheard the comments of Dory Funk Jr. on the way to the locker room, goes to the podium to confront him *Wahoo warns Funk to watch his mouth or he'll shut it for him, then walks away [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]STEAMBOAT & YOUNGBLOOD DEMAND MATCH[/B] *Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood, both upset, hunt down Sputnik Monroe backstage *Steamboat and Youngblood demand to have The Russians in a match next week on World Championship Wrestling *Mr. Monroe agrees that they deserve to have a match, but says that the World Tag Team Titles will have to be on the line *Steamboat and Youngblood agree, shake hands with Mr. Monroe, and walk away happy [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 4] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Bob Roop v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Lawler was unhappy going into this match and did everything he could to avoid having to deal with Roop *Roop gave chase, eventually falling into a trap by Lawler and stomped into the mat *Lawler tried to finish it quickly, but Roop countered and took Lawler to the mat where he could grapple him *Lawler tried and failed to escape Roop, and was almost forced to submit several times *Lawler managed to get to his feet and turn things around for a short time, but Roop got his second wind and was on fire as he took the fight to Lawler *Lawler was in big trouble, and so he took out some brass knuckles and knocked Roop out with them where referee Pee Wee Anderson could not see *Just to be sure of victory, he used the ropes for leverage as he covered Roop *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Bob Roop in 12:18 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 4 of his Southeast Television title. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 13 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title.[/I] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Bob Roop and Jerry Lawler have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] SOUTHEASTERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT "Bullet" Bob Armstrong (c) v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] *Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone mentioned that despite earlier reports, the change to make all matches for the World Heavyweight Title Two-Out-Of-Three-Falls Matches was not yet official due to a problem with syntax in the ruling *Armstrong and Flair shook hands before the bell *The match started off slow as the two wrestled for position and countered each other's holds several times *The two wreslted to the mat where Flair took control and started working on Armstrong's legs *Armstrong kicked Flair off and took him down, trying to gain some sort of advantage *Armstrong whipped Flair into the corner, and he flipped over and to the ring aprin; Flair walked along the apron and climbed the opposite turnbuckle, but Armstrong caught him and threw him to the mat *Armstrong got several near-falls, but Flair eventually countered an Irish whip and hit a knee breaker *Flair worked Armstrong's leg over on the bottom rope, then pulled him to the middle of the ring to finish him off *[I]Ric Flair defeated Bullet Bob Armstrong in 15:48 by submission with a Figure-Four. Ric Flair wins the Southeastern Heavyweight title. Ric Flair makes defence number 2 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Anubis]Okay, the truth is I can't seem to remember to change the match type when the NWA World Heavyweight Title is on the line. I should really work on that, ya? Ha! Oh, and about the pay-per-view deal, it's really silly; I cancelled the old contract, then asked again and got it. Go figure.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Thursday, Week 4, March 1984[/U][/B] [B]WCCW:[/B] Buddy Jack Roberts defeated David Von Erich for the WCCW Texas Heavyweight title [11 successful defences] [B][U]Friday, Week 4, March 1984[/U][/B] Happily, Wahoo McDaniel is now fully fit. [B]PNW:[/B] Scott Irwin defeated Jules Strongbow for the PNW Heavyweight title [15 successful defences] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 4, March 1984 This week we are in the Tri State region where The Blackjacks will challenge Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Jerry Brisco challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title; the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title will not be defended tonight. [QUOTE=Doug Dunvegan]According to my sources, this was my best show yet since getting this job.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.66 PNW Unplugged TV Local - North West 0.48 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.67 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 4.68 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 2.82 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.82 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.59 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 14.10 Big Time Wrestling TV Local - North West 0.28 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.38 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.91 [/CODE]
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March 1984 End of Month Report Took the expected loss this month due to buying out SECW. Other than that, all is well on the financial front. [CODE] PPV Revenue: $1,135,384 Ticket Sales: $ 965,130 Sponsors: $ 151,349 Merchandise: $ 408,000 Workers: -$ 576,061 Show Costs: -$ 236,400 Marketing: -$ 25,000 Merchandise: -$ 241,700 Production: -$ 64,000 Misc.: -$1,924,256 ======================== Performance: -$ 407,554 Cash: $2,668,614 [/CODE]
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[B][U]April 1984 News:[/U][/B] Chris Champion Enters Wrestling Cyndi Lauper Enters Wrestling Mr. T Enters Wrestling Kendall Windham Enters Wrestling Jim Powers Enters Wrestling Dan Spivey Enters Wrestling Fred Ottman Enters Wrestling Ricky Vaughn Enters Wrestling Rex King Enters Wrestling Steve Simpson Enters Wrestling [B][U]Monday, Week 1, April 1984[/U][/B] Jack Brisco has now left the company, a sad day indeed. On the business front, I once again sent buy out offers to CWF and HCW.
