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[Death of the Territories] The Dunvegan Dynasty (MACW)

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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, August 1984 Held in the Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Steve Keirn defeated Steve Wright in 4:35 by submission with a Boston Crab.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Steve Keirn looked good out there. *Steve Keirn is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Greg Valentine defeated Bill Watts in 4:32 by pinfall with a Hammer Elbow Drop.[/B] *Bill Watts seemed off his game tonight. *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] Bob Roop v Jerry "The King" Lawler[/B] *This was another excellent match between Roop and Lawler *Roop took control early by keeping Lawler on the mat *Lawler fought out of it, hit a European uppercut, and rocked Roop against the ropes *Roop would not go down without a fight, coming back and taking Lawler back to the mat *Roop whipped Lawler into referee Tommy Young by accident; Andy Kaufman took the opportunity to enter the ring and nail Roop with a chair, allowing Lawler tosteal the match after helping the referee up *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Bob Roop in 13:29 by pinfall when Andy Kaufman interfered.[/I] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Bob Roop and Jerry Lawler have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *This match lifted the crowd. *Jerry Lawler is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]THESZ SAVES ROOP FROM LAWLER[/B] *Bob Roop gets in the face of Jerry Lawler, only to get hit by a low blow from Andy Kaufman *Lawler and Kaufman beat Roop down and stomp him into the mat *Lou Thesz runs down to the ring, grabs a chair, and chases Lawler and Kaufman off *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Bob Roop was very underwhelming. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Super Olympia v "Rowdy" Roddy Piper[/B] *A pretty basic brawl here with Olympia and Piper both fighting fairly well *Olympia showed a lot of versatility, but Piper was able to get the better of him eventually *[I]Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Super Olympia in 6:46 by submission with a Sleeper.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]FUNK TAUNTS WAHOO AGAIN[/B] *Dory Funk Jr. cuts another promo in which he taunts Wahoo McDaniel *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 3] NWA WORLD TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Gino Hernandez v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *A lackluster match here between Hernandez and Baron *We saw plenty of back and forth action between the two, but Baron eventually got the upper-hand and took control of the match *[I]Baron Von Raschke defeated Gino Hernandez in 11:51 by submission with a Claw. Baron Von Raschke makes defence number 5 of his NWA World Television title.[/I] [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]LAWLER: DON'T INTERFERE IN MY BUSINESS[/B] *Jerry Lawler finds Lou Thesz backstage, takes him by surprise, and beats him up *Lawler tells him that no old man is gonna take the World Heavyweight Title off him then tells him not to interfere in his business *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Buddy Roberts v Harley Race[/B] *This was a pretty decent match *Race and Roberts fought back and forth hard *Race's experience was the deciding factor here *[I]Harley Race defeated Buddy Roberts in 8:54 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]WAHOO AMBUSHES FUNK[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel attacks Dory Funk Jr. backstage, and leaves him down and out. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] Tully Blanchard v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair[/B] *They locked up and wrestled for position, fighting pretty evenly *Flair had control for a couple moments, but Blanchard turned it around and caught him in the corner *Blanchard beat Flair down and kept him on the mat, but this proved to be a mistake as this was where he was at his best *Flair fought out and wrestled around Blanchard, working him over and quickly going after his legs *Blanchard kept fighting hard, and fought back and forth with Flair for several minutes *Flair gained an advantage and worked Blanchard over some more, but then Harley Race made his way to ringside *Flair and Race got into an argument, and after Blanchard took out referee Tommy Young, he double-teamed Flair along with Race *Flair somehow managed to fight his way out of this with a pair of low blows, and then he tossed Race out and went after Blanchard *Seeing the referee down, Flair grabbed a chair from ringside and laid Blanchard out, disposing of it as the referee came to *[I]Ric Flair defeated Tully Blanchard in 14:48 by submission after blatantly cheating. During the match we also had Harley Race run in and attack Flair.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 1, August 1984[/U][/B] Gino Hernandez was fined for arriving late to last night's event; this is a moot point, though, since he will be leaving the company in a few days. [B][U]Thursday, Week 1, August 1984[/U][/B] [B]AWA:[/B] Mike Graham defeated Nacho Berrera for the AWA World Light Heavyweight title [0 successful defences] [B][U]Friday, Week 1, August 1984[/U][/B] CBS rejected negotiations for a television slot, citing that they do not believe we are popular enough. I suppose that means we will be stuck with ESPN; hopefully, they will now be willing to give us a better television slot. [B]WWF:[/B] Tiger Chung Lee defeated Billy Jack Haynes for the WWF Intercontinental title [2 successful defences] [B]GCW:[/B] The Iron Sheik defeated Paul Orndorff to win The Cadillac Cup [B][U]Sunday, Week 1, July 1984[/U][/B] Pat Kelly, Mike Kelly, Don Bass, Gino Hernandez, and Matt Borne have all left the NWA due to contract expiry. [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.40 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.82 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 5.45 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 3.20 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.73 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.82 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 12.97 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.69 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.05 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 2, August 1984 Held in the SLU University Center in Hammond, Louisiana [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Fuller & Golden defeated The Rock'n'Roll Express in 4:35 when Jimmy Golden defeated Robert Gibson by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Ricky Morton looked good out there. *Robert Fuller is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]The Russians defeated The Hollywood Blondes in 5:30 when Nikita Koloff defeated Ken Timbs by pinfall with a Russian Sickle.[/B] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Nikita Koloff looked good out there. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] Buddy Roberts v "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase[/B] *This was DiBiase's debut match in the new NWA *There was some brawling before this match went to the mat *Roberts kept DiBiase down for a bit, but fell to some dirty tricks *[I]Ted DiBiase defeated Buddy Roberts in 11:43 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.[/I] *Buddy Roberts and Ted DiBiase just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: STEAMBOAT V ORNDORFF[/B] *The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Ricky Steamboat take on Paul Orndorff at Clash of the Champions. [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/I] [B]PAUL ORNDORFF HYPE VIDEO[/B] *A music video is shown to promote the power and fury that is Paul Orndorff. *Orndorff is undefeated in his last eight matches, though this is mostly due to pre-match sneak attacks [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Tito Santana v Greg "The Hammer" Valentine[/B] *This was a pretty basic mat brawl *Santana put up a good fight, but was outmatched by Valentine *[I]Greg Valentine defeated Tito Santana in 9:23 by pinfall with a Hammer Elbow Drop.[/I] *Tito Santana and Greg Valentine just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. *Tito Santana is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 3] Steve Keirn v Tully Blanchard[/B] *This was a good match for Keirn and Blanchard, showcasing their talents both at brawling and on the mat *Keirn took Blanchard down and worked over his back *Blanchard fought out of it and hammered Keirn into a corner *Keirn turned the match around again, so Blanchard played dirty to steal it *[I]Tully Blanchard defeated Steve Keirn in 10:45 by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Steve Keirn is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 4] "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel v Harley Race[/B] *This was an all-out brawl *Wahoo took the fight to Race, and there was pretty equal experience here *Race showed how he was an 8-time champion by turning the match in his favor, keeping Wahoo down and pounding him *Wahoo got a second wind and tossed Race out of the ring, following up by whipping him into the ring posts *Race reversed one attempt to bash his face on the ring steps, and he turned the match in his favor again *Race was firmly in control at this point, but accidentally knocked out referee Pee Wee Anderson *Wahoo tried coming back, and Race went for a chair; Ric Flair ran down to the ring and stopped him *Flair gave Race a low blow, then slammed him with the chair, busting him open *Flair revived the referee as Wahoo took the win over Race *[I]Wahoo McDaniel defeated Harley Race in 13:06 by pinfall following interference from Ric Flair.