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NOTBPW - Ben Stone

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[COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]My name is Ben Stone. Yeah, Stone. As in the family Stone. But... I'm not in the files you say? In the database? That's because since I was a little kid, I hated wrestling. My dad was never home, never able to spend time with me. And as my brothers grew up, it took them too. All of them left home, and never really came back. So I grew up resenting wrestling. I resisted the siren that had gotten my family for years. But god, I could feel it. The electricity. The excitement. All of it. And when I left home, I watched NOTBPW. Just to keep an eye on the family I said. That's how it started. But I went from that one time, to watching every week. Then I ordered the PPV's. It just kept calling. And finally, my dad caught me watching. (And maybe I wanted it to happen a little bit.) But anyway, we got into a conversation, and I asked for a job. Just to be around, to feel the electricity. And maybe be a little part of it. But not as a wrestler. See, I was the nonathletic Stone. Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? But I could always write. Not an artist, but hell, I have an imagination. I've always written. My dad knew this. I knew this. But I was still surprised when he said "I want you to become the head booker." My dad had done that since he had founded the company, but he was aging. 62 years old. Three years away from when most retire. The wrestling had taken its toll on him too. All those years were catching up to him, and both he and I knew it. So I accepted. Wrestling had caught me, after I'd been running all of my life. I was the new head booker of NOTBPW.[/COLOR]
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[FONT="Fixedsys"]NOTBPW Preview[/FONT] [I]January 3, 2007 (Week 1)[/I] [B]The Natural vs. Dark Angel[/B] Nearing the end of his career, Dark Angel has decided to tutor some of the younger workers on the roster in the fine art of wrestling. Look for this all-around vet to have several opening matches, with some up-and-comers. [B]Johnny Bloodstone vs. Owen Love[/B] [I]Submission Match[/I] Technical Workers UNITE! Johnny Bloodstone wants to prove he is the best technical worker alive, and Owen Love has challenged the Bloodstone. [B]Edd Stone vs. Duane Stone[/B] [I]House of Fun Match[/I] Brothers. Tag Team Partners. Rivals. As both of these two workers try to squeeze themselves into the Main Event, will the competition get in the way of Family? [B]Dan Stone Jr. vs. R.K. Hayes[/B] [I]Cage Classic Match[/I] These two were in a classic title fight back in 2005, where Hayes took the match, and the title. Will Dan Stone Jr. win the rematch? [B]Sean McFly vs. Jeremy Stone[/B] [I]Ultimate Submission[/I] --NOTBPW Canadian Title Match-- The wiley vet Stone versus the champ, the best thing going today. Will Jeremy pull one out? Or will McFly defend once again?
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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling (Week 1) [FONT="System"][CENTER][SIZE="5"]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Week 1, January 07 5,000 Fans at Caribou Arena [U]Sell Out[/U][/CENTER][/FONT] [I]Oh Boy. I hope this works...[/I] DARK MATCH: [B]Tim Westybrook d. Dean McWade[/B] Two Solid Brawlers go at it, but Westybrook is far too much for the veteran McWade. Westybrook dominates, and picks up the win in 14:31 with a TNT Whirl wind. [B](B-)[/B] The show opens with Sean McFly standing in the ring with a microphone. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]"I am Sean McFly, as you all know. What you seem to not understand, is that I am this company. I hold the title, I hold the respect. Fans, tell those idiots backstage that I need no competition. Just stick with me, and you'll see the best that this company can offer."[/COLOR] Jeremy Stone comes out, holding a mic of his own.[COLOR="DarkGreen"] "Wait, wait, wait. If you [I]need[/I] no challengers, how will these fans see the best we can offer? You are the champion after all. So tonight, I challenge you to an Ultimate Submission match. For the NOTBPW Canadian Title!"[/COLOR] Sean laughs, and asks[COLOR="RoyalBlue"] "Why the hell should I accept?"[/COLOR] [I]Oh hell.[/I] I walk out the back, take a deep breath, and say [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]"Because I said so. Tonight, you and Jeremy Stone. Ultimate Submission match. NOTBPW Canadian Title.[/COLOR] Jeremy smiles, and walks to the back. Sean raises the mic to his lips, but then drops it, and walks back. [I]Whew.[/I] [B]Dark Angel d. The Natural[/B] The veteran Angel seems to be "teaching" the younger worker by beating on him. The Natural gets in some offense, but Dark Angel was just way too good. [B](B+)[/B] Johnny Bloodstone walks out with Jana Marie Bowen: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"] "For far too long, this company has been dominated by the Stones, and their adopted son, Sean McFly. Today Johnny Bloodstone announces his intentions to make his name in this company. He is the greatest technical worker today! And to prove it, he'll challenge anyone in the back to a Submission match!"