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, April 1984 Held in the Civic Center in Roanoke, Virginia [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Dusty Rhodes defeated Adrian Adonis in 5:27 by submission with a Weaver Lock.[/B] *Dusty Rhodes could use something to freshen his character up. *Adrian Adonis and Dusty Rhodes have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]Super Olympia defeated Bill Watts in 4:38 by pinfall with a Spinebuster.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Bill Watts is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] The Assassin v Wahoo McDaniel[/B] *Dory Funk Jr. was in Gene Okerlund's spot on commentary again *Assassin and Wahoo put on a good mat-based brawl *The two wrestled fairly evenly for most of the match, but then Wahoo took control and refused to release it *Assassin made several comeback attempts, but failed; Funk, however, was not impressed with Wahoo's performance, calling it "sloppy" *[I]Wahoo McDaniel defeated The Assassin in 7:48 by submission with an Indian Deathlock.[/I] *The Assassin and Wahoo McDaniel have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]WAHOO CELEBRATES ANOTHER VICTORY[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel celebrated another victory and worked the crowd [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/I] [B]FUNK INSULTS WAHOO AGAIN[/B] *Dory Funk Jr. criticized Wahoo McDaniel some more, despite protests by Tony Schiavone *Funk said that Wahoo couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]WAHOO CONFRONTS FUNK[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel hears more insults from Dory Funk Jr. as he heads back to the locker room, and once again comes over to confront him *The two get into an argument, with Tony Schiavone trying to referee *Funk calls Wahoo a useless has-been, and Wahoo retorts by calling Funk a mangy dog [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]BRAWL![/B] *Wahoo McDaniel and Dory Funk Jr. continue arguing, and Funk pushes Tony Schiavone down when he tries to stop them again *Wahoo shoves Funk, Funk shoves Wahoo, and Wahoo slaps Funk across the face *An outright brawl erupts at that point, with Wahoo and Funk beating each other furiously *Greg Valentine, Mr. Wrestling II, Magnum T.A., Jimmy Golden, Robert Fuller, and Curt Hennig come out and pull the two apart *Wahoo McDaniel came across well. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B]ORNDORFF ASSAULTS KEIRN[/B] *Paul Orndorff attacks Steve Keirn backstage, and leaves him down and out. *The performance of Paul Orndorff looked good. *Steve Keirn performed poorly in this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Steve Keirn v Paul Orndorff[/B] *Keirn was obviously hurt going into this match, and Orndorff just laughed at him *Orndorff toyed with Keirn at first, but regretted it as Keirn came back and assaulted Orndorff *The attack would not last, though, as the damage had already been done; Orndorff finished Keirn off easily *[I]Paul Orndorff defeated Steve Keirn in 4:32 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]RICKY STEAMBOAT LAID OUT![/B] *Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood are in the locker room, preparing for their upcoming match *Youngblood leaves to use the restroom, and moments later, Steamboat is hit over the head with a tire iron being held by someone off-camera *Youngblood returns and is horrified to see his partner laid out [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT The Russians (Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff) v Steamboat & Youngblood (Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood) (c)[/B] *Due to Steamboat's injury, Youngblood came out alone *Harley Race forced Gene Okerlund away from the podium and takes over his spot *Ivan and Nikita quickly took control of the match by double-teaming Youngblood *Youngblood was overwhelmed, but refused to give up, and even got a second wind during which he cleared the ring and drew power from the fans *Youngblood was soon overwhelmed again by Ivan and Nikita, but then the crowd erupted as Steamboat made his way to the ring with bandages around his head *Steamboat climbs right to the top turnbuckle and takes out Ivan and Nikita both with a flying cross-body block; Steamboat then proceeds to nail them with stiff chops, and screams out to the delight of the fans *Race leaves the podium and makes his way down to the ring now, and Ivan "accidentally" pulls referee Tommy Young down *Steamboat and Nikita are going at it, but Nikita lariats Steamboat right out of the ring where Heenan and Comrade Dink surround him *Race enters the ring with a chair and slams Youngblood with it, then gives him the Piledriver on the chair, busting him open *Heenan and Race hide as Ivan lets go of the referee and goes after Steamboat as Nikita finishes off Youngblood; the fans are way beyond pissed off *[I]The Russians defeated Steamboat & Youngblood in 11:44 when Nikita Koloff defeated Jay Youngblood by pinfall following interference from Harley Race. The Russians win the NWA World Tag Team titles.[/I] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ricky Steamboat came out of the match looking good. *The performance of Jay Youngblood stood out as being good. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]RACE AND THE RUSSIANS ATTACK![/B] *Nikita Koloff throws referee Tommy Young out of the ring as Harley Race and Ivan Koloff drag Ricky Steamboat into the ring *Race, Ivan, and Nikita, beat on Steamboat and Jay Youngblood with chairs as debris clutters the ring and ringside *Ivan locks Steamboat in a Figure-Four as Nikita gives Youngblood three consecutive Russian Sickles followed by Race putting Youngblood in a Figure-Four *Nikita kicked Youngblood in the head several times as Race tried his best to break his legs; Steamboat screamed out, reaching for his partner *Security and the locker room eventually come out to stop the attack, but the damage is done *Youngblood is taken out on a stretcher as Steamboat watches Race, Ivan, and Nikita with hatred in his eyes *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The performance of Harley Race looked good. *Ivan Koloff was very underwhelming. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 4] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Curt Hennig v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Hennig took Lawler to the mat in an attempt to neutralize his offensive, and succeeded for a time *Lawler eventually showed his superior experience and got his head into the match enough to turn it around *At that point, it was academic for Lawler to finish off Hennig *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Curt Hennig in 5:46 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 5 of his Southeast Television title. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 14 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title.[/I] *Jerry Lawler looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]YOUNGBLOOD INJURED BADLY[/B] *Bob Caudle, Tony Schiavone, and Gene Okerlund discuss what Harley Race and The Russians did to Steamboat & Youngblood earlier tonight *Caudle announces that Youngblood has suffered severe injuries including a concussion and possibly a broken neck and broken leg as well *Caudle says Youngblood is sidelined for an unknown amount of time at this point, and that this may be the end of his career [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] Doug Dunvegan v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair[/B] *Dunvegan and Flair shook hands before the bell *The two wrestled evenly for position, but Flair eventually took Dunvegan to the mat *Flair worked over Dunvegan's legs, but was kicked off *Dunvegan hammered Flair into a corner and gave him a series of punches that left the World Heavyweight Champion staggered *Flair still managed a second wind and turned the match around, hitting a knee breaker before finishing Dunvegan off *[I]Ric Flair defeated Doug Dunvegan in 16:47 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Doug Dunvegan]I really hated having The Russians defeat Steamboat & Youngblood for the NWA World Tag Team Titles so soon, but I had no choice but to push up the timing of my plans given that Jay Youngblood will be leaving the company in a few days. I had hoped to have more time to develop this part of the story, but sometimes you have to improvise.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 1, April 1984[/U][/B] I sealed the deal on buying out CWF today for $1,000,000. HCW, however, is still holding out. [B][U]Friday, Week 1, April 1984[/U][/B] I noticed that the WWF is trying their best to keep Jake Roberts on their roster by giving him the WWF Heavyweight Title. You see, I am currently awaiting negotiations with Roberts since he is the Florida Heavyweight Champion. This will either be the WWF's first true victory over me, or a colossal blunder of epic proportions on the part of Vince McMahon. The best part is that, even if Roberts stays with the WWF, it is no big loss on my part! On a sad note, however, Jay Youngblood is leaving the company tomorrow. [B]WWF:[/B] Jake Roberts defeated Don Muraco for the WWF Heavyweight title [27 successful defences] [B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 1, April 1984 This week we are in the Great Lakes region where The Hollywood Blondes will challenge The Russians for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Harley Race challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title; the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title will not be defended tonight.