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]FUNK ASSAULTS WAHOO[/B] *Harley Race chases Ric Flair to the back as Dory Funk Jr. hits the ring and assaults Wahoo McDaniel with brass knuckles *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]THESZ/LAWLER CONTRACT SIGNING[/B] *The cameras head to a backstage area where a press conference is taking place. At a table sit Lou Thesz and Jerry Lawler who sign their names on the fight contracts. Typical posturing takes place before the segment ends. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 7 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: RACE V FLAIR[/B] *The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Harley Race take on Ric Flair at Clash of the Champions. [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Dory Funk Jr. v Doug Dunvegan (c)[/B] *Dunvegan, fighting champion that he is, went right after Funk *Funk used his experience to counter Dunvegan's onslaught and take him to the mat where he schooled him *Funk worked over Dunvegan's legs, but was sooner kicked off *The fight spilled to the outside where they used the ring posts and ring steps on each other, eventually both getting busted open *Dunvegan controlled the match for a few moments, but was soon taken to the mat again by Funk *Wahoo McDaniel came to ringside and got into an argument with Funk *Wahoo argued with referee Tommy Young as Dunvegan hit Funk with a low blow and rolled him up with an inside cradle *[I]Doug Dunvegan defeated Dory Funk Jr. in 14:31 by pinfall following interference from Wahoo McDaniel. Doug Dunvegan makes defence number 13 of his United States Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 2, August 1984[/U][/B] I am happy to report that we have secured a new television slot with ESPN. This will mark the debut of a new program, NWA Wrestling, to air live Mondays at 9:00. [B][U]Friday, Week 2, August 1984[/U][/B] We really pulled a major coup today, though it is sadly at the expense of one of our own. We have signed none other than Gordon Solie, stealing him from rivals GCW and WCCW! He will be the lead announcer on the new NWA Wrestling program, and Bob Caudle's contract will not be renewed. [B][U]Saturday, Week 2, August 1984[/U][/B] We successfully signed a contract extension for Tommy Young today. [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.90 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.97 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 5.52 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 3.21 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.99 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.80 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 12.09 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.69 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.03 [/CODE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 3, August 1984 Held in the Civic Center in Atlanta, Georgia [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Roop & Hunter defeated The Russians in 4:57 when Bob Roop defeated Ivan Koloff by pinfall with an Inverted Shoulderbreaker.[/B] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ivan Koloff could use something to freshen his character up. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]Les Thornton defeated Bill Watts in 4:57 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/B] *Bill Watts was really off his game tonight. *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] Super Olympia v Greg "The Hammer" Valentine[/B] *Olympia was on top of things as he usually seems to be, taking the fight to Valentine *Valentine came back quickly and laid into Olympia, knocking him to the mat and pounding him *After some more back and forth action, Valentine took control of the match and really hammered Olympia, softening him up for a submission *[I]Greg Valentine defeated Super Olympia in 10:56 by submission with a Figure-Four.[/I] *Greg Valentine looked good out there. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]LAWLER/RACE PROMO[/B] *Lawler and Race had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Flair and Rhodes. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *Bobby Heenan helped Race during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Tito Santana v Dory Funk Jr.[/B] *Santana fought valiantly here, but Funk had a huge experience edge *Funk dominated Santana here, schooling him *[I]Dory Funk Jr. defeated Tito Santana in 5:37 by submission with a Funk Spinning Toe Hold.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]HYPE VIDEO FOR FUNK/WAHOO[/B] *A hype video plays showing the long feud between Dory Funk Jr. and Wahoo McDaniel [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]WAHOO PROMISES VICTORY[/B] *Tony Schiavone interviews Wahoo McDaniel about his upcoming match with Dory Funk Jr. *Wahoo promises to finish things once and for all with Funk, swearing that he will be victorious *Wahoo McDaniel could use something to freshen his character up. *Tony Schiavone looked dreadful in this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 3] NWA WORLD TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Hector Guerrero v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *Bob Caudle mentioned that there was no title defense last week because Baron had been ill; the NWA takes care of its wrestlers *This turned out to be a pretty decent match with a lot of mat wrestling *Guerrero tried to outmaneuver Baron, but was unable to do so *[I]Baron Von Raschke defeated Hector Guerrero in 9:40 by submission with a Claw. Baron Von Raschke makes defence number 6 of his NWA World Television title.[/I] [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]INTERVIEW WITH LOU THESZ[/B] *Gene Okerlund interviews Lou Thesz on the upcoming bout against Jerry Lawler. In it, Thesz promises to do his best. *Gene Okerlund did not come out of this looking good. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Mr. Wrestling II v Ricky Steamboat[/B] *This was an excellent technical bout *Steamboat wrestled like a machine; Mr. Wrestling II did well at first, but could not keep up *[I]Ricky Steamboat defeated Mr. Wrestling II in 6:39 by submission with a Double Chicken Wing.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]FLAIR/RHODES PROMO[/B] *Flair and Rhodes had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with Lawler and Race. *Dusty Rhodes is starting to become a little stale in his current role. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes v Jerry "The King" Lawler and Harley Race[/B] *Flair and Lawler started things off *The two wrestled for position, and Flair eventually took control, taking Lawler to the mat *Flair worked over Lawler's legs, but could not keep him down *Lawler managed to isolate Flair in his team's corner, and Race came in for the double-team *Flair managed to take Race down with a double clothesline *Both men made hot tags, and Rhodes came in wailing on Lawler *Lawler used a mule kick to even the odds, and he and Race pulled another double-team *Rhodes managed to reverse a vertical suplex by Race and tag out to Flair *Rhodes kept Lawler busy as Flair came in and laid into Race *Andy Kaufman distracted referee Pee Wee Anderson as Bobby Heenan passed brass knuckles to Race *Race knocked Flair out and got the pin as Rhodes and Lawler fought *[I]Jerry Lawler and Harley Race defeated Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes in 18:32 when Harley Race defeated Ric Flair by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Jerry Lawler is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: A[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Wednesday, Week 3, August 1984[/U][/B] I signed Dick Woehrle to a Written contract today, stealing him from the WWF. [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.90 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.49 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 5.58 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 2.94 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 7.97 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.80 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 13.37 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.95 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.06 [/CODE] [QUOTE=Anubis]Yes, GCW got "13.37" ratings. They should win on that alone! Heh.[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]World Championship Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 4, August 1984 Held in the Dedmon Center in Radford, Virginia [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Rowdy Roddy Piper defeated Mr. Wrestling II in 5:14 by submission after blatantly cheating.[/B] *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]Ted DiBiase defeated Bill Watts in 4:47 by pinfall with a Million Dollar Drop.