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SMW - By The Marks, For the Marks

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We've all been there. Unhappy that a wrestler we love isn't being pushed. Unhappy with a direction they've been taken. Well, the wrestlers get sick of it too. And no where was this more common, then in the WWE. As the story lines developed, several workers saw that they would never get the push they deserved. CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin are classic examples. These workers wanted there shot. And it was given to them, by an unexpected move. Me. I am a Mark. A straight-up, old fashioned mark. No ifs, ands, or buts. And I always thought I could run a promotion better then they could. And I went along, reading other people's thoughts, and yelling at the TV on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Thursday too. I'd earned a little money in the past, and I put it together, with another man who was disheartened with the double-double-e. And we opened our own promotion. We took a couple of the WWE's disgruntled workers, some great independent talent. And put together a promotion. With two real big names, and some others who could be them, I prepared to take a shot across the WWE's bow. They'd been suffering somewhat with the WCW issues of not promoting talent, but more over, they'd just gone to stupid booking. All faces in the Main Event at Wrestlemania? How is that possible? The whole industry has been based on a face vs. heel dynamic, all the way back to the beginning. Batista and Cena were even good canidates for turning, based on Batista's size, and Cena's mixed pops he always gets. This is what was wrong with the industry. This is what we wanted to fix, what I wanted to fix. And dammit, I was going to do my dammnedest to do so. To do right by the fans who at least [I]think[/I] about what they're watching. The marks. The people who make these silly quasi-soap opera's, quasi-blood sports go. And I was going to do what they had demanded. With two helpers. This is SMW. By the marks, for the marks. [IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/ee/SMW_front.jpg/200px-SMW_front.jpg[/IMG]
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SMW TV - January (Week 1) [CENTER][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/200px-SMW_front.jpg[/IMG] [B]Smart Mark Wrestling - Conte Forum (6,090 Fans)[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][COLOR="Blue"]Ben: [/COLOR]Hi folks, welcome to Smart Mark Wrestling, here on Bravo! For the marks, by the marks! Tonight, we have two big surprises for you. One, being our leader here, and a man who is responsible for you seeing this show tonight. The other being the one main eventer the Big E allowed us to carry over, without legal action. Also, the beginnings of a tournament for the SMW Television Title! All this, tonight on SMW! And to start it all off, we'll bring out two of the best tag teams in the business! [/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/SalThomaselli.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/VitoThomaselli.jpg[/IMG] [B] The Briscoe Brothers d. The Iron Saints [/B] The crowd, being made of marks, pops for the Briscoe Brothers. There's a smaller pop for the Iron Saints, but some of that has to be confusion for the Second City Saints. Anyway, this was a good match, not great. The low overness of the Saints didn't help. But the talent of these performers shone through. [B]C+[/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="Blue"]Ben: [/COLOR]Now, we've got two of the best high fliers in [I]history.[/I] One's a WCW and WWE mainstay, while the highest the other got was ROH. You may now them as Jimmy Yang, and "The Prince of Parkland" Jack EVANS.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/JimmyYang.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Evans d. Jimmy Wang Yang[/B] A great high flying matchup, full of spots and general "spot monkey tactics." It got the crowd going though, and that's what this business is all about. Evans and Yang are two of the best at doing it. [B]B-[/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="Red"]Shelton Benjamin[/COLOR] walks out to address the crowd. Hey! Listen to the B-Dawg on this one! You fans, you fans, are what this company is all about. You have the power here. You want someone to get a push, you suggest it. And we'll actually think about it. And probably use it. So that's why you should vote for me. Shelton Benjamin. The most athletic star on this roster, and on any roster in the world![/QUOTE] [B]B-[/B] SMW Television Title Tournament - Match One, Round One. [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/CharlieHaas-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/ChadCollyer-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Charlie Haas d. Chad Collyer[/B] A surprisingly open match, because of the total lack of a name for Chad Collyer. This company is really giving shots to those who didn't have them. But anyway, Haas wins with a Haas of Pain, and advances to the Second Round. [B]B[/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="Blue"]Ben: Now folks, it's time to meet the man responsible for you all being here. The legend. The superstar. The People's friend. The HARDCORE LEGEND. MICK FOLEY! [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/MickFoley.