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Total Xtreme Wrestling: Fantastic Four

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[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="4"]"Revolution is not the uprising against preexisting order, but the setting up of a new order contradictory to the traditional one”[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I] This Revolution indeed goes against the Traditional Order... The Traditional Order would of course be the way that Wrestling is seen on TV... As fake, soap-opera-like, too corny, cartoonish and all around a homoerotic encounter between two males. The Revolution would not be against the WWE or TNA but what WWE and TNA have mad wrestling into. The Revolution is not against MTV or any network but instead the way that networks repress and opress the Revolution that Wrestling was meant to be... This revolution is contradictory to anything wrestling have ever seen... This is the story of TXW[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Total Xtreme Wrestling Backstory:[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://myspace-429.vo.llnwd.net/01300/92/47/1300597429_m.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]MTV can be the blame of the first part of the new revolution... After hyping up a Huge New TV Show called Wrestling Society X everyone in the wrestling world was ready for what many were calling the new ECW. After a few successfull episodes that probably drew better attention to MTV than Laguna Beach of Viva La Bam ever did the show was cancelled by the MTV Executives... Who suffered the biggest blow though? The Fans? No they still had other shows to watch... The Wrestler? They got paid and were on National TV so no... MTV? No they still have a Network... Here is the man that got hurt the most...[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KrisKloss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]To fans he was just another color commentator... To the wrestlers he was just the crazy guy wanting to make a new promotion where they would get a good check at... In all actuality though he was the creative genious behind Wrestling Society X and even helped mold XPW to what it was... Although many people knock on both concepts they both made impacts in wrestling. Kriss would have appeared to be done with wrestling... But fate intervenes...[/I][/QUOTE] [B][CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]"The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them." [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ECW.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]WWE would of course be the next part of the Revolution to blame... After bringing back ECW in its "NEW FORM" WWE eventually decided to slam it back down to what they had thoughts it was... A Midcard show with very little creativity... Soon every week Val Venis and Harcore Holly were Main Eventing a Nationally Syndicated TV Show... Who did this hurt? The Fans? No not really Venis and Holly put on some good ****. McMahon? Nah he destroyed bigger things than the new ECW. Sci Fi? **** no its the highest draw on Sci Fi next to Battlestar Galactica... There was one man who it hurt... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG] The quote above applies to this man more than anyone in the entire wrestling business. His first oppressor was the NWA by telling him he had to keep the NWA Tradition... He would then overthrow this oppressor to soon be oppressed by TNN who told him to get rid of the ECW Spirit on his ECW TV Show... The next oppressor would be the WWE by not letting him truly be the greatest wrestling booker in the history of wrestling... You would think that Paul was tired of being oppressed... However Paul would soon step back onto the wrestling scene after being released by WWE... This time though... It would be a Revolution like nobody expected...[/CENTER][/I][/QUOTE] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]"Every generation needs a new revolution.”[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TNA.jpg[/IMG] [I]TNA was thought to be that revolution... TNA had everything it needed... a awesome roster, a good TV Slot... The NWA Name... Jim Cornette... However one thing held it back... Vince Russo... Nobody on the creative team had the balls to tell TNA management that Russo sucked... Well one man did... He seems to be the starter of quite a few revolutions though... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG] After the revolutions in Tag Team Wrestling, OVW and Smokey Mountian Wrestling you would think Jim Cornette was about ready to hang up his boots... Thinking won't get you far though. Cornette still has one good fight left in him... Welcome to the Revolution Sir![/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]"A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind.”[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/roh.jpg[/IMG] [I]After all this had taken place many saw ROH as the Golden Road of Wrestling... But even the mightiest fall. ROH Owner Cary Silkin had a heart attack right before Wrestlemania and was unable to do his task of ROH Owner... He of course would want to hand down ROH to Gabe Sapolsky the booker and the genious behind ROH... But with all Revolutions a Tyrant must always take control... The US Government of all people during the ROH Contraversy took control of ROH and put it up for sell... Gabe Sapolsky made a bid of $1 Million Dollars on it... However there was one guy with about 3 backers who made a bid on it for $2 Million Dollars... Rob Feinstien... Feinstien was hated by ROH fans and almost anyone you could name with any moral sense in the wrestling business... However Feinstein decided to let Gabe Sapolsky stay on staff as the booker and even increased his budget... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GabeSapolsky.jpg[/IMG] Sapolsky was the man with the Revolution inside of him that the quote above talked about.. Sapolsky without the knowledge of Feinstein, ROH, the internet or anyone made the most shocking move ever... He flew in Kriss Kloss, Jim Cornette and Paul Heyman to the ROH Wrestlemania Doubleshot...[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]The Fantastic Four Meet Soon[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]The Revolution Begins![/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I] The story starts out with Gabe Sapolsky sitting in a room. He is alone and is looking at a bookshelf full of ROH DVD's and Posters... I tear is shed. Sapolsky is boxing up things left and right... Something is about to happen... The first man to walk in is Kriss Kloss [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KrisKloss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Kriss Kloss walks into the room and looks around at things... Kloss walks over to Gabe and offers his hand... Kloss: This is somewhat of a surreal feeling... The biggest, baddest and bestest indy Booker in the US asking the former creator of a flop on MTV to come into his office... Gabe what is up man? Gabe: Well Kriss I have an idea... Ideas are what drive the world right? Kriss: I guess so but what do I have to do with an idea that you would have? I am the laughing stock of the Wrestling World right now! Gabe: Of the wrestling world but not of me... A wise man once told me that we all have our weaknesses and strengths it is merely hiding our weakness's that make us look stronger. Your strength was building what I would call the best roster to ever hit TV Wrestling since WCW 98... Granted you had a lot of restrictions on you because of the man but I honestly think that if WSX could have worked out the kinks it could have been the biggest thing in TV Wrestling.... Kriss: Just one question who told you about the weaknesses Gabes Phone Rings Gabe Looks Down Gabe: The man calling me right now *Answers phone*... Yea no I am not too busy come on in... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Paul Heyman walks into the room.. Kriss Kloss has a look of shock on his face and Gabe has a look of pure happiness in him... Paul: Gabe good to see you and I am glad I can finnaly attend one of your shows. Can you introduce me to your friend here? Gabe: Paul you should know him this is Kriss Kloss he used to work for XPW and Wrestling Society X... Paul: Oh the Xtreme Promotion of Wretards and Wretard Sucks Xtreme.... Nice to meet you Paul Heyman Kriss: Nice to meet you Mr. Five Million Dollars in the hole... Gabe: Gentlemen Gentlemen please get along for a few seconds... My next guest has just arrived... And I am sure that none of you are going to be pleased by this... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Jim Cornette walks into the room talking instantly Jim: Gabey baby good to see I can still find work in the number one wrestling company in America... Whats going on Brother good to be back in ROH! Ever since TNA ****canned me and WWE got wors *Notices Heyman* Whats he doing here? Oh no dont tell me your about to ECW it and let WWE buy you out... *Notices Kloss* well **** me sideways Gabe your gonna let ROH show on MTV too! Paul: Actually Jim Gabe has all flown us in here for some reason or another... Do you actually think any of us would agree to come here if we had known that the others would be here... How realistic is it that Paul Heyman, Jim Cornette and Kriss Kloss would be in the same room... Jim: Paul thats your problem... Wrestling isnt about realism... If you would have told me twenty years ago that I would be replaced as the head booker of the second largest company in the world by a guy who books a Last Rites Match then I would have slapped you in the face and said send that **** to McMahon for Piper vs. Mr. T... I have learned one thing in wrestling gentlemen and thats never say never... Now Gabe has to have some sort of reason for calling us into here... What is it? Gabe: Gentleman the reason I have called all of you in here is that within the past year or so we have all been screwed by the man in some sort of way... Heyman.. Vince destroyed your ECW Dream... Kloss your hopes of being on TV every week with a GOOD wrestling show were destroyed by MTV... Cornette you got destroyed by a guy who booked the Judy Bagwell on a Pole Match... I got screwed by a guy who wanted a 13 year old boy to have relations with him... Now a lot of people mainly the people who screwed us would like for us to try and start our own projects again and fail miserably just so the cynical cycle of the wrestling world would continue... Well I am tired of getting butt****ed by the Business. Paul ECW was the greatest wrestling revolution the world has ever seen, Cornette you are easily the best veteran manager of all time, Kriss you have good ideas and if you and Paul would work together with me then we would be an unstoppable force... Thats why today gentleman on the eve of Wrestlemania 23 it is time to overthrow the man... Its time to **** the system.. Its time to oppress the oppressors and free the oppressed its time for... Total Xtreme Wrestling [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/I] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Up Next is details on the Shows, Roster and How the hell this will be paid for[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B]
