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TNA: Dixie believes Jarrett, Jarrett believes Russo, Or Well He Did

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The way TNA works...Dixie believed Jarrett and Jarrett believed Russo...well at least he did TNA was in a definite decline in both creative storylines and wrestlers morale. We all knew it. It just took time for it to really sink in, that problem is Vince Russo. Jarrett has finnally relised it and as Dixie belives Jarrett. Russo meet door, door meet Russo. Here's where I come in. My name is David DeLorean and I have been booking for 11 years, after booking SWA into the ground, it took a while before I had another chance, another opertunity. I got it in Vince Russo's new promotion, ROF. Ive never been friends with Russo, in fact ive never liked Russo, but you've got to do what you've got to do, to do what you love to do. It didn't last very long, Vince gave up on it and sold it off. Russo moved on to TNA and we are back to the present. TNA were aware of my existance and knowing they needed a booker and quick, why not trace your last one back to someone who could do his job. I was phoned and I flyed in early Tuesday, had a meeting which I landed, I love those what to do in a job interview books, saved my butt many times. So next thing I know I am clearing Russo's plack off his old desk as I sit down at his old chair. My smirk was soon ripped from my face as I relised ive got a creative meeting tommorow and...emm...I kind of lacking in creative idea's. I get my pen and my papper and get ready for a long night...
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I had my briefcase full of ilegible notes and ideas. Lucky for me this creative meeting was more like a Briefing. I was still trying to figure out Jarrett, although im not much of a figureouter. As I still hadn't figured out Russo, but really no one did. Jarrett asked me about their current product, I used short answers to hopefully cover up the fact that my knoledge of the current product was really lacking. Jarrett kept telling me that if the changes to the product must be very subtle and not to make the change over very noticable, he used the example I don't want Sting vs. Steiner main eventing one day and have Bryan Danielson and Alex Shelly the next. I saw were he was coming from, all it did was solidify the get the tapes of the recent impacts thought in my mind I got home that night, impact videos in hand quickly setting up my dusty VCR and pressing play. I watch the latest PPV destination x and write down notes. The main one being Samoa Joe defeating Christian Cage for the World Championship. I am also informed by my friend that The Great Muta is now signed with us, yeah thanks guys, the head booker isn't even informed of signings anymore. I send my finished show off to Jarrett and I get a quick reply, he's happy with it. The game begins... OOC: BTW, I know Christian retained, I started this diary on Saturday, what do you want!
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THIS WEEK ON TNA iMPACT! After his recent title win what will Samoa Joe have to say? Only days from his recent title defence again Jerry Lynn, Chris Sabin is defending his TNA X Devision Championship against Sonjay Dutt. At Destination X Team 3D faced a bitter loss at the hands of LAX, Team 3D will attempt to get their momentum back as they are facing both Kaz & Martyr of Seritonin. Christian Cage having lost his belt will also be in action! All this Thursday on SPIKE!