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"]Mick: It's great to be here, in BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS! *Crowd marks out* Listen folks, I know you all expected me to be the head of a hardcore promotion, because it's what I'm known for. But forget that. There are so many great workers who've never had a shot. We have a roster full of them. And one that had a push. A damn big one. The Rabid Wolverine. CHRIS..... BENOIT! And he'll be facing... CM PUNK! [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [B]A[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/IMG][B]vs.[/B][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk d. Chris Benoit[/B] A great match. These workers have great chemistry. The match suffered from the lack of psychology? If this is lack of psychology, I'd like to see more of it. [B]A[/B] [COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][QUOTE]Some one's walking out of the back. It's GREGORY HELMS! [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] "Good Job CM Punk. I give that one-half clap. But anyway, I'm out here to challenge the only man in this damn company I have any respect for, and that includes the fans. *Boo* Chris Benoit. You. Me. Next show. [/COLOR][/QUOTE][B]B-[/B] [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"]Mick: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm in charge here. And Gregory, I don't quite like your tone. Maybe you'll learn some respect against the man you just scorned: CM PUNK! next week.[/COLOR][/QUOTE][B]B[/B] Helms grinds his teeth as we fade to black. [I]Overall Grade: [B]B[/B][/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/200px-SMW_front.jpg[/IMG] [B]Smart Mark Wrestling - Smith Center (5,000 Fans)[/B][/CENTER] [I]Big Thanks to Tristam for letting me use his format[/I] [U][B]What's On Tap: Tonight[/B][/U] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Our fearless announcer, Ben, is sitting by the table, with a smile on his face. [*]Tonight, there'll be several top flight matches to see. [*]First off: The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Kings of Wrestling [*]The last two RoH tag team champs go at it. [*]Then: Jack Evans vs. Mistico [*]High Fliers galore (I wish I could could see this one for real) [*] Next up: The continuation of our SMW TV Title Tournament: [*]TAKA Michinoku vs. The Amazing Red [*]More High Fliers, more great action in the chase for that TV Title [*]And, in our Main Event: [*]Gregory Helms takes on CM Punk. [*]Would that [I]ever[/I] be a main event in the double double e? I think not. [/LIST] [/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][B] vs. [/B][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Kings of Wrestling[/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A fast paced match [*]Mat dominated though [*]The Briscoes in control [*]Jay Briscoe dominates Claudio Castagnoli [*]Right and lefts [*]Dropkick [*]But finally, Claudio escapes and gets the tag [*]Chris Hero comes in hot, decking both Briscoes [*]But Mark Briscoe hits a moonsault [*]One, Two... [*]Claudio Castignoli pulls Charles Robinson out of the ring! [*]Robinson is out! [*]Chair tossed in by Claudio [*]Hero with the chair shot to Mark Briscoe [*]Then Jay Briscoe! [*]The ref's back. [*]Cover! 1..... 2..... 3.... [*]The Kings of Wrestling Have Stolen One! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]C[/B] [B][U]The Kings of Wrestling Continue their assault[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Chris Hero Continues to beat down the Briscoes [*]Claudio's laughing and cheering [*]What carnage! [*]Oh the humanity! [*]Someone STOP THIS! [*]Who's this? Teddy Hart and Jack Evans! [*]They chase the Kings of Wrestling away [*]But it's too late for the battered Briscoes [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]C[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/Mistico.jpg[/IMG] [B]Jack Evans vs. Mistico[/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Jack Evans vs. Mistico [*]What a Matchup! [*]Two of the greatest high-fliers in the world today [*]Going at it here, on SMW [*]That's what we do for you! [*]Anyway, an even matchup [*]Each Move leading to a bigger spot [*]Crowd's going nuts [*]Mistico hits a moonsault onto Evans on the outside. [*]Into the guardrail they go [*]Evans up first [*]Irish whip into the ring [*]Evans on the top turnbuckle! [*]630 Splash! 1.....2.....3..... [*]Jack Evans has won a great match! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]B-[/B] [B][U]Gregory Helms has something to say...[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Helms looks ****y as he stands backstage [*]He starts ripping into CM Punk [*]At one point, he grabs a beer and chugs it. [*]Wow, that's a low blow. [*]The basic point of all this, is he thinks CM Punk isn't "man enough" to beat him [*]I bet Punk would beg to differ [*]We'll find out, TONIGHT! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]B-[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/TakaMichinoku.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/TheAmazingRed.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]TAKA Michinoku vs. The Amazing Red[/U][/B] [B][U]SMW TV Title Tournament (Match 2, Round 1)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]TAKA Michinoku, the veteran. [*]The Amazing Red, the-up and comer trying to prove himself [*]The two lock up [*]TAKA with the push, then a dropkick [*]Red against the ropes [*]Running dropkick by Michinoku! [*]Red through the ropes [*]TAKA with the Moonsault onto Red [*]The two battle around the outside. [*]Amazing Red hits the Code Red on the outside [*]You can't pin them out there! [*]Michinoku recovers. [*]Slides into the ring. [*]Missed punch by Red. [*]Turned into the MICHINOKU DRIVER! [*]1....2....3.... And it's over! [*]TAKA Michinoku advances! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]C+[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] [B]CM Punk vs. Gregory Helms[/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Now, it's time for the main event [*]Helms vs. Punk [*]Hell yeah! [*]Even matchup [*]Both men with good offense [*]Punk seems to be getting the better of Helms [*]Helms with the eye-poke! [*]Cheap Shot! [*]Punk recovers, and keeps fighting [*]A battle, a war! [*]Punk irish whips Helms! [*]Clothesline! [*]He's going for the Pepsi Plunge! [*]NOBODY HOME! [*]Helms, SHINING WIZARD! [*]It Connects! 1....2....3.... [*]Gregory Helms wins! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]B-[/B] (No Chemistry!) [B][U]Brawl Time![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Here come Shelton Benjamin and Chris Benoit! [*]A brawl in the ring! [*]Four men going at it! [*]Helms rams Punk into the post! [*]Benjamin, T-Bone Suplex on Benoit! [*]Punk locks the Anaconda Vice on Benjamin! [*]Benoit's got the crossface on Punk! [*]My god! [*]Security's out, trying to seperate the four men! [*]They'll kill themselves to get at each other! [*]Why? Why? Why? [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]B[/B] [U][B]Mick Foley![/B][/U] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Mick Foley comes out. [*]"It's Great to be here: In CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA!" [*]Hooray! Cheap Pop! [*]Mick's talking about the battle between these four men. [*]He announces next week, at Bring It On!: [*]A Four Way Dance for the Vacant SMW World Title! [*]CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Chris Benoit vs. Gregory Helms! [/LIST][/QUOTE]
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SMW - Bring It On! Published Card [B]Charlie Haas vs. KENTA[/B] These two talented workers have been having some problems backstage, and Mick Foley has agreed to a match between the two at Bring It On! [B]Kevin Steen vs. ???[/B] In a continuation of our Television Title Tournament, Kevin Steen will be taking on a mystery addition to our promotion? Who could it be? [B]The Briscoe Brothers vs. Hart Foundation vs. The Kings of Wrestling[/B] [I]SMW Tag Team Title Match[/I] After the events between these three teams last week, Mick Foley has set up a match between these three teams for the tag team titles. Who will win the first ever SMW championship match? [B]Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk vs. Gregory Helms vs. Shelton Benjamin[/B] [I]SMW World Title Match[/I] And, in our main event, these four men will go all out to win the first ever SMW World Title Match! Who will take the belt, and be crowned the first ever SMW Champion? [B]Plus...[/B] [LIST] [*]A special stipulation by Mick Foley! [*]Two new additions to the main event picture! [/LIST]
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[COLOR="Blue"]Charlie Haas[/COLOR] vs. KENTA [I]- I think Haas will pick up the win and if used right, think he'll be able to bolster your main event scene.[/I] Kevin Steen vs. [COLOR="blue"]???[/COLOR] [I]- I'm not a huge fan of Steen, not seen alot of his matches mind, just what I have I didn't get into, so I say mystery opponent here.[/I] The Briscoe Brothers vs. Hart Foundation vs. [COLOR="blue"]The Kings of Wrestling[/COLOR] [B]SMW Tag Team Title Match[/B] [I]KOW to steal another win and become first champs.[/I] Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk vs. [COLOR="Blue"]Gregory Helms[/COLOR] vs. Shelton Benjamin [B]SMW World Title Match[/B] [I]- For some reason I've been really liking Helms of late in real life and think it'd be nice to see him become the first SMW Champion, although he is probably an underdog of sorts with the others around him.[/I]
