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World Wrestling Federation: Crush The Competition(DOTT)

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[QUOTE][B][CENTER]World Wrestling Federation Notes[/CENTER][/B] -Vince McMahon, Jr. just came out of a board meeting with several prominent WWF officials, including his father Vince McMahon, Sr. Apparently, the WWF is set to prepare for WAR with the National Wrestling Alliance. The WWF has broken apart from the umbrella organization, angering members Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling and the American Wrestling Association. -A new way of life is about to begin for the World Wrestling Federation. An influx of talent should be coming soon to join the already talented roster. [B][CENTER]WWF In Your Neighborhood Preview[/B][/CENTER] [I]Main Event![/I] NWA World Tag Team Champions The Wild Samoans (c) vs. The Soul Patrol Bruno Sammartino vs. Johnny Rodz George Steele vs. Jose Luis Rivera Big John Studd vs. S.D. Jones [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][CENTER]Around The Territories[/B][/CENTER] [I]MACW[/I] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling held it's first annual Crockett Cup Tournament in front of 10,000 fans in Hickory Moretz Stadium in North Carolina. Mike Rotundo and Ric Flair beat Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon, Jerry Brisco and Dusty Rhodes and Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood en route to winning the Crockett Cup. MACW also held it's television show. Ric Flair beat Jos Leduc in the main event to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title in a C+ match. [I]AJPW[/I] AJPW held it's annual Champion Carnival Tournament. Terry Funk won by defeating Dory Funk Jr., Harley Race and Stan Hansen [I]AWA[/I] The AWA held it's AWA Road Tour in front of 10,000 fans. The Main Event saw Nick Bockwinkel successfully defend the AWA World Heavyweight Title against Rick Martel.[/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC. always appreciated!
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[B][CENTER]World Wrestling Federation In Your Neighborhood [SIZE=1]Location: Dunn Recreation Center. New Jersey. Tri-State Region Attendance: 2,000 Rating: C-[/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR=RED]Opening Things Up[/COLOR][/B] [B]Gorilla Monsoon:[/B] [I]"Hello everyone and welcome to WWF In Your Neighborhood! I'm Gorilla Monsoon alongside his Lordship Lord Alfred Hayes and we have a great card coming for you this evening with a main event of the Wild Samoans defending their WWF World Tag Team Titles against the Soul Patrol team of Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas."[/I] [B]Lord Alfred Hayes:[/B] [I]"Yes, indeed we do, Gorilla. Those Samoans are very dangerous inside the ring and with their manager Captain Lou Albano at ringside anything can happen."[/I] [B]Gorilla:[/B] [I]"Yes it can, Lord Alfred. But let's head on up to the ring for our first match of the night."[/I] [U]Grade: B-[/U] [QUOTE][B][U]Big John Studd vs. S.D. Jones[/U][/B] Studd was brought to the ring beside his manager "Classy" Freddie Blassie. As one would expect, Studd dominated the bout. S.D. Jones barely put up a fight. Studd picked up the win by submission with a Bear Hug. [B][U]Big John Studd b. S.D. Jones by submission =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [I]After the match, Blassie got in the ring with a microphone.[/I] [B]Freddie Blassie:[/B] [I]"Tonight everyone saw the domination by my man: Big John Studd. As a matter of fact, I am so confident in his abilities that I will offer up $5,000 to anyone who can come to the ring and body slam him. And since no one will do it my money will be safe."[/I] [U]Grade: C[/U] [COLOR=RED][B]The Superstar![/B][/COLOR] A video began playing, showing the past conquests of Superstar Billy Graham. It ended with him looking into the camera and telling everyone that he is still the tower of power, too sweet to be sour, the reflection of perfection and your number one selection! And he will be coming to the next show when WWF goes on television. [U]Grade: B[/U] [COLOR=RED][B]Arm Wrestling Challenge[/B][/COLOR] The Intercontinental Champion Don "The Rock" Muraco came out to the ring and grabbed a microphone. [B]Don Muraco:[/B] [I]"I know that all you WWF fans enjoy having me come out here and flex my muscles for each and every one of you but I have something more important to say. I won this gold belt right here from a man called Pedro Morales. A piece of garbage that each and every one of you aspire to be. Well, it's time for me to further humiliate this man. I'm challenging you, Pedro, to an arm-wrestling contest! Do you have the guts to get beat by the man with boulders on his arms?"