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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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[B]Good news-[/B] Perseverance has paid off and the game has managed to be retrieved – at one point I did think the next hurdle would be the fact that my new computer has Vista , but I’ve found a way of running the game…without it causing me too many problems apart from the occasional freeze up. Anyway what all this means is that I can resurrect this diary ! :) Hopefully people are pleased to see this return……. [I]To help anyone who was following this reacclimatise themselves with what was going on.... here are the major happenings in Burning Hammer right now[/I]. • Hiroaki Nakasawa has held the World Championship for the entire tour so far, his main challenger at the moment appears to be Hooded Kudo. • Kudo is the leader of the Silver Dragon Feet Stable. Originally the stable consisted of Kudo, Optimus, Kinnojo Horri and Koshiro Ino. However Junior legend Optimus retired in May and Kudo turned on Koshiro Ino, Horri meanwhile just seemed to leave the stable and is now also an enemy of Kudo. • Kudo recruited three new members into Silver Dragon Feet, newly dubbed as Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 (to separate their identity from the original Silver Dragon Feet) ….legendary tag team The Rebellion (Shimedzu and Miyamae) and the ultra-arrogant Junior Champion Sensational Dragon. • Silver Dragon Feet 2K7’s main rivals at the moment appear to be World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, Silver Dragon Feet originals Koshiro Ino and Kinnojo Horri, plus any Junior Division member who happens to be feuding with Sensational Dragon for the title… be it Elemental II, Golden Scorpion or The Awesome Kiyaru. • The veteran tag team of The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) became two time champions, when they dethroned the some-what hodge podge combination of Koshiro Ino and Tadakuni Toshusai. • Their main rivals for those titles at the moment appear to be Junior Tag Team Champions- Size of the Fight (Kansuke Konda & Hyosuke Kokan). SOTF feel they have proven themselves in the Junior Tag ranks, seeing off all comers and their goal is to now prove themselves as the best tag team in Burning Hammer, by unifying the tag belts. Their first attempt to unify the titles, failed but it’s unlikely they will let this issue rest without a fight • The Openweight Title has seen two title switches. Rhino Umaga came in from rival promotion Golden Canvas Grappling and immediately made an impact by defeating Nisso Yuasha for the title. He then went on a dominating run with the belt and looked an unstoppable force, until an ankle injury slowed him down. Mokuami Maita who has developed a devastating Ankle –Lock as a finisher took full advantage to dethrone Umaga. I hope to have the two shows I previewed before the problems started happening, up in the next few days...then it's full steam ahead after that.
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[I]Here at last the next show....[/I] [SIZE=2][CENTER][U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Reborn Tour (Night 26)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U] [SIZE=1]Monday 23rd May 2007[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][/SIZE] Twin Messe Shizuoka , Hokkaido (Attendance:3'142)[/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] [B][/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: Yoshii Shiomi vs Champagne Lover[/B] [COLOR=navy][B]Result: Champagne Lover defeated Yoshii Shiomi in 5:36 by pinfall with a Lover Stunner. [/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=#000080][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=navy][B]Rating: C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]______________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=navy]Dark Match # 2: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Kenko Takemitsu[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Kenko Takemitsu in 5:53 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER] [B][U][I]Main Show (Filmed For TV)[/I][/U][/B] [B][/B] [/CENTER] [I]The show starts with highlights of the World Title match between Hiroaki Nakasawa & Hooded Kudo at Sword of Destiny[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER] [B]Match #1 : (Non Title) 4 Corner Survival:[/B] [B] Sensational Dragon vs Americana vs [/B] [B]Marihito Masuko vs Silver Shark[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SilverShark.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] This match saw Junior Champion Sensational Dragon go up against the man he beat for the title Marihito Masuko, resident jobber Silver Shark and new-comer the Elemental influenced Americana. This was a fast paced spot-fest with little in the way of psychology but still gave a decent show-case of each competitors skills. The winner came as something of a slight up-set as Masuko was able to take down the champion with the Masuko Cradle Shock but Americana took immediate advantage with the Elemental Driver to pick up a big victory. Americana looks set to make a major impact on the Junior Division. Masuko meanwhile since losing the title has seen his fortunes go on a definite down-turn and can’t buy a win at the moment. [B]Result: Americana defeated Marihito Masuko, Sensational Dragon and Silver Shark in 9:41 when Americana defeated Marihito Masuko by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda & Tadakuni Toshusai vs [/B] [B]Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Toshiki Shibanaumo[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B][SIZE=3]vs [/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Where did the goodness of this match come from ? In all honesty I was expecting this six man with Size of the Fight tagging with former Tag Champ Toshusai and Raging Bulls teaming up with veteran glorified jobber Shibanumo, to be nothing but bland filler, but what transgressed was a solid wrestling match with plenty of intensity. The finish saw Kansuke Konda get the winning pin after a Tornado DDT on Toshiki Shibanaumo, after Hyosuke Kokan put his body on the line to take the Raging Bulls out of the equation with a suicide dive. [B]Result: Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda and Tadakuni Toshusai defeated Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda and Toshiki Shibanumo in 10:52 when Kansuke Konda defeated Toshiki Shibanumo by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] ______________________________________________________________ [I]We go backstage where Tetsuzan Kaneko is with World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri. Nakasawa said that the result for Kudo would be the same at Sword of Destiny and that Kudo can get all the back up he likes to take him down, Nakasawa put over that he also has his own allies now opposed to Kudo’s Silver Dragon Feet stable. [/I] [I]Kinnojo Horri chimed in to say that tonight he starts his own ascent towards the top and that Kudo and Miyamae would be become his first victims. [/I][I]Horri’s comments that he was looking towards the world title, put a little bit tension in the air with himself and his partner for the night.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Yasunobu Masuno vs Nisso Yuasha[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa.jpg[/IMG][/B] [/CENTER] Anyone expecting anything near a technical wrestling masterpiece with this match would have been very disappointed, thankfully most people weren’t expecting that out of these two. This was a heavy hitting (if very predictable) slugfest that was respectable for exactly what it was in the 4 and a half minutes it ran for. The finish came when Masuno managed to slip out of a Thunder Drop attempt from Nisso Yuasha , before applying the Masuno Deep Sleeper. The final 40 seconds of the match saw Yuasha attempt to struggle free of the Deep Sleeper, but he was unable to get to the ropes and ended up passing out as Masuno kept a vice like grip to earn the submission victory. [B]Result: Yasunobu Masuno defeated Nissho Yuasa in 4:33 by submission[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Super Joshuya vs VENOM[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom.jpg[/IMG][/B] [/CENTER] Not much to say really about this match, other than two wrestlers lost in the Junior Division shuffle, just went out there and put on a respectable quick based match with a nice mix of both mat and aerial skills on display. The finish saw VENOM try to apply the Sting in the Tail submission to Super Joshuya but Joshuya was able to struggle free and then able to down VENOM with the J-Drop (Pump-handle Driver) to pick up the victory. [B]Result: Super Joshuya defeated VENOM in 7:37 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Rhino Umaga vs Koshiro Ino[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a solid hard hitting contest, between two competitors looking to get themselves some momentum towards rising up the card and to put themselves in line for an eventual world title shot. Apart from a few suplexes thrown by either man, this match was pretty much all brawling. It was the sort of match if done by two lesser competitors that can become very bland and boring, but Ino & Umaga are skilled enough to keep the crowd wrapped up in the intensity that the back and forth heavy hitting that the match provided. The finish saw Umaga take Ino down with a German suplex and then set up for the Rhino Charge, however Ino managed to get up before Umaga’s Rhino Charge could fully connect and instead Umaga ran himself right into a Kobra’s Bite (High Knee) [B]Result: Koshiro Ino defeated Rhino Umaga in 13:32 by pinfall with a Kobra's Bite. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Golden Scorpion vs Elemental II[/B] [B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/B] [/CENTER] Though this was not officially announced as a Junior Title contenders match, a win for either competitor here would put them in a strong position to challenge Sensational Dragon for the title. It started out at a slow pace with them feeling each other out, until Scorpion got Elemental II off his feet with a leg-sweep but Elemental II was able to recover and hits a sweet looking drop-kick that sent Scorpion to the floor. Elemental II then faked out Scorpion on the floor with the Elemental feint kick before landing on top of him with the no holds plancha. He then went for an Elemental Driver out on the floor but Scorpion blocked and was able to counter with a snap suplex. Both men rolled back into the ring and Scorpion went for a quick pin but Elemental II emphatically kicked out. They then went back to trading suplexes and strikes to try and gain the advantage, with neither man really stringing together enough offence to fully take control. Scorpion took control with a basement drop-kick to the knee of Elemental II and then followed up with a Northern Lights Suplex that earned a strong 2 count. They get back up and Elemental II nails Scorpion with an Elemental Suplex and bridges over for the pin for another two count. They are back up and trade blows, Scorpion once again gains the advantage and goes up top, Elemental II blocks an attempt at a Tornado DTT but he is unable to block the head-scissors take-down and that leads to another two count. Elemental II then hits a lethal looking kick-combo before nailing Scorpion with another Elemental Suplex, but Scorpion reverses the pin attempt and then nails Elemental II with an Elemental Suplex of his own. Scorpion then went to the outside looking to springboard back in and nail Elemental II with the Golden Shot, but suddenly out of no-where Sensational Dragon comes out of the crowd and nails Golden Scorpion with the title belt, causing Scorpion to just crash and burn….Dragon then decides to put the boots to Elemental II and referee Kenzo Shioazki has no choice but to throw the match out. That was a decent match between two solid veterans of the Junior scene, though at times it did feel a little like they were on auto-pilot through parts of it and the screwy finish did not go down well with a sizeable portion of the crowd. [B]Result: Elemental II drew with Golden Scorpion in 14:59 when the referee lost control of the match [/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]After the match Sensational Dragon taunts both men by putting the title up in both of their faces , all that does is rile both Elemental II and Scorpion up and the three men begin to argue with one another. Before they come to blows however Kaneie Komine comes out and tells Sensational Dragon that he will be putting the Junior Title on the line at the next show in Shikoku, against both of the men he is the ring with right now.[/I] [B]Ratings: D- for post match hand-bags, E+ for Komine’s announcement[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Komine was complaining about not being on enough shows…and here’s why he is not on more shows…he has such a big personality by-pass that he can even make the attending audience become completely disinterested in the announcement of a big title match at the next show.[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]________________________________________________________________[/FONT] [I]We go backstage again where this time Tetsuzan Kaneko is with Hooded Kudo and Miyamae. Miyamae pretty much does not say anything at all, but Kudo phones in the usual promo about Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 taking over, he says that Nakasawa was lucky to retain the title at Sword of Destiny and that it was only a matter of time before the Burning World Championship was around his waist. [/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo & Miyamae[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] It appears right now anytime I put Nakasawa & Kudo in the same ring together, it turns to wrestling gold and this main event tag contest was no exception. Horri & Miyamae ain't too bad either and can also more than hold their own at the top end of the card. The match starts off with Horri & Miyamae, with Miyamae using his superior speed and agility to keep the bigger man off balance but Horri soon catches up to him and dumps him with a Belly to Belly suplex, that should of seen Horri & Nakasawa take control of the match but Miyamae is able to use a thumb to the eye to create enough of an opening to scramble back to his corner and tag in Kudo. Kudo unloads on Horri , but his strikes seem to be having no effect as Horri no-sells his offence, until one well placed low-blow had the big man doubling over. Kudo and Miyamae then use quick tags to double team on Horri and keep him away from Nakasawa. A reverse STO from Kudo, followed up by a top rope elbow drop from Miyamae earns a 2 count, and the SDF 2K7 members are tagging like The Rebellion, even though it's Kudo in there and not Miyamae's regular partner Shimedzu. The eventual turn around does happen however....Kudo goes for a Shining Wizard but Horri was able to block and dumped Kudo on his head with a Backdrop Driver. Both men get to their corners to tag in their partners....Nakasawa who had been waiting to get into the match for a whole eight minutes....looks near enough unstoppable as he unloads on both Miyamae and Kudo, a shot to Kudo sends him off the apron onto the floor and a delayed vertical suplex earns a two count. Nakasawa then tries to put Miyamae away with a series of suplexes, but to the Rebellion members credit he keeps kicking out of them, much to the frustration of the World champion, Nakasawa then goes for the H-Bomb but Miyamae counters with a DDT and gets the tag into a re-charged Kudo. Nakasawa and Kudo exchange strikes but Kudo takes control after some low kicks that take Nakasawa off his feet , he then applies the Kudo-Lock it looks like the World Champion is going to tap but Horri comes in to break it up. Nakasawa rolls out of the ring to catch a breather, Kudo then goes after Horri but Horri gets the better of the exchange and sends Kudo out of the ring with a massive lariat. Horri then officially tagged himself into the match, Miyamae comes flying in off the top rope and nails Horri with a drop-kick , he tries to follow up with the Miyamae spoiler but Horri uses his size advantage to block the attempt....Miyamae then went back to strikes, which had Horri rocking but Horri begins to no-sell Miyamae's offence..... Meanwhile on the out-side Nakasawa and Kudo are exchanging blows as they attempt to neutralise each other from making that all important interception should there be a pin attempt. Horri dumps Miyamae with a German suplex , Kudo tries to make the save but Nakasawa is able to pull him back, however Miyamae is able to kick out. Another exchange of blows between Horri and Miyamae....Miyamae ducks the Burning Lariat but he then walks straight into a Destiny Bomb from Horri.....Nakasawa neutralises Kudo and the match is ove. Though Nakasawa and Kudo probably drew the more star power to this match at this moment in time, it was actually the performances of their supporting acts that stood out in this match, Horri was made to look a star and a genuine title threat, whilst Miyamae continues to do a great job of being a reliable upper mid carder, who can step up into the main event and put over the star performers. [B]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri defeated Hooded Kudo and Miyamae in 17:53 when Kinnojo Horri defeated Miyamae by pinfall [/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]After the match Nakasawa and Horri are celebrating their hard fought victory, but in what is becoming the typical response from Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 , they soon find themselves swarmed by the Kudo led stable and at the end Nakasawa and Horri are left laying in a heap, as Kudo and the gang put the boots to the world champion and the SDF original[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] ___________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] The streak of B+ shows probably had to end some time, this was still a respectable show though and had the Junior match from Elemental II and Scorpion not been tainted by interference then perhaps it could well of been another B+ show. ______________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring gathered a 17.65 rating on Nippon T.V (+ 0.58 ) [/SIZE]
