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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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Super 10 Cup Semi Finals: [b]Eisaku Hoshino[/b] vs Shimedzu Hooded Kudo vs [b]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/b] Super 10 Cup Final: [b]Hoshino[/b] or Shimedzu vs Kudo or Nakasawa [i]- I'm going on the... I can't be bothered to put a lot of thought into the whys but I'm going on storylines here. Hoshino's been a successful disappointment. He puts on decent matches but not great, memorable or even good ones. But tigerkinney has a story to tell and this is what I think it'll be... Hoshino wins the not-quite Super 9 series as his 'thanks for not really showing up' by toppling Nakasawa. Why not Kudo? This actually protects Kudo and lets him vent at Hoshino as not being able to beat him and deny him a shot. Nakasawa can then claim to have overcome Kudo which essentially freezes Hoshino out of the title picture.[/i] Junior Title: [b]Sensational Dragon[/b] vs Kansuke Konda [i]- I like Konda, I truly do, but SD's not about to drop the title to a tag teamer who's dallying in the singles seen. Size of the Fight have more stories to tell. Konda being champ isn't one of them. Besides, when Hoshino's farewell job is to Konda... then I'll smile as Konda's singles push can begin in earnest.[/i] Tag Titles: [b]Horri & Ino[/b] vs P.I.N.K [i]- even though I fear the tag division has become 'the division killer single stars who aren't about to get the Burning Kudo title' HorrIno aren't about to lose in their first defence. And I'd have been more impressed if P.I.N.K had of laid out the Rebellion too to truly show their new mean Pink streak.[/i] Openweight Title (Elimination rules): Tom Gilmore vs [b]Miyamae[/b] vs Rhino Umaga vs U.K Dragon vs Yasunobu Masuno [i]- based soley on I think it would be a nice upset and would throw a spanner into the Rebellion and Silver Dragon Feet. Troubles through success? I like it.[/i] Junior Contenders (First time ever 1 vs 1): Americana vs Elemental II [i]- Uh... I honestly don't care so I'll call it a draw with a leaning towards E II if I have to pick one. I think these two will go back n' forth a few times - and the first one will show their parity.[/i] Junior Division-4 Corner Survival: The Awesome Kiyaru vs [b]Golden Scorpion[/b] vs Hyosuke Kokan vs SUKI [i]- based soley on his mask. Realistically this is SUKI's to lose as he's been the biggest success but I like Scorpion's mask, even though I suspect SUKI to win, I *want* Golden Scorpion to win.[/i] Pre-Show Tag: Raging Bulls vs [b]Steve Flash & Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] [i]- because BBS has more potential than the other 3 combined. Flash's age works against him.[/i]
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Super 10 Cup Semi Finals: [B]Eisaku Hoshino [/B]vs Shimedzu [B]Hooded Kudo [/B]vs Hiroaki Nakasawa Super 10 Cup Final: [B]Hoshino[/B] Junior Title: [B]Sensational Dragon [/B]vs Kansuke Konda Tag Titles: [B]Horri & Ino [/B]vs P.I.N.K Openweight Title (Elimination rules): [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]vs Miyamae vs Rhino Umaga vs U.K Dragon vs Yasunobu Masuno Junior Contenders (First time ever 1 vs 1): Americana vs [B]Elemental II[/B] Junior Division-4 Corner Survival: The Awesome Kiyaru vs Golden Scorpion vs Hyosuke Kokan vs [B]SUKI[/B] Pre-Show Tag: [B]Raging Bulls [/B]vs Steve Flash & Bulldozer Brandon Smith
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Final Collison Super 10 Cup Semi Finals: Eisaku Hoshino vs [B]Shimedzu[/B] [I]Hoshino has shown he for whatever reason doesn't have what it takes and a SDF fallout angle would be pretty solid and could carry the next tour, especially if only SHumedzu left and let Miya as a singles wrestler to rep in the Openweight Division and a certain Machine...one of the Samoan variety was brought in to team with Umaga as the SDF tag team reps.[/I] [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa [I]I'm going with my all SDF Final theory.[/I] Super 10 Cup Final: Hoshino or [B]Shimedzu[/B] vs Kudo or Nakasawa [I]Super heat!!![/I] Junior Title: [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs Kansuke Konda [I]I love me some Konda but honestly in keeping with his character if he's gonna have a Title run I'd like to see it in the Openweight Division, as it's more for "personalities" and developing wrestlers or to build the overness of guys like Gilmore where as the Junior Champ requires a certain work rate tradtionally.[/I] Tag Titles: [B]Horri & Ino[/B] vs P.I.N.K [I]PINK is alot of fun but Horri and Ino are Horri and Ino, considering the Tag Team Titles have the exact opposite effect as the OW title this may be the place to finally get them over big time.[/I] Openweight Title (Elimination rules): [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs Miyamae vs Rhino Umaga vs U.K Dragon vs Yasunobu Masuno [I]Gilmore is being built up to fill the Mai EVent slot Hoshino will leave when he leaves, I see him making all 10 defenses and the idea of an OW tournament may really add a spark to the division. Miyamae, SUKI, Masuno, Konda that looks like the start to an interesting Tourney to me.[/I] Junior Contenders (First time ever 1 vs 1): Americana vs [B]Elemental II[/B] [I]Americana loses with grace and dignity it would give too much away for him to win the first meeting.[/I] Junior Division-4 Corner Survival: [B]The Awesome Kiyaru [/B]vs Golden Scorpion vs Hyosuke Kokan vs SUKI [I]No good way to pick between SUKI and Kiyaru and Im a Kiyaru mark.[/I] Pre-Show Tag: [B]Raging Bulls [/B]vs Steve Flash & Bulldozer Brandon Smith [I]The Bulls aren't in Size of the Fight fued form anymore but they haven't fallen THAT far yet.[/I]
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Final Collison Super 10 Cup Semi Finals: Eisaku Hoshino vs [b]Shimedzu[/b] Hooded Kudo vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Super 10 Cup Final: Hoshino or Shimedzu vs Kudo or [B]Nakasawa[/B] [i]I think a tournament like this is a great opportunity to make an over guy into a big title threat. The two main contenders for it are Ino and Horri, but neither of them are in the tournament, so that's out the window -- maybe those were your original plans before Ino got hurt, or Hoshino turned out to be such a disappointment? Shimedzu might get it, but I don't quite think he's ready. So Shimedzu's not ready, Hoshino will probably be gone by the next tour, and Kudo winning the tournament does nothing story-wise because he's already champion. That leaves Nakasawa, who could use a win over Hoshino and a tournament victory as impetus to renew his feud with Kudo. Wow, I just spent two paragraphs justifying predictions for someone's fake wrestling federation. I have too much time on my hands.[/i] Junior Title: [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs Kansuke Konda [i]I could see a shock win for Konda here, but I think Dragon's reign continues for a bit longer.[/i] Tag Titles: [B]Horri & Ino[/B] vs P.I.N.K [i]I doubt these two will lose on the first defense, especially considering that a tag run will rebuild both's credibility after jobbing to Kudo for months.[/i] Openweight Title (Elimination rules): [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs Miyamae vs Rhino Umaga vs U.K Dragon vs Yasunobu Masuno [i]I say Gilmore gets all 10 defences, and nobody here is compelling enough to take the belt off of him.[/i] Junior Contenders (First time ever 1 vs 1): Americana vs [B]Elemental II[/B] [i]Americana will beat Elemental eventually, but I think it should have more build-up.[/i] Junior Division-4 Corner Survival: The Awesome Kiyaru vs Golden Scorpion vs Hyosuke Kokan vs [B]SUKI[/B] Pre-Show Tag: [B]Raging Bulls[/B] vs Steve Flash & Bulldozer Brandon Smith
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[B][U]O.O.C Note[/U][/B] [B][/B] Just a progress up date. Final Collision should be up tomorrow, I was aiming to get it up tonight but I've still got the last couple of matches to write up. But I had other distractions.....such as being side-tracked by my latest ROH DVD order.
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[CENTER][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Final Collision[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U] [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][/CENTER] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Saturday 22nd December 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Tokyo Nippon Budokan, Kanto (Attendance: 15'000) [/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Plus Live on PPV across Japan on Emperor Sports[/I] [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Buy Rate: 1.55[/B][/CENTER] [B][U]Pre-Show[/U][/B] [I]Couple of videos play at the start of the pre-show, the first one hyping the first ever one one one meeting between Elemental II and Americana. The second one hyping the Tag Titles match between HorrIno and P.I.N.K[/I] [B]Ratings: C+ /C[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Pre-Show Match: Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)[/B] [B]vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Pretty good stuff for a pre-show tag featuring some of the more forgotten' members of the roster. Flash & BBS looked pretty effective as a team and they may be put together on a more regular basis as a Gaijin pairing on the next tour (Flash's 1 year contract runs into the beginning of next year). Flash & BBS came close to pulling an upset on the few occasions, coming closest when BBS dumped Sanda with a Back Drop Driver. But in the end the Bulls experience proved vital and Flash was taken out with the Raging Impact (Spear/Super-Kick combo) [B][COLOR=red]Result: Raging Bulls defeated Steve Flash and Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 7:43 when Eiji Hamacho defeated Steve Flash by pinfall with a Raging Impact. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]We get a couple more hype videos to finish the pre-show off with, this time they are for the Junior Title match between Sensational Dragon & Kansuke Konda and the Super 10 Cup Semi-Finals.[/I] [B]Ratings: C/ B-[/B] [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Pay Per View)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The main show starts off with a lingering shot of BHOTWG World Champion Hooded Kudo making his way down the corridors of the Arena on his way towards the ring, and it looks like he means business.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]That segues into a hype video for the first Super 10 Cup semi-final and the opening match of ths show between bitter rivals Hooded Kudo and Hiroaki Nakasawa[/I] [B]Rating:B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #1 : Super 10 Cup Semi Final: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As soon as the bell rang there was no holding back between these two, as they just laid into each other right away with chops. Nakasawa starting to get the better of the exchange and the momentum took them towards the ropes where a clothesline from Nakasawa took them both toppling over the ring-ropes to the outside. They then brawled a bit on the outside, where Nakasawa tried to send Kudo into one of the guard-rails but the World Champion managed to put the brakes on and sent Nakasawa falling into the ring-steps with a drop toe hold. With that Kudo and gained the advantage and rolled Nakasawa into the ring, where he decided to target Nakasawa's neck, dropping his leg several times across the neck area of the former World Champion. Kudo then tried to lock on a Kudo-Lock but Nakasawa powered his way out and got back up to a vertical base only to be dropped back down to the canvas with a Russian Leg-sweep. Kudo then targetted the neck again, and locked in an STF but Nakasawa found his way to the ropes and referee Omura Umeki forced the rope break. Kudo made sure he used all of the referees five count though, to inflict as much extra damage as 'legally' possible. As Nakasawa staggered away from the ropes, Kudo set up for the Kudo-Kutter but Nakasawa had it scouted and countered with a Belly to Back Suplex.... they both staggered back up to their feet and this time Nakasawa got a waist lock on Kudo, before dumping the World Champion with a release German Suplex. However he was too worn down from Kudo's onslaught earlier in the match and both laid exhausted on the canvas. Kudo was actually first to the referee's ten count, and charged at Nakasawa with a Shining Wizard, but Nakasawa blocked the attempt, then caught Kudo into a Uranage, before dumping the World Champion across his knee into a back-breaker. He then put Kudo into positiion for a suplex, before taking Kudo over with a Northern Lights Suplex and into a bridging pin. Kudo kicked out of that, but Nakasawa still had control and lifted Kudo into the air with a vertical suplex, he kept Kudo hanging there with the blood rushing to his head for about half a minute, before sending the Siver Dragon Feet leader crashing back down to the canvas..... One......... Two.......... Kudo kicked out, but Nakasawa was sensing victory, and he brought Kudo back up to his feet. He rained in a flurry of fore-arms strikes before whipping Kudo into the ropes and setting up for the H-Bomb, however Kudo ducked under and then nailed Nakasawa with an Enziguri. That staggered Nakasawa who tried to come back with a lariat but Kudo was again able to duck under and took Nakasawa down with an STO. Kudo then headed up towards the top turnbuckle and set up for the moonsault but Nakasawa was back up to his feet and followed Kudo up to the top turnbucke. Nakasawa attempted to suplex Kudo back in but the World Champion knocked Nakasawa off the turnbuckle with elbows before turning around and taking Nakasawa down with a flying lariat. Nakasawa got back up to his feet but Kudo placed a boot into Nakasawa's mid-section, he then tried for a Kudo-Driver, but Nakasawa held firm, Kudo then dished out a flurry of knee-strikes to the head of Nakasawa, and this time got Nakasawa up to drive him head first into the canvas with a (Proto) Kudo Driver (Belly to Back Piledriver)...... One..... Two........ Thr....... Nakasawa kicked out...Kudo then lifted Nakasawa up off the canvas, he went to town with a flurry of knife edged chops before, whipping Nakasawa into the ropes....he then went for a Kudo-Kutter but Nakasawa blocked the attempt then as Kudo turned around, Nakasawa dropped the World Champion with a Lariat...... They both staggered back up to their feet and Nakasawa took Kudo over with a Back-Body Drop. Kudo got back up to his feet only to be dumped with a German Suplex, Nakasawa kept the waist lock on and took Kudo over with another German Suplex, Nakasawa was not done and dumped Kudo with another German, in fact Nakasawa wasn't done until he had dumped Kudo into the canvas with six consecutive German suplexes , finishing with a release variation !!! The chain of German suplexes had left Nakasawa almost as exhausted as Kudo, and he was little slow to make the cover. One...... Two....... Thr...... Kudo kicked out (Fighting spirit from the World champion !!), much to the disbelief of Nakasawa, they both staggered back up to their feet, and Kudo seemed to gain the advantage, the World Champion then tried to get Nakasawa onto this shoulders for a Death Valley Driver but Nakasawa was able to put the brakes on the attempt and countered with a NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !!! One.... Two...... Three !!! Hiroaki Nakasawa advances to the Super 10 Cup Finals. Perhaps not quite on the same level as some of their previous World Title encounters, this was still an excellent match by most people's standards and a great way to start the show. The plan always was for Kudo as World Champion to make it to the semi-finals to help give the tournament credabiliity but to not actually win the thing. As a heel champion there's no real advantage to him winning the thing, as he would just choose some jobber like Dynamite Narahashi to defend the belt against if he won this thing. Plus with Nakasawa getting the win over Kudo he has even more ammunition to get The Title shot he deserves. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Hooded Kudo in 16:41 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]All of a sudden there is a comotion backstage as P.I.N.K blindside the World tag Team Champions Kinnojo Horri and Koshiro Ino. But the team dubbed 'HorrIno' by the fans on the Burning Hammer message boards fought back and the brawl soon spilt out into the ringside area and eventually into the ring. Referee Omura Umeki was still in the ring and called for the bell.......[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #2 : World Tag Team Titles: [/B] [B]Kinnojo Horri & Koshiro Ino vs[/B] [B]P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko & Tadakuni Toshusai)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The World Tag Team Titles match was meant to be scheduled for later in the show, but these two teams couldn't hold back. The two on two brawling soon spilt to the outside, Koshiro Ino went charging at Masuko but the Junior sized wrestler used his agilty to get out of the way and then flew off the ring apron onto Ino, sending the POWAAAH and Paint star crashing into the guard-rail with spinning head-scissors. Meanwhile out of referee Omura Umeki's view (who seemed to be giving these two teams some lee-way as to not be counted out early on) Tadakuni Toshusai nailed Kinnojo Horri with a chair. P.I.N.K brought Koshiro Ino back into the ring and worked him over with double teams and had near-falls with a Legsweep/Lariat combination and a Body-slam (Toshusai) followed by a Senton (Masuko), Ino however hung on in there and when Toshusai launched Masuko into Ino for a flying cross body attack, the POWAAAH and Paint man caught Masuko in mid-air and drove the P.I.N.K mastermind into the canvas with a sit-out power bomb. Toshusai gave Ino no time to make a cover though,and clubbed away on the POWAAH and Paint star, before attempting to set up for the Shock Treatment but Ino managed to slip off and countered into a Death Valley Driver, before slumping to the canvas........ Both slowly moved towards their corners........Ino was the first to get in the tag and Horri came in like a house on fire knocking down Toshusai and throwing him to the outside and then knocking Masuko out of mid-air before dumping the Junior Division member of P.I.N.K with a Fall-Away Slam. Horri then went for a power-bomb but Masuko managed to counter with spinning head-scissors before heading up top and coming down onto Horri with a double foot stomp. Masuko then went for the cover...... One...... Two...... Horri kicked out, and as they got up he regained the advantage with a Belly to Back Backbreaker. He then set Masuko up for the Destiny Bomb, Toshusai tried to come in and interfere but Ino charged out of the HorrIno corner and knocked Toshusai off the apron, before Horri drove Masuko in the canvas with the DESTINY BOMB !! One..... Two...... Three !!! HorrINo are still the World Tag Team Champions. This was everything a short but wild and intense brawl of a match should be, and it played to everyones strengths. For me P.I.N.K (especially Toshusai) still need to improve their conditioning if they want regular title shots (as I like my title matches to go longer than this usually) but it's good to occasionally go with something a little different and P.I.N.K's gimmick suits these sort of short but intense match-ups. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Horri & Ino defeated P.I.N.K in 8:31 when Kinnojo Horri defeated Marihito Masuko by pinfall with a Destiny Bomb.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Horri & Ino retain the Burning World Tag Team titles.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Horri and Ino then celebrate their victort, it's the usual 2 minute shot of them holding the belts aloft/posing on the turnbuckles etc.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]A hype video plays for the second Super 10 Cup semi-final between Eisaku Hoshino and Shimedzu.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Super 10 Cup Semi Final: [/B] [B]Eisaku Hoshino vs Shimedzu[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EisakuHoshino.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Tenative start as they jockey for position. Hoshino then hit's a clotheslin that takes Shimedzu out to the floor. Hoshino just waits for Shimedzu to get back in, and levels the Dragon-Feeter with another clothesline, before getting in a couple of knee-strikes and then taking Shimedzu over with a Half Nelson backbreaker for a two count. Hoshino then sets Shimedzu up for a suplex, but the former tag champion manages to block and counters with an STO. Hoshino gets back up but gets nailed with a rounhouse kick that takes him out to the floor. Shimedzu then dives off the apron with a flying fore-arm, and the two then brawl on the floor for a bit, until Shimedzu sends Hoshino into the barricade. Shimedzu then re-enters the ring and waits for Koetsu Shinozaki to count Hoshino out. Hoshino makes it in but Shimedzu stomps away on Hoshino before whipping the former PGHW mainstay into the corner. Shimedzu then delivers the face-wash but Hoshino moves out of the way on the last kick, and dumps Shimedzu with a Belly to Back Suplex. Both get back up and Hoshino takes Shimedzu down with a lariat and follows up with a running knee, this earns another two count but Hoshino stays in control and dumps Shimedzu into the canvas with a German Suplex. Shimedzu soon kicked out of the pin but Hoshino went to lock on the Anaconda Vice, however they were too near the ropes and Hoshino had to break the hold. Shimedzu regained the initiative by chopping Hoshino down with a low drop-kick and following up with a Shining Wizard...... One...... Hoshino no-sells the move and then goes to town on Shimedzu with a flurry of knee-strikes, before whipping the Dragon-Feeter into the corner and following up with a running fore-arm. Shimedzu then staggered out of the corner. Hoshino then double under-hooked Shimedzu's arms and took him over with a Butterfly Suplex...... One....... Two...... Shimedzu kicked out, but Hoshino then got him up onto his shoulders and looked set to finish things but Shimedzu fought his way out with elbows before nailing Hoshino with an Enziguri and then planting Hoshino into the canvas with a Uranage. Shimedzu then climbed up top and went for a flying headbutt, but Hoshino moved away at the last split second and as Shimedzu got up Hoshino dumped him with a Belly to Back suplex, Hoshino then went for the cover...... One...... Two........ Shimedzu kicked out, but Hoshino was still in control and after a couple of knees-strikes once again double under-hooked the arms of Shimedzu. However Shimedzu held firm and managed to shove Hoshino into the ring-ropes, enabling Shimedzu to nail Hoshino with a roundhouse kick and then lock on a full nelson hold, before dumping Hoshino with a Dragon Suplex...... One..... Two...... Hoshino kicked out, but Shimedzu got in another kick and this time took Hoshino down with the SKULL DROP !!! One...... Two....... Unbelievably Hoshino kicked out, but Shimedzu didn't dwell on the former PGHW man kicking out of his move and after another flurry of kicks he drove Hoshino into the canvas with another SKULL DROP !!! One...... Two....... This time Hoshino was done..... Three I had high hopes for this semi-final, even with Hoshino's disapppointing performances coming into this, but I was sure with being in the ring with someone of Shimedzu's calibre and the fact that he had so far put his better performances against workers of Shimedzu style and size the match would at least be decent...... ......What it turned out to be unfortunately was one of the biggest disappointments of the year. Everything they did in this match seemed to be a step off and I think it may have something to do with the fact that they had very little of that intangible known as chemistry. Hoshino wasn't supposed to virtually no-sell the last Skull-Drop on the finish either, so not only did he put in a lack-lustre performance he also did his best to make someone's finishing move look weak. I have a feeling that Hoshino expected to waltz into Burning Hammer and just be given a title shot straight away and not have to actually earn it, and he was originally ear-marked to win this tournament or at-least win the final. But then his performances were consistantly mediocre and I could only really justify having him as a semi-finalist at best, perhaps he got disgruntled about that and the performance in this match was the icing on the mediocre cake. All it's done has sealed his fate....he wont' be coming back for the next tour. * [B][COLOR=red]Result: Shimedzu defeated Eisaku Hoshino in 15:31 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] * I decided I wanted to find a way to justify in the diary, as to why Hoshino was quite frankly pants for a wrestler of his skill-levels and reputation during his tenure with BHOTWG.[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match #4 : 4 Corner Survival:[/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru vs Golden Scorpion vs Hyosuke Kokan vs SUKI[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]vs[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kiyaru and Kokan started things off, and the exchanged arm-drags....Kiyaru then took a charging Kokan down with Tilt-A Whirl Head-scissors. The Size of the Fight man staggered up to his feet but SUKI managed to tag himself in via a cheap-shot/blind tag to the back of Kokans head. SUKI then stepped into the ring and took Kiyaru down with an STO, before taking Kiyaru over with a Northern Lights suplex...... One.... Two.... The arrogant youngster, then tried to lock on his SUKI Special submission, but Kiyaru worked his way out of it with a cart-wheel into a basement drop-kick, before getting the tag into Golden Scorpion. Scorpion then climbed to the top turnbuckle and took SUKI down with a missile drop-kick, before going for a quick pin...... SUKI kicked out of that and tried to roll through into a pin of his own, they both then got back up to their feet and Scorpion took SUKI over with a snap suplex, before tagging in The Awesome Kiyaru. Scorpion and Kiyaru then decided to isolate SUKI in their corner and though this wasn't a tag match, they worked over the c0cky youngster like it was one. However problems with that tactic came to a head when Kiyaru went for the cover and Golden Scorpion pulled him off. The 'Tag' partners then exchanged strikes with one another, and SUKI saw this as an opportunity to dive across the ring and make the tag into Hyosuke Kokan. However Kokan refused the tag and SUKI remained in the ring some-what confused, as soon as he turned his back Kokan climbed the top turnbuckle and took SUKI down with a Tornado DDT...... One.... Two...... Kiyaru dived across to break up the pin, but Golden Scorpion came up behind and dumped his sometime tag partner with a sunset flip power-bomb...... One...... Two...... Kokan broke things up with a Senton and took Scorpion down with Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors, that sent Scorpion out of the ring. SUKI then got up and nailed Kokan with a drop-kick sending the Size of the Fight man out of the ring, only to be taken down with spinning leg-sweep and rounhouse kicked to the outside from The Awesome Kiyaru. Kiyaru then climbed up onto the top-rope and took everyone out with a springboard shooting star press. As everyone got back up it was Kiyaru and SUKI who managed to get into the ring first. Kiyaru attempted a Falcon Arrow but SUKI was able to block and then countered with an Implant DDT before locking on the SUKI Special. However Golden Scorpion broke up the pin with the GOLDEN SHOT (slingshot leg-drop) and then lifted SUKI up before driving the youngster down with a Brainbuster..... One.... Two...... Kokan had climbed to the top rope and broke up the pin with the Cannonball (front flip senton) but before he could make the cover Kiyaru was back up and swept the legs out from underneath him. Kiyaru then dragged Kokan over into positiion before heading up top and landing the MAGIC CLOUD (imploding 450 splash)..... One..... Two..... Three That was a fun 4-way and Kiyaru really looked on form tonight. It was nothing overtly special, but it didn't need to be, this was the filler match of the night, and going by those standards, this was more than exceptable for filler. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated SUKI, Hyosuke Kokan and Golden Scorpion in 10:47 when The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Hyosuke Kokan by pinfall with a Magic Cloud. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstage with Sensational Dragon[/I] [I]- Dragon says that Konda might have got a fluke pin on him to earn this title shot but when it really matters the Sensational One always comes out on top[/I] [I]- Dragon then said that he welcomes a fresh challenge to his title, after seeing off those two losers Elemental II and the Elemental fan-club, but that unfortunately once he takes Konda to wrestling masterclass Dragon style, he will be having to go through the motions again next month and take on either of his two personal jobbers.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [I]We then get a video hyping the Junior Title match between Sensational Dragon and Kansuke Konda. It shows Konda getting the surprise non title victory over Dragon from a few weeks ago.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Junior Title: [/B] [B]Sensational Dragon vs Kansuke Konda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJunior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Konda tried to take the fight right from the sound of the bell, and managed to get in a couple of shots but Dragon took control with a couple of arm-drags and a springboard back elbow, a standing moonasault was then followed by a pin attempt that earned an early two count. Dragon then taunted Konda to get back up to his feet, which the Size of the Fight man duly did only to be sent back down to the canvas with a roundhouse kick. Dragon then decided to go up, and pose on the turnbuckle, but his arrogance was misplaced as Konda raced up the turnbuckle and sent the c0cky champion crashing back into the ring with a German Suplex !! Konda then scrambled over to make the cover...... One..... Two....... Before Konda could follow up Dragon took the decision to roll out of the ring to the outside. Konda then went soaring through the ropes with the tope con hilo, but Dragon had it scouted, side-stepped at the last split second and nailed Konda with a kick to the face. Dragon then dragged Konda up to the edge of the ring and drove Konda down into the apron with a DDT. Dragon then re-entered the ring and waited for referee Omura Umeki to count Konda out. Konda did manage to beat the count however and Dragon immediately tried to take him down with a Roundhouse kick but Konda managed to duck under and took the champion off his feet with a low- drop-kick, before following up with a running senton. Konda then climbed onto the turnbuckle and waited for Dragon to get back up to his feet before taking the defending Junior champion down int the canvas with a springboard bulldog. One..... Two..... The champion kicked out and Konda lifted Dragon up off the canvas and set up for the Konda Driver but Dragon managed to slip out before taking Konda down with an STO. Konda got back up and took Dragon down clothesline only to be monkey-flipped across the ring, Konda then landed on his feet and sprang off the second turnbuckle taking Dragon down with a Tornado DDT but Dragon then rolled through into a pin attempt of his own. Konda then rolled through again, and then used the momentum to nail Dragon with a sunset flip powerbomb ! One..... Two.... Dragon again was able to kick out and Konda brought him back up to his feet, before reigning in another flurry of fore-arm strikes and then taking Dragon over with a Northern Lights Suplex..... One.... Two..... Dragon kicked out again, and Konda set the champion onto the turnbuckle. Konda then attempted an ace-crusher but Dragon managed to shove him off before taking the Size of the Fight man down with a Drop-kick. Both then staggered back up to their feet and Dragon was able to take Konda down with a spinning heel kick, and then followed up by dumping Konda with a Dragon Suplex. The Sensational One, then scrambled across to make the cover...... One..... Two...... Konda kicked out. Dragon then attempted a Dragon Slice, but Konda managed to put the brakes on , before taking Dragon over with a Fisherman suplex, following up with a bridging pin..... One...... Two....... Dragon got his shoulder up just in time. Konda then dragged Dragon back up to a vertical base and after reigning in a few blows set up for the Konda Driver but Dragon slipped out and nailed Konda with an Enziguiri. That had the Size of the Fight man staggered enough for Dragon to pull off the DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui).......... One...... Two........ Three Sensational Dragon is still the Junior Champion. Not quite as good as their non-title match, and I think the crowd kind of knew in their back of their minds that Konda wouldn't be pulling off the 'upset' twice in a row over Sensational Dragon. However it was still more than solid , provided a nice diversion in the Junior Title scene from the Dragon- Elemental II- Americana feud and Konda continues to show that he belongs in the singles ranks as much as the Tag ranks. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sensational Dragon defeated Kansuke Konda in 13:15 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Sensational Dragon retains the Burning Junior Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Sensational Dragon then poses with his Junior Title. And knowing Dragon he probably does think that it personally is HIS title.[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] [CENTER]___________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6 : Openweight Title (5 Way Elimination): [/B] [B]Tom Gilmore vs Miyamae vs [/B] [B]Rhino Umaga vs [/B][B]U.K Dragon vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno_alt11.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] No tags are necessary, so it’s ‘scramble’ rules in this one. The early portion of the match saw everyone brawling with one another. The two Silver Dragon Feet members naturally formed an alliance and targeted Tom Gilmore, whilst Yasunobu Masuno went toe to toe with U.K Dragon. Gilmore managed to catch a breather, when he took both Umaga and Miyamae out (temporarily) with a moonsault off the turnbuckle to the outside. That left Masuno and U.K Dragon in the ring. Dragon tried to take Masuno down with Tilt-A-Whirl Head-scissors but Masuno managed to block the attempt then drove the British born Junior Heavyweight into the canvas with an AVALANCHE BOMB. Masuno then made the cover to eliminate U.K Dragon from the match-up. [B][COLOR=darkgreen]Elimination #1: U.K Dragon at 7:25[/COLOR][/B] Masuno had no time to catch a breather though as Rhino Umaga had re-entered the ring and the Big Samoan took Masuno down out of nowhere with a RHINO CHARGE !! [B][COLOR=darkgreen]Elimination # 2: Yasunobu Masuno at 7:33[/COLOR][/B] As expected Gilmore then had to contend with being double teamed by Miyamae and Umaga, but when Umaga mis-timed a shoulder block and ended up taking out Miyamae after the Openweight champion managed to duck out of the way the tide turned. Gilmore then stunned Umaga with a Double Knee-Face buster before driving the Samoan into the canvas with an STO. Gilmore then sprung up the turnbuckles and pulled out the PICTURE PERFECT MOONSAULT !! Miyamae got up but decided to not make the save and Umaga was the third to be eliminated. [B][COLOR=darkgreen]Elimination #3: Rhino Umaga at 9:57[/COLOR][/B] Miyamae then caught Gilmore with an Enziguri from behind and took Gilmore down with a rolling cutter, before going for the cover. Gilmore kicked out and Miyamae let the Openweight champion almost get up to a vertical base before firing in a series of stiff kicks that sent Gilmore slumping to the canvas. Miyamae then climbed up onto the turnbuckle and landed a leg-drop across the chest of Gilmore. Miyamae went for another cover but Gilmore countered with a small package, Miyamae then rolled through and went to lock in his Snake Poison submission, but Gilmore worked his way out of it grabbed Miyamae’s legs and locked in the Stone Hold (Sharpshooter). Miyamae made his way over to the ropes and Gilmore was forced to break the hold. As they both got back up Gilmore went to nail Miyamae with super-kick but the former tag champion, managed to duck and then countered by taking Gilmore down with an STO. Miyamae then picked Gilmore up and took the defending champion over with a Wheelbarrow suplex. One... Two... Gilmore managed to kick out and got up to a vertical base but he was met by a series of kicks from Miyamae who then set up for the Miyamae Spoiler but Gilmore managed to shove him off and as Miyamae rebounded off the ropes Gilmore caught him with a super-kick. Miyamae somehow managed to stay on his feet but as he staggered towards Gilmore, the Gaijin star whipped Miyamae across the ring and then used the momentum to drive Miyamae into the canvas with the ANGER MANAGEMENT (Spinning sit-out Power Bomb) One.... Two.... Three.... Tom Gilmore is still the Openweight Champion, that is now 7 successful title defences for Gilmore, who now only needs 3 more to earn a World Title shot. That was OK, but it was a bit over-crowded at the beginning and it only really picked up in quality when it was just Gilmore and Miyamae left to fight over the final fall. To be honest this probably should have booked this as the 4-way and made the Junior match a 5-way scramble. Was there really any reason for U.K Dragon to be in this match ? [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated Rhino Umaga, Yasunobu Masuno, UK Dragon and Miyamae in 14:43.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Tom Gilmore retains the Openweight Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Tom Gilmore gets a bit of ‘posing’ time with the Openweight belt[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER]_________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with Shimedzu who defeated Eisaku Hoshino earlier on in the night to reach the Finals of the Super 10 Cup. [/I] [I]- Kaneko naturally asks Shimedzu the obvious question ‘ So do you think you can beat Nakasawa ?’ [/I] [I]- Shimedzu responds by saying that without a doubt he can beat Nakasawa. Nay-sayers doubted that he could beat the ‘great’ Eisaku Hoshino, but he got the job done there and he’ll get the job done against Hiroaki Nakasawa[/I] [I]- Kaneko reminded Shimedzu that Nakasawa is a former World champion, who defeated Shimedzu’s Silver Dragon Feet faction leader and current World champion Hooded Kudo [/I] [I]- Shimedzu responded by saying that only a fool would doubt him, and that he would be bringing home the Super 10 Cup into the Silver Dragon Feet family.