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My Go At Custom Grades / etc.

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Alright, I will hopefully be making a pack of stuff if these even have a little interest. They may not suit some styles, but I like them for the most part. The grades are much bigger and bolder, and the fed sizes / finance logos have been redone. here are a few pics. [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/tewd/fed_size1.jpg[/img] through [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/tewd/fed_size7.jpg[/img] And the grade graphics just being bigger like [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/tewd/grade_astar.jpg[/img] through [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/tewd/grade_fminus.jpg[/img] . Hopefully soon I will be able to get the buttons mod I want to work on, and maybe a background one if I can find out what looks good and appeals to others. Also some custom backgrounds for the cornellverse (mainly for myself on that one :)) Just download this and put the graphics folder in replacing yours, or just copy/paste the files (the ones that have not been changed [flag / country pics] are in this download as well) [url=http://www.ubrnet.com/tewd/Graphics.zip]Uber's TEW Graphics Mod[/url] Any feedback is welcome as well. Thanks for reading.
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I quite like the letter grades, though I'm not feeling the fed size graphics. It just seems a bit odd to have one globe representing local, not too keen on the font either and there's just a bit too much plain grey for my liking. Personal preferences differ of course.
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