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Burning Desire, Raising The Hammer (Cornellverse)

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Those 5 days should give me a bit of time to catch up with this. I must admit this dynasty slipped under my radar a bit, but having just finished reading the last show and couple of updates, I'll trace my way back to the beginning. Your match descriptions really seem to be the strength of your show write-ups and the post match beatdown initiated by Miyamae reminded me of how I booked my last HGC show... sometimes you have to take a couple of ratings hits to properly tell your story.
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[CENTER][I]Here is a promised is an updated roster page- [/I][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Burning Hammer Roster- June 2007[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [LEFT][B][SIZE=3]Americana[/SIZE][/B] [/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2]5 ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Elemental Driver (Double Underhook Power-Bomb),[/SIZE][SIZE=2]Inferno Splash (Corkscrew 450)[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set: [/B]Elemental Suplex (Double-Arm German Suplex), Hurracarrana,[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Tri-fecta kick series (Two Roundhouse Kicks, followed by a jumping heel kick), Diving DDT, Quebrada, Spring-board Back Elbow, Somersault DDT, Falcon Arrow, Hand-Spring Somersault Plancha, Rolling Cutter, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Flying Cross Body. [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT]__________________________________________________[/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2]6 ft 6 , [B]Weight:[/B] 295 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Back-Drop Driver, Atomic Driller (Texas Pile-Driver) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] 3-Point Tackle, Vertical Suplex, German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Gutwrench Suplex, Pump-Handle Slam, Repeated Fore-Arm Smashes, Side-Slam,Fall-Away Slam, Running Power-Slam, Lariat. [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2]__________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Champagne Lover[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2]6 ft 1, [B]Weight:[/B] 230 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Lover Stunner (Vertical Suplex Stunner), [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Champagne Breakfast (Seated Arm Bar)[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] Front Suplex, Spin-Out Power Bomb, Exploder Suplex, Flying Elbow Drop , Top-Rope Drop-Kick , Combination of Stiff Kicks (to the chest or back of the opponent), Brainbuster, Inverted DDT, Diving European Uppercut, Russian Leg-Sweep, Head-Scissors Take-Down, Frog-Splash. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]_______________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Chuichi Sanda[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [B][SIZE=2][B]Height: [/B][/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]6 ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 255 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Explosion Kick (Spin Kick) [/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] Exploder Suplex, Sit-Out Power-Bomb, German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Super-Kick, Ed Henson Press (Lou Thesz Press), [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Soccer Kick, Punches, Knee Lift[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][I][I][B]With Eiji Hamacho as Raging Bulls:[/B][/I] [/I][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][I][B][SIZE=2][B]Finisher:[/B] [/SIZE][/B][/I][I][SIZE=2]Raging Impact (Spear-Hamacho, followed by Super-Kick- Sanda)[/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set:[/B] [/B]Battering Ram, Double Hip-Toss, Double Elbow-Drop, [/SIZE][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][SIZE=2]Double Vertical Suplex, Double Flap-Jack. [/SIZE][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][SIZE=2]_________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Dynamite Narahashi[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DynamiteNarahashi.jpg[/IMG][/I][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][I][B]Height:[/B][/I][/SIZE][/B][I][SIZE=2] 6 ft 3 , [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ib[/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][I][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Dynamite Crunch (Double-Knee Face-breaker)[/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][I][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B]Arm-Bar Takedown, Reverse STO, Knee Strikes, Shoot Kick, [/SIZE][/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I][SIZE=2]Chop-Block, Double-Knee Gutbuster, Whiplash, Snap Suplex, [/SIZE][/I][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][I][SIZE=2]Wheelbarrow Suplex,Cross-Arm Breaker. [/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [I][SIZE=2]__________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][I][COLOR=darkred]B0SJ Cup Invitee...[/COLOR][/I][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Eagle Kawasawa [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/I][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][I][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/B][/I][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 8 , [B]Weight:[/B] 185 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Finishers :[/B] [/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Vision Quest ( Shining Wizard- Enzuigiri) , Spread Eagle (Bridging Grounded- Double Chicken Wing)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Diving Elbow Drop, Enzuigiri, Spin-Kick, Double-Stomp,[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2]Guillotine Leg-Drop, Flying Neck-Breaker, Leg Lariat, Slingshot Suplex,[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Falcon Arrow, Eagle -Plex (Cross-Face Chickewing Suplex), Turbuckle Power-Bomb,Dragon Screw, Spinning Toe Hold[/SIZE][/SIZE] [/SIZE][SIZE=2][I]_________________________________________________________________[/I][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][I][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Eiji Hamacho[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/I][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][I][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho.jpg[/IMG][/I][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][I][B]Height:[/B][/I][/SIZE][/B][I][SIZE=2] 6 ft 2, [B]Weight:[/B] 295 Ib[/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][I][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Hamacho Sledge 2K (Samoan Driver) [/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B][I]Move-Set :[/I][/B] [/B]Belly to Back Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, German Suplex, Delayed Vertical Suplex, Scoop Power-Slam, Death Valley Driver, Spear, Gut-Wrench Power Bomb, Roaring Elbow [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][SIZE=2][I][B]Raging Bulls Move-Set See Chuichi Sanda[/B][/I][/SIZE][/I] [I][SIZE=2][I]____________________________________________________________[/I][/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Elemental II[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B]Height: [/B][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2]5 ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Earth Breaker (Cradle Pile-driver), [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Inferno Splash (Corkscrew 450)[/SIZE] [/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] Elemental Driver (Double Underhook Power-Bomb), Elemental Suplex (Double-Arm German Suplex), Hurracanrana, Tri-fecta kick series (Two Roundhouse Kicks, followed by a jumping heel kick), Diving DDT, Quebrada, Spring-board Back Elbow, Somersault DDT, Elemental Daze-Kick (Tiger Feint-Kick), Hand-Spring Somersault Plancha, Flying Cross Body, Elemental Clutch (Koji Clutch), Figure-Four Leglock, Surfboard [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2]_________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Everest[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Everest.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B]Height: [/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]6ft 3 , [B]Weight:[/B] 400 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Mountain Mover (Banzai Drop)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B]Scoop Power-Slam, Sidewalk Slam, Body Avalanche, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Bearhug, Bell Clap, Forehand Chop[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2]__________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Fire-Fox[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 6 , [B]Weight:[/B] 180 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Down In Flames (Shooting-Star Elbow Drop), [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2]Pyro-Driver 2000 (Kryptonite Crunch) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B]Moonsault[B], [/B]Standing Moonsault, Arabian Press, Hurricanrana, Flying Thrust-Kick, Springboard Arm-Drag, Flip-Over DDT, Leg-sweep DDT, Dragon Suplex, STO, Pump Handle Reverse Pile-Driver. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]______________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Golden Scorpion[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 200 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Scorpion Stinger (Rolling Wheel-Kick), [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2]Golden Shot (Springboard Leg-Drop) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B]Brainbuster, Northern Lights Suplex, Snap Suplex, Sunset Flip Power-Bomb, Top-Rope Drop-Kick, Springboard Drop-Kick, Leg Lariat, Moonsault, Frog-Splash, Quebrada, Flying Cross-Body, Implant DDT, Front Flip Neckbreaker, Frankensteiner, Corner to Corner Missile Drop-Kick. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Burning Hammer World Champion:-[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorld.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 3 , [B]Weight:[/B] 280 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers :[/B] H-Bomb (Spin-Out Power Bomb), [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Nakasawa Neckbreaker (Inverted Face-Lock Neckbreaker) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set:[/B] [/B]Uranage, Fore-Arm Smash, Northern -Lights Suplex, German Suplex, Release German Supex, Delayed Vertical Suplex, Belly to Back Super-Plex, Power-Bomb, Lariat, Back Body-Drop, Repeated Back-hand Chops, STF, Cross-Face, Drop-Kick, Double-Knee Backbreaker, Swinging Neckbreaker[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]_________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Hooded Kudo[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft , [B]Weight:[/B] 240 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Kudo Kutter (TKO), Kudo-Lock (Inverted STF), [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Kudo-Driver '99 (Cross Arm Pile-Driver) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B]Proto Kudo Driver (Belly to Back Piledriver), Shining- Wizard, STO, Side Russian Leg-Sweep, Moonsault, Flying Lariat, Crucifix Power-Bomb, Death Valley Driver, STF, Iconoclasm, Drop-Kick, Drop Toe-Hold, Spike DDT, Dragon Suplex, Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, Surfboard, [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Knife-Edge Chops, Enzuigiri, Yakuza Kick, Face-Wash[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]__________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Burning Hammer World Tag Team Champion:-[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Hyosuke Kokan[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 7, [B]Weight:[/B] 190 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Electric Shocker Clutch (Sitting Double-Chicken Wing), Cannonball (Front-Flip Senton)[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set[/B] : [/B]Tornado DDT , Suicide Dive, Flying Elbow Smash, Slingshot Leg-drop, Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors, Flying Drop-Kick, Sunset Flip, Seated Senton, Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex, [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Double Chicken-Wing Suplex. [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][I][B][I]With Kansuke Konda as Size of the Fight:[/I][/B] [/I][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B][I]Finisher:[/I][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2] [LEFT][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Twin Tornadoes (Stereo Tornado DDT's)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2] [/SIZE] [SIZE=2] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][I][B][B]Move-Set[/B]: [/B][/I]Russian Leg-Sweep/Neckbreaker combination, Double Cutter, Double Flap-Jack,Stereo Suicide Dives, Double Drop-Kick, Double Top-Rope Leg-drop, Double Slingshot Inverted Suplex, Legsweep/Flying Cross Body Combinaton, Slingshot Catapult- Missile Drop Kick Combination[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]_____________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Burning World Tag Team Champion:-[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningWorldTag.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Kansuke Konda[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 9, [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ib[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Finishers:[/B] Konda Driver (Fisherman Driver), Tornado DDT[/LEFT] [LEFT][B]Move-Set :[/B]Suicide Dive, Tope-Con-Hilo (Suicide Senton), Fisherman Suplex, Cross-Arm German Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex, Sunset Flip Power-Bomb, Springboard Bull-Dog, Diving Elbow-Drop, Mushroom Stomp, Running Senton, Cutter/Ace-Crusher. [/LEFT] [LEFT][B][I]Size of the Fight Move-Set See Hyosuke Kokan[/I][/B] [B][I]_________________________________________________________[/I][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Kenko Takemistu[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KenkoTakemitsu.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 1, [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers: [/B]Canada -2-Japan (Cobra Clutch-Suplex) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B]Fisherman Suplex, Snap Suplex, Cobra Clutch Backbreaker, Brainbuster,Implant DDT, Reverse STO, Flying Clothesline, Missile Drop-Kick, Cobra Clutch, Stone-Hold (Sharpshooter), Running Knee, Enzuigiri. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]__________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Kinnojo Horri[/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 4, [B]Weight:[/B] 295 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Destiny Bomb (Argentine Power-Bomb), [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2]Burning Lariat (Short-Arm Lariat) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set[/B] : [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Clothesline, Fore-Arm Smash, Elbow Smash, Back-Body-Drop, Sit-out Pile-driver, Power-Bomb, Sit-Out Power Bomb, Fall-Away Slam , Fire-Mans Carry Power-Slam, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Belly to Back Backbreaker[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]_______________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Koshiro Ino[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 3, [B]Weight:[/B] 290 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2] [LEFT][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Kobra's Bite (High Knee) / Back Snapper (High Elevation- Spinebuster[/FONT]) [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2]German Suplex, Back Body Drop, Sit-Out Power-Bomb, Jack-Knife Power Bomb, Shoulder Tackle, Corner Slash, Clothesline, Gorilla Press- Slam, Double-Axe Handle, Scoop Lift Power-Slam, Running Power-Slam,Leaping Lariat, Death Valley Driver, Yakuza Kick. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Marihito Masuko[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 6, [B]Weight:[/B] 155 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers: [/B][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Masuko Cradle Shock (Reverse STO), [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Into The White (Springboard Bull-Dog) [/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Legsweep DDT, Springboard Arm-Drag, STO, Russian Leg-Sweep, Monkey-Flip, Sunset Flip, Spinning Head-Scissors Take-Down, Hurricanrana, Senton, Flying Neckbreaker, Capture Suplex, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Elemental Suplex, Small Package, Dragon Screw Leg-Whip ,[/SIZE][SIZE=2]Double Foot Stomp, Slingshot Plancha. [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]_____________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Miyamae[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft [B]Weight:[/B] 230 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Miyamae Spoiler (Hangmans Facebuster), [/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/LEFT] [/SIZE][LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Exploder Suplex, Slingshot Suplex, Wheelbarrow Suplex,[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Face-Wash, Enziguiri, Shoot-Kicks, Elevated DDT, Rolling Cutter, [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2]Top Rope Leg-drop, Flying Headbutt, Flying Cross-Body, Moonsault, STO, Uranage, Uranage Backbreaker,Fisherman Brainbuster, Dragon Clutch, Head-Scissors Arm-Bar. [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][I][SIZE=2][B][I]With Shimedzu as The Rebellion [/I][/B][/SIZE][/I][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][I][B][SIZE=2][B]Finisher:[/B] [/SIZE][/B][/I][SIZE=2]Spiked Skull-Drop (Aided Brain-Buster) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set: [/B][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [LEFT][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Front Suplex (Miyamae) onto top-rope- followed by double foot-stomp (Shimedzu), Russian Leg-Sweep/Neckbreaker Combination, Backbreaker/Top-Rope Legdrop Combination, Slingshot Suplex (Miyamae) into- Leg Lariat (Shimedzu), Double Slingshot Suplex, Double DDT, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Stereo Shoot-Kicks to the chest and back of opponent, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Double Russian Leg-Sweep, Double Sling-Shot Inverted Suplex, [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Elevated DDT, Leg-Sweep/Spin Kick Combination. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]_____________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=3]Burning Openweight Champion:-[/SIZE][/B] [/LEFT] [LEFT][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Mokuami Maita[/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 [B]Weight:[/B] 215 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Ankle-Lock, Assasination Attempt (Running Knee) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B]German Suplex, Rolling Release Suplex, Spinning Leg-hook Belly to Back Suplex, Jaw-Breaker, Russian Leg-Sweep , Face-breaker Knee-Smash, Shin-breaker, Drop-Toe-Hold, Chop Block, Drop-Kick, Missile Drop-Kick, STF, Bow and Arrow, Enzuguiri, Super-Kick, Crucifix Arm-Bar.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]________________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Nisso Yuasha[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6 ft [B]Weight:[/B] 380 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Thunder-Drop (Samoan Drop) [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set[/B] :Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex, Power-Bomb, Forehand Chop, Corner Clothesline, Stink-face, Headbutt, Corner Splash, Bionic Elbow[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2]_______________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Rhino Umaga[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 1 [B]Weight:[/B] 300 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Rhino Charge (High Speed- Shoulder Block Take-down) [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [LEFT][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Inverted Atomic Drop , Samoan Drop, Headbutt, Throat Thrust, Lariat, Running Knee, Repeated Knee Strikes, Swinging Side-Slam, Scoop Power-Slam, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Running Lariat into the Corner[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]______________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B]Sanetomo Shiraishi[/B] [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SanetomoShiraishi.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 11 [B]Weight:[/B] 250 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers[/B]: [/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Lizard Clutch (Cross-Arm Choke)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set : [/B][/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Sitout DDT, Gutbuster Drop, Arm-Trap Neckbreaker, Swinging Neckbreaker, German Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Drop Toe Hold, [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Cobra Clutch, Wrist-Lock[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]_____________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Burning Junior Champion:-[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningJunior.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Sensational Dragon[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Sensation Shock (Dragon-rana), Dragon Slice (Shiranui)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B]Dragon Suplex, Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, STO, Enziguiri, Springboard Drop-Kick, Slingshot Plancha, 450 Splash , Spring-board Back-Elbow , Hurricanrana, Quebrada, Flying Elbow-Drop, Tornado DDT, Monkey-Flip, Flying Spinning Heel-Kick, Double Foot-Stomp, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Standing Moonsault , Dragon Sleeper, Eastern Stretch, Kudo-Lock (Inverted STF), Repeated Roundhouse Kicks. [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]_________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Shimedzu [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 11 [B]Weight:[/B] 235 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Shimedzu Skull-Drop (Brainbuster DDT) ,[/SIZE][SIZE=2]Total Anarchy (Moonsault Side-Slam). [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B]Swinging DDT, Crucifix Roll, Facewash, Rebel Streak (Machine-Gun Kicks), Springboard Roundhouse Kick , Slingshot Suplex, Dragon Suplex, Hesitation Drop-Kick, Shining Wizard, Moonsault, Falcon-Arrow,Blue Thunder Driver, Catapult Back-Breaker, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Tilt-A-Whirl Back-Breaker, Gutbuster. [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][I]For Rebellion Move-Set See Miyamae[/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][I]_______________________________________________________[/I][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Silver-Shark[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SilverShark.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 11 [B]Weight:[/B] 205 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Jaws of Life (Body Scissors)/ Deep Sea Drop (Diving Reverse DDT)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B]Fisherman Suplex, Half Nelson Suplex, Atomic Drop, Frog Splash, Sit-down Neckbreaker, Missile Drop Kick, Facebreaker DDT, Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors, Flying Cross-Body, Clawhold STO, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Sit-Out Jawbreaker. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]__________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Super-Joshuya[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 6 [B]Weight:[/B] 185 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]J-Drop (Pumphandle Drop ) /Due South (Moonsault Slam)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2]Inverted Suplex Slam, Spinning Leg-hook Belly to Back Suplex,Pumphandle Suplex, Spinning Bull Dog, Catapult Back-Breaker, [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Top-Rope Leg-drop,Diving Leg-drop Bull-Dog, Missile Drop-Kick, [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [SIZE=2]Flying Neckbreaker, Moonsault, Palm Strikes,[/SIZE][SIZE=2]Shooting-Star Press,Hurricanrana, Rope-Walk Rana. [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2]______________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Tadakuni Toshusai[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 3 [B]Weight:[/B] 290 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers: [/B][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Shock Treatment (Back-Breaker Drop) [/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2]Vertical Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Belly to Back Back-Breaker, Half Nelson Back-Breaker,Spinbuster, Mongolian Chop, Elbow Smash, Corner Clothesline, Fist-Drop, Sleeper. [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2]_____________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 8 [B]Weight:[/B] 180 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Kiyaru Effect (Forward somersault three-quarter facelock bulldog )/ [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Magic Cloud (Imploding 450 Splash)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set[/B] : [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors, Picture Perfect Moonsault (Triple Jump Moonsault), Quebrada, Somersault Plancha, Corkscrew Senton, Quebrada, Shooting Star-Press, Springboard Shooting Star-Press,[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Frog-Splash, Tornado DDT, Awesome Mirage (2 Spinning Heel-Kicks, then a Roundhouse Kick), Spinning Leg-Sweep, Falcon Arrow, Inverted Falcon Arrow, Standing Shiranui, Uranage, Single Leg Boston Crab.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]______________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][I][COLOR=darkred]BOSJ Cup Invitee:- [/COLOR][/I][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]The Great Hisato[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheGreatHisato.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Typhoon Driver (Spinning Spike Pile-Driver), [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Mystic Dragon-Wave (Leg-Sweep DDT), Magic Wand (Shooting-Star Elbow Drop) [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Spring-board Bull-Dog , Shooting Star Press, Hurricanrana, Springboard Hurricanrana, Inverted DDT, Missile Drop-Kick, Hand-spring Roundhouse Kick, Moonsault, Plancha, 450 Splash, 630 Senton, [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Gory Special, Falcon Arrow, Dragon Suplex, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, Rolling Cutter[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]______________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Toshiki Shibanumo[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 2 [B]Weight:[/B] 270 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Hammerplex (Briding Leg-Hook Belly to Back Suplex)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set : [/B][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2] [LEFT][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Belly to Back Suplex, German Suplex, Half-Nelson Suplex, Side-Slam Back-Breaker, Spinebuster, Camel Clutch Sleeper, Half Nelson, Double-Axe Handle, Fore-Arm Smash,[/SIZE][SIZE=2]Drop-Kick, European Uppercut[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]_____________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=darkred][I]BOSJ Cup Invitee:-[/I][/COLOR][/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]UK Dragon[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UKDragon.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 10 [B]Weight:[/B] 190 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/SIZE] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Dragon Drop (Cut-Throat Driver ), [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Dragon Clutch (Dragon Sleeper)[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Dragon Suplex, Abominal Stretch, Figure Four Leg-Lock, Brainbuster, Half Nelson Driver, Rolling Cutter,Snap Suplex, Vertical Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex, European Uppercut, Diving European Uppercut, Diving Headbutt, Leg-Drop, Frog-Splash, Flying Clothesline, Drop-Kick, Missile Drop-Kick, Tilt-A-Whirl Head-Scissors, Tornado DDT. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]____________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]VENOM[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 5ft 9 [B]Weight:[/B] 180 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers[/B]: [/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Sting In The Tail (Cross Knee-Lock),[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Lethal Dosage (Spike DDT) [/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set :[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]Leg-Hook Saito Suplex, Katahajime Suplex, Wheelbarrow Suplex, STO, STO Backbreaker, Reverse STO, Tornado DDT, Inverted DDT, Swinging Reverse DDT, Cradle DDT, Implant DDT, Flying Elbow Drop, [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Flying Headbutt, Super-Kick, Legsweep. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]___________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Yasuhiko Taira[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 5 [B]Weight:[/B] 325 Ib[/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Finishers:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2]The Flattener (Running Lariat) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B][B]Move-Set: [/B][/B][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/LEFT] [/SIZE][/SIZE][LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]Lariat, Elbow Smashes, Shoulder Tackle, Running Big-Boot, Turnbuckle-Splash,Spear, Running Power-Slam, Choke-Slam, Fall-Away Slam, Mat-Slam Backbreaker. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2]__________________________________________________________[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=3]Yasunobu Masuno[/SIZE][/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B] 6ft 6 [B]Weight:[/B] 320 Ib[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=2][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Finishers: [/B]Masuno Deep-Sleeper (Arm-Hook Sleeper), Avalanche Bomb (Sit-Out Power Bomb) [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] Lariat, Big Boot, Ed Henson Press (Lou Thesz Press) , German Suplex, Belly to Back Suplex, Pumphandle Slam, Spinebuster, [/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=2]Power-Bomb, Elbow Drop. [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/LEFT]
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[B]O.O.C Note:[/B] I despise this editor we have to work in, here's why.... The post above I must have edited about umpteen amount of times to line-up correctly...i.e to all line up in a consistant format. But when I save the changes it still insists on putting in stuff like mega-sized gaps between paragraphs. Did I line up the mega-sized gaps when in the editor...no I didn't....because they look stupid. Also I tried putting each profile into those quote boxes, but here is what always happens when I try that... [B][SIZE=2][quote] Americana[/quote] [/SIZE][/B][quote] [CENTER][B][SIZE=2][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=2][B]Height:[/B][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2] 5 ft 10 , [B]Weight:[/B] 195 Ib[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Finishers:[/B] Elemental Driver (Double Underhook Power-Bomb),[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Inferno Splash (Corkscrew 450)[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Move-Set :[/B] Elemental Suplex (Double-Arm German Suplex), Hurracarrana,[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=2][CENTER]Tri-fecta kick series (Two Roundhouse Kicks, followed by a jumping heel kick), Diving DDT, Quebrada, Spring-board Back Elbow, Somersault DDT, Falcon Arrow, Hand-Spring Somersault Plancha, Rolling Cutter, Flying Cross Body. [/SIZE][/quote] [/CENTER] [LEFT]I never told it to put quotes, between the title and the picture, but it went in and inserted them anyway. Does anyone get these same problems ? I'd love to improve the presentation of this diary just a bit more, but I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall, when this editor, consistanty does not do, when I actually tell it to do. [/LEFT] [CENTER] [/CENTER]
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=black]We have received details of further news and schedule for this years Best of the Super Juniors Cup. The most intriguing first round match up see's the current Burning World Tag Team Champions Kansuke Konda & Hyosuke Kokan in a rare one on one match-up against one another. The winner of that match will be rewarded with a second round showdown with current Burning Junior Champion Sensational Dragon. [/COLOR] [B]Monday 11th June- Wild Card Qualifier[/B] Fire-Fox vs Silver Shark vs UK Dragon vs VENOM [B]Wednesday 13th June- First Round[/B] The Great Hisato vs Super Joshuya Golden Scorpion vs 'Wild Card' Kansuke Konda vs Hyosuke Kokan Americana vs Eagle Kawasawa [B]Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th June- Second Round[/B] Sensational Dragon vs Winner of Konda vs Kokan The Awesome Kiyaru vs Winner of Americana vs Kawasawa Marihito Masuko vs Winner of Golden Scorpion vs 'Wild Card' Elemental II vs Winner of Great Hisato vs Super Joshuya [B]Saturday 23rd June- Semi Finals and Finals at Inferno PPV.[/B] _____________________________________________________________ [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] Feel free to make predictions for who you think will be the winner of the Best of the Super Juniors Cup 2007.[/FONT]
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Monday 11th June- Wild Card Qualifier [B]Fire-Fox[/B] vs Silver Shark vs UK Dragon vs VENOM Wednesday 13th June- First Round The Great Hisato vs [B]Super Joshuya [/B] Golden Scorpion vs [B]'Wild Card'[/B] [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Hyosuke Kokan [B]Americana[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th June- Second Round Sensational Dragon vs [B]Winner of Konda vs Kokan[/B] The Awesome Kiyaru vs [B]Winner of Americana vs Kawasawa[/B] [B]Marihito Masuko[/B] vs Winner of Golden Scorpion vs 'Wild Card' [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Winner of Great Hisato vs Super Joshuya Saturday 23rd June- Semi Finals and Finals at Inferno PPV. [B]Konda[/B] vs. Americana Marihito Masuko vs. [B]Elemental II[/B] Final: [B]Konda[/B] vs. Elemental II
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Fire-Fox vs Silver Shark vs UK Dragon vs [B]VENOM[/B] [B][U]Wednesday 13th June- First Round[/U][/B] [B]The Great Hisato[/B] vs Super Joshuya Golden Scorpion vs [B]VENOM[/B] [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] vs Hyosuke Kokan [B]Americana[/B] vs Eagle Kawasawa [B][U]Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th June- Second Round[/U][/B] [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs Konda The Awesome Kiyaru vs [B]Americana[/B] [B]Marihito Masuko[/B] vs VENOM [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Great Hisato [B][U]Saturday 23rd June- Semi Finals and Finals at Inferno PPV[/U][/B] [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs. Americana Marihito Matsuko vs. [B]Elemental II[/B] [B]Winner: Sensational Dragon[/B]
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[B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=3][U]Purogods.com[/U] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]Burning Hammer continues to build towards the climax of their current Reborn Tour, which will end with the Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors PPV on Saturday 23rd June. [/COLOR] Monday's show comes from the Hiroshima Sports Park in Chugoku . The Main event will see Hooded Kudo -who will get another chance to win the World Title at the Inferno PPV in a re-match of the recent three way with Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri , take on forrmer protege Koshiro Ino. There is no love lost between these two, and Ino will like nothing more than to derail the title challenge of his former mentor-turned bitter rival. Three of the current champions will be given non title work-outs. World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa takes on Rhino Umaga, Openweight Champion Mokuami Maita faces off with veteran Toshiki Shibanumo and recently crowned World Tag Team champions Size of the Fight will go up against the suprising pairing of Marihito Masuko and Nisso Yuasha Former World Tag Team Champions Raging Bulls will look to get back to winning ways, but face a tough-test against the 'Mullet Power' combo of Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira and Junior Legend Elemental II will tune up for the Best of the Super Juniors cup with a tough test against one half of the Rebellion and SDF-2K7 member Shimedzu. Finally the road to the Best of the Super Juniors Begins as Fire Fox, UK Dragon, VENOM and Silver Shark compete for the final spot in the tournament, in a first fall takes all 4-way. Wednesdays show comes from the Kyoto Arena in Kinki and the focus will be on the Best of the Super Juniors Cup as the tournament 'officially' gets under-way. [B]First round Matches include:[/B] The Great Hisato vs Super Joshuya Golden Scorpion vs 'Wild Card' Kansuke Konda vs Hyosuke Kokan Americana vs Eagle Kawasawa Other matches scheduled for the show see's Hooded Kudo take on BOSJ Cup contender The Awesome Kiyaru (one of four to receive a bye to the second round) And there will be a big 4 corner survival match as Burning World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa takes on fellow title challenger Kinnojo Horri, Shimedzu and Yasunobu Masuno. The title will not be on the line in the match but both Nakasawa and Horri will be looking for a confidence boosting victory as they head towards another show-down at the Inferno PPV, Shimedzu will want to do all he can to help his leader Hooded Kudo, whilst Masuno will not be there to make up the numbers and will see the match as an opportunity to get back amongst the title challengers. Here is a full run-down of the expected matches for the next 2 shows. [CENTER][U][B]Reborn Tour- Night Thirty Two ( Hiroshima Sports Park, Chugoku)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Main Event- Grudge Match[/B] : [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino [/CENTER] [CENTER]Shimedzu vs Elemental II[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Burning World Champion'[/SIZE] Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Rhino Umaga [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Burning World Tag Team Champions'[/SIZE] Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Nisso Yuasha & Marihito Masuko [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Best of the Super Juniors Cup Wild Card Match:[/B] Fire Fox vs Silver Shark vs UK Dragon vs VENOM[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Burning Openweight Champion'[/SIZE] Mokuami Maita vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/CENTER] [CENTER]Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs Mullet Power (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) __________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]Reborn Tour- Night Thirty Three ( Kyoto Arena, Kinki )[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Main Event- 4 Corner Survival :[/B] [CENTER][SIZE=1]'Burning World Champion'[/SIZE] Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri vs [SIZE=1]'Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7'[/SIZE] Shimedzu vs Yasunobu Masuno[/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=indigo][B]Best of the Super Juniors Cup- Round One[/B] :[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]The Great Hisato[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Super Joshuya[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=indigo]Golden Scorpion[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][I]'Wild Card Qualifier'[/I] [/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]'Burning World Tag Team Champion'[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=indigo]Kansuke Konda[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1]'Burning World Tag Team Champion'[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Hyosuke Kokan[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=indigo]Americana[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Eagle Kawasawa[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black]Hooded Kudo[/COLOR] vs The Awesome Kiyaru _____________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [LEFT][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][U]Prediction Short Form[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna][B][U]Chugoku(Monday):[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Shimedzu vs Elemental II [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Non (World) Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Non (Tag) Title: Size of the Fight vs Nisso Yuasha & Marihito Masuko [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]BOSJ Cup Wild Card: Fire-Fox vs Silver Shark vs UK Dragon vs VENOM [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Non (Openweight) Title: Mokuami Maita vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Raging Bulls vs Mullet Power [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]______________________________________________ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d][U]Chubu Wednesday[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Non (World) Title 4 Corner Survival: Nakasawa vs Horri vs Shimedzu vs Masuno [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Hooded Kudo vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [LEFT][COLOR=indigo][B][SIZE=1]Best of the Super Juniors Cup Rd 1:- [/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [LEFT][COLOR=indigo][B][SIZE=1]Hyosuke Kokan vs Kansuke Konda[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/LEFT] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]The Great Hisato vs Super Joshuya[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Americana vs Eagle Kawasawa[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]Golden Scorpion vs The Wild Card[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
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[B]O.O.C Note:[/B] Seeing as we're already getting in full predictions for the entire Best of the Super Juniors Cup Tournament. I may have to do a prediction 'contest' tracking for both the regular show predictions and for the tournament itself. Then again you might just want to concentrate on doing predictions for the Tournament, I mean come on some of those non BOSJ Cup match-ups over the next two shows aren't exactly difficult to predict who will win, such as all those Non Title matches on Monday. Anyway as stated over the weekend, I'll be on going away for the next 5 days, and wont have chance to do any updates until next Monday.