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[LEFT][COLOR=black][I]Here is the second of the two shows I previewed weeks ago, will be back to the regular flow after these two shows...[/I][/COLOR][/LEFT] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U]Reborn Tour (Night 27)[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Wednesday 25th May 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kagawa Sports Field , Shikoku (Attendance:1'255)- [/CENTER] [FONT=Courier New][B]Pre Show Note:[/B] Junior Division Jobber Yoshii Shiomi missed the show. He had been protesting about the number of times he had been jobbed out, as he believes he is worthy of a mid-card push.[/FONT] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: Nisso Yuasha vs Sanetomo Shiraishi[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Nissho Yuasa defeated Sanetomo Shiraishi in 1:55 by pinfall with a Thunder Drop. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] ________________________________________________________ [B]Dark Match # 2: VENOM vs Silver Shark[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: VENOM defeated Silver Shark in 5:31 by submission with a Sting In The Tail. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed For TV)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Match # 1: Americana vs Hyosuke Kokan[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT]New Junior sensation Americana took on Junior Tag champion Hyosuke Kokan, in this opening Junior match. The match was technically solid but it lacked an edge and the crowd just weren’t that into it. Obviously it’s making me wonder if I’m pushing the new-comer too hard, too fast despite his obvious talent. Americana continued his winning run, finishing Kokan off with a sequence of a three kick combo, a DDT, an inferno splash for a two count, then the Elemental Driver to finally pin Kokan’s shoulders to the mat for the full three count. [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Result: Americana defeated Hyosuke Kokan in 11:33 by pinfall.[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: C+ [/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]Rhino Umaga rants into the camera about his up-coming Openweight Title re-match. He says that now he is back to full fitness it will be a different out-come and that he will regain the title from Maita. He then said Maita will be going down with the Rhino Charge ! Charge !, Charge ![/I] [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]___________________________________________________________[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Openweight Title:[/B] [B]Mokuami Maita vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT]Given that Umaga is now back to full fitness, there was no surprise that this was a better match, than the previous encounter between these two where Maita took full opportunity of a slowed up Umaga to win the Openweight Title. [LEFT]Umaga looked dominant throughout the match, using his size advantage to pummel Maita into the canvas with his usual combination of stiff strikes, shoulder barges and heavy hitting suplexes, and though Maita was able to get in the odd bit of token offence, it definitely looked as if it was only a matter of time before Umaga would regain the title and make Maita’s reign a very short one. However Umaga made a major mistake by going for the Rhino Charge too early, and Maita was able to side-step and the big Samoan ended up ramming into the turnbuckle…Maita then took him down with a leg-sweep and rolled him up for a two count….out of the roll up Maita grabbed Umaga’s ankle and tried to synch in the Ankle Lock…that time Umaga got to the ropes but Maita was relentless and applied the Ankle Lock once again…Umaga used his power to roll through and force Maita to let go off the Ankle-Lock.[/LEFT] [LEFT]However Umaga was now visibly hobbling and was slowed down by Maita’s relentless focus. Maita took full advantage by nailing him with the Assassination Attempt (Running Knee) before once again applying the Ankle-Lock….this time all the fight had gone out of Umaga and he was forced to tap. [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Rhino Umaga in 11:53 by submission . [/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=darkred]Mokuami Maita retains the Burning Openweight Championship [/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: B-[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]After the match Maita celebrates in the ring, proudly raising the Openweight Title above his head. [/I][/LEFT] [/LEFT] [CENTER][I]_______________________________________________________________[/I][/CENTER] [LEFT][I]The build up towards the Nakasawa vs Kudo title re-match has begun, and we get a couple of back to promo’s from each man talking up the match, that is set to take place at the next show.[/I] [/LEFT] [LEFT][I]Nakasawa says that he respects Kudo as a wrestler, but not for the way he has been conducting himself. He said that Kudo and his chronies can attack him before and after the matches all they like, but it won’t change the most important thing, the fact that went it comes down to it Kudo will never beat him for the World Title. He said that Silver Dragon Feet 2K7’s attacks have only made his resolve grow stronger and he was more determined than ever to remain World Champion and keep it away from their clutches.[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]We then cut to Hooded Kudo, who gives his views on the up-coming World Title re-match. He said that Nakasawa was very lucky to walk out of Sword of Destiny as the champion, he said it was only a matter of time before the winds of change set in and that Kudo would duly be given what is rightfully his. He said on Monday Nakasawa would fall, and from that day forth the Silver Dragon Feet era shall begin and with his leadership they shall forever rule over Burning Hammer.[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: B-[/B] _________________________________________________________________[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Non (World) Title:[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Eiji Hamacho[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT]As far as non title matches go this one was pretty good. As the World Champion was given a stern test from one half of the tag champion Raging Bulls in a hard hitting heavyweight contest. There was nothing revolutionary here but Nakasawa is mega over right now and the crowd were really into it, the whole way through. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Nakasawa had control of the match early, that led to Hamacho rolling to the outside, they then brawled on the outside, until Hamacho managed to turn the match into his favour by ramming Nakasawa’s shoulder into the ring-post.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Back in the ring Hamacho worked over the shoulder and then went close with a couple a couple of German suplexes. He then tried to get Nakasawa up for the Hamacho Sledge 2K, but the World Champion managed to fight out of it with elbows to the side of the head. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Inevitably Nakasawa started to fire-up and no-sell Hamacho’s offence before unleashing his own offensive flurry, culminating in a Nakasawa Neckbreaker and that was enough to put Hamacho down for good.[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Eiji Hamacho in 13:27 by pinfall [/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: B [/B] _____________________________________________________________________[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is ready to ask more hard hitting questions to one of the wrestlers. This time Elemental II has requested interview time. Elemental II says that Sensational Dragon needs to learn about humility and that tonight he would give Dragon a lesson in it by taking the title away from him, as some kind of added on after-thought the then mentioned that he respects Golden Scorpion but that he was determined to win the Junior Title once again and that it would be himself who would take the title away from Sensational Dragon.[/I] [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: C-[/B] _____________________________________________________________________[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Hooded Kudo vs Chuichi Sanda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT]Just as Nakasawa faced one half of the tag champions, Kudo faced the other half. This was more one sided than Nakasawa’s match up but Sanda did a solid job of selling Kudo’s graceful offence.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Sanda survived the shining Wizard, a Kudo-Driver and managed to break free of a Kudo Lock, but he was unable to kick out of the Kudo Kutter. [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated Chuichi Sanda in 9:30 by pinfall.[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: B- [/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]Kudo then grabs a mic, and taunted Nakasawa by saying that what you had just witnessed is a preview to what will happen in the title match on Monday. Kudo then dared Nakasawa to come out, saying he was ready to fight Nakasawa now…when Nakasawa did not come out right away, he then started to call Nakasawa a coward. [/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]Nakasawa then comes charging out, after a brief stare-down they then charge at one another, seemingly half the locker-room then pours into the ring to pull them apart and tell them to save all their energy for their title match on Monday. [/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Ratings: C+ for Kudos taunt, B- for Pull Apart brawl[/B] ______________________________________________________________________[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Shimedzu vs Kansuke Konda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT]These two combined for a fine match here. Konda is a Junior but he is not one of the flashiest and has more of a balanced all-round game, rather than relying on high-spots, whilst Shimedzu is similar in style that he is a bit taller and carrying a bit more weight, so they meshed together pretty well here.[/LEFT] [LEFT]The match started out with a feeling out process, with Shimedzu using his size to gain the advantage and he went for an early pin after a snap suplex, but Konda emphatically kicked out. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Shimedzu went for another suplex, but Konda counteted with a standing switch followed by a German Suplex for a two count. Shimedzu then went out to the floor for a powder, but got no rest bite as Konda crashed into him with a suicide dive.[/LEFT] [LEFT]After some brawling on the out-side, Shimedzu once again regained the advantage and then pile-drove Konda on the floor..the referee started the 20 count, but Konda got in with the count at 2. Shimedzu then went for a pin attempt but Konda countered into a roll up of his own. Shimedzu lifted Konda up for a power-bomb but it was countered into a head-scissors take-down from Konda. [/LEFT] [LEFT]They get back up and exchange strikes, Shimedzu comes out on top of the exchange and takes Konda down with an STO, before nailing him with an elbow drop…that gets a 2 count. He then sets up Konda for the Skull-Drop but Konda countered with a Tornado DDT. Konda follows up with a fisherman suplex for a two count, before going up top…however he takes too long setting up and Shimedzu is able to get up and follow him up to the top turnbuckle.[/LEFT] [LEFT]They duke it out on the top turnbuckle, with neither man gaining the advantage….eventually Shimedzu seems to be in control and Konda looks to be in trouble….TOP ROPE SKULL DROP !!! …and the pinfall is academic after that. [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Result: Shimedzu defeated Kansuke Konda in 14:37 by pinfall [/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: B+[/B] _____________________________________________________________________[/LEFT] [LEFT][I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is now with Sensational Dragon. Usual self hype from the egotistical Junior Champion about being the best Junior ever and how neither of his challengers are in his league[/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: D+[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I]A hype video is played for the main event the Junior Title 3-way between Sensational Dragon, Elemental II and Golden Scorpion. It shows highlights of the finish of Mondays match between the two challengers and the aftermath of that contest.[/I] [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: C-[/B][/LEFT] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Junior Title: [/B] [B]Sensational Dragon vs Elemental II vs Golden Scorpion[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJunior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [LEFT]This turned out to be a very good match and and exciting show-case for what the Juniors are capable of. It had spots It's good to know that they I can occasionally switch to the Juniors carrying a main event, rather than delivering the usual suspect of Nakasawa, Kudo, Horri & The Rebellion. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Elemental II and Golden Scorpion begin the match by double teaming on the champion and take turns in kicking seven shades out of him…eventually he has enough and rolls to the outside to catch a breather. Elemental II, then goes for a dive, but he is cut off by Golden Scorpion, signalling the end of the team-work and that it’s every man for themselves. The two challengers have an intense striking contest, but Dragon drop-kicks both of them , he then follows up with another drop-kick on Elemental II, then hits a dragon suplex on Golden Scorpion for a two count.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Elemental II is back up and delivers a combination of kicks to Sensational Dragon that has the champion reeling. Pin-fall attempt but Scorpion breaks it up with a rolling senton. Scorpion then unloads on both Dragon and Elemental II , one Scorpion Stinger takes down Elemental II, he then goes for another one on the champion, but the champion is able to avoid with a really cool looking hand-spring over the rolling Scorpion…the champion then delivers a shining wizard to Scorpion, for a two count.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Standing switches from both Dragon and Elemental II, until Elemental II is able to pull off an Elemental suplex, that got a very close two count and the title could have changed hands there, had Scorpion not come in to break it up. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Scorpion and Elemental II decide to team up again to try and take the champion out of the match up, but Dragon is able to counter with a Tornado DDT- head scissors combination . He then goes up top but is met by a drop-kick from Elemental II on the way down. Scorpion then comes off the ropes with a hand-spring kick on Elemental II for a two count.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Scorpion goes up top, but Sensational Dragon intercepts him and put him into a Dragon Sleeper, until Elemental II breaks it up with a hesitation drop kick. Elemental II blocks a Dragon suplex from the champion but Scorpion then hits a spin-out power-bomb on Elemental II….Dragon is back up and hits an enziguri on Scorpion before setting up for the Dragon Slice…he nails it, but Elemental II is up in time to break it up.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Elemental II with an Elemental driver on Dragon for a two count, with Dragon and Scorpion flat out on their backs…Elemental II decides to go up top he goes for the Inferno Splash , both Dragon and Scorpion are up before he can land on either of them, but he lands on his feet, he takes Scorpion down with an Elemental suplex, however Dragon dumps him with a Dragon suplex, the champion goes for the pin but Scorpion breaks it up with a leg-drop. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Elemental II looks done, Dragon and Scorpion duke it out, Scorpion gets the advantage and sets up the champion for a power-bomb….big mistake….Dragon counters into the Sensation Shock …. One…two…Elemental II is showing signs of life….three !! [/LEFT] [LEFT]If all three of these were mega over, this probably would have gained an A rating (overness must still plays something of a factor in the ratings, even though the emphasis on this fed is on in-ring ability) [/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Result: Sensational Dragon defeated Elemental II and Golden Scorpion in 20:44 when Sensational Dragon defeated Golden Scorpion by pinfall.[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=darkred]Sensational Dragon retains[/COLOR][COLOR=darkred] the Burning Junior Championship title. [/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Rating: B+[/B] ______________________________________________________________________[/LEFT] [CENTER][B][FONT=Arial][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][FONT=Arial]
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[LEFT][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=#8b0000]* Where we're too cheap to get a decent website banner* [/COLOR] [B]Some Backstage news & notes from from Burning Hammer[/B] - Bulldozer Brandon Smith has been signed to a contract extension for another 3 months, a full assessment will made on whether the promising Gaijin should continue on in Burning Hammer will be made at the end of the tour, along with all the other touring talent. - On their way out is Yoshii Shiomi, the Junior Division competitor was released from his contract. The fact that he failed to turn up to the last show may of had something to do with triggering this decision, but if truth be known his career was going nowhere in Burning Hammer and it will be interested to see whether he will be picked up by one of the other Japanese feds or if he moves abroad to find work. - Ironically despite the release of Shiomi, there is likely to be an influx of Junior Division talent, as Burning Hammer look to build towards their annual Best of the Super Juniors Cup. - Tadakuni Toshusai was the guest on the Kenko Nezkate show and he said that he likes working against opponents that are bigger than himself, as they say that the compliment his hard-nosed brawling style. - Apparently Golden Scorpion has switched to a Cruiserweight style, as opposed to a Super Junior Title..seeing as it's debatable exactly what consitutues a Super Junior or Cruiserweight style , it's highly unlikely will see much of a difference in Scorpions ring work. Had he said he was going to focus more on becoming a Technician, then we might he a major difference in the way the Junior Divisions nearly man, carries himself in the ring. [/LEFT]