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[B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Who said a Revolution would be free?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GabeSapolsky.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KrisKloss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The setting is the day after Wrestlemania... Kloss, Heyman, Cornette and Sapolsky all watched the ROH shows that Gabe booked with glee... Gabe asked for a Bonus from Feinstein the Saturday of the show.. This bonus would be worth $1,000 which was not much but it helped Sapolsky keep Heyman, Kloss and Cornette in the same Hotel Room for the next week which of course was the first week of planning for TXW. Sapolsky entered the hotel room on that monday morning with a grin on his face... Heyman, Cornette and Kloss were not happy though... Heyman: Gabe... Me, Kloss and even Jim Cornette have been sitting here talking since Wrestlemania last night... We have all the right things... We got Machinery, Carpenters, Tools and everything... but we dont have the thing that holds a piece of art together... Money... Gabe: Well actually Paul we do... Thats why I came to pick you all up today.... We are going on a little road trip... To where I cannot say but you will all ride in the back of my van for a good while and then when we get to the building ear-pieces and blindfolds will be applied to you! Kloss: Gabe are you mad? You keep talking about Revolution, Being butt-****ed by the business and now blindfolds... This sounds like the Main Event of a WSX Show! Cornette: Or the Match of the Year Candidate in TNA! Heyman: Or the blowoff match of the fued between Hardcore Holly and Val Venis! Gabe: All of you need to trust me... Heyman: Gabe I trust you I just think your ****ing insane... so do Cornette and Kloss! Gabe: Good there is a thin line between genious and insanity. We are about to drive that line straight to our destination... After a long car-ride from Detriot, Michigan that lasted almost a whole day our Xtreme Adventurers would arrive at a very significant building in wrestling history... Gabe Makes a Call Gabe: We are here sir... What do you want to do... Ok we will wait here... Your coming outside... You want to go eat?! Heyman, Kloss and Cornette are all of course blindfolded and scared somewhat ****less... A mysterious man opens up the doors to the van... He is in a Lucha Libre Mask and sits down next to Heyman... Heyman introduces himself and so do the rest of the gang.... Heyman: Gabe no offense but I have some eccentric billionare in a Suit and a Lucha Libre mask sitting next to me and I have no clue who it is... Would you mind informing me of whats going on here?! Gabe: No but he would... Man: Ever since 2001 the attack I recieved from the wrestling business has left me scarred! Cornette: WHO THE **** ARE YOU?! Don't talk about scars until you know what the business is really about... What has wrestling scarred you with... The fact that you cannot watch WCW on TV anymore... Man takes off the mask while saying... Man: Actually Yes [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TedTurner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Heyman: Cornette either I am tripping balls or you just asked Ted Turner who the **** he is... Cornette: No I am pretty sure your right... I did Turner: Gentlemen I dont have much time so here is the deal... About two months ago I saw a ROH Flyer being handed out that was at a local Best Buy... I had no clue what it was but it intrigued me and so I ordered three tapes from this ROHwrestling.com... I was intrigued this was the best product of all time... Then I tried to get ahold of Cary Silkin but he was hospitilized so the secratary sent me to Mr. Sapolsky... Heres the deal.. I liked his show... I wanted to help his show... His show butt****ed him... He called me to tell me the deal is off with ROH and hes about to quit it... I make him an offer to start up a new promotion with my money... Heyman: Holy **** I am going to be on TNT this is unbe****ingleviable! Turner: Not quite none of my networks will take a wrestling show anymore... Heres the deal though... I have $5 Million Dollars sitting in the bank leftover from what AOL/Time Warner called the WCW Fund... Its your money now... I will also help you guys score a TV Deal... Kloss: *Coughs* not with MTV *Coughs* Turner: Exactly! Turner then puts on a cape and his mask and jumps out of the van while it is going and runs away as Gabe smiles while driving and the three in the back look on as they still do not know what they have gotten themselves into!!![/I]
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I thought about Trump very hard... **** I even thought Mark Cuban or Bill Gates but I figured Turner would work out best with the whole I got screwed thing... Also Turner is a ****ing nutjob and I can see him doing something like that lol
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]The Televised Wrestling Revolution[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/espn_corp_logo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/youtube.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/mavtv.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/Superstation_wgn.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I] After many letters of recemondation from Ted Turner four "Networks" were finnaly ready to take a risk... The first was EPSN which had a drought of wrestling since the AWA. Ted convinced EPSN that if they commited to TXW then TXW would commit to them by showing all there shows live! Gabe, Heyman, Kloss and Cornette agreed! Youtube.com of course was really easy to convince since well they will show any ****... MAVTV was convinced since they already show WWE's Deep South Wrestling and Fledgling Texas Promotion Xtreme Championship Wrestling WGN came as somewhat of a surprise but they signed on anyway to give TXW a late-night slot! The following are the show times for TXW: ESPN: Wednesday Night at 9 O Clock PM YOUTUBE: 24/7 WGN: Wednesday Night at 11 O Clock PM MavTV: Friday Night at 8 O Clock PM Every station signed on for an hour time-slot... TXW had the TV... But who has the wrestlers?[/I] [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]Roster NEXT!!![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Every Revolution needs its Soldiers![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GabeSapolsky.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KrisKloss.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I] The setting is May 13th, 2007. The time is 8 O Clock in the Morning.... Today is the day that the roster of the TXW will be drafted. Somethings have happened [/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/Octane.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]TXW has determined the name of its TV Show it will be called TXW Octane and air live every week on EPSN at 9 O Clock! Also TXW went public after all the TV Deals were said and done and scared the **** out of WWE and TNA! TNA attempted to recruit Cornette back and WWE went straight after Kloss and Heyman... They all denied![/I][/QUOTE] [I]Back into reality Gabe Sapolsky has 28 Contracts laid out on a Table and a phone in each hand... Gabe has set up the hiring system in a Draft Format in which each 1/4 Owner gets 5 Wrestlers and One Tag Team (7 Workers all together)... Today is the day of Gabe Sapolsky! There is a VideoTron set up to showcase each worker! [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GabeSapolsky.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Gabe: To say I am not biased towards ROH would be a HUGE understatement... So thats why probably all of my picks are ROH Based! My Tag Team called me yesterday and absolutely begged to be on the roster... They are what many people would call the greatest Tag Team in wrestling today and have never even been on TV... It is time for TXW to man up as I have signed the Briscoe Brothers! [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][B][CENTER]The Briscoe Brothers:[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JayBriscoe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/IMG] [I]The Briscoe Brothers are the tag team that ROH was built upon. Hard-hitting, high-flying and death-defying they are definitally the best independant team in the world today! The Briscoe Brothers usually use a Dropkick Doomsday or Normal Doomsday Device to finish off opponents but are not above using other moves! Entrance Theme: Simple Man by Lynard Skinnard Accomplishments: 3X ROH Tag Team Champions[/I][/CENTER][/QUOTE] The room looks on and applauds (Heyman, Cornette and Kloss)... Kloss looks really excited as does Cornette but Heyman is a little lost on the whole matter... My first singles superstar is someone who was butt****ed by the WWE for working too much like Chris Beniot... I have no clue why this would be a bad thing but he is ROH's Current Hired Gun! [QUOTE][B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Brent Albright[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Brent Albright is a young up and coming star currently touring with Ring of Honor and Full Impact Pro... Seen as the next Chris Beniot Albright is a big man who can definitally work.... Usually puts his opponents away with the Fujiwara Armbar or as he calls it the "Crowbar" Entrance Music: Welcome Home by Coheed and Cambria Accomplishments: OVW Heavyweight, Tag Team and TV Title[/I][/QUOTE] Cornette is shown making a thumbs up sign because of the fact that he worked with Brent in OVW! Gabe: My next pick is somewhat surprising as he has not been in ROH all that long... However him and the pick after him are