[/B] *Bill Watts seemed off his game tonight. *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] NWA WORLD TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Steve Keirn v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *Keirn and Baron wrestled for position *Baron got the upper-hand and worked over Keirn's head and neck with various holds *Keirn got to his feet and started fighting back, but Baron stopped him with a low blow *Keirn still refused to stay down, so Baron used more dirty tricks to steal it and retain *[I]Baron Von Raschke defeated Steve Keirn in 9:39 by submission after blatantly cheating. Baron Von Raschke makes defence number 7 of his NWA World Television title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Steve Keirn is improving in Technical skills. *Baron Von Raschke is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B][MATCH 2] NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT The Rock'n'Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) v The Blackjacks (Blackjack Lanza and Blackjack Mulligan) (c)[/B] *This was a pretty basic match in which Morton and Gibson did surprisingly well against Lanza and Mulligan, who thought they had an easy match *Morton and Gibson isolated Lanza and beat him down, but their momentum was not to last as Mulligan made the save *After some double-teaming by Lanza and Mulligan, Morton was tossed out of the ring as they took out Gibson *Gibson fought back valiantly, and Mulligan ended up distracting Morton and referee Tommy Young as Lanza used brass knuckles to finish his opponent off *Even after this, Lanza still used the ropes for leverage to secure the win *[I]The Blackjacks defeated The Rock'n'Roll Express in 4:59 when Blackjack Lanza defeated Robert Gibson by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. The Blackjacks make defence number 7 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.[/I] *Blackjack Mulligan looked good out there. *Blackjack Lanza is improving in Performance skills. *Blackjack Mulligan is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C[/I] [B]ORNDORFF TAUNTS STEAMBOAT[/B] *Paul Orndorff cuts a promo in which he says he will remain undefeated *He says that Steamboat's time in the spotlight is over and he'll finish him off at Clash of the Champions as he continues to climb up the ladder *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] Jerry "The King" Lawler v Super Olympia[/B] *Olympia more than held his own against NWA World Heavyweight Champion Lawler *Lawler was shocked by Olympia's offensive, and quickly turned the tables on him after smashing his head on the turnbuckle *Olympia still fought hard, rocking Lawler against the ropes before taking him to the mat and working over his arm *Lawler fought out, hit a European uppercut, and whipped Olympia into the turnbuckle before taking him over with a vertical suplex *Lawler took control of the match and finally finished Olympia off *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Super Olympia in 12:51 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]LAWLER IS CONFIDENT[/B] *Tony Schiavone interviews Jerry Lawler, who is confident that he'll have no problem defeating Lou Thesz at Clash of the Champions *Tony Schiavone could use something to freshen his character up. *Tony Schiavone did not come out of this looking good. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Dory Funk Jr., Tully Blanchard, and Paul Orndorff v "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel, Steve Wright, and Doug Dunvegan[/B] *This match was an exciting mess as all six men brawled, referee Pee Wee Anderson losing control of things *Wahoo went after Funk, but was cut off by Blanchard; Orndorff and Dunvegan brawled on the floor *Blanchard kept Wahoo busy as Funk took on Wright *Wright was able to keep up with Funk on the mat, which shocked the veteran *Funk finally took Wright down with a low blow using brass knuckles; he used this opportunity to finish him off with the Funk Spinning Toe Hold *[I]Dory Funk Jr., Tully Blanchard and Paul Orndorff defeated Wahoo McDaniel, Steve Wright and Doug Dunvegan in 14:02 when Dory Funk Jr. defeated Steve Wright by submission after blatantly cheating.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Paul Orndorff is improving in Rumble skills. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Rumble skills. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]LOU THESZ TRAINING MONTAGE[/B] *A video of Lou Thesz training is shown. He is working out by doing sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and sparring with a partner. Thesz looks ready for his big match! *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] Lou Thesz v Les Thornton[/B] *Thornton took the fight to Thesz, trying to end his bid for the gold before it even gets started *Thesz successfully fought back against Thornton's offensive, but his age did seem to take its toll *Thesz was in trouble several times, barely escaping to the floor to catch his breath *Thornton tried to ware Thesz down, but was caught by a surprise Thesz Press to end the match *[I]Lou Thesz defeated Les Thornton in 13:27 by pinfall with a Thesz Press.[/I] *Lou Thesz was visibly tiring toward the end. *The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]LAWLER ATTACKS THESZ![/B] *Jerry Lawler runs down to the ring, grabs a chair, and lays out the winded Lou Thesz *Lawler spits on Thesz and drops the chair on him, then leaves him down and out *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Tuesday, Week 4, August 1984[/U][/B] Here we are, judgment day: contract negotiations with Ric Flair. So far, he is asking for about $31,000 a month, which is more than reasonable for someone of his talent and popularity. Sadly, Jim Crockett Jr. blocked that one; I tried offering $25,000 a month, $26,000 a month, even $27,000 a month; all of these offers were rejected. Negotiations will continue tomorrow. [B][U]Wednesday, Week 4, August 1984[/U][/B] The most Jim Crockett Jr. will allow me now is $26,725 a month, but that alone is not enough to sway Ric Flair. So I offered him that plus creative control, paid travel expenses, 50% on merchandise, 40% pay-per-view bonus, and a promises main event title run . . . The verdict . . . Rejected. Looks like this may be the end of the line, but we will try again tomorrow. [B][U]Thursday, Week 4, August 1984[/U][/B] I bumped the pay-per-view bonus up to 50% today, which is the absolute most I can offer. $26,500, rejected. $26,700, rejected. With that, Ric Flair ended negotiations and has stated that he will be leaving when his contract is up. Jim Crockett Jr. is a bloody fool! One would think that I had earned his trust by exposing Vince McMahon's plot to him. One would think that I had earned his trust by turning his promotion into the greatest in the world. For some reason, that is not enough, and now he has lost his best wrestler. I have had enough of his nincompoopery! He has not just lost his best wrestler, he has also lost his head booker! When Flair walks out those doors at the end of his contract, so shall I! [B][U]Sunday, Week 4, August 1984[/U][/B] Today, I received a sign that times are indeed changing and that moving on is the right decision. Such happy news: I have learned that my wife is pregnant, and is due sometime in April! [B]WCCW:[/B] Adams, Kevin Von Erich, and Kerry Von Erich defeated David Von Erich, Slater, and Buddy Roberts for the vacant WCCW Six Man Tag Team titles
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Clash of the Champions IV [SIZE="3"][B]August Clash of the Champions[/B][/SIZE] Sunday, Week 4, August 1984 LIVE from the Paladin Stadium in Greenville, South Carolina [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Tully Blanchard, Rowdy Roddy Piper and Ted DiBiase defeated Bob Roop, Rick Hunter and Mr. Wrestling II in 4:39 when Tully Blanchard defeated Bob Roop by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex.[/B] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *This match lifted the crowd. *Tully Blanchard is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]The Russians defeated The Rock'n'Roll Express in 3:43 when Nikita Koloff defeated Robert Gibson by pinfall with a Russian Sickle.[/B] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Nikita Koloff looked good out there. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]PAY-PER-VIEW HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle, Tony Schiavone, and Gene Okerlund hype the upcoming pay-per-view during the pre-show. *Tony Schiavone could use something to freshen his character up. *Gene Okerlund could use something to freshen his character up. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: D+[/I] [B]MR. MONROE GREETS THE CROWD[/B] *Sputnik Monroe makes his way down to the ring, welcomes the fans, and hypes the upcoming show. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: D+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] NWA WORLD TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Greg "The Hammer" Valentine v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *Valentine and Baron wrestled for position for several moments, the match pretty even *Valentine was ready to overpower Baron, but got taken to the mat *Baron worked over Valentine's neck, keeping him down and beating on him *Valentine fought his way to his feet and pushed Baron into a corner where he nailed him with a series of punches *Baron tried to fight back, but only earned another series of punches from Valentine *Valentine tried to wrestle Baron down, but was outclasses on the mat, allowing the match to turn around *Baron did not remain on top for long as Valentine got his second wind and took control of the match *Baron, desperate, gave Valentine a low blow and quickly applied the Claw to steal the win *[I]Baron Von Raschke defeated Greg Valentine in 11:50 by submission after blatantly cheating. Baron Von Raschke makes defence number 8 of his NWA World Television title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]FUNK/WAHOO MATCH HYPE[/B] *Bob Caudle hypes the upcoming match between Dory Funk Jr. and Wahoo McDaniel *As this is the ultimate culmination of their long feud, this match is a First Blood Match [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]WAHOO MCDANIEL PROMO[/B] *Wahoo McDaniel had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Dory Funk Jr.. *Wahoo McDaniel could use something to freshen his character up. [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]DORY FUNK JR. PROMO[/B] *Dory Funk Jr. had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Wahoo McDaniel. *Dory Funk Jr. is starting to become a little stale in his current role. [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B][MATCH 2] FIRST BLOOD MATCH Dory Funk Jr. v "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel[/B] *This match was a brawl right from the start as Funk and Wahoo clearly hate each other *The action quickly spilled to the floor where Funk and Wahoo used the ring posts and ring steps to try to bust each other open *Soon, they were brawling in the crowd, despite referee Tommy Young's attempts to keep things at least in the vicinity of the ring *They were quickly backstage where Funk took control of the match by ramming Wahoo into the wall *As the fight drifted to the locker room, Wahoo managed to counter Funk's offensive and get a second wind *Wahoo rammed Funk into the lockers, dragged him out and rammed him into the wall, then dragged him back through the crowd to ringside *Funk fought out and whipped Wahoo into the guardrail *Funk tried to nail Wahoo with a chair, but missed *Funk charged back the other direction, but Wahoo hit a drop toe hold, dropping him face first on the chair onto the ring steps; Funk is busted open! *[I]Wahoo McDaniel defeated Dory Funk Jr. in 14:51 when Dory Funk Jr. was bust open.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]WAHOO CELEBRATES FINAL VICTORY[/B] *Having picked up the victory, Wahoo McDaniel celebrates in the ring. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]THESZ/LAWLER HYPE VIDEO[/B] *A video plays hyping Lou Thesz vs. Jerry Lawler. [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] PNW HEAVYWEIGHT TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH The Ladies' Men (Magnum T.A. and Curt Hennig) (c) v The Blackjacks (Blackjack Lanza and Blackjack Mulligan) (c)[/B] *Magnum and Mulligan started things off, brawling in the ring *Mulligan quickly had the upper-hand, using his tag team experience to isolate Magnum *Mulligan and Lanza double-teamed Magnum for several moments *Magnum and Lanza eventually took each other down with a double-clothesline *Hot tags to Hennig and Mulligan, who immediately started fighting *Mulligan was hammering Hennig, but was soon taken to the mat *Hennig worked Mulligan over, but Lanza made the save *Mulligan tags out to Lanza, and the two double-team Hennig *Hennig eventually makes a desperation tag to Magnum, who enters the ring and cleans house *Hennig took Lanza to the floor and kept him occupied as Magnum, with a second wind, finished off Mulligan for a huge upset victory *[I]The Ladies' Men defeated The Blackjacks in 10:57 when Magnum T.A. defeated Blackjack Mulligan by pinfall with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. The Ladies' Men make defence number 1 of their PNW Heavyweight Tag Team titles. The Ladies' Men win the NWA World Tag Team titles.[/I] *Blackjack Mulligan looked good out there. *Blackjack Lanza is improving in Performance skills. *Blackjack Mulligan is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]ORNDORFF ASSAULTS STEAMBOAT[/B] *Paul Orndorff attacks Ricky Steamboat backstage, and leaves him down and out. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Paul Orndorff v Ricky Steamboat[/B] *Steamboat already looked pretty badly hurt coming into this match, which made Orndorff more confident than usual *Orndorff took Steamboat down quickly and pounded him into the mat, posing over him *Steamboat continued to fight it, however, which only drew anger from Orndorff *Orndorff hit the Piledriver on Steamboat, but he somehow managed to kick out anyway! *Steamboat got his second wind and lit up Orndorff, wailing on him with a series of stiff knifehand chops *Steamboat was soon wore down, unfortunately, as Orndorff outlasted his spent opponent *Finally having lost the rest of his energy, Steamboat was ripe for the picking, and Orndorff moved in for the kill *[I]Paul Orndorff defeated Ricky Steamboat in 10:12 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [B]ANOTHER OVERCONFIDENT CELEBRATION[/B] *Having picked up the victory, Paul Orndorff celebrates in the ring. *Orndorff posed over the fallen Ricky Steamboat, then grabbed a mic and proclaimed himself the greatest professional wrestling in the world today [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]ORNDORFF ISSUES OPEN CHALLENGE[/B] *Paul Orndorff is in the ring with a microphone. He claims that he is so good that he cannot be defeated by anyone, and so he is making an open challenge for any wrestler on the roster to face him in a singles match. [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]DUNVEGAN PUTS UP U.S. TITLE[/B] *Doug Dunvegan comes out and says that he will take the open challenge that Paul Orndorff issued. *When Orndorff hesitates, Dunvegan called him a coward and puts the United States Heavyweight Title up in order to get the match *Orndorff grins and accepts and says he'll easily dispose of him and get one step closer to the World Heavyweight Title *Doug Dunvegan could use something to freshen his character up. [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 5] NWA UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Paul Orndorff v Doug Dunvegan (c)[/B] *Orndorff attacked Dunvegan before the bell *Orndorff stomped Dunvegan into the mat and tried to keep him down in order to stop the fight before it has even started *Dunvegan started shrugging off Orndorff's assault and got to his feet, knocking him away with a European uppercut *Dunvegan knocked Orndorff into a corner and hammered him with a series of punches to the stomach *Orndorff went to the floor to regroup, and Dunvegan nailed him with a baseball slide *Orndorff fought back, ramming Dunvegan into the ring post and tossing him back into the ring *Orndorff went went for the Piledriver, but Dunvegan countered with a backdrop! *Getting his second wind, Dunvegan was on fire against Orndorff, nailing him with a flurry of vicious punches that rocked him *Orndorff tried to fight back, but it was no use as Dunvegan was now in complete control of the match *[I]Doug Dunvegan defeated Paul Orndorff in 15:52 by pinfall with an Iron Fist. Doug Dunvegan makes defence number 14 of his NWA United States Heavyweight title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [B]INTERVIEW WITH LAWLER[/B] *Tony Schiavone interviews Jerry Lawler one last time before the main event *Lawler says that Thesz is way past his prime and is lucky to have made it to Clash of the Champions without breaking a hip *Lawler promises to break Thesz's hip and more tonight, saying it's time for permanent retirement *Tony Schiavone looked dreadful in this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 6] LAST MAN STANDING MATCH Harley Race v "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair[/B] *The tension between these two was thick as the bell rang to signal the start of the match *Things got off to a slow start as Flair wrestled for position with Race, trying to take him to the mat *Race hammered Flair to the mat, keeping him from utilizing his offense *Flair fought his way out of Race's grasp and started working over his legs *Flair went for the Figure-Four, but Race kicked him off! *Race went for the Piledriver, but Flair countered with a backdrop! *The action spilled to the outside of the ring where Race rook control and rammed Flair's face into the ring steps *The two fought out into the crowd where Race beat on Flair with a chair until being nailed by a low blow *Flair whipped Race into the guardrail and started laying into him with a series of chops *Both men were busted open by the time the fight spilled backstage; Race tried to whip Flair into the wall, but it was reversed *Flair threw Race into a stack of crates and started stomping him into the floor before dragging him back to the arena through the crowd *They fought up the steps, Flair taking the high ground, and Race was unable to overcome him for the time being *Near the balcony, Race took control of the match again and threw Flair back down the stairs; in hot pursuit, he set up a table and prepared to put Flair through it *Flair countered and got his second wind and fought Race back up the stairs; the two men fought back and forth on the balcony as the fans cheered them on *Race tried to hurl his opponent off the balcony, but Flair reversed it and sent him flying off the balcony and through the table! *Flair went after Race, but it was obvious that he was not getting up from that *[I]Ric Flair defeated Harley Race in 34:12 when Harley Race could not beat a ten count.