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[B]TNA iMPACT![/B] [B]Christian Cage Wants His Rematch[/B] Christian Cage kicks the door open to Jim Cornette's office. "Don't you ever knock!" Jim demands "Did you see what happened at Destination X?" Christian questions "Yes, you lost your..." "NO, I was screwed out of my title" "Oh, is that what that was" "Damn right it was, I want my rematch tonight" "...Well Christian..." Christians problem solver Tomko arrives, Jim stares at him "I mean, Christian, why tonight, why not at the next PPV" Jim corrects himself "But.." "No think about it..." As jim puts his arm around Christian "You have been through a brutal and demanding match last sunday..." Christian begins to nod "Thats good thinking, there's still a chance for you yet" Christian states Christian & Tomko begin to leave "Oh, christian" Jim shouts "What? "You've got yourself a warm-up match with Rhino tonight" Christian turns, sighs and continues on Rating: B- The iMPACT! intro plays Mike:"This is Mike Teney joined with Don West and welcome to impact!" Don:"You have just heard it, at Lockdown we will see the Samoa Joe, Christian Cage rematch" Mike:"Thats right Don and tonight we will see Christian Cage going one-on-one with Rhino!" [B]X Devision Championship Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt[/B] Sabin is welcomed with a lot of boo's. Sabin seems unbothered. They lock up, Sabin takes control of Sonjays arm, Sonjay rolls through and connects with a kick. Sonjay hits a few forearms getting Sabin up to the ropes, irish whip is reversed, sonjay goes for a sunset flip, Sabin just rolls through and connects with a dropkick. Sabin slams Sonjay down and hits a leg drop only to get a two count. Sonjay fights back, Sabin ducks to clothesline then runs at Sonjay, Sonjay back drops him over the top rope, Sabin keeps his balance, Sonjay hits a forearm knocking him off the apron. Sonjay flips over the top and onto Sabin. The crowd chant "TNA, TNA". Sonjay gets Sabin back in the ring, two count only. Sonjay goes up top, Sonjay misses, Sabin rolls him up, two count only. Sabin goes for a clothesline, missed, Sonjay misses one of his own, Sabin with a low blow, Cradle Driver, 1, 2, 3 Rating: C [B]Christian & Abyss Backstage[/B] Abyss and Christian are talking, well to whatever extent Abyss talks, before anything is heard Abyss attacks the camera man. Don: "Has Christian finnally got through to this monster?" Mike: "Oh, No" Rating: B [B]Kaz & Martyr vs Team 3D[/B] Ray and Kaz start off, they lock up, Kaz gets the waistlock, Ray elbows out, goes off the rope goes for the clothesline, Kaz ducks, Ray comes back off the ropes, Kaz bends over for a back drop, yet too early, Ray hits him with a kick to the jaw, back off the ropes he goes, only to be flap jacked. Kaz gets the tag and Martyr wears down Ray, keeping him away from his corner, it takes one mistake by martyr for Ray to get the clothesline and the tag. Martyr gets the tag to Kaz and a brawl starts DVon lays out both Kaz and Martyr. Ray slams down Kaz and DVon headbutts him where it hurts. DVon gets the 3. Rating: C- [B]Raven Punishes Kaz & Martr[/B] Raven comes out and canes both Kaz and Martr Rating: D+ [B]Abyss Attacks[/B] We are brought backstage, Abyss is seeing kicking the downed Kurt Angle. Abyss picks him up and by the neck throws him through a glass window. Samoa Joe comes running in they exchange punches, Tomko comes in and helps, the numbers game is too much for Joe who gets Chock Slammed on the floor Mike: "This is all Christians doing!" Rating: B+ [B]Christian Cage vs. Rhino[/B] Christian appears in a good mood. Rhino out of the gate goes wild on Christian, but when Rhino was off his guard Christian hits a low blow and there is a complete 180. Christian wears down Rhino with a chin lock. Rhino fight back, Rhino knocks Christian down with clothesline and gets back on the offence. Rhino sets Christian up for the gore, but Tomko comes from behind. The bell is rung, Rhino has won by DQ Rating: B The attack continues, Tomko gets a chair and slams it against his back, lays it down and Christian hits his impaler on the chair. Christian looks down at Rhinos bloody body and celebrates Mike: "There's no one to save him" Don: "Somebody stop this" Christian is still celebrating as they go off the air Rating: B- Final Rating: B-
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwinsiderelite.com/images/logo_gold1.gif[/IMG] [B]IMPACT TELEVISION RATING & LATEST SIGNINGS[/B][/CENTER] Impact coming off the heels of TNA's Destination X PPV and with a main event of Christian Cage against Rhino, Impact gets a final rating of 5.49 compared to WWE Raw's 21.32 which was main evented by Shawn Michaels & Edge, ECW On Sci Fi's 16.11 which was main evented by John Cena & Chris Beniot in their first match for the ECW brand and Smackdown!'s 17.73 which was main evented by the less than thrilling, Boogyman, Kane match The Great Muta was signed by TNA last week and this week TNA are finnally going after the ROH Tag Team Icons The Briscoes. This must be the first element of the evolution of TNA.