great workers and they deserve to ply there craft on a National Format... Please look at the Videotron for El Generico![/I] [QUOTE][COLOR="Red"][B][CENTER]El Generico[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ElGenerico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]El Generico has been dubbed the Generic Luchador by fans everywhere but there is nothing generic about this man... Has the uncanny ability to connect with any crowd he gets near. Uses the Brainbuster onto the Top Rope for his Finishing Manuever! Entrance Music: Bouncing Souls- OLE! Accomplishments: PWG Tag Team and Heavyweight Champion[/I][/QUOTE] [I]Everyone once again claps with Kloss looking the most excited since he obviously follows the indy scene! Gabe: Now in order to score a deal with Generico I had to sign his best friend... Although he too is a great wrestler... My next pick is Kevin Steen! [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Kevin Steen[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KevinSteen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Steen may look somewhat fat and akward but he is actually one of the greatest things to ever come out of Canada! Steen is a great heel and will do anything to win... Puts his opponents away with the Package Piledriver Entrance Music: Time To Waste- Alkaline Trio Accomplishments: PWG World Title[/I][/QUOTE] The other three men again give there approval after the hype video! Gabe: My next pick was screwed over by TNA for working for me and then making it on time to a TNA PPV. He is definitally a future World Champion wherever he goes and applies his craft... His name is Roderick Strong! [QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR="red"][B]Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Though if he were ever used in WWE Action he would probably be regulated to midcard action Roderick Strong is far from a midcard performer... After 2005 being his coming out year with great matches with Bryan Danielson Roderick Strong is ready to hit the Big Screen and kick some big ass. Uses the Death By Roderick for his finishing move! Entrance Music: New **** by Marilyn Manson Accomplishments: ROH Tag Team Champion, FIP Champion[/I][/QUOTE] Cornette and Heyman look on in awe thinking about how they could build up Roderick Strong into the next Wrestling Machine! Gabe: My final signing is also my largest... His WWE Contract runs out in two weeks so he will be ready to go by our Debut show.. I have already talked to him on the phone too... He is one of my best friends in the entire business... Just watch the video... [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]CM Punk[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]CM Punk is known WorldWide at this point but only a few weeks ago was seen jobbing to Stevie Richards on the NEW ECW. Punk goes way back with Sapolsky and so it was expected he would jump at the chance to work with Gabe again... Punk puts away people with the Anaconda Vice Entrance Music: Miseria Cantare by AFI Accomplishments: OVW and ROH Champion[/I][/QUOTE][/I]
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I edited the mod... I have not even started on the game yet I am still editing **** and all that jazz... which is probably a good thing... The next pickers are: Kliss Kloss Jim Cornette and then Heyman Take a few stabs on who drafts who
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Drafting Continues![/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GabeSapolsky.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KrisKloss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]After Gabe made a huge signing in CM Punk in the draft the Fantastic Four took a donut and cofee break with all four men agreeing that they already are shaping up to have a fantastic roster. Kris Kloss was up next and he told everyone he has a signing that may be able to top CM Punk. Lets watch[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KrisKloss.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Kris: Gabe when you told me a few weeks ago that I had to make seven signings I wont lie I was a little nervous... This is the biggest thing to ever hit wrestling and I want to make sure my boys represent me well... My first pick is my Tag Team who are from PWG in California... They both used to wrestle for WSX but not together... My pick are a team called the Dynasty and are made up of Scorpio Sky and Joey Ryan! [QUOTE][COLOR="Red"][B][CENTER]The Dynasty[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ScorpioSky.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JoeyRyan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Two of Pro Wrestling Guerrila's top wrestlers Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky make up the Magnum PI esque team of the Dynasty. Both have there seperate strengths and weaknesses and both men can get it done in the ring. Entrance Music- Magnum PI Theme Accomplishments- PWG Tag Team Champions (Ryan with Scott Lost and Chris Bosh) (Scorpio with Quicksilver), PWG World Champion (Joey Ryan)[/I][/QUOTE] Gabe looks on intrigued at the fact that he has never used either man before... Heyman is laughing at the Magnum PI Shenanigans and Cornette looks utterly perplexed! Kris: To say my next signing is contraversial is an understatement... However to say he is not a good wrestler would be a huge detriment to his family... I know Gabe has had his problems with him in the past but I truly think he belongs on National Television! Give it up for Teddy Hart! [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][B][CENTER]Teddy Hart[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TeddyHart.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Bret and Owens nephew much like the rest of his family is no stranger to contraversy... However Teddy is also no stranger to wrestling like a star. Molded from all of Stampedes Best wrestlers and trained by some of the best in the world he is currently a "Hot Issue" on many wrestling messageboards. Uses the Flipping Tigerdriver and the Hart Attack for his finishing moves... Entrance Music: Old Bret Hart Theme Techno Mix Accomplishments: JAPW Heavyweight and Tag Team Champion[/I][/QUOTE] Gabe somewhat rolls his eyes at the thought of Teddy working for him again but he tells Kris that he will give anyone a chance... Cornette looks stunned as the video shows some of the **** that Teddy has done and Heyman grins evily knowing Teddy's Contraversy is Money in the Bank! Kris: Now that that is out of the way I also have another friend from ROH that is interested in the project... He also use to wrestle for WSX and he is currently doing his last tour with Dragon Gate before signing on with us... Give it up for Jack Evans! [QUOTE][B][CENTER][COLOR="red"]Jack Evans[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JackEvans2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Jack Evans is currently what the internet fans are calling the best high flyer in the world. Not very big, not very strong but he gets the job done with his speed and charisma... Jack is the walking flip machine and usually finishes off people with his 630 Splash! Entrance Music: Can't Touch This by MC Hammer Accomplishments: JAPW Tag Team Champion, Dragon Gate Wrestler, Former TNA Star[/I][/QUOTE] After the video Gabe is shown making a yes sign while Cornette looks pleased about the signing... Again since Heyman is out of the loop on indy wrestlers just looks completely stunned by Jack's moves... Kris: I know a lot of people are going to ask why would I sign my next guy... Well its pretty simple... TXW is full of young kids who can work... Well we need at least one guy to attract the old guard of fans... He is also a good worker so it will help out TXW in the long run.... Sean Waltman! [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Sean Waltman[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Sean Waltman has been wrestling for over 14 years and is one of the best Light Heavyweights in the world... Takes contraversy with him wherever he goes but is still an awesome worker... Known for his roles in NWO and DX Waltman puts people away with the X-Factor! Entrance Music: X Factor by Unkle Kracker Accomplishments: WWE Tag Team Champion, WCW/WWE Cruiserweight Champion, TNA X Division Champion, WWE US Champion[/I][/QUOTE] Cornette, Heyman and Gabel look on at the screen kind of surprised by this signing.... Kris: If you think that was good the next two are better and are no way affiliated with WSX... this next guys tour contract with NOAH runs out tomorrow and he is looking to make the next big step towards SuperStardom... I would hype him up more but here he is... KENTA!!! [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]KENTA[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KENTA.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]KENTA is simply one of the world's best wrestlers... After touring with ROH for a while went back to his native Japan to wrestle and many believed it to be the end of his American Wrestling career. However TXW 1/4 Owner Kris Kloss invested in a contract knowing good and damn well if they ever run Japan he would make a great name value! Puts away his opponents with the Busakia Knee Kick and the Go 2 Sleep! Entrance Music: Japanese Music Accomplishments: Match of the Year Award (Vs. Low Ki Final Battle 2005), NOAH Jr. Heavyweigh Title[/I][/QUOTE] Cornette and Gabe both give this a standing ovation and Paul E himself looks excited about it... Kris: Oh but gentleman I have topped this... The next guy I know very well as we met at a SoCal Indy show at one point in between WWE Stints... You may have read TNA and ROH are after him since WWE let him go 2 weeks before Wrestlemania... He is truly a Haus! [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Charlie Haas[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CharlieHaas2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Charlie Haas is another man who has been screwed over by the "standard" Wrestling system of today... A great athlete, with half-decent charisma and great in ring knowledge Haas is truly one to watch out for in TXW.... Destroys opponents with the Haas of Pain and the Exploder Suplex! Entrance Music- TNT by ACDC Accomplishments: WWE Tag Team Champion[/I][/QUOTE] The meeting comes to a screeching hault as all four men look more impressed as the roster of TXW is getting bigger, better and badder.... Jim Cornette next![/I]
