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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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Shikoku (Thursday) All- Star Tag: [B]Elemental II & Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon Non (World) Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Steve Flash Non (Openweight Title): Tom Gilmore vs [B]SUKI[/B] Non (Junior) Title: Americana vs [B]Hyosuke Kokan [/B] Kansuke Konda vs [B]Yasunobu Masuno [/B] [B]Raging Bulls[/B] vs The Pacific Express [B] Rhino Umaga[/B] vs Tadakuni Toshusai [B] Miyamae[/B] vs Heiachiro Sakai
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Shikoku (Thursday) All- Star Tag: [B]Elemental II & Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon [I]Building more tension for upcoming battles[/I] Non (World) Title: [B]Hooded Kudo [/B]vs Steve Flash [I]Flash has no chance[/I] Non (Openweight Title): [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]vs SUKI [I]Gilmore for the win. It's only non-title because SUKI doesn't deserve the shot.[/I] Non (Junior) Title: [B]Americana[/B] vs Hyosuke Kokan [I]Champ for the win. See above.[/I] [B]Kansuke Konda [/B]vs Yasunobu Masuno [I]I'd normally go for the singles wrestler, but I think Konda might take this.[/I] Raging Bulls vs [B]The Pacific Express[/B] [I]Another win for the Express as they pick up again after disappointing tournament[/I] [B]Rhino Umaga [/B]vs Tadakuni Toshusai [I]Rhino may have come out the other side of his bad run[/I] [B]Miyamae [/B]vs Heiachiro Sakai [I]Sakai continues his education, BHOTWG style[/I]
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Shikoku (Thursday) All- Star Tag: [B]Elemental II & Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon Non (World) Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Steve Flash Non (Openweight Title): [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs SUKI Non (Junior) Title: [B]Americana[/B] vs Hyosuke Kokan [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno [B]Raging Bulls[/B] vs The Pacific Express [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs Tadakuni Toshusai [B]Miyamae[/B] vs Heiachiro Sakai
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][B]Samurai Spirit Tour (Show 13)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Thursday 10th April 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kagawa Sports Field, Shikoku (Attendance: 2'000) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs Eagle Kawasawa & Super Joshuya[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kiyaru & Scorpion defeated Eagle Kawasawa and Super Joshuya in 8:01 when Golden Scorpion defeated Super Joshuya by pinfall with a Scorpion Stinger. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] A pretty good, in fact better than expected All Junior-Division tag match for the live crowd. Kiyaru & Scorpion continue to look pretty good as a tandem, and Kawasawa/Joshuya put in one of their better performances for some time.[/FONT] [CENTER]______________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show starts with the camera's picking up the World Champion, Hooded Kudo strolling towards the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] It's 07's 'shoot T-Shirts'....main eventers....walking !![/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Non (World) Title: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A short but well worked match, between the World Champion and the Canadian veteran. Flash got in enough offence to not look like a total jobber, but not really enough to look like he was at Kudo's level, which is fine because this match was basically here to keep Kudo looking strong. The finish came when Flash rocked Kudo with an Enziguri, and then tried for the Flash Bang but the World Champion blocked the attempt and sent Flash into the ring-ropes with a drop-toe hold, Kudo then dumped Flash with a Dragon Suplex , before floating into the Kudo-Lock, and with no-where to go Flash had no choice but to tap out. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated Steve Flash in 7:33 by submission.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [I]Hooded Kudo then grabs the microphone[/I] [I]- He says that on Monday the Trio's Tournament took place[/I] [I]- He says that because of this Tournament, he now has three 'challengers' lining up to take his title, because Burning Hammer officials are getting desperate to find anyone worthy enough to step into the ring with Hooded Kudo[/I] [I]- But he said what does this prove, that these three got lucky in a six man tournament. How does that prove they are worthy enough to challenge such greatness[/I] [I]- He said lets look at these 'three' challengers : Horri- Beaten Him, Ino- Beaten Him, Elemental II- A Junior Division wrestler, and a washed up on at that !![/I] [I]- He said once he see's of Hiroaki Nakasawa, he will plow through these so called challengers and no one, no one will be able to take the World Title away from him !![/I] Koshiro Ino then comes out and and he also has a microphone - Ino says that why should he have to wait until Kudo faces Nakasawa, he said that he can cash in his title shot at any time. He said he's a fair man, unlike the World Champion, so he wont cash it in right at this very second but he will cash it in at th Next Show. Ino finishes off, by warning Kudo that he better be ready to feel the POWAAAAH !! [B]Ratings: B for Kudo running down his championship rivals, B- for Ino springing the surpise of cashing in his title shot at the next event[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The commentary team discussed briefly aftewards (going into the next match) as to why Ino would cash in his title shot so early, their conclusion, was that perhaps with HorrIno and Elemenal II beating Silver Dragon feet in the finals of the Trios Tournamement, and with the internal strife currently engulfing SDF, Ino see's this as an opportunity to strike whilst the iron is hot.[/FONT] [CENTER]__________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Kansuke Konda vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno_alt11.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A decent hard nosed match up, and despite giving a considerable size advantage to Masuno, Konda is one of those who survive a good beating and bring back just as good, as he was given. Despite both men putting in decent efforts, there were times where the match lagged, and when Konda got in a flurry of strikes, there was an unfortunate tendency for Masuno to just shrug them off, like they were little more than paint-brush slaps. The finish saw Masuno go for the Avalanche Bomb, but Konda was able to counter with a Tornado DDT for a two count. Konda then went up top, but Masuno was back to his feet.....Konda dived off the turnbuckle however and took Masuno down with a springboard bull-dog, before heading up top again and landing a diving elbow drop. Konda then went for the cover, and Masuno was unable to get the shoulder up in time. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Kansuke Konda defeated Yasunobu Masuno in 9:50 by pinfall with a Konda Driver. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs The Pacific Express (Shingen Miyazaki & Kenko Takemitsu)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenkoTakemitsu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A solid if unspectacular and formulaic tag match. The Bulls enraged at having to lost to the Pacific Express on a previous show jumped the Express early on, and Takemitsu soon found himself playing babyface in peril. The Bulls then worked him over in their corner for the next four minutes or so, until Takemitsu was able to get the hot-tag into Miyazaki, from there the match picked up and the momentum swung back and forth between both teams. The finish came when Sanda found himself isolated in the middle of the ring, after Miyazaki sent Hamacho out of the ring with a spin-kick. Miyazaki then delivered a reverse STO, whilst at the same time Takemitsu nailed Sanda in the back of the head with an Enziguri. Takemitsu then stood guard as Miyazaki made the cover on Sanda, as the Pacific Express once again got the better of the Raging Bulls. Toru Minamoto revealed afterwards that the Reverse STO/Enziguri combination was the debut of the Pacific Express new finisher the 'Pacificication' [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Pacific Express defeated Raging Bulls in 9:33 when Shingen Miyazaki defeated Chuichi Sanda by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]______________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Miyamae vs Heiachiro Sakai[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HeihachiroSakai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was Sakai's best match since coming up from Hinote Dojo. Perhaps Sakai was determined to really prove his worth in this match or the World Tag Team Champion Miyamae was taking the young lion too lightly, but on several occasions Sakai could have caused the upset. The start of the match saw Miyamae dominate, which probably fuelled the Dragon-Feeters ego even more, but when he went for a lax cover after a Wheelbarrow Suplex, that only seemed to fire up Sakai, who really took the fight to Miyamae for the next five minutes, taking the tag champion completely off guard and was it not for poor ring positioning, he would have surely got the upset win after dumping Miyamae with the Sakai Suplex. In the end experience counted as Miyamae was able to pull out the Miyamae Spoiler to down the plucky rookie and pick up a more hard-fought victory than was expected. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Miyamae defeated Heihachiro Sakai in 9:14 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Rhino Umaga vs Tadakuni Toshusai[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A short and basic heavyweight brawl, that whilst far from doing anything to re-invent the wheel for formulaic 'big man' matches, did not overstay it's welcome too much either. The finish saw Rhino Umaga set up for the Rhino Charge after downing Toshusai was a Samoan Drop. But Toshusai's P.I.N.K Tag Partner Masuko had managed to sneak down to ringside and he tripped up the big Samoan. Toshusai then took advantage by softening up Umaga with a Mongolian Drop, as the big Samoan rose to his feet, and then follow up with an impressive looking Shock Treatment (Backbreaker Drop.) as Umaga's bad luck continues. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tadakuni Toshusai defeated Rhino Umaga in 6:46 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]P.I.N.K then try to humiliate Umaga even more, when Masuko sprays pink mist into Umaga's face and they start putting the boots for the former Silver Dragon Feet member, but his tag partners in the Trio's Tournament Kiyaru and Scorpion see enough, and come to Umaga's rescue, chasing off P.I.N.K, armed with chairs in their hands.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [CENTER][B]_________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Non (Openweight) Title: [/B] [B]Tom Gilmore vs SUKI[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AngryGilmore.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The second of the non title matches saw c0cky up and comer SUKI, take on Tom Gilmore and what ensued turned out to be arguably the match of the night, between two technically sound competitors. The match started off fairly slowly, with the pair exchanging holds and looking to gain an early advantage. Gilmore managed to get SUKI into a Stone Hold, but the young technician managed to get a rope-break then turned things in his favour with a poke to the eyes, followed by a Implant DDT. SUKI then took control, as he worked over Gilmore's arm, to set up for the SUKI special, but the match swung back in Gilmore's favour when SUKI decided to go up top for a double-stomp......the Openweight Champion moved out of the way and then nailed SUKI with an Enziguri before delivering a Death Valley Driver for a Two Count. Gilmore then went to the corner and looked to be pulling off the Picture Perfect Moonsault, but SUKI was able to cut him off, SUKI then pulled a daze Gilmore up to the turnbuckle and set up for the Mount SUKI but Gilmore was able to fight out of it, and tried to counter with an Exploder Suplex, but SUKI blocked that , and he took both of them off the top turbuckle with a head-scissors that he floated into the SUKI Special. Gilmore managed to get to the ropes , but SUKI sneaked up behind Gilmore and set up for a Dragon Suplex but the Openweight Champion fought out with elbows and countered with a Fisherman Suplex, before floating that into another Stone Hold, SUKI kicked his way out of that, but Gilmore was a step ahead and caught SUKI with another Enziguri, before turning SUKI over into a Tilt-A Whirl Backbreaker. Gilmore then dragged SUKI to the corner, and this time he was able to pull off the Picture Perfect Moonsault to pick up the victory. SUKI may of lost , and at this moment in time he may be a little too c0cky for his own good but there'll come a time when he'll put it all together and get that big victory to propel him into being a contender for either the Openweight belt or the Junior Title. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Tom Gilmore defeated SUKI in 13:51 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]_______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Non (Junior) Title:[/B] [B]Americana vs Hyosuke Kokan[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The final non title match was between Junior champion Americana and Size of the Fight's Hyosuke Kokan. This was a quick paced affair with the Junior champion mostly in control, but Kokan soaked up alot of pressure kicking out of several near-falls. This began to frustrate Americana and half way throught the match Americana started to make mistakes, which allowed Kokan to come back, and the Size of the Fight Man had a flurry of near-falls himself, the closest of which came after a Double Chicken-Wing Suplex. But a mis-timed Cannonball turned the match back in American's favour, and the Junior Champion re-took control, finishing off the Tag Team specialist with a sequence of a handspring back elbow, followed by the Tri-Fecta Kick Series and finally and Elemental Driver. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Americana defeated Hyosuke Kokan in 11:41 by pinfall with an Elemental Driver. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [RIGHT][B][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B][/RIGHT] [I]A video is shown hyping the All-Star Tag match between Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon, going up against Koshiro Ino and Elemental II[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #8: All Star Tag: [/B] [B]Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon vs Koshiro Ino & Elemental II[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The two Junior stars, start out...and they chain wrestle for a bit, Elemental II gains the upper-hand with an arm-drag and maintains control of the arm and tags in Koshiro Ino, who levels Dragon with a double axe handle, before going for a quick pin. Dragon kicks out but Ino lifts him up and plants Dragon onto the canvas with a Gorilla Press Slam, he then tags in Elemental II who perches himself on the top but Dragon springs back to his feet and drop-kicks Ino into the turnbuckle, crotching Elemental II on the top. Dragon then rolls across the ring to get the tag into Shimedzu and the pair drop-kick Ino out of the ring before turning their attention to Elemental II. Shimedzu puts Elemental II into the electric chair position and Dragon springs off the top turnbuckle to nail the Junior veteran with a missile drop kick..... One..... Two...... Elemental II kicks out.... But the Silver Dragon Feet maintain control, as they whip Elemental II into their corner and tag each other in and out, as they work over the Junior legend with a flurry of kicks. Shimedzu then takes Elemental II over with a slinghot suplex, before Dragon springs off the ropes into a Quebrada and that leads to another two count. Shimedzu then whips Dragon into the turnbuckle, and Dragon follow in with a face-wash, Shimedzu then lines up for the hesitation drop-kick but Elemental II , manages to pull himself up and then takes down Shimedzu with a Tornado DDT. He then goes over to get the tag into Koshiro Ino , but Shimedzu catches up with him and pulls him back into the Silver Dragon Feet corner. The Tag champion then delivers a Gutbuster/Tilt-A Whirl Backbreaker combination. Shimedzu then tags in Sensational Dragon, who heads up top.....Dragon flys off with a 450 Splash, but Elemental II gets his knees up. Sensational Dragon comes back, in but the Junior veteran is able to avoid a rounhouse kick and he takes down Shimedzu with a leg-whip, he then drives Shimedzu into the canvas with an Elemental Driver, but is too worn down to follow up with a cover. Both Shimedzu and Elemental II lay on the canvas, Shimedzu gets the tag into Sensational Dragon, but then Elemental II gets the tag into Koshiro Ino. Dragon drop-kicks Ino, but the POWAAH and Paint man shakes it off, and he comes right back with a Yakuza Kick, that sends the arrogant former Junior champion out of the ring. Shimedzu then comes charging in, Ino takes him down with a Shoulder Tackle, before whipping the Tag Champion into the corner and following up with a Corner Splash. Ino then sets up for the Back-Snapper, but Shimedzu manages to get out of it, and sneaks to the outside. The Silver Dragon Feet pair then try to re-plan their strategy but Elemental II re-enters the ring and puts his body on the line by flying over the top-rope with his trademark handspring plancha, knocking both Dragon-Feeters down. Ino then decided to go out to the apron, and came flying off with a double axe handle, but he ended up accidently crashing down onto Elemental II, and the Dragon Feet pair re-took control by sending Ino and Elemental II into the guard-rails with a pair of drop-kicks. Ino came back with a clothesline on Shimedzu, but Dragon used the ring-ropes to take the POWAAAH and Paint man back down with a slingshot plancha. Dragon then turned his attention back to Elemental II, rolling the Junior legend into the ring, before climbing to the top-rope, and landing a flying elbow-drop......Dragon then followed with a Standing Moonsault, for a two count, before setting up for the Dragon Slice, but Elemental II was able to block the attempt, and managed to reverse it into an Elemental Suplex...... One..... Two..... Shimedzu came in to break it up, but Koshiro Ino came back in and took Shimedzu down with a Leaping Lariat, before knocking the Tag champion out of the ring with a shoulder charge. Elemental II , then officially tagged into Ino, Dragon tried to nail the POWAAH and Paint star with an Enziguri but Ino was able to block the attempt, and then he sent the former Junior champion high into the air, then crashing back down with the POWAAAAH SUUUURGE !! One..... Two..... Elemental II hit a baseball slide drop-kick, to keep Shimedzu out of the ring.... Three And the problems continue for Silver Dragon Feet. A solid main event, but not as good as some others in recent memory, and this might of been down to the fact that Elemental II and Koshiro Ino didn't quite click as tag partners on this occasion. The communication problems within SDF, were played down in this match, because Shimedzu and Sensational Dragon don't really have any issues with one another. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental II and Koshiro Ino defeated Shimedzu and Sensational Dragon in 17:01 when Koshiro Ino defeated Sensational Dragon by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [I]Koshiro Ino and Elemental II are celebrating their victory, when the rest of Silver Dragon Feet storm the ring and attack Ino and Elemental II. Shimedzu and Sensational Dragon get back to their feet and join in with the post match beatdown. [/I] [I]However Nakasawa comes out of the ring, brandishing a chair, and the man who will challenge for the World Title at Test of Prophecies, cleans house, before shooting Koshiro Ino a look, that should Ino happen to beat Hooded Kudo for the title next Monday, that he'll have him to contend with come Test of Prophecies.[/I] [B]Rating: B- (both for beatdown and Nakasawa cleaning house)[/B] [CENTER]____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Overall Rating: B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] For the type of show this was, with only really the main event virtually guaranteed to be an outstanding match on paper , a B+ is perfectably acceptable. This was a mix of giving some others a chance to test themselves against the cream of the roster (hence the glut of non title matches), whilst throwing in the curveball of Koshiro Ino challenging for the title prior to the anticipated showdown between Hooded Kudo and Hiroaki Nakasawa. _____________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Ironclad drew a 16.90 Rating on TV5Monde ( -0.53) Unfortunately it looked like the fans caught onto the fact, that this was a lesser show, but this downward ratings trend for the Thursday T.V ratings is starting to get a little irritating.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] BHOTWG continue their Samurai Spirit Tour, as they present the final two shows, before their next Pay Per View Supershow Test of Prophecies (which will take place at the Ishikawa Stadium in Chubu on Saturday 19th April). Following Thursday's show the main event and World Title match for Test of Prophecies, could be changed from what was originally planned, as Koshiro Ino one of the winners of the Trios Tournament on Monday, has cashed in his World Title shot and will challenge Hooded Kudo for the title in the main event of this Monday's show to take place at the Kunamoto Sports Field in Kyushu. Will the POWAAAH and Paint man walk out of Kyushu as the World Champion ? Burning Hammer officials have also said, whoever emerges as the World Champion will defend the title against Hiroaki Nakasawa at Test of Prophecies. Also on Monday's show there will be an All Junior Division 8 Man War, as Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey of Silver Dragon Feet, team with SUKI and P.I.N.K's Marihito Masuko to take on Junior Champion Americana, Elemental II, The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion. There will be tag team action as the Tag Champions The Rebellion, will face off with the newly formed duo of The Pacific Express. Meanwhile, The Rebellions challengers for the Tag Titles at Test of Prophecies Size of the Fight will test themselves against the all-Gaijin duo of Bulldozer & Flash. Hiroaki Nakasawa will look to get some momentum going into his World Title match with Kudo or Ino, when he takes on Yasunobu Masuno, whilst Sean McFly will look to do the same going into his Openweight showdown when he faces off with Heiachiro Sakai Thursday's show will take place at the Hiroshima Sports Park in Chugoku and will be headlined by a Six Man Battle as the Silver Dragon Feet trio of Hooded Kudo and The Rebellion, will once again do battle with rivals Hiroaki Nakasawa and Size of the Fight. There will be a series of Junior Division matches as Elemental II takes on SUKI, The Awesome Kiyaru faces off with the Pacific Express' Kenko Takemitsu, whilst Kiyaru's tag partner Golden Scorpion goes up against P.I.N.K's Marihito Masuko, in what will likely be the most heated of the matches following the post match exchange between P.I.N.K and Kiyaru & Scorpion, following Tadaukini Toshusai's match with Rhino Umaga, with whom it looks like Kiyaru & Scorpion have made a recent alliance with following the Trio's Tournament. Masuko's P.I.N.K tag partner Tadakuni Toshusai takes on Yasunobu Masuno, whilst Rhino Umaga and Raging Bull's Eiji Hamacho will look to halt their recent losing streaks as they face off with one another, finally the Pacific Express' Shingen Miyazaki will take on Eagle Kawasawa. [I]Here is a full official run-down of the matches to take place on the up-coming shows.......