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Crockett Cup 1984 [SIZE="3"][B]Crockett Cup[/B][/SIZE] Sunday, Week 1, April 1984 LIVE from the Reynolds Coliseum in Raleigh, North Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Hector Guerrero defeated Steve Wright in 5:24 by pinfall with a Butterfly Suplex. Hector Guerrero makes defence number 1 of his NWA World Junior Heavyweight title.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]Ricky Steamboat defeated Bill Watts in 4:51 by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Bill Watts is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]PAY-PER-VIEW HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle, Tony Schiavone, and Gene Okerlund hype the upcoming pay-per-view during the pre-show. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]MR. MONROE GREETS THE CROWD[/B] *Sputnik Monroe makes his way down to the ring, welcomes the fans, and hypes the upcoming show. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] CROCKETT CUP ROUND 1 The Russians (Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff) v The Kelly Twins (Pat Kelly and Mike Kelly)[/B] *This was an ugly match as Ivan and Nikita beat down P. Kelly and M. Kelly mercilessly *P. Kelly managed a little offense against Ivan, but was quickly cut off by Nikita *Ivan and Nikita took control of the match fully and decimated P. Kelly and M. Kelly *[I]The Russians defeated The Kelly Twins in 4:36 when Nikita Koloff defeated Mike Kelly by pinfall with a Russian Sickle.[/I] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ivan Koloff came out of the match looking good. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] CROCKETT CUP ROUND 1 Roop & Hunter (Bob Roop and Rick Hunter) v The Hollywood Blondes (Eric Embry and Ken Timbs)[/B] *Roop and Embry started things off, with Roop and Hunter making quick tags to wear Embry down *Timbs tried to interject himself and got hammered by Roop *Once Timbs was tagged in, he and Embry were able to isolate Hunter for a short time *Roop and Hunter soon turned the match around, despite Timbs making a desperate tag to Embry *Roop and Hunter easily finished off Embry *[I]Roop & Hunter defeated The Hollywood Blondes in 6:55 when Rick Hunter defeated Eric Embry by pinfall with a Russian Legsweep.[/I] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The performance of Bob Roop stood out as being good. *Bob Roop is improving in Performance skills. *Rick Hunter is improving in Performance skills. *Eric Embry is improving in Performance skills. *Ken Timbs is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]THE RUSSIANS AND ROOP & HUNTER ADVANCE[/B] *The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing The Russians vs. Roop & Hunter. [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C[/I] [B]PAUL JONES HYPES HIS TEAM[/B] *Paul Jones cuts a promo with Roop & Hunter *Jones reminds everyone that he was "Number One" during his time, and as manager, he will make sure Roop & Hunter are during their time *Jones says that first they will win the Crockett Cup, then they will win the World Tag Team Titles, not just for themselves, but for the U.S.A. *Paul Jones helped Roop during this segment. *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Paul Jones helped Hunter during this segment. *Bob Roop is learning to show more charisma. *Bob Roop is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] CROCKETT CUP ROUND 1 Fuller & Golden (Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden) v The Bass Brothers (Ron Bass and Don Bass)[/B] *This match was a brawl from the opening bell, with referee Pee Wee Anderson quickly losing control *R. Bass and D. Bass had the advantage at first, isolating Fuller *Fuller made a hot tag to Golden, who cleaned house and finished things off *[I]Fuller & Golden defeated The Bass Brothers in 9:38 when Jimmy Golden defeated Ron Bass by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *The performance of Jimmy Golden stood out as being good. *This match lifted the crowd. *Jimmy Golden is improving in Rumble skills. *Don Bass is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 4] CROCKETT CUP ROUND 1 The Blackjacks (Blackjack Lanza and Blackjack Mulligan) v Asesinos de Infierno (The Assassin and El Satanico)[/B] *Lanza and Mulligan were firmly in control of this match from the beginning, using their years of tag team experience to overrun Assassin and Satanico *Assassin still managed some offense against Lanza *Mulligan interjected himself to turn the match around, then kept Satanico busy as Lanza finished off Assassin *[I]The Blackjacks defeated Asesinos de Infierno in 9:30 when Blackjack Lanza defeated The Assassin by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Blackjack Lanza is improving in Rumble skills. *Blackjack Lanza is improving in Technical skills. *Blackjack Mulligan is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]FULLER & GOLDEN AND THE BLACKJACKS ADVANCE[/B] *The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Fuller & Golden vs. The Blackjacks. [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/I] [B]INTERVIEW WITH THE BLACKJACKS[/B] *The Blackjacks cut an interview with Tony Schiavone, hyping themselves. *Tony Schiavone could use something to freshen his character up. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B]DUSTY RHODES PROMO[/B] *Dusty Rhodes hyped himself and his match tonight against Ric Flair *Rhodes says that he had Flair have had many battles and will no doubt have many more, sometimes with Rhodes winning, sometimes with Flair winning; Rhodes says that tonight will be a win for "The American Dream" *Rhodes reminds everyone that one year ago, they were battling over the World Heavyweight Title, with Flair cheating every step of the way *Rhodes hopes that tonight's battle is clean and that the fans get their money's worth *Rhodes concludes by telling Flair to get ready to be a former three-time World Heavyweight Champion *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 10 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 5] CROCKETT CUP SEMI-FINAL The Russians (Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff) v Roop & Hunter (Bob Roop & Rick Hunter)[/B] *Bob Caudle reminds the fans that only a few months ago, Roop and Hunter defeated Ivan and his former partner Chris Markoff after a long feud *Tony Schiavone says it will be interesting to see if Ivan's new partner will make a difference *Ivan and Roop start things off, with Roop getting control early by isolating him in his team's corner *Roop and Hunter double-teamed Ivan excellently for several mintues, and referee Pee Wee Anderson kept Nikita from breaking it up *Ivan finally got away and tagged out to Nikita as Roop tagged out to Hunter *The match quickly turned around as Nikita decimated Hunter *Roop tried to stop Nikita, but was taken out as well *Hunter managed to stay in the match, but was being badly double-teamed by Ivan and Nikita *Hunter and Nikita tagged in Roop and Ivan, and Nikita laid out Hunter *Ivan and Nikita double-teamed Roop, but Roop got his second wind and actually cleaned house *Comrade Dink got on the ring apron at this point; Paul Jones went over to stop him, but fell victim to the Russian Sickle by Nikita *Ivan distracted the referee as Dink hit Roop out with the Soviet flag *Ivan took quick advantage and finished off Roop *[I]The Russians defeated Roop & Hunter in 12:44 when Ivan Koloff defeated Bob Roop by submission after interference from Comrade Dink.[/I] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ivan Koloff could use something to freshen his character up. *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ivan Koloff is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 6] CROCKETT CUP SEMI-FINAL Fuller & Golden (Robert Fuller and Jimmy Golden) v The Blackjacks (Blackjack Lanza and Blackjack Mulligan)[/B] *Fuller and Lanza started things off and brawled with each other pretty evenly *Golden and Mulligan were tagged in, and another even brawl took place *Fuller and Lanza got back in the ring, but Fuller was quickly isolated by Lanza and Mulligan *Lanza laid out Golden on the floor as Mulligan finished off Fuller *[I]The Blackjacks defeated Fuller & Golden in 10:39 when Blackjack Mulligan defeated Robert Fuller by submission with a Blackjack Clawhold.[/I] *The performance of Jimmy Golden stood out as being good. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]THE RUSSIANS AND THE BLACKJACKS ADVANCE[/B] *The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing The Russians vs. The Blackjacks. [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C[/I] [B]RIC FLAIR PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo against Dusty Rhodes *Flair says that his goal is to be the greatest World Heavyweight Champion in wrestling history, and he won't let anyone get in his way *Flair warns Rhodes that he'll do whatever it takes to win, and though he's fine with playing nice, that Rhodes should never forget who Flair is *Flair tells Rhodes to never forget, he's "The Dirtiest Player In The Game" *Flair does add that he intends to have a nice clean match, but that Rhodes shouldn't try to take advantage of his good nature *Flair says he respects Rhodes, but that it's his time now *WOOOOOO! *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 10 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B]CROCKETT CUP HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle is at the podium where he hypes the Crockett Cup and all the match that have taken place tonight *Caudle says that the upcoming final could determine the future of the tag team division of the NWA [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/I] [B][MATCH 7] CROCKETT CUP FINAL The Russians (Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff) v The Blackjacks (Blackjack Lanza and Blackjack Mulligan)[/B] *Bob Caudle mentions that Ivan and Nikita are currently undefeated as a team, and hypes this as the most important tag team match in NWA history *Ivan and Lanza start things off, and Lanza and Mulligan start off strong by double-teaming Ivan *Nikita quickly enters the ring and makes the save, and the result is chaos as referee Pee Wee Anderson loses control *The referee gets knocked out at some point, and Lanza and Mulligan use this time to grab chairs *Comrade Dink gives chains to Ivan and Nikita, and the four start fighting, all four quickly busted open *The chairs are cracked over the heads of Ivan and Nikita, and they use their chains to even things up with Lanza and Mulligan *The chairs eventually come out on top, and the crowd pops for Lanza and Mulligan *Mulligan and Ivan are the legal men when the referee wakes up, and Mulligan is firmly in control *Ivan eventually counters an Irish whip with a lariat, and both men are down *Hot tags to Nikita and Lanza, and the two clash in the middle of the ring *Nikita quickly overpowers Lanza and dishes out Russian Sickles to both Lanza and Mulligan to finish the match *[I]The Russians defeated The Blackjacks in 14:34 when Nikita Koloff defeated Blackjack Lanza by pinfall with a Russian Sickle. The Russians win the Crockett Cup.[/I] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Blackjack Mulligan came out of the match looking good. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]INTERVIEW WITH THE RUSSIANS[/B] *Gene Okerlund tries to interview Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff, but Comrade Dink takes control of the situation *Nikita looms over a terrified Okerlund as Dink claims that his team has proven Soviet superiority once and for all *He hypes Ivan and Nikita as invincible together, point to the destruction of Jay Youngblood and the winning of the World Tag Team Titles and the Crockett Cup as his evidence *Comrade Dink helped Ivan during this segment. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Comrade Dink helped Nikita during this segment. *Ivan Koloff is developing better performance skills. *Nikita Koloff is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *The cameras return to Bob Caudle at the podium, where he hypes the upcoming match between Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight Title *He talks about the long history between Rhodes and Flair and about how Rhodes earned this shot by winning the Bunkhouse Stampede *Caudle mentions that though Rhodes was allowed any match of his choice, he asked for a normal traditional Two-Out-Of-Three-Falls Match *Caudle also says that things have finally been settled on that front and that it is now the standard for the World Heavyweight Title here in the NWA [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B][MAIN EVENT][/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/Championships/NWAWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/VS.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [size=3]NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Two-Out-Of-Three-Falls Match:[/size] [B]"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair (c)[/B] Ric Flair offered his hand at the start of the match, and Dusty Rhodes shook it. With that, the two locked up, wrestling for position. Rhodes used his weight and power to catch Flair in a corner, but had to release him. Flair came out with a chop, and Rhodes responded with a chop of his own. Flair hit another chop, and Rhodes did the same. Flair finally gave Rhodes a series of chops, then tossed him through the ring ropes. Flair followed to the outside, then whipped Rhodes into the ring post before tossing him back in the ring. Flair climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Rhodes got up and threw him down. Rhodes hit an elbowdrop and got a one-count. Rhodes hit another elbowdrop and got a two-count. Flair rolled out of the ring, pursued by Rhodes. Rhodes grabbed Flair by the hair and rammed him face-first into the ring post, then whipped him into the guard rail. Referee Tommy Young directed them to return to the ring. Rhodes dragged Flair back to the ring, then hit an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle for a two-count. Rhodes pulled Flair up and put him in a sleeperhold. Flair was slowly getting worn down, but refused to give up. Rhodes kept the pace the way he liked it and worked Flair slow and steady. Flair tried and failed several times to escape. Flair eventually hit a series of back elbows to knock himself free of Rhodes, then turned and hit a series of chops. Rhodes whipped Flair into the turnbuckle, and Flair flipped over and landed on the ring apron. Rhodes tried to nail Flair with a clothesline, but Flair ducked and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Rhodes came back, and Flair hit a flying cross-body press for a near-fall. Flair then started working over Rhodes's legs, draping one over the bottom rope and stomping it repeatedly. Flair also kicked the inside of Rhodes's leg several times. Ric Flair goes for the Figure-Four, but Dusty Rhodes kicks him off! Flair turns around and is laid out by a clothesline from Rhodes. Rhodes hits a series of elbowdrops for a near-fall. Rhodes then catches Flair in another sleeperhold and slows down the pace a bit. Flair has no place to go, but still refuses to submit. Rhodes keeps him grounded for several minutes, trying to force him to give up. Flair eventually pushed Rhodes off into the ropes, but was taken down by a shoulderblock. Rhodes pulled Flair up, but Flair took him down with a small package for a two-count. Rhodes gets up, ducks a clothesline from Flair, then hits a series of shuffle jabs that stagger Flair. Dusty Rhodes goes for the Bionic Elbow, but Ric Flair ducks out of the way! Flair goes to the floor to regroup, but Rhodes goes after him. Rhodes chases Flair around the ring, and then Flair slides back in and stomps Rhodes as he follows. Flair then goes back to work on the leg, stomping it on the bottom rope several more times. Flair then hits a fist drop on the knee. Ric Flair goes for the Figure-Four, but Dusty Rhodes kicks him off! Rhodes hits another series of shuffle jabs to stagger Flair again. Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbow on Ric Flair! Rhodes goes for the pin, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, three! Rhodes works the crowd as he is up 1 fall to 0. Flair recovers and goes to the outside to consider his next move. Rhodes taunts Flair, and Flair angrily charges the ring, only to get stomped down by Rhodes. Rhodes goes for an elbowdrop, but Flair rolls out of the ring again. Rhodes goes after him, and the two brawl back and forth on the floor. Flair gets the advantage quickly enough and rams Rhodes into the ring post again. Flair then grabs a chair and nails Rhodes with it and gets a warning from the referee. The referee starts counting them out, so Flair drags Rhodes back to the ring. Ric Flair goes for the Figure-Four, but Dusty Rhodes kicks him off! Flair ducks a clothesline attempt by Rhodes and goes to the turnbuckle. Rhodes goes after him, but Flair kicks him away. Flair nails Rhodes with a flying cross-body press. Referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, three! Flair has evened things up at 1 fall each. WOOOOOO! Flair immediately goes on the attack, nailing Rhodes with a series of stomps to the knee. Flair is on fire at this point, pulling Rhodes up and nailing him in the corner with a series of chops. Harley Race comes to the ring. Flair turns and starts shouting at Race as The Russians sneak to the ring behind Flair. Ivan Koloff lays out the referee with a lariat from behind as Nikita Koloff stalks Flair. Race laughs at Flair, who turns around into Nikita. Nikita Koloff executes the Russian Sickle on Ric Flair! Tony Schiavone denounces the attacks and wonders if Rhodes has sided with Race, Ivan, and Nikita. Rhodes gets up and looks down at Flair with confusion. Ivan and Nikita immediately start assaulting Rhodes as well, answering Schiavone's question. Race enters the ring and pulls up Flair, who hits a low blow to stun his nemesis. Flair then goes after Nikita, nailing him with a series of chops. Rhodes eventually fights Ivan off and gets to his feet, and Flair and Rhodes clean house. After throwing Race, Ivan, and Nikita out of the ring, Flair and Rhodes go after them and press the attack. The referee recovers and starts counting them out . . . 