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Heyman and Cornette Picks [COLOR="Red"][B][CENTER]Viva La Revolution![/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KrisKloss.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GabeSapolsky.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]After the first 14 members of the roster were drafted everyone went back to the hotel room but first Gabe announced that Cornette and Heyman would announce there draft picks on the same day! With already such a great roster how can Cornette top it... Lets tune in and find out! [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Jim: I gotta admit this is one of the first times in my twenty plus years in the business for me to be nervous about something I am doing... However after looking over my draft picks... I now know I shouldnt be... My first pick is of course my tag team... Now they have not teamed in over two or three years but they are still a very well polished unit and both great singles wrestlers in there own right. One of them just got released by TNA and the other one was fired for no reason... They are Triple X [QUOTE][CENTER][COLOR="red"][B]Triple X[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ElixSkipper.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/LowKi.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Low Ki and Elix Skipper are two of the most underused and underrated stars in all of TNA. Skipper with his great high flying prowess and Low Ki with the ability to fly and brawl like no other. Both are former TNA Tag Team Champions and Elix Skipper even enjoyed a run in WCW... One thing is for sure... Triple X gonna give it to ya! Accomplishments: TNA Tag Team Champion (Elix Skipper and Low Ki/with Chris Daniels), TNA X Division Champion, ROH World Champion) Entrance Music: Triple X Theme from TNA[/I][/QUOTE] Heyman and Kloss look on with glee. They both agree that this could be the breakout team of TXW if not the Briscoes... Gabe looks not so happy since they have had heat before... Cornette then begins to talk again... Cornette: I know I am going to get a lot of heat for this but its the damn truth... We got a bunch of young kids who can work decently but we need some old school fire... My next pick is a buddy from way back but I have the feeling he can add some old school fire to a roster that doesn't have a lot... He can work with the best of them so please give him a chance... Ricky Morton! [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][B][CENTER]Ricky Morton[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/RickyMorton.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Ricky Morton is one half of one of the greatest tag teams of all time the Rock N Roll Express... Ricky was before his time with his high-flying antics and has never really gotten the oppurtunity to shine like he truly can... Could a New Rock N Roll Express be in order?![/I][/QUOTE] Heyman, Sapolsky and Kloss look kind of perplexed but they do realize it could benefit them as he can be used to help build up the young kids. Cornette: My next pick is a good kid who can work well and I know him from ROH... He can fly, he can ground and he can even cut a promo.. WWE and TNA have scouted him and hes even a former WSX Star... He is Colt Cabana! [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Colt Cabana[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Colt Cabana is one of the most underrated wrestlers the whole world known... Known mostly for his comedy work Colt is truly a master of all trades... Colt is from Chicago and is a friend of CM Punks'... While Colt may not have the big league look his matches definitally bring a big league feel... Colt puts away people with the Colt 45 Tiger Driver Accomplishments: ROH Tag Team Champion (With Ace Steele and CM Punk) Entrance Music: Copacabana by Barry Manilow[/I][/QUOTE] Sapolsky, Heyman and Kloss all looked pleased as they know Cabana could be money for whoever he works for... Cornette: My next pick called me last night and said that his contract with the E expired a few days ago... He has not been used by them at all recently and is a former ROH Champion... I think in this environment he will thrive more than anyone... James Gibson! [QUOTE][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][B]James Gibson[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JamieNoble2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]James Gibson or as known by the "Man" Jamie Noble is one of the many truly good wrestlers in WWE who has been pushed around for long enough... Recently appearing as the Pitbulls with Kid Kash Noble and Kash actually made the gimmick work which is probably why the WWE Creative team hates him so much. Gibson is ready to be wrestling a company that matters again and has signed on with TXW for a reason... Gold... Gibson uses the Tiger Driver as his main finishing move... Accomplishments: ROH Champion, WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Former WCW Star Entrance Music: Boys from Oklahoma by Cross Canadian Ragweed[/I][/QUOTE] Heyman, Kloss and Sapolsky's eyes all light up as all three either know who he is or have worked with him... Cornette begins again... Cornette: I will admit this next pick is kind of biased towards Kloss who talked me into signing him after showing me some of his stuff on the internet... However he is a good damn wrestler and I believe he can make it in any company that uses him... He is the Human Tornado! [QUOTE][B][CENTER][COLOR="red"]The Human Tornado[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/HumanTornado2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The Human Tornado is one of the breakout stars of Wrestling Society X and even had a small role in the hit movie Nacho Libre... Has a wacky insane pimpish gimmick... He is definitally one to watch out for in the future because if he ever gets past just being a comedy wrestler could very well be the next big thing in wrestling... Accomplishments: PWG Tag Team and World Champion Entrance Music: Don't Fight Da Pimpin by Suga Free[/I][/QUOTE] Heyman looks on stunned as if he just saw his next pet project... Kloss and Sapolsky both agree its a good pick... Cornette: Finnaly gentleman my next pick is breaking a tradition here... He is a former WWE Star but its been a while since he was in a WWE ring. Hes a great wrestler and has good charisma but has rarely been given a chance to shine by his former employee NWATNA... Lets do the Damn Thing... He is Ron Killings [QUOTE][B][CENTER][COLOR="red"]Ron "The Truth" Killings[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ronkillings.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]One of TNA's most underrated wrestlers Ron Killings is fresh off a release... After working the indy scene for a while Jim Cornette gave him a call and the rest is history.. Killings is a former NWA Tag Team and World Champ... Finishes opponents up with the Scissors Kick! Accomplishments: NWA Tag and World Title Entrance Music: Do the Damn Thing by Himself[/I][/QUOTE] Our Heros then take a cofee break before the most contraversial of the four Paul Heyman takes the stand... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Heyman: Ok so we have already assembled the best roster in wrestling history... Now what else do we need... Oh yea some EXTREME! My first boys are a tag team but there are three members... I came to the conclusion that three would be necessary because it can be a mini-stable... When you guys see them there should be no objections over it... Now these three men have never worked together as a unit but each of them has at least tagged with one of the other members... They are what I call... The Titans [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][CENTER][B]The Titans[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] All three members are former WWE Stars who again were never given a good shake at things... The leader Sean O'Haire has been out of the wrestling spot light for a while but began training back into shape after Wrestlemania... Mark Jindrack had been working for CMLL but the oppurtunity to come back to America changed his mind... And of course Matt Morgan has been touring Japan and Italy.... Jindrack and O'Haire are former WCW Tag Team Champions... However Morgan has yet to hold gold... Accomplishments: WCW Tag Team Champions Entrance Music: Imperial March from Star Wars[/QUOTE] Cornette, Sapolsky and Kloss look on in awe as it shows a highlight video of how good these guys truly are... Heyman: As a lot of people may know my next guy has stated that he wants to retire at the end of this year... But I and the rest of the wrestling world know he still has a few good ones left in him... He was one of my last world champions and I think he really just wants a place to belong... He is the Self Proclaimed King of Old School but now we cannot call him that because the Man even though he has never worked for him says that they have it copyrighted.. Hes the Old School Emperor Steve Corino [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Steve Corino[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Steve Corino is one of the best wrestlers of the past 10 years... However he has been screwed over at every turn of his career. Corino is an old school warior if there ever was one as he eats, drinks and pisses old school. After many years in Japan Steve is ready to give the US one more try before quitting all together... Uses a Reverse DDT to Neckbreaker known as the Old School Expulsion to put people away Accomplishments: ECW Champion, AWA Champion, AWA Tag Team Champion Entrance Music: O Fortuna by Carl Off[/I][/QUOTE] Everyone again agrees its a great signing Heyman: Now again this next signing is somewhat contraversial.. not that hes a bad guy but he too as stated he wishes to retire... I got ahold of him though as soon as I had heard about this project... He gladly agreed! Lance Storm... [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][CENTER][B]Lance Storm[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/LanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Lance Storm is one of the best wrestlers of all time in many peoples eyes... Though he is now in semi-retirement he along with Steve Corino and Sean Waltman will mainly be used to teach the younger kids in the company how to wrestle the way the old guys were taught... Accomplishments: WCW US, TV, Cruiserweight and Hardcore Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, ECW Tag Team Champion Entrance Music: Oh Canada[/I][/QUOTE] Sapolsky, Kloss and Cornette again present no comments on this signing... Good choice Paul: My next signing was released by the WWE before Wrestlemania and could have been there biggest star ever... Good charisma and a ****ing great wrestler I begged for him to be used in ECW... Formerly on Smackdown he was the OVW World Champion right before his release... Birchall [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][B][CENTER]Birchall[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Paul Birchill is one of the best British stars of all time... towering in at 6 Foot 4 and weighs 275 Pounds... His finishing move however is the One Man Grounded Spanish Fly (Walk the Plank)... After a failed stint on Smackdown he was sent down to OVW... Accomplishments: OVW and FWA Champion Entrance Music: St Anger by Metallica[/I][/QUOTE] Everyone looks on pretty pleased but kind of ready to leave for the day... Heyman: Three more gentlemen... My next guy is a Second Generation Star whose father was a great wrestler... His father is one of the all-time greats and he could soon follow up on that... He is Harry Smith [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][CENTER][B]Harry Smith[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/HarrySmith.