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[SIZE="4"][I][B]Pro Wrestling Fanatics.com[/B][/I][/SIZE] [B][U]Raw Thoughts & Review[/U][/B] [B]-Following on from last week, another strong episode of Raw. The change of head booker in the WWE is clearly evident after the last week of television. The TV is more edgy, exciting and unpredictable. - The show opened with Umaga and Jeff Hardy in a non title contest. I hate seeing main eventers competing early on, especially when you have people like Scotty 2 Hotty coming on after them. Anyway decent contest and some good movement in the Umaga-John Cena story line. Great spot with the chair shot aswell. Really liked that. - Sean Morley getting a push?! ABOUT TIME. Could it be that the people with the "power" are actually going to do something with Val.. sorry Sean Morley? If his performance tonight didn't prove to them he has what it takes then they're bigger idiots than Vince Russo, and he's a whole lot of idiot. Ask TNA fans. But yeah, the promo Morley cut was awesome, adding more truth to the rumour that since Paul Edwards took charge wrestlers were allowed freedom in what they say, no longer is everything scripted. Imagine that! - Did I mention how much I HATE the fact that the WWE Title feud between Umaga and Cena has only been moved along in the opening segment of the last 2 Raws? I guess the thinking here is that the Royal Rumble match will sell the PPV in itself, something I sort of agree with. - No shock in the news that Johnny Nitro is off to Smackdown!, it's no secret that the WWE was seriously considering reuniting MNM, this just confirms it. What a hell of a match between Nitro and Crazy though. Quality wrestling. -I really loved the segment with Orton and Edge, Orton has really improved on the mic, and Edge has always been good.. add in an angry Mr. McMahon and you have great television. This of course led to the main event which was almost as good as the Smackdown! main event between Taker and Kennedy last week. WWE really is firing on (almost) all cylinders at the moment. Ric Flair was at his best (best he's capable of at his age, anyway) in this match, Shawn Michaels was brilliant as usual and Rated RKO were the perfect heels. I didn't really like the ending, I thought maybe Shawn Michaels should of got the pin since he's the one who's really feuding with Rated RKO but maybe they're saving that for later. All in all, a great Raw and not much to complain about. Raw Rating: 8.4/10 [COLOR="Yellow"][U]The Rock joining TNA? Click here for more![/U][/COLOR][/B]
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Stop asking for feedback. People are reading and i understand you might want feedback but you are bumping deserving dynasties with actual updates to the 2nd page because you want feedback. I suggest saying something like that in the same post as an update..
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[QUOTE=Maxi;210092]Stop asking for feedback. People are reading and i understand you might want feedback but you are bumping deserving dynasties with actual updates to the 2nd page because you want feedback. I suggest saying something like that in the same post as an update..[/QUOTE] Read back. Every single time I asked for feedback was straight after making a post which contributed to the dynasty, not a week later, not a day later, not a few hours later.. straight after. So atleast read back before getting up on your high horse. Ok.
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[QUOTE=wotto29;210140]Read back. Every single time I asked for feedback was straight after making a post which contributed to the dynasty, not a week later, not a day later, not a few hours later.. straight after. So atleast read back before getting up on your high horse. Ok.[/QUOTE] High Horse ? Don't get angry. The fact is you don't even have to say that AFTER an update, you can say it with an update, this is just adding to your post count. On various boards that kind of behaviour is called 'postwhoring' and it's wrong. Im just saying that maybe you should ask for feedback in updates or just not ask at all. I don't need or deserve that kind of attitude from you, i was just giving you suggestions.
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[QUOTE=Maxi;210401]High Horse ? Don't get angry. The fact is you don't even have to say that AFTER an update, you can say it with an update, this is just adding to your post count. On various boards that kind of behaviour is called 'postwhoring' and it's wrong. Im just saying that maybe you should ask for feedback in updates or just not ask at all. I don't need or deserve that kind of attitude from you, i was just giving you suggestions.[/QUOTE] "i understand you might want feedback but you are bumping deserving dynasties with actual updates to the 2nd page because you want feedback.".. you failed to address that this was complete nonsense. And now it's because I want a larger post count? How will that benefit me? Also, interesting to note you have 3 times as many posts as me in less the time, so how am I a postwhore? Anyway, I digress.. Thanks a lot sexdrugsandwrestling, glad you're enjoying.