[/I] *Harley Race and Ric Flair have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. *The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. *The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [B]INTERVIEW WITH THESZ[/B] *Gene Okerlund interviews Lou Thesz one last time before the main event *Thesz says that despite his age, he is more than ready to be World Heavyweight Champion one more time *Thesz says that the only thing breaking tonight is Lawler's spirit as he loses to this old man *Gene Okerlund looked dreadful in this segment. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *Back at the podium, Bob Caudle hyped the upcoming main event Title Unification Match between PNW Heavyweight Champion and wrestling legend Lou Thesz and World Heavyweight Champion Jerry Lawler *Caudle discussed Lawler's previous antics to avoid such matches as well as Thesz's long and legendary career in the sport *Bob Caudle did not come out of this looking good. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I][/FONT] [QUOTE][CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B][MAIN EVENT][/B][/SIZE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/Championships/PNWHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/Championships/NWAWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/LouThesz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/VS.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/JerryLawler.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [size=3]PNW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Title Unification Match[/size] [B]Lou Thesz (c) v Jerry "The King" Lawler (c)[/B] They lock up. Lou Thesz and Jerry Lawler wrestle for position. Lawler gains a quick advantage by overpowering Thesz, throwing him to the mat. Lawler goes after him, but Thesz hits a drop toe hold. Lou Thesz executes the STF on Jerry Lawler! Lawler tries to fight the pain. Referee Tommy Young asks Lawler if he gives up; Lawler tells him NO. Lawler reaches the ropes after 19 seconds. Lawler rolls to the floor as Thesz taunts him. Lawler badmouths Thesz, provoking him. Thesz reaches for him, and Lawler trips him. Lawler climbs into the ring and hits a European uppercut, knocking Thesz against the ropes. Lawler lays into Thesz, but is blocked. Thesz ducks down, comes up behind Lawler, and clips his leg out from under him. Lawler, getting frustrated, kicks Thesz away, but his ankle is grabbed. Thesz puts Lawler in an armlock leglock submission. Lawler fights Thesz off in short order, rolling to the outside again as Thesz taunts him. Lawler climbs back into the ring and tries to give Thesz a kick to the groin, but Thesz catches Lawler's legs between his and turns, taking him straight to the mat. Lou Thesz executes the STF on Jerry Lawler! Lawler tries to fight the pain. Referee Tommy Young asks Lawler if he gives up; Lawler tells him NO. Lawler reaches for the ropes, but Thesz pulls him back. Lawler reaches the ropes after 35 seconds. Lawler, infuriated, kicks Thesz in the midsection and follows up with an uppercut and a series of punches, rocking him into the corner. Thesz tries to fight back, but is quickly overpowered by Lawler. Lawler is firmly in control now as he takes Thesz over with a vertical suplex. Thesz tries to get up, but is knocked back to the mat by a series of forearms to the back by Lawler. Lawler laughs as he starts working over Thesz's leg now in an attempt to literally break his hip. Thesz turns around and gives Lawler an eye gouge, taking him by surprise. Thesz pulls Lawler up, but is knocked back by a punch to the stomach. Lawler swings wildly and angrily, and Thesz dodges, ducking behind him. Lawler then hits a mule kick, stopping Thesz's momentum. Jerry Lawler goes for the Piledriver, but Lou Thesz counters it with a low blow! Both men are down now, both having taking hits to the groin. Lawler is the first to his feet, and Thesz is terribly winded. Lawler is smug as he pulls Thesz up, realizing his opponent has lost steam. Lawler hits a series of punches, and Thesz tries and fails to summon a second wind. Lawler takes Thesz down and gets a near-fall. Lawler tries a European uppercut for another near-fall. Lawler then draws his thumbs across his throat quickly, signalling that he plans to finish Thesz off now. Lawler pulls Thesz up, who tries to whip him into the ropes, but he reverses it. Lawler goes for a clothesline, but Thesz ducks. Thesz comes back, but misses a clothesline of his own. Lawler measures Thesz for a lariat, but Thesz ducks behind him. Lawler turns, and Thesz takes him totally by surprise. Lou Thesz executes the Thesz Press on Jerry Lawler! Thesz goes for the pin, referee Tommy Young counts: one, two, three! Lawler is shocked as confetti rains down all around them and the referee raises Thesz's arm in victory before handing him the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt. [B]Lou Thesz defeated Jerry Lawler in 15:59 by pinfall with a Thesz Press. Lou Thesz makes defence number 1 of his PNW Heavyweight title. Lou Thesz wins the NWA World Heavyweight title. Rating: B[/B] *Lou Thesz was exhausted by the end. *This match lifted the crowd. *Jerry Lawler is improving in Rumble skills. [QUOTE][CENTER] [IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/LouThesz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/TrueAnubis1980/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [U]Let The Party Begin![/U] Jerry Lawler is ready to attack Lou Thesz as he celebrates, but Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat show up and prevent it. Lawler retreats with his tail between his legs as Flair and Steamboat celebrate with Thesz, lifting him onto their shoulders. [B]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE]
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[B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.72 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 4.94 [Wednesday] World Championship Wrestling ESPN 5.61 WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 3.00 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 8.08 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.81 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 12.06 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.69 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.03 [/CODE]
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August 1984 End of Month Report The numbers are in, and they show that I am right in claiming that we can more than afford to pay Ric Flair the $30,000 monthly that a worker of his calibur is undoubtedly worth. I have proven myself as capable with the bank as I am with the book. This is absolute confirmation; Jim Crockett Jr. is a fool. Thankfully, I need not put up with his foolishness much longer; I will stay as long as Flair does, and then I am leaving! [CODE] PPV Revenue: $1,815,720 Ticket Sales: $1,033,350 Sponsors: $ 754,947 Merchandise: $1,042,000 Workers: -$ 487,300 Show Costs: -$ 177,000 Marketing: -$ 100,000 Merchandise: -$ 657,050 Production: -$ 256,000 Misc.: -$ 313,670 ======================== Performance: $2,654,997 Cash: $5,597,836 [/CODE]
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[B][U]September 1984 News:[/U][/B] Shinya Hashimoto Enters Wrestling Ron Miller Retires From Wrestling AWA Sign PPV Deal with Closed Circuit U.S. (Big) AGPW The Week That Was To Debut on TV Local Canada - Maritimes CSW Television To Debut on TV Local Canada - Prairies World Championship Wrestling Ends Run [QUOTE=Anubis]I have now upgraded to Temporary Patch 1.5 from October 5th. 1985 is right around the corner, and I am leaving NWA to start my own promotion in a couple weeks anyway, so the time blocks are now a moot point.[/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="3"][B]NWA Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 1, September 1984 LIVE from the Cape Cod Coliseum in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Roop & Hunter defeated Fuller & Golden in 4:53 when Rick Hunter defeated Robert Fuller by pinfall with a Russian Legsweep.[/B] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *Robert Fuller is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]Nikita Koloff defeated Greg Valentine in 4:56 by pinfall when Comrade Dink interfered.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Lou Thesz cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]MR. MONROE OPENS NWA WRESTLING[/B] *Sputnik Monroe makes his way down to the ring, welcomes the fans, and hypes the upcoming show. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: D[/I] [B][MATCH 1] NWA WORLD TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Buddy Roberts v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *A solid opener here with Roberts putting up a good fight against Baron in an attempt to capture the gold *Roberts fought well, but was eventually taken to the mat by Baron *Baron controlled the match for a short time, but Roberts soon fought his way to his feet and turned it around *Baron resorted to his bag of tricks to steal back the match and retain *[I]Baron Von Raschke defeated Buddy Roberts in 8:53 by submission after blatantly cheating. Baron Von Raschke makes defence number 9 of his NWA World Television title.