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]A video play hyping the Junior Title No.1 Contenders match between Americana and Elemental II, putting over the fact that this is the first one on one meeting between the pair.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7 : Junior No.1 Contenders (First Time Ever 1 vs 1): Americana vs Elemental II[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] They show respect to one another at the start with a pre match handshake, they then lock up and go through a chain wrestling sequence where neither of them can gain and advantage. They separate applaud one another, then lock-up again before engaging in another chain wrestling series, that ends in a stale-mate. Americana manages to get a crucifix roll for a pin attempt but Elemental rolls through and goes to lock on the Elemental clutch but Americana has it scouted and works his way out of it before, hitting a basement drop kick and springing back up to his feet. Elemental II then springs back up to his feet and they have a stare-down before both decide to go for roundhouse kicks, however they manage to block each other’s kicks, before teeing off on one another with strikes and kicks, however neither one can land a solid blow as both Elemental II and Americana are able to block or duck each others efforts. Eventually Elemental II’s experience wins through when he takes down Americana with a leg-whip and then slows things down by driving his knees into the back of Americana and then putting the Elemental legacy admirer into a surfboard submission hold. However Americana manages to roll back and almost has Elemental II’s shoulders pinned to the mat. They both get up and Elemental takes Americana down with another leg-whip before attempting to lock in a Figure Four but Americana manages to kick out, and then takes Elemental II down with a leg-sweep. Americana then sprang off the ropes onto Elemental II with a Quebrada and then into a pin-fall. Elemental II kicked out emphatically at two, and both then got back up to their feet, they exchange strikes, Elemental II then gained some momentum with a spinning heel-kick followed by roundhouse but Americana sprang back off the ropes to nail Elemental II with a back elbow. However Elemental landed on his feet and used the ropes to take Americana down with a flying cross-body. Elemental II then went for a pin, but Americana rolled through and almost got Elemental II with a small package. As they both got back up Elemental II was the quicker to get a momentum building blow in, doubling over Americana with a spinning heel-kick then double under-hooking Americana’s arms, however Americana managed to work his way out of it, and came back with a knee-strike and then double under-hooked Elemental II’s arms before delivering an ELEMENTAL DRIVER !! One... Two... Thr….. Elemental II kicked out. Americana then decided to go up top and went to finish things off with the Inferno Splash but Elemental II moved out of the way at the last split second. Americana landed face first on the mat, and then as he staggered up to his feet he got dumped with an Elemental Suplex !! One... Two... Americana kicked out. Elemental II then waited for Americana to rise back up to his feet and after getting in a series of kicks on his ‘follower’ he set up for the Cradle-Shock but Americana seemed to be playing possum, and the U.S Born Junior star worked his way out of it before nailing Elemental II with an Enziguri, then following up by taking the Junior legend down with a rolling cutter. Elemental II got back up, but Americana was able to scoop the 2007 BOSJ Cup winner up and then drove him down with a Falcon Arrow…. One... Two..... Elemental II kicked out. Americana then moved in to finish things off but Elemental II took Americana down with an arm-drag and then as they both got up the Elemental II drove Americana into the canvas with a DDT before locking in the Elemental Clutch. Referee Omura Umeki checked on Americana’s condition and it seemed like the rising star in the Junior Division had some fight left in him as he scrambled across the mat, to place a foot on the ropes and force a rope break. Elemental II was still in control however and went to finish things off with an Earth-Breaker, but just as before Elemental II managed to counter the attempt, and after a knee strike to Elemental II’s mid-section, he reversed it into an EARTH BREAKER of his own !! One... Two.... Thr….Elemental II got his foot on the ropes. Americana then headed up to the top rope, but he took a little too long and when Elemental got back up to his feet, the Junior veteran managed to stagger into the ropes crotching Americana on the turnbuckle. Elemental II then climbed the top rope and brought Americana crashing in with a hurracanrana, however Americana rolled through into a pinning predicament, Elemental II then rolled through himself, lifting Americana up off the canvas and double under-hooking the arms to set up for an Elemental Driver but Americana blocked the attempt and then floated over into a bridging pin.... One.... Two..... Three ? Elemental II kicked out, but referee Omura Umeki had counted to three and declared Americana the winner of the match. A little slow to get going, as they did alot of 'stalling' early on whilst playing up the 'their styles are so similar, it's like wrestling their own shadow ' angle at the beginning of the match, however it did pick up and this was a masterclass in counter for counter wrestling. Americana picks up what can probably be deemed as his biggest win of his career so far, but whilst the finish was 'clean' Elemental II will feel that he was beaten by fluke pin and will surely ask for a re-match. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Americana defeated Elemental II in 20:56 by pinfall[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [I]The match is over and there is a bit of tension as Elemental II is arguing with Omura Umeki over the fact that he felt he kicked out before three. Americana goes over to Elemental II to offer a hand-shake. Elemental II still looks peeved but he eventually offers his hand and the two embrace, before Elemental raises Americana's arm aloft.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with Hiroaki Nakasawa who will face Shimedzu in the Super 10 Cup Finals match, that will be main eventing the show and is coming up next.[/I] [I]- Hiroaki Nakasawa said that he has already seen off the head of Silver Dragon Feet, and he's ready to take Shimedzu out of the equation , and by doing so he will make history be becoming the first winner ever win of the Super 10 Cup then come 2008 he's taking back what he should never have lost in the first place the Burning World Heavyweight Championship !![/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]A video package is put together to hype the Super 10 Cup finals match between Hiroaki Nakasawa and Shimedzu, it shows the finishing sequences to their semi-final matches earlier in the night.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 8: Super 10 Cup Finals: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Shimedzu[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Super10Cup.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] We get the full Title match introductions before the start of the match and the fans throw in the streamers, though there is considerably more for Hiroaki Nakasawa. They lock up and Nakasawa just over-powers Shimedzu, shoving the former tag champion down to the canvas. Shimedzu gets up and charges at Nakasawa but it has no effect and he just gets dropped with a clothesline, Shimedzu charges again but Nakasawa takes him over with a back body drop. Shimedzu decides he needs to re-group and goes out for a powder,Nakasawa doesn't bite and just patiently waits for Shimedzu to come back into the ring. Shimedzu gets back in and tries to fire in some kicks but Nakasawa just blocks them and then dumps Shimedzu across his knee with a Uranage backbreaker, before taking the Dragon-Feeter over into a Northern Lights Suplex...... One..... Two..... Shimedzu was able to kick out of that. Nakasawa then pulled Shimedzu up off the canvas and fired in a couple of fore-arm smashes before whipping Shimedzu across the ring, however that proved to be a tactical error from Nakasawa as Shimedzu was able to spring off the ropes and deliver a roundhouse kick. After both lay on the canvas for a good few seconds, Shimedzu was able to unsteady Nakasawa with a low-drop kick before climbing up onto the second turnbuckle and then driving the former World Champion into the mat with a swinging DDT..... One... Two...... Nakasawa easily kicked out, but was then immediately nailed in the face with a Shinining Wizard and Shimedzu immediately went for anothe cover..... One...... Two..... Nakasawa once again was able to kick out , Shimedzu then decided to go up top and came off onto Nakasawa with a moonsault, however Nakasawa was able to get the knees up. As they got back to their feet Nakasawa then drove Shimedzu back onto the canvas with a Uranage before dropping down and then applying a cross-face submission hold. Shimedzu managed to struggle over to the ropes but Nakasawa stayed on the offensive firing in a series of fore-arm shots and clubbing blows across the neck. Nakasawa then whipped Shimedzu into the turnbuckle, before placing Shimedzu onto the top turnbuckle. Nakasawa then climbed onto the second rope and set up for the Nakasawa Neckbreaker but Shimedzu managed to shove him off and was then able to hit a drop-kick to the back of the former World Champion. Nakasawa got back up to his feet but Shimedzu was starting to get a second wind, and he staggered Nakasawa with a flurry of machine gun like kicks (a series he calls the Rebel streak), he followed that up with an STO that sent Nakasawa slumping into the corner. Shimedzu then lifted Nakasawa up from the corner before delivering a gutbuster and then bodyslamming the World Champion over and dumping him across the turnbuckle into the tree of woe position. Shimedzu then gave Nakasawa the rather un-wanted boot to face facial scrub, before getting a head of steam and delivering the hesitation drop kick. Nakasawa slumped down onto the canvas and Shimedzu went for a cover, however Nakasawa was too near the ropes and was able to lengthen out his leg onto the ring-ropes. Shimedzu then pulled Nakasawa out of the corner locked on a Full Nelson and dumped the former World Champion with a Dragon Suplex..... One...... Two...... Despite all the offence from Shimedzu that he had to endure over the past few minutes Nakasawa was still able to kick out. Shimedzu though moved in for the kill and set up for the Skull-Drop but Nakasawa was able to block the attempt and countered that with the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !! Nakasawa then slumped to the canvas himself and laid an arm across Shimedzu.... One...... Two..... Thr...... Nooo !! Shimedzu kicked out , had Nakasawa been able to hook the leg he probably would have been the winner.They both still laid on the canvas, but there must be a winner so Omura Umeki does not register the twenty count. As they raised thesmleves back to their feet they teed away on one another with kicks, fore-arm strikes, strikes, if their limb was able to move they were using it to attempt to dish out punishment on the other. The momentum then started to swing Nakasawa's way as one would expect in a straight brawl andthat momentum took them over to the ring-ropes where Nakasawa was able to clothesline Shimedzu out of the ring. Nakasawa then climbed over the top rope and sent Shimedzu crashing into the barricades with a flying shoulder tackle. Nakasawa then picked Shimedzu up and tried to take the Dragon-Feeter over with a vertical suplex onto the outside floor, but Shimedzu was able to block and he stunned Nakasawa with an Enziguri, before driving Nakasawa against the guard-rail with an STO. The former tag champion then fired in a flurry of kicks , before climbing up onto the apron and flying off onto Nakasawa with a flying clothesline that sent both tumbling over into the front row-seats in the crowd. As order was resumed....Shimedzu was still in control and he tossed a chair into the ring, however Umeki threw it back out of the ring (there must be a winner, but this is not a hardcore match).....Shimedzu then picked up another chair and set it up on the outside, before turning his attention back to Nakasawa, he tried for a Skull-Drop but Nakasawa was able to block and he reversed into a Vertical suplex when Shimedzu landing back first across the chair. Nakasawa then brought the fight back into the ring, where he delivered a double knee backbreaker to Shimedzu, before turning the former tag champion over and driving him back down to the canvas with a lariat One..... Two...... Thr..... Shimedzu kicked out. Nakasawa then lifted Shimedzu managed to kick his way out of it and then countered with a crucifix roll, Nakasawa rolled through himself and then set up for another power-bomb on Shimedzu, but this time the Dragon Feeter was able to counter with a Enziguri, before dumping the former World Champion into the canvas with a DDT. One..... Two..... Nakasawa kicked out and got back up to a vertical base, but Shimedzu took Nakasawa's legs out from underneath with a low-drop-kick. Nakasawa again got back up to his feet and went for a Lariat but Shimedzu was able to duck and he caught Nakasawa with a roundhouse kick.....Nakasawa then staggered towards Shimedzu a knee strike doubled the former World Champion over,leading to the SKULL DROP !! One....... Two...... Three !! Shimedzu is the first ever Super 10 Cup champion !! and will face Hooded Kudo for the World Title at the first pay per view of 2008. ...Fire Dream of the Immortals. Shimedzu really stepped it up in the Finals after his disappointing match with Hoshino (which goes to show it was more Hoshino that made that semi-final so lacklustre) and showed that he deserves his renewed singles push. Nakasawa as ever was the consumate professional and did everything he could to put Shimedzu over, whilst looking as strong as he can himself...what resulted was a compellingly intense showdown, that has helped to put Shimedzu over huge as a major singles star in Burning Hammer and not just someone who will be labelled as a career tag specialist. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Shimedzu defeated Hiroaki Nakasawa in 25:12 by pinfall with a Shimedzu Skull Drop. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Shimedzu wins the Super-10 Cup title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]The show ends with Shimedzu receiving the Super 10 Cup....he is joined in the ring by his Silver Dragon Feet stable mates for the celebrations. [/I] [I]Miyamae looks particularly pleased for his long standing tag team partner and best friend, but Hooded Kudo's congratulaitons seem some-what muted as he now realises that perhaps the biggest threat to his World Title reign now comes from within his own camp.[/I] [B][COLOR=black]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Overall: A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] To be honest that was one of those saved by a bona-fide MOTYC in the main event and backed up by a very good semi-main sort of 'A' rated shows, as there was also some disappointing stuff littered across the show. The Openweight Title match could have been better, though to be honest that was a bit of booking mistake and the Hoshino-Shimedzu semi final was way below expectations. Rest of the card was solid as both the Junior and Tag Title matches were decent, the Junior 4 way was fine as card filler and Kudo-Nakasawa brought their expectant level of quality to the first semi final to get the PPV off to a hot start.
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[B][U]Predictions Contest[/U][/B] A reasonably healthy 7 entrants this time round...... [B]Tyler Drew:[/B] 7/9 [B]Imerak:[/B] 6/9 [B]Chris Caulfield:[/B] 6/9 [B]D-Lyrium:[/B] 5/9 [B]Marcel Fromage:[/B] 4/9 [B]Smurphy 1014: [/B]4/9 [B]Beeker:[/B] 3/9 Tyler Drew wins the prediction contest and some imaginary front-row tickets to some imaginary PPV in an imaginary March called Fire-Dream of the Immortals. Tyler was the only one to predict that Shimedzu would pull off the 'surprise' victory to win the Super 10 Cup, though credit should also go to Imerak who was the only one to predict the correct finals. ____________________________________________________________ Anyway don't expect any new tour shows to be posted up in the next week or two, I'll be concentrating on some off-season content for a little while. I'm in the process of doing some pretty in depth analysis of the other promotions in my game world. The analysis includes a Worker Top 10 for each promotion (Top 5 for small promotions) I was inspired to do this by the fact that Hiroaki Nakasawa was awarded wrestler of the year but didn't even feature in the Top 100 in the year end awards, though Elemental II was No.1. According to these awards Optimus was 'Veteran' wrestler of the year, despite the fact the retired back in April. So in my opinion the end of year awards, can't really be taken all that seriously. The Top 10's take into account win-loss record, popularity (where the promotion is based), title reigns and the strength of opposition faced throughout the course of the year. Once I'm done with the other promotion analysis. I will move onto an end of year review of the Burning Hammer roster, and then onto the in's and out's during the off-season.
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GREAT show. Great. Long! Great in its longness! Long in its greatness! Loved that Americana/Elemental II delivered as much as it did, and like that you took the unusual (for this fed) step of a ref nudge to keep this feud open, because I don't think Elemental vs Elemental could ever really get old. At the same time, my guess is that by the end of it, they won't be clapping for eachother after the first lock up.
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Wow. Now I know why I don't do predictions. Of course, I was actually really close, as I picked Miyamae instead of Shimedzu to pick up singles glory for the Rebellion. And I obviously mis-read the Hoshino Storyline (although if he had of performed even adequeately better I suspect Tigerkinney would have at least contemplated Hoshino in the finals.) Also the thought of Kudo trying to find ways for Miyamae to lose the Openweight title before the 10 match limit had some intriguing long-term storytelling possibilites. At least I got to name a tag team. Dunno if Tigerkinney enjoyed it or not. Now I sense HorrIno as two douses of peroxide away from becoming the CVerse Puro Version of Steve Corino... especially if their foreheads suddenly become paperthin. Awww, does this mean no farewell to Konda job for Hoshino? Dammit, I was rather looking forward to that! And is the Nakasawa Neckbreaker the Honkey Tonk Man's Shake Rattle n' Roll? Part of me really wants it to be, even if I know realistically that's not gonna be the case. Oh, and Sensational Dragon redubbing the Juniorweight Title as the Sensational Dragonweight title sounds like fun to me. Hmmm... maybe I should stick with my own comedy concepts.