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[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="5"][B][CENTER][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/ecwlogo4.gif[/img] ECW TV Preview[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Fatal four way to crown number one contender![/SIZE] As explained by Mr. McMahon last week on ECW TV, tonight we will see a fatal four way match to determine who will go on to the Royal Rumble to face Bobby Lashley for the ECW World Title. Will RVD recapture ECW gold? Will Sabu or The Sandman prove that they still have what it takes at the very highest level? Or will the new boy Marcus Cor Von continue his impressive rise to success which will surely lead to a World Championship sooner or later? Tune in, to find out! [SIZE="4"]CM Punk in action![/SIZE] After the annihilation Punk recieved last week at the hands of Daivari and Khali it's a miracle that the straight edge superstar is even able to walk to the ring, let alone compete in it. CM Punk, however, is looking for payback, and tonight he has that chance when he faces Daivari. All this and much more, only on ECW TV. [/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/ecwlogo4.gif[/img] [B][COLOR="Purple"]ECW TV Tuesday, Week 2, January 2007 Municipal Auditorium (MO) (Mid West) Attendance: 7,413[/COLOR][/B] [B]Joey Styles:[/B] Welcome to ECW TV! [B]Tazz:[/B] And what a main event we have.. [B]Styles:[/B] Indeed Tazz, Cor Von, Sabu, RVD and The Sandman battling it out in a 4 way to crown the number one contender for Lashley's world title.. [B]Tazz: [/B]I'm pumped Joey, it's going to be off the hook! [I]*'This fire burns' thunders throughout the arena as CM Punk makes his way down the aisle for our opening match-up*[/I] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/CMPunk2.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/Daivari.jpg[/img] [B]CM Punk Vs. Daivari[/B] Daivari has Khali at ringside watching on as he and CM Punk put on a good match. CM Punk is dominant throughout and extremely aggressive due to what happened last week. Finish comes after 12 minutes when Daivari submits to the Anaconda Vice. [COLOR="Green"]B-[/COLOR] After the match Khali enters the ring and breaks the submission, he then gives Punk the double arm chokeslam before leaving the ring.. as Khali is walking to the back he turns to see an injured Punk asking for more, begging Khali to come back to the ring, Khali obliges and returns only to be met with a flurry of kicks and punches that only stumble him, CM Punk bounces off the ropes and charges at Khali only to be caught in a double handed choke.. Khali won't let go as CM Punk's face changes to a sick purple colour, after around a dozen security hit the ring, Khali finally relinquishes the hold and leaves the ring as CM Punk is treated by medical staff.. [B]Styles:[/B] What was CM Punk thinking? Does he have a death wish? [B]Tazz: [/B]That wasn't cool, never good to see wrestlers loaded up onto stretchers, let's hope he makes a full recovery.. *A video is played hyping the return of the hardcore legend Terry Funk to ECW in.. 2 weeks!* Vince McMahon is backstage.. walking to the ring.. *No chance..* "Let's keep this short and sweet, next week on ECW I will debut the newly created, solid gold ECW Tag Team Titles, so all you guys in the back find your friends.. if you have any.. and I'll enter you in tournament which will begin next week! Also, Bobby Lashley get your ass down here as your match is next!" [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/BobHolly.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/BobbyLashley.jpg[/img] [B]Non Title Contest Bob Holly Vs. Bobby Lashley[/B] Average match.. As you'd expect Bobby Lashley is in complete control for almost the entirety of this contest.. finish comes when Bobby Lashley picks up Holly for the dominator only to be smashed in the back of the head with a chair by the ECW debuting Chris Masters! Lashley wins by DQ after 8 minutes.. Chris Masters poses in the ring as we cut backstage [COLOR="Green"]B-[/COLOR] Rob Van Dam is backstage with other ECW originals.. "Sabu, me and you go way back dude, Sandman you aswell, but tonight nobody.. NOBODY will stop me from getting MY opportunity at the Rumble, because I am Rob....Van......Dam" .. Van Dam heads to ring as the main event is... NEXT! [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/Sabu.