[/COLOR] Owen Love walks out:[COLOR="DarkGreen"] "I don't care who you are. I want a shot at the top as much as you. So I'll accept your challenge!"[/COLOR] [B]Johnny Bloodstone d. Owen Love[/B] A good technical match, but it soon became apparent that Owen Love was off his game. With this being the case, he had no shot against The Bloodstone. [B]B[/B] [B]Duane Stone d. Edd Stone[/B] The two youngest Stone Brothers put on an aerial display for us, using the various oppurtunities for spots around the ring. Duane Stone lands a moonsault off a trampoline though, and gets the pin. [B]B+[/B] Afterward, the two Stone brothers posed together for the cameras. [B]Dan Stone Jr. d. R.K. Hayes[/B] A rematch of a title match from 2005, the match was worthy of that honor. Despite the fact that these two didn't "click," they put that aside and put on a good match. [B]B-[/B] [B]Sean McFly d. Jeremy Stone to retain the NOTBPW Canadian Title[/B] McFly and Jeremy show their talents, and the match is everything it should be. The crowd's going nuts the entire time. McFly wins after 30 minutes, two to one. [B]A[/B] [I]McFly isn't leaving. This is wrong. He jumps down to the floor and takes out a chair. He then brings it down on my brother's head. The crowd's going nuts. But I'm the only one who knows that this isn't how it was written.[/I]
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I called Sean to my office. [I]Shaking[/I] with anger, I tried to calm myself down. Sean came strutting in the door, a big ****y smile on his face. He sat down, and folded one leg over the other, leaning back like "Oh yeah, I'm a bad boy." Me: "Why Sean? Why the hell would you do that?" Sean: "Because I am this company kid. The sooner you learn to accept that, the better. The better for [U]all[/U] your so-called "contenders." Me: "Sean, you're just a worker. A great one. But you aren't bigger than this company. You never will be. Your actions last night have definitely made you a heel in the eyes of the fans. Go out. Be yourself. You're [I]damn[/I] lucking my brother is okay. Now, sign this. You need to be turned in the database, and we need your approval." Sean signs the paper, then gets up with the same ****y grin he walked in with. This is going to be so much harder than I thought it would be. Dad knocked, then walked in. "That show was great! I wasn't sure about Jeremy in the main event, he hasn't been there in years. But it was a great match!" "I know Dad, but did you see what he did to Jeremy?" "Yeah, but he was acting, wasn't he? It was a great turn." "No. He wasn't." "Oh my." "Yeah." "You need to fire him now." "I can't. He's so important to this company, that firing him would kill the fanbase." "Damn." "I fined him though. And he's a heel. Also, he signed an agreement that he could not improvise for the rest of his career here." "Wow, I can't believe he agreed to that." "He doesn't know he did."
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[QUOTE=Bye1918;206815] "I fined him though. And he's a heel. Also, he signed an agreement that he could not improvise for the rest of his career here." "Wow, I can't believe he agreed to that." "He doesn't know he did."[/QUOTE] :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Notbpw [FONT="Fixedsys"]NOTBPW Championship Wrestling[/FONT] [I]January, Week 2[/I] [B]Dark Angel vs. Owen Love[/B] The veteran continues to tutor the up-and-coming talent on the roster, as he takes on the other member of the Can-Am Blondes, Owen Love. [B]R.K. Hayes vs. Derek Frost[/B] Two solid brawlers go at it in this match. Will Hayes be able to rebound from his defeat last week, or will Frost seize this oppurtunity? [B]Harrison Hash vs. The Natural[/B] --NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title-- Hash vs. The Natural. The Unlimited Action title on the line. Need I say more? And... a mystery main event... for the Number One Contendership to the Canadian Title.
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[B]Dark Angel[/B] vs. Owen Love The veteran continues to tutor the up-and-coming talent on the roster, as he takes on the other member of the Can-Am Blondes, Owen Love. He's gonna keep ebating them untill they get teh hang of winning [B]R.K. Hayes[/B] vs. Derek Frost Two solid brawlers go at it in this match. Will Hayes be able to rebound from his defeat last week, or will Frost seize this oppurtunity? Frost sucks Harrison Hash vs. [B]The Natural[/B] --NOTBPW Unlimited Action Title-- Hash vs. The Natural. The Unlimited Action title on the line. Need I say more? After his loss to Dark Angel The NAtural now has the skills to take the title.
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