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Ladies and gentlemen I give you TNA 2007

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OOC:Hi everyone I'm pretty new here and have been reading around for a few weeks and have really been inspired by some diaries on this board.I have very little experience so forgive me if I'm a tad slow and not up to par with your expectations.Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated and will not be ignored.That being said,just telling me something is stupid or something of that nature just to be a jerk really proves that you have no life if you must try to insult people over the internet.I won't judge you as long as you don't judge me.Now for what this topic is all about...the diary/dynasty! Backstory:It's January 14th 2007 the night of TNA Wrestling's first ppv of the year Final Resolution.There had been a local radio station that had held a contest where the grand prize winner would be able to meet some wrestlers at the iMPACT! tapings the next night.Guys like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and even the champ Christian Cage were friends with the owner of the station and had promised that it was legit when they made an appearence on the show.So since i lived about a half hour from Orlando where the tapings take place i entered the first day it was announced.I waited a month and just when I thought I should give up I got a call from the guys at the station and said I had won.I was so excited I could hardly sleep after watching Final Resolution at home.I was going to go but my mom had gotten sick so I had to stay home and take care of her. Monday January 15th:I had taken off school to take my mom to the hospital.I told her I would stay with her and not go to Orlando that night.She knew how much this would mean to me and had confidence she would get better so she convinced me to go.I had a great time with the guys and then the question that changed my life was asked. [COLOR="Red"]Christian:So are you involved in wrestling at all?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:Yeah.I book for local indy feds.Why do you ask?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Christian:Well Russo's totally power hungry and every single one of us has had it up to here with his attitude.We've secretly been trying to get a new head booker but haven't had much luck.Jarrett was planning on just doing it himself but hes got way too much to handle right now anyway so we convinced him to let us look awhile longer.So...you interested?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Yellow"]AJ:Man you seriously want to risk asking him to be our head booker?I mean he's an awesome guy but who knows how good he is.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Joe:I kinda agree with AJ.I'd like to see some proof that you've got what it takes to handle a company like TNA.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:That's totally understandable guys.I collect all my promotions show dvds and i brought a few just to show you guys some of our talent but I guess you could see how you like how i pushed these guys and what i did personality wise.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Christian:Cool man we'll check it out and get back to you in a few days.[/COLOR] So with that I shook hands with the guys and they seemed pretty excited that I might become their new head booker since I connected with all of them and I thought they were all pretty cool guys. Saturday January 20th I was at the hospital with my mom as she was being checked out by the nurses I got a call [COLOR="Blue"]Me:Hello?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]???:Hello is this Joshua O'Neil?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:Yeah.Who is this?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]???:This is Dixie Carter.I would like to offer you a job as our head booker here at TNA.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:I would love to!Thank you so much Miss Carter I promise I won't let you down.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Ms. Carter:Haha you're too kind.Anyway when can you start?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:Well I have my final college exam at the end of January.Maybe the 1st week of February?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Ms. Carter:That would be great.I look forward to meeting you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:Tank you I hope that I can be of good use to you and TNA.I gotta go I need to drive my mother home from the hospital.Goodbye.[/COLOR] So things couldn't have been better that day.Not only did my mother undergo a succesful kidney transplant and was on her way home, but I was going to be the head booker of TNA.This was definitely the best day of my life. OOC:Ehh it could be better but like I said I don't have much experience.Heres hoping I improve over time.
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So I studied for the better part of ten days for my final exam.I had already started planning on some storylines for TNA as soon as I got in too.I wanted to try and prepare as much as possible to try and make sure I wouldn't be in over my head.Soon it was time for my exam.It took well over two hours for me to finish and I was only the third person done.Now I just had to wait 2 days to see whether I had passed and gotten my bachelors degree in business management.I was hoping I had passed just in case something happened in TNA and I needed to make some more money than I could outside of wrestling.Since my father's passing 3 years ago I did anything I could to get money to help my mom out.She had been through so much with him and then it just ended when a drunk driver ran him over in broad daylight.She's still not over it.I never really got the chance to face it because I knew being there for her was more important.Now she's doing ok and I start to question if I could have done anything more?I decided not and I went home and had a small party with some friends. February 1st I had a meeting scheduled with Miss Carter and I was about 10 minutes late because my friend decided to puke all over my car on the way.I walked into an office and sitting at a table were Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett and Vince Russo. [COLOR="Gray"]Russo:That's the punk that's gonna replace me?You've gotta be outta you're mind![/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Carter:Well if you don't like it you can just leave Vince.Noone's stopping you.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Jarrett:Dixie,c'mon now this kid?what's so great about him?Sure Vince may have changed his outlook on life but that's because all the boys turned on him and want him out.I can't really blame him.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Carter:Well Jeff if he can't be proffesional and accept some constructive critisicsm he doesn't deserve to be here.This isn't high school this is the real world and eveybody has to have a boss or someone that keeps them in check.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"]Russo:Whatever.I've had enough of this.I'm outta here.Don't be suprised when I say I told you so when you come running back to me though when he messes up.[/COLOR] With that Russo stormed out and Jarrett shook his head. [COLOR="Green"]Jarrett:I hope you know what you're doing Dixie...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Carter:I believe I do.Have a little faith won't you Jeff?After all if you want him to put you back on T.V soon you should be nice to him.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Jarrett:I'm not kissing some twenty year old college punk's ass I will tell you that right now![/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:I don't expect anyone to.I just want to live my dream and help you guys out in the process.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]Jarrett:This is gonna be a long year...[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Carter:So we'll see you again monday morning to go over iMPACT.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:Alright.See you then.Have a nice weekend[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Carter:You too[/COLOR] Jarrett just mopes and I leave to go back home to watch some movies with my mom and girlfriend.Something tells me things are gonna get interesting
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So the weekend has come and gone and it's time to go over my plans for TNA.I hope they don't crap all over them.I take a deep breath as I walk into the same office I was in just a few days ago and take a seat.Around the table are Dixie Carter, Jerry Jarrett, and Bill Banks. [COLOR="Blue"]Me:Ummm what's he doing here?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Carter:Well he runs the website so he would like to work closely with you so he can make the site a bit more interesting.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Me:I see.Well ok then.Shall we get down to business and discuss iMPACT then?[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"]Carter:The floor's all yours...[/COLOR] so about an hour later we were done discussing what I planned for the next few weeks.They seemed pretty impresed and hopefully it didn't make any of the guys backstage upset.So with that we go to our first iMPACT of 2007 with me in charge...
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I hate being a grammar n*zi, but sometimes that stops me from reading a dynasty... spaces after colons (:), exclamation marks (!) and question marks (?). You're is short for you are, your pertains to the person being spoken to, ie 'out of your mind' instead of 'out of you're mind' (the you're/your thing is a pet peeve of mine...) And like L2S said, different colours. Other than that, looks good. (God, I sound like such an a*shole...)
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