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[B][U][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=3]Purogods.com[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR=darkred]* Where we're too cheap to get a decent website banner*[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods continue their Reborn Tour with what promises to be a huge double header at the Kunamoto Sports Field in Kyushu[/COLOR] First off on the show due to take place at the on Monday 28th May Hooded Kudo gets his re-match for the World Title with Hiroaki Nakasawa. One interested spectator of that match will be Kinnojo Horri, Horri has been pencilled in to face Kudo at Wednesdays show and should Kudo win the title, that match will be his first title defence. Meanwhile current champion Hiroaki Nakasawa will face Miyamae, that match has already been confirmed as non title , because the championship comitee feel that Miyamae has not done enough of late to earn a title shot, though it would be said that if Miyamae picks up a victory over Nakasawa, he would put himself right in World Title contention. Size of the Fight are still determined to unify the Junior Tag Titles with the World Tag Titles. Burning Hammer officials have met them half way and said should they beat The Rebellion in a Tag Title contenders match, then they will be granted another shot at the World Tag Belts next week. If they lose the match however, it wil be the end of the matter and they will likely have to defend the Junior Tag Titles. Also in action on Mondays show will be Openweight Champion Mokuami Maita against Super Joshuya, plus there will be further Junior action with The Awesome Kiyaru going up against forrmer Junior champion Marihito Masuko. Masuko was the Junior champion at the start of the tour, but has recently fallen on hard times and is in admist of a slump since losing the title to Sensational Dragon. Elemental II who came close to winning the Junior Title at the last show takes on VENOM and there will be heavy hitting heavyweight action as Rhino Umaga takes on Yasuhiko Taira. As well as the Nakasawa- Miyamae and Kudo-Horri matches, the other attraction match on Wednesday night will be another Junior Gauntlet series, with the winner of the match likely to earn a Junior Title shot. Competing in the match will be Americana, The Awesome Kiyaru, Elemental II, Golden Scorpion, Marihito Masuko and Super Joshuya Also signed for the show are Raging Bulls vs Champagne Lover & Bulldozer Brandon Smith in a non title tune-up before they put the tag belts on the line against either Size of the Fight or The Rebellion, Koshiro Ino faces off with Yasunobu Masuno and Junior champion Sensational Dragon will be in action against a yet to be named opponent. It is believed that the opponent will be a new-comer to Burning Hammer. [I]Here are the official cards for the Kyushu Double Shot at Kunamoto Sports Field:[/I] [CENTER][U][B]Reborn Tour- Night Twenty Eight( Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Burning World Title:[/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]World Title Contenders Match:[/B] Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]" Openweight Champion"[/SIZE] Mokuami Maita vs Super Joshuya[/CENTER] [CENTER]Rhino Umaga vs Yasuhiko Taira[/CENTER] [CENTER]The Awesome Kiyaru vs Marihito Masuko[/CENTER] [CENTER]Elemental II vs VENOM _____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Reborn Tour- Night Twenty Nine( Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu )[/U][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Wednesday 30th May[/SIZE] [CENTER]Kinnojo Horri vs [SIZE=1]Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7:[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]* Should Kudo win the World Title on Monday, this match[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]will be for the Burning World Title. [/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Non (World) Title: [/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Gauntlet Series:[/B] Americana vs The Awesome Kiyaru vs Elemental II vs Golden Scorpion vs Marihito Masuko vs Super Joshuya[/CENTER] [CENTER]Koshiro Ino vs Yasunobu Masuno[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]" Burning World Tag Champions"[/SIZE] The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Champagne Lover[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet- Burning Junior Champion"[/SIZE] Sensational Dragon vs ????? ___________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [LEFT][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][U]Prediction Short Form[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna][B][U]Kyushu (Monday):[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]World Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Hooded Kudo [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]World Tag Title Contenders : Size of the Fight vs The Rebellion[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Yasuhiko Taira vs Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Mokuami Maita vs Super Joshuya[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Elemental II vs VENOM[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]The Awesome Kiyaru vs Marihito Masuko[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]______________________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna][B][U]Kyushu (Wednesday ):[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]World Title ?: Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Non (World) Title ? : Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=1][B]Gauntlet Series: Americana vs The Awesome Kiyaru vs Elemental II [/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]vs Golden Scorpion vs Marihito Masuko vs Super Joshuya[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Koshiro Ino vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=1][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1][B]Non (World Tag) Titles: Raging Bulls vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Champagne Lover[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Non (Junior ) Title: Sensational Dragon vs ????[/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/LEFT] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][LEFT] [/LEFT] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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Prediction Short Form Kyushu (Monday): World Title: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Hooded Kudo World Tag Title Contenders : [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs The Rebellion Yasuhiko Taira vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [B]Mokuami Maita[/B] vs Super Joshuya [B]Elemental II[/B] vs VENOM [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Marihito Masuko __________________________________________________ ____________________ Kyushu (Wednesday ): World Title ?: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Kinnojo Horri Non (World) Title ? : [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa [/B]vs Miyamae Gauntlet Series: Americana vs The Awesome Kiyaru vs [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Golden Scorpion vs Marihito Masuko vs Super Joshuya [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno Non (World Tag) Titles: [B]Raging Bulls[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Champagne Lover Non (Junior ) Title: [B]Sensational Dragon [/B]vs ????
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[I]Before I post up the next two shows this weekend, a little something extra....feel free to leave feedback.[/I] [quote] [CENTER][U][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]PUROGODS.COM[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] [FONT=Arial]Some of you may have noticed the consistently entertaining shows Burning Hammer have been putting on of late and the product has noticeably improved over the course of their latest tour . One of the major factors in helping turn around Burning Hammer from it’s recent slump is World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, whose feud with Hooded Kudo and the Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 stable might be the hottest thing going right now.[/FONT] [CENTER][FONT=Arial][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT=Arial]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Reborn Tour (Night 28)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 28th May 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu (Attendance:3'464)[/CENTER] [U][B]Dark Matches[/B][/U] [B]Dark Match # 1: Silver Shark vs Tadakuni Toshusai[/B] [COLOR=navy][B]Result: Tadakuni Toshusai defeated Silver Shark in 5:13 by pinfall with the Shock Treatment.[/B] [/COLOR] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]___________________________________________________________[/B] [B]Dark Match # 2: Fire-Fox vs Sanetomo Shiraishi[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Fire Fox defeated Sanetomo Shiraishi in 3:37 by pinfall with a Down in Flames. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Fire Fox is Wasichi Inao and has been signed on a short term contract[/FONT] __________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed For T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show starts off with a video package hyping the Hiroaki Nakasawa- Hooded Kudo World Title match, it shows their growing rivalry and their previous encounter at Sword of Destiny[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] _____________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 1: The Awesome Kiyaru vs Marihito Masuko[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] These two have really great chemistry together and once Masuko pulls himself out of his losing streak, this could be a feud worth exploring more in depth down the line. The match was fast paced Junior action all the way with plenty of reversals and near-falls. Masuko thought he had it won when he nailed Kiyaru with the Cradle-Shock but Kiyaru kicked out of that, and when Kiyaru took Masuko down with a Quebrada and then followed up with the Kiyaru Effect, the man with the Kabuki face-paint was handed yet another frustrating loss. All in all this was as good a sub 10 minute match you are probably going to see all year. [B]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Marihito Masuko in 8:57 [/B] [B]by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] For any Masuko fans out there….he is still in my Junior Division plans and he is not being jobbed on his way out of the company. This losing streak angle will head towards somewhere and he will get his fortunes turned round eventually.[/FONT] ____________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Non (Openweight) Title: [/B] [B]Mokuami Maita vs Super Joshuya[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This match was non title because Super Joshuya does not meet the 30 or under age limit. I’m seriously thinking of scrapping the age limit after this tour and taking the Openweight title in a slightly different direction. As for the match itself it wasn’t the adrenalin rush of the first match, and perhaps suffered in having to follow such a hot opening contest, but it was very well wrestled with Maita looking to ground Joshuya with his mat based offence. Joshuya did get flurries of his more explosive attack in, but in the end Maita found a way to get the Ankle-Lock locked in and Joshuya became yet another victim to this painful hold, that has turned Maita into a very dangerous competitor. [B]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Super Joshuya in 10:08 [/B] [B]by submission . [/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] _____________________________________________________________________ [I]It’s our first trip to the backstage area, where Tetsuzan Kaneko is with Hooded Kudo.[/I] [I]First off Kudo mentions that he has every faith that The Rebellion will win defeat Size of the Fight (who he derides as up-starts out of their depth) and put themselves one step closer towards claiming tag team gold and bringing it to their rightful home. [/I] [I]His focus then turns towards his world title match with Hiroaki Nakasawa, it’s the usual blurb about Nakasawa being lucky the first time round and that tonight the World Title would be in the hands of Kudo and that SDF-2K7 will go on to rule Burning Hammer. It wouldn’t sound so stale if he didn’t do pretty much the same promo on last Wednesdays show.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] ____________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Champagne Lover vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The competitors here in this unadvertised filler match will be teaming up at the next show to take on the Raging Bulls. Unfortunately going on the awkward chemistry they had in this match going up against one another, it did not hold me in much hope that they will be making a good team together in the next show. In this battle of these two lower card Gaijins, technical prowess got the better of raw power as Bulldozer ended up taping out to the Champagne Breakfast (Seated Arm Bar). [B]Result: Champagne Lover defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 6:31 by submission.[/B] [B]Rating: C -[/B] ______________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Rhino Umaga vs Yasuhiko Taira[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Slap, Fore-Arm Smash…Lariat repeat several times over…..Rhino Charge all over in less than six minutes. Umaga has established himself in the mid-card and Taira is still inexplicably quite popular to keep the crowd interested in what is a very basic formula heavyweight match. Had this gone on for much longer though, it probably would have been sending people to sleep. [B]Result: Rhino Umaga defeated Yasuhiko Taira in 5:59 by pinfall [/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] ______________________________________________________________________ [I]Time to go backstage again, where resident interviewer Tetsuzan Kaneko is with the World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa. [/I] [I]Nakasawa gives a very impassioned interview…saying that he will do anything to keep a hold of the Burning World Title. He says he is prepared for a war tonight, he says that Kudo can bring all of his arsenal, all of his troops but it wont be enough to dethrone him. [/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] __________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Elemental II vs VENOM[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Another reasonably short, but highly effective Junior match that got the crowd pumped up once again. After a great display of chain wrestling to begin with VENOM took control and he locked on the Sting in the Tail (Cross Knee-Lock) but Elemental II managed to fight his way to the ropes. At this point the upset win for VENOM looked likely and he set up Elemental II for the lethal dosage but the Junior legend countered with an Elemental suplex….VENOM kicked out of that, but Elemental II followed up with the Elemental Driver (Double Under-hook power-bomb) for a two count. VENOM though only had enough to kick out and was still unable to pick himself up off the mat….Elemental II took to the skies and pulled out the Inferno Splash (Corkscrew 450) to seal the victory. [B]Result: Elemental II defeated VENOM in 7:44 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Tag Titles Contenders Match: [/B] [B]The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs [/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The tag division has at times laboured to rise above the ordinary at times and that might have to do with the team currently holding the World Tag Team Titles….Raging Bulls. The Bulls are a solid and reliable team but lack that x-factor to regularly put on great matches… So what has this assessment of the current tag champions got to do with this match here. Well two of their closest competitors for their titles faced off in this contenders match, and what transpired was a pretty good match between two teams who work a fluid fast paced style with plenty of quick-tags and inventive double team manoeuvres, it also gave me some hope that with the right build these two teams could engage in a pretty good feud down the line. The beginning of the match saw no team really gaining an advantage, with 50/50 exchanges between all four men of their competitors, it picked up a notch when Konda and Shimedzu went at it playing off the continuation of their intense singles outing at the last show. The match picked up when Konda and Shimedzu took their brawling to the outside, only for Kokan to come charging out of the ring to the outside with a suicide Dive….all 3 men are down. Miyamae comes out to the outside and all four are brawling on the outside….The Rebellion take control when Shimedzu swings Kokan into the barricade and they begin to work over Konda. Back in the ring and The Rebellion are working over Konda with quick-tags and some impressive looking double team offence…Miyamae hits nails Konda with a slingshot leg-drop for a solid two count. Konda is being worn down, at one point Shimedzu ties up Konda in an STF, but Konda is able to make it to the ropes, after being worked for the good part of 5 minutes…Konda counters with a Tornado DDT on Miyamae, he tags in Kokan who hits a drop-kick on Miyamae, he then follows up with a second drop-kick that sends Miyamae out of the ring. Shimedzu is back in and after and exchange gets the better of Kokan, he sets up Kokan for the Skull-Drop but Kokan counters with a head-scissors take-down and the applies the Electric-Shocker clutch….Miyamae breaks it up. Konda is now also back in, and all 4 go at it intensely…….double basement drop kicks from Size of the Fight take the Rebellion off their feet, and with that opening both of the Junior Tag Champions go up to the top turnbuckle. However the Rebellion are both up and follow SOTF up to the top turnbuckle. Konda fights off Shimedzu and then hits a frog splash. Shimedzu pulls Konda to the outside. Kokan and Miyamae are still battling it out on the top turnbuckle….Miyamae looks to have control but Kokan counters with a Tornado DDT…..Shimedzu is now trying to get back in to break up the pin but Konda is able to pull him back and the referee counts to three. Size of the Fight earn another shot at the World Tag Team Titles…can they finally unify the titles next week ? [B]Result: Size of the Fight defeated The Rebellion in 17:49 when Kansuke Konda defeated Miyamae by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]We all know what bad losers The Rebellion are these days so it was so surprise that the would cut Size of the Fight’s celebration short and attack them from behind post match.[/I] [I]However The Rebellion soon find that their post match antics are met with disapproval from two men they are getting a history of feuding with….Kinnojo Horri and Koshiro come out and fight off The Rebellion, saving Size of the Fight from a more serious beat-down[/I] [B]Ratings: D- for heels post match attack, C for Face Team Rescue [/B] ________________________________________________________________ [I]We get some final hype for the Hiroaki Nakasawa- Hooded Kudo World Title re-match as once again another video package is played highlighting their growing feud.