[/I] [U]Grade: C+[/U] [COLOR=RED][B]Arm-Wrestling Response[/B][/COLOR] The Rock was interrupted by Pedro Morales himself walking out toward the ring! Morales stepped inside and pulled the microphone from Muraco's hand. [B]Pedro Morales:[/B] [I]"You want to come out here and insult all these WWF fans and then challenge me to an arm-wrestling contest? You got lucky when you beat me before and with all these WWF fans at my back, I accept your challenge for an arm-wrestling contest! I'll be ready any time you want to take me on!"[/I] [U]Grade: B+[/U] [QUOTE][B][U]George Steele vs. Jose Luis Rivera[/U][/B] The Animal came out with his manager Freddie Blassie and it was another dominant win for Freddie Blassie's Army as George Steele destroyed his preliminary opponent. It was another submission win as Steele got the 'I quit' with a Flying Hammerlock. [B][U]George Steele b. Jose Luis Rivera by submission =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RED][B]Attention![/B][/COLOR] A video played showing Sgt. Slaughter roughing up some recruits at basic training. Sgt. Slaughter will be making his WWF debut very soon and all you maggots out in the World Wrestling Federation better be ready to get a hurting put on you courtesy of Sgt. Slaughter. [U]Grade: B[/U] [COLOR=RED][B]A World Heavyweight Challenge[/B][/COLOR] On an interview set with a blue background, Capt. Lou Albano and Jimmy Snuka can be seen with Snuka pacing in the background as Capt. Lou talks. [B]Captain Lou Albano:[/B] [I]"Tonight, my Savages will be defending their WWF Tag Team Title gold later on but this time is a little personal. Bob Backlund, for too long you've held onto that WWF World Heavyweight Title unrightly dodging my man Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. Soon, you're not going to have any choice but to defend that title belt against the Superfly. And when you do, you're gonna lose that belt plain and simple. So consider this challenge a warning. Soon, the Superfly is gonna be flying right on top of the World Wrestling Federation and the Captain will be right by his side."[/I] [U]Grade: B[/U] [QUOTE][B][U]Bruno Sammartino vs. Johnny Rodz[/U][/B] We go from a World Title challenge to a former World Champion in the Italian Strongman Bruno Sammartino. Gorilla and Lord Alfred used this time to talk about the challenge made by Captain Lou while Sammartino dominated the bout. In the ring, Sammartino picked up the win by submission with a Bear Hug. Tonight seems to be a night of submissions. Will that happen in the main event? [B][U]Bruno Sammartino b. Johnny Rodz by submission =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Hyping the Main Event[/COLOR][/B] The Captain was seen in another interview set this time with the Wild Samoans in the background. [B]Lou:[/B] [I]"Tonight, Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas, you're going to learn what it takes to become WWF World Tag Team Champions. The belts are on the line but more importantly our pride is on the line. We can't lose to a couple of idiots like a team called the Soul Patrol, can we? No, we just beat those bums the Strongbows for these belts and we're planning on holding them for a long time. Isn't that right, Afa?"[/I] Afa just looked in the camera and growled, reaching out and grabbing it and shaking it before it faded out. [U]Grade: C+[/U] [QUOTE][B][U]Main Event! NWA World Tag Team Champions The Wild Samoans (c) vs. The Soul Patrol[/B][/U] These two teams just did not seem to click at all in the ring. If it could go wrong it did in this match and the fans just were not happy at all to see this title defense. Afa picked up the pinfall over Rocky Johnson with a Samoan Drop to end this trainwreck. [B][U]The Wild Samoans b. The Soul Patrol by pinfall =D+[/U][/B][/QUOTE] After the match, Capt. Lou motioned for his team to continue their attack on the Soul Patrol! Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas each received multiple Samoan Drops and the crowd booed and got back into it some with this attack. [U]Grade: B-[/U]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][B]WWF Championship Wrestling Preview![/B][/CENTER] [I]Main Event![/I] Superstar Billy Graham vs. Tito Santana Soul Patrol vs. Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Li George Steele vs. Ivan Putski Jimmy Snuka vs. Frankie Williams Body Slam Challenge with Big John Studd! Andre The Giant vs. Johnny Rodz The Midnight Express make their debut against the Invaders[/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC always appreciated!