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Here as promised the first in a series of posts reviewing the game-world at the end of 2007. Here we take a look at the UK's biggest fed 21CW and the two all female promotions based in America, the more serious AAA and the rather more sleazy Babes of Sin City. [SIZE=2][COLOR=red][B][U][SIZE=3]21st [COLOR=navy]Century [/COLOR]Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/B] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_21CW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] United Kingdom (South) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Jeff Nova, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Pitbull Brown [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Steve Smith & Jeff Nova [B]Road Agent:[/B] Steamroller, [B]Referee:[/B] Jacob Bailey [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Kathleen Lee [I](valet of Rod 'The God' Todd and Pitbull Brown- working a bondage nun gimmick)[/I] Phoebe Plumbridge [I](valet of The Party Animals Rave & Trance)[/I] [CENTER][I]______________________[/I][/CENTER] [B]Popularity: [/B] [B]U.K :[/B] D in all Regions /[B]Europe:[/B] E- in all Regions /[B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $136 0274/ [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B]Current T.V Shows:[/B] Best of British Wrestling (Mondays for 1 hour at 8 PM on TWC Fight) -[B] [I]Last Rating:[/I][/B][I] 0.23[/I] [CENTER][I]__________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] None [B]Out:[/B] Adam Matravers (left 21CW when he decided to pursue 'Touring' opportunities in Japan) [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The In's and Out's will be for In-ring talent only.[/FONT] [B][U]Champion Roll-Call[/U][/B] [B]World:[/B] Joss Thompson (October 2006- December 2007) Rolling Johnny Stones (Current since December 2007) [B]United Kingdom:[/B] Daniel Black Francis (November 2006- April 2007) Genocide Agent (April-May 2007) Leo Price (May-November 2007) Rod 'The God' Todd (Current since November 2007) [B]Tag Team:[/B] Ivanoff Brothers (October 2006- June 2007) Rod 'The God' Todd and Pitbull Brown (Current Since June 2007) [B][U]Top 10 Workers in 21CW during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Joss Thompson[/B] (Pop: C-, D+ in South/ Record: 45-1-19/Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Held the 21CW 'World' Title (It's World only in name) for almost the entire year, until finally being beaten for the Title by Rolling Johnny Stones. Thompson played a smarmy heel, who always found a way to sneak out the victory much to the frustration of the 21CW fans and anyone who tried to stand in his way.[/I] [B]2. Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] (Pop: D+, D+ in South/ Record: 23-2-22/Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]The self proclaimed 'King of the Swingers' chased the uber-smug Thompson for the World Title throughout the second half of 2007 and his winning of the World Title was a culmination of a big storyline for the Jeff Nova's SWF influenced British fed. Both technically solid in the ring and charismatic Stones is one of the Cornerstones of 21CW.[/I] [B]3. Daniel Black Francis[/B] (Pop: D+, D+ in South/ Record: 26-2-19 /Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Held the United Kingdom Title until April, when he surpisingly lost the title to Genocide Agent after interference from Joss Thompson- DBF and Thompson were building towards a champion vs champion showdown, but Thompson cost DBF his belt to try and gain a psychological advantage. [/I] [I]That led to a bitter feud between the 'Wrestlafarian' and the ultra smarmy heel champion, with DBF not quite finding a way to get the better of Thompson.[/I] [B]4. Rod 'The God' Todd*[/B] (Pop: D+, D in South/ Record: 23-0-19 /Avg Match Rating: D) [I]With his controversial Religious Zealot gimmick Rod 'The God' Todd has been hot property in 21CW throughout 21CW and he has used that momentum to become the break-out star in 21CW during 2007. Though he has yet to be given a World Title shot, the self proclaimed 'God's Gift to Wrestling' has found success in both the tag and singles ranks. [/I] [I]He managed to 'brainwash' Pitbull Brown into becoming his bodyguard and the pair defeated the Ivanoff Brothers for the Tag Titles in June and he then tasted singles success when he won the United Kingdom title in June, as he head's forward ito 2008 as a double champion[/I] [FONT=Courier New]Note: * I started this diary/save-game, before he got he got updated to Jonathan Faust.[/FONT] [B]5. Leo Price[/B] (Pop: D+/ Record: 25-0-19 /Avg Match Rating: D) [I]A British Wrestling veteran 'The Lion' managed to establish himself in the Upper Mid Card with a solid seven month run with the United Kingdom Title and even had a couple of shots at the World Title. Is currently embroiled in a bitter feud with Rod 'The God' Todd of whom he lost the United Kingdom Title to. [/I] [I]The feud has also managed to spill over into the tag ranks where Leo Price's tandem with Luke Cool (The Advantagers) are feuding with Todd and his lackey Pitbull Brown over the tag straps.[/I] [B]6. DJ Reason[/B] (Pop: D+, D+ in South/ Record: 29-4-12 /Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Had a solid year that included 2 World Title shots, but his own World Title ambitions were over-shadowed by those of Rolling Johnny Stones and Daniel Black Francis, and even the mid-card battles between Rod 'The God' Todd and Leo Price seemed to move Reason away from the spotlight. [/I] [I]Turned heel during the summer, as it was felt that he was becoming somewhat stale as a babyface, but with Thompson as champion that hindered his own World Title ambitions.[/I] [B]7. Pitbull Brown[/B] (Pop: D+, D- in South/ Record: 29-1-16 /Avg Match Rating: D) [I]Behind the scene he is the head booker of 21CW, and it appears that he has unselfishly put his own singles ambitions on hold, instead concentrating on being part of the Tag ranks, where he is he current champion with Rod 'The God' Todd. The unlikely duo formed when Todd managed to put the Pitbull into a trance and persuade the East End bad-ass to become his personal bodyguard.[/I] [B]8. Ivan Ivanoff[/B] (Pop: D-, D- in South / Record: 15-1-18 /Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]Held the Tag straps with his brother Igor during the first half of 2007, before dropping them to the current champions of Rod 'The God' & Pitbull Brown. [/I] [I]Since losing those belts Ivan has managed to get more over with the 21CW fans than his brother, and this momentum even saw Ivan get a solitary World Title shot, and though the Ivanoff Brothers remain together, it's only a matter of time before 21CW pull the trigger on a fully fledged singles run for Ivan.[/I] [B]9. Genocide Agent[/B] (Pop: E+, E+ in South/ Record: 17-2-23 /Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]With the Elimination Agents imploding on themselves in early 2007, the pace-painted pair pursued singles careers after a short feud with one another. [/I] [I]Though Suicide Agent came out on top of that feud, it was actually Genocide Agent who went on to have more success in 2007, when he won the United Kingdom Title, even it was only for a one month transitional reign, though he has since slinked back into mid-card obscurity and many think that short U.K title reign will be the pinnacle of Genocide Agents singles career.[/I] [B]10. Phillip Cooper[/B] (Pop: E+, E+ in South / Record: 21-1-10 /Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]Put together a good win-loss record throughout 2007, without ever getting a shot at any of the titles. That's because 21CW have been gradually building up the fun loving youngster, known for his array of wacky head-gear, with plenty of wins over the lower tier of their roster. [/I] [I]Cooper goes into 2008 with plenty of momentum behind him and he looks set to at-least be a fixture in the mid-card and challenging for the United Kingdom title.[/I] [B]Worth a Mention:[/B] [B]Adam Matravers-[/B] [I]Had Matravers not left 21CW in March to chase the dream of making it in Japan, he would have definately made the Top 10, probably the Top 5 and you never know he could have been the 21CW World Champion, and though Matravers did get to tour with GCG he's not been able to find work since (one has to wonder if he severed his ties with Nova) .[/I] [I]Perhaps his pursuit of trying to make it in Japan, when he was in a good position to be one of the leading lights of the U.K wrestling scene, wasn't such a wise career move. [/I] ________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]Angel Athletic Association[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_AAA.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (North West) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Anne Stardust, [B]Head Booker: [/B]Catherine Quine [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Jim Lou Freebush, Farrah Hesketh [B]Road Agent:[/B] Duncan Kendall, [B]Referee:[/B] Lois Hudson [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Anne Stardust (Currently working a mentor gimmick alongside the Brendon Sisters) Sienna Deville (Manager of the the 'Wild Bunch' Kristabel Plum, Bernice Lopez and Gorgon) [CENTER]_________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]USA:[/B] [B]North West:[/B] D+,[B]Mid West:[/B] E. [B]South-West:[/B] E-, [B]Rest of mainland U.S:[/B] F+, [B]Puerto Rico:[/B] F [B]Canada:[/B] [B]B.C:[/B] E-, [B]Rest of Canada:[/B] F [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $156 159/ [B]Prestige:[/B] E [B]Current T.V Shows:[/B] AAA Weekly (Mondays for 1 Hour at 11 PM on Altitude, since June 2007) [I][B]Last Rating:[/B] 0.11[/I] [CENTER]__________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] Alicia Strong (June), Agent 69 (August) Bernice Lopez * ( November) [B]Out:[/B] Helen Wheels (Left AAA in December, when she signed written contract with NOTBPW), Joanne Rodriguez (injured since May with a Broken Neck, AAA could not afford to keep an injured worker on their books), Suzue Katayama (Retired in June), Golden Delicious (Released in September), Wendy Anderson (Released in April) [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] * Bernice Lopez is a randomnly generated worker.[/FONT] [B][U]Champion Roll-Call[/U][/B] [B]Femme Fatale:[/B] Wanda Fish (Current since July 2006) [B]Top Contenders:[/B] Raven Nightfall (August 2006- July 2007) Helen Wheels (July-December 2007- vacated title when she left AAA) Black Widow (Current since December 2007) [B]Tag Team:[/B] Good Lookin' Bunny [I](Jessica Bunny & Katherine Goodlooks)[/I] (October 2006- December 2007) The Wild Bunch [I](Kristabel Plum and Bernice Lopez)[/I] (Current since December 2007) [B][U]Top 10 Workers in AAA during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Wanda Fish[/B] (Pop: C-/ B in North West,Record: 23-3-9. Avg Match Rating: C) [I]Despite losing her role as headbooker Wanda Fish still remains on top of the AAA mountain, and has held the Femme Fatale title for a staggering 17 month long reign. Seeing off challenges in 2007 from the likes of Catherine Quine, Alicia Strong and the sadly injured Joanne Rodriguez. Question is can any one stop Fish the Dish ?[/I] [B]2. Catherine Quine[/B] (Pop C-/C in Northwest), Record: 18-3-12. Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Behind the scenes she took over as head booker from Wanda Fish, in the ring she spent most the year chasing Fish for the Femme Fatale title but so far coming up short, despite getting six bites of the cherry. To Quine's credit as a booker, she has also built up Alicia Strong as credible challenger to Fish, so it's not a certainy in the fans eyes that it will be Quine herself who ends Fish's seemingly unstoppable title reign[/I] [B]3. Raven Nightfall[/B] (Pop: C/C+ in North West), Record: 24-1-8, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Nightfall had a solid 11 month reign with the Top contenders title, before dropping the title to Helen Wheels in July. [/I] [I]That lengthy title reign helped elevate her from a run of the mill mid-carder to one of the hottest talents on the AAA roster, and though she hasn't quite been able to crack the main event title scene, she did end the year with a big win over rookie-darling Alicia Strong and now looks set to become a major player going into 2008.[/I] [B]4. Alicia Strong[/B] (Pop: C/B- in North West), Record: 14-0-8. Avg Match Rating: C) [I]As the daughter of Sam Strong, Alicia could have coasted by on her name alone, but to her credit she has trained hard to become not just a competent wrestler but a very good one. If anything for pure in-ring talent she far outstrips her famous father, but with female wrestling beign a niche market it is doubtful that she will ever become as popular as Sam Strong.[/I] [I]Despite only making her in-ring debut in May, Strong is already an upper-card fixture in both AAA and with 5SSW in Japan . AAA officials were so high on Strong that she was given a shot at their top belt the Femme Fatale title in only her 4th match with the North-West based promotion.[/I] [B]5. Helen Wheels[/B] (Pop: D /D+ in North West, Record: 18-0-4. Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Helen Wheels had a strong year in AAA as a fixture in the mid-card, winning the Top Contenders Title from Raven Nightfall in July and then holding it until December, when she vacated the title due to signing a written contract with NOTBPW where she will work under her real name of Grace Harper.[/I] [I]Though Harper was never quite considered top belt material during her time in AAA, her defection to NOTBPW's womens division will be seen as a blow to the all female company.[/I] [B]6. Katherine Goodlooks[/B] (Pop: D-/C+ in North West, Record: 20-1-6, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]They sure like their long title reigns in AAA, and the tag reign of Good Lookin' Bunny was no exception, as they held the belts for 14 months, before finally dropping them rather suprisingly to the duo of Kristabel Plum and rookie Bernice Lopez. That loss led to Jessica Bunny blaming Goodlooks and the pair have been feuding ever since.[/I] [B]7. Jessica Bunny[/B] (Pop: E+. D+ in North West, Record: 20-1-10. Avg Match Rating: D) [I]Ranks below former partner Katherine Goodlooks, due to the fact that Goodlooks has managed to get more 'over' with the fans. [/I] [B]8. Black Widow[/B] (Pop: D-, Record: 14-0-15, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]The AAA veteran had an up and down year in the mid-card but finished the year on a high note when she defeated Tracy Brendon for the vacant Top Contenders title.[/I] [B]9. Vixxen[/B] (Pop: D+, C- in North West, Record: 13-1-12, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]The gothic veteran had a solid if unspectacular year in AAA, managing to post up a winning record by the end of the year but only having a couple of Top Contenders title shots to show for her efforts.[/I] [B]10. Suzanne Brazzle[/B] (Pop: D+. C- in North West, Record: 11-1-14, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Brazzle managed to put on some solid matches in the AAA mid-card without ever really gaining enough momentum to seriously challenge for any of the titles.[/I] [B]Worth a Mention:[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez :[/B] The Puerto-Rican born star would have surely made the Top 10 had she not suffered a freak neck injury in a tag title match for the 5SSW promotion in Japan. Rodriguez was one of the main challengers for the Femme Fatale title during the first half of the year. Rodriguez was released in May as AAA could not afford to keep an injured worker on their books and what is all the more frustrating for her, is that one month AAA entererd a new era by securing a weekly T.V show [B]Bernice Lopez:[/B] A graduate of the Piledriver Wrestling academy, Lopez is certainly one to look out for in the future, the rookie only made her debut in September but is already a tag champion, with Kristabel Plum (who seemed to be chasing the tag belts all year with any partner she could find). The Santa Fe born startlet is solid in the ring, but her strengths lie in the fact that she is already one of the best 'talkers' in the promotion, ally that to model looks and she has all the making of a future star. _____________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=magenta]Babes of Sin City[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_BSC.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (South West) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Honey Golightly, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Marilyn Stardust [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Honey Golightly, Sara Silver [B]Road Agent:[/B] Marilyn Stardust, [B]Referee:[/B] Heather Halo [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Duke Hazzard (Manager of Hollywood Magic ) Elijah Harris (Dharma Gregg's Personal Trainer) [CENTER]________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]USA[/B]: E- in South West, F in Mid-South & North West F- Everywhere else. [B]Finance:[/B] $105 885/ [B]Prestige:[/B] F [I]In ring roster has stayed the same throughout 2007.[/I] [U][B]Champion Roll Call[/B][/U] [B]Queen of the Ring:[/B] Dharma Gregg (Current since December 2006) [B]Girl Power Tag:[/B] Hollywood Magic [I](Britney Hollywood & Sprite)[/I] (Current since November 2006) [B][U]Top 5 Workers in BSC during 2007[/U][/B] [I]Can't be bothered to go into much detail for a promotion that is considered to be a bit of joke by most proper wrestling fans and is little more than a glorified strip show[/I] [B]1. Dharma Gregg[/B] [I]Carried around BSC's meaningless belt for the whole year, fact is she is just the 'chosen one' right now as the face of this flea-pit promotion[/I] [B]2. Jen Neptune[/B] [I]Like Gregg she was 'unbeaten' all year, somehow that did not warrant her a title shot- which just goes to show how the belt is just a meaningless bit of leather and gold in this promotion.[/I] [B]3. Sprite[/B] [I]One half of the 'Tag' Champions, did better in singles match-ups than her tag partner.[/I] [B]4. Kathy Neptune[/B] [I]Lost 2 matches, so not quite so succesful as her sister. [/I] [B]5. Britney Hollywood[/B] [I]The other half of the Tag champions[/I] [/SIZE]
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[I]A continued look at how the other promotions looked at the end of 2007.[/I] [I]This time we take a look at the world's leading Joshi Puroresu fed 5SSW and 2 Canadian promotions the De-Colt led CGC and the rather more small time 4C.[/I] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]5 Star Supreme Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_5SSW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Kinki) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Sakurako Kagawa, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Kuniyoshi Chishu [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Sakurako Kagawa & Takayuki Kajiwara [B]Road Agent:[/B] Nyoko Toshytala, Referees: Tsugiharu Odaka, Akizazu Miyagi [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Mito Miwa [I](Manager of 'Destruction Inc' Crusher Ichihara,[/I] [I]June Butler & Gorgon)[/I] Seishiro Hiraga [I](Manager of 'All Business' [/I] [I]Raku Makuda & Tomoko Nagatsuka) [/I] [CENTER][I]________________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Japan:[/B] D Everywhere except Chugoku and Kyushu (D-) [B]Rest of the World[/B] : All E- [B]Finance:[/B] [COLOR=red]- $ 41,573/[/COLOR] [B]Prestige:[/B] C+ [B]In:[/B] Dragon Assasin (April), Nene Ebina (April), Alicia Strong (December) [B]In and Out:[/B] Ginko Kuroda (2 Matches in December, then released), Principessa (signed touring contract in April, then released when injured with a Herniated Spinal Disc) [B]Out:[/B] Chitose Ariwara (May-Released), Otsune Tsumura (May-Released), Tsuki Kawamata (May- Released) Ikuko Temko (May- Released), Huntress Makiko (May-Released) Saeko Hiroyuki (December- Retired), Connie Morris (December-Released). [B]Still on Roster but injured:[/B] Joanne Rodriguez (Injured since May with Broken Neck) [CENTER]_________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]5 Star World[/B] Crusher Ichihara (November 2006- May 2007) Thunder Hike (May - September 2007) Crusher Ichihara (Current since September 2007) [B]All Asian[/B] Yuma Maruya (December 2006- January 2007) Devil Karube (January - April 2007) June Butler (April- May 2007) Kit Hatoyama (May-September 2007) June Butler (September -December 2007) Alicia Strong (Champion since December 2007) [B]Tag Team[/B] All Business [I](Raku Makuda and Tomoko Nagatsuka )[/I] (November 2006- January 2007) Kiko Sakakibara & Kit Hatoyama (January-May 2007) Seek & Destroy [I](Ikuko Temko & Huntress Makiko) [/I](May 2007-1 Week) Kiko Sakakibara & Joanne Rodriguez (May 2007- 1 Week: Vacated when Joanne Rodriguez was injured) Kiko Sakakibara & Megumi Nakijima (May-December 2007) June Butler & Gorgon (December 2007- 1 Week) Kiko Sakakibara & Kit Hatoyma (Current since December 2007) [B][U]Top 10 Workers in 5SSW during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Crusher Ichihara[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 57-1-18, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]The dominating brawler held the 5SSW World Title for most of the year with only a 4 month long reign for Thunder Hike, in the middle of the year breaking up her domination.[/I] [B]2. Thunder Hike[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 54-1-23. Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Overtook good friend Sensational Ogiwara, as the main rival to the dominating Crusher Ichihara and even had a 5th World Title reign to show for it, her first since 2003.[/I] [B]3. Sensational Ogiwara[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 50-2-22, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Ogiwara remains the most popular member of the 5SSW roster, and perhaps the 5SSW booking team came to the realisation that Ogiwara does not need the World Title to be over. Little was featured of the well trodden Ogiwara-Ichihara feud this year and instead when Ogiwara was challenging for the World Title it was during Thunder Hike's reign in battles of wrestling skill and respect.[/I] [B]4. Kit Hatoyama[/B] (Pop: C-, Record: 52-0-26, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]White Lightning had an impressive year in 2007, winning the tag titles twice with Kiko Sakakibara on top of a 5 month reign with 5SSW's secondary singles belt the All-Asian Title (the longest reign of anyone to hold that belt in 2007).....and her impressive form even earned her a few shots at the World Title.[/I] [B]5. June Butler[/B] (Pop: D+, Record: 59-0-18, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Crusher Ichihara's hard hitting American friend had another solid year in 5SSW, picking up two separate reigns with the All-Asian Title and even winning the Tag Titles with fellow American Gorgon (though that was only for 1 week).[/I] [I]However quite a few 5SSW fans think June Butler is over-pushed and that her matches can often be bland and formulaic, which means that she's not quite caught on this year despite posting up a very strong win/loss record.[/I] [B]6. Kiko Sakakibara[/B] (Pop: D+, Record: 56-0-22, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Sakakibara appeared to be on a mission to be a Tag champion this year and she managed to complete that feat on 4 separate occasions. Posting up two reigns with Kit Hatoyama, plus single reigns with Megumi Nakijima and Joanne Rodriguez (though that reign was unfortunately cut short due to Rodriguez horrific neck injury in a title defence against Seek & Destroy- an incident that probably led to Seek & Destroy's release)[/I] [B]7. Devil Karube[/B] (Pop: D+. Record: 38-1-38, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Karube was a steady hand in the 5SSW mid-card during 2007, putting on some of the better matches outside of the main event and held the All-Asian Title for most of the first quarter of the year before dropping it to June Butler in April.[/I] [B]8. Megumi Nakijima[/B] (Pop: D-, Record: 41-1-35, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Promising youngster Nakijima had her first taste of success in 5SSW during 2007, when she held the tag titles with Kiko Sakakibara, with the pair putting together a strong 7 month reign. [/I] [I]There is a feeling though from some fans that perhaps she was little over-pushed this year and that she had to be carried by more skilled opponents, something that management must have taken notice of when Sakakibara went back to tagging with Kit Hatoyama and Nakijima appeared to be sliding back down the 5SSW pecking order again at the back end of the year.