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Real World Dynasty Of The Month

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Seeing as Adam sticky's a C-Verse Dynasty every month, I was thinking it's fair if we run a reader-voted Real World Dynasty of the Month thingie... The way I figure it works, is from the first of the month, until a week before the end of the month, people can nominate dynasty's in the nomination thread, and when there's a week left in the month, someone can make a poll thread, and the nominee with the most votes at the end of the month is dynasty of the month, and we keep the topic bumped, so everyone can see it (because the Grey Dog folks can't sticky real world stuff...). And when the year-end awards come around, only people who've won dynasty of the month can be nominated for Real World Dynasty Of The Year. Oh, and if a dynasty wins, they can't be nominated for the next two months, just to keep it open a little. Just a thought... Any comments, or criticisms?
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i think its a good idea, but perhaps with a few different criteria, maybe seperate awards for DOTT, modern day (and potentially fictional data - if anyone makes a sci-fi diary!) I also think that the same person should be able to win it in consecutive months, reason being, if somebody is dominating the monthly awards it means that all the other writers will raise there game to try and win. If you have it so that a person can't win consecutive awards it would be a bit like the regulating body for Formula1 telling Michael Schumacher he can't play anymore 'cos he keeps winning (maybe thats why he retired!)
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Yeh i like this and i got some dynasty to mention mate WWE Rebirth : been reading this since the start and is really gd, slowed up abit recently but he has given us a excuse for that and im sure it will be up and running again soon ECW Worldwide: same as above been reading for a while and regularly updated WWE Why Wait For Wrestlemania: lol ok this is my one and i hope u guys wont mind but i do update every day u can check so i hope that counts for something cheers guys later
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[QUOTE=panix04;212524]i think its a good idea, but perhaps with a few different criteria, maybe seperate awards for DOTT, modern day (and potentially fictional data - if anyone makes a sci-fi diary!) I also think that the same person should be able to win it in consecutive months, reason being, if somebody is dominating the monthly awards it means that all the other writers will raise there game to try and win. If you have it so that a person can't win consecutive awards it would be a bit like the regulating body for Formula1 telling Michael Schumacher he can't play anymore 'cos he keeps winning (maybe thats why he retired!)[/QUOTE] I like this, seperating it out kinda by era. DOTT 90's Real time. There are so many good diaries on here right now. Let's set how this is going to work so we can start nominating them! Good idea G-Prime.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;212744]I like this, seperating it out kinda by era. DOTT 90's Real time. There are so many good diaries on here right now. Let's set how this is going to work so we can start nominating them! Good idea G-Prime.[/QUOTE] Those eras are a bit broad though. For example, ECW Worldwide isn't really Real World is it, as I believe Nevermore started it in the 90s but is up to around 2007 (?) Also, Tristrams Death Of WCW wouldn't be counted as it is in between 90s and real time. I say just one award every month, and only the absolute best will win. But I like the idea. And sexdrugsandwrestling, was there really any need to plug your diary? Just because I'm doing a WWF diary, cleverly based in 1998 that not only follows the excellent booking and well written up shows, but the conflict between myself and Vince McMahon off camera, doesn't mean I'm going to shamelessly plug it, does it?! :p
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;212751]Those eras are a bit broad though. For example, ECW Worldwide isn't really Real World is it, as I believe Nevermore started it in the 90s but is up to around 2007 (?) Also, Tristrams Death Of WCW wouldn't be counted as it is in between 90s and real time. I say just one award every month, and only the absolute best will win. But I like the idea. And sexdrugsandwrestling, was there really any need to plug your diary? Just because I'm doing a WWF diary, cleverly based in 1998 that not only follows the excellent booking and well written up shows, but the conflict between myself and Vince McMahon off camera, doesn't mean I'm going to shamelessly plug it, does it?! :p[/QUOTE] And the Outlaw submits. On thinking about what you said. You are right. There isn't an easy way to put them into eras. As as slow as I'm going, I hope to one day(maybe in 2051 bring mine up to 2007.) Anyway, leave it at 1, like the C-Verse sticky. The best of the best. GOd I don't know who I'd vote for your's, Tristram's, Nevermore's, etc, etc.
