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The Coastal Diaries

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[B]The Coastal Diaries – The Journey to 2007[/B] It all began about 5 years ago, when I first started going to Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling shows. After a few months of just enjoying the product and cheering on the guys, I decided to write my reviews of the shows and submit them to wrestling sites. I kept this going for about 18 months until I made the risk of starting my own CZCW fan-site and e-zine. I covered all things CZCW and even started getting recognition from some of the guys in the locker room. This was all quite amazing, but the best was yet to come. After my review of CZCW Wave of Fury 2006 was posted I received a phone call. The woman on the other end of the line claimed to be the personal assistant of Cliff Anderson. I humoured her as she babbled on about how Cliff really liked my reviews, before she told me that Cliff had just got in and would really like to talk to me. Honestly I thought she was pulling my leg, but I held the line until Cliff spoke. After realising this wasn’t a hoax I got into a good conversation with Cliff, and after about 20 minutes he offered a place on the backstage staff. He explained that it would only be working on the website to begin with, and writing show recaps but Cliff said that he’d let me sit in on booking meetings from time to time. Our conversation was brought to a halt as Cliff had a meeting with Fox Mask, I would later find out that it was at this meeting that Fox requested to drop the Coastal Zone Championship in November to Donnie J. After working backstage for a few months and helping Cliff out with the odd booking tip I finally got the call to take full control of the booking. Initially it was a one-show testing run to see whether I had it in me, and I took control of the show in November where Donnie J defeated Fox Mask. Cliff told me that he had been impressed and explained that I would take full control in January, but he hoped that I would stay on with the website recaps in the form of an online diary. I agreed, took a slight increase in pay and finished off 2006 with a permanent smile across my face. [I]This is the story of the Coastal Zone![/I]
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[B]The Coastal Diaries – Week 1, January 2007[/B] On my first official day in charge I was informed that we had an empty slot in our roster that needed filling, so I went scouring the internet to find someone to fill our place in the midcard – I eventually found Jacob Jett who agreed to come down and work for us. I pitched an idea to Cliff about running a show every week and build up to our 6 main shows that were spread throughout the year – Cliff agreed and ‘The Coastal Zone’ was born and would take place every Friday night for an hour of Explosive Action. As the day progress I had a nice little surprise e-mail from Cliff, he informed me of his ‘goals’ for me during my tenure as Head Booker. ‘Over the next year the promotion must not fall in size’ – I agreed and had no intention of letting him down. ‘We must have more than $675,000 in two years time’ – another goal that I had no intention of failing, and one that was certainly attainable. ‘Constant injuries waste money and time, you cannot sign workers who have poor resilience’ and ‘We here at CZCW are biased towards genuine athletes, you cannot sign workers who have low levels of athleticism’ – both of which were fair and any problems they created could be worked around. [B] The Coastal Diaries – The Roster Zone[/B] [B]Main Event[/B] – Ultimate Phoenix [I](Face; Comic Book Hero)[/I]; James Prudence [I](Heel; Chosen One)[/I]; Donnie J [I](Face; Teen Idol)[/I] [B]Upper Midcard[/B] – Matt Sparrow [I](Face; Fun Babyface)[/I]; Fox Mask [I](Face; Comic Book Hero)[/I]; Plague [I](Heel; Mysterious)[/I] [B]Midcard[/B] – Remmy Skye [I](Face; Weirdo)[/I]; Snap Dragon [I](Heel; Mysterious)[/I]; Insane Machine [I](Heel; Machine)[/I]; Jacob Jett [I](Heel; ****y Youth)[/I]; Frankie Perez [I](Face; Legitimate Athlete)[/I] [B]Lower Midcard[/B] – Citizen X [I](Heel; Anarchist)[/I]; Masked Cougar [I](Face; Comic Book Hero)[/I]; Marc Speed [I](Heel; Prima Donna)[/I] [B]Opener[/B] – Jeremiah Moose [I](Heel; Show Stealer)[/I]; Flying Jimmy Foxx [I](Heel; Dancing Fool)[/I] [quote][B]CZCW The Coastal Zone[/B] [I]Friday, Week 1, January 2007 LIVE from The Snake Pit, South West USA Held in front of 863 people[/I] We start the night out with Fox Mask in the ring – he’s chatting away to the fans on a microphone. Tonight, he wants to make an open challenge. Is anybody out there? (D) It seems Jacob Jett is, as he comes out and tells Fox that he will take the open challenge and will face him in the main event. Fox smiles and nods his head in agreement – and the match is on. (E+) [B]Singles Match[/B] Jeremiah Moose defeated Masked Cougar in 7:53 by pinfall with a High Velocity Headbutt. (D+) [B]Singles Match[/B] Frankie Perez defeated Snap Dragon in 6:42 by pinfall with a Perfect Parity. (C+) Frankie Perez is in the ring celebrating his victory when Flying Jimmy Foxx runs out and Air Force 1 begin to lay out P-Dawg. Seeing the assault, Remmy Skye comes running in and fights them both off, saving Frankie Perez from a serious beating. It is then announced that the four men will square off for the Tag Titles, right now. (E) [B]Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match[/B] Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye defeated Air Force 1 in 9:52 when Remmy Skye defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx by pinfall with a Skye Diver. Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye win the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles. (D+) Jacob Jett comes down to the ring and hypes up his match with Fox Mask, claiming that as its his first night here he has to make an impression – why not take out the companies golden boy on his first night? (D) [B]Main Event[/B] Jacob Jett defeated Fox Mask in 18:28 by submission with a Jett Engine. (C-) [B]Final Rating: C-[/B][/quote] After getting in from the show and sitting down, I quickly received a call from Cliff. He wanted me in the office first thing; we were going to be recording commentary for the show so we could air it on the website. I agreed and said my goodbyes, but Cliff had one last thing to tell me – he wanted me to ring every promotion I could and establish some working agreements, we were planning a one night tournament down the road and these agreements would come in handy. The only problem was, he wanted a list by the following morning.