[/I] [CENTER][B][U][COLOR=olive]Samurai Spirit Tour- Night Fourteen[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U](Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Monday 14th April 2008[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]World Title:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Junior Division- 8 Man War:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] Sensational Dragon, Hell Monkey, [SIZE=1]'Representing P.I.N.K'[/SIZE] Marihito Masuko & SUKI vs [SIZE=1]Junior Champion-[/SIZE] Americana, Elemental II, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Non (World Tag Team) Title:[/B] 'Representing Silver Dragon Feet' The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs The Pacific Express (Shingen Miyazaki & Kenko Takemitsu)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash[/CENTER] [CENTER]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Yasunobu Masuno[/CENTER] [CENTER]Heiachiro Sakai vs Sean McFly _________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][COLOR=olive][B]Samurai Spirit Tour- Night Fifteen[/B][/COLOR][/U] [U][B](Hiroshima Sports Park , Chugoku)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Thursday 10th April 2008[/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet'[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]World Champion-[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo & [SIZE=1]World Tag Team Champions-[/SIZE] The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) [/CENTER] [CENTER]Elemental II vs SUKI[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Representing P.I.N.K[/SIZE] Marihito Masuko vs Golden Scorpion[/CENTER] [CENTER]The Awesome Kiyaru vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Pacific Express'[/SIZE] Kenko Takemitsu[/CENTER] [CENTER]Eagle Kawasawa vs [SIZE=1]'Representing The Pacific Express'[/SIZE] Shingen Miyazaki[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing P.I.N.K'[/SIZE] Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasunobu Masuno[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Representing Raging Bulls'[/SIZE] Eiji Hamacho vs Rhino Umaga ___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=darkgreen]Predictions Form[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][U][B][COLOR=darkgreen]Monday (Kyushu)[/COLOR][/B][/U][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B]World Title:[/B] Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Junior Division 8 Man War:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Sensational Dragon, Hell Monkey, Marihito Masuko & SUKI vs [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Americana, Elemental II, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Non (Tag Team) Title:[/B] The Rebellion vs The Pacific Express[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Size of the Fight vs Bulldozer & Flash[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Yasunobu Masuno[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Heiachiro Sakai vs Sean McFly[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]_______________________________[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=darkgreen]Thursday (Chugoku)[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen][B]Six Man Battle:[/B] Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion vs [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen]Hiroaki Nakasawa & Size of the Fight[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Elemental II vs SUKI[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Marihito Masuko vs Golden Scorpion[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]The Awesome Kiyaru vs Kenko Takemitsu[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Eagle Kawasawa vs Shingen Miyazaki [/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasunobu Masuno[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=darkgreen]Eiji Hamacho vs Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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Monday (Kyushu) World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo [/B]vs Koshiro Ino [I]I don't think Ino's going to win the title before the PPV[/I] Junior Division 8 Man War: Sensational Dragon, Hell Monkey, Marihito Masuko & SUKI vs [B]Americana, Elemental II, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B] [I]I think the team I've picked has more star power[/I] Non (Tag Team) Title: [B]The Rebellion [/B]vs The Pacific Express [I]Doesn't matter that its non-title - the champs win[/I] [B]Size of the Fight [/B]vs Bulldozer & Flash [I]Gaijins = glorified jobbers[/I] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa [/B]vs Yasunobu Masuno [I]Poor old Yasuno is warm-up fodder[/I] Heiachiro Sakai vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] [I]McFly gets a solid victory[/I] _______________________________ Thursday (Chugoku) Six Man Battle: Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa & Size of the Fight[/B] [I]Nakasawa builds momentum for the PPV title shot[/I] [B]Elemental II [/B]vs SUKI [I]SUKI isn't at this level yet[/I] Marihito Masuko vs [B]Golden Scorpion[/B] [I]Prefer Scorpion, although this could go either way for me[/I] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru [/B]vs Kenko Takemitsu [I]Again going with the guy I prefer - Kiyaru seems to get lost in the shuffle a bit[/I] Eagle Kawasawa vs [B]Shingen Miyazaki [/B] [I]As his partner lost, I'll give Miyazaki the win here against the lesser spotted Eagle[/I] Tadakuni Toshusai vs [B]Yasunobu Masuno[/B] [I]Masuno gets a win back following his Nakasawa job[/I] Eiji Hamacho vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [I]Rhino starts to build up some form and momentum[/I]
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[B][U]Monday (Kyushu)[/U][/B] World Title:[B] Hooded Kudo [/B]vs Koshiro Ino Junior Division 8 Man War: S[B]ensational Dragon, Hell Monkey, Marihito Masuko & SUKI[/B] vs Americana, Elemental II, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion Non (Tag Team) Title: [B]The Rebellion [/B]vs The Pacific Express [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs Bulldozer & Flash [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno Heiachiro Sakai vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] _______________________________ [B][U]Thursday (Chugoku)[/U][/B] Six Man Battle: [B]Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion [/B]vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Size of the Fight [B]Elemental II [/B]vs SUKI Marihito Masuko vs [B]Golden Scorpion[/B] [B]The Awesome Kiyaru [/B]vs Kenko Takemitsu Eagle Kawasawa vs [B]Shingen Miyazaki [/B] Tadakuni Toshusai vs[B] Yasunobu Masuno[/B] [B]Eiji Hamacho[/B] vs Rhino Umaga
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Monday (Kyushu) World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Koshiro Ino Junior Division 8 Man War: Sensational Dragon, Hell Monkey, Marihito Masuko & SUKI vs [B]Americana, Elemental II, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B] Non (Tag Team) Title: [B]The Rebellion[/B] vs The Pacific Express [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs Bulldozer & Flash [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa [/B]vs Yasunobu Masuno Heiachiro Sakai vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] _______________________________ Thursday (Chugoku) Six Man Battle: [B]Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion[/B] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Size of the Fight [B]Elemental II[/B] vs SUKI [B] Marihito Masuko[/B] vs Golden Scorpion [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Kenko Takemitsu Eagle Kawasawa vs [B]Shingen Miyazaki[/B] Tadakuni Toshusai vs [B]Yasunobu Masuno[/B] Eiji Hamacho vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][B][U]Samurai Spirit Tour (Show 14)[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 14th April 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu (Attendance: 5'000) [/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] [B]Dark Match #1: Chuichi Sanda vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: Chuichi Sanda defeated Toshiki Shibanumo in 4:45 by pinfall with an Explosion Kick. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]____________________________________[/B] [B]Dark Match #2: Mokuami Maita vs Super Joshuya[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Super Joshuya in 5:52 by pinfall with an Assassination Attempt. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] It doesn't really have any bearing on the match, but Maita has begun to grow his hair a bit longer, which might point to a change in image for the former Openweight Champion.[/FONT] [CENTER][FONT=Courier New]____________________________________________________________[/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show begins with a video hyping the World Title match between Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino. It shows highlights from their previous encounters and Ino 'cashing in' his shot he won at the Trios Tournament on Thursday's show.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER]______________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Steve Flash[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SteveFlash_alt.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Even though they had a size advantage, over Size of the Fight, Bulldozer & Flash came into this match as considerable under-dogs. Size of the Fight took control early, using quick tags and smooth teamwork to keep Flash isolated, but the tide turned when Flash countered a flying cross-body from Kokan with a super-kick and got the tag into BBS. BBS then cleaned house, and the tide of the match turned in the favour of the Gaijin pair, who used their size advantage to keep Kokan isolated. But Size of the Fight didn't hold the tag belts (albeit briefly) last year for nothing, and Kokan stuck it out, before snapping off a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors on BBS to get the tag into Konda, who levelled the former college football standout with a missile drop-kick. Size of the Fights trademark double suicide dive to the outside followed before they will able to isolate Steve Flash in the ring and finish the Canadian veteran off with the Final Impact. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Size of the Fight defeated Bulldozer & Flash in 9:42 when Hyosuke Kokan defeated Steve Flash by pinfall with a Final Impact. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Sean McFly vs Heiachiro Sakai[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SeanMcFly.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HeihachiroSakai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] As extended squashes go this was pretty entertaining. McFly is so smooth in the ring, that he is just a joy to watch wrestle, but the former NOTBPW standout, wasn't expecting such a gutsy and resilliant fight out of the Hinote Dojo Graduate. McFly had several near-falls after such high impact moves as a Vertical suplex piledriver and a Death Valley Driver, he went to the air with a moonsault and he even had Sakai locked in a crucifix armbar and an inverted cloverleaf, but the young lion refused to give in and was determined not to go down without giving his all. However eventually the impact of McFly's offence wore down Sakai, who fell victim, like so many have done when facing McFly, to the Delorean Driver (one of the coolest looking finishers in all of wrestling- a Tilt-A-Whirl Piledriver). [B][COLOR=red]Result: Sean McFly defeated Heihachiro Sakai in 10:11 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B+[/COLOR][/B] [RIGHT][COLOR=black]________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/RIGHT] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko interviews Koshiro Ino ahead of his World Title encouter with Hooded Kudo[/I] [I]- Kaneko asks Ino why he is challenging for the title now, when he could have waited[/I] [I]- Ino said that it feels right to challenge now, and that he is on wave of momentum after winning the Trios Tournament and he will strike whilst the iron is hot.[/I] [I]- Kaneko said that that Kinnojo Horri and Elemental II haven't stepped forth with their title challenges yet[/I] [I]- Ino, responded by saying that what they want to do with their title shots is their business[/I] [I]- Kaneko says that did he come to some sort of deal with his tag partner Kinnojo Horri[/I] [I]- Ino said there was 'no deal' just that he struck first, and that Horri will have to wait in line for his title shot. He said when it comes to coming after the World Title it is every man for himself, but he still enjoys teaming with Horri......but that's not what tonight is all about.....