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[B]Fire-Fox[/B] vs Silver Shark vs UK Dragon vs VENOM Wednesday 13th June- First Round [B]The Great Hisato[/B] vs Super Joshuya [B]Golden Scorpion[/B] vs Fire-Fox Kansuke Konda vs [B]Hyosuke Kokan[/B] Americana vs [B]Eagle Kawasawa[/B] Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th June- Second Round [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs Kokan [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Eagle [B]Marihito Masuko[/B] vs Golden Scorpion [B]Elemental II[/B] vs Great Hisato Saturday 23rd June- Semi Finals and Finals at Inferno PPV [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] vs. The Awesome Kiyaru Marihito Matsuko vs. [B]Elemental II[/B] Winner: [B]Sensational Dragon[/B] Chugoku(Monday): [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs Koshiro Ino Shimedzu vs [B]Elemental II[/B] Non (World) Title: [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Rhino Umaga Non (Tag) Title: [B]Size of the Fight[/B] vs Nisso Yuasha & Marihito Masuko BOSJ Cup Wild Card: [B]Fire-Fox [/B]vs Silver Shark vs UK Dragon vs VENOM Non (Openweight) Title: [B]Mokuami Maita[/B] vs Toshiki Shibanumo [B]Raging Bulls[/B] vs Mullet Power ______________________________________________ Chubu Wednesday Non (World) Title 4 Corner Survival: [B]Nakasawa[/B] vs Horri vs Shimedzu vs Masuno [B]Hooded Kudo[/B] vs The Awesome Kiyaru Best of the Super Juniors Cup Rd 1:- Hyosuke Kokan vs [B]Kansuke Konda[/B] [B]The Great Hisato[/B] vs Super Joshuya Americana vs [B]Eagle Kawasawa[/B] [B]Golden Scorpion[/B] vs The Wild Card
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[B]O.O.C Note: [/B] Just to let people know that this diary will be back up and running soon. As you know I've been on holiday for a week, well that was a washout but I did go up to the Lake District, so what would anyone expect :rolleyes: Actually got back on Sunday, but I've had a bit of a stomach bug the last few days, so as you can expect I've not had the energy to do any write-ups. Hopefully I'll start feeling well enough tomorrow to start up once more and get back into the swing of things.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna][U]Reborn Tour (Night 31)[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 11th June 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Hiroshima Sports Park, Chugoku (Attendance:2’000) [/CENTER] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Sanetomo Shiraishi[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Bullzozer Brandon Smith defeated Sanetomo Shiraishi in 3:44 by Pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: D+[/COLOR][/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] The usual note came up about the crowd not buying Smith beating a veteran like Shiraishi, but Shiraishi is on his way out when his contract expires (which is fairly soon) and I’m not going to job out an up-coming talent to someone who is something like 0-13 for the whole tour[/FONT]. ________________________________________________________________ [B]Dark Match # 2: Golden Scorpion vs Silver Shark [/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Golden Scorpion defeated Silver Shark in 5:53 by pinfall with a Scorpion Stinger. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C[/COLOR]+[/B] [COLOR=black]___________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed For TV)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show begins with highlights of the World Title match between Hiroaki Nakasawa, Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 1: Non (Openweight) Title: [/B] [B]Mokaumi Maita vs Toshiki Shibanumo[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a technically sound match, but never got out of second gear, and it was never in doubt who was going to win. Maita put the veteran uber-jobber away , as he does with so many of his victims of late with the Ankle-Lock. [B]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Toshiki Shibanumo in 7:35 by submission with an Ankle Lock. [/B] [B]Rating: C[/B] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Non (Tag Team) Titles: [/B] [B]Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs [/B] [B]Marihito Masuko vs Nisso Yuasha[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]vs[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Despite only being about 5 minutes, this was a fun tag match and the Burning Hammer fans seem to be fully behind Size of the Fight as Tag Team champion. In the early going Kokan and Konda took turns to take on Masuko, and all three made a good showcase of quick paced counter-wrestling…eventually Masuko got the tag into his considerably larger partner, after taking down Konda with a leg-sweep. The big man made an immediate impact felling Konda with a series of fore-hand chops , it proved to be simple but effective offence and led to Konda being slumped in the corner, however when the man they call the baby elephant when for the stink –face butt-butt…Konda managed to get out of the way just in time and get the tag into his fresh partner. Kokan came off the top-rope with a missile drop-kick that had the big-man rocking. Kokan then tagged Konda back in and they hit a double drop-kick, that had the big-man rocking even more, another double drop-kick finally put the big-man down. Kokan then climbed up top and pulled out the Cannonball and that was enough for the victory. Result: Size of the Fight defeated Marihito Masuko & Nisso Yuasha in 5:28 when Hyosuke Kokan defeated Nisso Yuasha by pinfall with a Cannonball. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]After the match Marihito Masuko is visibly frustrated, that his partner for the night has lost the match, and he begins to get in Nisso Yuasha’s face. The don’t ever come to blows but it definitely looks like this wont be a long term partnership.[/I] [B]Rating: E+[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 3: BOSJ Cup Wild Card Qualifier: [/B] [B]Fire-Fox vs Silver Shark vs UK Dragon vs VENOM[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SilverShark.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UKDragon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Had people been a little more over in this match , then it may of rated a little higher. Everyone put in a good effort here and wanted to show why they deserve a spot in the Best of the Super Juniors Cup. After the usual feeling out process between all the competitors in the early going, things kicked up a notch when Fire-Fox landed an Arabian Press, when everyone else was brawling on the out-side. Fire-Fox then rolled Silver Shark back into the ring and nailed Shark with a Dragon Suplex but VENOM broke it up and then took Fire-Fox down with a Reverse STO, before following up with a Katajahime Suplex….that saw VENOM come very close to winning but U.K Dragon broke up the pin just in time with a leg-drop. Dragon then lifted VENOM up for brain-buster but VENOM countered into a swinging reverse DDT , before he could nail another move though Silver Shark took down both men with a missile drop-kick…. Shark then went to move in on one of his felled opponents but Fire-Fox sneaked up from behind and tried to surprise Shark with a school-boy roll-up. Fox then took Shark down with a face-breaker DDT before following up with a standing moonsault but Shark got his knees-up. Shark then hit a sit-out jawbreaker on Fire-Fox, but was then felled by a missile drop-kick from UK Dragon. VENOM then came in an went for a suplex attempt on UK Dragon but Dragon was able to reverse into a standing switch and followed up with a Dragon Suplex… Dragon went for the pin and got a two count before Silver-Shark broke it up. Shark then went for a Fisherman suplex, but Dragon once again showed his great knowledge of countering suplexes , getting out of the predicament with elbows to the head…. Dragon then unsteadied Silver-Shark with a European Uppercut before getting his opponent up over his shoulders for the Dragon Drop (Cut-throat Driver)….one…two….three…this one is over and UK Dragon is officially part of the 2007 BOSJ Cup. [B]Result: UK Dragon defeated Fire-Fox, Silver Shark and VENOM in 12:25 when UK Dragon defeated Silver Shark by pinfall with a Dragon Drop.[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [I]We go backstage where the worlds dullest backstage interviewer Tetsuzan Kaneko (he insists on being on the shows, and it’s the only viable way to use him and he’s pal with Komine, I’d only get him moaning too if Kaneko is not made use of…even though 90% of the fans think he’s an utter tool) is with Koshiro Ino. [/I] [I]Ino uses the time to rant about how Kudo should not forget about him, he says that Kudo’s eyes may be concentrated on the ultimate prize, but so are his eyes and to see that goal he must stop Kudo. He said he wants to deliver a major blow to Kudo’s ego and to deliver a kick to the proverbial gut to the leader of SDF-2K7.[/I] Rating: C _____________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Non (World) Title:[/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Rhino Umaga [/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The crowd are into anything Nakasawa turns up in right now, even pretty meaningless non-title matches, where the outcome is never in doubt, this was really more a case to see where Rhino Umaga is right now, and whether or not he is ready to step up towards the main event level. Umaga actually made the early going in this back, putting the World Champion on the back-foot with his simple but effective offence of head-butts and throat-thrusts. An impressive scoop power-slam on Nakasawa who was stumbling out of the corner got a two count, Umaga then went for the Rhino Charge but Nakasawa was able to side-step and then but Umaga down with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Nakasawa who is increasingly becoming a smarter in-ring general then worked over the left arm and shoulder of Umaga, before locking on an STF, but the big Samoan was able to find his way to the ropes. The two then exchanged blows, before Umaga regained the advantage with an Atomic Drop, he then went for a German Suplex but Nakasawa fought it off and reversed it into a German of his own, Nakasawa held on to Umaga and pulled off another German, still he held on to the waist of the big-samoan, he then went for a third and nailed Umaga with a Release German. However Nakasawa was unable to go for the pin, as the series of German’s had taken their toll on him as well as Umaga. Nakasawa is first up to his feet, Umaga then stumbles back up. Umaga charges forward but he just get’s caught in the clutches of Nakasawa who pulls off the H-Bomb (Spinning Power Bomb) and that was enough to put the match to bed. That was a pretty solid match, not up to the standard of Nakasawa’s World Title matches. Umaga put in his usual hard-working performance, but is not quite ready yet to move up to the main event level. [B]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Rhino Umaga in 12:54 when Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Rhino Umaga by pinfall with a Nakasawa Neckbreaker. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs[/B] [B]Mullet Power (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)[/B][/CENTER] The Raging Bulls can mix a bit of science into their brawling style but when faced with a pair of large heavy-hitters in the form of Masuno & Taira , all idea’s of putting on a ‘wrestling’ seem to fly out of the window. This was a some-what ugly slug-fest but the combatants involved in this match are all over enough to maintain the interest of the fans in attendance. In the end the recently dethroned former World Tag Team champions, showed their superior experience as a tandem and put the cap on the win with the Raging Impact (Spear/Super-kick combo) on Yasuhiko Taira. It seems strange that a team with such a size advantage on most of their opponents should now be my resident ‘jobber’ tag team but that is what Mullet Power are at this moment in time. [B]Result: Raging Bulls defeated Mullet Power in 6:12 by pinfall when Chuichi Sanda defeated Yasuhiko Taira by pinfall with a Raging Impact[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [I]Hooded Kudo is backstage with fellow Silver-Dragon Feet 2K7 member. Kudo does all the talking, whilst Shimedzu just stands there with a expressionless look on his face. Kudo says that first of all Shimedzu would make an example of Elemental II and then he Kudo, himself would put away Koshiro Ino once and for all. [/I] [I]Kudo said that his former protégé had failed him and must be punished for his sins, he said that Ino had lost his way and that Ino is misguided if he feels he can stop him from obtaining the Burning World Championship. He went on to add that the major goal is still the World Championship but that tonight he is fully focused on destroying his former protege.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Shimedzu vs Elemental II[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Elemental II came out with plenty of energy , taking the fight to Shimedzu early on , but a flying cross body attempt proved to be an early mistake and Shimedzu caught Elemental II and segued it into a gut-buster. Shimedzu then slowed the pace down and kept Elemental II grounded, working over the Junior veterans back , including pulling out a Tilt-A-Whirl back-breaker. Thinking that he had already weakened Elemental II enough to be put-away Shimedzu then went for the Skull-Drop but Elemental II was able to counter and took Shimedzu down with a somersault DDT for a surprising two-count. Shimedzu was now some-what out of sorts after dominating for a sustainable stretch off the match and then suddenly having his finisher countered…..Elemental II kept the pressure on with the Tri-fecta kick series and then tried for an Elemental Driver but Shimedzu was able to block the attempt and countered into a crucifix roll, that earned a one count, both men got back to their feet and then exchanged kicks, Shimedzu then got in a solid shot with a round-house and then took Elemental II with a Blue Thunder Driver, that earned a two-count. Shimedzu then hung up Elemental II into a tree of woe in the corner, and went for a hesitation drop-kick but he ended up hitting nothing but padding and ropes, as Elemental pulled himself up onto the top of the turnbuckle. Elemental II then hit a missile drop-kick on Shimedzu off the top turnbuckle, and then followed up with an Elemental Suplex that earned a two count. With Shimedzu still flat on his back, Elemental II decided to go up top , he pulled out the inferno splash but Shimedzu got his knees-up….Shimedzu then got Elemental II up for the Skull-Drop and that was enough to put Elemental II away. All in all a solid enough match with some nice spots, but for reason it seemed to be lacking something that could have made it the show-stealer it had the potential to be. [B]Result: Shimedzu defeated Elemental II in 13:38 by pinfall with a Shimedzu Skull-Drop . [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]After the match Shimedzu decides to add insult to injury and decides to beat-down Elemental II after the match, Hooded Kudo comes out to join and it’s a 2 on 1 beatdown[/I] [I]Koshiro Ino comes out and chases the heels away and starts brawling with Hooded Kudo , referee Omura Umeki then calls for the bell to start their match[/I] [B]Ratings: C+ for SDF-2K7 beat-down, B- for Koshiro Ino coming to the rescue.[/B] __________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino[/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] This match started off hot and didn’t let up. The two laid hay-makers into each other right away, until Ino made his size advantage count and backed Kudo into one of the corners. He worked over Kudo with lefts and rights and knee-shots and then the Burning Legend fell like a big tree being chopped from his roots as Koshiro Ino delivered a corner splash, but before Ino could keep the pressure on, Kudo smartly rolled to the outside. Ino all pumped up followed Kudo to the outside, but was sent down with a drop toehold, that sent him into one of the railings. However the big man fired back with a series of chops on Kudo, but was then whipped into one of the ringposts, Kudo then pushed Ino into the ring-post again, and the power and paint wrestler had been busted open. Kudo rolled back into the ring and waited for referee Omura Umeki to make the count, Ino barely got back in at the 18 count, but Kudo was all over him like a bad case of moss on an old lawn. Kudo gouged away at Ino’s cut and then attempted to humiliate Ino by paint-brushing his former protégé. However all seemed to do was fire Ino up, and the big-man began to no-sell Kudo’s offence, firing back with a series of back-hand chops. Kudo begged off but Ino, ignoring the blood that was rushing down his face was having none of it, knocking Kudo down with a big shoulder tackle and then sending his former mentor down with a Death Valley Driver, Ino got a strong pin attempt off that, but Kudo was able to get his shoulder up just in time. Ino then went to follow in but Kudo got in a low-blow (conveniently out of the sight of the referee) that had the face-painted brawler doubling over. Kudo took advantage by taking Ino off his feet with another drop toe-hold, with Ino slumped in the corner Kudo followed up with a face-wash sadistically running his boot across the cut fore-head of his opponent. Ino was now in a daze and Kudo saw it as opportune time to go for the Kudo-Kutter. Kudo connected with his finishing manoeuvre…. One Two Thr….Noooo !! Ino got a foot onto the ropes just in time, as Ino staggers back to his feet Kudo goes for another Kudo Kutter, but this time Ino is able to counter and takes Kudo over with a back-body drop. Both men stagger back to their feet, but Ino is clearly fired up and after the two exchange a series of strikes Ino takes Kudo down with a leaping lariat. Ino then follows up with a Running Power-Slam and then follows in with what should be the knock-out blow the Kobra’s Bite (High Knee) but once again Kudo uses one of his trademark dirty tricks and Ino is met with a cloud of green-mist into his already bloodied face. Kudo should have been disqualified there and then but fellow SDF-2K7 stable member Miyamae had come up on the apron and distracted referee Omura Umeki, Umeki sent Miyamae to the back but Miyamae had done his job. Kudo then took Kudo down with an Enziguri before following up with a Shining Wizard. Kudo then went for the pin