[/I] [B]9. Alicia Strong[/B] (Pop: D, Record: 9-0-1, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]It Just goes to show how highly regarded Alicia Strong is on both sides of the Pacific Ocean, when in only her first month with 5SSW she has already won their secondary singles title. She was on the losing end in her first match (a tag contest with Kit Hatoyama against Ichihara and Butler) but since that first match she has been unbeaten thus far.[/I] [B]10. Saeko Hiroyuki[/B] (Pop: C-, Record: 36-1-39, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]The veteran was a steady hand in the mid-card throughout the year challenging several times for the All-Asian title, before somewhat surprisingly taking the decision to hang up the boots at the end of the year, as there was no knowledge of her having any nagging injuries.[/I] ______________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy]Canadian Charisma Combat Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_4C.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Canada (Ontario) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Troy Winner, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Joey Poison [B]Commentary Team: [/B]Terry Smith & Kenny O'Quinn [B]Road Agent:[/B] Chance, [B]Referee:[/B] Andy Gordy [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Katie Cameron [I](Was manager of Jacob Jett, now in limbo and currently being used in a backstage interviewer role for 4C's DVD releases/online podcasts)[/I] [B]Persephone [/B][I](Manager of Phenomenal Excess)[/I] [CENTER][I]_______________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Canada:[/B] [B]Ontario:[/B] E, [B]British Columbia:[/B] E-, [B]Rest of Canada: [/B]E+ [B]Rest of the World:[/B] E- [B]Finance:[/B] $76 509/ [B]Prestige:[/B] F+ [CENTER]_____________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] Wizard of Ottawa (October), Davis Wayne Newton (December) [B]Out:[/B] Trent Shaffer (Left in September), Jacob Jett (Left in October), Sayeed Ali (Left in December) [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]4C Championship[/B] Joey Poison (Current from November 2006) [B]Hardcore [/B] Brett Fraser (December 2006- January 2007) Hardcore Killah (January-August 2007) Barry Kingman (Current since August 2007) [B]Tag Team[/B] Phenomenal Excesss [I](Phenomenal E & Duberry Excess)[/I] (Current since November 2006) [B]Top 5 Workers in 4C During 2007[/B] [B]1. Joey Poison[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 11-0-0, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Joey Poison held the 4C Championship all year, and naturally given his position of power as head booker that has garnered plenty of criticism from smarks and many feel that 4C would be in a better position if Poison were to end his run as champion.[/I] [I]However the fact remains that there really is no one else on the roster right now that can be considered better championship material and/or willing to stick around with the small Ontario based company.[/I] [B]2. Barry Kingman[/B] (Pop: D-, D in Ontario, Record: 8-0-4, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]Kingman added the 4C Hardcore championship in August to his list of accomplishments in the Ontario based fed, as he continues to be one of the promotions most steady hands. The Hardcore title win also appears to have put him back in the picture for the 4C Championship, as December's event featured a champion vs champion match up with Joey Poison.[/I] 3. Trent Shaffer (Pop: B , Record: 3-0-5, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Shaffer was Joey Poison's main rival for the 4C Championship until his departure in September. Fact is Shaffer's main career in CGC was really starting to take off and he had started to 'outgrow' 4C. Shaffer's departure is a good indication as to why Poison keeps the belt on himself, as 4C simply don't have the finances or prestige at this moment in time to hold onto rising stars the calibre of a Trent Shaffer.[/I] 4. Phenomenal E (Pop: E, D- in Ontario, Record: 6-0-6, Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]'Phenomenal E' Ed Larkins managed to hold on to one half of the Tag Team Titles for the entire year, if truth be known Phenomenal Excess had very few challengers to their belts, as Tag Team wrestling has always been booked as something of an afterthought by 4C, who prefer to concentrate on singles match up's during their monthly shows.[/I] [I]More impressive for Larkins, is the fact that he managed to get a couple of opportunities to challenge for the 4C Championship[/I] 5. Jacob Jett (Pop: B-. Record: 2-0-7, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Ignore the poor win-loss record, Jacob Jett was one of 4C's top performers, during which he challenged for the 4C Championship 3 times before his departure in October. Similar to Trent Shaffer, Jett was starting to make a name for himself in the bigger Canadian Golden Combat promotion and he is another rising star in Canadian wrestling to simply outgrow 4C.[/I] ______________________________________________________________________________ [SIZE=3][COLOR=red][B]Canadian Golden Canvas[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_CGC.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Canada (British Columbia)) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] George De Colt, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Alex De Colt [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Rock Downpour and Sara Silver [B]Road Agents:[/B] Archie Judge, Chance [B]Referees:[/B] Francis Long, Farrah Hesketh [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Hotstuff Marie [I](Was the valet of Jack De-Colt, until he some-what shockingly left CGC, is currently being used as a backstage interviewer)[/I] Roger Rogers [I](Manager of Mick Muscle & Ryan Powell)[/I] [CENTER]__________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Canada:[/B] C+ in all Regions [B]USA:[/B] D in all Regions, except Puerto Rico (D-) [B]Mexico:[/B] E- in all Regions [B]Rest of the World :[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 8,346 626./ [B]Prestige:[/B] B- [B]Current T.V Shows:[/B] CGC Title Bout Wrestling (Sundays for 1 Hour at 9.30 PM on CBC) [B][I]Last Rating:[/I][/B] 5.00 CGC Tornado (Tuesdays for 1 Hour at 12 A.M on Hallmark) [B][I]Last Rating:[/I][/B] 3.41 [CENTER]_________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] Mick Muscles (February), Mario Heroic (April), Roger Dodger (April) Tana The Mighty (October) , Rocky Golden (November), [B]In and Out:[/B] Joe Sexy (Added CGC to working with SWF in September, when SWF was no longer able to offer everyone written contracts, due to falling to cult size....but has recently signed written contract with TCW and has now left both SWF and CGC) [B]Out:[/B] Shooter Sean Deeley (January, signed written contract with NOTBPW), Whippy The Clown(January, signed written contract with NOTBPW),Destiny (June, signed written contract with NOTBPW), Derek Frost (August, signed written contract with NOTBPW), Jack DeColt (August -Left to persue other career options, such as working in Japan, recently joined TCW on a written contract), Lee Rivera (December- joined TCW on written contract) [B]Still on Roster but Injured:[/B] Grimm Quibble (Out since November with semi-severed spinal column) [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]World[/B] Alex De Colt (June 2006- July 2007) Dan DaLay (Current since July 2007) [B]Canadian[/B] Shooter Sean Deeley (October 2006- January 2007) Eddie Chandler (January- March 2007) Lee Rivera (March- May 2007) Ricky DeColt (May- July 2007) Jesse Gilbert (July-November 2007) Lee Rivera (November -December 2007: Vacated title when he left for TCW) Ed Monton (Current since December 2007) [B]World Tag Team[/B] Youth Energy (Lee Rivera and Shane Nelson) (July 2006- December 2007: Titles vacated when Lee Rivera left for TCW) Trent Shaffer & Bobby Thomas (Current since December 2007) [U]Top 10 Workers in CGC During 2007[/U] [B]1. Alex DeColt[/B] (Pop: A*, Record: 58-4-14. Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Alex DeColt continues to be the cornerstone of Canadian Golden Combat, and is arguably the most popular wrestler in the whole of Canada right now. He led the DeColts to victory over the Elite during the first half of the year, and victory over Dan DaLay at Chaos in the Cage forced Elite to disband. However after that match DeColts own family members Steve & Ricky turned on him.[/I] [I]That led to the DeColt vs DeColt feud that has carried the second half of the year for CGC,. a feud that even cost Alex the World Title to Dan DaLay when Steve and Ricky interfered....on DaLay's behalf something that would have been deemed unthinkable.[/I] [B]2. Dan DaLay[/B] (Pop: A, Record: 42-2-30, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]It looked as though 2007 was going to be a year to forget for the powerhouse brawler of the once dangerous Elite faction, when his loss in World Title cage match to Alex DeColt led to the disbandment of Elite. However he was able to win the World Title in July, when Steve & Ricky DeColt shockingly turned on their brother.[/I] [I]The only doubt that will be casted over DaLay's credentials as World Champion going into 2008, is that mouthpiece Adrian Garcia has defected to rival promotion NOTBPW, and whilst DaLay can be carried to a good match, he is far from a good talker.[/I] [B]3. Steve DeColt[/B] (Pop: A*, Record: 42-2-35, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The thing that has got all the CGC's fans talking in 2007, is the heel turn of Steve and Ricky DeColt, and the move has freshened up the DeColts and helped take CGC in hot new direction in terms of storyline's as the DeColts- Elite feud had run it's course, it's hot storylines like this that has helped keep CGC relevant despite regular talent raids from the likes of NOTBPW.[/I] [B]4. Lee Rivera[/B] (Pop: A, Record: 43-1-12, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Lee Rivera was one of the rising stars of CGC in 2007 and looked set to break into the main event, however this success caught the attention of TCW south of the border, who nabbed the talented cruiserweight on a Written contract at the end of the year.[/I] [I]Alongside Shane Nelson as Youth Energy, the team were unstoppable in the Tag Division during 2007 , and held the belt for a staggeringly long 18 month reign. As impressive as Youth Energy's title reign was, the decision to have them hold the belts for so long ended up biting CGC because when Lee Rivera left for TCW, they were forced into a vacant title situation, plus Youth Energy's dominant run made everyone else look like a bunch of chumps.[/I] [I]But not only did Rivera enjoy tag success during 2007, he also enjoyed singles success with two seperate Canadian Title reigns, and just as with the Tag Titles Rivera was champion before he defected to TCW.[/I] [B]5. Shane Nelson[/B] (Pop: B+, Record: 32-3-26, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]Much of what can be said about Shane Nelson, was said with Lee Rivera, minus the added success in singles competition.[/I] [B]6. Ricky DeColt[/B] (Pop: B+. Record: 42-2-35, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]As discussed in previous DeColt entries, Ricky turned heel alongside Steve , apart from the notable gimmick change Ricky also tasted some championship success when he held the Canadian Title for 2 months between May and July.[/I] [B]7. Jack DeColt[/B] (Pop: B+, Record: 31-1-18, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]When the DeColt family feud exploded into life in July, Jack stood alongside Alex as they faced off with a new enemy their own family members Steve & Ricky. However he was taken out of CGC in August when in a World Title match against Dan DaLay....Steve & Ricky interfered, then joined forces with former enemy Dan DaLay to beat-down Jack and 'take him out' of CGC. [/I] [I]The truth behind the scenes, was that Jack shockingly made the decision to leave CGC and it has many internet smarks pondering if any of the other DeColts will follow suit. [/I] [I][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] I edited it in my game that there are no lifetime contracts, except for the owners.[/I] [B]8. Eddie Chandler[/B] (Pop: B+, Record: 35-1-19, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Won the Canadian Title in January from the departing Sean Deeley and had solid 3 month reign, however since the disbandment of the Elite faction, Chander has been on something of a downturn and with Steve & Ricky DeColt now the hottest heels in CGC, Chandlers appears to be somewhat de-pushed going into 2008.[/I] [B]9. Ed Monton[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 26-4-20, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]The dependable veteran appears to be getting one last title run with CGC when he defeated Ryan Powell for the vacant Canadian Title in December[/I] [B]10. Trent Shaffer[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 19-0-18, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]One of the rising stars young stars of the CGC roster, Shaffer won his first Championship in CGC in December when he partnered Bobby Thomas to win the vacant World Tag Team Titles. Though some of his matches were far from brilliant earlier in the year, he has shown improvement as a worker and he now looks to put together a strong tag title run with Thomas going into 2008.[/I]
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[I]3 More other promotion profiles, this time they are South-West based Indy CZCW, cult 'hardcore' favourite DAVE and Burning Hammer's developmental territory Hinote Dojo. [/I] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=teal]Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_CZCW.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (South West) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Cliff Anderson, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Shawn Gonzalez [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Cliff Anderson and Hustler D [B]Road Agent:[/B] Preston Holt / [B]Referee:[/B] Pee Wee Germaine [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Beach Babe Bunnie ([I]Valet of Remmy Skye)[/I] Sienna Deville [I](Female member of the 'American Virus' stable featuring Citizen X, Joey Poison and Gargantuan)[/I] [CENTER][I]________________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]USA:[/B] D- in South West, F in Mid South, F- All Other Regions [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 664 781./ [B]Prestige:[/B] D- [CENTER]___________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] Shawn Gonzalez (January- Given vacant Head Booker position), Mario Heroic (March), Hells Bouncer (October), Jungle Jack (October), Gargantuan (October), Joey Poison (October), Davis Wayne Newton (November) [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] Despite CZCW being a fed built on high-flying smaller wrestlers, for some bizarre reason they went on a shopping spree of hosses in the Autumn. Ok that might be a bit harsh for Jungle Jack (who is a talented big man) but Hells Bouncer and Gargantuan, what is Gonzalez smoking ?[/FONT] [B]Out:[/B] Ultimate Phoenix (Left CZCW in October to concentrate on MPWF), [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]CZCW Championship[/B] Donnie J (Current since November 2006) [B]Xtreme[/B] Insane Machine (December 2006- April 2007) Matt Sparrow (Current since April 2007) [B]Tag Team[/B] Air Force 1[I] (Flying Jimmy Foxx & Snap Dragon)[/I] (September 2006- March 2007)- Lost Titles in first Tag Title match of the year. The Unbeatables [I](Plague & Ultimate Phoenix)[/I] (March - October 2007)- Titles vacated when Ultimate Phoenix made the decision to no longer work for CZCW Animal Magic [I](Masked Cougar & Fox Mask)[/I] (Current Since October 2007) [B][U]Top 10 Workers in CZCW During 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Donnie J[/B] (Pop: D, D+ in South West, Record: 12-0-0, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]The former Fly Boy went unbeaten for the whole year to hold onto the CZCW Championship, with his main rivals for the title being former tag partner James Prudence and newly installed head booker Shawn Gonzalez. [/I] [I]On a more negative note, whilst the Fly Boys feud was hot for a while, fans are starting to find Donnie J stale as champion and feel that there are more talented workers on the roster that deserve a run with the CZCW Championship.[/I] [B]2. Matt Sparrow[/B] (Pop: D- , D+ in South West, Record: 9-0-3, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Has Held the Xtreme Title since April and has had some solid matches with the likes of Ultimate Phoenix, Mario Heroic and Fox Mask for the specialist high flyer belt in CZCW, with his most memorable defence being a 3-way ladder match with Phoenix and Heroic in September, a match that would turn out to be Phoenix's final match in CZCW.[/I] [B]3. Shawn Gonzalez[/B] (Pop: C+, Record: 6-0-3, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]It should come as no surprise that as head booker Gonzalez should immediately inject himself into the main event of CZCW and be a contender for the CZCW Championship, but to be fair his title matches with Donnie J have been some of CZCW's best matches this year and they have helped give Donnie J some credability as champion. [/I] [I]Another good thing is that with the precence of Gonzalez in the main event and with the signing of some bigger sized workers (though some of them are very questionable) will help people see the difference in the CZCW Championship and the Xtreme Title, whilst keeping both important in the fans eyes.[/I] [B]4. James Prudence[/B] (Pop: D-, Record: 4-0-8, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Prudence continued his feud with Donnie J going into 2007, but was ultimately unable to beat his former tag partner for the CZCW Championship and it looks as though Prudence's title opportunities have all but dried up going into 2008.[/I] [B]5. Fox Mask[/B] (Pop: E, D+ in South West, Record: 6-1-4, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]The CZCW mainstay appears to have been depushed away from the main event singles scene in 2007, but he remains a valuable member of the roster and picked up his first Tag Team Championship, when he teamed up with Masked Cougar to defeat Joey Poison and Gargantuan for the previously vacant titles.[/I] [I]Making the pin in a succesful first title defence against Plague and Matt Sparrow, led to Fox Mask getting a shot at Sparrows Xtreme Title, but was unsuccesful in his bid to be a double champion the following month.[/I] [B]6. Plague[/B] (Pop: E+, C- in South West, Record: 4-0-8, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Held the tag titles for 7 months with Ultimate Phoenix, before being forced to vacate the when Phoenix left CZCW and was given a CZCW Championship shot early in the year but that tag run only included 1 title defence and his win loss-record was too patchy this year to justify being placed highter on the list. [/I] [I]However he remains popular with the CZCW fans (his regional popularity is amongst the highest) and he consistently puts on some of the best matches in CZCW....deserves a solid singles run in CZCW.[/I] [B]7. Ultimate Phoenix[/B] (Pop: D-, C- in South West, Record:4-0-4, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Phoenix was having a stellar year in CZCW before his departure in October, holding the tag belts with Plague and regularly challenging for the Xtreme title, but he really started to make waves in MPWF this year as-well. He must have felt he could no longer give 100 % to both companies and with the Mexican promotion being a more regular source of income, Phoenix took the decision to remain south of the border.[/I] [B]8. Masked Cougar[/B] (Pop: E-, D+ in South West, Record: 7-0-5, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Cougar was just sort of drifting along in the mid-card for most of 2007, until he formed Animal Magic with Fox Mask, and the masked pair with the 'wildlife' gimmicks won the Tag Titles, which in turn is Cougar's first title reign of any kind in CZCW.[/I] [B]9. Mario Heroic[/B] (Pop: D+. C in South West, Record: 4-1-5, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Heroic U.S born but of Brazilian heritage (explains why his Spanish is only passable) made his return along with his ridiculously long ring entrances to CZCW in March after 2 years away from the promotion. [/I] [I]Thus far his main focus appears to be on winning the Xtreme title, where he is forming a 'competitive' rivalry over the belt with Matt Sparrow but has so far been unsuccesful in being ableto unseat the Birdman as champion.[/I] [B]10. Insane Machine [/B] (Pop: E, D+ in South West, Record: 6-0-3, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Held onto the Xtreme Title he won at the end of 2006, for the first third of 2006 before dropping the belt to Matt Sparrow. Since then he has been stuck in the CZCW mid-card, trading wins and losses and unable to build up any sort of momentum towards challenging for one of the belts.[/I] [I]If anything Insane Machine's heavy schedule with his frequent trips to WLW in Japan, is probably hindering his chances to be given more of a solid push with the Californian based company.[/I] [B]Worth a Mention:[/B] [B]Citizen X:[/B] Had an up and down year in the ring with CZCW but he is probably the companies most charismatic performer in terms of working the mic, and as the leader of the 'Anarchist' American Virus faction his segments on the CZCW DVD's are becoming cult viewing. But he needs to improve in the ring before he can be considered championship material in CZCW. [B]Jungle Jack:[/B] By far the best of a glut of big men signed in the autumn to bolster/help form a different identity for CZCW's main event scene. The talented brawler has already challenged for the CZCW Championship, though his packed schedule (he is also a regular with both MPWF in Mexico and GCG in Japan) might curtail his push and raise question marks over his reliability as someone who can carry the companies top belt. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkslategray]Danger and Violence Extreme[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_DAVE.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (Tri State) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Phil Vibert [B]Head Booker: [/B]Farrah Hesketh [I](replaced Nemesis, who left for TCW)[/I] [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Mitch Naess & Phil Vibert [B]Road Agents:[/B] Curt O'Malley, The Wolverine [B]Referees:[/B] Farrah Hesketh, R.M Stones, Francis Long [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Shane Sneer [I](Manager of Joey Minnesota, recently added Teddy Powell to the latest incarnation of Sneer Corporation, splitting Adrenalin Rush. Was manager of Nathan Coleman and Art Reed but they turned on Sneer and turned face)[/I] Cat Jemson ([I]Valet of the Latino Kings)[/I] [CENTER]____________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]USA:[/B] C+ in Tri-State, C in New England and Great Lakes, C- in rest of mainland U.S, D- in Puerto Rico [B]Canada: [/B]D- in Ontario, Quebec and Maritimes, E+ in British Columbia and Prairies [B]Mexico:[/B] E [B]Japan:[/B] F [B]U.K and Europe:[/B] F- [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 2 193 921./ [B]Prestige:[/B] C+ [B]T.V Shows:[/B] Danger Zone T.V (Fridays for 90 minutes at 10.30 PM on Flix) [B][I]Last Rating:[/I][/B] 5.40 [CENTER]___________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] Henry Lee (Returned to DAVE in July) [B]In and Out:[/B] Freddy Huggins (Joined DAVE in September, left in December when he re-signed a written contract with TCW). [B]Out:[/B] Dallas McWade (Left in December, signed written contract with NOTBPW) [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]Unified[/B] Eddie Peak (October 2006- May 2007) Jack Giedroyc (May- October 2007) Eddie Peak (Current since October 2007) [B]Brass Knuckles[/B] Jack Giedroyc (October 2006- April 2007) J.D Morgan (April 2007)- Reign only lasted 1 week Vin Tanner (April-August 2007) Johnny Martin (August-October 2007) Henry Lee (Current Since October 2007) [B]Tag Team[/B] New Jersey Devils [I](Alex Braun & Tank Bradley)[/I] (October 2006- March 2007) The New Wave [I](Scout & Guide)[/I] (March -December 2007) Older & Wiser ([I]Eric Tyler & Travis Century)[/I] (Current since December 2007) [B][U]Top 10 Workers in DAVE during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Eddie Peak[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 35-1-10, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The Great White Shark started the year as Unified Champion and ended the year as Unfied champion, but had to chase the title as a challenger to Jack 'Wrath of God' Giedroyc for six months during the middle of the year. Peak's rivalry with Giedroyc and subsequent feuds with Chris Caulfield and Eric Tyler kept him as one of DAVE's hottest performers.