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Harry Smith is the latest Canadian wrestler from Stampede to try and make it big in the US... He has all the right tools a great look, decent charisma and can actually wrestle... Puts opponents away with the Powerslam just like his dad. Accomplishments: None Yet Entrance Music: God Save the Queen[/I][/QUOTE] Everyone again looks on happily but still feeling kind of rushed.... Heyman: Ok guys calm down and sit down... My next draftee has a contract that is expiring today! He is one of the best junior heavyweights in the world and can work with the best of them. He is a former Tag Team and Cruiserweight Champion... He is Gregory Helms! [QUOTE][COLOR="red"][B][CENTER]Gregory Helms[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]After having his push on Smackdown being deflated to just jobbing out to Kane every week Gregory Helms did the best thing he knew how to do... Suck up and kiss ass until his contract expired with no 90 Day no compete clause... Now in TXW he should be pushed as one of the main stars after being compared to the rest of an alread stellar roster... Uses the Shining Wizard and Vertabreaker to knock opponents out... Accomplishments: WWE and WCW Cruiserweight Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion (With Rosey)[/I][/QUOTE] Everyone in the room looks ecstatic at this signing... But Paul doesnt... Paul: Gentlemen please calm down... My last signing is the cream of the crop, the caulk of the walk... the talk of the town if you will... a former WWE and ECW Champion plus a WWE Intercontinental, Tag and Hardcore Champion... Lets let the video do the talking... [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Rob Van Dam[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]Rob Van Dam truly is one of a kind... After a failed 6 year WWE Stint RVD opted to not review his contract and his contract expired at the end of May... RVD does not need a lot of hyping up so here are the accomplishments.... Accomplishments: WWE Tag Team Champion, WWE and ECW Champion, WWE Intercontinental and Hardcore Champion, ECW TV Champion[/I][/QUOTE] All Four men look on ecstatic knowing this could be the biggest thing to ever happen to wrestling![/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TXW Press Release: Enter the Revolution[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Around the time of May 18th commercials began to come onto MavTV, ESPN and WGN They read something like this[/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]The new wrestling Revolution begins Wednesday June 6th... With the best high-flying, hard-hitting and death-defying wrestling the United States has ever seen... With stars such as CM Punk, Gregory Helms, Rob Van Dam, Ron Killings and Charlie Haas plus new stars such as Jack Evans, El Generico and Colt Cabana. The REVOLUTION will begin on ESPN, Youtube, MAVTV and WGN the first full week of June starting off with ESPN live Wednesday night at 9:00 PM... The Revolution will the continue weekly and even on Pay Per View once a month... The Revolution goes by one name... Total Xtreme Wrestling... The first TXW Show will be the TV Debut of TXW Octane... Heres the lineup of what could be the biggest, baddest and best thing in Wrestling History...[/I] [CENTER]Opening Match: [COLOR="red"][B]**** Sports Entertainment Three Way: Roderick Strong vs. James Gibson vs. Brent Albright[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]All three men were screwed over by a Sports Entertainment Company within the past year... Gibson (Better known as Jamie Noble) was never given a chance, Brent Albright (Better known as Gunner Scott) was fired for being to much like another great wrestler and Roderick Strong was fired for showing up on time for a show after working another show he was not suppose to because it was better... This match will be an up yours to Sports Entertainment Companies everywhere...[/I] [CENTER][COLOR="red"][B]TXW Tag Team Action: The Titans vs. Kevin Steen and El Generico[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]In what many people are calling "The Unstoppable Force" of TXW The Titans will make there TV Debut against Canada's own El Generico and Kevin Steen... Steen and Generico are both great wrestlers and they should be able to hold there own against these two behemoths whichever two decide to wrestle... One things for sure... ****s about to go down![/I] [COLOR="Red"][CENTER][B]TXW Octane Division Debut Match: Colt Cabana vs. Teddy Hart vs. Jack Evans vs. Human Tornado vs. Sean Waltman vs. Ricky Morton[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [I]The TXW Octane Division is a Division dedicated to bringing the best possible in ring action to TXW.... With 6 Great wrestlers in the ring people can only wonder who will walk away the victor... Everyone seems to fit into the match perfectly except Waltman and Morton who are part of what the Revolution calls the Old Guard... Hopefully the can prove them wrong![/I] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Pure Wrestling Classic of the Century Match: Charlie Haas vs. CM Punk[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Both of these two men have not wrestled a match since there releases from WWE... Knowing about this match they have had three months to train... This will be the best match of the past 3 years to appear on TV Wrestling and will kick start the Revolution for everything it needs to be! [/I][/QUOTE] [I][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG] TXW Octane Taping: [B]DeGol Arena, Loretto, PA[/B] TXW Octane Taping: [B]John H. Lewis Gym, Atlanta, GA[/B] TXW Octane Taping: [B]Decatur Civic Center, Decatur, IL[/B] TXW Octane Taping: [B]Hart Recreation Center, Worcester, MA[/B] TXW Ascension of Champions PPV: [B]Toyota Arena, York, PA[/B][/CENTER][/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG] [I]Location: [B]DeGoll Arena, Loretto, PA[/B] Attendance: 2,000 Commentators: Kris Kloss and Gabe Sapolsky[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/Octane.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/youtube.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"]TXW Octane Preshow Airing Live on Youtube.com[/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][I]TXW's Highlight Video appears with all of its superstars shown on it... The official TXW Theme is "**** Authority" by Pennywise[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Thankyou Paul E.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Start a REVOLUTION!!!!! Paul Heyman bursts out on stage to a huge ovation as the fans start to chant "Thank you Paul E!"... Heyman grabs a mic and begins to talk... Paul: Your welcome but this was not just me... This was with the help of Kris Kloss, Jim Cornette and Gabe Sapolsky... Three people who I would never have thought of working with who are now very good friends... I will make this short... You guys better be ready for the new **** in wrestling... This is the New Kool Aid... The New Cult... Waco has burned down and now TXW is the place to burn! Be ready to **** Sports Entertainment, To mess with the man and to see the best god-damned wrestling of all time!!! This is TXW!!! TXW Chant Starts![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 3 Minutes Notes: Paul Heyman is the perfect man to start off the show![/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JamieNoble2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Before you can leave Mr. James Gibson would like to have a word![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I][B]The Boys from Oklahoma Roll there Joints all Wrong too Damn Skinny and Way too long...[/B] James Gibson walks out to a big ovation but quickly shuns them off... James: Paul Heyman who the hell are you.... You stole mine, Roderick and Brent's Glory in this opening match and I have half the mind to slap the **** out of you! I am a hard-working, redneck man who is here to kick some ass! Heres the deal you got five ****ing seconds to get out of my ring before I bust some ass! One.... Two... *Cue Roderick Strong Music*[/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JamieNoble2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/BrentAlbright.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Roderick Strong vs. James Gibson vs. Brent Albright[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Roderick Strong comes out to The New **** by Marilyn Manson to a big face pop and attacks James Gibson immidiately... Brent Albright runs out from behind Strong and nails him with a German Suplex... Strong, Gibson and Albright begin with technical exchanges but then say **** it and start to brawl... Gibson and Albright then nail a Dropkick German Suplex Double team on Strong that popped the crowd! Gibson then turned on Albright and attacked him! Match went on for a little while longer with all three men getting in there key offense... Finish came when Strong had Albright in the Strong-Hold and Gibson ran in and pushed him off and nailed Strong with the Death by Roderick move that Roderick has made famous![/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 14 Minutes Notes: Good way to kick off the whole shebang eh?