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: THE LADIES' MEN V THE INVASION[/B] *The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing The Ladies' Men defend the World Tag Team Titles against The Invasion at the NWA Anniversary Show. [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Super Olympia v Tully Blanchard[/B] *Olympia was on top of his game yet again, giving Blanchard a good run for his money *Blanchard and Olympia brawled all over the ring *Olympia eventually took Blanchard to the mat and started working him over, but the momentum was not to last *Blanchard turned the match around, and Olympia was not able to bounce back again *[I]Tully Blanchard defeated Super Olympia in 5:37 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]MR. WRESTLING II AND MAGNUM T.A. TALK BACKSTAGE[/B] *The cameras catch Mr. Wrestling II and Magnum T.A. backstage discussing something. [I]Length: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B]DUSTY RHODES PROMO[/B] *Dusty Rhodes had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Doug Dunvegan. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [B][MATCH 3] The Rock'n'Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) v The Blackjacks (Blackjack Lanza and Blackjack Mulligan)[/B] *Morton and Lanza started things off *Lanza and Mulligan tried to isolate Morton, but Gibson made the save *All four men brawled at that point, and referee Tommy Young lost control *The fight spilled to the floor where Morton had an upper-hand over Lanza as Mulligan worked over Gibson *Once the match returned to the ring, Morton and Gibson did their best to isolate Lanza *Gibson tackled Mulligan to the floor as Morton finished off a stunned Lanza for a huge upset *[I]The Rock'n'Roll Express defeated The Blackjacks in 4:52 when Ricky Morton defeated Blackjack Lanza by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick.[/I] *Robert Gibson is improving in Performance skills. *Blackjack Lanza is improving in Performance skills. *Blackjack Mulligan is improving in Performance skills. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]BARON AND MARKOFF PROMISE VICTORY[/B] *The Invasion had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with The Ladies' Men. *Chris Markoff is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 3 Minutes Rating: C[/I] [B][MATCH 4] "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel v Jerry "The King" Lawler[/B] *Lawler was angry over losing the NWA World Heavyweight Title to Lou Thesz at Clash of the Champions, and was ready to take out his frustrations on Wahoo *Wahoo would not let him win that easy, though, and sent Lawler to the corner with a series of chops *Lawler tried a European uppercut, but Wahoo blocked it and took him over with a vertical suplex *Wahoo looked to be in the driver's seat, but Lawler fought to his feet and hit a stunning series of punches that rocked his opponent *Lawler took control of the match and finished Wahoo off *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Wahoo McDaniel in 9:57 by pinfall with a Flying Fist Drop.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]DOUG DUNVEGAN PROMO[/B] *Doug Dunvegan had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Dusty Rhodes. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 5] Tito Santana v Ivan Koloff[/B] *In this lackluster match, Santana put up a failed effort again Ivan *Ivan completely dominated the match, crushing Santana easily *[I]Ivan Koloff defeated Tito Santana in 9:21 by submission with an Inverted Backbreaker.[/I] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Tito Santana and Ivan Koloff just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B]COMRADE DINK LAYS DOWN A CHALLENGE[/B] *Ivan Koloff demonstrates his prowess, strength, and stamina by putting on a kettlebell exhibition *Comrade Dink hypes his man and challenges anyone to try and beat Ivan in a kettlebell competition *Comrade Dink really needs a change to his character desperately. *Ivan Koloff was a real star in this segment. *Ivan Koloff is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: D[/I] [B][MATCH 6] Ricky Steamboat v Harley Race[/B] *Steamboat and Race wrestled for position early on, with neither man getting an advantage *Race tried to lay into Steamboat with punches, but the assault was deflected and countered *Steamboat went to work on Race's arms, trying to wear him down for a submission *Race fought to his feet and hit a series of punches to the stomach on Steamboat, rocking him into the corner *Steamboat fought Race off, threw him to the middle of the ring, then went to the top turnbuckle to finish him off *[I]Ricky Steamboat defeated Harley Race in 13:46 by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress.[/I] *Ricky Steamboat and Harley Race have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B][MATCH 7: MAIN EVENT] NWA UNITED STATES HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes v Doug Dunvegan (c)[/B] *This match started as a brawl, with Rhodes taking an early lead with a series of elbowsmashes on Dunvegan *Rhodes would not be on the offensive for long as Dunvegan countered one of his attacks with a European uppercut and took control of the match *Dunvegan dominated from then on out, not allowing Rhodes any offense at all as he picked him apart *Dunvegan could not keep Rhodes down, but was able to neutralize him *Rhodes got increasingly frustrated as the match went on, going to the floor several times to regroup *Rhodes finally turned things around after a roundhouse right *Rhodes nailed the Bionic Elbow, but only got a two-count *Rhodes complained about a slow count, then laid out referee Pee Wee Anderson *Dunvegan argued with Rhodes, who slapped Dunvegan across the face; Rhodes left the ring as Dunvegan tended to the referee *Rhodes suddenly grabbed a chair from ringside, slid back into the ring, and turned on Dunvegan, laying him out and busting him open in the process *Rhodes roused the referee long enough to steal the three-count! *[I]Dusty Rhodes defeated Doug Dunvegan in 17:08 by submission after a turn by Dusty Rhodes. Dusty Rhodes wins the NWA United States Heavyweight title.[/I] *Dusty Rhodes and Doug Dunvegan don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. Dusty Rhodes's turn was a complete success! [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]DUSTY TURNS![/B] *The match is over, and Doug Dunvegan is left down. Dusty Rhodes is celebrating, but then stops and sees his opponent still on the ground. He attacks, and beats him into the canvas. *The crowd turns on Rhodes at this point, and ringside fills with debris *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Friday, Week 1, September 1984[/U][/B] Jim Crockett Jr. has once again blocked me from offering a reasonable amount of money to a worker, this time Dusty Rhodes. Looks like the NWA will soon be losing yet another one of its best workers. After all the hard work we have put into building this company up, it will truly be a shame to watch it get torn down by the stupidity of that man. [B]WCCW:[/B] Mike Von Erich defeated David Von Erich for the WCCW American Heavyweight title [13 successful defences] --- Buddy Jack Roberts defeated Mike Von Erich for the WCCW American Heavyweight title [0 successful defences] [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] NWA Wrestling ESPN 17.04 GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.87 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 5.31 [Wednesday] WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 4.72 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 8.99 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.75 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 14.64 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.85 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.05 [/CODE]
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Little over a week. From the looks of it, I'll be booking one more edition of NWA Wrestling, and then it's sayonara. It's sad, I had a lot of big storyline plans for the next cycle. I guess, once I leave NWA, I'll go ahead and reveal the plans I did have going into the next storyline cycle. Bummer that my time with the NWA had to end this way. I decided that it warranted me setting Flair to "strong friendship" and Crockett to "strong dislike" over this, since that's how I would see it playing out in reality. After all, Flair was loyal to the NWA and to Crockett, and they basically spit in his face. Guess now I have to figure out where Doug Dunvegan goes next. I just hope people who do read will continue to read as we head into the next chapter of The Dunvegan Dynasty. EDIT: I dunno what happened to my brain to miscalculate the number, heh. It expires in 10 days, so that means there are two editions of NWA Wrestling left from me.