[/I] [I]In theory Peak is a heel, but in a promotion like DAVE his crazy un-hinged character has brought him many cheers and by the end of the year he had effectively turned face as more and more fans wanted to see Peak go on a path of manic destruction.[/I] [B]2. Jack Giedroyc[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 33-1-8, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Giedroyc entered 2007 as a skilled wrestler who had managed to beat the Hardcore specialists of DAVE at their own game to win the Brass Knuckles title. It was a gimmick that was fine as a mid-card act, but not hot enough to see him break through into the main event.[/I] [I]However in February Giedroyc slowly started to change into the 'Wrath of God' a bizarre gimmick that pitched him a messanger of the Gods and involved him wearing a helmet, a gimmick so silly that on paper it should have been career suicide.[/I] [I]But Giedroyc made the gimmick work and it caught on like wildfire, so much so that DAVE officials decided to hot-shot the Brass Knuckles title off him and have him step up to the main event where he was rewarded with winning the Unified Title in May , before dropping it back to Eddie Peak in October[/I] [B]3. Eric Tyler[/B] (Pop: C+, Record: 13-1-26, Avg Match Rating: B-) [I]Despite the less than stellar win-loss record Tyler deserves his place in 3rd spot. He was a regular challenger for the Unified title throughout the year and his matches were often amongst the best DAVE put on all year, particularly his show-downs with 'Wrath of God' Jack Giedroyc, with whom he had an intense feud throughout the summer.[/I] [I]With his frustrations at being unable to win the Unified belt, Tyler turned his attentions to the Tag scene later in the year, where he formed the grizzled veteran tandem with Travis Century (Older and Wiser) with whom he was able to win the Tag Team championship with towards the end of the year[/I]. [B]4. Chris Caulfield[/B] (Pop: B-, B in Tri-State, Record: 18-0-13, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Due to his friendship with Vibert Chris Caulfield continues to be booked strongly in DAVE despite his limited skills as a wrestler. Thing is DAVE have always booked Caulfield to strengths and that's putting him in wild brawls, where he can bump like can bump like crazy for a mad-man, and in his on going feud with Eddie Peak throughout the year Caulfield was able to do just that.[/I] [B]5. Big Cat Brandon[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 16-1-13, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]A hard nosed brawler who lets his actions do his talking in the ring, Brandon hovered around the main event all year but never really looked like winning the title. For all Brandon's solid effort in the ring, he lacks the charisma to become a champion but that could be rectified if he were to be put with a charismatic manager and many smarks fans feel he should turn heel and join Sneer Corp.[/I] [B]6. Vin Tanner[/B] (Pop: C+, Record: 32-0-5, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]The win-loss record as impressive as it was in 2007 is a little bloated, as he was just being fed alot of job squaders (such as Tank Bradley) in lower card feuds, but he did have a run with the Brass Knuckles title for 4 months.[/I] [I]The DAVE veteran is currently feuding with Joey Minnesota, and so far he seems to be getting the better of the arrogant young stud of the New Sneer Corp.[/I] [B]Joint 7. Scout[/B] (Pop: C Record: 24-0-9, Avg Match Rating: C) [B]Joint 7 . Guide[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 27-0-15, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]No way to really split the New Wave Tag Team partners in terms of who had the better year, as they were pretty much involved in each others matches. In a nutshell The New Wave continue to be the backbone of DAVE's Tag ranks and it came to no suprise when they were given another stellar title reign with the Tag belts, with their latest run lasting for 9 months.[/I] [B]9. Henry Lee[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 10-1-2, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]The 'icon of insanity' made his return to DAVE in July and he settled back in so quick it was like he had never really been away. Despite the fact that he's far from a great worker, Lee has always been able to catch on with the DAVE fans and he was rewarded with winning the Brass Knuckles title in October.[/I] [B]10. Alex Braun[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 26-1-5, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Much like Vin Tanner, Alex Braun's win loss record looks more impressive than it really is, as many of those wins have come against lower card talent. Braun started the year as a tag champion but the DAVE booking team must have realised that Braun's somewhat untalented partner Tank Bradley was holding him back and the New Jersey Devils soon dropped the belts to the ever reliable New Wave.[/I] [I]Since then Braun has gone solo and is currently feuding with Acid, where the two high flyers are putting on a solid series of matches often on the undercard of DAVE's shows.[/I] [B]Worth a Mention:[/B] [B]Acid-[/B] Currently feuding with Alex Braun, the talented high flyer had an up an down year with DAVE last year. If truth be told the DAVE booking team know they have a talented wrestler on their hands in Acid , but don't quite seem to be able to work out what to do with him beyond putting him in high-flyer showcase matches or have him bump for the many psychopath on DAVE's roster, despite the fact that he has a ultra cool mysterious gimmick. [B]Joey Minnesota-[/B] Currently under he guidance of Shane Sneer, Minnesota is another one in a similar boat to Acid, an obvious talented but someone the DAVE booking team see unsure about pushing (is jobbing him to Vin Tanner really going to help his standing in the eyes of the fans). Ideally the people running DAVE would push the likes of Minnesota towards the Unified Title and have that as more of a more 'wrestling' belt, whilst the hardcore brawlers like Chris Caulfied should be settling for the Brass Knuckles title. [B]Travis Century-[/B] The Preacher was having a bit of a down year, but the DAVE booking suddenly decided to pair him up with fellow veteran Eric Tyler, give them the name of 'Older and Wiser' and in the process have them be the team to end The New Waves latest run as Tag Champions. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Hinote Dojo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_HINOTE.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Kinki) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Stunner Okazawaya, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Yatsuhiro Atshushi [B]Announcer:[/B] Hirokichi Hatakeda [B]Road Agent:[/B] Stunner Ozakawaya[B], Referee:[/B] Masami Aizawa [CENTER]_____________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Japan:[/B] E- in Kinki, F+ in rest of Japan [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 138 238 / [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [CENTER]____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] White Samurai (Joined Hinote Dojo in January on Developmental deal, but out injured since July with concussion), Toyokuni Hardcore (Joined in September- Hinote Dojo PPA signing) [B]In and out:[/B] SUKI (Joined Hinote Dojo in January on Developmental deal, called up to BHOTWG in September) [B]Out:[/B] Jin Miyamoto (Released in February) [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]All-Japan[/B] Heiachiro Sakai (November 2006- May 2007) Yatsuhiro Atshushi (Current Since May 2007) [B][U]Top 5 Workers in Hinote Dojo During 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Yatsuhiro Atshushi[/B] (Pop: D, Record: 8-0-2, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]Veteran performer and head booker Atshushi won the All Japan Title in May. Atshushi probably see's himself as the best option, as at his age he is unlikely to be called up to the big league but he is a decent enough worker to put on solid matches in the main event of Hinote Dojo's monthly showcases.[/I] [B]2. Heiachiro Sakai[/B] (Pop: E-. D- in Kinki, Record: 9-0-3, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]Held the All Japan for the first 5 months of the year. Sakai is the most promising young heavyweight under a Burning Hammer developmental contract, and there are rumours that he will soon be called up into the bigger promotion sometime during 2008.[/I] [B]3. SUKI[/B] (Pop: D-, C- in Kinki , Record: 2-0-4, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Was only in Hinote Dojo for a short time, but during his time there he challenged for the All Japan title 3 times and generally put on some of the best matches the BHOTWG Developmental fed put on all year. Already way above everyone else in terms of skill level and potential SUKI's stay in Hinote was never going to be a long one.[/I] [B]4. Masa Yasujiro[/B] (Pop: E-, E in Kinki, Record: 8-1-3, Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]Veteran Junior heavyweight was one of Hinote Dojo's most steady hands throughout 2007, putting up a solid win-loss record and even challenging for the All Japan title on one occasion[/I] [B]5. Brother Yosh!taka[/B] (Pop: F+, E+ in Kinki, Record: 6-0-6, Avg Match Rating: D- [I]Up and down year for the Hinote Dojo mainstay with the Shaolin monk gimmick.[/I]
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I admire your intent tigerkinney, but to save your sanity and grind through it quicker. Why not clull the herd so to speak and only give Cult or National and above the full 10 performer treatment and quick sim through the rest of the federations? *** PS: Brazil speaks Brazilian Portugese so Mario's Passable Spanish is all the more impressive. :P
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Only 2 this time as I have been busy today, this time they are ailing Japanese fed GCG and JEF (a sort of INSPIRE clone based in Germany) [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Golden Canvas Grappling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#808000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_GCG.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Kinki) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Hanshiro Furusawa, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Kasu Yoshizawa [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Masatake Hori & Hanshiro Furusawa [B]Road Agent:[/B] Yoshifusu Maeda / [B]Referee:[/B] Shunko Nakada [CENTER]___________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Japan:[/B] D+ in all Regions, except C- in Chubu, D in Chugoku [B]Rest of the World:[/B] E- [B]Finance:[/B] $16 864 / [B]Prestige:[/B] D- [CENTER]_______________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] William Hayes (October), Wasichi 'Fire-Fox' Inao (December), Tokoyuni Hardcore (December) [B]Touring Only:[/B] Steve Flash (April/May/June), Adam Matravers (April/May/June), Soul Taker (May/June/December), R.K Hayes (September/October), Antonio Maxi Marquez* (September/October), Nicolas Lopez (September/October), Razor Valentine (December) [I]* More commonly known as Champagne Lover[/I] Out: Rhino Umaga (April-signed with BHOTWG), Pistol Pete Hall (June- signed with PGHW), Dark Angel (Out since June with semi severed spine, cancelled PPA contract with GCG), Eagle Kawasawa (June- signed with BHOTWG), Henry Bennett (October- Released), Barry Griffin (October- Released), Quick Kick Nakao (October- Released) [B]Still with promotion but long termed injured:[/B] Kiminobu Kuroki (Out since April with shattered elbow) [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]World Heavyweight[/B] Hiroyasu Gakusha (March 2006- May 2007) Toshiharu Hyobanshi (May- December 2007) Samoan Machine (Current since December 2007)- Beat Hyobanshi for the title in GCG's final show of 2007. [B]Openweight [/B] Takayuki 2000 (December 2006-April 2007) Jack Marlowe (April- October 2007) Shingen Miyazaki (Current since October 2007) [B]World Heavyweight Tag Team[/B] Stuart Ferdinand & Nathan Coleman (November 2006- January 2007) Jimmy Cox & Jack Marlowe (January- September 2007) Stuart Ferdinand & Nathan Coleman (September- October 2007) Julian Watson & Jack Marlowe (Current since October 2007) [B][U]Top 10 Workers in GCG during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Toshiharu Hyobanshi[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 56-1-14, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Hyobanshi finally managed to get the better of long term rival Hiroyasu Gakusha in May to pick up first GCG World Title, before somewhat suprisingly losing it to Samoan Machine in the final show of 2007. Hyobanshi will be hoping that loss was only a blip though and he'll be looking to win back the title as GCG continue their current tour into the new year.[/I] [I]One of the best 'power' wrestlers in the business Hyobanshi is one of GCG's Aces that is helping to keep the ailing promotion just about alive.[/I] [B]2. Hiroyasu Gakusha[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 49-2-18, Avg Match Rating: B-) [I]Went into 2007 on the back of a nine month reign with the GCG World Heavyweight champion, and he he held the title for a further 5 months until long term rival Hyobanshi finally managed to defeat Gakusha when it mattered, from then on the roles reversed and it was Gakusha who was chasing Hyobanshi for the title. [/I] [I]Hyobanshi's title reign did come to a halt at the end of the year, but somewhat suprisingly it was not Gakusha who beat Hyobashi for the title.[/I] [B]3. Jack Marlowe[/B] (Pop: C, C+ in Kinki, Record: 55-1-14, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]You could say that this year the man known as Jungle Jack when he wrestles on the other side of the pacific had a 'Golden year' because he was rarely without any Gold around his waist during 2007, winning the tag titles twice with two different partners and even holding the companies secondary singles title (Openweight Title) for six months....often appearing on shows as a double champion. In a nut shell Marlowe did everything this year except win the World Title.[/I] [B]4. Samoan Machine[/B] (Pop: C+, Record: 27-1-30, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The current GCG World Heavyweight champion, the hard hitting Samoan shocked the world of Puroresu when he ended the reign of Hyobanshi. Machine's year actually started slowly following the break up of Samoan Destruction Inc. when Rhino Umaga signed on permantly with BHOTWG. [/I] [I]But towards the back end of the year he began to work his way into the main event and was given opportunities to challenge for the World Title, and though Machine had a few title shots before winning the title, literally no one saw the title change coming....with many tipping either Gakusha (to win the title back) or Jack Marlowe (who has built up a ton of momentum during 2007) to be the one's to end Hyobanshi's reign.[/I] [B]5. Jimmy Cox[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 49-0-22, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Cox had a stellar year in 2007, holding the tag titles with Jack Marlowe for an impressive 9 month run, since losing them back to the previous champs Ferdinand & Coleman. Since losing the tag belts Cox has turned his attention more to singles competiton, where he has started to develop a rivalry with Takayuki 2000.[/I] [B]6. Takayuki 2000[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 46-0-25, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]In a company that perhaps over-relies on Gaijin's to fill out there roster, there are four top quality wrestlers on the Golden Canvas roster that are flying the flag for their home country , two of those can be said to be the top two wrestlers in GCG (Hyobanshi & Gakusha), the other two are Shingen Miyazaki and this man right here.[/I] [I]Takayuki carried over his Openweight title reign he started in 2006, but lost the belt in April to the surging juggernaut that was Jack Marlowe. Unable to win the belt back, he ended the year engaged in a feud with Marlowe's former tag partner Jimmy Cox.[/I] [B]7. Shingen Miyazaki[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 39-2-26. Avg Match Rating:C) [I]The current Openweight champion since October, Miyazaki had another solid year in GCG without quite breaking into the main event scene. [/I] [I]Though Japanese born and bred, Miyazaki cannot be considered to be a GCG homegrown talent, as he actually learned the ropes in Canada under the tutorship of the respected Stone family in NOTBPW.[/I] [B]8. Pistol Pete Hall[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 21-2-19, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The ever-green Gaijin brawler remained a fixture in the GCG main event during the first half of 2007, and alongside Hyobanshi was the main challenger to Gakusha for the World Title during the first quarter of the year. However he left GCG when the struggling company could no longer afford to meet his wage demands, before resurfacing in PGHW later in the year.[/I] [I]The fact that someone who left half-way through the year is ranked No.8 shows the lack of depth right now in this once great promotion.[/I] [B]9. Julian Watson[/B] (Pop: D+, C- in Kinki, Record: 21-1-32, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]Mullet haired canadian youngster Watson was just floating around the GCG mid-card for most of the year trading win's and losses with other fellow mid-carders. But he ended the year on a high note when he joined forces with Jack Marlowe to become one half of the Tag champions.[/I] [B]10. Stuart Ferdinand[/B] (Pop: D+, D in Kinki, Record: 26-2-43, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]It sums up how mediocre the rest of the GCG roster must have been during 2007, when someone with an iffy win-loss record like Ferdinand can be considered to be the 10th most succesful wrestler. To Ferdinands's credit he did have a couple of tag title reigns with Nathan Coleman but neither reign lasted for any truly significant amount of time.[/I] [B]Worth a Menton[/B] [B]Touring Wrestlers:[/B] Golden Canvas brought in quite a few 'Touring' wrestlers in 2007 in a bid to bolster their roster, many of whom came along with strong reputations from their 'home' federations. But one has to wonder what they really added to GCG, when all they mostly did was job........ Here's the evidence [B]R.K Hayes (5-0-10):[/B] The NOTBPW man was actually one of the more succesful touring Gaijins. [B]Soul Taker (5-2-23):[/B] What is the point of bringing over the MPWF Champion when all they did was treat him like a jobber. Suprisingly Soul Taker decided to come back for a second tour, considering how much they disrespected someone of his talent the first time round. [B]Antoni Maxi Marquez (4-1-9):[/B] GCG was actually the second stop on the tour for the artist more commonly known as Champagne Lover, after a stint in Burning Hammer early in the year. Decided to portray a more serious image when he reverted to using his real name in Japan, but that did not stop him from posting up a mediocre win-loss record. [B]Steve Flash (4-1-15):[/B] Apparently Burning Hammer saw the same potential in Flash as Golden Canvas did earlier in the year, that the technically sound Canadian born veteran is ideal Gaijin jobber material [B]Adam Matravers (1-0-11):[/B] Left a nice spot at the top of 21CW to basically look up at the lights and every night. [B]Nicolas Lopez (0-0-5):[/B] GCG seemed to have some kind of fetish for jobbing out Mexican's and just like one of MPWF's best, one of OLLIE's best in Lopez got handed the same treatment. __________________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Junge Europaieste Federalisten[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=#006400][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_JEF.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Europe (Central) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Razor Valentine, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Jamie Anderson [B]Commentary Team: [/B]Matthew Morris & Lawrence Young [B]Road Agent:[/B] Nick Adams / [B]Referee:[/B] Patrick Garrett [B]Managers & Valets:[/B] Simona Cox [I](Brought along by The Force TJK and Jed High, she does not actually act as a manager in JEF, but is being used as a backstage interviewer)[/I] Vita[I] (Like Cox is not actually a valent or manager of anyone at the moment but is being employed as JEF's resident 'ring girl' she holds up the Rounds cards for the JEF Classic Title matches)[/I] [B]Popularity: [/B]F+ In Central Europe, F- Everywhere else. [B]Finance:[/B] $15 795 / [B]Prestige:[/B] E- [CENTER]_________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Starting Roster:[/B] Beast Bantom, Doctor Insane, Haiti Voodude ,Jed High, Herschel The Hammer, Jamie Anderson, Kalu Owusu, Mr Evilness, Razor Valentine, Ruud Van Anger, Scott Van Den Berg, Wael Hossam, [B]Joined Later in Year:[/B] Arjen Van Den Leyne (October 2007), Roberto Milano (October 2007), [B]Part of Starting Roster but now left:[/B] Toby Juan Kanobi (October- left over pay dispute), [U][B]Champion Roll Call[/B][/U] [B]JEF Triple Crown[/B] Toby Juan Kanobi (March-October 2007)- Inaugral champion, vacated title when he left JEF over a pay dispute. Haiti Voodude (Current since October 2007) - Beat Wael Hossam for Vacant Title [B]JEF Classic *[/B] Scott Van Den Berg (Champion since March 2007)- Inaugral champion [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] * The Classic title is fought under different rules from the Triple-Crown, the rules being that it is fought over over 5 minute rounds, with the first to get 2 two pin-falls or submissions crowned the winner.[/FONT] [B][U]Top 5 Workers in JEF during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Scott Van Den Berg[/B] (Pop: E, D- in Central, Record: 9-0-0, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]The inagural JEF Classic champion, has managed to hold onto his title all year and has so far looked unstoppable in the old school British rounds format[/I] [B]2. Toby Juan Kanobi[/B] (Pop: D, Record: 5-0-0, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]The first ever JEF Triple Crown champion looked just as impressive as JEF's other title holder, if not more so, but then a dispute over pay led to TJK leaving JEF and vacating the title.[/I] [I]Not only was TJK's a great loss to the small MMA influenced promotion, but it also did little to help the image of the promotion itself and of the JEF Triple Crown.[/I] [B]3. Haiti Voodude[/B] (Pop: E+, D in Central, Record: 4-0-4, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Became the second Triple Crown champion when he defeated Wael Hossam for the previously vacant title. JEF could well do with a strong title run out of the Haitian to help rebuild the reputation of the title that Voodude currently holds.[/I] [B]4. Jed High[/B] (Pop: D, Record: 3-0-5, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Has thus far been the nearly man of the JEF roster, challenging for the Triple Crown Title on 4 occasions, but unable to come away with the victory and the title each time.[/I] [B]5. Ruud Van Anger[/B] (Pop: D, Record: 4-0-2, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Dutch high flyer had a solid first year in JEF and even challenged for the Triple Crown in July[/I]
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Trying to review the rest of the game world periodically is why I switched to doing my monthly news infos instead. Still gives the info and is less time consuming. I did the periodic looks around the other promotions in my first dynasty and you are right, it is a time consuming grind.