[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JamieNoble2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][COLOR="red"]Thats why I am the Best!![/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [I]As Boys From Oklahoma continues to blare James Gibson stands tall and announces thats why he is the best in the business!![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 1 Minute[/U] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Main Show live on ESPN[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ElGenerico.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KevinSteen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]The Titans (O'Haire and Jindrak) vs. Steenerico (Kevin Steen and El Generico)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Imperial March hits and the Titans come out to a huge boo! Steen and Generico come out to Ole by Bouncing Souls to a decent pop as they rush the ring! Things start off with Generico and O'Haire in the ring in a battle of strength.. O'Haire obviously wins that so he asks Generico to hit him with a Shoulder Tackle... O'Haire attempts to fake him out and gets hit by a Hurricanrana out of nowhere from El Generico who the fans are popping for... Tag into Steen! Steen comes in and is immidiately superkicked by O'Haire... O'Haire then goes on the offense by hitting power moves and working on Steen's legs! Tag into Jindrak who nails Steen with a Dropkick... They work on Steen more until he reverses a Powerbomb by hitting O'Haire on the head and quickly tags Generico.... Generico runs in expecting to have a hot tag but gets slammed down by a Chockeslam from Jindrak! Jindrak nails the Backdrop into Rock Bottom (Titan Triumph) and tags O'Haire who is on the top rope who nails the SeanTon Bomb! They win the match![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 7 Minutes Notes: I hate to job out Steen and Generico but it gives them good exposure against a new team[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ElGenerico.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]They Attack![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match Kevin Steen leaves visibly frustrated by the loss of his partner El Generico... O'Haire then signals for Jindrak to come in and help him beat down Generico... Matt Morgan comes in too... Morgan sets up Generico for a Powerbomb that Jindrak springboards off the ropes with a Dropkick to slam him down with... O'Haire then nails the Seanton Bomb again! They have sent a message to all in TXW![/I] [U]Rating: D Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JimCornette.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"][B]Good Times Great Memories![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [I]Backstage Jim Cornette walks by Colt Cabana Colt: Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy thank you sir for picking me to represent the old school flavor in TXW I will not let you down! Jim: Well sure thing Colt I always knew that you could do it and tonight is your chance to prove it to me! Colt: I got a lot of things to prove... I gotta prove that now that I am on National TV not wearing a Gay Ass mask and pretending to be 70 years old using the Trapiesist claw as a finisher that I can still work! I also gotta prove that the TXW Octane Belt belongs around my waist sir![/I] [U]Rating: C Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/LanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Sean Waltman and Lance Storm Not Happy![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Lance Storm walks up to Sean Waltman Backstage Lance: Sean dude did you see the booking sheet for tonight? Sean: Yea I got a match up next. Lance: Thats just the problem... You gotta a match and I don't... Its an example of these new school fans wanting all these flippity floppity spotfest wrestlers to go out there and get the job done... If I knew I wouldnt even be on the debut show I would have taken the offer to go wrestle for TNA in a Canadian Fat Chick in a Pole Match damnit! Sean: Dude I got a way for you to be on the show! Lance smiles as the camera fades away![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 3 Minutes Notes: I accidentally clicked Sean O'Haire instead of Sean Waltman so the story did not advance... Damnit... Oh well nothing a 30 Minute long non telivised show cant do lol[/U] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]TXW Octane Division Debut: Colt Cabana vs. Jack Evans vs. Teddy Hart vs. Human Tornado vs. Sean Waltman vs. Ricky Morton[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]For time purposes the Entrances were skipped on TV... Good match in which a lot of guys got to show off there skills. Waltman and Morton have not missed a beat since being on TV last time. Morton got the first elimination by hitting Teddy Hart with a Missle Dropkick followed by a One Legged Boston Crab... After this point Hart threw Morton out of the ring and everyone did there dive spots (Cabana an Asia Moonsault, Waltman a Suicide Dive, Evans a 450 Springboard plancha, Tornado a No Handed Flip Plancha and Teddy Hart the Hart Attack!)... The match continued on with everyone doing key moves until Tornado eliminated Evans with the Pimp Slap! Sean Waltman was then tagged in as next in line and battled Tornado for a while and got the win with the X-Factor! In next was of course Colt Cabana who tagged up with Ricky Morton to eliminate Waltman via a Double Bulldog! Lance Storm hit ringside and was about to superkick Cabana but Ricky Morton ran into the way and got kicked himself for the trouble... Cabana picked up Morton and hit the Colt 45 looking confused![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 14 Minutes Notes: NOT EVEN A STORYLINE CAUSE OF MY MESS UP![/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/LanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]The Old Guard Attacks![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Sean Waltman and Lance Storm then hit the ring again as Morton is helped to the back... Storm and Waltman hit the Double Superkick on Cabana and then beat him down some more with some stomps![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CharlieHaas2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Cause IM TNT!!![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage Charlie Haas has a microphone! Haas: Welcome to the REVOLUTION I am your soon to be host and World Champion Charlie Haas! All kidding aside its an honor to be in a company where I don't get stuck in a fued with my black friend and they ask me to sport Corn Rows and barely ever get TV Time... Tonights its me against an old buddy in CM Punk... me and Punk go back to that place you know but hey its all good because no matter what... When I win One Two Three... I am still TNT![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][COLOR="red"]CM Punk Speaks![/COLOR][/CENTER][/B] [I]After the break Punk is shown backstage with a microphone! Punk: Charlie Charlie Charlie... I couldnt help but watch your interview sir and one thing troubled me... Since when were we friends? I have known you for how long? A year if that? Been on how many shows with you? 2 or 3? You do not know **** about me or my lifestyle... My addiction is not competition or these fans... Its getting a paycheck and spending it on my hot girlfriend you retards... My name is CM Punk and Straight Edge says Im Better than You![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CharlieHaas2.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Charlie Haas vs. CM Punk[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Both men make there entrances and are reintroduced Japanese style (Hell some of the fans even brought streamers!) Both men start things off slow with a Technical exchange but Punk quickly turns it into a strike-fest... Punk dropkicks Haas out of the ring and hits a Suicide Dive as the fans chant "This is Awesome" only a minute into the match.... Back and forth brawling mainly dominated by Punk and Haas hits the Belly To Belly Suplex and looks in the Haas of Pain... Punk makes it to the ropes though and says that this match won't end in five minutes like the other shows... **** YOU VINCE CHANT STARTS Haas then nails a Snap Suplex followed by a Cartwheel into Moonsault that the fans love! Punk and Haas then brawl some more and Punk gains advantage with a Shining Wizard in the corner followed by a Bulldog! Punk then whips Haas into the corner who puts up a foot and then goes to the top rope! Punk hammers him in the stomach and goes up with him and looks like he is going to hit the Pepsi Plunge! Haas reverses and nails the T-Bone off the Top Rope in a Holy **** Moment... Both men are down!!! The ref starts the double down count and makes it to nine! They fight some more and Punk hits the Uranage followed by the Anaconda Vice... Haas is about to make it to the ropes when the Twenty Minute Time Limit EXPIRES!!! Haas and Punk look on pissed off as the time runs out![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 20 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]Gregory Helms!![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Gregory Helms hits ringside and attacks Punk and Haas from behind as they argue! He gets on the mic and begins to speak! Gregory Helms: What kind of wrestling Revolution is it when you don't even have me on the show? I am the best damn light-heavyweight wrestler of the past 6 years and I deserve some respect damnit! All of you should be thanking me for saving this company!! Next week I want some acti *Cut off by music of Paul Heyman*[/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Next Week Main Event Announced![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Heyman comes out on stage and announces that next week if Helms wants action so bad it will be him vs. TNT Charlie Haas vs. Straight Edge CM Punk! Heyman says the Revolution has only just begun!!![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 1 Minute[/U] [QUOTE]Overall Rating: D+ Thoughts on the Show: A great show but running Tri-State sucks... Everyone wants hardcore and more intense matches... Oh well it was a good show and I liked booking it... Next week will be bigger and better because once you get away from Tri-State people get a lot less picky! My ESPN Rating is a 7.45 I am not sure if thats a good rating of a Station that size but they want better WGN was a 3.28 and they are pissed too... Looks like MAVTV and Youtube could be my bestfriends... Preview for the next show and a meeting will be up soon![/QUOTE] PS: I got a note saying that KENTA is feeling isolated backstage... Since I am going to be using KENTA soon I figured that he would need someone to talk to... Give me some suggestions for a Japanese wrestler for KENTA to either A. Tag With or B. Talk To... I have also discovered I need more time to buildup for the PPV so I will be running an Hour Long House Show on the Saturdays after my Week 2 Octane Taping... Can't fit 40 guys on TV in an hour! Thanks guys hope your digging it