1 . . . Flair and Rhodes hammer Ivan and Nikita, staggering them both . . . 2 . . . Race grabs a chair and nails Flair and Rhodes over the head with it . . . 3 . . . Rhodes shrugs it off and starts brawling with Race . . . 4 . . . Ivan and Nikita double-team Flair . . . 5 . . . The referee tries to eject Race, Ivan, and Nikita from ringside, but fails . . . 6 . . . Security comes out, but is quickly laid out by Nikita . . . 7 . . . Dusty Rhodes executes the Bionic Elbow on Harley Race! . . . 8 . . . Flair recovers and alternates between chopping Ivan and Nikita . . . 9 . . . Ricky Steamboat is spotted in the crowd, watching events unfold, a determined look in his eyes . . . 10. Referee Tommy Young calls for the bell. [B]Dusty Rhodes drew with Ric Flair in 51:43 at two falls each, with the final fall being a double count out. The match also had a lot of interference: Harley Race targeted Rhodes, Harley Race attacked Flair, Ivan Koloff attacked Rhodes, Ivan Koloff attacked Flair, Nikita Koloff attacked Rhodes, and finally Nikita Koloff interfered against Flair. Ric Flair makes defence number 5 of his NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating: A[/B] *Dusty Rhodes was visibly tiring toward the end. *This match lifted the crowd. *Ric Flair is improving in Performance skills. [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE=Doug Dunvegan]Seeing my booking sheet, I was terrified that this event would turn into a disaster, but I was pleasantly surprised by the crowd reaction. Unfortunately, I was mortified to find out that due to a technical error, there was no pay-per-view feed! This is a disaster of epic proportions to say the least.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Anubis]I am so pissed off right now. I have no idea how it happened, but the game reset all my damn events to Big, which screwed me over more than anyone could possibly imagine. There are no words for how utterly angry I am right now. I imagine there will be a lack of quality for the next several shows after this, since all my effort was completely wasted here and I feel like crap as a result. Damn I am pissed off right now. Absolutely ridiculous, and I have no clue how it happened. I was relying completely on the expected popularity gains from this show to put me ahead of the AWA in the race to National since they are currently 0.5% ahead of me.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.60 PNW Unplugged TV Local - North West 0.47 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.64 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 4.74 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 2.79 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.74 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.71 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 13.93 Big Time Wrestling TV Local - North West 0.28 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 6.49 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.00 [/CODE]
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[B][U]Monday, Week 2, April 1984[/U][/B] I have sealed the deal. Jake Roberts will be jumping ship to MACW to resume his role as Florida Heavyweight Champion Snake Roberts! Oddly enough, Jim Crockett Jr. let me give him a Pay-Per-Appearance deal that pays as well as I was wanting to give Jay Youngblood. Yes, that is quite frustrating indeed, thank you for asking. Ah well, at least we have struck a major blow to Vince McMahon and the WWF.
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 2, April 1984 Held in the Civic Center in Pensacola, Florida [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]The Hollywood Blondes defeated The Kelly Twins in 4:37 when Eric Embry defeated Mike Kelly by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: D+[/I] [B]Bill Watts defeated Steve Wright in 4:36 by pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *WOOOOOO! *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] FLORIDA TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Super Olympia v Ron Bass (c)[/B] *R. Bass thought he had an easy match here, but Olympia gave him a run for his money by taking him to the mat *One mistake by Olympia was all it took for R. Bass to turn the match around and retain *[I]Ron Bass defeated Super Olympia in 6:55 by pinfall with a Texas Gourdbuster. Ron Bass makes defence number 18 of his Florida Television title.