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;315070]Trying to review the rest of the game world periodically is why I switched to doing my monthly news infos instead. Still gives the info and is less time consuming. I did the periodic looks around the other promotions in my first dynasty and you are right, it is a time consuming grind.[/QUOTE] I tend to forget to make any notes regarding what happened elsewhere on a month to month basis and I just tend to concentrate on what is going on in my own promotion. What I'm hoping to get across in my reviews of each promotion is that I'm adding a bit of colour to the black and white numbers as to what has been happening in the rest of the game world.
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Well, you've done DaVE, so I think you can stop. I marked out so hard during that DaVE analysis that my thought process basically went "AARGH BLARGH OOG OOG BLARGH BLARGH" Especially because I am convinced, despite them having something of an overness edge on me, that I am doing a better job with DaVE than the computer is. Though they did put the title on Giedroyc. I thought about doing that. And they're paradoxically not as broke as I am. And they get better ratings. But Chris Caulfield! WTF! I know I've said this about eighty billion times across the various C-Verse dynasties that I frequent, but I really do like it when we "borrow" eachother's gimmicks and workers, either for guest spots or just for mentioning, and I really do hope that when/if Adam does the next generation of TEW, he'll take some of the less well-fleshed out characters and take some of our suggestions. If there's a "Wrath of God" gimmick on Giedroyc in TEW 2009, I can retire. I will be complete. But I have been enjoying these fed write-ups, so I think you should do the US market, the big Canadians, whatever UK feds interest you and then stop. Do TCW and SWF, at least.
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[I]4 More promotions go under the spotlight, as the 2007 wrestling review continues, these include break-away Japanese MMA-Wrestling Hybrid fed INSPIRE, Rip Chord's learn on the job wrestling school MAW, rebel Mexican fed MHW and Scottish based MOSC....which is basically just glorified pub brawling watched by hordes of Scotsman drunk on cans of Tennants Super.[/I] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple][U]INSPIRE Diviersity Group International[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_INSPIRE.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Japan (Kanto) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Tadayuki Kikkawa, Head Booker: Tasuko Iesada [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Koyo Raikatuji & Takajuki Kajiwara [B]Road Agents:[/B] Yoshinaka Toshusai, Yodo Nakane [B]Referees:[/B] Tsugiharu Odaka, Yosh!tora Shigemitsu [CENTER]__________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Japan:[/B] C in all Regions except Kanto B- [B]Rest of the World:[/B] E- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 7 779 076 / [B]Prestige:[/B] B- [B]T.V Shows:[/B] INSPIRE In Your House (Wednesdays at 12.00 on Gaora) [B]Last Rating:[/B] 2.63 [B]In:[/B] Stuart Ferdinand (February), Dark Eagle (March) [B]Touring Only:[/B] Dean Daniels (June/July/August), Insane Machine (June/July/August), Merle O'Curle (June/July/August), Razor Valentine (June/July/August), Brent Hill (October/November), Joel Bryant (October/November), Nathan Coleman (October/November), Pablo Rodriguez (October/November) [B]Out:[/B] Hitomaro Suzuki (February),Marat Khoklov (April- Left after he was defeated for King of Fighters title), Li Bingci (August, signed written contract with PGHW), VENOM (Injured since August with concussion- left INSPIRE), [B]Still with promotion but long termed injured:[/B] Hell Monkey (Injured since February with Torn Rotator Cuff- due to return in February 2007). [CENTER]_____________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]King of Fighters[/B] Marat Khoklov (May 2006- April 2007)- [I]First Ever INSPIRE Champion[/I] Mike Watson (March-October 2007) Raul Hughes (Current since October 2007) [B][U]Top 10 Workers in INSPIRE during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Mike Watson[/B] (Pop: B+, Record: 28-1-9, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Was the man to end the near year long reign of the Russian Giant Marat Khoklov, and held the King of Fighters title until losing it to fellow Burning Hammer alumni and ex MMA fighter Raul Hughes.[/I] [B]2. Raul Hughes[/B] (Pop: B+ , Record: 24-2-9, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The man known as the Demoltion expert beat perennial rival Mike Watson to pick up his first King of Fighters title reign in October.[/I] [B]3. Marat Khoklov[/B] (Pop: A , Record: 14-0-1, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The Russian Giant only lost one match all year, but that in a King of Fighters title match, where he was knocked out by Mike Watson. After that match he left INSPIRE, some people think it was over money, whilst others think that the INSPIRE officials simply let Khoklov go because they felt once he had been beaten, the angle of every other fighter trying to slay the giant had run it's course.[/I] [I]Despite sitting at home doing nothing since April, he remains inexplicably popular.[/I] [B]4. Tasuku Iesada[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 18-2-17, Avg Match Rating: B-) [I]The head booker (yes even INSPIRE have a head booker, despite the fact that they try to make out they are presenting wrestling as a serious sport) and friend of owner Tadayuki Kikkawa, remained in the title hunt all year....challenging for the belt on 10 separate occasions.[/I] [B]5. Tadayuki Kikkawa[/B] (Pop: A, Record: 14-1-18, Avg Match Rating: B-) [I]The mastermind behind the break-away MMA-Wrestling hybrid promotion somewhat suprisingly finished the year with a losing record, but he remains the most popular member of the INSPIRE roster, challenged for the King of Fighters Title on 8 seperate occasions and was generally involved in the promotions best matches.[/I] [B]6. Billy Russell[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 22-0-7, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]The Puerto Rican born submission expert finished the year with a strong win-loss record and challenged for the King of Fighters title on 3 separate occasions.[/I] [B]7. Li Bingci[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 19-1-7. Avg Match Rating: C) [I]The little chinese technician was having a solid year in INSPIRE and was given the chance to compete for the King of Fighters title on 2 separate occasions, but PGHW came calling and he joined the highly respected Kinki based promotion in August.[/I] [B]8. Masaaki Okazaki[/B] (Pop: C+, Record: 20-2-17. Avg Match Rating: C) [I]Okazaki is another one of the glut of wrestlers that defected from Burning Hammer to help form INSPIRE. Had a solid year but never quite got himself in position to challenge for the King of Fighters title.[/I] [B]9. Arjen Van Den Leyne[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 17-3-16. Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]The Dutch born former MMA fighter along with the likes of Billy Russel and Okazaki is at the top end of what can be considered to be INSPIRE's second tier.[/I] [B]10. Morisma Kato[/B] (Pop: C-, Record: 15-2-18, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Like much of the INSPIRE roster, Kato is another worker with a shoot fighting background (and he does occasionally still compete at MMA events), the youngster had an up and down year but he was a fixture on most INSPIRE shows and at only 23 years of age, he is seen as the 'future' of the promotion, considering the average age of the current INSPIRE main eventers must be somewhere between 35 and 40.[/I] __________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3]Mid Atlantic Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_MAW_alt.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] USA (Mid Atlantic) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Rip Chord, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Mean Jean Cattley [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Marv Earnest & Sue Danes [B]Road Agent:[/B] Rip Chord, Referee: Jay Fair [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Herb Stately [I](Agent of Billy Russell)[/I] Nicole Kiss [I](Valet of Mainstream Hernandez)[/I] [CENTER][I]____________________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]USA:[/B] E- in Mid Atlantic, F- Everywhere else [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $98 710/ [B]Prestige:[/B] E+ [B]In:[/B] Billy Russell (October), Fumihiro Ota (October) [B]Out:[/B] Antonio * (September- Released), Max Mayhem (September- Released) [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] * So much for being Rip Chords 'Protege'.[/FONT] [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]Mid Atlantic Championship[/B] Steven Parker (Current since July 2006) [B]Mid Atlantic Tag Team[/B] Natural Storm [I](D.C Rayne & Eddie Howard)[/I] (Current Since August 2006) [B]Rip Chord Invitational 2007[/B] Mean Jean Cattley [B]Top 5 Workers in MAW during 2007[/B] [B]1. Steven Parker[/B] (Pop: E, D+ in Mid Atlantic, Record: 12-0-1, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Who can end the reign of Steven Parker as Mid Atlantic champion, that has been the question on the lips of all MAW throughout the year, as the future continued his dominant reign extending it to 17 months by the end of the year, that man doesn't appear to be Des Davids, who despite beating Parker in the semi finals of the RCI , was unable to unseat the current champion is six tries.[/I] [B]2. Mean Jean Cattley[/B] (Pop: E+, D+ in Mid Atlantic, Record: 12-1-1, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]The MAW mainstay had another strong year, winning the Rip Chord Invitational. Despite that though he only received one title shot throughout the year, instead finding himself often over-looked as Parker and Davids were wrapped up in a feud that dominated MAW for much of the year.[/I] [B]3. Des Davids[/B] (Pop: E-, D- in Mid Atlantic, Record: 5-0-9, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]The athletic powerhouse broke through into the MAW main event during 2007, by reaching the RCI finals, beating MAW champion Steven Parker along the way. He then engaged in a feud with Parker over the Mid Atlantic Championship, but with Davids on the losing end to Parker on six separate occasions, fans feel that despite his progress this year, he is no longer a viable threat to the title.[/I] [B]4. Mainstream Hernandez[/B] (Pop: E, D in Mid Atlantic, Record: 4-1-6, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]The 2006 RCI winner had what you can say a bit of a down year in 2007, he missed this years RCI so was unable to defend his title and even had a suprising loss to Oscar Golden in March. But he had managed to work his way back into title contention by the end of the year and will be hoping to get back on track in 2008[/I]. [B]Joint 5:[/B] [B]D.C Rayne [/B] (Pop: E-, E+ in Mid Atlantic, Record: 8-1-2, Avg Match Rating: D-) [B]Eddie Howard[/B] (Pop: E-, D- in Mid Atlantic, Record: 6-0-5, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]Collectively known as Natural Storm , Rayne & Howard just like fellow champion Steven Parker held on to their tag titles all year. Saying that they only defended those belts 4 times and the competion in the MAW tag ranks is hardly what you can strong.[/I] [B]Worth a Mention:[/B] [B]Fumihiro Ota-[/B] The Japanese born/American raised former TCW Cruiserweight champion made his MAW debut in October and has so far been unbeaten. The signing of Ota and also that of Billy Russell (who has made a name for himelf in Japan) towards the end of the year appears to be a signal of intent from Rip Chord that he wants to see MAW expand beyond it's confines as a local promotion where young up and comers come to 'learn the trade'. ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=purple]Mexican Hardcore Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#9932cc][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_MHW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Homebase:[/B] Mexico (Northern) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Jorge Ibanez [B]Head Booker:[/B] Luchadore Originalic [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Ricardo Arias & Eduardo Prieto [B]Road Agent:[/B] Mateo Iglesias , [B]Referee:[/B] Esteban Pena [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Carla [I](Valet of Pylea)[/I] Delirio [I](Valet of Cyclone)[/I] Magdalena [I](Valet of Legion of Death- Charron & Luchadore Originalic)[/I] [CENTER][I]____________________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Mexico:[/B] E+ in Northern, E- in Southern, F+ in Central [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 225 960/ [B]Prestige:[/B] E- [B]Starting Roster:[/B] Charron, Crazy Miguel, Cyclone, El Alborotador Seguro, Extranjero Loco, Enrique Merino, Leon Joven, Los Fury, Lorne, Luchadore Originalic, Pirrato, Pylea, Reaper Cicero, Reaper Dante, Torque [B]Joined Later in the Year:[/B] Hijo Del Memphisto (October), Vincente Romero (November) [B]Part of Starting Roster but now left:[/B] Angel De Mexico (Left in September), Mario Heroic (Left in September), Torque (Released in October) [CENTER]______________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]Campeon de Lucha[/B] Torque (September 2006- Febuary 2007)- [I]First Ever MHW champion, was somewhat suprisingly let go in October. [/I] Enrique Merino (Current since February 2007) [B]Campeon de Xtreme[/B] Pirrato (December 2006- May 2007)- [I]First Ever MHW Xtreme champion[/I] El Alborotador Seguro (May- October 2007) Hijo Del Memphisto (Current Since October 2007)- [I]Won Title in his MHW debut ![/I] [B]Campeon de Parejas[/B] Circus of Death (Reaper Cicero & Reaper Dante) (October 2006-February 2007)- [I]First Ever MHW Tag Champions[/I] Legion of Death [I](Luchardore Originalic & Charron)[/I] (Current since February 2007) [B][U]Top 5 Workers in MHW During 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Enrique Merino[/B] (Pop: C-, C in Northern, Record: 8-0-1, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Previously best known for his tag team work as part of Los Sickness with Tijuana Vampire (with whom he still competes in MHW), Merino broke out as as a singles wrestler in 2007 with his work in the up-start DAVE with Luchadores fed, defeating Torque for MHW's top championship the Campeon de Lucha title in February and holding on to the title since.[/I] [B]2. Mario Heroic[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 6-0-2, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]The Enigmatic One, was one of MHW's top attractions and had couple of good matches with Enrique Merino over the Campeonde Lucha title, but with commitments to companies north of the border in Canadian Golden Canvas and CZCW, Heroic made the decision to leave MHW in September, going out in a title match loss to Enrique Merino in what many fans consider to be be the best match MHW put on during 2007[/I] [B]Joint 3:[/B] [B]Charron [/B] (Pop: D, Record: 9-0-3, Avg Match Rating: D) [B]Luchadore Originalic[/B] (Pop: D+ Record: 9-0-2, Avg Match Rating: D) [I]Collectively known as the Legion of Death....Charron & Originalic won the MHW Tag Titles in February and thus far looked dominant as a team.[/I] [B]5. Hijo Del Memphisto[/B] (Pop: E+, D- in Northern, Record: 3-0-0, Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]The high flier in the demonic mask may have only joined MHW in October, but he has already made more of an impact than much of the roster have made all year, thus far going unbeaten and winning the Campeon de Xtreme title in his MHW debut.[/I] ___________________________________________________________________________ [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=navy][U]Men of Steel Combat[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_MOSC.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] U.K (Scotland) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] The Highland Warrior, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Frank Simmons [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Bernie Evans & Lawrence Young [B]Road Agent:[/B] Uppercut Bailey , [B]Referee:[/B] Scott Gregory [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Emma Evans (The Highland Warriors, personal Secretary) [CENTER][B]__________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]U.K:[/B] E in Scotland & North, F in South & Midlands [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 113 392/ [B]Prestige:[/B] E [B]In:[/B] Frank Simmons (June- also took over Head booking duties) [B]Out:[/B] None [CENTER]___________________________________________________[/CENTER] [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]U.K Championship[/B] Highland Warrior (Champion since September 2006) [B]Bloor and Beer[/B] Jeffery McPeterson (August 2006-May 2007) Shane Hannigans (Champion since May) [B]U.K Tag Team[/B] U.K Wrecking Crew (Thug & Bruiser)- (December 2006- January 2007) Monkey Business [I](Shane Hannigans & Tom Foolery)[/I] (Champions since January 2007) [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] The U.K Tag titles are virtually worthless at the moment, as they've not been defended since the start of the year and it appears as if MOSC have given up on their tag division.[/FONT] [B][U]Top 5 Workers in MOSC during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. The Highland Warrior [/B] (Pop: D+, Record: 12-0-0, Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]Greg McPeterson known to everyone as The Higland warrior, is the owner and self appointed star of MOSC and to no ones surprise he kept the U.K Championship round his waist for the entire year.[/I] [B]2. Danny Patterson[/B] (Pop: D, Record: 6-0-6, Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]The Highland Warriors main rival for the U.K Championship, the Tower of London seemed to challenge for the title every other month, coming out on the losing end each time, the other half of the year he was destroying jobbers to 'rebuild' his championship credentials[/I] [B]3. Shane Hannigans[/B] (Pop: E+, D- in Scotland, Record: 9-0-3. Avg Match Rating: D-) [I]The Blood and Beer champion since May, when he defeated the bosses on Jeffery McPeterson for the 'anything goes' title.[/I] [I]Is also a tag champion once again, when Monkey Business made the U.K Wrecking Crews title reign a very short one in January, but the comedy team have not defended the belts since as MOSC appear to have pulled the plug on their tag division for the time being.[/I] 4. Jeffery McPeterson (Pop: E, E+ in Scotland, Record: 9-0-2 , Avg Match Rating: E) [I]The bosses son managed to hold on to the Blood and Beer title until May, before losing it to Shane Hannigans.[/I] [B]5. Thug[/B] (Pop: E+, Record: 6-0-6, Avg Match Rating: E+) [I]He might have lost the tag titles at the beginning of the year, but Thug was able to break out in the singles ranks and ended up challenging The Higland Warrior for the U.K Championship on 5 separate occasions.[/I] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] MOSC surely has to be the cruddiest promotion in the game, their best workers such as Kevin Jones (known as Shane Hannigans) are average at best, or in the case of someone like Highland Warrior a competent brawler but can't last 5 minutes without blowing up. Whilst most of the roster are just down-right awful. I only think they manage to stay in business because the McPeterson's must pay these so-called wrestlers peanuts.[/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;315197]I tend to forget to make any notes regarding what happened elsewhere on a month to month basis and I just tend to concentrate on what is going on in my own promotion. What I'm hoping to get across in my reviews of each promotion is that I'm adding a bit of colour to the black and white numbers as to what has been happening in the rest of the game world.[/QUOTE] All i really do is just go into the news ticker and paraphrase what is there every month as the game saves all the major headlines except for when injuries occur in the ticker. The title changes I can get just from checking each promotion. If I notice a weird trend during my browsing, then I will usually mention it in the news segments as well, such as Peter Valentine having a year long world title reign in USPW when they were the only american promotion on TV, or Big Smack Scott vs Eric Eisen headlining 12 straight SWF PPV's, but everything else is always available in the ticker no matter how far ahead I am in the game.