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;212758]And the Outlaw submits. On thinking about what you said. You are right. There isn't an easy way to put them into eras. As as slow as I'm going, I hope to one day(maybe in 2051 bring mine up to 2007.) Anyway, leave it at 1, like the C-Verse sticky. The best of the best. GOd I don't know who I'd vote for your's, Tristram's, Nevermore's, etc, etc.[/QUOTE] Aw, thank you! Obviously I'm a big fan of yours, as you know. Although I never recieved that new prize I was promised... Much like you, I hope to one day get right up to the present day and beyond, as I'm sure many others do. Then classifying diaries gets a tad tough. I say one winner for real-world (like you said) and the winner then knows that they have the best for that month. If there is only one spot available, it may push others onwards and upwards. I do fear, however, that the long term classic diaries such as Nevermores and Tristrams may start a monopoly over the rest as they have such a large (and deserved) fanbase. On the other hand, they have earnt that support by writing absolutely top notch diaries for so long, so I guess in the end it just promotes longevity and quality in diary writing, which can only be a good thing!
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;212761]Aw, thank you! Obviously I'm a big fan of yours, as you know. Although I never recieved that new prize I was promised... Much like you, I hope to one day get right up to the present day and beyond, as I'm sure many others do. Then classifying diaries gets a tad tough. I say one winner for real-world (like you said) and the winner then knows that they have the best for that month. If there is only one spot available, it may push others onwards and upwards. I do fear, however, that the long term classic diaries such as Nevermores and Tristrams may start a monopoly over the rest as they have such a large (and deserved) fanbase. On the other hand, they have earnt that support by writing absolutely top notch diaries for so long, so I guess in the end it just promotes longevity and quality in diary writing, which can only be a good thing![/QUOTE] I have not forgotten, I have (here comes the whine about time) been swamped. My tournament team played for the first time this past weekend. I run the rec ball league here at home. Help coach my daughter's softball team. I'm a district rep for the Cal Ripken branch of Babe Ruth baseball. We are in the process of moving again. Looking for a house, again. Work, sleep, the NWA, INC. Anyawy what I'm trying to say is that I just haven't gotten around to it. But I will.
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yes lol i admit it i was plugging my diary lol i apologise to u all and would like to say please dont read it as i am the devil himself for plugging it there i do believe i have made up for plugging my dynasty and if you wondering that dynasty is wwe why wait for wrestlemania, updated daily, watch as the wwe develops after this years wrestlemania lol bibi p.s spolier below [COLOR="White"]i just plugged my own dynasty :}[/COLOR]
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I concur with idea of 1 real world diary a month type deal, although the constant bumping of topic could make for a messy looking thread, but price to pay and all that, me thinks. Shame one can't be stickied, but maybe a RWDOM Bump graphic could be made to make bumpage look more pretty. :)
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Having separate categories just means we'll need more threads... Instead of having just 2 threads per month (Nominations, and Voting (When voting closes, the first post will be changed to the winner, with a link included)) it'll be 4 threads per month (Nominations, DOTT Voting, 90's Voting, Modern Voting and Other Voting), and that'll just clog it up, a lot. And if we don't stop people from winning it consecutively, we may as well just bump a thread with a link to Death of WCW, or ECW Worldwide every month. It opens it up a little, lets the rest of us have a shot at winning. But I'm not too set in my ways, if y'all want me to change those two details, I'm ok with it. Oh, and btw Sexdrugsandwrestling, WWE Rebirth has slowed down in the last few weeks because I'm trying to post in accordance to the day of the week stuff happens in game (occasionally I miss it by a day, because I'm busy) and this week's RAW could possibly be up in 24 hours... depends how long it takes me to do the second assignment.
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Yeah, looks like we are nominating... And I still think it should just be one Real-World Diary of the Month, saves on work on my behalf ;) and it'd just be too many threads. Nominations close in about 4 days folks, and if the dynasty you want is already nominated, don't nominate it again, just vote for it later.
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your probably right about not seprating it into different catagory. But i really don't like the idea of restricting who wins it, perhaps its just me, but if i won an award were the person with the best diary was prohibited from being nominated it would feel like a hollow victory - its easy for me to say, i have posted 5 shows and no-one has even rated my diary yet! (hint hint)
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It's just to stop guys like Tristram and Nevermore from monopolizing the award (even if it's only once every three months or something (ie, Nevermore wins one month, then Tristram, then someone else, then Nevermore is allowed to win again, and does, then Tristram, and so on and so forth...) (Just using you two as examples because your dynasties are so popular btw) Just wanted to open up the field a little, and of course, there's the part where I suggested that only DOTM winners could be nominated for RW DOTY in the Year End awards, wouldn't be much of an award if there were only 2-3 contenders... Especially for the few of us who don't read those particular dynasties (Although I am slowly working my way through Death of WCW atm, when I have time, and I have tried ECW: Worldwide, just can't get into it for some reason... no offense to Nevermore of course, clearly my opinion doesn't matter when compared to all your readers...)
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