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/MontyBrown3.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/RobVanDam.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/ECW/Sandman2.jpg[/img] [B]Four Way to determine number one contender Extreme Rules Sabu Vs. Marcus Cor Von Vs Rob Van Dam Vs The Sandman[/B] Match was a bit of a mess really as Sandman was basically fatigued to the point where he just lay down for the last third.. Match starts as you'd expect with weapons flying around everywhere which results in a long count after an Arabian Facebuster from Sabu to RVD.. match continues with Cor Von using his power to swing the match in his favour, and then Sandman using a Singapore cane to do likewise.. Sandman however is stopped in his tracks and forced through a table with a Sabu leg drop from the top rope.. Match comes to a finish when RVD lays a chair on Sabu's chest and runs towards the opposite ropes looking to return with a rolling thunder, RVD bounces off the ropes, first roll.. here comes the next on... POUNCE! RVD is sent flying.. Cor Von picks up Sabu and (1......)charges(2......) at him .. POUNCE! ..(3......) [COLOR="Yellow"]C[/COLOR] The camera pans to show Rob Van Dam with his arm draped over The Sandman due to the way he landed.. the referee raises RVD's hand.. Rob Van Dam gets his title shot at the Royal Rumble! Cor Von looks on in shock as ECW TV comes to an end.. Overall Grade: [COLOR="Yellow"]C+[/COLOR] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/logo_smack.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]Smackdown! Preview:[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Mr. World Heavyweight Champion?[/SIZE] Last week on Smackdown! Mr. Kennedy managed to avoid defeat against the phenom, largely due to interference from the deadman's sadistic brother Kane. As stated prior to the match, if Kennedy avoided defeat he would be the number one contender for Batista's World Title at the Royal Rumble. Will Theodore Long honour his word, or is the number one contendership spot still up in the air? Will Kane recieve the opportunity to materialise what he so emphatically stated last week when he signalled that Batista's title belonged around the Big Red Machine's waist? Will the Undertaker take matters into his own hands? Tune in, to find out! [SIZE="4"]Where is Chavo?[/SIZE] After his no-show last week, Chavo Guerrero will be stripped of his title tonight, if he decides to turn up of course. What excuse does Chavo have? If it isn't a good one you can be certain that he will be looking for a new job. [SIZE="4"]Huge match announced![/SIZE] World Heavyweight Champion Batista will go one on one with MVP in a non title bout. Also in action will be Finlay as he defends his United States title against the Boogeyman. All this and much more, only on Friday Night Smackdown! [/COLOR][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/logo_smack.jpg[/img] [COLOR="Blue"]WWE Smackdown! Friday, Week 2, January 2007 Municipal Auditorium (MO) (Mid West) Attendance: 8,127[/COLOR] [I]*Smackdown! opens with a video highlighting last week's events, ending with Kane signalling that he wants Batista's World Title*[/I] [B]Cole:[/B] Ladies and gentleman, welcome to ano.. [B]JBL:[/B] To the premier brand Cole! Just say it.. [B]Cole:[/B] Well I can't argue with that.. Batista will go up against MVP tonight in what should be a great battle.. and it looks like our General Manager has something to say.. [I]*Theodore Long makes his way down to the ring..*[/I] "Now, I'm sure you're all wondering.. Is Kennedy the number one contender, you know.. since he did what he said and kept pace with The Undertaker and escaped defeat. the answer is... NO! No he isn't because the fact of the matter is that The Undertaker had him beat! Kennedy was about to get tombstoned before Kane chose to get himself involved.. That will not happen tonight! I assure you, because tonight Undertaker and Kennedy will go at it again, the winner will go on to the Royal Rumble to face Batista.. And as for Kane, as soon as he arrives in this building I have a dozen security waiting, there will be no interference tonight playa.. " [B]Cole: [/B]What a huge main event John! [B]JBL:[/B] I fear for the dozen security! [IMG]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/WWESmackdownTagTitle.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/PaulLondon.