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This has some really good content in it and it's a good read. The one thing I would say to work on is maybe the format of it, to make it more appealing at first glance and a little bit easier to read. Great start so far, good to have another TNA dynasty on here, good luck.
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[B]TNA iMPACT! PREVIEW[/B] Last Week saw Christian Cage take on Rhino, the match was ruined thanks to Christian's Problem Solver Tomko. Rhino has requested a match and Jim Cornette has agreed, this week on Impact Rhino will take on Tomko In a rematch from Destination X, The NWA World Tag Team Championships will be on the line as LAX are up against Team 3D Can Chris Sabin successfully defend his X Devision championship yet again as this week on Impact he will face Jay Lethal Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe were both badly hurt last week at the hands of The Monster Abyss. Will they appear at the Impact Zone this week? If so, will there mouths or their fists be flying? BE SURE TO WATCH TNA iMPACT! THIS THURSDAY ON SPIKE!
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[B]TNA Impact Week 2, April 2007[/B] [B]Christian Coordinates His Coalition[/B] [I]We are brought backstage to a Christian's Coalition who are in mid-conversation[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Tomko: "Ive got Rhino tonight, I mean, whats happening are we going to..."[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Christian: "We!...We!. Incase you can't tell ive got my own problems right now, the main one being getting my title back"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Christian: "Wait!. Where's Angle, Where is Joe" Christian Pauses Christian: "Tomko, find Angle, Steiner, Find Joe"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Steiner "Ive told you I only want Angle"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Christian: "...right...Tomko find Joe, Steiner find Angle"[/COLOR] [I]They walk off[/I] [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: C[/COLOR] The Impact Intro Plays [B]X Devision Championship Chris Sabin vs. Jay Lethal[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Road Agent Thoughts: Good routine match, they gave the crowd what they wanted to see. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Borash Backstage With LAX[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Borash: "Coming up next LAX and defending their world tag team championship against Team 3D"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Homicide: "Brother Ray, Devon, we're gonna tear you apart, ye' heard 5150"[/COLOR][COLOR="Blue"]Borash: "Man of few words, will they be able to retain the championship next"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [B]World Tag Team Champioship LAX vs. Team 3D[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Road Agent Thoughts: LAX & team 3D had a great brawl, Homicide & Hernandez both have great potential[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Rating: C+ [/COLOR] [B]Sabin in Cornette's Office[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Sabin: "Whats wrong with you, three weeks, three title defences!, ive got a feeling you don't like this belt around my waist"[/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]Jim: "Wow, are you Rex Sikes now, in fact, due to this disopiediance ive got an idea, we have got a japanese icon just added to the roster, so next week, you will defend your presious X devision championship against The Great Muta"[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Rhino vs. Tomko[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Road Agent Thoughts: Good big man match, Rhino really stood out as being good[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]Post-Match Attack[/B] [I]After the match Christian's Coalition gangs up on Rhino. Out come Angle & Joe and break up the carnage, abyss comes out, black hole slams Angle, the arena turns black. Sting appears and makes his way down to the ring, its utter carnage, Joe fights Christian back to the locker room. Christians Coalition and Abyss run out of the ring for safty. [/I] [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [I]Sting gets the Mic[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Sting: "Abyss!, Steiner!, Tomko!. Me, Angle & Rhino challenge you to a LETHAL LOCKDOWN!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [COLOR="Olive"]Overall: C+[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwinsiderelite.com/images/logo_gold1.gif[/IMG] [B]This Weeks Ratings[/B][/CENTER] TNA Impact got a rating of 5.49 which was main evented with Rhino vs. Tomko same as last week. WWE Raw got a rating of 21.32 Which was main evented with John Cena vs. Umaga. ECW On Sci Fi gets a rating of 14.40 which was main evented by Lashley vs. Matt Hardy way down from last week. Smackdown recived a rating of 18.22 which was main evented by Kane vs. Batista. [CENTER][B]Current Line-Up For TNA Lockdown[/B][/CENTER] NWA World Heavyweight Championship Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage Lethal Lockdown Abyss, Scott Steiner & Tomko vs. Kurt Angle, Sting & Rhino
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.pwinsiderelite.com/images/logo_gold1.gif[/IMG] [B]TNA CONFIRMS RECENT SIGNINGS[/B][/CENTER] TNAWrestling.com has announced the signings of the ROH Tag Team Icons, The Briscoes. The Briscoes are likely to be shot straight into a title match due to the lack of any new contenders.