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B]TXW Preview for Next Week[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][COLOR="red"][QUOTE]TXW Octane Preview:[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/Octane.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="red"][B]TXW Octane Preview: In the Preshow Match this week the debuting KENTA, Ron The Truth Killings and Steve Corino take on each other in a TXW Octane Division Debut Match! Nobody is quite sure how exactly the first Octane Champion will be crowned but it will surely be one of the best wrestling matches in History! After a great debut (Which was followed by a Malicious attack by Sean Waltman and Lance Storm who have dubbed themselves the Old Guard) last week Colt Cabana has determined this week is the week he will "Slay the Giant" so to speak as he has chosen a partner in Human Tornado to take on the Titans in our opening contest! Also Paul Heyman will have his special announcement regarding the first ever TXW PPV. The TXW Tag Team Division makes its huge debut as Triple X (Low Ki and Elix Skipper) take on the Old Guard (Sean Waltman and Lance Storm)... With so many great tag teams (The Briscoe Brothers, The Dynasty and the Titans for example) one can only wonder who will be the first ever TXW Tag Team Champions! And finnaly your huge main event! After a solid debut last week (By attacking CM Punk and Charlie Haas) Gregory Helms will be taking on Charlie Haas and CM Punk in a Three Way Dance! Punk and Haas tore down the house last week at the start of the Revolution and things will only get better as Gregory Helms enters the ring![/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]TXW House Show Preview![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][COLOR="red"]TXW makes its House Show Debut with the following matches: Gregory Helms and CM Punk vs. Charlie Haas and ??? Roderick Strong and ??? vs. Jamie Noble and Brent Albright Plus one more match![/COLOR][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]TXW signs Texas Indy Standout!!![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/tn_BrettBarnesNew.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]In what many would call a move out of left field for TXW Management local Texas Indy Standout Brett Barnes has been signed to a TXW Contract... Brett has been wrestling since 2002 and has wrestled in Texas, Canada, Oklahoma, Ohio and Kentucky... He is in phenomenal shape and uses his finishing moves the Sliced Bread Number 2 and the Breathtaker 450 to finish opponents off.... Brett has been signed on a 2 year deal following him sending tapes to Jim Cornette and appearing on recent ROH Shows! TNA and WWE (He wrestles for Booker T's school in Houston that WWE watches closely) have both expressed interest but TXW snagged him up first! Expect Brett's TXW Debut this week![/CENTER][/I]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/Octane.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I][CENTER]Location: [B]John H Lewis Gym, Atlanta, GA[/B] Attendance: [B]2,000[/B] Commentators: [B]Kris Kloss and Gabe Sapolsky[/B][/CENTER][/I] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="3"]TXW Octane Preshow shown live on YOUTUBE.com[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ronkillings.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KENTA.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]TXW Octane Division Three Way Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. KENTA vs. Steve Corino[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]KENTA came out to almost no ovation which is dissapointing to me since I am about to push him strongly... Old School Emperor Steve Corino got a pretty good heel pop but the fans were mainly into the match for Ron Killings! Killings danced to the ring as the fans chant "Truth"! Things start off with Killings and KENTA trying to show each other up on kicking moves... Corino quickly runs in and hits Killings with a Lariat to the back of his head! Killings is out for a little while but gets up as KENTA attacks Corino with a series of hard chops! Killings and KENTA double team Corino and hit a doulble dropkick sending him out of the ring! KENTA dives with a Suicide Dive to Corino and Killings dances and then hits the ropes and knocks them down both with a flip plancha! The fans start a "This is Awesome" Chant! KENTA goes back into the ring again and starts to taunt Killings... Killings makes it up and they brawl in the ring with some technical strikes... Killings goes for a Gorbuster but KENTA reverses into a small package pin attempt that Corino breaks up! After more three-way brawling Corino nails the Old School Expulsion on Killings! He goes for the pin but KENTA nails him with a Shining Wizard and throws him out of the ring... KENTA picks up Killings and nails him with the Go 2 Sleep for the shocking upset! Win! Afterwards KENTA grabs a mic... This progresses to the next segment![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 14 Minutes Notes: B- HOLY **** WHO WOULDA THUNK IT!?[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KENTA.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TeddyHart.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]KENTA Cannot Talk but he has a Friend who Can![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match KENTA grabs the mic and begins talking in Japanese as the fans boo him... Hart Foundation music hits and Teddy Hart comes out with a mic! *Fans cheer Teddy* Teddy: All of you shutup! I cannot believe any of you puny American cowards would boo a man such as KENTA! This man is a Japanese Wrestling legend and deserves to be treated as such! I have learned Japanese from my Grandpa Stu and what KENTA said was that he wants me and him to tag up next week against Killings and whoever in the **** he can find! KENTA begins to speak Japanese again looking at Teddy like he has never seen him before in his life! Teddy: I love you too bro come on lets go get some SOOOOSHIIIII!!![/I] [U]Rating: E- Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ronkillings.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Ron Killlings Partner![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage Ron Killings is shown walking around looking a little hurt! Killings: Hart, KENTA I know that you and your boys think your bad by dissing on America but I got a promise from you guys... The next guy that walks by is going to be my partner! Not only that but me and him will beat you guys next week! The newest TXW Star Brett Barnes is shown walking around backstage asking people where his locker room is! He comes out to Ron! Brett: Hey Truth I was just wondering if you could point me where I need to change... I have just been working out and it was hard! Ron: Brett you can change in my room... Because brotha we a Tag Team next week against Hart and KENTA Brett: What???[/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER][SIZE="3"]MAIN SHOW LIVE ON ESPN![/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SeanOHaire.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Remember The Titans!!![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage Sean O' Haire, Matt Morgan and Mark Jindrak are shown! O'Haire: Tonight gentlemen is not my night.. Tonight its time for you guys to shine... Matt Morgan the best big man in the business in my omniscent eyes... Mark Jindrak taken down from Heaven made by Celestial Beings to destroy all competition... and Sean O'Haire the saviour of Tag Team Wrestling in TXW! Tonight you boys face Classic Colt Cabana and The Human Tornado... This is no problem seeing as how both of them are under 6`3 and we all tower over them... Rememer to win and REMEMBER THE TITANS![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 3 Minutes Notes: Why not make the Titans look like complete BA's and steal a corny Disney movie title![/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MattMorgan.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/HumanTornado2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]The Titans vs. Colt Cabana and Human Tornado[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]The Titans walk out to Imperial March to a decent reaction! Cabana and Tornado come out to Dont Fight Da Pimpn by Suga Free (Tornados Song) to a huge pop! Cabana and Tornado dance around for a minute! Morgan and Cabana start the match off with a Tie up and Morgan throws him down... Cabana trys to shoulder block Morgan and fails.. Does it again... Fails... Cabana insists that Morgan runs against the ropes and try it... Cabana trips him and locks in a headlock after nailing an elbow drop! Morgan gets up from the Headlock and side-slams Cabana... Tag into Jindrak who nails a Dropkick on Cabana... They work over Cabana until the hot tag into Tornado... Tornado nails the Pimp Slap on Jindrak which surpringly took him out for a little while... Goes for it on Morgan... Morgan pulls the ref into the way and knocks him out! Jindrak and Morgan hit the Dropkick/Sitting Powerbomb double team! They dont get the three.. Cabana runs in with a chair and The Titans run out! Behind Cabana the Old Guard of Waltman and Storm run in and nail Cabana with a Double Superkick while Cabana is holding the chair which hits his FACE!!! Jindrak and Morgan run back in and hit the Dropkick/Powerbomb Combo for the tainted win![/I] [U]Rating: D+ Time: 7 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]PPV Announcement![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Paul Heyman is shown backstage! Heyman: Hope your enjoying this weeks Revolution... However I have an announcement... On Sunday June 24th live on Pay Per View TXW Presents Ascension of Champions... the Main Event will decide who the first ever TXW Champion is... More Details soon... Watch the Revolution![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 1 Minute[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/LowKi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ElixSkipper.