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: World Title: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Hooded Kudo[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was another fantastic match up between these two, and this feud could well prove to be the best World Title feud in Burning Hammer for years…certainly before Komine got over-obsessed with the shoot-fight style of Raul Hughes etc. What Nakasawa & Kudo are doing here is returning it to the intense but technically competent battles that Kikkawa & Kudo engaged in during the 90’s over the title. The crowd is totally behind Nakasawa, who is proving to be a very popular champion. The two heated rivals lock up, test of strength and Nakasawa shoves Kudo off , Kudo bounces back but Nakasawa takes him down with a shoulder-block...Kudo bounces back up once more…he gets caught by Nakasawa but then gets in a poke to the eye. Kudo gets Nakasawa off his feet with a leg-sweep and begins to work over the upper arm of Nakasawa, with repeated knee-drops. He goes for the Kudo-Lock, but Nakasawa is able to roll over and puts Kudo into a single-leg crab ! Kudo fights his way to the ropes, and then gets Nakasawa off his feet with a Russian leg-sweep before applying a spinning toe-hold, Nakasawa powers Kudo off and then hits Kudo with a seris of fore-arm smashes that send Kudo out of the ring. Nakasawa follows Kudo to the out-side and a slug-fest ensues....Kudo trys to suplex Nakasawa but Nakasawa is too big and ends up dropping Kudo with a back-body drop ….Nakasawa then follows up with a power-bomb. Referee begins the 20 count on Kudo…..Kudo gets up with the count down to 7, but Nakasawa just barges him off the ring apron….Kudo gets back up on the apron for a second time…. this time he snaps the ring-rope into the face of Nakasawa. Kudo then springboards himself back into the ring and hits a snap neck-breaker on Nakasawa for a two count. Kudo tries to lock on the Kudo-lock once more but Nakasawa powers him off. Some kicks from Kudo chop Nakasawa back down and he then follows up with a Shining-Wizard for a two count….Kudo tries to lift Nakasawa up for a Kudo-Driver but Nakasawa is able to fight him off and then takes Kudo over with a German Suplex. Nakasawa follows up with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count, he then gets up Kudo for the Nakasawa neck-breaker but Kudo fights off and counters with the Kudo-Kutter ! One-two..thr…new champ-no !! Nakasawa gets his shoulder up just in time…that was the closest we have come so far on the tour to having a new world champion. Kudo goes up top and pulls out the Moonsault ! but Nakasawa gets his knees up just in time…both men are down and feeling the effects of a gruelling match, they get up and then slug it out blow for blow…Kudo springs off the ropes Nakasawa catches him …H-Bomb attempt, but Kudo fights off with elbows to the side of the head…and then takes down Nakasawa with an STO. He gets up Nakasawa and is finally able to pull-off a Kudo-Driver….but it’s a pretty weak one and Nakasawa emphatically kicks out at two….Kudo puts him back down with a series of kicks. Kudo decides to go back up top again, but Nakasawa springs back up, shakes his head and fires himself up…he then follows Kudo to the turnbuckle and delivers a series of back-hand chops to the chest of Kudo, he tries to bring Kudo back in with a super-plex but Kudo shoves him off…… Kudo is re-setting himself on the top-rope but Nakasawa is back up again, and the two are now precariously fighting it out on the top-rope….Super-Kudo Kutter, attempt, Nakasawa tries to counter into a power-bomb...Kudo tries to fight it off......they start to slug it out with chops again. Nakasawa with a Lariat from the top turnbuckle !!, that sends Kudo crashing to the outside, but the momentum also sends Nakasawa toppling over ! That was a truly scary moment right there, as both took a hard fall and are now left laying in a heap on the outside. Referee Omura Umeki starts his 20 count….both begin to stir at around 5….Kudo is getting close to the ring at 2…he’s almost there, but Nakasawa pulls him back and the match ends in a double count out ! That was ultra intense and the final spot at the end was absolutely insane, it just goes to show the lengths both of these men will go to retain/win the Burning World Championship [B]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa drew with Hooded Kudo in 25:41 following a double count out. [/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Hiroaki Nakasawa retains the Burning World Championship title.[/COLOR] [/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B+ :[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] This show was pretty much all about the main event , with the under-card providing very little fan-fare but it was actually a pretty solid show after all and built nicely towards the main event, which rightfully delivered as the match of the night. Once again both Champion and challenger came out looking very impressive after this match. _________________________________________________________________ [SIZE=2][B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring gathered a 17.65 rating on Nippon T.V (exactly the same as last week) [/SIZE]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][B]Reborn Tour (Night 29)[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Wednesday 30th May 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu (Attendance:3'319)[/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: Everest vs Kenko Takemitsu[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Everest defeated Kenko Takemitsu in 1:33 when Kenko Takemitsu was knocked out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Squash !! But it won't be building to bigger things for Everest, who will be on his way out of the door when his contract runs out....at this moment in time virtually everyone gets to beat Takemitsu. [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]_________________________________________________________________[/FONT] [B]Dark Match # 2: Rhino Umaga vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Rhino Umaga defeated Toshiki Shibanumo in 5:39 when Toshiki Shibanumo by pinfall with a Rhino Charge. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] I've come to the conclusion that Shibanumo isn't all that bad, he's just very bland. He does his job as a reliable lower card performer and is a good hand to have during the dark matches.[/FONT] [B]Dark Match # 3: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Shimedzu defeated Yasuhiko Taira in 6:24 by pinfall with a Shimedzu Skull Drop. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][U][B]Main Show (Filmed For T.V)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [I]The show begins with World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa arriving at the Arena and then walking on his way to the ring, ready for action.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Contender for most pointless segment ever,but it still gathered a very respectable B rating[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match # 1: Non (World) Title: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After his Brutal World Title match with Hooded Kudo on Monday Nakasawa was still feeling the effects. So it came as no surprise when Miyamae came out the hotter of the two, taking down Nakasawa with a series of drop-kicks that sent the World Champion out to the floor. Miyamae then went up to the top rope and hit a flying cross body on Nakasawa, before dragging the out of sorts World Champion back into the ring, Miyamae then worked over Nakasawa in the corner with a series of kicks and strikes...Nakasawa tried to fight him off but the SDF-2K7 member was relentless in his attack, forcing the World Champ to fall to his backside. Miyamae then humiliated Nakasawa with a face-wash and then went to the over corner, but this time Nakasawa blocked the running boot and sweeped Miymae off his feet. Nakasawa then got in a few strikes before setting up Miyamae for a power-bomb, but Miyamae struggled out with some strikes to the head and then rolled up the champion for a one count. They both get back up and begin to exchange strikes, Miyame comes off the ropes and hits a leg lariat on Nakasawa, that sends the World Champion toppling but, then Nakasawa replies with a lariat on the rebound. Nakasawa then took over, a delayed vertical suplex got a two count, then he followed up with the Nakasawa Neck-breaker but Miyamae kicked out of that, then after a series of fore-arm smashes he set up Miyamae for the H-Bomb and that finally put the match to bed. [B]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Miyamae in 11:56 by pinfall .[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Hiroaki Nakasawa is celebrating his victory in the ring. The Rebellion run in and attack, beating Nakasawa down into the mat. But before the beating is too bad Kinnojo Horri runs down the ring causing The Rebellion to scurry away.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [I]Kinnojo Horri then grabs a microphone, as he has some stuff he wants to get off his chest. He tells Kudo that he better be ready for a fight. He warned Kudo that he has just as hungry to go after the World Title as he is. He said he just came out to save the World Champion from the cowardly attack of Kudo's goons, as unlike Kudo he is a man of honour, and wants to earn the World Title the right way.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] That was a pretty good promo by Horri, it put over the fact that he is also in the title hunt, but also put over the mutual respect he has for the current World Champion.[/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Gauntlet Series: [/B] [B]Americana vs Elemental II vs Golden Scorpion vs [/B] [B]Marhihito Masuko vs Super Joshuya vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/B][/CENTER] Burning Hammer did one of these matches at the very beginning of the tour and though it came OK, it could of been better, Here the Junior Division got another chance to show-case what they could do in one of these match-ups with the winner putting themselves in contention for a title shot. Just a quick summary of the rules again 2 men start it off, the loser is eliminated and another contender takes their place. The match can see someone last through all 5 opponents or it could see the winner come from the final 2 competitors and anything in between [CENTER][B]Match Up # 1: Elemental II vs Marihito Masuko[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Masuko tried to get some quick roll up pin-falls on Elemental II, as he was desperate to get back on the winning track by any means necessary, but when Elemental II strung together a combination of leg-sweep, Elemental Suplex then an Elemental Driver, it was all over for the man who started the tour as Junior Champion at 6:14, as he once again found himself contemplating what has gone wrong since he lost the title to Sensational Dragon. [CENTER][B]Match Up # 2: Elemental II vs Golden Scorpion[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Scorpion made an immediate impact on the match by nailing Elemental II with the Scorpion Stinger, however Elemental II kicked out at 2. He then went up to the top rope but the Junior legend got up and followed Scorpion up to the top rope and brought Scorpion crashing in to the ring with a hurracarana, he then tried to nail Scorpion with the Elemental Suplex but Scorpion got a standing switch on him, and took Elemental II over-head with a German for a two count. Scorpion then went to the outside and slingshotted himself back in with a senton but Elemental II got the knees up , after a few strikes to the back and head of Scorpion, he then took Scorpion out with the Earth Breaker (Cradle Piledriver) at 10:46 [CENTER][B]Match Up # 3: Elemental II vs Super Joshuya[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This one began tentatively with a series of standing switches, Joshuya eventuall managed to get Elemental II of his feet and dropped him across the knees for a gut-buster, he then went up top and hit a frog-splash but Elemental II showed great resiliance and kicked out, he then rolled up Super Joshuya with a small package and suprisingly managed to pin Joshuya's shoulders to the mat long enough for a three count at 13:06 [CENTER][B]Match Up # 4: Elemental II vs Americana[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was the first encounter between the Burning Hammer legend and the new Junior sensation who is so obvioulsy influenced by Elemental II and went by the name of American Elemental on the U.S Independent circuit before making the decision to come out to Japan. This really was like Elemental II looking in the mirror, and with him worn down the up-start was getting the better of the exchanges. Americana pretty much pulled out all of Elemental II's own repetoire, the kick combinations, a quebrada, a couple of Elemental suplexes and the Elemental Driver but the legend dug down deep and kept kicking out of everything Americana threw at him. Americana then decided to up top and pulled off the Inferno Splash but unfortunately for him he landed on nothing but canvas. Elemental II then dumped him with an Elemental Suplex for a two count, he then planted Americana with an STO before taking to the skies himself and pulling out the Inferno Splash himself, he managed to land it on Americana, but the Burning Hammer new-comer got his feet on the ropes. However the Junior legend was in full control now, and after a bit of struggle he managed to put Americana away with the same move that finished off Golden Scorpion, the Earth Breaker- Cradle Pildriver at 22:25 [CENTER][B]Match Up # 5: Elemental II vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Incredibly Elemental II managed to last through until the final match-up of the Gauntlet Series but in his way was one of the best in the business in the form of The Awesome Kiyaru. Kiyaru as expected came out full of energy taking Elemental II down with a series of drop-kicks , but when he came charging in with a running boot, Elemental II caught his foot and took him down with a dragon -screw leg-whip , frustrated Kiyaru rolled to the outside but Elemental II gave him no time to rest up and went flying over the top rope with a hand-spring plancha. After referee Omura Umeki began to apply the twenty count, both men got back in the ring, Kiyaru regained control with a swinging neck-breaker that earned a two count, but Elemental II caught him a small package that also earned a two count, both got back up and exhanged a series of strikes, before a spinning heel kick took Kiyaru down. Elemental II, then went up top but that proved to be a mistake as Kiyaru sprang up and then after a palm strike brought the worn down Elemental II crashing in to the ring with the Kiyaru effect to win the match-up and the Gauntlet Series at 28: 46 That was better than the first Gauntlet Series, the action was about the same but this one had more intrigue to it throughout. It nearly saw one of the original two in Elemental II last through until the final match-up and almost win the whole thing, plus the first time meeting between Elemental II and Americana provides a very intriguing match-up. Kiyaru might of one the Gauntlet Series , but there was no doubt who carried the match-up through-out it's entire duration. [B]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Elemental II, Golden Scorpion, Marihito Masuko, Super Joshuya and The Awesome Kiyaru in 28:46.[/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Non (World Tag Team) Title:[/B] [B]Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs [/B] [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Champagne Lover[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG][B] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was pretty much just an extended squash to keep the World Tag Team Champions looking strong. The rookie Brandon Smith was the one to taste defeat here as he went down to the Spear/Super-kIck combo called the Raging Impact. [B]Result: Raging Bulls defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Champagne Lover in 6:52 when Eiji Hamacho defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] ______________________________________________________________________ [I]Eiji Hamacho requests a microphone, he then lays into Size of the Fight, warning them that next Monday...that him and Sanda will beat SOTF once more , just like they did at Sword of Destiny, except this time they will give SOTF such as bad beating, they really will put the whole issue of who is the best tag team in Burning Hammer to bed.[/I] [B]Rating: E+ [/B] [B]______________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Yasunobu Masuno vs Koshiro Ino[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] These two are currently established in the upper mid-card but need to gain some momentum if they harbour any hopes off being in contenton to go after the Burning World Championship. A win here for either man would put them one rung up the ladder towards a title shot, whilst a loss would be a big set-back and going by the intensity of this match both them seemed to know it. The match started off with some stiff brawling, as they hit each other with everything but the proverbial kitchen sink, a big clothesline from Ino finally took Masuno down who dropped to the outside, only for Ino to follow him out and carry on the brawl outside of the ring. Masuno then tried to suplex Ino on the ramp but Ino managed to hold off and counter into a back-body drop. Eventually both got back into the ring but Ino was in full control, and sent Masuno down with a power-slam for a two count. Ino then tried to take Masuno over-head with a suplex but Masuno fought off with some elbow strikes to the head, completed a standing switch and dump Ino with a back-drop driver for a two count of his own. Masuno then got c**ky and taunted Ino to get up , slapping him around the face, that only seemed to fire-up the power and paint wrestler who began to no-sell Masuno's offence ,as if he was suddenly consumed by the spirit of Jim Force. Ino then fired back with a series of clothesline knocking Masuno down, only for Masuno to spring back up for more punishment, he then sent Masuno back slamming to the canvas with the Back-Snapper, but Masuno kicked out at two and a half. Ino then picked Masuno back up, but Masuno went to the dirty-tricks and got in a low-blow (conveniently out the sight out of the referee) , he then dumped Ino with another back-drop driver, before locking on the Masuno Sleeper.....Ino however got to the ropes and Masuno was forced to break. Both men were feeling worn down now and just started throwing random lefts and rights at each other, hoping the other one would topple first.....Masuno then went for a big lariat but Ino managed to duck and took Masuno down with a shoulder tackle...Masuno sprung back up but was immediately met with a knee to the taste via the form of the Kobra's Bite and that proved to be the decisive knock-out blow in this hard hitting contest. [B]Result: Koshiro Ino defeated Yasunobu Masuno in 11:52 by pinfall with a Kobra's Bite. [/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] _______________________________________________________________________ [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstage with Hooded Kudo...as per usual Kudo is feeling very agrieved that he is not the World Champion. He says that he should be defending the World Title against that no hoper Kinnojo Horri, but by way of a freak accident Nakasawa managed to hold onto the World Title. [/I] [I]Kudo says Nakasawa better enjoy his reign as World Champion as his days are numbered. Kudo then said he will also end the misguided hope for Horri that he is also a world title contender. Kudo said there was only one man in this company who deserves to be Burning World Champion.....you guessed it...himself !![/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] ___________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Non (Junior) Title: [/B] [B]Sensational Dragon vs Fire Fox[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] In the third and final, of what is proving to be a night of non title work-outs for Burning Hammer champions. Sensational Dragon's mystery opponent turned out to be Wasichi Inao, who will be going by the snappier moniker of Fire-Fox. Fox worked the pre-show at the last match , but he had little chance to impress here as he was basically just cannon fodder to help put over the Junior Champion with a glorified squash match. Dragon looked good in what essentially a show-case of his move-set, whilst Fire-Fox looked solid without really getting a chance to show off his repetoire . Dragon won the match like he so often does with the Sensation Shock. [B]Result: Sensational Dragon defeated Fire Fox in 5:36 by pinfall with a Sensation Shock. [/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [I]A video plays hyping the main event between Hooded Kudo and Kinnojo Horri, it went over their history as former allies as part of the original Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 and how they have now become rivals, each with the same goal to become World