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/BrianKendrick.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/Deuce.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/Domino.jpg[/img] [B]WWE Tag Team Titles The HooliganZ (c) Vs. The Throwbacks w/ Cherry[/B] Average match. I don't think the crowd bought The Throwbacks as credible enough contenders. They put up a good fight, however, with lots of old school heelish tactics and interference from their rollerblading girlfriend/sister (sister to one man, girlfriend to the other.. otherwise that would be weird) unbeknowest to the referee. Nevertheless, as expected The HooliganZ win this one after a quick roll up by Paul London at the 12 minute mark. [COLOR="SandyBrown"]C[/COLOR] [I]*The camera cuts backstage to see Kane enter the building only to be greeted by an army of security led by Theodore Long.. the security handcuff Kane and lead him away.. as Kane makes his way with security to a holding room he turns to look at the General Manager and with an evil smirk simply says "You will pay for this Theo.. oh yes you will pay.."[/i] As Teddy walks away.. he bumps into Chavo Guerrero.. [B]Teddy:[/B] Where the hell was you last week playa? [B]Chavo:[/B] Well you know, there's this kind of flu going around Teddy and I was so sick you know.. I was in bed I didn't even have the strength to dial your number to tell you of my absence.. [B]Teddy:[/B] Oh yeah.. BULL$HIT playa and you know it.. sources at Raw tell me you were there negotiating a contract.. I'm fed up with you Chavo! I'm fed up of people like you Chavo.. I'm in control! I demand respect! You're FIRED! Chavo looks on in shock as Teddy Long walks away* [B]Cole: [/B]Is it just me or is Theodore Long cracking under the pressure.. [B]JBL: [/B]He's never had what it took Cole.. He's never had it! [B]Cole:[/B] Well, we can announce that with the Rumble coming up in little over two weeks our General Manager has announced that tonight we will have a 10 person over the top Diva battle royal to get us in the Royal Rumble mood! Melina, formerly of Raw will be making her Smackdown debut! [B]JBL:[/B] Smackdown! does it best Cole! [I]*I walk alone thunders through the arena as the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out to a great reaction*[/I] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/Batista8.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/MontelVontaviousPorter2.jpg[/img] [B]Non-Title Batista Vs. Montel Vontavious Porter[/B] Decent match.. Batista looks to be getting back to his best in ring form.. MVP puts up a good fight, at times even looking certain to win.. Batista however is just far too strong and finishes MVP with a Batista bomb after 15 minutes. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]B-[/COLOR] Mr Kennedy is backstage with Kristal.. "Did you see that Kristal? Did you take note of how much better I am than our 'World Champion'? This is all a conspiracy.. A couple of weeks back.. I beat the clock! So I'm the number one contender right?.. WRONG! So I, being the fighting marvel that I am, agree to a match with the Undertaker last week.. and then what? I DID EXACTLY WHAT I SAID I WAS GOING TO DO.. I avoided defeat. So I'm the number one contender right? WRONG. This is a conspiracy to stop inevitable, you see, it's inevitable that I will be World Champion, it's inevitable that I will become the greatest champion of all time. Teddy Long, I don't like you.. and you can't stop destiny.. you can't stop MISTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER.. KENNEDY............. ............. KENNEDY! [I]*My name is Finlay, and I love to fight...*[/I] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/WWEUnitedStates.jpg[/img] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/Finlay2.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/Boogeyman.jpg[/img] [B]United States Title Finlay (c) Vs. The Boogeyman[/B] Finlay really can carry anybody to a decent match! This wasn't bad at all. Boogeman used his scare tactics to gain an early advantage, however, that only seemed to anger the United States' champion who replied with some stiff right hands to Boogeyman's face. Finlay remains in control for the remainder of the match and picks up the clean win with the Celtic cross at just under 12 minutes. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]B-[/COLOR] [I]*Camera cuts backstage to show two large Guards standing by the door of the room that holds Kane. Camera turns to reveal more guards, around 8 of them*[/I] King Booker is backstage with Sharmell, helping her prepare for the diva Battle Royal which is coming up next. "Baby quit stressing, you're going to win tonight, no doubt.. and then I, King Booker, will win the Rumble Rumble.. Nobodie's better than Royalty, ya dig? Come on let's go." [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/divabattleroyal.jpg[/img] The battle royal includes Divas from all brands.. Kelly Kelly, Melina, Mickie James, Sharmell, Victoria, Kristal, Candice Michelle, Ashley, Layla and the rollerblading Cherry. However, before the match gets under way King Booker has an important announcement.. "Ladies and gentleman, peasents and subjects.. I'm sorry to announce that queen Sharmell injured her finger and is therefore unable to compete.. her replacement however, is just as royal.. it's.. ME, your King!".. Booker slides into the ring and proceeds to throw diva after diva over the top rope with extreme force. It's soon down to just Booker and Ashley.. Ashley slaps Booker who retaliates with a Bookend.. Booker picks up Ashley and throws her over the top.. The Battle Royal lasted a 'massive' 4 minutes.. [B]Winner of the Diva Battle Royal: King Booker![/B] [COLOR="Yellow"]C+[/COLOR] Booker picks up the mic "Listen subjects, that there is just a little taster.. January 28th.. I win the real thing.. and then at Wrestlemania I will be World Champion! Now can thee feeleth that, peasents?" Booker raises his pinky in his famous 'King' salute as Sharmell instructs everybody in attendence to "All hail King Booker!".. [B]Cole:[/B] What an as$hole that man is! [B]JBL:[/B] That's the King you're talking about you jerk! [I]*Mr. Kennedy pushes his way past the security which is guarding Kane's room as he begins to make his way to the ring.. the main event is.. NEXT!*[/I] [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/KenAnderson.jpg[/img] Vs [img]http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w217/blahblah123443211234/SMACKDOWN/TheUndertaker2.jpg[/img] [B]No #1 Contender match Mr. Kennedy Vs. The Undertaker[/B] Awesome match.. Both wrestlers bring their 'A' game and show how much they want that title shot. Undertaker takes control early on, working on Kennedy's arm.. he goes up top for the 'old school' which backfires as Kennedy throws Taker back into the ring with force. Kennedy then takes control of the match with a few close near falls. During the match the camera cuts backstage to ensure that the security are still guarding Kane's room.. they are.. later on in the match Kennedy begins to get annoyed with Undertaker getting up after everything Kennedy gives him.. Kennedy makes his way to the outside of the ring and picks up a steel chair.. as Kennedy steps on the apron Taker knocks him off.. Undertaker bounces off the opposite ropes and then dives over the ropes only to be side stepped by Kennedy and go flying straight through the announce table! Kennedy gets back in the ring and the ref begins the count.. 1...2 ...3 ..4....5.... 6.... 7.... 8... 9.... Undertaker slides back into the ring.. Kennedy climbs the turnbuckles and delivers the Kenton bomb!.. 1... 2.. Kick out! Undertaker kicks out. The fight continues and Undertaker is once again in control.. This changes after a blow from Kennedy and he once again goes to the top rope, however, this time Undertaker sits up and grabs Kennedy in a choke.. chokeslam! Undertaker signalls for the tombstone.. The camera cuts backstage and the security are down! Kane has escaped!.. BOOM the pyro explodes and Kane (broken handcuffs n' all) makes his way down the ramp.. Undertaker steps out of the ring, followed by Kennedy and meets Kane on the halfway point of the ramp.. the three heavyweights exchange blows as the referee rules the match a no centest at the 20 minute mark.. [COLOR="Blue"]A [/COLOR] Cole: What the hell is this about! Now what!? NOW WHAT!??! Is Kane going to keep on ruining main events until he gets his title shot?! JBL: It looks like that Cole! Theodore Long has no control over this animal! Nobody does! The three continue fighting as Smackdown! goes off the air.. Overall Grade: [COLOR="Lime"]B+[/COLOR] _________________________________________________ [B]Feedback encouraged and appreciated. Thanks.[/B][/CENTER]
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