again and thought he had the match won, but Ino got his shoulders up at two. Kudo dared the pace fainted brawler to get up , Ino managed to get back up to one knee, but Kudo sent him back down with a series of knife-edge jobs before laying in another Shining Wizard, once again Kudo went for the cover but this time Ino was able to shockingly power him off at only a one count. Kudo froze in shock at what just happened, Ino slapped his own face, shook the ropes (as if he had been consumed by the power of Jim FOOOORCCCE!!) he then hit a flurry of lefts and rights into Hooded Kudo, before sending the Burning Legend down with a Back-Snapper... One Two Thr….!! No Kudo showed why he is a world title contender by getting his shoulder up just in time. Ino would not let up though, he took Kudo off his feet with a series of clotheslines but when he went for another clothesline, Kudo was able to get him off his feet with an STO. Kudo then locked on the Kudo-Lock, but Ino powered him off, but Ino was beginning to feel the wear and tear of the match, the loss of blood from his fore-head was beginning to have an effect and it appeared his energy levels were beginning to dwindle. He staggered into Kudo, who took advantage by dropping Ino on his head with a Dragon Suplex. Both of them laid almost motionless, with pretty nothing left to give across the canvas, but as both men began to stir it was Hooded Kudo who had just that bit more left in the tank , he circled Ino , waiting for an opportunity to lock in his patented submission once more, this time he got it fully locked in and though Ino did not want to tap, referee Omura Umeki had no choice but to call for the bell, the face painted brawler had simply passed out from sheer exhaustion. An incredible match, these two click so well together and know how to put on a really dramatic match that tells a great story in the ring. Kudo just seems to bring the very best out of his former protégé and they always seem to have it in them to put on a MOTYC. [B]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated Koshiro Ino in 20:04 by submission with a Kudo –Lock[/B] [B]Rating: A*[/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B+[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] The under-card was pretty ordinary, but once again the main event delivered - Kudo vs Ino, may just be the best match of the tour so far, and with so many great main events of late, that takes some doing. _________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring drew a 17.57 rating on Nippon T.V (+ 0.04)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Reborn Tour (Night 32)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Wednesday 13th June 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Kyoto Arena, Kinki (Attendance:2’000) [/CENTER] [B]Dark Matches:[/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Dynamite Narahashi[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Tadakuni Toshusai defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 3:12 by Pinfall with a Shock Treatment[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [B]Dark Match # 2: VENOM vs Silver Shark [/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: VENOM defeated Silver Shark in 4:06 by pinfall with a [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Lethal Dosage. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show (Filmed For TV)[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]Elemental, yes the original Elemental is in the ring and he has an announcement to make. Now what kind of announcment would I be wheeling out Elemental to make an appearance for ?[/I] [I]Oh yes he's here to make the announcment that the Best of the Super Juniors Cup officicially begins at this show. He runs down the format of the tournament for those in attendance, most likely confusing some of the younger members in attendance and then hypes it up by going over the history of the tournament. [/I] [I]The crowd seem receptive to what he is saying, just because it's Elemental. As Elemental leaves the ring....a video plays hyping up the first round competitors in the Best of the Super Junior Cup, however most of these are about as over as a wet-week in the Lake District and that segment does not go down quite so well.[/I] [B]Ratings: C for Elemental speech, E+ for hype video. [/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 1: BOSJ Cup Round 1: [/B] [B]Super Joshuya vs The Great Hisato [/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheGreatHisato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The BOSJ cup gets under-way with a match-up involving two former Burning Hammer Junior champions. Both also appear to have very high opinions of themselves going by their ring-names. This one started out with a slow feeling out process for the first couple of minutes and it was Super Joshuya who made the first major move towards securing the win in this match, when he backed Hisato into the corner with a flurry of palm strikes and then shot Hisato out of the corner with a pump-handle suplex that earned a solid two count. Joshuya went to follow in on Hisato, but was met by a thumb to the eye, Hisato then clubbed away of Joshuya before setting him down with a rolling cutter. Hisato dragged Joshuya back up off the canvas to deliver a Falcon-Arrow. Joshuya got his shoulder up in time but was feeling the effects of Hisato's sustained offence. Hisato thought Joshuya was worn down enough to go high-risk and duly took the opportunity to up top, but Joshuya staggered into the ropes and crotched Hisato on the top turnbuckle. Joshuya then sprung up onto the ropes, walked across to a seated Hisato and sent him crashing in with a hurracarrana. Both men got back up and exchange strikes, but Joshuya was able to take full control downing Hisato with a spinning bull-dog and then following in with his J-Drop finisher....this one looks to be over, but no Hisato got his shoulder up just in time. Joshuya then goes up top and busts out a moonsault, but Hisato just manages to roll out of the way and Joshuya eats nothing but canvas. Hisato then sweeps a stunned Joshuya off his feet with a Dragon screw-leg-whip, Joshuya staggers up again and Hisato takes him down with another Dragon screw, again Joshuya gets up and again Hisato sends him falling back onto the canvas with another Dragon Screw. With Joshuya now completely disorientated....Hisato moved in for the kill and drove Joshuya head first into the canvas with his lethal Typhoon Driver (spinning spike pile-driver) finisher...very few men get up from that and Joshuya wasn't going to be one of them. Hisato moves onto Round 2 and can still call himself 'Great', as for Joshuya well he's not so 'Super' after all. [B]Result: The Great Hisato defeated Super Joshuya in 12:08 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [I]As a brief break between BOSJ Cup matches, highlights are shown of Monday's main event the MOTYC between Hooded Kudo and Koshiro Ino.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: BOSJ Cup Round 1: [/B] [B]Golden Scorpion vs U.K Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_UKDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Unlike the last match, this one had no feeling out process as U.K Dragon came out like he had a point to prove and that he was not here to just make up the numbers. U.K Dragon rocked Scorpion with a flurry of European Upper-cuts , with Scorpion dazed he followed up with a Snap Suplex, before setting up on the middle turnbuckle and nailing a staggering Scorpion with a Diving European Uppercut. U.K Dragon then followed up with a Dragon Suplex and that got a two count. U.K Dragon wasn't letting up but suddenly out of no-where Scorpion pulled out his Scorpion Stinger (Rolling wheel-kick) finishing manoevre. Scorpion was too worn down to follow up with a pin but the move was enough to stem the momentum of his opponent. As both men got back up, Scorpion took U.K Dragon down with a Leg Lariat , he then climbed the ropes and nailed a staggered U.K Dragon with a top-rope drop-kick. Scorpion kept up the aerial offense with a Quebrada , before lifting up U.K Dragon for a Brainbuster, that earned a two-count, sensing victory he set himself up for the Golden Shot (Springboard leg-drop) but U.K Dragon had it scouted and crotched Scorpion on the top-rope. U.K Dragon then rocked the prone Scorpion with a series of European Uppercuts, that sent Scorpion crashing back into the ring. U.K Dragon then followed up with a Northern-Lights Suplex and went up top for a Diving Headbutt but as he came down his face was met by the boot of Golden Scorpion who had countered with the Scorpion Stinger. U.K Dragon was out of it, and Scorpion made the somewhat academic pin to move onto the second round of the BOSJ Cup. [B]Result: Golden Scorpion defeated U.K Dragon in 10:45 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Chuichi Sanda vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BulldozerBrandonSmith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was a nice change of pace from the preceding Junior matches. The Bulldozer took it to his veteran opponent, as the young Gaijin looked to cause an upset over the former tag team champion. He nearly got that win on two occasions after a Running Power-Slam and a Gut-wrench suplex, but in th end experience prevailed as the big rookie walked right into an Explosion Kick. [B]Result: Chuichi Sanda defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 6:35 [/B] [B]by pinfall [/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] ________________________________________________________________ [I]Tetsuzan Kaneko is backstage with Hooded Kudo. Usual ramblings from Kudo, here's the bullet points...[/I] [I]* Kudo said he has destroyed Koshiro Ino[/I] [I]* Claimed he will make a example out of his opponent tonight (Awesome Kiyaru)[/I] [I]* 'Promised' that the World Title will be his before the tour is over[/I] [I]* Predicted that Silver Dragon Feet would rule Burning Hammer forever[/I]. [B]Rating: C[/B] _________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Hooded Kudo vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The early going saw Kudo as the aggressor but Kiyaru used his agility and speed to keep Kudo off balance, several times Kudo went to down Kiyaru with power-moves only to be taken out and left disorientated with a Tilt-a-Whirl Head-scissors take down from Kiyaru. Visibly frustrated Kudo went out for a powder only for Kiyaru to take him out (barely as Kudo's positioning was unusually off) with a somersault plancha. Though Kiyaru had managed to take Kudo out briefly, the high-risk move proved to be his undoing as Kudo, used his sized advantage to take control on the outside and duly flap-jacked Kiyaru into one of the guard railings, with the Junior landing chest first, across the top. Kudo now back in control dragged Kiyaru back into the ring and slowed the pace of the match down keeping his smaller/quicker opponent grounded with a series of simple strikes to the back and arms, plus a variety of stretches including the surfboard.Kudo then went for the Kudo-Lock but Kiyaru was too near the ropes. Sensing that his opponent was worn down Kudo set Kiyaru up on the middle turnbuckle as if to set him up for a variation of the Kudo Kutter, but Kiyaru had other ideas and surprised Kudo with a Tornado DDT. Kiyaru had gotten a second wind and had Kudo rocking with his 'Awesome Mirage' kick-combination , before taking Kudo off his feet with a spinning leg-sweep. Kiyaru went up top and nailed the prone Kudo with a shooting star-press, one...two...Kudo got his arm up just in time. Kiyaru knowing that he would need to use his speed and agility to get the better of Kudo went up top again, but he took too long and this allowed Kudo to get back to his feet and bring Kiyaru crashing back into the ring with an Iconoclasm. Kudo then took hit a flurry of knife-edged chops on Kiyaru, followed by a Shining Wizard that had Kiyaru seeing stars.... Kudo went for the cover right there, but Kiyaru got his shoulder up, but barely. Sensing victory Kudo crossed the arms of his opponent and delivered the Kudo Driver '99...this time Kiyaru had nothing left and the World Title Hopeful came away avoiding an upset. [B]Result: Hooded Kudo defeated The Awesome Kiyaru in 13:41[/B] [B]by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Considering these two have 'awkward' chemistry, a B wasn't all that bad a rating in the end.[/FONT] _____________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 5: BOSJ Cup Round 1: [/B] [B]Hyosuke Kokan vs Kansuke Konda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The action comes thick and fast, as we move right onto the next match in the first round of the Best of the Super Juniors Cup. This is the most intriguing match out of all of them as long time tag team partners and current Burning World Tag Team Champions Hyosuke Kokan and Kansuke Konda, have been drawn against each other. They might be friends when it comes of tag team wrestling, but both of them will be desperate to prove that they are the stronger partner in the team. The match starts as one would expect between two workers, who know each other so-well on the some-what tentative side. Both then go for big moves but they are so well scouted by their opponent that they are soon countered. Things begin to heat-up when Konda fires-away on Kokan with a series of fore-arm smashes, Kokan duly responds and what follows unusually for a Junior match is a period of brawling, as if both of them suddenly had a realisation, that going to their usual play-book wasn't going to do get the job done, and it was time to just go back to basics. Kokan then managed to gain enough of an opening to take Konda over with a Double-Chicken-wing suplex, before locking on the Electric-Shocker Clutch. In the matches most dramatic moment, Kokan looked to have the match won, but somehow Konda managed to edge his way to the ropes just in time. Konda then went to suprise his opponent and usual tag team partner with a school boy roll -up. That seemed to frusrate Kokan some-what who seemed to lose his cool and went charging at Konda, only to be taken over with a Fisherman suplex for a solid two count. Konda then dived off the top turbuckle and took Kokan down with a Tornado DDT, Kokan kicked out of that and Konda set him up for the Konda-Driver only for Kokan to wriggle free and get a pin attempt with a sunset flip. Kokan then tried for another Double Chicken-Wing suplex but Konda battle his way out with elbows, and then after a kick to the gut got Kokan in position for the Konda Driver. This time Konda was able to pull off his finishing manouevre and that proved decisive as he managed to get the better of his tag team partner. [B]Result: Kansuke Konda defeated Hyosuke Kokan in 12:48 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]After the match Hyosuke Kokan taps Konda on the shoulder, Konda turns around, and after a brief teasing of tension between the two, the two embrace one another and then raise each others arms aloft[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 6: BOSJ Cup Round 1:[/B] [B]Americana vs Eagle Kawasawa[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It's the final match of the first round as Elemental/Elemental II inspired Americana, takes on Eagle Kawasawa, who was trained up by recently retired Junior legend Optimus. Will this be Optimus vs Elemental the second coming, most likely not but it does have a chance to be another decent match to round out the first round. These two don't waste any time , as they lay into each other with strikes and kicks. Eagle Kawasawa gets control early after springing off the ropes and taking down Americana with a Leg Lariat, however Americana springs right back up and answers with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series to put Kawasawa on the back-foot. Americana then tried for an Elemental suplex, but Kawasawa blocked it and switched it into a slingshot suplex for the matches first near-fall. Kawasawa then tries to lift Americana up for a Falcon Arrow, but this time it was Americana's turn to reverse a big move and counter with a big move of his own, as this time he managed to pull off the Elemental Suplex for a solid two count. Both men get back up and Americana nails Kawasawa with a spring-board back elbow. He then goes for a Quebrada but Kawasawa springs back up and nails Americana with a spin-kick that sends Americana crashing to the outside. With Americana prone on the outside Kawasawa hits a pint point diving elbow drop, before bringing Americana back in. He nails Americana with a Falcon Arrow.....one, two, thr....Americana stretches out a foot to get his foot on the ropes just in time. Kawsawa then tries for his patented Eagle-Plex (Cross-faced chicken-wing suplex) but out of no-where Americana is able to flip over and takes down Kawasawa with a DDT. Both men gingerly get back up to their feet, they exchange strikes but Americana is able to gain the advantage after flying cross body, he then downs Kawasawa with a roling cutter, before heading up top ..he goes for the Inferno Splash....he misses.....but he lands on his feet...Kawasawa turn around and walks straight into an Elemental Driver......and the match is over. Kawasawa put in a valiant effort but it's the man who is probably desperate to become Elemental III that advances to the next round. [B]Result: Americana defeated Eagle Kawasawa in 13:02 by pinfall with an Elemental Driver.[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]____________________________________________________________[/B] [I]A hype video is played for the main event the non title 'All Star' 4-way survival match featuring Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri, Shimedzu and Yasunobu Masuno.