[/I] [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]MR. MONROE TO RHODES: GET A PARTNER[/B] *Sputnik Monroe comes to the ring to conduct some business, primarily regarding the CWF championships *Mr. Monroe says that one half of the Florida Tag Team Champions, Mike Graham, would rather concentrate on his career in the AWA, and will not be showing up *Mr. Monroe calls out the other half, Dusty Rhodes, and tells him to get himself a partner because they will be a match next week [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]MR. MONROE SPEAKS OF FLORIDA BAHAMAS TITLE[/B] *Sputnik Monroe continues by explaining that The Professional is not wanting to wrestle in MACW either *As a result, Mr. Monroe officially strips The Professional of the Florida Bahamas Title [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B[/I] [B]MR. MONROE ANNOUNCES BATTLE ROYALE[/B] *Sputnik Monroe says that, next week, there will be a battle royale to determine the new Florida Bahamas Champion *Among the participants will be Doug Dunvegan, Steve Keirn, Jerry Brisco, Mr. Wrestling II, and Super Olympia [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Adrian Adonis v "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel[/B] *This match was more or less a brawl *Dory Funk Jr. once again took over Gene Okerlund's spot at the podium and bashed Wahoo throughout the match *Adonis controlled most of the match, but eventually ran out of steam *Wahoo got his second wind and picked Adonis apart to finish things *[I]Wahoo McDaniel defeated Adrian Adonis in 10:43 by pinfall with a Chop.[/I] [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]FUNK CHALLENGES WAHOO[/B] *After the match is over, Dory Funk Jr. heads to the ring and faces Wahoo McDaniel *Funk challenges Wahoo to a match and says he'll show the whole world how washed up the "Chief" is *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]WAHOO ACCEPTS[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel accepts the challenge laid out by Dory Funk Jr. *Wahoo says that dogs should know their places, and that he'll put Funk in his [I]Length: 4 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Magnum T.A. v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Magnum was all business in this match, going right after Lawler and putting him in trouble early *Magnum managed to counter most of Lawler's offensive for several minutes *Right when it looked like Magnum might win, Lawler staggered him with a stiff European uppercut and rammed him into the corner *Lawler took control, but Magnum was not going down without a fight *Magnum tried again to finish Lawler off, but Lawler went to the floor *Magnum gave chase, and Lawler caught him in his trap before finishing him off *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Magnum T.A. in 7:45 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 6 of his Southeast Television title. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 15 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: THE STALIN CUP?![/B] *The Russians make their way to the ring as the announcers discuss the Crockett Cup *Bob Caudle informs everyone that The Russians won the Crockett Cup and apologizes about the technical errors that prevented the event from being shown on pay-per-view *Combrade Dink, flanked by Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff, is livid that the "Soviet Union's finiest moment" was not aired *Dink claims that the technical errors were actually a conspiracy on the part of Sputnik Monroe, Ricky Steamboat, and President Ronald Reagan *Dink says that they will not be denied and have made arrangements to put on a pay-per-view of their own *With that, Dink announces that he will be hosting "The Stalin Cup" on pay-per-view *There will be four tag team matches, the four winning teams getting a shot at "The Stalin Cup" *Ivan and Nikita would be facing the four winning teams in a Gauntlet, and if any of them manages to win "The Stalin Cup", they will get a shot at the World Tag Team Titles at Slamboree next month *Comrade Dink helped Ivan during this segment. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Comrade Dink helped Nikita during this segment. *Nikita Koloff is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B]ORNDORFF ASSAULTS HENNIG[/B] *Paul Orndorff attacks Curt Hennig backstage, and leaves him down and out. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Curt Hennig v Paul Orndorff[/B] *Orndorff laughed as Hennig stumbled to the ring, grabbing a mic and saying that it is not generally a good idea to come to a wrestling match drunk *Hennig still put up a decent fight, but Orndorff was toying with him *The result was academic due to Orndorff softening Hennig up prior to the match *[I]Paul Orndorff defeated Curt Hennig in 5:47 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]ORNDORFF CELEBRATES[/B] *Paul Orndorff celebrates his victory and goes over the top as if he just won the championship or something [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]SNAKE ROBERTS HYPE[/B] *The crowd erupts as Snake Roberts comes to the ring *Cheers quickly turn to boos as Snake runs down the crowd and says he only came back to the NWA because the competition up north was getting boring *Snake says he has come back to take what is rightfully his while he's around *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] FLORIDA HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes v Snake Roberts[/B] *Rhodes tried to beat some respect into Snake, but found him to be quite a tough customer *Snake hammered Rhodes into the corner, then beat him down and spit on him *Rhodes got a second wind and hit a series of elbowsmashes, but it was not enough to finish the match *Snake tried to take Rhodes down, but got tossed out of the ring *Snake got back into the ring, "accidentally" hit referee Tommy Young, then pulled out brass knuckles and knocked Rhodes out *Snake roused the referee and "apologized" to him, then finished Rhodes off *[I]Snake Roberts defeated Dusty Rhodes in 14:31 by pinfall after using a foreign object. Snake Roberts wins the Florida Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: A[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 2, April 1984 This week we are in the Mid West region where The Kelly Twins will challenge The Russians for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Harley Race challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title; the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title will not be defended tonight.