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[SIZE="3"][B]NWA Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 2, September 1984 LIVE from the Teaneck Armory in Teaneck, New Jersey [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]Tito Santana defeated Mr. Wrestling II in 4:43 by pinfall with a Flying Forearm Smash.[/B] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B+[/I] [B]Nikita Koloff defeated Buddy Roberts in 5:12 by pinfall with a Russian Sickle.[/B] *The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. *This match lifted the crowd. *Comrade Dink has now switched to a Turncoat gimmick. [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Lou Thesz cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B][MATCH 1] NWA WORLD TELEVISION TITLE BOUT Jimmy Golden v Baron Von Raschke (c)[/B] *Another solid opener, with a pretty even match between Golden and Baron *Golden tried to take Baron down, but was wrestled to the mat in short order *Baron worked Golden over while keeping him down and eventually retained *[I]Baron Von Raschke defeated Jimmy Golden in 10:19 by submission with a Claw. Baron Von Raschke makes defence number 10 of his NWA World Television title.[/I] [I]Rating: B-[/I] [B]ANNOUNCED: LAWLER/THESZ REMATCH[/B] *The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing the rematch between Jerry Lawler and Lou Thesz for the World Heavyweight Title at the NWA Anniversary Show. [I]Length: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 2] The Hollywood Blondes (Eric Embry and Ken Timbs) v The Invasion (Baron Von Rashke and Chris Markoff)[/B] *Baron rested for most of this match as he and Markoff made quick tags while deal with Embry and Timbs *Embry and Timbs isolated Baron at one point, but Markoff made the save *Markoff took control of the match for a bit, but was overcome by the double-teaming of Embry and Timbs *Markoff managed to hit several decisive moves, and grabbed the tights to secure the win *[I]The Invasion defeated The Hollywood Blondes in 4:33 when Chris Markoff defeated Ken Timbs by pinfall with a handful of tights.[/I] *Baron Von Raschke came out of the match looking good. [I]Rating: C-[/I] [B][MATCH 3] NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE BOUT Asesinos de Infierno (The Assassin and El Satanico) v The Ladies' Men (Magnum T.A. and Curt Hennig) (c)[/B] *Assassin and Magnum started things off, wrestling for position *Magnum tried to overpower Assassin, but was taken to the mat and pounded *Assassin tagged in Satanico, which proved to be a mistake as he was easily outmatched *Magnum and Hennig double-teamed Satanico before a desperation move left them on the mat *Hot tags to Magnum and Assassin, who started brawling *Magnum got the upper-hand and finished the match *[I]The Ladies' Men defeated Asesinos de Infierno in 5:39 when Magnum T.A. defeated The Assassin by pinfall with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. The Ladies' Men make defence number 1 of their NWA World Tag Team titles.[/I] *The Assassin is improving in Rumble skills. *Magnum T.A. is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: C+[/I] [B]FLAIR/DUNVEGAN/WAHOO PROMO[/B] *Ric Flair, Doug Dunvegan, and Wahoo McDaniel have an interview in which they hype their upcoming tag match against Jerry Lawler, Harley Race, and Dusty Rhodes. *This segment lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is learning to show more charisma. Doug Dunvegan is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Ron Bass v Ivan Koloff[/B] *Bass tried to get into this match, but Ivan was hot and dominated him *All attempts by Bass to get away from Ivan were stopped easily *[I]Ivan Koloff defeated Ron Bass in 6:41 by submission with a Bear Hug.[/I] *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Ron Bass and Ivan Koloff have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *Ivan Koloff looked good out there. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: B[/I] [B]SUPER OLYMPIA ACCEPTS THE CHALLENGE[/B] *Super Olympia makes his way down to the ring and accepts the kettlebell challenge laid out by Comrade Dink and Ivan Koloff *Ivan puts on an impressive show to start things off *When Olympia's turn comes around, the fans cheer as he does surprisingly well *Ivan, getting frustrated, attacks Olympia and beats him down *Comrade Dink helped Ivan during this segment. *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Super Olympia is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: C+[/I] [B]THESZ SAVES OLYMPIA[/B] *Ivan Koloff continues to beat down Super Olympia, trying to injure him *Lou Thesz runs down to the ring and makes the save by swinging the World Heavyweight Title belt at Ivan and Comrade Dink *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B[/I] [B]LOU THESZ ACCEPTS THE CHALLENGE[/B] *Lou Thesz gets on a mic and calls Ivan Koloff back, announcing that he will accept the kettlebell challenge *Ivan and Comrade Dink leave laughing *Ivan Koloff and Comrade Dink are a good pairing, they play off each other well. [I]Length: 5 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 5] NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE BOUT Tully Blanchard v Lou Thesz (c)[/B] *This was an absolutely fantastic match with plenty of back and forth action *Thesz was on top of his game starting off, wrestling Blanchard to the mat and keeping him down as he worked him over *Blanchard eventually managed to fight his way to his feet and lay into Thesz with a series of punches *Thesz countered part of Blanchard's offensive and took him back to the mat *Blanchard, frustrated, laid out Thesz and left the ring, coming back with a chair against the orders of referee Tommy Young *The referee warns Blanchard, but he does not listen, laying Thesz out with the chair as he gets up *The referee calls for the bell as Blanchard assaults Thesz *[I]Lou Thesz defeated Tully Blanchard in 11:05 by disqualification. Lou Thesz makes defence number 1 of his NWA World Heavyweight title.[/I] *Lou Thesz was visibly tiring toward the end. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [B]LAWLER/RACE/RHODES PROMO[/B] *Jerry Lawler, Harley Race, and Dusty Rhodes have an interview in which they hype their upcoming tag match against Ric Flair, Doug Dunvegan, and Wahoo McDaniel. *Andy Kaufman helped Lawler during this segment. *Harley Race could use something to freshen his character up. *Bobby Heenan helped Race during this segment *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 6] Ricky Steamboat v Paul Orndorff[/B] *Steamboat went right after Orndorff, wrestling him down and working over his arms *Orndorff fought back with a series of elbowsmashes, then whipping Steamboat into the turnbuckle *Orndorff charges in, but Steamboat dodges and takes him down with a stiff double chop *Steamboat takes control from there and never lets up, finishing Orndorff off and getting revenge for what happened at Clash of the Champions *[I]Ricky Steamboat defeated Paul Orndorff in 12:32 by pinfall with a Flying Bodypress.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B][MATCH 7: MAIN EVENT] "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, Doug Dunvegan, and "Cheif" Wahoo McDaniel v Jerry "The King" Lawler, Harley Race, and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes[/B] *Dunvegan and Rhodes started things off, matching up pretty evenly *Rhodes quickly tagged out to Race, who knocked Flair off the ring apron before laying into Dunvegan *Race and Lawler double-teamed Dunvegan for a moment, but then allowed him to tag to Flair *Flair came in, threw Lawler out of the ring, and started brawling with Race *Race tried to join Lawler for the double-team, but Dunvegan cut him off *Wahoo and Rhodes brawled on the outside for a bit, and referee Dick Woehrle lost control of the match *Once the actions settled down a bit, Wahoo was in the ring with Rhodes *Rhodes was on top of things for a short time, but got isolated in Wahoo's corner and triple-teamed *Dunvegan was tagged in, and Flair charged Race while Wahoo assaulted Lawler *Dunvegan took revenge on Rhodes at this point, hammering him with stiff punches before finishing him off *[I]Ric Flair, Doug Dunvegan and Wahoo McDaniel defeated Jerry Lawler, Harley Race and Dusty Rhodes in 24:48 when Doug Dunvegan defeated Dusty Rhodes by pinfall with an Iron Fist.[/I] *Wahoo McDaniel could use something to freshen his character up. *This match lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Technical skills. *Jerry Lawler is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: A[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[B][U]Thursday, Week 2, September 1984[/U][/B] Max Crabtree Becomes Booker Of ASWUK Kyohei Wada Becomes Booker of UWF I extended Hector Guerrero's Pay-Per-Appearance contract today, probably one of my last acts as head booker of the NWA. [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] NWA Wrestling ESPN 17.07 GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.87 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 5.49 [Wednesday] WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 4.72 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 8.70 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.78 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 14.40 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.80 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.06 [/CODE]
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[B][U]Monday, Week 3, September 1984[/U][/B] Ricky Starr Fails Drug Test Well, tonight is the night, my final NWA show. It has been a great run, and I am proud to have won the hearts of the people, defeated Vince McMahon and the WWF, and propelled the NWA to the top of the wrestling world. Alas, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.