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Non (World) Title All Star 4-Way Survival: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri vs [/B] [B]Shimedzu vs Yasunobu Masuno[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]vs[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri already know that they will be facing each other for the World Title (with Hooded Kudo) in a re-match of the recent MOTYC 3-way at the Inferno PPV, but Shimedzu and Yasunobu Masuno don't want to be there to just make up the numbers, as a win here would catapult either of them back into the World Title picture. In Shimedzu's case it's more likely he is there to soften up Nakasawa and Horri for Kudo, having seemingly put his own World Title ambitions on his own, when decided to become one of Kudo's glorified lackeys in the SDF-2K7 stable. As is usually the case with these four way matches, we get the usual feeling out process, but things turn interesting when Shimedzu and Masuno decide to team up and isolate the World Champion Nakasawa, working as a sort of make-shift tag team, and keeping Horri on the outside looking in. Eventually the make-shift tandem, had worn down Nakasawa enough, for one of them to attempt a cover...Shimedzu did just that but Masuno pulled him off and the two began to argue. Nakasawa summoned up enough energy to get back up and took both down with a double clothesline, before diving over to tag Horri back into the match. Horri unloaded on both Shimedzu and Masuno, dumping Masuno out of the ring with a big clothesline and then turning his attention to Shimedzu and dumping the SDF-2K7 member with a German Suplex for a solid two count....he scraped Shimedzu back up of the canvas and sent his some-what smaller opponent crashing back down to the canvas with a fire-man carry's power-slam. Horri went for another cover, but a now recovered Nakasawa got back into the ring to break up the pin attempt. Both Horri and Nakasawa began to exchange blows with one another, then Nakasawa dumped Horri with a German Suplex, but Horri got back up and nailed Nakasawa with a German of his own.....as both men staggered back up....all of a sudden Shimedzu sprung off the ropes to hit a spring-board roundhouse-kick that sent Horri toppling into Nakasawa, sendin the world Champion toppling out of the ring. Shimedzu then knocked Horri off his feet with a drop--kick and then went up top only for Masuno to push him off the top turnbuckle and send him crashing to the outside, and onto Nakasawa. With both Shimedzu and Nakasawa out of the equation Horri and Masuno began to slug it-out....Masuno took Horri down with an Ed Henson press (Leaping body press) and then went for a big-boot as Horri got back up, but Horri was able to duck and then hit a Burning Lariat on Masuno.....Horri made the cover, Nakasawa got back into the ring but by the time he was able to break up the pin attempt it was too late as the count had already got to three. [B]Result: Kinnojo Horri defeated Hiroaki Nakasawa, Shimedzu and Yasunobu Masuno in 14:45, when Kinnojo Horri defeated Yasunobu Masuno by pinfall with a Burning Lariat [/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [I]Kinnojo Horri gestures to Nakasawa that he is coming after the world title and the two engage in a tension filled staredown to end the show[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] __________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [I]Not a B+, but I'm happy enough with that card. The BOSJ cup matches all delivered and the main event wasn't bad for what it was. Not every Burning Hammer can be a match of the year candidate, and I knew this would be one of our lesser main events going into it, I also did not want whatever the main event was on this card to completely over-shadow what was the main focus of the show, that being the first round of the BOSJ Cup[/I] ___________________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Ironclad drew a 15.54 rating on TV5Monde (Down 0.61)
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I really liked the touch of trotting Elemental out to set the stage for the BOSJ cup. The event was really pinned together by these matches and judging by the ratings, you're set for some really good bouts in the latter stages. Also, I liked the bullet pointing of Kudo's promo... speaking of which, props on the event prior to this, especially for getting a Jim Force reference in a Hooded Kudo match. :cool:
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[quote=sebsplex;239673]I really liked the touch of trotting Elemental out to set the stage for the BOSJ cup. The event was really pinned together by these matches and judging by the ratings, you're set for some really good bouts in the latter stages. Also, I liked the bullet pointing of Kudo's promo... speaking of which, props on the event prior to this, especially for getting a Jim Force reference in a Hooded Kudo match. :cool:[/quote] As ever any positive feedback is always greatly appreciated. Actually any feedback is appreciated good or bad, as long as it's constructive.:) Anyway as for getting in a Jim Force reference, it's part of Koshiro Ino's gimmick. A 'friend' sent him some USPW tapes and he's been studying the in-ring work of Jim Force in how to work the 'Power and Paint' style.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/U][/B] [CENTER][B][COLOR=#8b0000][COLOR=black][I]Best of the Super Juniors - 8 Men, One Cup[/I][/COLOR] [/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BOSJCup.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=black]Last week the Best of the Super Juniors Cup got underway with the first round match-ups. However this will be the week it truly gets going with the addition of the four competitors that were given a bye into the second round of the competition. The winner will be crowned at the Inferno PPV that is the culmination of the Reborn Tour for Burning Hammer, with both the semi-finals and the finals taking place at that event. [/COLOR] Here we take a look at the 8 men vying for the Cup and the title of being Best of the Super Juniors. [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Americana [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/CENTER] A recent arrival to Burning Hammer, it is obvious that Americana is a student of the Junior game, especially that of Elemental. Often it is if he is trying to impress the very men that have carried that legacy and it's no secret that he probably wants to become Elemental III, having worked as American Elemental in his native U.S on the independent circuit and for a brief cup of coffee in TCW. Elemental worship issues aside, Americana has been on a roll in Burning Hammer , winning 8 straight matches ...including his first round encounter with Eagle Kawasawa and with that good run of form he's many observers dark horse tip to win the tournament. If he can go all the way to the final a possible 'dream' match awaits with Elemental II. [B]Next Opponent:[/B] The Awesome Kiyaru [B]Possible Semi-Final Opponents:[/B] Sensational Dragon or Kansuke Konda [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]**********************[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Elemental II[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It all began with the original Elemental but Elemental II continued on the legacy and for many has perhaps surpassed the original. Surprisingly though Elemental II has yet to win this tournament and it's something he will be determined to add to his resume before he finally hangs up the boots. However unlike former rival Optimus, it does not look like Elemental II will be retiring anytime soon. Despite being north of 40, the junior legend has looked as good as ever and appears to have a rejuvanated fire of late, coming close to winning a sixth Burning Junior Title on several occasions during the tour. [B]Next Opponent:[/B] The Great Hisato [B]Possible Semi-Final Opponent:[/B] Golden Scorpion or Marihito Masuko [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]*************************[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Golden Scorpion[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Golden Scorpion has been dubbed for several years now as the 'nearly man' of Burning Hammer's Junior Division. He often works his way into a title picture but never quites grabs the opportunity once he finds himself in that position. Winning the Best of the Super Juniors cup is certainly something that would catapult Scorpion to that next level and perhaps give him the confidence to become a serious contender for the Burning Junior Championship. He has proven he can overcome multiple odds earlier in the Tour, when he won a memorable Junior Title contenders ladder match at the Test of Prophecies PPV mega-event back in April. [B]Next Opponent:[/B] Marihito Masuko [B]Possible Semi Final Opponent:[/B] Elemental II or The Great Hisato [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]*********************[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Kansuke Konda[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] One half of the current World Tag Team Champions- Size of the Fight. Konda had to defeat his very own partner Hyosuke Kokan to make it to the second round. However he is very much considered the under-dog for his second round match, as he faces current Burning Junior Champion Sensational Dragon...however over-coming the odds is something that Konda has always thrived on. Konda has proven himself to be a fine competitor and a tag team stand-out as part of the current World Tag Team Champions, but winning the Best of the Super Juniors Cup would be a major upset and the biggest achievement of his career thus-far. [B]Next Opponent:[/B] Sensational Dragon [B]Possible Semi-Final Opponent:[/B] Americana or The Awesome Kiyaru [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]************************[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]Marihito Masuko[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] What a difference a year makes, this time last year Marihito Masuko was very much in the ascendency , having won this very tournament and then using that momentum to defeat Sensational Dragon for his first reign as Burning Junior Champion. However since Sensational Dragon regained that title back in March, Masuko has been on the worst run of his career and it's only the fact that he was the defending champion that he was one of the lucky 4 to get a bye into the second round. A Thirteen match losing streak is not the sort of form anyone wants coming into a tournament like this. Masuko's victory at last years tournament was considered something of an upset, but back then he was on the sort of run that Americana is currently enjoying, if he wins the cup for a second straight year it will be considered nothing short of a miracle. [B]Next Opponent:[/B] Golden Scorpion [B]Possible Semi Final Opponent:[/B] Elemental II or The Great Hisato [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]************************[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3]Sensational Dragon[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Holding the Burning Junior Championship for much of the tour, since regaining it at the Fire Dream of the Immortals PPV from Marihito Masuko, winning the Best of the Super Juniors Cup would cement Sensational Dragons place as the top Junior in the world and would probably swell his increasing ego to gargantuan proportions. He is becoming increasingly hated by the fans and joining up with Hooded Kudo's heel stable Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 wouldn't have helped his standing, but you to his credit he has been a fighting champion and is the only member of Kudo's stable to be holding championship gold, with Kudo so far coming up short in his quest to gain the Burning World Title. With each defence of his Burning Junior Championship, Sensational Dragon has become increasingly more and more egotistical, however thus far you cannot argue with his record but with his arrogant attitude, the Burning Hammer fans would love to see nothing more than to see the Silver-Dragon Feet 2K7 fall-short and get his comeuppance. [B]Next Opponent:[/B] Kansuke Konda [B]Semi-Final Opponent:[/B] Americana or The Awesome Kiyaru [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]***********************[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]The Awesome Kiyaru[/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] If anyone has pedigree in this tournament, then it this man....having won it for three straight years between 2001-2003. Despite being the current number one contender for the Burning Junior Championship (he has a title shot waiting for the next tour) Kiyaru seems to have slipped a little under the radar of many pundits as a possible winner of the tournament, having had something of an up and down tour in terms of form, but he's not to be counted out and perhaps the fact that he is going into the tournament with little pressure riding on his shoulders could well prove to be to his advantage. [B]Next Opponent:[/B] Americana [B]Semi-Final Opponent:[/B] Sensational Dragon or Kansuke Konda [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]***********************[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]The Great Hisato[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheGreatHisato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] A former Burning Junior Champion in the late 90's....The Great Hisato has so far been a force in his return to BHOTWG's Junior Division. Having led Team WLW to an uspet victory over Team Burning Hammer in a six man Junior tag match at Sword of Destiny, Burning Hammer felt that it was only right to make The Great Hisato one of the invitees to compete in the BOSJ Cup. The real dark horse in this tournament, an impressive first round win over another Junior Division veteran and former champion in Super Joshuya has further galvanized his standing as a dangerous 'outsider'. He perhaps faces the toughest of the second round matches when he takes on the legendary Elemental II, but it's unlikely he will be over-awed by his opponent. [B]Next Opponent:[/B] Elemental II [B]Possible Semi-Final Opponent:[/B] Golden Scorpion or Marihito Masuko
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[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred][U]Purogods.com[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Burning Hammers successful Reborn Tour it's nearing it's conclusion as it head's towards the Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors PPV . However there are still two more events to go, and they promise to provide plenty of intrigue and action. First off the only confirmed matches for the PPV, are the BOSJ Cup semi-finals and final, and the re-match of the recent triple threat World Title match involving Hiroaki Nakasawa, Hooded Kudo and Kinnojo Horri. However word from the Burning Hammer office, is that they felt the PPV will draw on the BOSJ Cup and World Title match alone, but that also expect plenty to happen in the up-coming shows that will help shape the under-card for the PPV. Monday's show takes place at the Sapporo Sports Park in Hokkaido, and features the first two BOSJ Cup second round match-ups as Americana takes on the Awesome Kiyaru, whilst the other match provides a champion vs champion encouter as one half of the World Tag Team Champions Kansuke Konda faces off with the reigning Burning Junior Champion Sensational Dragon. In the main event World Championship rivals Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri team up to take on the other man in the world title mix Hooded Kudo, who will be tagging with fellow Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 ,member Shimedzu. Koshiro Ino takes on Shimedzu's regular tag team partner Miyamae, Rhino Umaga faces off with Tadakuni Toshusai and there will be a 4-way survival match involving Eagle Kawasawa, Fire-Fox, Hyosuke Kokan and Super Joshuya. Wednesdays show takes place at one of Burning Hammers 'home' venue the Tochigi Sports Stadium in Kanto. In the two remaining second round matches Golden Scorpion takes on Marihito Masuko and Elemental II takes on Great Hisato, which many observers are anticipating to be the match of the round. In other matches Mokuami Maita will put his Openweight Title on the line, against a yet to be named opponent (though it's likely it will either come from the Umaga-Toshusai or 4-way survival match on Monday's show) , Yasunobu Masuno takes on Champagne Lover and Hiroaki Nakasawa faces off with Yasuhiko Taira in a final warm-up before his World Title defence at the Inferno/BOSJ Cup PPV. Plus expect Kudo & Horri to also be in action. [I]Here is the full run-down of what has been announced for the up-coming final two regular shows of the Reborn Tour[/I] [CENTER][U][B]Reborn Tour- Night Thirty Three (Sapporo Sports Park, Hokkaido)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Main Event- All-Star Tag :[/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo & Shimedzu [COLOR=indigo][B]Best of the Super Juniors Cup -Second Round[/B] [SIZE=1]"Reprensting Silver Dragon Feet 2K7- Burning Junior Champion"[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Sensational Dragon vs [SIZE=1]'Burning World Tag Team Champion'[/SIZE] Kansuke Konda[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]The Awesome Kiyaru[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Americana[/COLOR] Koshiro Ino vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] Miyamae[/CENTER] [CENTER]Rhino Umaga vs Tadakuni Toshusai [B]4-Corner Survival:[/B] Eagle Kawasawa vs Fire-Fox vs [SIZE=1]"Burning World Tag Team Champion"[/SIZE] Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya __________________________________________________[/CENTER] [CENTER][U][B]Reborn Tour- Night Thirty-Four (Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][COLOR=indigo]Best of the Super Juniors Cup -Second Round[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=indigo][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Elemental II[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]The Great Hisato[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo][/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Golden Scorpion[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Marihito Masuko[/COLOR] [B]Non (World) Title):[/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Yasuhiko Taira [B]Openweight Title:[/B] Mokuami Maita vs [I]Opponent TBA[/I] Yasunobu Masuno vs Champagne Lover[/CENTER]
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[B]O.O.C Note: [/B] I've left the Prediction short-form off the preview for the next two shows, because I'm not going to be waiting around for predictions, my aim is to get the next two shows up ASAP. In terms of where I aimed to have this diary in terms of schedule, it has got a little behind due to a variety of factors (chief reason be the fortnight or so I was without a computer, due to my last one heading up four-letter creak without a paddle) I'm up to the off-season in TEW , but I don't want to move on to booking the first show of the next tour, until I get the remaining shows of this tour diarized on here.