[/I] [I]- Ino said tonight that it was about two things. Finally climbing to the top of the mountain and claiming the World Title and putting the nail in the coffin of Silver Dragon Feet by defeating it's leader and he man he once looked up to as a mentor. He finished off by saying....(you guessed it) ....that Kudo would feel the POWAAAAH !![/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER]_________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Non (Tag Team) Title: [/B] [B]The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs[/B] [B]The Pacific Express (Shingen Miyazaki & Kenko Takemitsu)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]vs[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenkoTakemitsu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Given the fact that the tag champions have not quite been on the same page since Shimedzu's challenge for the World Title against their stable leader Hooded Kudo, there was a slight sense that the Pacific Express (who have looked a good unit, since their formation) could cause an upset and steal a victorty in this non title encounter. Despite their recent problems, the tag champions took control early on and soon had Kenko Takemitsu isolated in their corner, but then a mistimed missile drop-kick from Shimedzu onto Miyamae after a blind-tag, allowed Takemitsu to get the tag into Miyazaki, and soon Miyamae found himself isolated in the corner of the Pacific Express. The Express worked over Miyamae with some smooth team-work reminiscent of The Rebellion themselves, using moves such as a leg-sweep/spin-kick combination and a missile drop-kick assisted vertical suplex to earn close two counts, and it looked all over when Miyazaki planted Miyamae with a Northern Lights Suplex , followed by a guillotine leg-drop from Takemitsu. But a 'protest' from Shimedzu managed to distract referee Omura Umeki, realising this Miyazaki turned the cover over into an ankle-lock and Shimedzu's protests went on too long as Takemitsu sneaked back in to apply a cobra clutch, in a double submission, before sneaking back out when Umeki finallty turned his attention back to the action. Somehow Miyamae managed to get to the ropes, and when Miyazaki tried to get the former Openweight champ up for the Good Night, Miyamae managed to slip off and countered with a knee strike to the groin and Uranage backbreaker. Both of them slumped to the canvas, before getting tag into their respective tag partners. Takemitsu took Shimedzu down with flying clothesline, upon entering the ring but the Super 10 Cup winner rolled through and then locked on a Seated Arm-Bar, but just as it looked like Takemitsu might tap out Miyazaki made the save, but Miyamae sneaked back in and leg-sweep/spin-kick combo of their own took Miyazaki down. Miyamae then went to the outside as Shimedzu set Miyazaki up for the Skull-Drop. One Spiked Skull-Drop later and The Rebellion had managed to come through what was a testing non title affair. It has to be said this match was better than expected and alot of that has to be down to the Pacific Express, who really brought the fight to the Tag Champions and showed off some slick team-work, to suggest they could be a pairing to look out for now and in the future. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Rebellion defeated The Pacific Express in 13:40 when Shimedzu defeated Shingen Miyazaki by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]_____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno_alt11.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a solid big man affair, but Nakasawa seemed to be in 'second gear' and Masuno was unable to raise his own game enough to take the match into being anything truly memorable. They ran through the usual big man match gears, starting with brawling, before exchanging high impact suplexes and then leading into the finish. The fact that the match was so even, and that Nakasawa wasn't completely dominating Masuno, probably kept the interest of the crowd, more than perhaps the match should have because it looked like Masuno could pull off an upset. The finishing sequence saw Masuno able to lock Nakasawa into the Masuno Deep Sleeper, but Nakasawa showed the fighting spirit that saw him become a World Champion, and he was unable to fight his way out of the hold before catching Masuno with a Nakasawa Neckbreaker to pick up the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Yasunobu Masuno in 11:22 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]____________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]We go backstage again and this time Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with World Champion Hooded Kudo.[/I] [I]- Kudo says that he is already seen off the challenge of Koshiro Ino , and he questions why he would come back for just more humiliation[/I] [I]- He said Ino can strike when the so called Iron is hot or cold, he will not be able to beat pure greatness such as himself, especially when it really matters.[/I] [I]- He said Ino can continue to harp on about his POWAAAH, but Kudo said he has the Power of the Silver Dragon Feet, and therefore the Power of true Destiny.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER]_________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Junior Division 8 Man War:[/B] [B]Americana, Elemental II, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs[/B] [B]Sensational Dragon, Hell Monkey, Marihito Masuko & SUKI[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkeyB.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The action was so fast paced and at times completely out of control in this all Junior Divison eight man tag match that the commentary team had a hard team keeping up. The basic pattern of the match saw the heel team quickly gain the advantage, managing to isolate Golden Scorpion in their corner for an extended period of time, but once Scorpion was able to finally get the hot tag in and Junior Champion Americana and Elemental II hit stereo handspring plancha's to the outside, the match completely broke-down and the momentum swung back and forth between both units. The finishing sequence saw SUKI take Elemental II down with Tilt-a Whirl Head-scissors and then transition into the SUKI Special only for Golden Scorpion to break it up with the Golden Shot (slingshot leg-drop)...... Hell Monkey the nailed Scorpion with the Hell-Fire Kick before he could make the cover, but then Elemental II snuck up behind and double Hell Monkey over with a spinning heel kick, before driving the Dragon-Feeter into the mat with then Earth Breaker (Cradle Piledriver) But Marihito Masuko pulled him off at the two count, and then planted the Junior veteran into the canvas with the Masuko Cradle-Shock. The Awesome Kiyaru broke that pin attempt up with a quebrada....but before he could follow up Sensational Dragon snuck up behind and nailed Kiyaru with an Enziguri, before taking Kiyaru down with the Dragon-Slice. Americana came in though to break the pin with a simple elbow drop, before taking Dragon down with a rolling cutter, but SUKI was back up and he took dumped Americana with a release Dragon Suplex, but somehow the Junior champion landed on his feet, and he nailed SUKI with a standing drop-kick, before following up with the Elemental Driver. Kiyaru, Scorpion and Elemental II managed to neutralise Dragon, Monkey and Masuko, leading to the 'babyface' team picking up the victory. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Americana, Elemental II and Kiyaru & Scorpion defeated Sensational Dragon, Hell Monkey, SUKI and Marihito Masuko in 19:14 when Americana defeated SUKI by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]After the match Hiroaki Nakasawa, comes out again (some of the fans are wondering what the former world champion could be coming out for).....he then makes his way over to the announce desk, before putting on a pair of headphones. [/I] [I]It appears that Nakasawa wants a front row seat for the next match....which will be the World Title showdown between Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino, as whoever leaves the arena as World Champion will face Nakasawa at Test of Prophecies.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]The hype video for the World Title match between Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino, is replayed once more, as the regular commentary team hype the match up, and Nakasawa runs the rule over both of his potential opponents at Test of Prophecies.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match #6: World Title: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kudo tries to jump Ino early, but that proves to be a mistake as the POWAAAH and Paint star takes him down with clothesline. Kudo gets back to his feet but Ino snaps off a Scoop Lift Power-Slam....early cover by Ino..... One..... Two..... Kudo kicks out. Ino lifts Kudo up and whips the World champion into the ropes, he takes Kudo down with a Leaping Lariat, he keeps the pressure on with a series of fore-arms before whipping Kudo into the corner, he winds up for a corner splash, but Kudo sees it coming and he uses the momentum to send Ino onto the canvas with a Drop Toe Hold. Ino gets back to his feet but Kudo nails Ino in the back with a standing drop-kick, that send the POWAAH and Paint man slumping into the corner. Kudo then stomps away on Ino, he then 'rubs it in' by delivering the face-wash before winding up a running drop-kick, but Ino gets up and he almost takes Kudo's head off with a Yakuza Kick. Before Ino can follow up though, Kudo manages to roll to the outside, but Ino climbs out onto the apron and he takes Kudo down with a flying double axe handle. Ino then goes to follow up but Kudo manages to block a power-bomb attempt. Kudo then sneaks in a low-blow and he goes to whip Ino into the ring steps, but Ino manages to reverse the momentum and Kudo goes crashing face-first into the ring-steps. Ino then rolls Kudo into the ring....... One.... Two.... Kudo kicks out, but the World Champion has been busted open !! Ino picks Kudo up and gets him up into a Gorilla Press position, before launching Kudo head first into the turnbuckle. Kudo bounces off the turnbuckle and Ino uses the momentum to drive Kudo into the mat with a BACK SNAPPER !!! One...... Two..... Kudo gets his foot on the ropes..... Ino lifts Kudo up and fires in some more fore-arms , before whipping the Silver Dragon Feet leader into the ropes. He rebounds off with a Kobra's Bite, but Kudo has it scouted and he ducks under, but Ino keeps the momentum going and he ends up taking out referee Omura Umeki. Kudo then crotches Ino with a blatant low-blow, but Umeki is too out of it to notice. Kudo follows up with an Enziguri that sends Ino falling face first onto the canvas. Umeki is still down and Kudo goes outside to pick up a chair..... Kudo is back inside but Ino is up and he send the chair into Kudo's already bloodied face with a Yazuza Kick ...... Ino goes for the cover, but Umeki is still out cold. Ino starts to get frustrated and goes to revive the referee..... but Kudo has picked up the chair again, he brings it down across Ino's back, Ino turns around, and this time Kudo nails him in the head with the chair, but Ino no-sells it, he is feeling the POWAAAH !! but Kudo is step ahead and he takes Ino down with a Dragon Screw...... Kudo places a knee shot into the head of Ino, as the POWAAAH and Paint man gets back to his feet.....Proto Kudo Driver (Belly to Back Piledriver) onto the chair !!! Ino has now been busted open, and both champion and challenger have the crimson streaming down their face. Omura Umeki starts to stir.......Kudo kicks the 'foreign object' out of the ring..... Umeki goes over to make the count One.... Two.... Thr..... Ino kicks out, Kudo can't believe it........ Kudo follows up with a Shining Wizard........ One..... Two...... Ino kicks out again. Kudo then lifts Ino back to his feet, he sets up for a Kudo Kutter, but Ino blocks it.....and the POWAAAH and Paint star, whips the World Champion into the ropes he takes Kudo down with a spear....... Ino then sets Kudo up for a Power Bomb, but the Silver Dragon Feet leader is able to slip out and he counters with an Enziguri. Ino is dazed again....Kudo fires in some knife edge chops.....STO plants Ino into the canvas, and the World Champion goes to lock on the Kudo-Lock. But Ino manages to kick Kudo, off sending the World Champion out to the floor. Ino waits for Kudo to come back in, and he takes Kudo down with a Leaping Lariat, he sets up for the POWAAAH SUUURGE but Kudo manages to fight his way out of it. Ino realises he doesn't have Kudo worn down enough and fires in some fore-arm strikes, before lifting Kudo up onto his shoulders....... He has Kudo in a Torture Rack Backbreaker, but Kudo does not give in, and just as Ino is about to dump the World Champion into the canvas, Kudo counters with a crucifix bomb. But Kudo is too worn down to follow up, and both now lay on their backs, exhausted and spilling crimson. Both stagger up to their feet......Kudo is up first and he staggers Ino with a Yazuka Kick, but In comes back with a Yazuka kick of his own, Ino whips Kudo ino the ropes....he goes for Leaping Lariat.....but Kudo manages to side-step out of the way, Ino ends up hitting the ring-ropes..... he turns around........KUDO KUTTER !!!! One..... Two....... Three !!! Hooded Kudo is still the World Champion. Even though Kudo-Nakasawa has been the main rivalry since 2007, the matches between Kudo and Ino have perhaps been even more intense, due to the fact that Kudo was once the mentor of Ino. These two have great chemistry together as opponents and was it not for Ino's 'freelancer' status, there is probably a strong possibility that he will be rewarded with a World Title run, as it is he's that main event guy I can rely upon to put in a competitive performance but ultimately come up short, and his rivalrly with Kudo , where he is isn't quite able to get the better of his former mentor, links in perfectly with that line of thinking. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated Koshiro Ino in 19:50 by pinfall with a Kudo Kutter. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red][COLOR=purple]Hooded Kudo retains the Burning World Championship title.[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]Hooded Kudo, then receives the World Title belt and celebrates like hie has won it for the first time, before standing over the fallen body of Koshiro Ino and taunting the POWAAAH and Paint star 'that he will never beat him'[/I] [I]Hiroaki Nakasawa then gets up from the desk, and comes into the ring, he then taps Kudo on the shoulder, and makes a belt gesture, before getting in the World Champions face. [/I] [I]Kudo then slaps Nakasawa across the face, but before Nakasawa can retaliate, the World Tag Team champions 'The Rebellion' sneak up from behind and they lay in some kendo stick shots into Nakasawa.[/I] [I]But before Nakasawa gets a serious beating, Size of the Fight come running in with chairs.....Nakasawa gets back to his feet and the show finishes with a chaotic six man brawl.[/I] [B]Ratings: B for Kudo celebration, B- for everything else that followed.[/B] [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Overall: A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] That was a very consistant all round show, and even though most fans were rightly expecting that the title wouldn't change hands before the PPV, Ino had them believing by the end of the match, that he could pull out the victory. ______________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring drew a 18.31 rating on Nippon T.V (-0.24): Whilst a World Title match shouldn't guarantee that it wont go down, it's gone down by a fair chunk, hopefully it's just a blip in the T.V ratings.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]We have received news that NOTBPW's Jack Marlowe will be appearing at Test of Prophecies and he has been signed up to face former World Tag Team Champion Kinnojo Horri. Marlowe is no stranger to working in Japan having had a succesful run with Golden Canvas Grappling where he captured the Openweight and Tag Team Championships.[/COLOR] So far the card for Test of Prophecies looks like this: [B]World Title:[/B] Hooded Kudo vs Hiroaki Nakasawa [B]Tag Titles:[/B] The Rebellion vs Size of the Fight [B]Junior Title (Elimination Rules):[/B] Americana vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon [B]Openweight Title:[/B] Tom Gilmore vs Sean McFly [B]International Showdown:[/B] Kinnojo Horri vs Jack Marlowe More matches are to be added to the PPV after Thursdays show- Most likely we will see a Tag Match involving P.I.N.K going up against some combination involving Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru and/or Golden Scorpion and following his failure to win the World Title on Monday's show expect a challenge to be set up for Koshiro Ino.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive][U]Samurai Spirit Tour (Show 15)[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Thursday 17th April 2008[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Hiroshima Sports Park, Chugoku (Attendance: 2'000) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Dynamite Narahashi vs Heiachiro Sakai vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/B] [B][COLOR=red]Result: Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Dynamite Narahashi, Heihachiro Sakai and Toshiki Shibanumo in 9:27 when Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Toshiki Shibanumo by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The Job squad get some decent amount of time to show what they can do against each other, and to be honest they all put in a pretty decent effort.[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]BBS is currently the highest up the food chain (having been around for a couple of tours now),so he gets the win here, but Sakai is probably the one with the biggest long term future in BHOTWG. Shibanumo is basically jobbing on pre-shows until his contract runs out and Narahashi seems destined to be little more than just a younger version of Shibanumo.[/FONT] [CENTER]________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed for T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video plays hyping the main event between the Silver Dragon Feet trio of Hooded Kudo and The Rebellion, taking on rivals Hiroaki Nakasawa and Size of the Fight in a Six Man Battle.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]_________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #1: The Awesome Kiyaru vs Kenko Takemitsu[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenkoTakemitsu.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Surprisingly very good match, perhaps tagging with someone the calibre of Shingen Miyazaki, is rubbing off on Takemitsu, who does seem to be raising his game since being given the responsibility of a 'push'. It also had to be noted that these two had really smooth chemistry against one another, and what ensued was a very well put together 'technician' (Takemitsu) vs 'Aerial Artist' (Kiyaru) game of human chess. Kiyaru kept Takemitsu off balance early on with his quick paced offence, and got some early near-falls with a Moonsault and a Standing Shiranui, but Takemitsu kept his cool and eventually he capatilised on a mis-timed Quebrada from Kiyaru, to get a foot back in the match. Takemitsu was then able to dictate the pace how he wanted, slowing the tempo down and keeping Kiyaru grounded. Takemitsu worked over Kiyaru's back with a variety of backbreakers before locking on the Cobra Clutch. Kiyaru managed to get to the ropes, but Takemitsu soon locked on the clutch again..... This time though Kiyaru managed to get to his feet, Takemitsu then tried to take Kiyaru with a Canada-2-Japan but the Junior veteran countered with a jaw-breaker, Takemitsu then left himself open for the Awesome Mirage series of kicks, before Kiyaru bounced off the ropes and took the former NOTBPW trainee down with a spinning head-scissors.... That left Takemitsu disorientated long enough for Kiyaru to head up top and finish things off with the his spectcular finisher the Magic Cloud an imploding 450 Splash. [B][COLOR=red]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Kenko Takemitsu in 10:19 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR=black]_________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #2: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno_alt11.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] These two produced pretty much what is to be expected from two heavyweights that can be carried to a decent match by the right opponent, but can't really carry a match themselves. What ensued was hard hitting but pretty basic brawl, that would come to an end once one of them had managed to wear down the other enough. In the end it was Yasunobu Masuno, who had managed to wear down the P.I.N.K man enough to pull off the Avalanche Bomb and to pick up a much needed victory. [LEFT][B][COLOR=red]Rating: Yasunobu Masuno defeated Tadakuni Toshusai in 7:57 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=red]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][B]_____________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #3: Eiji Hamacho vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This wasn't too dissimilar to the previous match, that it involved two mid-card heavyweights brawling and looking to put the other one away with Power moves, the slight difference here is that it did have a little more quality and a storyline where Hamacho tried to get Umaga up onto his shoulders for the Hamacho Sledge 2K, after gaining the advantage with a suplex. In the end the Raging Bull paid the price for going to that well once too often and Umaga was actually able to put someone away with the Rhino Charge, instead of mis-timing it and crashing into the turnbuckle like he has so often seemed to have done lately. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Rhino Umaga defeated Eiji Hamacho in 9:47 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER]__________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [I]Footage is shown of the official World Title match press conference for the Test of Prophecies showdown between Hooded Kudo and Hiroaki Nakasawa. As you will probably guess- the trash talking led to them standing up from their respective desks, to get in each others faces, but security was able to come between them before any punches were able to land.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]__________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #4: Golden Scorpion vs Marihito Masuko[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sometimes you just stumble across some great pairings in the ring, when you don't really expect it, and these two always put on really entertaining matches against one another, in fact there outing here was so good, they pretty much stole the show. So here we go full play by play treatment for a mid-show match....... Masuko tries to keep it on the mat at the start , but to the P.I.N.K leaders frustration, Golden Scorpion keeps pace and takes Masuko over with a snap suplex into a bridging pin, Masuko kicks out but Scorpion keeps a hold and takes Masuko over with a Northern Lights Suplex, for a two count..... This time Masuko is able to roll out of the ring , and he goes for a powder. Scorpion climbs the top turnbuckle to set up for a flying cross-body to the outside, but Masuko springs up onto the apron and cuts him off with a step up Enziguri. Scorpion drops down into the tree of woe position, and Masuko climbs to the top before delivering double knees to the chest of Scorpion...... Scorpion gets back to his feet but Masuko takes him down with a spinning head-scissors , before taking Scorpion over with a capture suplex..... One...... Two..... Scorpion kicks out. Masuko goes out onto the apron to set up for a slingshot plancha but Scorpion is back up and he cut's the P.I.N.K mastermind off........ Masuko slingshots the ropes into Scorpion's larnax though, before spring boarding off the ropes to take Scorpion down with the INTO THE WHITE (springboard bull-dog) One.... Two..... Thr..... Great ring awareness by Scorpion, as he gets his feet on the ropes. Masuko lifts Scorpion up for the cradle-shock, but Scorpion blocks it and counters with a sunset flip......... One.... Two..... Masuko flips it back, for a near-fall of his own. Scorpion flips it back again , he lifts Masuko up from the canvas, and delivers a sit-out Power-Bomb........ One....... Two..... Masuko kicks out, Scorpion lifts Masuko up again and delivers brainbuster.....he decides not to go for the cover and heads for the top-rope. But Masuko is back to his feet, missile drop-kick from Scorpion puts Masuko back down again. Scorpion then goes for the Scorpion Stinger, but Masuko has it scouted, and he ducks under before monkey-flipping Scorpion to the outside...... Suddenly before Scorpion can get in the ring, someone else similar to Masuko in size, and dressed in P.I.N.K style garb attacks Golden Scorpion with a running knee strike, before rolling Scorpion back into the ring (meanwhile Masuko had produced a foreign object from his tights, that distracted referee Omura Umeki)......... Masuko see's that Scorpion is fallen and tries to steal the cover...... One...... Two........ Scorpion kicks out !!!! Masuko goes for the cradle shock, but Scorpion blocks it.....the mystery P.I.N.K member now hops up onto the apron, distracting Umeki.........low blow from Masuko........CRADLE SHOCK !!!....... Umeki turns his attention back to the match...... One..... Two...... Three...... Despite the effect the new P.I.N.K member had on the outcome of this match, this was still an engaging mid length match that exceeded expectations given it's participants and it's placement on the card, but as pointed out before these two have a great chemistry together, and it's nice to know that I have a rivalry in the making in the Junior Division beyond the Dragon- Elemental- Americana trumphrate. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Marihito Masuko defeated Golden Scorpion in 11:33 by pinfall. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]It turns out that the new P.I.N.K member is[/I] [B]Mokuami Maita[I] -[/I][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita_alt1.jpg[/IMG] [I]Masuko took the mic and introduced Maita into the P.I.N.K family with some weird promo. The gist of which went like this....[/I] [I]Since losing the Openweight Title last year Maita has become a lost soul, much like he was when he lost the Junior Title, but Maita has seen the light, that it is not all about personal glory....it's about sharing one's suffering with others and becoming one with their pain.[/I] [I]P.I.N.K then attack Golden Scorpion, just as he is leaving the ring and the self proclaimed sadistic trio, put the boots to the man dubbed the Gold and Black Attack. Thankfully for Scorpion, his regular tag partner The Awesome Kiyaru and Rhino Umaga come running in armed with baseball bats and they chase P.I.N.K out of the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] I knew the after match segements would get 'crapped on' as they aren't main eventers, but at times for the sake of a character development, you have to ignore the ratings.[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]More importantly Maita has now been turned from 'face' to 'heel' with the turn being a 'complete success'. Not that any of you would have really known that, because in diary terms Maita wasn't really a face or a heel, he was just a faceless tweener, who tried to get over with a submission finisher.[/FONT] [CENTER]_____________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #5: Eagle Kawasawa vs Shingen Miyazaki[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ShingenMiyazaki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] In a polar opposite to the previous match, this one went on to a little too long and is further proof as to why Eagle Kawasawa has found himself pretty much relegated to the jobber/pre-show crew ranks. They put on a solid technical showing here, as they tried to lock in their respective submissions but were unable to get their holds locked in on their opponent for a significant amount of time. But the pace was a little too slow, especially considering the fact that it featured a Junior Heavyweight in Kawasawa, and that seems to be the problem with alot of Kawasawa's matches, they just seem to lack a spark. The finishing sequence saw Miyazaki catch Kawasawa coming off the top-rope with a Flying Cross-Body and transition the momentum into the Good Night (Fire-mans Carry drop into a knee-strike) [COLOR=red][B]Result: Shingen Miyazaki defeated Eagle Kawasawa in 12:02 by pinfall.[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Rating: B-[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER]___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match #6: Elemental II vs SUKI[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SUKI.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The Junior Division was on fire this show, as SUKI also raised his game to put on a very good match with Elemental II. It started with the usual chain wrestling exchanges that so often begin a Junior Division match, Elemental II was a step ahead in these, and that began to frustrate the c0cky youngster, who rolled out for a powder. Elemental II then wound up for his handspring plancha, but SUKI saw it coming, the veteran then tried to fake out SUKI with the Elemental Daze Kick, but the youngster also had that scouted and he countered with a leg-whip into the ring ropes. That left Elemental II hobbled and SUKI sent him crashing down face first into the canvas with a Flying Lariat. SUKI then took over, as he worked over Elemental II's right leg, but SUKI does not really have a leg based submission in his arsenal and his indecision in what leg-lock submission he would go for, ended up letting Elemental II back into the match who countered with first an inside cradle, then an Enziguri with his stronger leg as both men got back to their feet. The Junior legend then took SUKI over with a belly to back suplex , before trying to shake feeling back into his leg. SUKI got back up and after a clubbing blow from behind dumped Elemental II with a Dragon Suplex, for a two count. SUKI then tried to lock on the SUKI Special, but Elemental II was able to counter with an Arm-drag, before taking SUKI off balance with a leg-whip. Elemental II then headed up top, but SUKI was not weakened enough, and the self assured young technician, was able to cut Elemental II off, but just as he tried to suplex Elemental II back in, the former six time Junior Champion was able to shove SUKI down onto the canvas. SUKI got back up again but Elemental II came off the top rope with a flying cross-body and straight into a cover. But SUKI rolled through an applied the SUKI Special, but he couldn't quite get it locked on, and Elemental II got back up to vertical base, fired a kick into SUKI's mid-section, double under-hooked SUKI's arms and took the c0cky youngster over with a Butterfly Suplex. Elemental II had a perfect bridging pin and SUKI was unable to kick out , quite simply despite is best efforts SUKI had just been out-wrestled by the Junior Legend. [B][COLOR=red]Result: Elemental II defeated SUKI in 15:32 by pinfall.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A[/COLOR][/B] [I]Elemental II was genuinely impressed by effort SUKI put in against him, and he knew that the young technician had often matched him hold for hold throughout that match, and he goes over to offer a handshake (much to the disdain of a large portion of the crowd, who dislike SUKI for his arrogant 'I'm not going to pay me dues' attitude)[/I] [I]But SUKI is the sort who only respects one person.....HIMSELF and he rejects the offer of the handshake, before slapping Elemental II across the face.[/I] [I]Before Elemental II can retaliate, Koshiro Ino come out from backstage, and he says he'll deal with this, and he has a microphone in his hand[/I] [I]- He says that he is fed up of seeing young up-starts like SUKI, disprespecting those who paved the way such as Elemental II. He said they might have talent, but they could still learn a thing or two. He tells SUKI if you think you're the big I am and can take on anyone, then how about taking on me (Ino) at Test of Propehcies. He says his diaries free, and I just know that your (SUKI's) ego would love to see you take a spot on a pay per view event.[/I] [I]- SUKI responds by saying that he has nothing to fear what so-ever. He says he is a technically superior athelete and does not have to rely on wearing face-paint to summon up some phoney (says it sarcastically) 'POWAAAH'.[/I] [B]Rating: E+ for Elemental II handshake offer, C- for SUKI rejecting it and slapping Elemental II in the face, C+ for Koshiro Ino coming out and challenging SUKI, D- for SUKI accepting the challenge [/B] [CENTER][B]Match #7: Six Man Battle: [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo & The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) [/B][B]vs [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa & Size of the Fight [/B][B](Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The SDF trio try to jump Nakasawa and SOTF at the start of the match, but they get cut off and the babyfaces 'clean house'. The fight spills to the outside, and all three men brawl on the floor for a bit, the highlight of the ringside brawl, see's Konda climbs up onto the apron and takes Shimedzu down with a swinging DDT. They re-enter the ring and the faces are still in control, and they have Shimedzu trapped in their corner, a couple of double team moves from SOTF including a slignshot suplex/missile drop-kick combo, leads to a two count, before they tag Nakasawa back into the match. Nakasawa works over Shimedzu, before lifting the tag champion, into vertical suplex position, but Shimedzu manages to kick out, and he counters with an Enziguri, before taking Nakasawa down with a Crucifix Roll. Both men are now down and are looking for the tag, but Sensational Dragon and Hell Monkey sneak out and they pull down Size of the Fight off the apron, before Nakasawa can get the tag in.....they fire in a couple of shots on SOTF before sneaking back off. Nakasawa is unable to make the tag and he finds himself cut off by Hooded Kudo, who has just been tagged in. Kudo takes Nakasawa down with a Russian leg-sweep, before putting his heated rival into a surfboard. Miyamae then slinghsots himself in and he lands on Nakasawa's exposed chest with a leg-drop. Nakasawa survived that double team move, but the Silver Dragon Feet trio, were actually looking like they were on the same page for the first time in weeks, and they seemed determined to go into the Pay Per View with momentum behind them. A slingshot/leg-lariat combo from The Rebellion brought a close two count, whiilst a triple team sequence of a Death Valley-Driver (Kudo), followed by Moonsault (Shimedzu) then flying headbutt (Miyamae) brought victory even closer. But Nakasawa was showing great fighting spirit, as he refused to give in. Meanwhile Size of the Fight were back up on he apron, waiitng to get tagged in, but their prostestations to referee Omura Umeki wasn't helping Nakaswa's cause as the Silver Dragon Feet trio just fired in more cheap shots. Eventually though Nakasawa did find that opening. Kudo went for a Kudo Kutter, but Nakasawa was able to block the attempt and he was able to counter with a Uranage Backreaker. The Rebellion however came in and fired in some kicks into Nakasawa, before attempting to get Nakasawa up for a double team suplex, but Nakasawa blocked the attempt, and reversed the attempt with a double DDT. Nakasawa then scrambled across to get the tag in, and he got the tag into both members of Size of the Fight, who took both members of The Rebellion down with a pair of drop-kicks, that sent the tag champions out of the ring. They then wound up for the twin suicide dives, but Kudo came up from behind and clubbed Konda in the back, but before the World Champion could follow up, Kokan took him down with Spinning Head-scissors. The pair then lifted the World Champion up and sent him crashing down onto the canvas with a FINAL IMPACT !! One.... Two....... Thr....... No !! Both members of the Rebellion were back in, Miyamae took Kokan down with a Flying Cross Body, and Shimedzu took Konda down with a springboard Roundhouse Kick. Miyamae lifts Kokan up and delivers the Miyamae Spoiler. Shimedzu neutralises Konda..... One... Two.... Thr........ Konda somehow manages to escape from Shimedzu's grasp, and dives over to make the save just in time. But he's now isolated as The Rebellion, fire in some kicks......they set up for the Spiked Skull-Drop, but Konda counters with a La Magistral cradle on Shimedzu........Miyamae lands in the ring but Nakasawa has climbed the top rope he takes Miyamae down with a Flying Cross Body !!! The momentum sends both of them out of the ring, and they begin to brawl on the outside. Shimedzu tries for the Skull-Drop again but Konda reverses it.......kick to the mid-section BIG FIGHT STUNNER !!! One....... Two..... Miyamae goes to break it up, but Nakasawa has him tied up on the outside.... Thr...... Nooo !! Kudo is back up, and he breaks up the pin with an elbow drop. Shining Wizard from Kudo, Konda looks out of it.....now Miyamae has Nakasawa tied up on the outside...... KUDO DRIVER '99 (Cross Arm Piledriver) from Kudo, surely it's over for Konda..... One.... Two.... Thr....... Nakasawa dives in to make the save ......Kudo fires in some knife edge chops on Nakasawa ......he goes for the Kudo Kutter, Nakasawa blocks it.......NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !!! One..... Miyamae's coming into the ring he is about to break up the pin attempt, flying elbow from Kokan knocks Miyamae down..... Two......... Three !!! Nakasawa and Size of the Fight get a momentum building victory ahead of challenging for the World and World Tag Team Titles at Test of Prophecies. This one started out prettty routine, and it was odd to see Nakasawa playing the face in peril role, but on the other hand it did help put over the fact that his opponents, really do need to go through their entire arsenal to finish him off. Once he got the hot tag in, it went completely crazy and it turned into an insane finisher fest, though the higlight of the match had to be Naksawa taking to he skies and pulling off the flying cross-body on Miyamae !! [B][COLOR=red]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa and Size of the Fight defeated Hooded Kudo and The Rebellion in 17:48 when Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Hooded Kudo by pinfall with a Nakasawa Neckbreaker[/COLOR][/B]. [B][COLOR=red]Rating: A*[/COLOR][/B] [I]As Nakasawa and Size of the Fight leave the ring in celebration, Hooded Kudo and The Rebellion are still in the ring and they start getting in each other faces again, despite their best efforts to be on the same page tonight, it seem that this loss has just sparked up the ill-feeling between the Silver Dragon Feet members once again.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=olive]Overall: A[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Really happy with how this show turned out- Looking at this card on paper I wouldn't have complained if I got a B+. I knew the main event should deliver, but everything else here, is not what you would call guaranteed greatness. But the three Junior Division matches really cama through and couple of matches have been set up to round out the card for Test of Prophecies. ______________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Ironclad drew a 16.99 Rating on TV5Monde ( + 0.09) Finally it goes up at last for the Thursday show !!
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/U][/B] Following the final show before the Test of Prophecies Pay Per View/Supershow, to take place on Saturday 19th April at the Ishikawa Stadium in Chubu, two more matches have been added to the card. The newly expanded P.I.N.K with Mokuami Maita joining the ranks, will take on The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion and Rhino Umaga in a six man tag match, whilst Koshiro Ino challenged SUKI to a match as he looks to teach the young up-start a lesson in respect the 'hardway'. BHOTWG officials have confirmed these two match ups will round out the the final card, but with only 7 confirmed matches- there may be some more surprise matches to be announced on the night, that Test of Prophecies take place.
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Congrats on winning the [COLOR="blue"][B]Match of the Year [/B][/COLOR]and [COLOR="blue"][B]Best Match Write Up [/B][/COLOR]categories in the [B][COLOR="blue"]GDS Diary Awards for 2007[/COLOR][/B]! And for also being recognized in the categories of [COLOR="blue"][B]Stable of the Year[/B][/COLOR]; [COLOR="blue"][B]Tag Team of the Year[/B][/COLOR]; and [COLOR="blue"][B]Rocky Maiva Award [/B][/COLOR]categories. Keep up the great work!
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[B][U]O.O.C Comment- The Cult of P.I.N.K[/U][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BHOTWG-TadakuniToshusaiPINK.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita_alt1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Big thank you to anyone who voted for me in the any of the awards I was up for in the Diary awards.....but lets talk about P.I.N.K who came second in the Best Tag Team of the Year category. I'm pleasantly suprised to see how well they have been received. In TEW game terms, they are mid-card at best right now, and until Toshusai can develop a little further and improve his stamina levels, they are unlikely to push much beyond that level....for me they have the most vivid gimmick but there's probably about 4 teams ahead of them right now in wrestling ability (The Rebellion, Size of the Fight, 'HorrIno', Kiyaru & Scorpion), I'd probably even push the Pacific Express ahead of them in terms of pulling out a good match that can last longer than 10 minutes before Toshusai starts to blow up. In diary terms though they seem to have gotten hugely OVER, amazing what a Kabuki face painted render can do for a worker. So I guess some credit for P.I.N.K's cult following has to go to [B][I]Monsieur Fromage[/I][/B] for his uber-cool render jobs on Tadakuni Toshusai * and now Mokuami Maita (I guess with Maita joining, that now takes them from just a Tag Team, to a fully fledged stable) Then again I do think part of their 'popularity' is down to their attitude. That attitude being a love of just wanting to attack other people, for no apparent reason- other than that they just get their kicks from doing such acts. Perhaps you the readers of this diary, could tell me why P.I.N.K does it for you ? ;) [I]* Correction see Fromage's response below, credit should go to J Silver for the render on Toshusai, honestly I forgot that the mastermind behind the hugely entertaining USPW- Ages 65 and Over diary did the render job on that one.[/I]
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]BHOTWG- Test of Prophecies Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods present the Test of Prophecies PPV on Saturday 19th April from the Ishikawa Stadium in Chubu and across Japan on PPV via Emperor Sports. Here is a fulll preview of what will be on the show [CENTER][B]World Heavyweight Championship:[/B] [B]Hooded Kudo vs Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]This is a match that Hiroaki Nakasawa has waited over half a year to happen, since losing the World Title to Hooded Kudo last September and now he finally has the Silver Dragon Feet leader in a one on one match up, he will be feeling confident that he can win back the title and he comes into this match on a wave of psychological momentum having pinned Kudo in the Six Man Battle in the final 'regular' show before Test of Prophecies.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Hooded Kudo on the other hand has seen the Silver Dragon Feet stable that he leads engulfed in internal problems, the route of which stems from his World Title defence against fellow Dragon-Feeter and 2007 Super 10 Cup Winner Shimedzu last month.[/LEFT] [LEFT]But despite these recent problems Hooded Kudo remains a dangerous champion, due to having one of those most devious and calculating minds in Wrestling and having already seen of the challenge of Koshiro Ino (who decided to cash in his title shot won at the Trio's Tournament) Hooded Kudo will feel that he will be able to get the job done, when it really matters. [/LEFT] [CENTER][B]World Tag Team Championship:[/B] [B]The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs [/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) [/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Since Miyamae interfered in Shimedzu's World Title match against their Silver Dragon Feet leader Hooded Kudo at Fire Dream of the Immortals, the tag champions have not been seeing eye to eye, and this even led to Shimedzu 'accidently' interfering in Miyamae's Openweight Title defence against Tom Gilmore, causing Miyamae to drop the belt back to the talented Gaijin.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Size of the Fight did challenge for the Tag titles earlier in the month, using their title shot they earned at Fire Dream of the Immortals, but despite the internal problems- The Rebellion were able to hold onto the titles- albeit as is so often the case involving members of Silver Dragon Feet in some-what controversial fashion.[/LEFT] [LEFT]This led to the Burning Hammer officials rewarding Size of the Fight a re-match for the titles, who will be be fired up to win back the Tag Titles, from the team that ended their first and so far only World Tag Team run, so abruptly. [/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Junior Title (4-Way Elimination):[/B] [B]Americana vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon[/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT]At Fire Dream of the Immortals Americana emerged victorious as the first ever winner of the Burning X match, claiming the Junior Title in a memorable 3-way match that also included Elemental II and the man he grabbed the belt from Sensational Dragon.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Since then Americana has proved his worth as champion by defeating Sensational Dragon in a one on one contest and Dragon's fellow Silver Dragon Feet stable mate Hell Monkey (who earned a shot by pinning Americana in a tag match).[/LEFT] [LEFT]Unable to decide a true number one contender, Burning Hammer officials have decided to give Sensational Dragon, Hell Monkey and Elemental II all a shot at the title, in what will probably be Americana's toughest challenge yet as champion. However for one of the challengers to become champion, Americana will have to be pinned as the match will be fought under Elimination rules, instead of the usual first fall wins. [/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Openweight Title:[/B] [B]Tom Gilmore vs Sean McFly[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Two of the most exciting and skilled wrestlers in the world collide, as they compete over the Openweight Title.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Gilmore won the belt back from Miyamae, having lost it to the Silver Dragon member last month, and having got to seven title defence in his previous run with the belt, he will be looking to go three better and earn the reward of an eventual World Title shot, but he faces a very capable and dangerous challenger in the form of Sean McFly.[/LEFT] [LEFT]McFly who first made his name in the SWF and then enhanced his reputation with NOTBPW, earned his title shot last month at Fire Dream of the Immortals and has so far been unbeaten in singles competition since joining BHOTWG as a regular roster member.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Respect Challenge: [/B] [B]Koshiro Ino vs SUKI[/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT]C0cky young Junior Division wrestler SUKI put in an impressive showing (albeit in a losing effort) against Elemental II on Thursdays show. The Junior legend, recognised this and offered a handshake as a sign of respect, but SUKI threw the gesture back in Elemental II's face with an arrogant slap.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Before anything further could escalate between the two Junior wrestlers , Koshiro Ino came out and issued a challenge to SUKI. The POWAAH and Paint star (who just came short in winning the World Title- in a hard fought battle with Hooded Kudo on Mondays show) said he was fed up of young up-starts like SUKI disrespecting the elder statemen of the roster such as Elemental II. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Can Koshiro Ino 'beat some respect' into SUKI, or will the talented yet c0cky Junior Divisio wrestler, pull of an upset win over the POWAAH and Paint star ?