Champion[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Just like Miyamae did to Nakasawa, Horri set the pace of the match against his more worn down opponent, immediately laying into Kudo with some heavy hitting fore-arm smashes...he then went for the Burning Lariat Early but Kudo managed to duck and then slipped out of the ring for a powder. Horri then waited for Kudo to come back in and immediately took the increasingly egosticial leader of the Silver Dragon Feet stable down with a shoulder tackle. Once again Kudo went for a walk about, almost leaving the match-up, before deciding to come back in, he was met with some clubbing blows from Horri, but then all of a sudden Horri was staggering around the ring like a blind man...Kudo had blown mist into his face ! Kudo now had the advantage and targetted Horri's legs with a series of kicks that took the big man of his feet. Kudo then targetting the right leg of Horri with a series of elbow drops...Kudo was both methodical and relentless in his attack, he then taunted Horri to get up but sent the big man down immediately with a Shining-Wizard for a two count. Kudo then tried to pick Horri up for a Kudo-driver, but Horri shrugged him over and the big man was able to counter with a German Suplex, but he was too worn down to go for an immediate cover and Kudo kicked out at one. Both men got back up, and exchanged a series of hard hitting strikes once again Horri went for the Burning Lariat, but Kudo was once more able to duck and nailed Horri with the Kudo Kutter.....that looked to be it, but Horri managed to get his foot on the ropes just in time. Kudo then decided to go high-risk and set himself on the top turnbuckle, but he took too long and that allowed Horri to get back up and send Kudo crashing back into the ring with a belly to back suplex. Both men were feeling the effects of the match and refree Omura Umeki almost counted both of them out. Once back up, they once again exchanged some strikes, before Horri then took Kudo out of the ring with a big clothesline. Kudo decided that was enough and started to walk up the ramp, however Horri did not want the match to end in such a way, he wanted to beat Kudo in the ring and prove his credentials as a World Title contender. He followed Kudo up the ramp and began laying into him...trying to bring the fight back into the ring, whilst Kudo was more interested in saving his energy for a differerent time and place. Unable to get the fight back in the ring referee Omura Umeki was left with no choice but to count both of them out. Thats twice in a row now, Kudo has fought to an inconclusive ending. This wasn't the best main event ever, and to be honest I wasn't expecting it to be after the brutal World Title match Kudo was involved in on Monday's show, but it was still very solid and was ultimately deserving of it's main event billing. [B]Result: Hooded Kudo drew with Kinnojo Horri in 17:54 following a double count out. [/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [I]All of a sudden Hooded Kudo's allies The Rebellion appear on the entrance ramp...the Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 members then start a three on one beat-down on Horri..eventually dragging him back into the ring. The Rebellion went to work on him with their trade-mark weapon of choice the Kendo stick, before propping him up to get another blast of Green Mist in his face....before hey can more damage though...World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa comes running out, sending the dastardly trio scattering out of the ring and returning the favour to Horri, who saved Nakasawa from a beat down himself at the hands of The Rebellion earlier in the show. [/I] [I]Nakasawa then helps Horri to his feet, Horri thanks Nakasawa but then motions a belt sign across his waist and pointst at Nakasawa....the show then finishes with Horri and Nakasawa eyeing each other up in the ring as Kudo and his chronies back away up the entrance ramp.[/I] [B]Ratings: C+ for Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 attack, B for Horri and Nakasawa tension.[/B] __________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Another solid and conistant show from top to bottom and with 3 matches scoring a B+, and another a B, this was unlucky not be another B+ rated show in my opinion. _______________________________________________________________________ [SIZE=2][B]T.V News:[/B] Ironclad drew a 15.85 rating on TV5Monde (- 0.11 ) : [I]Unfortunately ratings are starting to creep towards a downwards trend at the moment, still nothing to panic about though at this moment in time.[/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]_______________________________________________________________________[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Other News:[/B] [SIZE=2]Developmental territory Hinote Dojo held their June show Yatsuhiro Atshushi retained ther All-Japan title over White Samurai in the (D+ rated) match of the night.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]To be honest as a development territory I don't find Hinote Dojo all that benfeficial and heres why...they don't run enough shows for the workers to be able to develop. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]I know they don't have massive amounts of money but the people we have in development there, aren't exactly going to develop if they compete in one match a month, if that...I've noticed that the workers sometimes don't even work every month. [/SIZE] [/SIZE]
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Well disappointingly only one person (Chris Caulfield) left predictions- , but lets see how well he did [B]Kyushu (Monday):[/B] World Title: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Hooded Kudo (0.5/1) I'll give him half a point because he correctly predicted that Nakaswaw would retain the title, but he did not for-see the double count-out finish. World Tag Title Contenders : [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs The Rebellion (1.5/2) Yasuhiko Taira vs [B]Rhino Umaga [/B](2.5/3)- I think I've made it too clear my dislike of Taira ;) [B]Mokuami Maita[/B] vs Super Joshuya (3.5/4) [B]Elemental II[/B] vs VENOM (4.5/5) [I]Apart from the finish of the World Title re-match, I must admit that was the most predictable card ever ![/I] [B]Kyushu (Wednesday ):[/B] World Title ?: [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Kinnojo Horri (0/1) I think no one would have predicted the double count finish for this one. Non (World) Title ? : [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Miyamae (1/2) Gauntlet Series: Americana vs The Awesome Kiyaru vs [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Golden Scorpion vs Marihito Masuko vs Super Joshuya (1/3) [I]To Caulfield's credit he came very close with Elemental II as the Junior legend put in the performance of the match[/I] [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Yasunobu Masuno (2/4) Non (World Tag) Titles: [B]Raging Bulls[/B] vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Champagne Lover (3/5) Non (Junior ) Title: [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs ???? (4/6) [B]Overall for the two cards: (8.5/11)[/B]
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[LEFT][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][COLOR=black]In the final week before the Best of the Super Juniors Cup takes centre stage- it's week of huge defences ahead in Burning Hammer....[/COLOR][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]World Title 3-way, Tag Unification re-match, Junior and Openweight Titles also on the line.....[/B][/LEFT] [LEFT]Last Monday Hiroaki Nakasawa & Hooded Kudo put on yet another classic match as the World Title was on the line, fighting to a double knock-out draw. [/LEFT] [LEFT]As Nakasawa and Kudo are engaged in battle with one another...Kinnojo Horri has also made his intentions known that he wants the Burning World Championship. Horri has recently been an ally of Nakasawa, but has made no secret of his desire to hold something that has so far alluded him a Burning Hammer Title. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Wednesdays show of the Kyushu double header, saw perhaps the first signs of tension in the alliance of Horri & Nakasawa. After Horri went to a double count-out draw with Hooded Kudo, he was attacked by Kudo and The Rebellion post match, only for Hiroaki Nakasawa to make the save...in fact Nakasawa was returing the favour as earlier on The Rebellion set upon the World Champion only for Horri to make the save. [/LEFT] [LEFT]However after the Silver Dragon Feet 2K7's attack was foiled...Horri made it clear to Nakasawa that he was after the World Title and you could cut the tension with the knife. [/LEFT] [LEFT]This coming Wednesday a the Nagoya Sports Stadium in Chubu the three biggest stars in Burning Hammer will be in the ring together at the same time, as the World Title will be on the line...yes it's Nakasawa vs Kudo vs Horri in a Triple Threat Match. Wednesdays show in Chubu will also be a 2/12 hour show, instead of the normal 2 hours and with the World Title on the line in this huge triple threat match...Burning Hammer are calling it the biggest non PPV show of the year. [/LEFT] [LEFT]First of on Monday they visit the Akita stadium in Tohoku..where the Burning World Tag Team Titles will be on the line...Burning Junior Tag Champions Size of the Fight won a contenders match with The Rebellion to earn another shot at the Raging Bulls for the World Tag Titles...can SOTF complete their mission to unify the titles ?[/LEFT] [LEFT]Plus their will be a huge six man main event as World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa teams with Title challenger Kinnojo Horri and Junior legend Elemental II, who had an impressive showing in last Wednesdays Junior Gauntlet series to take on the Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 trio of Hooded Kudo, Shimedzu and Burning Junior Champion Sensational Dragon.[/LEFT] [LEFT]Also scheduled for Monday's show are Koshiro Ino taking on one half of The Rebellion Miyamae, The Awesome Kiyaru takes on Junior Division new-comer Fire Fox, Champagne Lover goes one on one with former tag champion Tadakuni Toshusai - the winner of which will earn an Openweight Title shot on Wednesdays show- and Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira resurrect their 'Mullet Power' tandem to take on the pair of Nisso Yuasha and the veteran Toshiki Shibanaumo.[/LEFT] [LEFT]As well as the World Championship being on the line at Wednesdays show at the Nagoya Sports Stadium, the Junior and Openweight titles will be also on the line. Sensational Dragon will defend the Junior belt against The Awesome Kiyaru. As mentioned earlier Mokuami Maita will put his belt on the line against the winner of the Lover- Toshusai match from Monday.[/LEFT] [LEFT]The best of the Super Juniors will be coming to Burning Hammer over the coming weeks, and Wednesdays show will be the showcase 'debuts ' of two new signings for the remainder of the Tour. The Great Hisato returns to Burning Hammer , but his first test will not be an easy one as the takes on one half of the Junior Tag champions (and potentially World Tag Champion) Kansuke Konda. Meanwhile Eagle Kawasawa who has been impressing with strong performances in GGC finally makes his much anticipated arrival to the Burning Hammer Junior Division when the takes on veteran Super Joshuya. [/LEFT] [LEFT]Also scheduled for Wednesday new Junior sensation Americana faces a tough test in the form of Miyamae, plus Eiji Hamacho (who will be hoping to still be a World Tag Champion) takes on Rhino Umaga. [/LEFT] [LEFT][I]Here is a full run-down of the cards set for the week ahead in what could prove to be a pivotal week for all involved with Burning Hammer...[/I][/LEFT] [CENTER][U][B]Reborn Tour- Night Thirty ( Akita Stadium,Tohoku)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Main Event- Six Man War:[/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri & Elemental II vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Tag Title Unfication Match[/B][B]:[/B] [SIZE=1]'World Tag Team Champions'[/SIZE] Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs [SIZE=1]'Junor Tag Team Champions'[/SIZE] Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Koshiro Ino vs Miyamae[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Openweight Contenders Match:[/B] Champagne Lover vs Tadakuni Tosushai [/CENTER] [CENTER]Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno vs Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo[/CENTER] [CENTER]The Awesome Kiyaru vs Fire Fox _________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]Reborn Tour- Night Thirty- One (Nagoya Sports Stadium, Chubu)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Burning World Title:[/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Burning Junior Title: [/B] Sensational Dragon vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Burning Openweight Title:[/B] Mokuami Maita vs Champagne Lover or Tadakuni Toshusai [/CENTER] [CENTER]The Great Hisato vs Kansuke Konda[/CENTER] [CENTER]Eagle Kawasawa vs Super Joshuya[/CENTER] [CENTER]Miyamae vs Americana[/CENTER] [CENTER]Eiji Hamacho vs Rhino Umaga ______________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [LEFT][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][U]Prediction Short Form[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna][B][U]Tohoku (Monday):[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Six Man War: Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental II vs Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Tag Title Unification : Raging Bulls vs Size of the Fight [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Koshiro Ino vs Miyamae[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Openweight Contenders: Champagne Lover vs Tadakuni Toshusai[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno vs Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]The Awesome Kiyaru vs Fire-Fox[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]________________________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][U]Chubu Wednesday[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]World Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Junior Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Openweight Title: Mokuami Maita vs Champagne Lover or Tadakuni Toshusai[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]The Great Hisato vs Kansuke Konda[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Eagle Kawasawa vs Super Joshuya[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Americana vs Miyamae[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Eiji Hamacho vs Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]________________________________________________________________________[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=#a0522d][I][COLOR=indigo]I can only hope that more than one person makes predictions this time around. Perhaps you could even have a crack at what the match ratings will be ?[/COLOR] [/I][/COLOR][/LEFT]
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Prediction Short Form Tohoku (Monday): Six Man War: [B]Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental II[/B] vs Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon Tag Title Unification : [B]Raging Bulls[/B] vs Size of the Fight Koshiro Ino vs [B]Miyamae[/B] Openweight Contenders: Champagne Lover vs [B]Tadakuni Toshusai[/B] [B]Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno[/B] vs Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Fire-Fox __________________________________________________ ______________________ Chubu Wednesday World Title: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri Junior Title: [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs The Awesome Kiyaru Openweight Title: Mokuami Maita vs Champagne Lover or [B]Tadakuni Toshusai[/B] [B]The Great Hisato[/B] vs Kansuke Konda [B]Eagle Kawasawa[/B] vs Super Joshuya Americana vs [B]Miyamae[/B] [B]Eiji Hamacho[/B] vs Rhino Umaga
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Tohoku (Monday): Six Man War: [B]Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental II[/B] vs Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon Tag Title Unification : Raging Bulls vs [B]Size of the Fight [/B] Koshiro Ino vs [B]Miyamae[/B] Openweight Contenders: [B]Champagne Lover [/B]vs Tadakuni Toshusai [B]Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno[/B] vs Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Fire-Fox __________________________________________________ ______________________ Chubu Wednesday World Title: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri Junior Title: [B]Sensational Dragon [/B]vs The Awesome Kiyaru Openweight Title: [B]Mokuami Maita [/B]vs Champagne Lover or Tadakuni Toshusai [B]The Great Hisato[/B] vs Kansuke Konda [B]Eagle Kawasawa[/B] vs Super Joshuya Americana vs [B]Miyamae[/B] Eiji Hamacho vs Rhino Umaga __________________________________________________ ______________________
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Prediction Short Form Tohoku (Monday): Six Man War: [B]Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental II[/B] vs Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon Tag Title Unification : Raging Bulls vs [B]Size of the Fight[/B] [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs Miyamae Openweight Contenders: [B]Champagne Lover[/B] vs Tadakuni Toshusai Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno vs [B]Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo[/B] The Awesome Kiyaru vs [B]Fire-Fox[/B] __________________________________________________ ______________________ Chubu Wednesday World Title: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri Junior Title: Sensational Dragon vs [B]The Awesome Kiyaru [/B] Openweight Title: Mokuami Maita vs [B]Champagne Lover[/B] or Tadakuni Toshusai The Great Hisato vs [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] [B]Eagle Kawasawa[/B] vs Super Joshuya [B]Americana[/B] vs Miyamae Eiji Hamacho vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B]
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Prediction Short Form Tohoku (Monday): Six Man War: Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental II vs [B]Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon[/B] Tag Title Unification : [B]Raging Bulls[/B] vs Size of the Fight Koshiro Ino vs [B]Miyamae[/B] Openweight Contenders: Champagne Lover vs [B]Tadakuni Toshusai[/B] [B]Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno[/B] vs Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Fire-Fox __________________________________________________ ______________________ Chubu Wednesday World Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs [B]Hooded Kudo [/B]vs Kinnojo Horri Junior Title: [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs The Awesome Kiyaru Openweight Title: [B]Mokuami Maita[/B] vs Champagne Lover or Tadakuni Toshusai [B]The Great Hisato[/B] vs Kansuke Konda Eagle Kawasawa vs [B]Super Joshuya[/B] [B]Americana[/B] vs Miyamae [B]Eiji Hamacho[/B] vs Rhino Umaga
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That's more like it, plenty of predictions this time.... :) Winner of the prediction contest gets the newly released Best of Optimus DVD Box Set....this would normally retails for £54.99 (13,120 Yen/$110) Monday's show should be up some-time later today.