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[B]TNA iMPACT! PREVIEW[/B] As Announced on last Thursdays impact the dubuting japanese superstar, The Great Muta will be up against Chris Sabin for his X Devision championship, will the title go back to japan? Speaking of debuting, a young new tag team The Briscoes will lay it all out of the table as they take on both Austin Starr & Alex Shelly. Plus, a member from each team who will enter the Lethal Lockdown at Lockdown will face off against each other as Kurt Angle will come face-to-face with 'Big Pappa Pump' Scott Steiner. All this and more, this thursday on impact!
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[B]Christian's Plan Foiled[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Christian: "Steiner, don't worry we will be right there by your side"[/COLOR] [I]Jim Cornette cuts in[/I] [COLOR="Red"]Jim: "Wait, did I just here you correctly, well im afraid that isn't possible"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Christian: "What!, Why?"[/COLOR][COLOR="red"]Jim: "You, that monster and that goat, you call Tomko will be banned from ringside"[/COLOR] [I]Jim looking very pleased with himself walks away Steiner just continues abmiaring his muscles, while Christian looks very upset[/I] [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [I]The Impact Theme Plays[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Mike: What a night we have got for you, as Scott Steiner will take on Kurt Angle one-on-one[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Don: Don't forget that we will see our first taste of The Briscoes[/COLOR][COLOR="blue"]Mike: "But, we are going to start with the X Devision title on the line, as Sabin defends against the japanese icon, The Great Muta"[/COLOR] [B]X Devision Championship Chris Sabin def. The Great Muta[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Road Agent Notes: The crowd were really into Muta, he really showed his potential, his style worked within our enviorement. Sabin wins with his feet on the ropes. Muta is improving in performance skills[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]LAX Meet The Briscoes[/B] [I]LAX bump into the brand new tag team The Briscoes[/I] [COLOR="Blue"]Homicide: "Oh, yeah it these punks"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Mark: "What, up"[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Homicide: "You, think your from the street, you think your tough, were the Tag Team Champions[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jay: "Look at these guys, man"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Lime"]Mark nods disgustingly Mark: "Well why don't we show them what the Briscoes can do"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jay: "Lets see if they've got any balls[/COLOR] [COLOR="lime"]Mark: "Come on, HIT ME!"[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Jay: "Man up, punk"[/COLOR] [I]Homicide goes for a right hook Konnan comes in and stops him[/I] [COLOR="Purple"]Konnan: "What you doin' man, lets do this properly" Konnan: "You come in here like you freakin' run the place, well, you see were you stand as we challenge you for our belts at Lockdown"[/COLOR] [I]Briscoes agree and walk away[/I] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Rating: C-[/COLOR] [B]The Briscoes def. Alex Shelly & Austin Starr [/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Road Agent Notes: A good debut for The Briscoes. [/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Rating: C+[/COLOR] [B]The Great Muta Demands[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Muta: "Did you see that, I thought the X Devision was all about good, peaceful competition and he cheats to win"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Jim: "I know what you mean Muta, You deserve another shot at his belt at Lockdown"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Rating: C[/COLOR] [B]Kurt Angle draws with Scott Steiner[/B] [COLOR="DarkRed"]Road Agent Notes: The match was pulled when a huge war broke out between the people who are going to face each other in lethal lockdown.[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Rating: B-[/COLOR] [I]The brawl continues, Christian trys to get to the ring to no success, as samoa joe comes and knocks him down in the entrance way[/I] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Rating: B[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkslateblue"]Final Rating: B-[/COLOR]
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