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[CENTER][SIZE=5]WWF Championship Wrestling[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][CENTER]Location: Portland, ME - Cumberland County Civic Center Attendance: 5,000 Overall Grade: C TV Rating: 1.48[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B][COLOR=RED]Opening Things Up[/COLOR][/B] While the cameras panned around the signs here at the arena, Gorilla Monsoon and Lord Alfred Hayes welcomed everyone to WWF Championship Wrestling. And what a main event they have planned for tonight as Tito Santana steps into the ring to face Superstar Billy Graham. That should be one heckuva contest! But for now let's go to ring announcer Howard Finkel for the introductions of our first matchup of the evening. =C [QUOTE][B][U]The Midnight Express vs. The Invaders[/U][/B] The masked tag team of the Invaders came out to the ring first and they were soon followed by the debuting team known as the Midnight Express: Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey along with their manager Jim Cornette. The Express took care of the Invaders in dominating fashion here tonight as they seemed to be well-versed in tag team wrestling courtesy of their manager. The Express picked up the win in short fashion with a move called the Rocket Launcher. [B][U]The Midnight Express b. The Invaders =D-[/B][/U][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Absolutely Perfect[/COLOR][/B] The show moved on to a video, showing Paul Orndorff out on a baseball field. Milwaukee Brewers' pitcher Mike Caldwell, who won 2 games in the 1982 World Series, threw pitch after pitch to Orndorff and each one was hit out of the park! Finally Caldwell stopped and threw his hands up, looking into the camera and asking 'How does he do it?' Orndorff just smiles and looks into the camera, stating...'That's perfect.' Mr. Perfect Paul Orndorff coming soon to the World Wrestling Federation. =D- [COLOR=RED][B]Arm-Wrestling Contest Next Week![/B][/COLOR] Gorilla and Lord Alfred reviewed what happened between Pedro Morales and Don Muraco, stating that next week there will be an arm-wrestling contest between the two men. =C+ [COLOR=RED][B]Won't Even Break A Sweat[/B][/COLOR] Don Muraco was shown in the interview area, smiling at the camera. He said that next week, Pedro Morales is going to know another heartbreak. Not only did he feel the heartbreak of losing this beautiful Intercontinental Title but he's also gonna lose the use of his arm after the Rock slams it down and proclaims another victory. And you can take that to the Bank of Muraco. =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]Jimmy Snuka vs. Frankie Williams[/U][/B] Capt. Lou brought one of his Savages out to the ring for this next match against Frankie Williams. The Superfly dismantled Williams in front of this crowd to boos, dominating and even biting Williams! The Superfly ascended the turnbuckles and came off with his Superfly Splash early to thankfully end the match. [B][U]Jimmy Snuka b. Frankie Williams =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] But the Superfly wasn't done! He continued his attack, stomping on the hand of the fallen Frankie Williams. He shot a few kicks to the ribs while Capt. Lou laughed with glee. =D- But the save was on when Bob Backlund, the WWF Champion, came out from the back and slid into the ring! He took Snuka down with a double-leg takedown before tossing Snuka out of the ring while the fans cheered. =C- [QUOTE][B][U]Andre The Giant vs. Johnny Rodz[/U][/B] Another dominating contest here tonight as Andre came out to huge cheers from the crowd. This time the crowd would definitely be happy as the dominance came from the good guy. Johnny Rodz tried to put up a fight but couldn't even move the Giant. Andre picked up the win with his famous Butt Drop. [B][U]Andre the Giant b. Johnny Rodz =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR=RED]Another Superstar Coming Soon[/COLOR][/B] You know him as Thunderlips from Rocky III. You also know that he is one of the more devestating wrestlers that could debut here in the WWF. He is the one, the only, the Incredible Hulk Hogan! Hulk will be coming soon to a WWF ring near you so make sure you get your tickets! =B- [QUOTE][B][U]George Steele vs. Ivan Putski[/U][/B] A pretty average match taking place between these two athletes. It was an open contest, giving both men chances with their own momentum. Gorilla and Lord Alfred took some time during the match to speak about the soon-to-debut Hulk Hogan! The Animal ended up picking up the win by submission with that Flying Hammerlock of his. [B][U]George Steele b. Ivan Putski =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE] But the Animal wasn't done after the match! He bit the forehead of Putski and then rammed the Polish Hammer's head into the turnbuckle multiple times. =C A man came running out from the back with a chain around his neck! He slid inside the ring and swung it at the Animal, sending Steele to the outside! The