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[b][u]Tohoku (Monday):[/u][/b] Six Man War: Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental II vs [b]Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon[/b] Tag Title Unification : Raging Bulls vs [b]Size of the Fight[/b] [b]Koshiro Ino[/b] vs Miyamae Openweight Contenders: [b]Champagne Lover[/b] vs Tadakuni Toshusai [b]Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno[/b] vs Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo [b]The Awesome Kiyaru[/b] vs Fire-Fox [i]Team Mullet FTW! :)[/i]
[b][u]Chubu Wednesday[/u][/b] World Title: [b]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/b] vs Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri Junior Title: [b]Sensational Dragon[/b] vs The Awesome Kiyaru Openweight Title: [b]Mokuami Maita[/b] vs Champagne Lover or Tadakuni Toshusai The Great Hisato vs [b]Kansuke Konda[/b] Eagle Kawasawa vs [b]Super Joshuya[/b] Americana vs [b]Miyamae[/b] Eiji Hamacho vs [b]Rhino Umaga[/b]
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[CENTER][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U]Reborn Tour (Night 30)[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 4th June 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Akita Stadium, Tohoku (Attendance:4'903) [/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: Mokuami Maita vs Dynamite Narahashi[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 2:58 by submission with an Ankle Lock. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] _______________________________________________________________ [B]Dark Match # 2: Golden Scorpion vs Silver Shark [/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Golden Scorpion defeated Silver Shark in 5:53 by pinfall with a Scorpion Stinger. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed For TV)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The Show begins with the camera’s catching the arrival of World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, Elemental II and Kinnojo Horri. Who look focused and ready for their big six man tag match against three quarters of Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 members tonight.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] ___________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 1: The Awesome Kiyaru vs Fire-Fox[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]This was a pretty easy going pre title challenge warm up for The Awesome Kiyaru. Fire-Fox looked better here than he did against Sensational Dragon, but the result of who would come out on top was never in doubt. The match was made a little more memorable when Kiyaru busted out his impressive imploding 450 splash the Magic Cloud to finish off the Burning Hammer new-comer.[/I] [B]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Fire Fox in 8:44 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [I]The cameras now catch Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 strutting into the arena.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] __________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Champagne Lover vs Tadakuni Toshusai[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] These two have completely different styles, but they managed to meld together a pretty decent if albeit short (ish) match. Toshusai came out with more drive and determination than Lover, smothering the Latin Lothario with his high energy brawling….but Lover bided his time, soaked up Toshusai’s pressure and took advantage when Toshusai made the mistake to give Lover the opening that he needed. That mistake came when Toshusai came charging at Lover, only to be taken down with a drop toe-hold that sent him falling head-first into the turnbuckle. Lover then nailed Toshusai with an Exploder suplex, before applying the Champagne Breakfast (Seated Arm Bar) forcing Toshusai to tap out. [B]Result: Champagne Lover defeated Tadakuni Toshusai in 7:50 [/B] [B]by submission.[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] ___________________________________________________________________ [I]A video package is shown hyping the Tag Titles Unification match between The Raging Bulls and Size of the Fight. It shows highlights of their previous matches against each other.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Tag Title Unification: [/B] [B]Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs [/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJuniorTag.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not going to get much more mileage out of these feud, these four put on solid, if a little short of spectacular matches against each other and the realisation of that assessment played a big part in the outcome of this match. For anyone who has seen one of these matches before, it was the usual formula to begin with Size of the Fight come out all fired up and have the Bulls rocking with their high energy offence…the Bulls go for a Powder. SOTF decide to use their bodies as weapons and fly through/over the ropes crashing into the Bulls. That hot-headed decision proves to be a mistake as the Bulls turn it around after some brawling on the out-side, then one of them…this time it’s Kokan (it usually is him) has to endure the beat-down from the Bulls before getting the hot-tag into his partner. The fresh Konda came in fired up and took down Eiji Hamacho with a Tornado DDT for a two-count, however Sanda came in and took Konda over-head with an Exploder Suplex for a two-count of his own, before Kokan broke it up with a senton. Kokan then went crashing through the ropes with a suicide dive to take out Hamacho. Sanda and Konda were left standing, Sanda tried to for another Exploder but Konda escaped with a standing switch and got Konda over with a fisherman suplex , only for Hamacho to come back in and break it up. Hamacho then got Konda up on his shoulders and sent him crashing to the canvas with the Hamacho Sledge 2K. That came very close to seeing the Bulls retain the title but Kokan once again saved his partner. Sanda then came in and tried to nail Kokan with an Explosion Kick, but Kokan ducked and almost got a school-boy roll up on Sanda. Hamacho and Konda start going at it …Hamacho gets Konda up for a Power-Bomb, but Konda fights it off and then takes stuns Hamacho with a face-breaker. Kokan and Sanda are back in…..Kokan takes down Sanda with a drop-kick, then he goes up top….Sanda gets up but Kokan dives off the top turnbuckle to take him down with a Tornado DDT. Hamacho gets in to break up the pin-fall, but Konda knocks him off his feet with a flying fore-arm smash off the top-rope. Meanwhile Kokan has appied the Electric –Shocker Clutch on Sanda, Konda stands guard making sure that Hamacho wont get in the ring…Sanda tries to fight through the pain…..but in the end the pain is too much….and we have NEW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS !! The intention always was to unify the titles but I wanted to get the titles off the make-shift team of Ino & Toshusai first….the veteran pair of Raging Bulls seemed a solid team to put the titles on, before transitioning them to SOTF. The feud was supposed to go on until the next PPV, but I pulled the trigger early...feeling that the feud had already run it's course and that I probably couldn't squeeze much more than perhaps a B match at best...from this combination. Now the reason for Tag Unification is that in my opinion it opens so many more possibilities in terms of tag combinations. With the Tag Titles now being Openweight, any one could form a team with anyone on the roster. Because of the Unification the Junior Tag Titles will now be retired. [B]Result: Size of the Fight defeated Raging Bulls in 14:48 when Hyosuke Kokan defeated Chuichi Sanda by submission.[/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Size of the Fight win the Burning World Tag Team titles. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [I]Size of the Fight soak in their historic achievement of unifying the tag titles, taking in the applause of the attending crowd, they then go into the crowd and celebrate with their fans.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] __________________________________________________________________ [I]We go backstage where Hooded Kudo is flanked by his partners for the night Shimedzu and Sensational Dragon, he then procedes to go off on one of his rants. He said that with the help of his trusted soldiers he will destroy both Nakasawa and Horri before their World Title match on Wednesday, then there will be no doubt that the World Title will come ‘home’ to it’s rightful owner.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] ____________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 4: “Mullet Power” (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) [/B] [B]vs Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG] &[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] According to the road agent notes “Mullet Power” actually don’t work together all that well as a team, but with their long flowing mullets they look like they should be together, if only to share (bad) fashion tips. If you happen to be into heavy hitting but plodding brawls then this would have been your type of match. “ Mullet Power” picked up the victory over the even more make-shift combo of Yuasha and Shibanumo…when Masuno put away Shibanumo with an Avalanche Bomb. [B]Result: Mullet Power defeated Nissho Yuasa and Toshiki Shibanumo in 6:54 when Yasunobu Masuno defeated Toshiki Shibanumo [/B] [B]by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] ____________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Koshiro Ino vs Miyamae[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a good match in it's own right, but added to the fact that it helped build extra heat to the main event made it that bit more memorable. The match starts tentively with a show of strength, and Ino just shrugs Miyamae off, pushing the Rebellion member down to the mat...Miyamae springs back up and Ino just shoulder barges him down to the mat, Miyamae is back up again but this time he kicks Ino down low and the the big man is rocking, a bull-dog then plants Ino's face into the mat. Miyamae then proceeds to work over Ino's neck to set him up for the Miyamae spoiler. After a top rope drop-kick has Ino rocking once more, Miyamae goes for the Spoiler (Hangmans Face-Buster) but Ino counters with a Back-Snapper. However Ino is too worn down to follow up with the pin. Both beat the ten count. They slog it out and then Ino takes Miyamae over with a German Suplex, he follows up with another German for a solid two count. Ino set's up Miyamae for a power-bomb, but Miymae manages to escape and counters with a DDT....he goes for the cover but Ino emphatically kicks out at one. Ino then gets a couple of strikes in on Miyamae befpre dumping him with a Death Valley Driver..that gets a two count.. Ino then tries to nail Miyamae with the Kobra's Bite High-Knee but Miyamae was able to move out of the way and takes Ino down with a neckbreaker... After both briefly refind their bearings...they then begin to exchange strikes..their strikes get increasingly more forceful....but Ino begins to no-sell Miyamae's strikes.. daring the SDF-2K7 member to hit him harder (I think Ino has been studying some Jim Force tapes lately) ..Miyamae nails another drop-kick on Miyamae....but it has no effect, he then charges at Ino but is dumped over the ropes with a back-body drop. Ino follows him out , and the two begin duking it out on the ramp, all of a sudden Miyamae partner Shimedzu jumps out from the crowd and nails Ino with a chair-shot......the pair then go to work on the face painted power-house, seeing the beat-down though Kinnojo Horri comes out.....in turn this also brings out the rest of the workers involved in the Six Man War that follows this match as a main event. It completely breaks down and referee Omura Umeki is left with no choice but to call the match a no contest. [B]Result: Koshiro Ino drew with Miyamae in 15:42 following a double count out. [/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] I'm suprised with the amount of inteference at the end, that it scored an A rating. I think this more a case of the feud being really hot, than the match being a stand-alone classic.[/FONT] [I]The chaos continues as the 8 men continue to brawl....eventually it settles down and with Miyamae and Ino carried out to the locker-room, the scheduled main event can go ahead[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] __________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Six Man War: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri & Elemental II vs [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The intensity of the brawling flowed into the match, and with the skill of the competitors involved, this resulted in one of the best Six Man Tag matches in the history of Burning Hammer and a genuine match of the year contender. The match starts with Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 in the ascendency having isolated Elemental II, they work over the Junior legend in their corner with plenty of quick-tags....Sensational Dragon then goes for a Dragon Suplex but Elemental II is able to block it and nails Dragon with an Elemental (Double Arm German) Suplex ...Elemental II then tries to get the tag in but Sensational Dragon gets the tag into Shimedzu first..Shimedzu gets a hold of Elemental II but is caught with an Enziguri and Elemental II gets the hot tag into Kinnojo Horri. Horri unloads on Shimedzu, he then irish whips Shimedzu from corner to corner, following up with a splash...Shimedzu collapes face first onto the canvas....Horri then scoops him up for a power-slam for a two count only for Kudo to break it up.... Kudo is ordered back to his corner , but he has the referee distracted long enough for Shimedzu to get in a low-blow. Horri is then dragged over to the SDF-2K7 corner and the heels are both relentless and methodical in their attack...targetting the legs of the big man....At one point Kudo applies a figure four on Horri whilst Sensational Dragon applies a cross-face, seeing enough Nakasawa intervenes in the match, but is sent back to is corner and the heels continue to apply their double-teaming submission manoeuvres...Hooded Kudo then goes to apply the Kudo-Lock but Horri gets to the ropes...... Horri is really struggling now and needs to make the tag. Kudo goes for the Kudo-Kutter but Horri blocks and takes Kudo out with the Destiny Bomb...normally that would be enough to win the match, but Horri is so worn out, that this time it was just a desperation move to create some space to make the tag. Horri gets the tag into World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa.....Sensational Dragon comes flying off the top-rope but Nakasawa catches him and dumps him over-head with a fall-away slam....Shimedzu is now in he gets a kick-combo in on the World Champion but Nakasawa shrugs it off , fires back and ends up clotheslining Shimedzu out of the ring.... Nakasawa and Kudo start to duke it out ...just as with Shimedzu Nakasawa eventually gets the upper-hand and clotheslines Kudo out of the ring, however he forgot about Sensational Dragon...the Junior Champion nails a drop-kick on Nakasawa that sends Nakasawa toppling....before following climbing the turnbuckles and landing a Shooting Star Press on the bodies lining up on the outside....then suddenly out of no-where Elemental II takes everyone out again with a Cart-Wheel Plancha.... After everyone recovers Kudo is the first to get in the ring, but is met by a series of shoulder-blocks from a now recovered Kinnojo Horri. Horri then tries to take Kudo out with another Destiny Bomb, but is stopped in his tracks with a top-rope drop-kick from Shimedzu.... Shimedzu hits a spinning heel-kick that sends Horri out of the ring....Elemental II is now back in and it's a kick-fest between himself and Shimedzu....Shimedzu eventuall gets the upper-hand and nails Elemental II with the Skull-Drop one two....nooo !! Nakasawa makes the save..... Nakasawa then executes the Nakasawa Neckbreaker on Shimedzu, that gets another two count, but once again someone is there to make the save, this time being Sensational Dragon..... Nakasawa gets Dragon up for a power-bomb, but Dragon counters with the Sensation Shock (does anyone learn ?- don't attempt to Power-Bomb Sensational Dragon)...that comes very close to winning the match but Horri gets in just in time to make the save. At this point the action is so fast and furious, that both the referee and the audience have given up following who the legal man is. Horri dumps Sensational Dragon with a fall-away slam and then follows up with a Belly to Belly Suplex.... he goes for the cover but Kudo makes the save.....Kudo then nails Horri with the Kudo-Kutter, but before he can make the pin Elemental II, nails him with a spring-board drop-kick. Elemental II then goes up top, probably looking to nail the inferno splash, but Kudo is up and follows him up to the top-rope...suddenly everyone is up and heading towards the same turnbuckle.....leading to a Tower of Doom.......hurracararna from Sensational Dragon off Elemental's II's shoulders and everyone comes crashing down ...in what was an impressive looking but absolutely ridiculous spot. Everyone is now sprawled across the Canvas.... Kudo and Elemental II are up....Kudo nails the Junior Legend with the Kudo Driver '99 (Cross Arm Pile-driver) but Nakawa makes the save....Kudo and Nakasawa go at it....Nakasawa gets Kudo up and dumps him with a vertical suplex, before following up with an H-Bomb, he goes for the cover but it is broken up by a standing moonsault from Sensational Dragon......Dragon then hits a combo of kicks on the World Champion before pulling off the Dragon Slice (Shiranui/Sliced Bread).....but before he can make the cover...Kinnojo Horri comes in and dumps him out of the ring with a German suplex. Shimedzu then rocks Horri with flying fore-arm smash... Shimedzu then catches Horri with a series of strikes...he has Horri rocking, but.....is met with a Buring Lariat !!!.....one...two..three and this action packed match is over. Everyone seemed to bring their A-Game in this match, and the amount of near-falls at the end was just insane...you really did not know who was going to win....and the in the end when someone did finally pin someone to the mat for the full three count it came as something of a suprise....as it felt like that someone was always going to be there to break up the pin attempt. [B]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri and Elemental II defeated Hooded Kudo, Shimedzu and Sensational Dragon in 25:38 when Kinnojo Horri defeated Shimedzu by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: A*[/B] [I]Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental II are celebrating together in the ring, but then Horri taps Nakasawa on the shoulder they briefly pause and Horri reminds Nakasawa that he is after the World Title...the two then engage in a tense stare-down....[/I] [I]However infuriated that his team lost Hooded Kudo...re-enters the ring and attacks both Nakasawa and Horri with a chair....but both Horri and Nakasawa turn around....Horri hit a Burning Lariat on Kudo...then Nakasawa finishes him off with an H-Bomb. The show ends with Nakasawa and Horri both standing tall on a turnbuckle each and Kudo flat on his back in the middle of the ring.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] ______________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Overall: B+:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [I]Two matches over A to finish the show off with and the main event was the first A* of the year.... search me what more I have to do to get an A rated show with this Burning Hammer roster.[/I] _________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring gathered a 17.53 rating on Nippon T.V (Down 0.13 )- Still nothing to get too worried about, but this is two weeks in a row now...the ratings have been going the wrong way, despite consistantly putting on good shows....perhaps it has to with factors outside of my control such as a down-turn in the industry/economy.