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[B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.65 PNW Unplugged TV Local - North West 0.48 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.79 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 4.89 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 2.98 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.71 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.73 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 14.48 Big Time Wrestling TV Local - North West 0.29 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.48 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.96 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 3, April 1984 Held in the Convention Center in Miami Beach, Florida [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Roop & Hunter defeated The Kelly Twins in 4:40 when Rick Hunter defeated Pat Kelly by pinfall with an Inverted Suplex.[/B] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Bob Roop looked good out there. *Rick Hunter looked good out there. *Pat Kelly is improving in Technical skills. *Mike Kelly is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Greg Valentine defeated Steve Wright in 5:04 by pinfall with a Hammer Elbow Drop.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *WOOOOOO! *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]STEAMBOAT DENIED[/B] *The Russians come out and say that they have signed up enough teams for "The Stalin Cup" to move forward *Comrade Dink states, however, that under no circumstance is Ricky Steamboat allowed to participate *Ivan Koloff and Nikita Koloff both taunt Steamboat and how they forced Jay Youngblood into early retirement *Comrade Dink helped Ivan during this segment. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Comrade Dink helped Nikita during this segment. *Nikita Koloff is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 1] FLORIDA BAHAMAS BATTLE ROYALE Featuring: Doug Dunvegan, Steve Keirn, Jerry Brisco, Mr. Wrestling II, Super Olympia, Adrian Adonis, Baron Von Raschke, Jimmy Golden, Magnum T.A., and Playboy Buddy Rose[/B] *Steve Keirn was eliminted by Adrian Adonis *Magnum T.A. was eliminted by Adrian Adonis *Super Olympia was eliminted by Adrian Adonis *Playboy Buddy Rose was eliminted by Mr. Wrestling II *Mr. Wrestling II was eliminted by Adrian Adonis *Adrian Adonis was eliminted by Doug Dunvegan *Baron Von Raschke was eliminted by Jimmy Golden *Jerry Brisco was eliminted by Doug Dunvegan *Jimmy Golden was eliminted by Doug Dunvegan *[I]Doug Dunvegan won a battle royal in 11:09. The final four competitors also included Jimmy Golden, Jerry Brisco and Baron Von Raschke, with Jimmy Golden being the final elimination. Doug Dunvegan wins the Florida Bahamas title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Technical skills. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Performance skills. *Playboy Buddy Rose is improving in Technical skills. *Super Olympia is improving in Flying skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]INTERVIEW WITH DOUG DUNVEGAN[/B] *Gene Okerlund interviews Doug Dunvegan, who hypes himself and the Florida Bahamas Title *Dunvegan says he has no idea whether he will be facing Ric Flair or Jerry Lawler in the inevitable Title Unification Match, but that he plans to go all the way either which way *Gene Okerlund looked dreadful in this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is learning to show more charisma. *Doug Dunvegan is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]STEAMBOAT PLEADS WITH RHODES[/B] *Ricky Steamboat approaches Dusty Rhodes backstage and pleads with him to select him as his partner because winning the Florida Tag Team Titles means an eventual rematch with The Russians *Rhodes says he will consider it, and Steamboat nods [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Curt Hennig v "The Russian Nightmare" Nikita Koloff[/B] *This was a pretty basic match *Hennig managed some offense, but Nikita controlled most of the match *[I]Nikita Koloff defeated Curt Hennig in 4:54 by pinfall with a Russian Sickle.[/I] *Comrade Dink did some good work at ringside. *Nikita Koloff is improving in Flying skills. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]RHODES BRINGS STEAMBOAT[/B] *Dusty Rhodes comes out and says that it is time for him to reveal his mystery partner for his upcoming tag match against Snake and Race. Out comes Ricky Steamboat, and joins his partner in the ring. *Ricky Steamboat is improving at acting. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] FLORIDA TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT Snake Roberts and Harley Race v "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat[/B] *Race initially refused to get in the ring with Steamboat, so Rhodes started things off *Race and Snake quickly isolated Rhodes, and Steamboat was unable to break it up *Rhodes eventually made a hot tag to Steamboat, who caught Race and took a bit of a measure of revenge for his part in Jay Youngblood's career-ending injury *Race tried and failed to tag out to Snake, who was kept busy by Rhodes as Steamboat finished things off *[I]Dusty Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat defeated Snake Roberts and Harley Race in 12:52 when Ricky Steamboat defeated Harley Race by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress. Dusty Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat win the Florida Tag Team titles.[/I] *Snake Roberts looked good out there. *Harley Race looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 4] SOUTHEAST TELEVISION TITLE BOUT CWA SOUTHERN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT The Great Kabuki v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] *Lawler took Gary Hart out of the equation early *Kabuki tried to spit mist in Lawler's eyes, but accidentally caught Referee Pee Wee Anderson instead *Lawler took advantage and creams Kabuki, but the referee was out *Lawler revived the referee only to get nailed by a stiff kick from Kabuki *Kabuki tried to finish Lawler off, but Lawler countered with an Irish whip *Lawler went after Kabuki and moved in for the kill, beating him clean *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated The Great Kabuki in 8:43 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 7 of his Southeast Television title. Jerry Lawler makes defence number 16 of his CWA Southern Heavyweight title.[/I] *Jerry Lawler looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]FUNK HYPES BOUT[/B] *Dory Funk Jr. cut a promo against Wahoo McDaniel, calling him a washed up old horse *Funk says he plans to put Wahoo out to pasture [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel v Dory Funk Jr.[/B] *This was a good mat-based brawl *Wahoo tried to beat Funk down, but was taken to the mat *Funk tried to show up Wahoo, but got knocked on his back and nearly pinned *Funk started playing dirty at that point, which only enraged Wahoo further *Wahoo beat Funk down in the corner, but was unable to finish him off *Funk took Wahoo to the mat again, trying to go for the submission win, but Wahoo refused to give up *Wahoo got a second wind and went to town on Funk, but was not able to put him away in time *[I]Wahoo McDaniel drew with Dory Funk Jr. in 15:00 when the time limit expired.[/I] *The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]WAHOO TRIES TO SHAKE HANDS[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel, exhausted, goes over to Dory Funk Jr. and tries to shake his hand as a sign of respect *Funk looks at Wahoo for a moment, then shakes his head and spits on Wahoo's hand before leaving [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B]MACW in Your Town![/B] Friday, Week 3, April 1984 This week we are in the Tri State region where Asesinos de Infierno will challenge The Russians for the NWA World Tag Team Titles while Chris Markoff challenges Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title; the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title will not be defended tonight. We will likely stay in the Tri State region for several weeks while promoting NWA wrestling events; the race to National is heating up, with MACW running evenly with the AWA at the moment!
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[B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.63 PNW Unplugged TV Local - North West 0.48 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.82 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 4.72 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 3.14 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.70 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.74 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 14.01 Big Time Wrestling TV Local - North West 0.29 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.59 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 0.96 [/CODE]
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