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[SIZE="3"][B]NWA Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] Monday, Week 3, September 1984 LIVE from the UIC Pavillion in Chicago, Illinois [FONT="Courier New"] [SIZE="3"][B][U]PRE-SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS PROMO[/B] *The Ladies' Men cut a promo hyping themselves. *Curt Hennig is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 8 Minutes Rating: B-[/I] [B]CHAMPION PROMO[/B] *Lou Thesz cuts a promo hyping up his glorius reign as champion in the promotion. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 8 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B]MR. MONROE SPEAKS[/B] *Sputnik Monroe makes his way down to the ring, welcomes the fans, and hypes the upcoming show. [I]Length: 4 Minutes Rating: D[/I] [SIZE="3"][B][U]MAIN SHOW[/U][/B][/SIZE] [B]DOUG DUNVEGAN SPEAKS[/B] *Doug Dunvegan comes down to the ring and announced that this will be the last time the fans will see him or Ric Flair in an NWA ring *The fans are livid, clearly upset, and Dunvegan explains that there was simply no other choice *Dunvegan thanks the fans for supporting him for the last 18 months and says he loves them all *He states that tonight's show is special and will be all about the best part of the sport of professional wrestling *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 10 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 1] Mr. Wrestling II v Paul Orndorff[/B] *This was an excellent opener, with an awesome bout between Mr. Wrestling II and Orndorff *Orndorff did what he does best, trying to pound Mr. Wrestling II into submission *Mr. Wrestling II countered Orndorff's offensive by taking him to the mat and trying to out-wrestle him *Orndorff eventually got the upper-hand and hit the Piledriver on Mr. Wrestling II to end the match *[I]Paul Orndorff defeated Mr. Wrestling II in 9:26 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Paul Orndorff could use something to freshen his character up. *Mr. Wrestling II and Paul Orndorff have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [B][MATCH 2] Bob Roop v Jerry "The King" Lawler[/B] *A second classic for tonight as Roop and Lawler wrestled *Lawler took a commanding lead early on, but Roop would not be denied and continued to fight *Roop wrestled Lawler to the mat, but was again assaulted by a brutal offensive *Lawler rocked Roop into a corner, but was wrestled down, the match going back and forth for several moments *Lawler eventually came out on top by hitting the Piledriver on Roop *[I]Jerry Lawler defeated Bob Roop in 11:37 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Bob Roop and Paul Jones are a good pairing, they play off each other well. *Bob Roop could use something to freshen his character up. *Bob Roop and Jerry Lawler have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *This match lifted the crowd. *Jerry Lawler is improving in Rumble skills. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [B]RICKY STEAMBOAT SPEAKS[/B] *Ricky Steamboat comes down to the ring and starts hyping Doug Dunvegan and Ric Flair, calling them two of the world's greatest professional wrestler *Steamboat states that he has enjoyed working with both Dunvegan and Flair and hopes to meet them in a wrestling ring again someday *Steamboat says that the NWA will always owe a part of its success to the efforts of Dunvegan and Flair *Ricky Steamboat could use something to freshen his character up. *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 10 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 3] Greg "The Hammer" Valentine v Harley Race[/B] *This was an outright brawl from bell to bell *Race had a difficult time keeping up with Valentine here, as he was overpowering him with a brutal offensive *Race persevered and countered, taking Valentine down and slowing the pace a bit in order to regroup *Race worked over Valentine's neck and arms, but not for long *After some more back and forth brawling, Race got the upper-hand and nailed Valentine with the Piledriver to pick up the win *[I]Harley Race defeated Greg Valentine in 16:24 by pinfall with a Piledriver.[/I] *Greg Valentine and Harley Race have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B][MATCH 4] Curt Hennig v Ricky Steamboat[/B] *This was an instant classic, a technical match between two outstanding performers *Hennig was able to keep up with Steamboat for quite some time, wrestling evenly with him and giving him a real run for his money *Steamboat tried everything, but could not keep Hennig down *Hennig took control for a short time by twisting Steamboat up and working over his arms *Steamboat fought his way to the ropes and got his second wind, laying into Hennig with a whirlwind of chops that rocked him *Steamboat applied the Double Chicken Wing on Hennig to get the win *[I]Ricky Steamboat defeated Curt Hennig in 12:47 by submission with a Double Chicken Wing.[/I] *Curt Hennig and Ricky Steamboat have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. *This match lifted the crowd. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [B]RIC FLAIR SPEAKS[/B] *Ric Flair came down and gave a heartfelt speech to the fans in which he thanked them for everything they've done for him over the years *Flair says he never would've gotten to where he is today without their support, and for that, he will be eternally grateful *WOOOOOO! *This segment lifted the crowd. [I]Length: 7 Minutes Rating: B+[/I] [B][MATCH 5: MAIN EVENT] Doug Dunvegan v "The Nature" Boy Ric Flair[/B] *Dunvegan and Flair shook hands before the bell, then locked up *There were plenty of chants for both men as they wrestled for position and eventually took it to the mat *Flair was a master on the mat, working over every part of Dunvegan's body before going for the legs *Flair went for the Figure-Four early, but Dunvegan kicked him off and laid into him *Dunvegan hits a series of punches, rocking Flair into the corner, and then hits a series of punches to the stomach *Flair reverses it, tossing Dunvegan in the corner, and hits a series of stiff chops that left red welts on his opponent's chest *Dunvegan was in a bit of trouble as Flair took his leg out from under him and started stomping it, softening him up *Dunvegan eventually rolled to the outside to regroup as Flair worked the crowd *Dunvegan got back in the ring and locked up with Flair again *Dunvegan whips Flair into the ropes and hits a shoulderblock, then gives him an elbowdrop *They wrestled back and forth, both getting several near-falls, over the next few minutes *Dunvegan eventually came out on top and pounded Flair before getting thrown off *The two wrestled some more, Flair taking Dunvegan back to the mat and working over his legs some more *Flair tried for a knee breaker, but Dunvegan countered with a bulldog *Flair got up, and Dunvegan nails him with the Iron Fist; Flair kicks out! *Flair got his second wind and laid into Dunvegan with a series of jabs followed by a stiff knifehand chop before landing the knee breaker *Flair puts Dunvegan in the Figure-Four; Dunvegan struggled for several moments before finally reaching the ropes! *Both men are spent at this point, both getting up at the same time and locking up yet again *As they wrestle for position, the bell rings, signalling the end of their last match in the NWA! *The fans want to see more, but alas, that is the end, a time limit draw *[I]Doug Dunvegan drew with Ric Flair in 30:00 when the time limit expired.[/I] *This match lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is improving in Technical skills. [I]Rating: A[/I] [B]ALL GOOD THINGS...[/B] *Doug Dunvegan and Ric Flair shake hands again, then celebrate with the fans *This match lifted the crowd. *Doug Dunvegan is learning to show more charisma. *Doug Dunvegan is developing better performance skills. [I]Length: 6 Minutes Rating: A*[/I] [SIZE="3"][B]FINAL RATING: B+[/B][/SIZE] [/FONT] [QUOTE=Anubis]Sadly, this show got raped by some sort of stupid bug or technicality or something when calculating the final rating. Five of nine segments rated A*, with two rated A and two rated B+. Absolutely stupid, I am more pissed off right now than I have been in a long time.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Thursday, Week 3, September 1984[/U][/B] All good things must come to an end, and this is that end, as Ric Flair and I have both left the NWA. [B]AWA:[/B] Steve Regal defeated Mike Graham for the vacant AWA National title --- The Iron Sheik defeated Brad Rheingans for the AWA World Heavyweight title [6 successful defences] [B][U]Sunday, Week 3, September 1984[/U][/B] [B]GCW:[/B] Pat Rose defeated Barry Windham for the National Television title [10 successful defeces] [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] NWA Wrestling ESPN 17.59 GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.46 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 5.69 [Wednesday] WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 4.83 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 8.79 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.75 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 14.42 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.83 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.08 [/CODE]
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[B][U]Monday, Week 4, September 1984[/U][/B] Bill Watts Becomes Booker Of NWA So Jim Crockett Jr. thinks Bill Watts can fill my boots? This should be interesting. Watts was a valued member of my booking team, but I have doubts as to whether his ideas are innovative enough to keep traditional professional wrestling fresh against Vince McMahon and the WWF. [B][U]Tuesday, Week 4, September 1984[/U][/B] NWA Wrestling Rating: B Not a bad start for Bill Watts, though a look at the television ratings shows a 3.8% drop from last week, garnering the show's lowest rating ever thus far. Will they be able to maintain the momentum I built for them? Only time will tell . . . [B][U]Friday, Week 4, September 1984[/U][/B] [B]GCW:[/B] Ole Anderson defeated Pat Rose for the National Television title [0 successful defeces] [B][U]Sunday, Week 4, September 1984[/U][/B] NWA Anniversary Show Rating: B Well, Bill Watts may not be innovative, but he seems capable enough to keep the ship afloat. I am both happy and angry. Being happy comes from seeing the ship I built floating even without me, which fill me with pride because I know I was the one who saved it. Being angry comes from not being able to ride that ship any longer due to the captain's foolishness. Ah well, it happens. Time to move on. [B]WWF:[/B] Butch Reed defeated Don Muraco for the WWF Heavyweight title [26 successful defences] [B][U]Week in Review: TV Ratings Race[/U][/B] [CODE] [Monday] NWA Wrestling ESPN 16.93 GCW In Your House U.S. Syndication Big I 4.83 [Tuesday] AWA Battering Ram ESPN 5.70 [Wednesday] WWF Lightning U.S. Syndication Big I 4.76 [Thursday] [Friday] AWA All-Star Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small II 9.04 WCCW: The Edge TV Local - Mid South 0.74 [Saturday] George Championship Wrestling TBS 14.54 [Sunday] WWF Championship Wrestling U.S. Syndication Small I 7.66 World Class Wrestling TV Local - Mid South 1.04 [/CODE] [QUOTE=Anubis]I created another thread in which I would like all of my readers to comment on where the diary should go from here. More feedback would definitely be a good thing, it's quite lacking at the moment.[/QUOTE]
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