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[B][U][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR] [/U][/B] [B][/B] We are still talking about the incredible six man tag match that main evented last nights Burning Hammer show in Tohoku....many are calling it the Match of the Year so far, and tommorow nights three-way dance for the Burning World Championship will need to be incredible to top it...we have every faith though in Burning Hammer pulling off another great title match, as three of those involved in that incredible six-way (Nakasawa, Kudo & Horri) will be colliding over the World Championship. History was also made last night as Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda) became the first Junior Heavyweight team to win the Burning World Tag Team Championships, ending the reign of The Raging Bulls and unifying the titles with the Junior Tag Belts. With the World Tag belts no longer constrained to weight-class limits...it opens up a whole new realm of possible tag combinations. It will also be interesting to see if Burning Hammer go down this route eventually for the Burning World Championship. If Size of the Fight can go after the Tag Titles, then why can't say Sensational Dragon challenge for the World Title ? Talking of the Junior Champion, Dragon picked up a wrist injury in last nights main-event. Though he can work through the injury....Burning Hammer have allowed Sensational Dragon to pull out of defending the Junior Title against The Awesome Kiyaru at tommorow nights show. Burning Hammer have promised Kiyaru that he will get his title shot but now at a later-date when Dragon is declared fit enough to make a title defence. Burning Hammer officials admitted that their special two and a half 'super-card' at the Nagoya Sports Stadium took a slight hit with the cancellation of the Junior Title match, but said that the fans deserved to see the competitors be able to perform at 100 percent during a title match. A replacement match is expected to take it's place on Wednesdays show.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U]Reborn Tour (Night 30)[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Wednesday 6th June 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Nagoya Sports Stadium, Chubu (Attendance:6'895) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Matches[/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: VENOM vs Fire Fox vs Kenko Takemitsu vs Silver Shark[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: VENOM defeated Fire Fox, Kenko Takemitsu and Silver Shark in 9:36 when VENOM defeated Kenko Takemitsu by pinfall with a Lethal Dosage.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Where did a rating that good come from out of these four ? This was a fun junior spot-fest, with everyone out to prove that they deserve a spot on the T.V card. The match turned out to be something of a bonus treat, for those who turned up early…and it may well get included as a DVD extra on one of our DVD releases.[/FONT] _________________________________________________________________ [B]Dark Match # 2: Nisso Yuasha vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Nissho Yuasa defeated Toshiki Shibanumo in 3:52 by pinfall with a Thunder Drop. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed For T.V)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show kicks off with a video package hyping up the huge three-way for the World Title between Hiroaki Nakasawa, Hooded Kudo and Kinnojo Horri.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Champagne Lover cuts a promo (because he’s now become passable in taking Japanese !)…He says that he’s been here in Burning Hammer for four months now and it was time he stepped up to the plate. He said that Maita is a dangerous fighter with an unbeatable submission, but he added that he has an unbeatable submission of his own, and that he would make sure that he’ll be the on to get the submission locked on first.[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Someone should remind Mr Lover that opponents have actually escaped from his Champagne Breakfast Submission, where as no one has broken free of Maita’s Ankle Lock. [/FONT] [CENTER][B]Match # 1: Openweight Title:[/B] [B]Mokuami Maita vs Champagne Lover[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Something of a rarity- An Openweight Title Match that actually turned out to be pretty good. These two match up pretty well, both work a technical style and like to use a submission as their main finisher. The first couple of minutes they have the seemingly mandatory feeling out process when you have these type of wrestlers going head to head in the ring, before locking up and reversing each others holds….Maita takes Lover down with a leg-sweep and goes for the Ankle-Lock early, but Lover kicks him off and takes Maita off his feet with an arm-drag , Maita gets back up but Lover takes him down with another arm-drag. Maita is back to his feet again but Lover dumps him with a Northern-Lights suplex for a solid two-count. Lover is fully in control he backs Maita into a corner and sets him on top of the turnbuckle…he attempts the Lover-Stunner but Maita shoves him off and then hits a drop-kick to the back of Lover. Maita is up first and takes advantage by nailing Lover in the head with the Assasination Attempt. Maita goes for the pin, but Lover gets his feet on the ropes before the count gets to three…. Lover then rolls up Maita for a small-package attempt, but Maita rolls through and then attempts to apply the ankle-lock, Lover is able to counter and is able to roll through himself, before attempting to apply the Champagne Breakfast. He’s unable to get it locked in though and Maita stuns him with a jaw-breaker, followed by a German Suplex. Lover kicks out of the pin attempt…..Maita goes for another suplex attempt, but it is blocked and Lover takes him down with a Reverse STO. Lover now has Maita down on the mat, and locks on the Champagne Breakfast...it looks like the champion might tap, but he gets to the ropes just in time…and Lover has to break the hold. Lover tries to lock in the Champagne Breakfast again but Maita slips out of it, and then takes Lover of his feet with a Russian Leg-sweep…..Lover tries to get back up but Maita gets a hold of his left leg and applies the ankle-lock !!......Lover tries to force his way to the ropes but Maita pulls him back in and then sits down with the ankle-lock still applied……Lover now has no where to go and has no choice but to tap out. Maita may be small in stature, but he’s looking a dominant champ. Can anyone survive the Ankle-Lock ? [B]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Champagne Lover in 13:07 [/B] [B]by submission. [/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Mokuami Maita makes retains the Burning Openweight Championship title. [/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]After the match Maita proudly displays his Openweight Title.[/I] ___________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Super Joshuya vs Eagle Kawasawa[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a tidy Junior match but it seemed to lack that spark to take it to their next level, despite the fact Eagle Kawasawa was making his debut. It was the usual Junior mix of technical counter- wrestling, high impact aerial manoeuvres and the as to be expected flurry of false finishes towards the end. Both men came close to winning during the last five minutes of the match, but in the end it was the debuting Eagle Kawasawa who picked up the victory after downing Super-Joshuya with the Vision Quest (Shining-Wizard- Enziguri). [B]Result: Eagle Kawasawa defeated Super Joshuya in 11:31 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] I let the computer decide that one and it decided to give Eagle the debut victory.[/FONT] _____________________________________________________________________ [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstage with Kinnojo Horri. Horri talks up his chances of winning the World Title in tonight’s 3-way….he said that he has a lot of respect for Nakasawa, but warned that friendship goes out the window tonight. He said he will doing anything to become World Champion, literally anything. He then went on to add that there was no-way Kudo would be walking out as world champion…he’d make sure of that !![/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Chuichi Sanda vs Tadakuni Toshusai[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was the replacement match for the Junior Title match that had to be cancelled due to Sensational Dragon picking up a wrist injury. I figured that there was enough Junior action on the card already, so went for something completely different, a heavyweight slug-fest. Admittedly what ensued was hardly a mat-classic but the paying public, have come to expect that from a match that Toshusai is involved in. That being said Sanda and Toshuai but on a pretty good hard-nosed brawl that had the crowd’s attention through-out. The match was mostly brawling but it was controlled brawling and not just two men, wildly swinging at one another. Toshusai tried to keep the match at an energetic pace and wanted to get Sanda put away early, whilst Sanda wanted to slow the pace down and wear down Toshusai, several times Sanda tried to take it to the mat, but was never able to keep Toshusai down for long enough. The finishing sequence saw Toshusai get Sanda on his shoulders for the Shock Treatment, but Sanda was able to slip free and then dump Toshusai with an Exploder Suplex…he did not follow up with a pin, instead he waited for Toshusai to get up and then he nailed Toshusai with the Explosion Kick, to get back on the winning track after dropping one half of the World Tag Team Titles on Monday. [B]Result: Chuichi Sanda defeated Tadakuni Toshusai in 9:50 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] _____________________________________________________________________ [I]A video package is shown of last nights Tag Title Unification match where Size of The Fight defeated The Raging Bulls to win the Burning World Tag Team Titles.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]_______________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: The Great Hisato vs Kansuke Konda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheGreatHisato.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] One of the newly crowned World Tag Champions, featured in this contest…going up against the returning Great Hisato. Hisato might be a bit of a pain the wotsit backstage, but there is no doubt that he is a talent in the ring and for that he can only add to the Junior Division, especially during a period when it will be at it’s biggest focus during the calendar year…the Best of the Super Juniors Cup. He combined here with Konda, who is fast becoming a very reliable performer to put on a more than decent match. They start off with a well worked sequence where both of them try to hit big moves early but both are able counter the attempts. Konda nails Hisato with a rolling thunder and the self proclaimed ‘Great One’ drops to the floor. Konda then takes out Hisato with a Tope-con-hilo. They brawl on the floor for the bit, where Hisato turns the match back in his favour by, catapulting Konda gut-fust over a guard-rail. Back inside and Hisato continues to work over the mid-section of Konda putting him in an abdominal stretch, Hisato then gets Konda up for a power-bomb, but the Tag Champion rolls through and almost gets the pin with a victory roll. Both are back-up and Hisato takes Konda down with a Dragon-screw leg-whip and then he hits the Mystic-Dragon Wave (Legsweep –DDT) but Konda kicks out. Hisato goes up top but he takes too long and Konda brings him crashing in with a super-plex. Both get back to their feet, they exchange some-strikes and then Hisato gets the advantage, he sets Konda on the turnbuckle, but Konda springs off and takes Hisato down with a Tornado DDT. Konda then drives Hisato head-first into the canvas with the Fisherman Driver….one…two.thr……nooo !! Hisato gets his shoulder up just in time. He then goes up top, but like Hisato did earlier takes too long to set-himself. Hisato follows him up. They duke it out on the top-rope, with both of them trying to gain the advantage. Konda trys to bring Hisato in with an ace-crusher but Hisato blocks it and then counters it into a Typhoon Driver (spinning spike pile-driver) off the top-rope. Konda was well and truly done after taking that move, and Hisato picks up the ‘debut’ victory. [B]Result: The Great Hisato defeated Kansuke Konda in 15:50 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] _______________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Eiji Hamacho vs Rhino Umaga[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] If you would have asked me what I thought the better match would be between Hamacho-Umaga and Sanda-Toshusai….I would have said this match, and though the two matches were not all that much different. Both were controlled heavyweight brawls, but Toshusai-Sanda just seemed to have a bit more energy, whilst this seemed a little bit leaden until the final few minutes, where Hamacho desperately tried to get Umaga up for the Hamacho Sledge 2K but he was never quite able to do it and in the end he fell victim to the Rhino Charge. [B]Result: Rhino Umaga defeated Eiji Hamacho in 11:48 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]________________________________________________________________[/B] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko continues to follow the title contenders around the back-stage area and this time gets some words from Hooded Kudo. Kudo complained that Burning Hammer officials have stacked the odds against him in this match, but he said he will over-come those odds and that destiny will finally be fulfilled tonight…history will be made as he will not beat one but two men to take the Burning Hammer back ‘home’.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]_____________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Miyamae vs Americana[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Americana has been on a pretty good roll in the Junior Division and is many peoples dark-horse tip to win the Best of the Super Juniors Cup. However did he have what it takes to get a victory over one half of The Rebellion Miyamae…an established part of the upper-card in Burning Hammer and a former two time World Tag Team champion. No feeling out process in this one, instead they start off with a kick-fest…..Americana springs off the ropes to hit a leg-lariat but Miymae catches him and counters into a tilt-a-whirl gut-buster. Miyamae then slings Americana into one of the corners and then follows up with a running boot to the face, that has Americana slumping in the corner. It’s all Miyamae now as he decides to keep the match on the mat, working over Americana’s neck. He then attempts the Miyamae spoiler but Americana is able to slip off the shoulders and surprises Miyamae with an Elemental Suplex for a two-count. A kick combo has Miyamae staggering but the SDF-2K7 member comes back with an STO. Miyamae then follows up with a sling-shot leg-drop…Americana kicks out but Miyamae stays on him and gets him up and then down to pull-off the Miyamae Spoiler (Hangman’s neck-breaker). However Americana shows some real heart and kicks out. Miyamae sets up Americana for another Spoiler but the rising Junior star, is able to counter with some strikes to the head….he then takes chops Miyamae down with a basement drop-kick. Americana then goes out onto the apron and then spring-boards back in taking Miyamae down once more with a spring-board head-scissors. Americana is now on fire, and Miyamae is reeling, Elemental Suplex…Miyamae kicks out…..Elemental Driver…..Miyamae kicks out again….Americana goes up top but Miyamae struggles back to his feet and falls against the ring-ropes crotching Americana. Miyamae follows Americana up to the turnbuckle and tries to bring in the Elemental influenced new-comer with a super-plex, but Americana counters into a Falcon Arrow !! …Americana decides not to go for the cover and goes up top again…….he comes flying off with the Inferno Splash !!!....he lands on Miyamae…..one…two….three !! and this one is over. That was another good match…Miyamae is a former Junior worker and still agile enough to be able to work a Junior style match, it was also pretty well worked with Miyamae attempting to keep Americana grounded and being pretty successful for the most part. Americana then got back into it towards the end and finished with a flurry of big moves to pull-off the upset victory. [B]Result: Americana defeated Miyamae in 16:57 by pinfall with an Inferno Splash. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]After the match Miyamae is visibly frustrated and attacks Americana post match, his tag partner Shimedzu comes out to join in with the beat-down but Koshiro Ino comes out and chases them away, before they can do considerably more significant damage to Americana.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] [I][B]Notes:[/B] Terrible rating for that segment , but it would felt wrong if The Rebellion just non reacted to Miyamae getting pinned by this Americana up-start[/I] [I]______________________________________________________________________[/I] [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko completes his round of interviews with the World Title contenders by getting World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa to give his opinions on the match. [/I] [I]Nakasawa admitted that this would be his toughest test yet, as he was defending the World Title against not just one opponent but two, he went on to add that he did not even need to be pinned to lose the title and that for the first time he felt retaining the title might not entirely be in his control, but if anyone can over-come the odds it would be him[/I]… [I]He the warned both Kudo and Horri, that he was ready to go to war and that they better be prepared to go above and beyond their limits to take the World Title away from him.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]A final video package plays to further hype the Three-Way match for the Burning World Championship[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: World Title: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The pressure was on for these three men to deliver a great match, but if anyone can rise to the occasion it’s these three men. All three men got a good reception, even Kudo got the streamer treatment, despite being the biggest heel in the company right now. They start off with a three-way lock-up, Kudo kicks Nakasawa down low, temporarily disabling the champion but Horri fires, back on Kudo with a clothesline. Horri goes to work on Kudo, clubbing away at Kudo’s back….Nakasawa is back up. Nakasawa and Horri seem to say something to each other….and they agree that they should double team on Kudo. Nakasawa and Horri double-team in Kudo for a bit, taking turns beating the SDF-2K7 leader in the corner. Horri then goes for a pin attempt on Kudo , but Nakasawa shoves him off. Horri & Nakasawa, then get in each others faces….Kudo rolls out for a breather and then it all kicks off between Horri and Nakasawa. They slap each other silly for a bit, until suddenly comes back in and drop-kicks both of them. Kudo takes down Nakasawa with an arm-drag and then plants Horri’s face into the canvas with an STO. Nakasawa charges at Kudo but is taken down with another arm-drag. Kudo then goes to lock on the Kudo-Lock but Horri makes the save. Horri then gets powers Kudo over with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Nakasawa makes the save….once again Nakasawa and Horri slug it out…they charge at each other and this time it finishes in a double clothesline. Kudo has shaken off the effects of Horri’s Belly to Belly, and takes shots at both of his opponents, he focuses his attention on Nakasawa and tries to get the champion up for a Kudo-Driver…however Nakasawa is able to power him off with a back-body drop. Horri is suddenly up and takes Nakasawa out of his boots with the Burning Lariat !!!....one…two..thr… Kudo makes the save just in time. Horri charges at Kudo, but Kudo sends him crashing face first with a drop-toe hold. Kudo then follows up with a shining wizard, he goes for the pin but Nakasawa is there to break it up. Nakasawa takes Kudo down with a vertical suplex and then tries to follow up with the Nakasawa Neck-breaker , but Kudo is able to manoeuvre out of the predicament, and shoves Nakasawa into Horri. Kudo then takes both of them down with a Neckbreaker-DDT combination. Kudo feels he has the match in control, and decides to take to the skies, however he takes too long bigging himself up and Nakasawa brings him crashing back into the ring with a Belly to Back super-plex, but then Nakasawa is dumped on his head by a German suplex from Horri. Horri goes for the pin …one…two…..Nakasawa kicks out. Horri turns his attention to Kudo, but Kudo gets in a dubious looking low-blow and then plants Horri with an STO…he then locks on the Kudo-lock but Nakasawa gets in just in time to make the save. Nakasawa whips Kudo into the ropes, he attempts to pull off the H-Bomb but he did not have Kudo worn down enough and Kudo was able to duck and then counter with a swinging neck-breaker. Then in an impressive feat of strength Kudo is able to drive the considerably bigger Nakasawa into the canvas with the Kudo-Driver ’99 (Cross-Arm Piledriver). That move took a lot of Kudo though, and he was slow to make the cover and Horri was able to make the save. Horri and Kudo then exchange some strikes, Horri goes for the Burning Lariat but Kudo is able to duck and nails Horri with a drop-kick. Kudo slings Horri into the ropes and goes for the Kudo-Kutter…..Horri feels the full-impact of the move…..one…..two……thre….no !! Nakasawa makes the save just at the last millisecond. Nakasawa then gets Kudo up and power-bombs him into the turn-buckle, he sets Kudo up on the top-rope and attempts to take Kudo down with the Nakasawa neck-breaker but Kudo shoves him off and takes Nakasawa down with a flying fore-arm. Kudo goes to follow-up but is met by a Burning-Lariat !! from Horri. Horri goes for the pin but once again someone is there to make the save. Kudo looks completely out of it though, once again Nakasawa and Horri fire-away on each other. Horri goes for another Burning Lariat but Nakasawa is able to move out of the way and takes Horri down with a Uranage. Nakasawa goes to roll-up Horri, but Horri rolls through into a pin attempt of his own, Nakasawa rolls through again and then locks in an STF on Horri !!....Horri tries to get to the ropes but Nakasawa switches it to a cross-face. Kudo is still out of it and can’t save Horri, Horri tries to get to the ropes but the World Champion is relentless in his application of the cross-face. Kudo is stirring can he save both Horri and the match for himself…….no he can’t Horri taps out !!! That was another excellent match, but that’s to be expected when it involves these three. Anything less would have been a major let-down. We also saw growth in Nakasawa as the world champion, as he showed that he can now beat his opponents via submission, along with his usual heavy-hitting power-game. He realised he wasn’t going to out-power Horri and adjusted his game-plan, something neither of his opponents were expecting. [B]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Hooded Kudo and Kinnojo Horri in 25:46 when Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Kinnojo Horri by submission.[/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Hiroaki Nakasawa retains the Burning World Championship[/COLOR] [/B] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]The show ends with Nakasawa celebrating with the title….meanwhile Horri struggles back up to his feet, whilst Kudo looks on with envy, knowing that he was just a few seconds away from making that all important intervention to keep the match and his title hopes alive.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] _______________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B+ :[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Even with the loss of the Junior Title match, this was still another very good show and it built nicely towards the main event the 3-way World Title match, which rightfully turned out to be the match of the night. In terms of pure-wrestling skill none of Nakasawa, Horri and Kudo are the best in the world,( though Kudo five years ago was as good the talent in PGHW) but all three know how to work a crowd and put on a memorable match , letting the story evolve in the ring and keeping the crowd gripped throughout. _________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:Ironclad scored a 16.15 rating on TV5Monde. (+ 0.3)
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[B]Predictions -contest.....[/B] [I]Here's how everyone did....[/I] [B]Key:[/B] G- Gremlinator, CC: Chris Caulfield, MN- Midnight Nick, T-Trypio, DB- Derek B Six Man War: [B]Nakasawa, Horri & Elemental II[/B] vs Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon [B]Correct:[/B] G (1/1) , CC (1/1) , MN (1/1) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]T (0/1) , DB (0/1) Tag Title Unification : Raging Bulls vs [B]Size of the Fight [/B] [B] [/B][B]Correct:[/B] CC (2/2) . MN (2/2), DB (1/ 2) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]G (1/ 2) , T (0/2) Koshiro Ino vs Miyamae- Draw [B] [B]Not Quite Correct[/B]: [/B]G (1.5/3) , CC (2.5/3) , MN (2.5/3) , T (0.5/3), DB (1.5/3) [I]Match ended in a draw- Everyone scores half a point.[/I] Openweight Contenders: [B]Champagne Lover [/B]vs Tadakuni Toshusai [B]Correct: [/B]CC (3.5/4), MN (3.5/4) , DB (2.5/4) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]G (1.5/4) , T (0.5/4) [B]Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno[/B] vs Nisso Yuasha & Toshiki Shibanumo [B]Correct:[/B] G (2.5/5) , CC (4.5/5), T (1.5/5) , DB (3.5/5) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]MN (3.5/5) [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Fire-Fox [B]Correct:[/B] G (3.5/6) , CC (5.5/6) , T (2.5/6) , DB (4.5/6) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]MN (3.5/6) __________________________________________________ World Title: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri [B]Correct:[/B] G (4.5/7), CC (6.5/7) , MN (4.5/7) , DB (5.5/7) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]T (2.5/7) Junior Title: [B]Sensational Dragon [/B]vs The Awesome Kiyaru [I]Void due to Match being cancelled for injury reasons[/I]. Openweight Title: [B]Mokuami Maita [/B]vs Champagne Lover or Tadakuni Toshusai [B]Correct:[/B] CC (7.5/8) , T (3.5/8) , DB (6.5/8) [B][B]Incorrect[/B]: [/B]G (4.5/8) , MN (4.5/8) [B]The Great Hisato[/B] vs Kansuke Konda [B]Correct:[/B] G( 5.5/9) , CC (8.5/9) , T (4.5/9) , DB (7.5/9) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]MN (4.5/9) [B]Eagle Kawasawa[/B] vs Super Joshuya [B]Correct:[/B] G (6.5/10) , CC (9.5/10) , MN (5.5/10) , T (4.5/10) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]DB (7.5/10) [B]Americana[/B] vs Miyamae [B]Correct: [/B]MN (6.5/11) , T (5.5/11) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]G (6.5/11) , CC (9.5/11), DB (7.5/11) Eiji Hamacho vs [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] [B]Correct:[/B] MN (7.5/12) , DB (8.5/12) [B][B]Incorrect:[/B] [/B]G (6.5/12) , CC (9.5/12-[I]selection not highlighted[/I]) , T (5.5/12) [B][U]Final Table[/U][/B] 1.Chris Caulfield : 9.5 2. Derek B: 8.5 3. Midnightnick: 7.5 4. Gremlinator: 6.5 5. Trypio : 5.5 Despite not predicting anyone for his last match (maybe he was predicting a draw ?) Chris Caulfield edges out Derek B in the predictions contest and wins the Best of Optimus DVD Box-set.
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[B][COLOR=darkred][U][SIZE=3]Purogods.com[/SIZE][/U] [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Some Burning Hammer news- [/COLOR] In a very note-worthy week for Burning Hammer we had two MOTYC headlining the last two shows and new World Tag Team Champions, as Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) unified the World Tag Team Championship with the Junior Tag Team Championship. It has been confirmed by Burning Hammer that after the unificaiton the Junior Tag Team Championship- will retired. Burning Hammer have announced the semi main event of their Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors Cup PPV, set to take place on Saturday 23rd June. Sharing the main event spotlight with the BOSJ Cup Finals will be a re-match of the three way title match showdown between Hiroaki Nakasawa, Hooded Kudo & Kinnojo Horri, that took place at last Wednesdays show- a specially extended edition of a non PPV Burning Hammer show. News has it that Koshiro Ino has signed another contract extension with Burning Hammer, but still wont commit himself to the company full time. Burning Hammer officials have always been very high on the power and paint brawler but his decision to stay a free-lancer could well be hurting his push towards a fully-fledged main event spot. One man who looks to be on his way out of Burning Hammer is veteran Sanetomo Shiraishi. Shiriashi's long time tag team partner Sessue Kawate was released by Burning Hammer during the winter off-season and with BHOTWG officials looking to give 'youth' more of a chance, it seems likely that 42 year old Shiraishi's time at the storied promotion will be coming to an end. The Best of the Super Juniors Cup is upon us, this year there will officially be 12 entrants- though the final spot will be up for grabs in a 'wild card' match. [B]Here's the format for the Tournament[/B] 4 'wildcards' will compete for the final spot in the first round, in a 4-way first fall wins match " The wild-cards will be U.K Dragon (making his Burning Hammer debut), Fire-Fox, VENOM and Silver Shark " The wild-card joins another 7 entrants in the first round- Those entrants are: Americana, Eagle Kawasawa, Golden Scorpion, Hyosuke Kokan, Kansuke Konda, Super Joshuya and The Great Hisato. - The 4 winners of the first round matches, will then face off against the 4 entrants that have been handed byes to the second round... Those gaining byes are current Burning Junior Champion Sensational Dragon, Last Years BOSJ Cup winner Marihito Masuko, current Junior No.1 contender- The Awesome Kiyaru and Elemental II. - The winners of the second round matches will then face off the semi-finals and finals...which will both take place at the Inferno/BOSJ Cup PPV. We are currently waiting for Burning Hammer to reveal what the first and second round match-ups will be....
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[B]O.O.C Note: [/B] I will be on holiday for 5 days from Wednesday, so will be away from the computer. With all the recent comings and goings - My priority before I go off will be to do an updated roster page. I should also have a preview up for the next two shows, but I wont have the shows written up until after next Sunday.
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