man was identified as The Junkyard Dog by Gorilla Monsoon and the Dog went down on all 4's, barking and growling at George Steele. =C [B][COLOR=RED]Body Slam Challenge[/COLOR][/B] Out came Classie Freddie Blassie and the Big John Studd after the ring was cleared. Blassie was carrying a large bag and got on the microphone, stating that it is now time for the $5,000 Body Slam Challenge! Who will step forward and try to claim the prize? Out walks Tony Garea! The veteran slips inside the ring while Big John Studd towers over him. Blassie motions Garea to try and he can't even lift Studd off the ground! Studd drives a forearm shot into Garea's back, dropping him to the mat. Blassie gets back on the microphone and states that Tony Garea loses and that nobody will be able to win this $5,000 from him! =C+ [QUOTE][B][U]Soul Patrol vs. Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Li[/U][/B] It was time for our sub-main event as Rocky Johnson and Tony Atlas come out to the ring to do battle against Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Li with their manager Freddie Blassie. Could Blassie go 3 for 3 tonight? This was a pretty good contest as Fuji and Chung Li started off with the momentum, using some cheating tactics on Johnson and Atlas and isolating Rocky Johnson on their side of the ring. Fuji and Chung Li tagged in and out and taunted Atlas to come in and distract the referee and they took advantage by choking Johnson on the ropes. The fans really got behind Johnson though and he powered out of an abdominal stretch attempt by Chung Li! He began crawling toward his corner to tag out when the crowd began booing! Capt. Lou began leading his Wild Samoans out toward the ring! Johnson made the tag and Tony Atlas came in, swinging at both Fuji and Chung Li! He clotheslined them both down but became distracted by the presence of the Samoans! Afa hit Atlas in the head with his title belt right in front of the referee, causing the DQ. [B][U]The Soul Patrol b. Mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Li =C-[/U][/B][/QUOTE] The Samoans quickly entered the ring and decimated the Soul Patrol, dropping both members with Samoan Drops before Capt. Lou spit on them and raised the arms of his Wild Samoans to boos from the crowd. =B- [B][COLOR=RED]Just Another Imitation[/COLOR][/B] Superstar Billy Graham gave an interview within the interview area, stating that he's sick and tired of hearing about Hulk Hogan. Yeah, he starred in a movie and all but that's no big deal. He's not the ladies pet. What you're looking at right now is the reflection of perfection, the number one selection. Hogan, you're just a second-rate clown. So sit tight and watch my match tonight and I'll show you how it's done. =B+ [QUOTE][B][U]Main Event! Superstar Billy Graham vs. Tito Santana[/U][/B] The Superstar came out to the ring with confidence and it nearly cost him early as Santana came away with a couple of near-falls. Santana used his speed advantage early on but finally got caught coming off the top turnbuckle and dropped into a backbreaker by Graham. The Superstar's obvious focus was on the back of Santana and he worked on it throughout the match. Santana came back during the middle of the match but it was mostly Graham. Graham ended the match with a Bear Hug, getting a submission out of Tito. [B][U]Superstar Billy Graham b. Tito Santana =C[/U][/B][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=PoisonedSuperman;209609]Nice show, and good start so far. You have alot of guys debuting at the same time which is kind of weird but You've pulled it off well. Keep up the good work and I will continue to ring.[/QUOTE] Thanks for reading and commenting. I got lucky that I got those superstars though since I got the block from Vince saying that I can't hire anyone else that works for another company. -groans- And I didn't want anyone to be upset for not being used on the card/etc.
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;209612]Thanks for reading and commenting. I got lucky that I got those superstars though since I got the block from Vince saying that I can't hire anyone else that works for another company. -groans- And I didn't want anyone to be upset for not being used on the card/etc.[/QUOTE] Vince put a hiring block on? That's funny.
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[QUOTE][B][U]WWF Championship Wrestling Preview![/U][/B] [I]Main Event![/I] WWF World Heavyweight Title On The Line! Bob Backlund vs. Ray Stevens [I]Arm-Wrestling Contest![/I] Don Muraco vs. Pedro Morales Tony Atlas vs. Afa $5,000 Body Slam Challenge! George Steele vs. Tony Garea Tito Santana vs. Johnny Rodz The Midnight Express vs. S.D. Jones and Salvatore Bellomo Junkyard Dog explains his actions of saving Ivan Putski from George Steele. Plus new videos from Mr. Perfect, Hulk Hogan, Sgt. Slaughter and more to come for WWF Championship Wrestling![/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/ETC always welcomed!
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