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Reborn Tour- Night Thirty Three (Sapporo Sports Park, Hokkaido) Main Event- All-Star Tag : Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs [B]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7" Hooded Kudo & Shimedzu [/B] Best of the Super Juniors Cup -Second Round [B]"Reprensting Silver Dragon Feet 2K7- Burning Junior Champion" Sensational Dragon[/B] vs 'Burning World Tag Team Champion' Kansuke Konda [B]The Awesome Kiyaru[/B] vs Americana [B]Koshiro Ino[/B] vs "Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7" Miyamae [B]Rhino Umaga[/B] vs Tadakuni Toshusai 4-Corner Survival: Eagle Kawasawa vs Fire-Fox vs [B]"Burning World Tag Team Champion" Hyosuke Kokan[/B] vs Super Joshuya __________________________________________________ Reborn Tour- Night Thirty-Four (Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto) Best of the Super Juniors Cup -Second Round [B]Elemental II[/B] vs The Great Hisato [B]Golden Scorpion[/B] vs Marihito Masuko Non (World) Title): [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa[/B] vs Yasuhiko Taira Openweight Title: [B]Mokuami Maita[/B] vs Opponent TBA Yasunobu Masuno vs [B]Champagne Lover[/B]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred][U]Reborn Tour (Night 33)[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Monday 18th June 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Sapporo Sports Park , Hokkaido (Attendance:4'072)[/CENTER] [B]Dark Matches[/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: Toshiki Shibanumo vs Chuichi Sanda[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Chuichi Sanda defeated Toshiki Shibanumo in 5:50 by pinfall with an Explosion Kick. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR] [B]Dark Match # 2: Mokuami Maita vs Silver Shark[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Silver Shark in 4:48 by submission with an Ankle Lock.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]A video plays hyping the second round of the BOSJ Cup[/I] [B]Rating: D+[/B] ______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 1: 4-Way 'Junior' Survival:[/B] [B]Eagle Kawasawa vs Fire-Fox vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Super Joshuya[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_WashichiInao.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]vs[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] This was one of those serviceable four-way matches that fills a spot on the card but is ultimately forgettable in the long run. It was the usual feeling out process for the first half, before it inevitably kicked up a notch in the second half of the contest. Each man went close with high impact maneouvres only for someone else to come in and break up the pin attempt. In the end it was Eagle Kawasawa who got the victory with the Vision Quest (Enziguri- Shining Wizard) on Fire-Fox, after Fox himself had taken Hyosuke Kokan out of the equation with his Kryptonite Crunch finisher he calls the (Pyro-Driver 2000) [B]Result: Eagle Kawasawa defeated Hyosuke Kokan, Fire Fox and Super Joshuya in 9:11 when Eagle Kawasawa defeated Fire Fox by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [I]We got backstage where Koshiro Ino, decides he wants some time on the stick. He aims a rant towards Silver Dragon Feet 2K7.[/I] [FONT=Courier New][B]O.O.C Note:[/B] Seeing as I got positive feedback for bullet pointing Kudo's promo at the last show, I may go with this format for all of them now....[/FONT] [I]- He said it's not over between him and Kudo and that it won't be over until he not only beats Kudo, but drives him out of Burning Hammer ![/I] [I]- Ino says that he realises to beat Kudo he must first beat his followers and that his mission starts tonight with Miyamae[/I] [I]Suddenly out of nowhere Ino is attacked from behind by Everest. The big mountain man lays in a couple of clubbing blows into the face painted brawler before tossing him down the rant , and feeding him to Miyamae who is already waiting in the ring for his scheduled match with Ino[/I] [B]Ratings: C+ for Ino's promo, C for Everest's assault on Ino[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Koshiro Ino vs Miyamae[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The bell rings for the match but Koshiro Ino is clearly out of sorts and Miyamae being part of the ruthless Silver Dragon Feet 2K7 stable takes full advantage. At one point in the one sided beat down to begin the match he gives Koshiro Ino a humilitating face wash, before attempting to rub it in even further by going for a cover with just his foot on Ino's chest. However Miyamae's confidence that this would be an easy win, proved to be over-confidence and his attempts to humiliate Koshiro Ino, back-fired as the face painted brawler fired up and came back with a flurry of powerful offence, that put Miyamae on the back-foot. However an Enziguri after Ino tried to get Miyamae up for a Gorilla-Press slam, turned the match back in the favour of the SDF-2K7 member, who then followed up with the Miyamae Spoiler (Hangmans face-buster) and that quick but lethal combination of moves proved to be enough to earn the victory, over a Koshiro Ino who was by no means at a hundred percent following his pre-match beat-down at the hands of Everest. [B]Result: Miyamae defeated Koshiro Ino in 8:37 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [I]A video plays hyping up the first of the Best of the Super Junior Cup Second Round matches, featuring Sensational Dragon going up against Kansuke Konda[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 3: BOSJ Cup Round Two: [/B] [B]Sensational Dragon vs Kansuke Konda[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The crowd are fully behind Konda in this one, and they start off with a test of strength, Konda gets the better of it which frustrates Dragon, they go to lock up again but Dragon just pokes Konda in the eye and then goes to roll up Konda but Konda counters into a roll-up of his own and the current Burning Junior Champion goes outside for a powder (he's obviously been studying his stable-leader Hooded Kudo) but Konda gives him no time to get a breather and takes him out with the Tope-Con-Hilo ! Konda stays on Dragon and tosses him straight back into the ring and goes for a quick-cover, Dragon kicks out of that but Konda does not let up and nails Dragon with a Fisherman suplex, again Dragon kicks out of that. Konda picks Dragon up and sets him on one of the turnbuckles, he climbs up onto the middle rope and attemtps an ace-crusher but Dragon shoves him off and then hits a flying spinning heel-kick. Both of them are down, as they get back up Sensational Dragon takes control with a Dragon-screw leg-whip before following in with a Dragon suplex for a solid two-count. Dragon then springs himself off the ropes with a sling-shot plancha for another two-count. He then goes to the simple but effective play-book laying in a series of roundhouse kicks into Konda, but he tries to lay in one kick too many...Konda blocks the kick, lays in a series of fore-arm strikes into Sensational Dragon and then nails him with the Konda Driver !! Konda gingerly makes the cover.... one.... two.... thre....no !! Dragon got his shoulder up just in time. Konda decides to go up top but Dragon staggers into the ropes and crotches him on the top turnbuckle. Dragon follows Konda up to the top but is shoved off, Konda sets himself for an elbow drop but as he makes his landing he hits nothing but canvas.....Dragon then picks up Konda off the canvas and locks in him position for the Dragon-Slice (Shiranui)...Konda tries to fight it off but Dragon holds on and manages to pull the move-off. Dragon goes for the cover..... One.... Two... Three....The match is over and Dragon advances to the semi-finals and a PPV show-down wiht either The Awesome Kiyaru or Americana. That wasn't the flashiest of Junior matches, but it was well worked and Konda brings a real-fire to his matches that the crowd really appreciates. Dragon counter-balanced that by working in elements of a sneaky heel but also still being able to show-off his fluid ring style. Both of them came out looking pretty strong after the match and showed why both are currently holding championship gold in Burning Hammer. [B]Result: Sensational Dragon defeated Kansuke Konda in 10:48 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]After the match Kansuke Konda goes to shake the hand of Sensational Dragon, as a sign of respect (because that's the sort of competitor that he is) but the increasingly egotistical Junior champion refuses the handshake and just laughs off Konda's attempt's a post match respect.[/I] [I]Instead all Konda gets for his trouble, is suddenly being attacked from behind by The Rebellion, just as Sensational Dragon is leaving the ring and mocking Konda. The Rebellion lay the boots into the already weary Konda, until Konda's tag team partner Hyosuke Kokan comes down and chases off the SDF-2K7's resident full time tag team with a steel-chair in hand. [/I] [I]Kokan then picks his partner up off the floor and grabs a microphone. [/I] [I]-Kokan says that if The Rebellion wanted a title shot they only needed to ask. [/I] [I]-Kokan then said that Size of the Fight don't back down from anyone, and at Inferno they will put their tag belts on the line against The Rebellion. [/I] [I]- Konda then grabbed the microphone from his partner to add in that it's not about the size of the fighters, but the size of the fight that they bring and that The Rebellion better be Ready !![/I] [B]Ratings: C- for failed handshake, C for Rebellions attack and Kokan's rescue, D- for Size of the Fight challenging The Rebellion to a match at Inferno [/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Size of the Fight really stink on the stick.[/FONT] ________________________________________________________________ [I]A hype video plays for the second BOSJ Cup match of the night between Americana and The Awesome Kiyaru.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: BOSJ Cup Round 2: [/B] [B]Americana vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_AmericanElemental.jpg[/IMG][B] vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Slow beginning to this match as they start with a feeling out process, both go for early roll-ups to try and get a quick surprise victory, but neither man is worn down enough to be pinned for more than a one count. Things start to get a bit more heated, when they begin to exchange kicks..... Kiyaru seems to be getting the advantage but Americana blocks it comes back with a big kick of his own and then hits a hand-spring somersault plancha to take down Kiyaru. Americana stays on Kiyaru and hits a rolling cutter, before going up top. Inferno Splash attempt already on the match, he misses Kiyaru but lands on his feet, but he his taken off his feet with a spinning leg-sweep. Kiyaru then springs off the ropes and nails Americana with a quebrada, he goes for the cover but Americana kicks out at one. Kiyaru goes to pick up Americana, and attempts a Falcon Arrow, but Americana flips over and counters into an inverted DDT. Americana goes for an Elemental suplex but Kiyaru blocks it, standing switch....Kiyaru tries for a suplex of his own but Americana fights it off and then dumps Kiyaru with an Elemental suplex for a solid two count. Americana picks up Kiyaru for an Elemental Driver, but Kiyaru takes Americana down with a Tilt-a-Whirl Head-scissors. Kiyaru is back in control of this see-saw contest. He picks up Americana and slams him down with a Uranage. He drags Americana over to the corner and then pulls off a picture perfect triple jump moonsault...... one.... two.... thr...no !! Americana gets his shoulder up. Kiyaru senses that he has the match in the bag and just needs one more big aerial manouevre to put Americana away, he goes up top but he took too long and Americana follows him up there and brings Kiyaru crashing down with a Hurracarrana. Americana lays in a Tri-Fecta kick series into Kiyaru, and then dumps him with an Elemental suplex one....... two.... thr...no !! This time it's Kiyaru's turn to kick out. Americana stays right on top of Kiyaru.....Elemental Driver !!!! Surely it's over now, one...two.... Kiyaru get's his feet on the ropes... . Americana is starting to grow frustrated, wondering what he has to do to put Kiyaru away. He goes up top again and nails Kiyaru with a flying cross-body, but Kiyaru rolls through into a pin attempt that gets a two-count. Americana goes for another Elemental suplex but Kiyaru counters with the Kiyaru Effect !! (somersault bull-dog) One... Two..... Thr.....No Americana kicks out !! Americana with a sunset flip pin, Kiyaru counters with a pin attempt of his own, Elemental goes for an Elemental Driver but once again Kiyaru has an answer and takes down Americana with a Tilt-A-Whirl Head-scissors and then goes for a pin, Americana counters into a near-fall of his own. Both are back up, Americana looks to go up top once more, but Kiyaru gets their first and takes him down with a Tornado DDT. Americana is down..Kiyaru with a shooting star-press....he misses.......but he's landed on his feet....Americana back up to his feet, he turns around right into another Kiyaru Effect !!! One... Two.... Three....This match is over and the experience of Kiyaru prevails over the hot-streak of the up and coming youngster Americana That match had plenty of action but was felt rather spotty compared to the Dragon-Konda match from earlier, so at times it felt a bit disjointed. Though Kiyaru can be an impressive worker to watch in the ring, at times his flippity floppity style means that he sometimes has problems gelling with his opponents to put together a truly great match, rather than exhibition of high-spot manoeuvres. [B]Result: The Awesome Kiyaru defeated Americana in 17:57 by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Original plan was to push Americana hard and probably go all the way to the final but he's not quite been getting over with the crowd enough (for some strange reason, he has all the ability but his popularity is not increasing at the rate that is required for a mega-push) and I feel it may be slightly hurting the ratings in his matches. As much as I like Americana, in the end I had to recognise that the crowd weren't quite buying into him as mega-contender just yet.[/FONT] __________________________________________________________________ [I]The camera's show something happening back-stage.... Everest is talking to Hooded Kudo. Kudo brings out a bag of Yen and hands it over to Everest, as we find out what was the motivation for Everest attacking Koshiro Ino[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]____________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Rhino Umaga vs Tadakuni Toshusai[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RhinoUmaga.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After two straight Junior Division matches as part of the BOSJ Cup, this hard hitting contest provided a nice change of style and they put on a good smash-mouth brawl that the crowd lapped up. After a several minutes of straight up brawling that even spilled to the outside and into the crowd for a brief time...Umaga hit the first big move of the match , dumping Toshusai with a Belly to Belly suplex for a solid two count, he went for another suplex but Toshusai was able to block and came back with a series of elbow smashes before taking down Umaga with a spine-buster....that took alot of Toshusai but he got over to make the cover...but Umaga got his shoulders up at two. In a change of tactic Toshusai then tried to wear-down the thick-bodied Samoan and applied a sleeper, just as it looked like it was wearing the big Samoan down...Umaga manage to rise back up to his feet and then he backed Toshusai into the turnbuckle, before laying in a series of shoulder-blocks into Toshusai who was trapped in the corner....Toshusai stumbled out and walked right into a Rhino Charge... One.... Two..... No !! somehow Toshusai kicks out......but he's still looking worse for wear, Umaga whips Toshusai into the ropes and hit's a second Rhino Charge !!.....Toshusai looks out of it..referee Koetzu Shinozaki checks on his condition, he calls for the bell as Toshusai has literally been knocked right now, by the sheer force of the Rhino Charge. [B]Result: Rhino Umaga defeated Tadakuni Toshusai in 7:46 when Tadakuni Toshusai was knocked out. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [I]As the medical staff work on reviving Tadakuni Toshusai, Tetsuzan Kaneko catches up with Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri ...[/I] [I]- Hiroaki Nakasawa said that Hooded Kudo will get a preview of just why he is the World Champion[/I] [I]- Kinnojo Horri then said that he would give Kudo a preview of why he will win that belt...which drew a stern look from Nakasawa[/I] [I]- Sensing tension in the team dynamic Kaneko asked them whether or not they would be able to work together, with the fact that they will be going up against each other for the World Title come Saturday at the Inferno PPV[/I] [I]- Nakasawa said that Horri and himself are professionals and that they would get the job done tonight, and that Kudo would be heading into Inferno on back of a loss, and that Shimedzu had drawn the short straw by being Kudo's partner in this match.[/I] [I]- Horri said he was honored to be Nakasawa's partner tonight, but come Saturday when they face off against each other for the World Title, all friendship and respect he has for Nakasawa will have to go on the backburner.[/I] [I]- Nakasawa then said he understands, and that they must both do what we have to do, to come-away as the World Champion at Inferno.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]_____________________________________________________________[/B] [I]A video then plays hyping up the main even, the All-Star Tag match involving all three men vying for the World Title at the Inferno PPV, plus Kudo's trusted SDF-2K7 side-kick Shimedzu.