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SMW - Bring It On! [CENTER][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/200px-SMW_front.jpg[/IMG] [B]SMW - Bring It On! (Nassau Coliseum - 14,905)[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Our fearless announcer, Ben, is sitting at the broadcast table. [*]Next to him is the hardcore legend, Mick Foley [*]Tonight, we have an amazing card for the first ever SMW PPV! [*]First off, we have Charlie Haas vs. KENTA, in a great match pitting two of the best from different wrestling worlds [*]Then, we have Kevin Steen taking on a mystery opponent, in the third match of the first round in our Television Title Tournament [*]We've also got the first ever title match in SMW, with several tag teams going at it. [*]The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Kings of Wrestling vs. Hart Foundation [*]This match is preceeded by the brawl that broke out last week on SMW TV. [*]Who will gain the upper hand here, and win the titles? [*]And, in our main event... [*]We have Chris Benoit vs. Gregory Helms vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk for the SMW World Title! [*]It's gonna be a slobberknocker! [*]*Snicker* [*]And it's all here... At BRING IT ON! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/CharlieHaas-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/KENTA.jpg[/IMG] [B]Charlie Haas vs. KENTA[/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two great technical workers go at it here. [*]The two trade blows in the center of the ring to start off [*]Even matchup, no one able to gain an advantage [*]Haas with the irish whip. [*]KENTA off the ropes [*]Turns into a Belly to Belly suplex by Haas [*]Haas locks in the Haas of Pain! [*]KENTA Struggles to get the ropes [*]He can't do it! [*]He taps! [*]Your winner.. Charlie HAAS! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]B[/B] [QUOTE] [LIST] [*]Now, our mystery contestent in the SMW TV Title Tournament... [*]Unfamilar music... [*]It's... [*]"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson! [*]A former ROH World Champion [*]And one of the best technical workers in the world! [*]My god, My god! [*]This is huge! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/BryanDanielson.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/KevinSteen.jpg[/IMG] [B]"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. Kevin Steen[/B] [QUOTE] [LIST] [*]Danielson gets a nice pop [*]From the crowds of marks here [*]Danielson dominates the match [*]Seemingly toying with Steen [*]However, Steen sold it well, and the match turned out solid. [*]Danielson ended the match with a slam [*]Into a Cattle Mutilation [/LIST] [/QUOTE] [B]C[/B] [B][U]What's going on backstage?[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]We cut to a camera backstage [*]Lying on the ground is CM Punk [*]He is bleeding horribly from a gash in his head [*]Who could have done this to CM Punk? [*]And why did he do it? [*]What impact does this have on the Main Event tonight? [*]My god! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]A[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/ChrisHero.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/TeddyHart.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/JackEvans.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Kings of Wrestling vs. Hart Foundation[/B] [B]SMW Tag Team Title[/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A Three-Way Tag Match [*]Titles on the line [*]Open match [*]All three teams working at there best [*]Hero and Castignoli trying to keep it on the ground [*]Evans and Hart taking it to the air [*]And The Briscoes doing it all [*]Match went on, until... [*]Hero pulls the ref out of the ring! [*]Castignoli gets a chair! [*]Swings at Jay Briscoe [*]Jay ducks! [*]It nails Teddy Hart! [*]Castignoli drops the chair! [*]Briscoe with the running bulldog! [*]Pin on Hart! [*]Hero, Mark Briscoe and Jack Evans are brawling along the outside! [*]The referee returns! [*]1...2...3! [*]The Briscoes are the new SMW Tag Team Champions! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B][U]What the?[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The lights go out [*]A face appears on the titantron [*]It's the Pegasus Kid??? [*]What the hell? [*]"Chris Benoit. You and I have a history. And I am here to finish it." [*]As well as to bring these people the entertainment they so sorely lack![*]Maybe there's a reason they were low on the WWE totem pole? [*]But who the hell cares? [*]I'm here! I'm the Pegasus Kid, and I'm here to take out Chris Benoit, and rule the SMW! [*]And I'll take on anyone to prove it. [*]RIGHT NOW! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/PegasusKid.