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/LanceStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/SeanWaltman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Triple X (Ki and Skipper) vs. Old Guard (Storm and Waltman)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Ki and Skipper come out Triple X Gonna Give It To Ya as the fans pop huge for it (Not too far from Orlando/Nashville)... The Old Guard comes out to Oh Canada as Storm and Waltman are nearly booed out of the building! Skipper and Storm start things off in a battle of wrestling history... Former Tag Team Partners from WCW Collide! Skipper and Storm battle until Skipper nails the walk the rope Rana on Storm and tags in Ki... Ki comes in and cleans house on Storm and throws him out! Waltman attempts to charge Ki but Ki ducks a clothesline and throw him out of the ring as well. In unision the Triple X Members run against the ropes and then nail a double Suicide Dive onto the Old Guard! Ki gets back into the ring with Waltman and they continue to fight! Ki and him fight until Waltman gains control... Waltman and Storm double team Ki for a good 5 minutes until Ki get the hot tag! Skipper tags in and nails a Double Springboard Dropkick on the Old Guard! Skipper and Ki clean house and throw Waltman out! Skipper nails the Play of the Day (Overdrive) on Storm and Ki then jumps off the Top Rope with the Warriors Way as they make an impressive debut win![/I] [U]Rating: C- Time: 14 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MarkBriscoe2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JayBriscoe2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]A little bit of Southern Comfort!!![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]After the match the Briscoe Brothers (In fulll confederate garb) come into the ring and double team Sean Waltman with a Spike Jay Driller (Spike Tiger Driver) and then grab Storm and nail a Springboard Doomsday Device Hurricanrana! Jay Briscoe grabs the mic and tells Elix Skipper and Low Ki who watch in horror that it is time for them to MAN UP and they are going for the Tag Team Titles![/I] [U]Rating: D- Time: 3 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ScorpioSky.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JoeyRyan.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]Wise Men Keep there Mouths Shut![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Backstage Joey Ryan and Scorpio Sky are shown watching the Briscoes destroy Waltman and Storm... They mouth and say they wish they could teach them dumbass rednecks a lesson or two... Jim Cornette is behind them and tells them they get the match against them next week! Ryan looks worried![/I] [U]Rating: F+ Time: 3 Minutes Notes: Hard to build up new stars... gonna get Fs at somepoint![/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Gregory Helms is Ready![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Gregory Helms is shown in front of his locker room ready to talk... Gregory: Charlie Haas vs. CM Punk... Charlie Haas vs. CM Punk... Charlie Haas vs. CM Punk... WHO CARES! Thats all I heard about being on the debut episode of TXW! What about me... I am Gregory Helms... The best damn Junior Heavyweight in wrestling history! I have never gotten the respect I deserve and tonight is my night... Haas... Watch your back because as my theme song says... Vertabreaker... Gonna break your spine... Vertabreaka does the trick every time![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CharlieHaas2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Charlie Haas is ready too[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Haas is shown backstage with Paul Heyman! Haas: Heyman last week I nearly won the most pivotal match of my career against CM Punk! I hit him with the Super T-Bone and had the match won! Then at the end of the match he had me in the Anaconda Vice but I know if the match would have kept going I would have gone to the ropes and eventually won! I know your going to put me in the World Title Match but just as a persuasion watch me Mr. TNT Mr. Dynamite Charlie Haas explode on CM Punk and Gregory Helms tonight![/I] [U]Rating: C+ Time: 2 Minutes[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Punk is also ready in case you did not know![/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Punk is shown getting out of his car with his gear on... Punk: I just saw on my cars Dish Network Charlie Haas and Gregory Helms cut terrible promos... I will make this short and sweet... Tonight.. I... CM PUNK... Am going to win... Ascension of Champions... CM PUNK will win... The rest of the existance of TXW... CM PUNK WILL WIN... My name is CM Punk and Straight Edge says I am better than you![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 1 Minute[/U] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/GregoryHelms.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CharlieHaas2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]Gregory Helms vs. CM Punk vs. Charlie Haas[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [I]Haas came out to the largest face pop of the night to "TNT by ACDC"... Helms and Punk got there pop too... Things started off with Haas being double teamed by Punk and Helms... Helms and Punk however soon got into it and things got intense... Some chops, kicks and all that good ****! Punk/Helms attempted to hit the Double Suplex on Haas but Haas reversed and suplex both men down! Haas then hit a double clothesline and was a house of fire... Haas went for a Double Clotheline but Punk ducked and hit him with a Lariat! Haas then got beat down some more! Helms, Punk and Haas did some suicide dive **** but every match has it so who cares! Helms got Haas back into the ring with Punk down on the outside! Helms hit Haas with the Vertabreaker and went for the pin! 1...2...KICKOUT... The fans erupted as Helms looks pissed! Punk then runs in and nails Helms with the Go 2 Sleep!!! Haas gets up as this is happening and gets Punk in the School Boy for the WIN!!! THE FANS EXPLODE AS TNT PLAYS THROUGHOUT THE ARENA![/I] [U]Rating: B- Time: 25 Minutes[/U] Show Statistics: I am dissapointed that Ryan and Scorpio got a low rating but the rest of the show I would call a sucess! We increased our popularity and went up nearly a point in the ratings on EPSN but they are still not happy with it... Oh well I have the largest debut in TXW History next week that will shake TXW to the core!
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[I]I swear I did not rip this idea off of BerrySi's WAR Four thing lol... Just kind of odd his is going up the same day as mine... Bastard[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/TXWLogo.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]TXW.com Presents The TXW Top Five[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][I]The TXW Top Five is based off who has the most wins at the moment in TXW and how well they did within these wins... Technically if we went only by wins the Top Man in TXW right now would be a guy with less than 17 minutes of actual in ring time in TXW (Mark Jindrak who is 2-0 at the moment)... Please enjoy![/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="red"][CENTER]NUMBER 1:[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/CharlieHaas2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="red"][CENTER]TXW Record: 1-0-1 (1 Win 0 Losses and 1 Draw)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][I]Although Haas is not undefeated Haas holds quite the hot-streak here in TXW. Debuted against Charlie Haas at the TXW Debut Show and had a wonderful Twenty Minute Time Limit Draw against him that the fans raved about! Haas then went on to defeat both Gregory Helms and CM Punk in a Three Way Match last week on TXW Octane in a Match of the Year Candidate. One thing is sure... The further TXW Rises Haas will too and thats why he is number one in the rankings as of this week![/I] [COLOR="red"]Number 2[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/MarkJindrak.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]TXW Record 2-0[/COLOR][/B] [I]Jindrak is a man on a mission from Sean O'Haire... Since the debut of the Titans they have only dominated smaller tag teams but have not really left that much of a dent in the Tag Team Division to where they look strong against legit teams. Jindrak has stated he is interested in Tag Gold but the way that the Titans are beating down people who are smaller than them it could be hard for them to rise up in Tag Ranks... Only time will truly tell though! [/I] [COLOR="red"]Number Three[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/JamieNoble2.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]TXW Record 1-0[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]James Gibson has alreaedy made an impact on TXW and started things off in TXW with the **** Sports Entertainment Match which was a very good match. Gibson is interested in making a FUSE (**** Sports Entertainment) Series in which some of the best wrestlers who were screwed over by the man can enter... One thing is sure though... No matter where Gibson ends up in TXW Gold will be soon to follow![/I] [CENTER][COLOR="red"]Number Four[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/KENTA.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]TXW Record 1-0[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]KENTA had a huge debut this week on TXW Octane as he defeated Steve Corino and Ron Killings in the same match and then went on to "Challenge" Brett Barnes and Ron Killings to a tag match next week with Teddy Hart by his side! Though KENTA does not know too much english he does know how to kick ass![/I] [CENTER][COLOR="red"]Number Five[/COLOR] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/LowKi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/macjap/IBW/ElixSkipper.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="red"]TXW Record 1-0[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [I]Although they are a tag team Triple X is being counted as one here as they are a great cohesive unit... Made there debut by defeating the Old Guard in what many people could call a classic match down the line... Skipper and Ki are no stranger to Tag Team Gold or winning but with the Briscoes standing in there way they soon could be![/I]
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