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: All-Star Main Event Tag: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Hooded Kudo & Shimedzu[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]&[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [B]& [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The tension is at boiling point, all four men are in the ring and get in each others faces......they then unload on each other...Horri and Nakasawa being the bigger sized team immediately gain the advantage in the straight ahead brawl...and Kudo and Shimedzu go to re-group on the outside. Shimedzu goes to pick up a chair and that draws the attention of referee Omura Umeki, however Kudo picked up a chair himself and aims it right at the legs of Kinnojo Horri....Kudo takes Horri down with a side-russian leg-sweep on the ramp. Nakasawa goes to check on his partner but his nailed from behind by Shimedzu. Shimedzu and Kudo bring Nakasawa back into the ring and work him over in their corner, the World Champion manages to fight back and takes both down with a double clothes-line, he goes for the tag but nowhere is there as Horri is still trying to shake off the chair-shot he took from Kudo on the outside. Kudo takes down Nakasawa with a Dragon-screw leg-whip and tags Shimedzu back in, Shimedzu lays into Nakasawa with a series of kicks , Nakasawa slumps down into the corner and Shimedzu delivers a face-wash !!, Shimedzu then tags Kudo back in, who lines up for a face-wash of his own, but as he goes for the final boot scrape, Nakasawa shimmies out of the way and Kudo gets his foot caught in the ropes....Nakasawa then gathers up enough energy to dump Kudo with a belly to back suplex. Before reaching out to his corner, this time Horri is there to make the tag. Horri is all fired up, as he dumps both Kudo and Shimedzu with fore-arm smashes, he then picks up Shimedzu, gets him up on his shoulders and slams him down with a Fire-man's carry power-slam....that got a two count. He then lays in another series of fore-arm shots into Shimedzu before pulling out a German Suplex, again Horri went for the pin but this time Kudo was there to make the save. Horri goes after Kudo, but Shimedzu uses the distraction to his advantage and nails Horri from behind, and the Silver-Dragon Feet 2K7 pairing regain their double team advantage..working over the world title challenger in their corner. At one point Kudo holds Horri in place for Shimedzu to hit a corner to corner hesitaton drop-kick. Shimedzu then nails Horri with a shining-wizard for a two count, before tagging into Hooded Kudo....Kudo takes down Horri with an STO, and then goes to lock on the Kudo-Lock, he gets it locked on but Horri is too near the ropes. As the referee breaks up the count, Kudo charges at Horri but is dumped out of the ring with a back-body drop. Shimedzu then charges at Horri but is dumped with a German suplex. Both men are down, Kudo is back in the ring, but Horri gets over into his corner before Kudo can get to him and gets the tag into Nakasawa. Nakasawa lays into Kudo, but Kudo fires-back with kicks, and a flying lariat from Kudo has the big-man rocking, but Nakasawa replies with a Lariat of his own !! One.... Two... No...Kudo kicks out Nakasawa then lifts Kudo back up and cracks him across his knee-back first with a double-knee back-breaker. He then dumps Kudo with a Northern Lights suplex , he goes for the pin and gets a two count, he then goes to the submission game and applies an STF to Kudo, before changing it up into a cross-face...it looks Kudo is going to tap, but Shimedzu comes in an breaks up the pin. Horri is now in and dumps Shimedzu to the outside with a clothesline and the two brawl on the outside. Nakasawa picks Kudo back up, but the devious veteran goes to the dirty-tactics play-book and takes Nakasawa off guard with a rake to the face. A side Russian Leg-sweep from Kudo, takes Nakasawa off his feet...Nakasawa gets back up and Kudo nails him with a Shining-Wizard !!... that gets a two count....meanwhile Horri and Shimedzu are still going at it hammer on tongs on the outside. Nakasawa is back-up, but he walks right into a Kudo Kutter !!! One Two Thre....Horri gets in just in time to makes the save. Nakasawa is out of in the middle of the ring, Shimedzu is in a heap on the outside after being whipped hard into one of the steel barricades by Horri. Kudo lays into Horri with a series of knife-edged chops but it seems to be having no effect, Horri fires-back with his customary fore-arm smashes....He then goes for a Lariat but Kudo is able to duck under, but as Kudo turns around Horri places a boot right to the mid-section and gets him up for the Destiny Bomb (Argentine Power-Bomb).. Kudo tries to wriggle out but Horri uses his strength advantage to pull it off. He goes for the cover....as Horri goes for the cover though Kudo stumbles into referee Omura Umeki. No one is there to make the cover..... Suddenly Miyamae appears and cracks a Kendo-stick right over the back of Kinnojo Horri, now Hyosuke Kokan has come out with chair in hand and goes right after Miyamae. Nakasawa and Shimedzu have now fully recovered, and get back in the ring, it's all broken down and fists are flying everywhere...out-comes Everest, out-comes Kansuke Konda...this is becoming chaotic, as referee Omura Umeki regains his bearings...he has no choice but to throw the match out and call it a no-contest. [B]Result: Hooded Kudo and Shimedzu drew with Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri in 22:30 following a double count out. [/B] [B]Rating: A*[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Apparently Kudo and Shimedzu don't work well as team, Inference notes, a non-finish...... when a match has all that going against it, but still generates an A* rating....then I must be doing something right.....the crowds just can't seem to get enough of this Nakasawa-Kudo-Horri rivalry right now. Turning Kudo heel was the best decision I made as a booker and it's paying out major dividends.[/FONT] [I]The mass brawl continues, as it spills out all over the arena, and the show ends with the security staff trying to restore order.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] ________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B+ :[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] If I'm being honest the BOSJ Cup matches were slightly disappointing in terms of ratings, not bad but was hoping for slightly better (I was hoping one would at-least creep into the B+ range) but once again the main event delivered. Right now the three way feud between Nakasawa, Horri and Kudo for the title is absolute gold. _________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Lords of the Ring drew a 17.63 rating on Nippon T.V (+ 0.06)
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Kudo and Shimedzu don't work well together and you finish with a A* regardless? Man, to be in your shoes. Anyhow, I was sad but unsurprised to see Americana lose. Always easy to root for the familiar face, but I think it would've been too much too soon. And Kiyaru isn't a bad way to go, respectwise. I think losing in the second round was push enough for this tour. Good booking and good writeup.
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=#8b0000][/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR=black]A few more matches have been added to Wednesdays Burning Hammer show taking place at the Tochigi Sports Stadium.[/COLOR] There be a star-studdied six man war as the Silver Dragon Feet trio of Hooded Kudo, Shimedzu and Sensational Dragon face off with Kinnojo Horri, Koshiro Ino and Kansuke Konda. Plus Mokuami Maita's challenger for the Openweight Title has been confirmed as Eagle Kawasawa, after impressing with his win in the 4-way survival that opened Mondays show. The winner of that match will then put the title on the line at the Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors PPV against former champion Rhino Umaga. Also confirmed for the PPV on Saturday are Koshiro Ino vs Everest and Size of the Fight vs The Rebellion for the World Tag Team Titles The card for the Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors PPV is now beginning to take shape, with much of the card including the main events now set in place, though there could still be one or two additions to the undercard before Saturday. [I]Here is what is expected for Saturday's PPV thus far...[/I] [B][COLOR=darkred]World Title : Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Hooded Kudo vs Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred][I]Best of the Super Juniors Cup Semi-Finals and Final[/I][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]World Tag Team Titles: Size of the Fight vs The Rebellion[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Grudge Match: Koshiro Ino vs Everest[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred][/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Openweight Title: [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=darkred]Mokuami Maita (or Eagle Kawasawa) vs [/COLOR][/B][B][COLOR=darkred]Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/B]
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Reborn Tour (Night 34)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1]Wednesday 20th June 2007[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto (Attendance:6'274)[/CENTER] [B]Dark Matches[/B] [B]Dark Match # 1: VENOM vs Dynamite Narahashi[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: VENOM defeated Dynamite Narahashi in 4:51 by pinfall with[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]a Lethal Dosage. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C+[/COLOR][/B] [B]Dark Match # 2: Nisso Yuasha vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Result: Nissho Yuasa defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 3:05 when Bulldozer Brandon Smith was knocked out. [/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=navy]Rating: C-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=black]_______________________________________________________[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B][U]Main Show[/U][/B][/CENTER] [I]The show beginnings by showing World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa’s arrival at the arena, which the crowd really pop for, as Nakasawa is stratospherically popular right now.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]The camera’s pan to SDF-2K7’s dressing room ….where Hooded Kudo has requested some interview time for his team.[/I] [I]- Kudo says that tonight he will give Kinnojo Horri a preview of what will happen in the world title match at Inferno and that once again he will look forward to humiliating Koshiro Ino[/I] [I]- Kudo then aimed a tirade towards Kansuke Konda whilst also putting over his stable-mates of Sensational Dragon and Shimedzu. He said that the result would be the same for Konda as it was on Monday against Dragon and that he would also be getting a preview of what will happen to him at Inferno when Shimedzu and Miyamae shall win the World Tag Team Titles.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] ___________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 1: Chuichi Sanda vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Miyamae[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3]VS[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kokan would quickly find out that he has an imaginary bulls-eye on his back in this match, as Miyamae and Sanda pretty much make the immediate decision to team up on the current World Tag Team Champion. They take turns kicking Kokan senseless , until Miyamae goes for a pin attempt, Sanda immediately drags Miyamae off and that seems to aggravate the SDF-2K7 member. However they continued to double team on Kokan for a little bit more, Sanda then hits an Exploder suplex on Kokan and goes for a pin attempt of his own, only for Miyamae to break up the pin attempt, it then kicks off between Miyamae and Sanda, allowing Kokan to roll out of the ring and grab a much needed breather. After a stiff kick-a-thon Miyamae takes down Sanda with an STO…before going up top and nailing Sanda for a top rope leg-drop, he went for the cover but the ‘Raging Bull’ emphatically kicked out at one. Miyamae lays in a couple of strikes and then takes Sanda down with a wheelbarrow suplex for a two-count. He then locks on his patented submission the Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice)…..Sanda is fading, but the submission move is broken up by Kokan with a Cannonball. Kokan goes for the cover on Sanda, but is quickly pulled off by Miyamae. Miyamae gets Kokan up for a suplex but he can’t get him over and Kokan counters with a Tornado DDT. Miyamae staggers back-up and this time Kokan takes him down with a Tilt-A Whirl Head-scissors. Kokan heads to the top-rope, but Sanda is back up and crotches him on the turnbuckle. Sanda has now followed Kokan up to the top turnbuckle….. TOP ROPE EXPLODER SUPLEX !! One…. Two…. Thr…No…..Miyamae breaks up the pin attempt, Sanda turns around …right into a Miymae Spoiler (Hangmans facebuster)…… One…. Two… Three….The match is over and Miyamae picks up a confidence boosting win as he heads into the Inferno PPV to challenge for the World Tag Team Titles with his partner Shimedzu. [B]Result: Miyamae defeated Chuichi Sanda and Hyosuke Kokan in 9:46 when Miyamae defeated Chuichi Sanda by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 2: Non (World) Title: [/B] [B]Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Yasuhiko Taira[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was about as uneventful and predictable a match the World Champion has had all Tour. This was never going to be a wrestling classic and Taira provided very little in the way of offence apart from a few token punches that kept Nakasawa from completely dominating the match. It came as no surprise when Nakasawa was able to nail Taira with one of his big manoeuvres, in this case the Nakasawa Neckbreaker that Taira’s shoulders would be pinned to the mat for a three count. [B]Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa defeated Yasuhiko Taira in 4:41 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] This was the worst Nakasawa match for quite a while, but then again he was up against Taira, the fact that Nakasawa managed to drag a C+ out of this match, is a testament to just how mega-over he is right now.[/FONT] [I]With Taira quickly disposed of Nakasawa grabs a microphone, he has a message for his two opponents at for the World Title at the Inferno PPV.[/I] [I]- He tells Horri and Kudo that they better be ready to bring their A-Game on saturday, because he is feeling better than ever and that they will have to literally kill him to get the world title away from him. He said he started the tour as the Burning World Champion and that he will finish the tour as the Burning World Champion[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] _______________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 3: Openweight Title: [/B] [B]Mokuami Maita vs Eagle Kawasawa[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BurningOpenweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MokuamiMaita.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EagleKawasawa.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Match starts off slow with basic brawling for the first two minutes, Maita then takes down Kawasawa with a chop-block and then tries to get the Ankle-Lock hooked on earlier but Kawasawa kicks off and takes Maita off his feet with a Dragon screw-leg-whip. Maita gets back up and Kawasawa nails him with a spinning heel-kick, he goes for the cover but Maita kicks out a one. Kawasawa tries to lift Maita up for a suplex but, Maita fights him off with knee-strikes to the the head and then nails Kawasawa with a German suplex. Once again Maita goes for the Ankle-Lock, he gets in locked on but Kawasawa is too near the ropes and Maita is forced to break the hold. Maita goes to the ankle-lock again but Kawasawa counters with an Enziguri. Both men are down, Kawasawa is up first and takes down Maita with a leg-lariat….Maita gets back up again only to be nailed by a Vision Quest One…. Two…. Thr ,,,,Maita shows the heart of a champion an kicks out. Kawasawa goes up top, he goes for an elbow drop but is met by a super-kick from Maita on the way-down. Maita picks up Kawasawa and locks on the Ankle-Lock…… ……..Kawasawa taps out !!! Maita retains the Openweight title and will defend it against the man he beat for the title- Rhino Umaga -at the Inferno PPV. [B]Result: Mokuami Maita defeated Eagle Kawasawa in 10:46 [/B] [B]by submission. [/B] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] I really thought these two would match up well against each other, but unfortunately they had no chemistry what so ever. The biggest evidence of this was the spot near the end where Kawasawa flew off the top-rope , only for Maita to hit him with a super-kick, Maita’s positioning was all –wrong and the super-kick barely grazed Kawasawa, who then had to make out that the kick had nailed him dead on. [/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]I still have faith that either man is a valuable asset to the roster but I’ll know to avoid this match up in the future.[/FONT] [FONT=Courier New]______________________________________________________________[/FONT] [I]A hype vid plays for the BOSJ Cup second round match between Golden Scorpion and Marihito Masuko[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 4: Best of the Super Juniors Cup Round Two: [/B] [B]Golden Scorpion vs Marihito Masuko[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Feeling out process to begin with , Scorpion gains the advantage and gains the advantage and goes for power-bomb on the smaller Masuko, but Masuko rolls through with a sunset flip into an early pin attempt. Both spring back up and Masuko takes Scorpion down with a leg-sweep DDT…another cover attempt, again Scorpion kicks out. Masuko monkey-flips Scorpion into the turnbuckle, he then follows up with another monkey-flip out of the turnbuckle…he goes for another cover, and once again Scorpion kicks out. Scorpion is kicking out of everything Masuko throws at him, but just can’t get any sort of control in the match. Masuko goes up top, but that proves to be mistake as Scorpion catches him and then nails him with a Brainbuster, turning the tide of the match in his favour. Scorpion then hits a ultra-smooth quebrada on Masuko that earns a two-count. He picks up Masuko and plants him with an implant DDT…he decides not to go for the cover and heads up top…. and pulls off a Moonsault…but as he lands Masuko counters into a small-package. One….. Two….. Scorpion emphatically kicks out, but is immediately taken down with a Masuko Cradle-Shock (Reverse STO) One…. Two…. Thr…Scorpion kicks out… Masuko goes for another cradle-shock but this time Scorpion blocks it and takes Masuko over with a Northern Lights suplex…quick cover attempt, Masuko kicks out at one. Scorpion stays on Masuko and snaps off another suplex. Scorpion goes out onto the apron and spring-boards himself back in, he attempts the Golden Shot but he misses and Masuko rolls him up…. One, Two..no….Scorpion counters into a roll-up of his own…. One Two The referee (Omura Umeki) has counted to three and Golden Scorpion will be heading to the semi-finals. [B]Result: Golden Scorpion defeated Marihito Masuko in 12:31 by pinfall. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Masuko is looking well and truly p-o'd. He gets in the face of Omura Umeki, implying that Umeki gave a fast count. Umeki keeps trying to send Masuko to the back but still the one time Junior champion is up in his face, all of a sudden Masuko grabs Umeki and takes him down with a Masuko Cradle Shock. Masuko picks up Umeki by the hair and then trys to deliver another cradle-shock....but before he can deliver the move for the second time Nisso Yuasha comes out to make the save..... [/I] [I]Yuasha pulls Masuko off Umeki only to get a blast full of pink mist blown into his face by the 'evil Masuko. Yuasha is left rolling around in the ring , as Masuko backs away looking rather pleased at the carnage he has just caused.