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/LanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Pegasus Kid vs. Lance Storm[/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The lights go out [*]Pyro explodes, and in walks the Pegasus Kid. [*]Complete with old style dress [*]Behind him is Lance Storm [*]The cagey vet fights back as best he can [*]However, the "Pegasus Kid" dominates [*]He hits the... STYLES CLASH?! [*]1...2...3! [*]AJ STYLES? [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B][U]Mick Foley Time![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]It's great to be here in LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK! [*]*Woo!* [*]Now, what we saw in the back involving CM Punk is horrible, but the show must go on [*]Now, we booked a fatal four-way, and we'll give you a fatal fourway! [*]So.... [*]We'll have Chris Benoit vs. Gregory Helms vs. Shelton Benjamin vs... [*]BROCK LESNAR! [*]*Pop!* [*]RIGHT NOW! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Chris Benoit vs. Gregory Helms vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Brock Lesnar[/B] [B]SMW World Title Match[/B] [I]Fatal Four-Way[/I] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]This is it! [*]The main event! [*]The one you've all been waiting for! [*]The match is even [*]Benoit vs. Benjamin in one corner. [*]Helms and Lesnar in the other! [*]The four men switch partners [*]And the brawl continues! [*]Benoit Arm Takedown on Helms! [*]Crippler Crossface! [*]This could be it! [*]But Lesnar's got the Brock Lock! [*]The three men struggle [*]My god! [*]Benjamin breaks it up [*]The match continues! [*]Helms takes a T-Bone suplex! [*]Into another Crossface! [*]He taps! [*]Three men remain [*]Benjamin is clotheslined by Lesnar [*]Diving head butt by Benoit! [*]Lesnar with the pin. [*]1...2...3 [*]Shelton Benjamin is eliminated! [*]Two men left. [*]Lesnar and Benoit. [*]Two former WWE workers. [*]Wait, that's not right. [*]That's not what we're about! [*]Who the hell booked this crap! [*]Lesnar takes out Benoit with a steel chair! [*]The ref didn't see it! [*]1...2...3! [*]Cheap Shot! [*]Cheap Win! [*]But Lesnar is the SMW World Champion! [*]No! [*]My god! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]A*[/B] [B][U]Lesnar Celebrates![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Lesnar raises the belt over his head! [*]Falls to his knees in triumph [*]But wait! [*]Who's that on the entrance way! [*]It's CM Punk, being assisted by a medic! [*]He's got a huge bandage wrapped around his head [*]"Brock Lesnar. You took away my title shot. You took away what I came here for. And I will make you pay. [*]But unfortunately, the doctors said I am in no shape to wrestle. [*]So, my friend here will take a shot. [*]And if you still hold the title, I'll take one next week"! [*]The medic looks up. [*]It's... [*]MATT HARDY! [*]My god. [*]Matt: Brock. You. Me. Now. SMW World Title. [*]Brock: "Why the hell should I accept?" [*]Mick Foley stands up at ringside. [*]"Because I said so. Get the hell into that ring!" [*]Another title match! [*]Right now! [*]Brock: "Okay, but one thing first." [*]Lesnar grabs CM Punk, and F5's him onto the steel steps at ringside! [*]Right on that destroyed head! [*]My god! [*]The carnage! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]A[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/BrockLesnar3.jpg[/IMG] [B]vs.[/B] [IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Brock Lesnar vs. Matt Hardy[/B] [B]SMW World Title Match[/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The two men square off. [*]Lesnar laughs! [*]He low blows Matt Hardy! [*]And is walking away! [*]"Hey Foley. You didn't make this anything special. [*]He wins by DQ, but I keep this title! [*]Suck on that!" [*]No! [*]Matt Hardy is lying in the ring. [*]CM Punk is comatose at ringside! [*]All because of one man! [*]The World Champion! [*]Brock Lesnar! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B]A[/B] [B]Overall Show Rating: B+[/B]
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SMW TV Preview [Center][IMG]http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j113/Bye1918/Wrestling/200px-SMW_front.jpg[/IMG] [B]SMW TV Preview[/B][/Center] After the events at Bring It On! Commisioner Foley has scheduled two big matches for SMW TV. The first is a match between Matt Hardy, and the new SMW World Champion, Brock Lesnar! And the title will be lost on a DQ! Also, there will be a 10 Man Rumble for the Number One Contendership to the World Title! Also watch for the continuation of our SMW Television Title Tournament! The Pegasus Kid will be in the building! All this, on [B]SMW TV![/B] [Center]ANNOUNCED CARD: Teddy Hart vs. Mistico KENTA vs. James Maritato (SMW TV Title Tournament) 10 Man Battle Royal (Number One Contendership for the World Title) Matt Hardy vs. Brock Lesnar (SMW World Title Rematch!)[/CENTER]
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