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[I]Here we take a look at the two big-guns in Mexico MPWF and OLLIE as both look to become the out-right number one in Lucha Libre, plus a brief profile on new promotion PW Max who put on their first show in 2007.[/I] [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=red][U]Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_MPWF.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Mexico (Northern) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Domino, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Larry Wood [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Carlos Moreno & Eduardo Prieto [B]Road Agents:[/B] Domino, Luis Montero [B]Referees:[/B] Sebastian Cabrera, Roberto Mendez [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Chico de Paritdo ([I]Valet of El Guardiano Jr)[/I] Gabriela Ortega [I](Valet of Los Hermanos de Cano, Daniel and Javier Cano)[/I] [CENTER]_______________________________________[/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Mexico:[/B] C in all Regions [B]USA:[/B] E-, Canada: F,[B] Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 6 164 810/ [B]Prestige:[/B] C [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] If people may have remembered MPWF had a ridiculous amount of money half way through the year, which must have been a typo when I was slightly adjusting their profile. [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]Because as anyone knows who has been reading this, [/FONT][FONT=Courier New]I eliminated SOTBPW and raised MPWF and OLLIE to cult level companies and part of that was giving them a bit more money and I think I added an extra 0 too many, so I've rectified that.[/FONT] [B]T.V Shows:[/B] MPWF Television (Thursdays for 90 minutes at 6.00 on Azteca Siete) [B]Last Rating:[/B] 2.16 [CENTER]___________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] None [B]Out:[/B] None [I]That's right your eyes don't deceive you MPWF's roster managed to stay exactly the same all year.[/I] [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]Campeon de Herencia de Mundo[/B] Soul Taker (May 2006- November 2007) Spanish Superfly (Current since November 2007) [B]Campeon de Lucha MPWF[/B] Inca Jr (July 2006- February 2007) Electo (February-July 2007) Ultmate Phoenix (July-October 2007) Magnico (Current since October 2007) [B]Campeones de Parejas[/B] Continental Connection [I](Asiatico & Europea)[/I] (October 2006- February 2007) Los Sickness [I](Enrique Merino & Tijuana Vampire)[/I] (February-November 2007) Hot-Wired [I](Ultimate Phoenix & Electo)[/I] (Current since November 2007) [B]Campeones del Trios[/B] Magnifico, Apprentica Jr & Atlantis Jr (July 2006- July 2007) Jungle Jack, Ultimate Phoenix & Tijuana Vampire (Current since July 2007) [FONT=Courier New]Notes: The current trios champions was a team that was just thrown together and none of them particularly like each other, but somehow they won the titles and they keep seeing of all challengers, whilst the MPWF booking team play the wacky tag-partners that don't really get along card.[/FONT] [B][U]Top 10 Workers in MPWF during 2007[/U][/B] [B]1. Soul Taker [/B] ( Pop: B-, Record: 25-2-13, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Soul Taker managed to hold onto the MPWF title for most of the year seeing off challenges from the likes of Axxis Jr, El Bandito, El Demonico, Mayan Idol & Spanish Superfly. However it was Superfly who was finally able to unseat the dominant champion. Taker will of course be looking to take back his tack back his championship.[/I] [B] 2. Spanish Superfly[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 25-3-11, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The ever popular veteran picked up his 4th Campeon de Herencia de Mundo title, when he became the one to finally end the dominant reign of Soul Taker. Back on top of MPWF Spanish Superfly goes into 2008 brimming with confidence.[/I] [B]3. Ultimate Phoenix[/B] (Pop: C+,B- in Northern, Record: 27-1-15, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]Phoenix was the most decorated wrestler in MPWF last year and is a current Tag Team and Trios champion, as well as having a solid run with the secondary singles belt the Campeon de Lucha, a title he ironically won from current tag team partner Electo.[/I] [I]His elevation to the main event of MPWF, might explain why he felt he could no longer work for CZCW north of the border, where he was also having a fine year. All in all Phoenix had a great 2007.[/I] [B]4. El Bandito[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 24-1-11, Avg Match Rating: B-) [I]Despite the fact that El Bandito only featured in two title matches all year (though both were for the 'World' Title), he remained very over with the fans,. He is perhaps arguably the most popular member of the roster and was often involved in the best matches on the show. Had a fantastic series of matches with El Demonico throughout the year.[/I] [B]5. Axxis Jr[/B] (Pop: C+. Record: 19-4-13, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Axxis Jr was another one of a crop of main eventers to have a couple of cracks at unseating Soul Taker as champion but was unable to do so.[/I] 6. El Demonico (Pop: B-, Record: 16-5-15, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Like Superfly, Bandito and Axxis Jr, Demonico was another part of the chasing pack trying to unseat Soul Taker as World champion throughout 2007. [/I] [I]More notably Demonico was involved in a great series of matches with Bandito, in what many Mexican wrestling experts are calling the feud of the year in MPWF and argubably Mexican wrestling as a whole. However it looked like Bandito had got the better of Demonico as 2007 came to an end.[/I] [B]7. Magnifico[/B] (Pop: C+, Record: 25-0-18, Avg Match Rating: C) [I]Magnifico had a solid year and currently sits at the top of MPWF's mid-card. He started the year as one third of the trios champions but himself Apprentica Jr and Atlantis Jr lost the belts to the unlikely trio of Jungle Jack, Tijuana Vampire & Ultimate Phoenix).[/I] [I]However he managed singles success in October by winning the Campeon de Lucha title and goes into 2008 as the holder of that belt. [/I] [B]8. Electo[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 25-0-18, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]The electric luchadore is one half of the current Tag champions 'Hot-Wired' and he also tasted singles success year earlier in the year when he won the Campeon de Lucha title, holding it for five months until somewhat ironically losing the title to fellow tag champion Ultimate Phoenix.[/I] [B]9. Mayan Idol[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 14-2-18. Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The big brawler, with the unique mask had more 'World' Title shots than any other member of the roster in 2007, more even than eventual champion Spanish Superfly. However is inability to unseat Soul Taker as champion, may have hurt his standing with the fans, who now see him as someone who can't get it done when it really matters.[/I] [I]He also appeared to be in something of a slump in the last third of the year as he struggled to recapture the form that earned him so many chances at being the top man in MPWF earlier in the year.[/I] [B]10. Tijuana Vampire[/B] (Pop: C-, Record: 27-1-16, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]Won the tag titles with Enrique Merino in February, as Los Sickness went on an impressive 9 month long title reign. Then in July he won the trios title with two randomnly chosen partners in Jungle Jack and Ultimate Phoenix and the trio have some-how held on to the titles ever since. [/I] [I]To build further tension amongst the trio, Ultimate Phoenix (along with Electo) dethroned Los Sickness as the Tag Team champions in November.[/I] _________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkgreen]Original [/COLOR][COLOR=red]Lucha[/COLOR][COLOR=darkgreen] Libre[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]In[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Extreme[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_OLLIE.jpg[/IMG] [B]Homebase:[/B] Mexico (Central) [B][U]Behind the scenes/Non Wrestling staff[/U][/B] [B]Owner:[/B] Joaquin Soler, [B]Head Booker:[/B] Phoenix I [B]Commentary Team:[/B] Ignacio Soto & Lorenzo Blanco [B]Road Agents:[/B] Manuel Prieto, Oceano [B]Referees:[/B] Benito Garcia, Domingo Castillo [B]Managers and Valets:[/B] Cuervo ([I]Manager of The Assasins -El Critico & Masked Rebel)[/I] Jennifer Heat [I](Was the valet of Champagne Lover,it's uncertain whether she will follow Lover out of the company, or if OLLIE will find her something else)[/I] Secreto [I](Manager of Slayyer, Hexx and Decimalo)[/I] [CENTER][I]____________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [B]Popularity:[/B] [B]Mexico:[/B] C+ in Central, C in North and South [B]USA:[/B] D- in Mid South, South East & South West, E+ in all other regions [B]Canada:[/B] F, [B]Rest of the World:[/B] F- [B]Finance:[/B] $ 6 561 143 / [B]Prestige:[/B] C+ [B]T.V Shows:[/B] Ole ! OLLIE Lucha Libre (Saturdays for 90 minutes at 7.00 on Televisa) [B]Last Rating:[/B] 3.06 [CENTER]__________________________________________[/CENTER] [B]In:[/B] Laberinto Jr (November), Miguel Marquez (December) [B]Out:[/B] Champagne Lover (December- Left OLLIE at end of year, when he decided that he was 'too big' for OLLIE) [B][U]Champion Roll Call[/U][/B] [B]Campeon de Universal[/B] Nicolas Lopez (August 2006-September 2007) Pablo Rodriguez (Current since September 2007) [B]Campeon de Mexico[/B] Luis Montero Jr (September 2006- April 2007) Mr Lucha II (April-July 2007) Leonardo Cortes (July-December 2007) Luchadore Originalic (Current since December 2007) [B]Campeones de Parejas[/B] Dos Phoenix[I] (Phoenix II & Phoenix III)[/I] (September 2006- August 2007) The Assasins [I](El Critico & Masked Rebel)[/I] (Current since August 2007) [B]Campeones de Trios[/B] Slayyer, Hexx & Decimalo (October 2006- November 2007) Championa Jr, Rafael Ruiz & Masked Rebel (Current since November 2007) [B]Top 10 Workers in OLLIE during 2007[/B] [B]1. Nicolas Lopez[/B] (Pop: A, Record: 36-3-13, Avg Match Rating: B-) [I]It was a similar situation in OLLIE as it was in rival promotion MPWF, with both companies having the man who was top at the end of 2006, continuing already lengthy title runs way into 2007. Lopez hung onto the Universal title for 13 months in total, until rival Pablo Rodriguez finally managed to get the better of him in September.[/I] [B]2. Pablo Rodriguez[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 28-6-17, Avg Match Rating: B-) [I]Is the current Universal champion, having ended rival Nicolas Lopez 13 month long reign in September, having spent much of the yeat chasing Lopez for the title. His high flying showdowns with Lopez are considered to be amongst the best matches in Lucha-Libre during 2007.[/I] [B]3. Champagne Lover[/B] (Pop: A, Record: 22-6-14, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The ever popular Champagne Lover, was always a fixture in OLLIE's main event scene during 2007, whether he was challenging for the title or not, and this is due to his mainstream media exposure of also having a second career as a soapstar.[/I] [I]But in December Lover shockingly made the decision to leave OLLIE citing the reason, of being 'too big' for the Mexican promotion. Though there are probably more factors than that....it's highly likely that Lover with his popularity felt he should of been the man on top of OLLIE and instead was slightly over-looked in the favour of Nicolas Lopez/Pablo Rodriguez. [/I] [I]It's likely he also came to a sticking point over money and with several tours of Japan during 2007 he also seems determined to make a name for himself in the East, where he perhaps feels his puroresu influenced style fit's in better.[/I] [B]4. El Leon[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 24-1-16, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]The respected veteran kept himself in the Universal Title hunt throughout the year and had six title shots scattered through-out the year. However many saw him as a place-holder challenger to prevent the companies main rivalry of Nicolas Lopez-Pablo Rodriguez from becoming too stale.[/I] [B]5. Marcos Flores[/B] (Pop: B, Record: 25-2-17, Avg Match Rating: C+) [I]Only had one Universal Title shot all year, as he wasn't quite able to move into position to challlenge for OLLIE's top title on a regular basis, but he remains a popular member of OLLIEs roster and a fixture in the top end of their roster, and with Champagne Lover gone and the Lopez-Rodriguez feud beginning to run it's course. perhaps 2008 will offer up Flores more in the way of title opportunities.[/I] [B]Joint 6. [/B] [B]El Critico[/B] (Pop: B-, Record: 18-5-16, Avg Match Rating: C) [B]Masked Rebel[/B] (Pop: C+, Record: 18-3-15, Avg Match Rating: C-) [I]El Critico and Masked Rebel formed the Assasins in February when Masked Rebel dissolved his previous tandem with Junior Youth. It turned out to be a good decision for the both of them as the pair went on to win the Campeon de Parejas in August ending the near year long reign of Dos Phoenix.[/I] [B]8. Slayyer[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 36-3-9, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Held the trios title with Hexx and Decimalo for 13 months, until the trio finally lost the titles in November, Outside of trios matches, Hexx also had a solid year as a singles wrestler, though admittedly quite a few of his wins came against weaker opposition, leading to a somewhat bloated win-loss record.[/I] [B]9. Phoenix III[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 24-1-17, Avg Match Rating: D+) [B]10. Phoenix II[/B] (Pop: C, Record: 22-1-14, Avg Match Rating: D+) [I]Dos Phoenix continued their strong tag title run well into 2007, until being unseated for the titles by The Assassins (El Critico & Masked Rebel). After that the Phoenix's concentrated on singles action and even met in a one on one contest against each other in a match of respect, which Phoenix III (Tres) won.[/I] [I]So far OLLIE have not followed up on the possibility of a Phoenix vs Phoenix feud, though this may have to do with Phoenix II (Dos) picking up a back injury in November that kept him out for the final month of the year.[/I] _________________________________________________________________ [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]PW Max[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Other/th_PWMAX.jpg[/IMG] Not a full profile on this company as they only just put on their first card in December. Set up by Fumihiro Ota PW Max are based in The Great Lakes region of the U.S and their product is similar to CZCW, though they have a little more Puroresu influence and there looks to be little of the lighter hearted comedy aspect of CZCW. In what many see as a rather strange decision, Ota has installed AAA worker Suzanne Brazzle as the head-booker. [B]Starting Roster:[/B] Black Eagle, Brendon Idol, Dazzling Dave Diamond, Fox Mask, Fumihiro Ota, Insane Machine, Masked Cougar, Mikey James, Remmy Skye, Sayeed Ali, Sergant Bubba Lee West, Trent Shaffer. Commentary Team: Rock Downpour & Sara Silver (she seems to get everywhere) [B]Road Agent:[/B] Archie Judge/[B]Referee:[/B] Jay Fair PW Max crowned 2 champions at their first ever event Black Eagle defeated Trent Shaffer for the PW Max Championship. Whilst Masked Cougar beat out Sgt Bubba Lee West, Sayeed Ali and Brendan Idol for the companies secondary belt the PW Max Adrenalin Title.
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