[/I] [B]Rating: E[/B] [FONT=Courier New][B]Notes:[/B] Abysmal segment rating, but here we'll ignore the ratings because all in all the Masuko's heel turn was a complete success !![/FONT] _________________________________________________________________ [CENTER][B]Match # 5: Yasunobu Masuno vs Champagne Lover[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs [/B][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] These two have had a couple of good matches against each other earlier in the tour, would they be able to recreate that magic in this semi-rivalry between each other. Lover uses his agility to keep Masuno off balance early in the match, nailing Masuno with a top-rope drop -kick and then using a hit and run tactic of delivering stiff kicks and then backing off. The tactic seems to be working as Masuno is unable to get in any sort of offfence, at the same time Lover's constant offence is not really getting Masuno off his feet and the big man has yet to be knocked off his feet. Lover decides to go up top again to deliver another drop-kick, this time though Masuno moves out of the way and then knocks Lover off his feet with an Ed Henson Press. Masuno picks up Lover and backs him into the corner to lay in a series of stiff shots, he whips Lover out of the corner and then nails the Mexican import with a Lariat...for a two count. Masuno picks up Lover and dumps him over-head with a Belly to Belly suplex, he goes for the cover once again Lover kicks out at two. Masuno feels it's only a matter of time before he puts Lover away and once again picks him up for a power-move..however this time Lover snaps off a head-scissors take-down and then smoothly transitions it into the Champagne Breakfast (seated Arm-Bar).... Masuno struggles to the ropes and Lover has to break up the painful submission hold. Lover takes Masuno off his feet with a russian leg-sweep, he heads up top once again and nails Masuno with a frog-splash on the way down.... one two No !! Masuno kicks out.....Lover lays in a couple of stiff kicks, he then trys to get the considerably bigger Masuno up for the Lover-Stunner (Vertical suplex stunner) but that ambitious attempt proved to be a major mistake as Masuno fought him off and then dumped Lover with a German suplex....Masuno goes for the cover but Lover kicks out at one. Masuno follows up with another German one two no ...Lover kicks out but he's feeling worse for wear and stumbles right into the clutches of Masuno, who locks on the Masuno deep sleeper..... Lover trys to fight out of it but Masuno synches it in. Referee Shinozaki lifts Lovers arm once (it flops down), he lifts it for a second time (it flops down), he lifts it for a third time....it flops down !! Lover is out of it and Shinozaki calls for the bell. [B]Result: Yasunobu Masuno defeated Champagne Lover in 9:20 [/B] [B]by submission. [/B] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [I]The face team for the six man tag match, look to have requested some promo time[/I] [I]- Konda starts off and says that The Rebellion better be ready for the biggest fight of their lives on Saturday...he says that him and his partner Kokan have only just won the tag titles and they ain't about to give them up now they've got them. He says that Size of the Fight will bring the fight bigger than ever before.[/I] [I]- Ino's turn to speak, he says that Kudo might have sent Everest to do his dirty work and to put one more obstacle in his way, but come Saturday that obstacle will be obliterated and that Everest will feel the POWAAAAAHHHH !!! that will drive him to onto GLORRRRRRRRYYY !!!![/I] [I]- Horri rounded it off by saying that with his partners tonight they will give Kudo and his chronies a full on preview of what to expect at Inferno a full on beating and a mark in the loss column. [/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]__________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 6: Six Man War: [/B] [B]Kinnojo Horri, Koshiro Ino & Kansuke Konda vs [/B] [B]Hooded Kudo, Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KoshiroIno.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3]vs [/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HoodedKudo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The mega-faces come out all fired up and go right after SDF-2K7. SDF 2K7 back out of the ring and the faces give chase, and they brawl into the crowd. Referee Kenzo Shinozaki seems happy to let it go and waits for things to just settle down,rather than count everyone out and just aggravate the crowd into attendance (Don't you just love the 'creative' license of a wrestling rule-book) Once things are settled down SDF 2K7 have managed to isolate Konda in their corner and we get the pretty standard heel beat-down section. Konda sells it pretty well and prevents the section from dragging too much, eventually Konda manages to fight his way back to his corner and gets the tag into Koshiro Ino, who unloads on the heels he dumps Shimedzu over with a back-body drop, knocks Kudo off the apron and then plants Sensational Dragon into the canvas with a sitout power-bomb after Dragon tried to snap off a Sensation Shock. Ino goes for the cover but Shimedzu breaks it up Shimedzu lays in some stiff kicks into Ino and then goes for a springboard roundhouse, Ino ducks however and rams Shimedzu with a shoulder tackle on the way-down. Ino tags into Horri, who then dumps Shimedzu over head with a fall-away slam, before following up with a German Suplex. He goes for the cover but Kudo is there to break it up. Kudo and Shimedzu briefly team up to take down Horri with a double russian leg-sweep. Kudo then applies the Kudo-Lock onto Horri but Ino comes back in and breaks it up. Ino and Kudo start to brawl, Kudo heads outside and Ino goes right after him, only to be levelled by Everest on the entrance ramp....Kudo and Everest work over Ino on the outside to take him out of the equation. Konda and Sensational Dragon have now been tagged into the match, Konda goes for the fisherman driver, but Dragon is able to counter and nails Konda with an Enziguri, he tries for the Dragon Slice the move that beat Konda on Monday to advance to the semi-finals of the BOSJ but Konda has it scouted and shoves Dragon into the turnbuckle. He then nails Dragon with a Northern Lights suplex..... One Two No....Shimedzu is there to break it up... Shimedzu follows up with a Tilt-A-Whirl- Backbreaker on Konda, he then sets up for the Skull-Drop but Horri comes into break it up. Horri unloads on Shimedzu and then whips him into the ropes, blind tag made by Sensational Dragon who takes down Horri with a Tornado DDT. Dragon goes up top again and lands on Horri with a double foot stomp.....Dragon goes up top again but Konda is there and brings him crashing down with a top-rope Ace-Crusher. Konda goes for the cover.... one... two... tr...Noooo !!! Shimedzu with a stiff kick to the back .....Skull Drop !!! One two three....The match is over as neither Horri was unable to recover in time to help Konda out and Ino had been beaten down by Kudo and Everest. The likes of Kudo, Horri and even Sensational Dragon seemed to be holding back a little in this match, with their big PPV matches coming up but this was still pretty good and it added more intrigue to the tag titles match going into the PPV, plus the Ino vs Everest match up. Original plan was to actually put Everest in this match, but he's the sort of non-talent that really brings down these sort of matches by not pulling his weight. Hopefully Ino can carry him to a half decent effort at the PPV. [B]Result: Hooded Kudo, Sensational Dragon and Shimedzu defeated Kinnojo Horri, Koshiro Ino and Kansuke Konda in 14:45 when Shimedzu defeated Kansuke Konda by pinfall.[/B] [B]Rating: B [/B] [B]____________________________________________________________[/B] [I]Pay per view hard sell time as we get a hype video for the World Title Three-Way Dance involving Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri and Hooded Kudo[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [I]A hype video plays for tonights main event the BOSJ Cup second round contest between Elemental II and The Great Hisato[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B]Match # 7: Best of the Super Juniors Cup Round Two: [/B] [B]Elemental II vs The Great Hisato[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalII.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs[/B] [IMG]http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheGreatHisato.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Lets see who is through to the semi-finals so far...... The Awesome Kiyaru, Sensational Dragon, Golden Scorpion...notice a pattern here. They are all mask wearers and these two also hide under a mask, so the winner of the BOSJ Cup is guaranteed to be wearing a mask, if you want to come to the Junior party in Burning Hammer you've got to bring a mask !! Elemental II and Hisato eye each up through their masks and then lock up into the standard feeling out process. Hisato takes down Elemental II with an arm-drag only for Elemental II to counter with an arm-drag off his own....back up and both go for drop-kicks nailing each other in mid-air. Both get back up and Elemental II gets a bit of momentum going with his Tri-fecta kick series he goes for an Elemental suplex attempt but Hisato fights it off and takes Elemental II down with a rolling cutter. Hisato shoots Elemental II off the ropes and nails the veteran with an impressive looking handspring roundhouse kick. He goes for the cover but Elemental II emphatically kicks out. Hisato goes up top he goes for a shooting star press, he misses but lands on his feet but Elemental II is right behind him and dumps him with an Elemental Suplex !!! One.... Two.... No....Hisato kicks out. Elemental II whips Hisato into the ropes and nails him with a springboard back elbow. Hisato goes out to the floor to catch a breather. Elemental II charges towards the ring ropes as if he's going to go airborne over them...... he's going into them full at full steam, but Hisato moves out of the way, however Elemental II puts on the brakes and fakes Hisato out with the Elemental feint kick. He then springboards off the ropes and attempts a hurracarrana but Hisato fights of the attempt and reverse into a sick looking Falcon-Arrrow across the guard-rail that leaves Elemental II realing. Hisato is back in the ring, and referee Omura Umeki begins to count Elemental II out, Elemental II gets up at ten but Hisato charges towards Elemental II and knocks him straight back off the apron and the count begins again. Elemental II circles the ring, trying to find a way back in, he's almost counted out again when Hisato charges back towards the ring but this time Elemental II slides under and rolls up Hisato with a cradle pin...Hisato kicks out of the pin attempt....and lays a few kicks into Elemental II, he tries to pick Elemental II up for the Typhoon Driver but Elemental II fights out of it and counters with an Enziguri....he then picks Hisato up and nails him with the Elemental Driver.... One... Two... Hisato kicks out, Elemental II tries for another power-move but this time Hisato counters with elbow shots and then takes Elemental II off his feet with a Dragon screw-leg-whip....before folowing up with a Dragon Suplex.... One.... Two.... Elemental II kicks out, another Dragon suplex attempt from Hisato, standing switch from Elemental II, he tries for an Elemental suplex but Hisato blocks, kick to the gut and Hisato plants Elemental II with an Inverted DDT....Hisato goes up top, But Elemental II follows him up there, Hisato shoves Elemental II off and nails him with a missile drop-kick. Once again Hisato heads towards the top-rope......he then lands one of the most jaw-dropping moves ever, it's a move he's not pulled out for years The Magic Wand, a unque high impac aerial manouvre in what could only be described as a shooting-star elbow drop on Elemental II One.... Two... Thr....Unbelievably Elemental II gets his shoulder up just in time, both of these men are pulling out all the stops and are desperate to be in the semi-finals. Hisato picks up Elemental II and sets him in place for a gory special, but Elemental II slips out ....Hisato turns around and Elemental II has him rocking with another Tri-fecta kick series....he then stumbles right into an Earth Breaker (cradle piledriver) ! One... Two... Thr...Nooo, this time Hisato gets his shoulder up just in time. Elemental II stays on Hisato, and takes him over with a snap suplex..with Hisato flat on his back, Elemental II heads up top. INFERNO SPLASH !! (corkcrew 450) from Elemental II One... Two..... This time Hisato is unable to kick out and the match is over. Elemental II advances to the semi-finals to take on Golden Scorpion. That was by far and away the best match of the tournament so far, and I'm happy I gave it the main event slot. These two put in a great performance against one another, and it's a shame that one of them has to be eliminated. But the tournament needed a top quality outing before the semi-finals and finals match ups at the PPV and these two provided just that. [B]Result: Elemental II defeated The Great Hisato in 19:58 by pinfall [/B] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [I]The show ends with Elemental II standing tall in the ring, soaking up his hard fought victory.[/I] [B]_________________________________________________________[/B] [CENTER][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=sienna]Overall: B[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Go home shows before the PPV are rarely the best shows, but this was still pretty solid and the main event was as good as you are going to get, outside of the usual suspects of Nakasawa, Horri and Kudo. ________________________________________________________________ [B]T.V News:[/B] Ironclad drew a 16.02 rating on TV5Monde (Down 0.14)
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I've decided to mark out for Golden Scorpion, if only because I like his icon and because I found your endorsement of him on your tournament rundown somewhat [i]underwhelming[/i]. Can't believe he's still in it! So... uh... go Golden Scorpion?
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[B][U][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkred]Purogods.com[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] Burning Hammer will put on the final show of their successful Reborn Tour on Saturday 23rd June at the Ishikawa Stadium in Chubu when they present the Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors Cup PPV. The double main event will feature the finals of the Best of the Super Juniors Cup and the World Title Match between Hiroaki Nakasawa, Hooded Kudo and Kinnojo Horri. The three way tussle over the Burning Hammer World Title has been the hottest feud in wrestling and these three giants of the ring combined to put on a MOTYC earlier in the month….can they match or better that effort…Burning Hammer officials certainly seem to think so. The PPV will likely open with the Best of the Super Juniors Cup semi-finals…where Elemental II takes on Golden Scorpion and current Burning Hammer Junior Champion faces off against The Awesome Kiyaru. The winners of those matches will face off later in the show to be crowned Best of the Super Juniors 2007. There are more title matches as Size of the Fight make the first defence of the Burning World Tag Team Titles, when they face the challenge of former 2 time champions The Rebellion and Mokuami Maita puts his Openweight Title on the line, against former champion Rhino Umaga. Koshiro Ino faces off against Everest in a grudge match….Ino’s nemesis Hooded Kudo has been paying off Everest of late to try and put Ino out of wrestling. Can Everest deliver more punishment to the Power and Paint star on behalf of Hooded Kudo or can Ino over-come the challenge that has been put in front of him ? Just added to the card- Marihito Masuko vs Nisso Yuasha. Masuko had been on poor run of late that culminated in his Best of the Super Juniors Cup loss to Golden Scorpion, Masuko took his frustrations out on the referee for that match Omura Umeki. Yuasha took exception to Masuko’s actions…but he also fell victim to Masuko’s new change in attitude, when he was temporarily blinded by a blast of pink mist. Will Yuasha gain revenge and put Masuko in his place or will Masuko’s change in attitude lead to a change in fortunes for the former Junior Champion. A final addition to the card will be a 5-way Junior scramble match, competing in the match will be Americana, Eagle Kawasawa, The Great Hisato, Super Joshuya and VENOM [I]Here is full confirmation of the card for PPV[/I] [CENTER][U][B]Inferno/Best of the Super Juniors Cup ( Ishikaswa Stadium, Chubu)[/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Burning World Championship :[/B] Hiroaki Nakasawa vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri[/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=purple][B]Best of the Super Juniors Cup Semi Finals & Finals[/B] :[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Elemental II[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Golden Scorpion[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=#800080]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7- Burning Junior Champion"[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=purple]Sensational Dragon[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]vs[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]The Awesome Kiyaru[/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][I][COLOR=purple]Winners face of in the Finals to be crowned Best of the Super Juniors[/COLOR][/I] [/CENTER] [CENTER][COLOR=black][B]Burning World Tag Team Championship:[/B][/COLOR] Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs [SIZE=1]"Representing Silver Dragon Feet 2K7"[/SIZE] The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) [/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Burning Openweight Championship:[/B] Mokuami Maita vs Rhino Umaga [/CENTER] [CENTER]Koshiro Ino vs Everest[/CENTER] [CENTER]Marihito Masuko vs Nisso Yuasha[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]5-Way Scramble:[/B] Americana vs Eagle Kawasawa vs The Great Hisato vs Super Joshuya vs VENOM ________________________________________________________________________[/CENTER] [LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=sienna][B][U]Prediction Short Form[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]World Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Hooded Kudo vs Kinnojo Horri[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Best of the Super Juniors Cup:-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Semi Final 1: Elemental II vs Golden Scorpion[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Semi Final 2: Sensational Dragon vs The Awesome Kiyaru[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Final: Winner of semi final 1 vs Winner of semi final 2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Tag Titles: Size of the Fight vs The Rebellion[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Openweight Title: Mokuami Maita vs Rhino Umaga[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Koshiro Ino vs Everest[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Marihito Masuko vs Nisso Yuasha[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT] [LEFT][B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]5-Way Scramble: [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=#a0522d]Americana vs Eagle Kawasawa vs The Great Hisato vs Super Joshuya vs VENOM [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT]
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