[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Grudge- Six Man Battle:[/B] P.I.N.K (Marihito Masuko, Tadakuni Toshusai & Mokuami Maita) vs Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/CENTER] [LEFT]Rhino Umaga became the recent focus of attacks from P.I.N.K for no apparent reason (but the again, when is there much reason behind P.I.N.K's attacks ? ) Having seemingly struck up a promising relationship with Rhino Umaga during the Trios Tournament, Kiyaru & Scorpion - that led to the trio reaching the semi finals of the Tournament.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Having witnessed P.I.N.K's targetting of Umaga, Kiyaru & Scorpion decided to help out their new 'friend' and it looked like the trio had a numbers advantage in their growing feud with the sadistic Kabuki face painted duo.[/LEFT] [LEFT]However in a singles match between Marihito Masuko and Golden Scorpion on Thursday, P.I.N.K unveiled their latest member Mokuami Maita, whose influence on the outside helped Masuko to come away with the victory.[/LEFT] [LEFT]With the battle lines drawn between P.I.N.K and the Umaga/Kiyaru & Scorpion alliance, who will claim victory in this Six Man Battle ?[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]International Challenge: [/B] [B]Kinnojo Horri vs Jack Marlowe[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Marlowe who is no stranger to working in Japan having had a succesful run with Golden Canvas Grappling, comes to BHOTWG as a guest from our working relationship with Canadian based promotion NOTBPW.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Will Marlowe impress Burning Hammer officials by pulling out a victory over one of the most established members of the roster, or will Kinnojo Horri up-hold the honour of the BHOTWG roster and send Marlowe packing back to Canada with his tail between the legs.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]8 Man Tag Match:[/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & [/B] [B]The Pacfic Express (Shingen Miyazaki & Kenko Takemitsu) [/B][B]vs [/B] [B]The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda),[/B] [B]Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]BHOTWG have confirmed that this match will take place at the show, but have not confirmed whether it will take place as part of the PPV itself. Most notably the match once again pits the Pacific Express, against the Raging Bulls. So far the Pacific Express have had the upperhand over the veteran duo in their recent rivalry.[/LEFT] [CENTER]____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [quote] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=green]Prediction-Form:[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][U][COLOR=green]Test of Prophecies[/COLOR][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=green][B]World Title:[/B] Hooded Kudo vs Hiroaki Nakasawa[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=green][B]Tag Titles:[/B] The Rebellion vs Size of the Fight[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=green]Junior Title (Elimination Rules): [/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=green]Americana vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=green][B]Openweight Title:[/B] Tom Gilmore vs Sean McFly[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=green]Koshiro Ino vs SUKI[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=green]P.I.N.K (Masuko, Toshusai & Maita) vs Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=green]Kinnojo Horri vs Jack Marlowe[/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=green]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & The Pacific Express vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]The Raging Bulls, Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno [/COLOR][/LEFT] [/quote]
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[B]O.O.C Note: [/B] I'm unlikely to get the next show up until the New Year * , so they'll be plenty of time for people to get in their predictions. Usual imaginary prize applies, front-row tickets to the next PPV, which this time will be the Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors Cup event. [I]* When I mean the New Year, I'll probably get it posted up on Wednesday or Thursday.[/I]
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[B][U]Test of Prophecies[/U][/B] World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa Tag Titles: The Rebellion vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] Junior Title (Elimination Rules): [B]Americana[/B] vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon Openweight Title: [B]Tom Gilmore [/B]vs Sean McFly [B]Koshiro Ino [/B]vs SUKI P.I.N.K (Masuko, Toshusai & Maita) vs [B]Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/B] [B]Kinnojo Horri [/B]vs Jack Marlowe [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & The Pacific Express [/B]vs The Raging Bulls, Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno
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[B]O.O.C Note: [/B] Come on guys (and Caulfield apart- I guess I'm aiming this at my regular crew of predictors) major show coming up and barely anyones put a prediction in for it.....I know I said you don't have to all rush in but I don't want this getting buried amongst the forgotten depths either. Christmas/New Year has come and gone, so no excuses !! I feel a bit grubby after that.....fishing for comments. :o By the way what's happened to [B]Tyler-Drew[/B] amongst the regular predictors/commentators ? He was giving some pretty good 'fans perspective' roster analysis at the end of the last tour, but then it dried up all of a sudden and he's not been seen on here since. In fact I don't think he's left a prediction/comment during the latest tour. :confused:
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World Title: [b]Hooded Kudo[/b] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa Tag Titles: [b]The Rebellion[/b] vs Size of the Fight Junior Title (Elimination Rules): [b]Americana[/b] vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon Openweight Title: [b]Tom Gilmore[/b] vs Sean McFly [b]Koshiro Ino[/b] vs SUKI P.I.N.K (Masuko, Toshusai & Maita) vs [b]Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion[/b] [b]Kinnojo Horri[/b] vs Jack Marlowe [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & The Pacific Express[/b] vs The Raging Bulls, Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno
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Test of Prophecies World Title: Hooded Kudo vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Going with Nakasawa, probably through some kind of botched interference from Shimedzu. Tag Titles: [B]The Rebellion[/B] vs Size of the Fight With Kudo to lose, the Rebellion retain, causing further tension in SDF, as they are now the only title holders. Junior Title (Elimination Rules): [B]Americana[/B] vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon Can't lose it on a 1st PPV defence Openweight Title: Tom Gilmore vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] Although I'm a Gilmore fan, I can't predict against Seany Mc. [B]Koshiro Ino [/B]vs SUKI SUKI isnt at Ino's level....yet. [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko, Toshusai & Maita) [/B]vs Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion Gotta go with PINK, since it's their first big test as a group. [B]Kinnojo Horri[/B] vs Jack Marlowe Horri still has a world title shot in the future - would be crazy for him to lose to a talent traded wrestler here. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & The Pacific Express [/B]vs The Raging Bulls, Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno Pacific Express are the only ones here with any kind of sustained push at the moment - therefore they get the win.
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Because of this diary I have edited the teams' names in my game to Raging Bulls and Size of the Fight. "Kokan & Konda" just doesn't [I]look[/I] right anymore. :) World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa With all the recent tension among the members of SDF, I feel like a domino's gotta fall here. But even though I'm not sure who'd challenge Kudo next, I can't see him losing. Therefore... Tag Titles: The Rebellion vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] ...the title that changes is this one, with the Rebellion exploding post-match or soon afterwards. Junior Title (Elimination Rules): [B]Americana[/B] vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon Openweight Title: Tom Gilmore vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] If you were planning on Gilmore going all the way to a World title shot, you would've done it during his first run. He's only champion again [I]now[/I] because of the SDF tension storyline. And I can't see him beating McFly. Sean wins and goes on to do what Tom couldn't (get the 10 defenses). [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs SUKI [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko, Toshusai & Maita)[/B] vs Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion Since I don't think the Rebellion are long as a duo, you need a new heel team to move up. [B]Kinnojo Horri[/B] vs Jack Marlowe [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & The Pacific Express[/B] vs The Raging Bulls, Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno [I]flips coin[/I] Heads!
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Oops, sorry. Didn't realise there was a show I hadn't predicted. Got lost in the shuffle somewhere. World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo [/B]vs Hiroaki Nakasawa [I]Kudo to retain somehow to keep the pot boiling[/I] Tag Titles: The Rebellion vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] [I]Start of the SDF fall-out here, methinks[/I] Junior Title (Elimination Rules): [B]Americana[/B] vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon [I]As has been mentioned, to really build Americana as a major force on Elemental or Dragon's level, he needs a couple of solid PPV defences.[/I] Openweight Title: Tom Gilmore vs [B]Sean McFly[/B] [I]I'll go with McFly here just to change up the Openweight a bit.[/I] [B]Koshiro Ino [/B]vs SUKI [I]SUKI is getting there, but he's not at this level yet[/I] [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko, Toshusai & Maita)[/B] vs Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [I]The extended P.I.N.K show their togetherness and talent here[/I] [B]Kinnojo Horri [/B]vs Jack Marlowe [I]Can't see Marlowe coming in all of a sudden to beat someone like Horri[/I] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & The Pacific Express [/B]vs The Raging Bulls, Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno [I]They just have a bit more going their way right now[/I]
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Prediction-Form: Test of Prophecies World Title: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Hiroaki Nakasawa Tag Titles: The Rebellion vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] - caused by a fight between the Rebellion. Junior Title (Elimination Rules): [B]Americana[/B] vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon Openweight Title: Tom Gilmore vs Sean McFly - Draw [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs SUKI [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko, Toshusai & Maita)[/B] vs Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion - love the Maita pic by the way. [B]Kinnojo Horri[/B] vs Jack Marlowe [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & The Pacific Express[/B] vs The Raging Bulls, Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno - Narahashi is the weak link.
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Test of Prophecies World Title: Hooded Kudo vs [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] Tag Titles: The Rebellion vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] Junior Title (Elimination Rules): [B]Americana[/B] vs Elemental II vs Hell Monkey vs Sensational Dragon Openweight Title: [B]Tom Gilmore[/B] vs Sean McFly [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs SUKI [B]P.I.N.K (Masuko, Toshusai & Maita)[/B] vs Rhino Umaga, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [B]Kinnojo Horri[/B] vs Jack Marlowe [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Steve Flash & The Pacific Express[/B] vs The Raging Bulls, Dynamite Narahashi & Yasunobu Masuno
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