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[B]The Coastal Diaries – Week 2, January 2007[/B] Some fantastic news to start the week, Frankie Perez sent me a text informing me that he had signed for NOTBPW and would be leaving for them full-time in 7 days. I tried to explain that he’d just been given the Tag Titles, he couldn’t leave – but Frankie felt that whilst he felt sorry for us and was willing to job them back to Air Force 1 on Friday, he sadly couldn’t reconsider. Brighter news showed that several promotions accepted my working agreement proposals. Agreements were in place with: 4C, CGC, DAVE, INSPIRE, MPWF, MAW, NOTBPW, OLLIE, RIPW, ROF, UCR, USPW, WEXXV, WLW and most surprisingly TCW. Basically we had enough agreements to keep us ticking over for a long while yet. [quote][B]CZCW The Coastal Zone[/B] [I]Friday, Week 2, January 2007 LIVE from The Snake Pit, South West USA Held in front of 844 people[/I] The cameras take us to the ring, where Frankie Perez gives a heartfelt promo in which he sincerely wishes to thank the fans for supporting him throughout his stay in the Zone. Without the fans he couldn’t have won all that he has, and he plans to leave tonight as a Champion – allowing Remmy to pick a new partner. Frankie hopes that one day the Zone will once again be his home. (E+) He is interrupted as it is announced that Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye will be taking on a mystery team tonight for the Tag Titles. (E) [B]Singles Match[/B] Marc Speed defeated Masked Cougar in 6:10 by pinfall. (D+) [B]Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match[/B] Flying Maple Leafs (Jesse and Joe Gilbert) defeated Frankie Perez and Remmy Skye in 9:52 when Jesse Gilbert defeated Frankie Perez by pinfall with a Slap Shot. The Flying Maple Leafs win the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles for the third time on their return to the Coastal Zone. (D+) A video plays hyping James Prudence vs. Donnie J for the Coastal Zone Championship, in next week’s main event. (D+) [B]Singles Match[/B] Citizen X defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 7:51 by pinfall with a Flaming Anarchy. (D) Fox Mask comes down to the ring, and tells the fans that tonight’s main event will feature Fox in an Xtreme Ladder Match, against Insane Machine, and it’s next. (D) [B]Xtreme Ladder Match[/B] Insane Machine defeated Fox Mask in 14:34 when Insane Machine retrieved the Xtreme title. Insane Machine makes defence number 1 of his Coastal Zone Xtreme title. (D+) [B]Final Rating: D[/B][/quote] Apparently, despite explicitly telling them it was Next Week, many fans were annoyed that they didn’t the Fly Boys square off. Either they are or I am, an idiot. Obviously we had signed Jesse and Joe Gilbert back for the Tag Division, I’ve given them the name of ‘Flying Maple Leafs’ just for the sake of it really – and realised I should’ve gone for a slightly more over pairing as the ‘mystery team’ thing was a let-down. We have also got the signatures of TJ Bailey and Zeus Maxmillion and are awaiting calls back from Gregg Boone and Craig Green (more for cheap talent for the Tag Division). [I]OOC: Thanks, infinity - hopefully it wont be -too- similar and I can make it so its not a 'direct copy'.. it is true that 'Welcome to the Coastal Zone..' is the inspiration to this though..[/I]
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[B]The Coastal Diaries – Week 3, January 2007[/B] The week began with Frankie leaving, he gave me a quick call and I wished him luck as he headed North of the Border (Pro Wrestling). After Frankie hung up I had a brief meeting with Cliff and told him that I was planning to replace the slightly more expensive (and therefore more popular) workers on the roster with cheap (pretty much unknown) workers in an effort to increase income. He agreed, but told me that ‘I better not make the fans lose interest’. After thinking about a new policy for wages, I decided that (unless your name was Jacob Jett) you might be in danger of losing your job should you cost over $500 per show. Despite being fully aware of how talented they were, I reluctantly asked Matt Sparrow, Plague and Ultimate Phoenix to come in for termination meetings. These meetings would take place after the show, and I told the guys that I couldn’t afford to pay them for air time to say goodbye to the fans. Whilst we had workers leaving, we had new blood in to replace them – including: Canadian Dragon, The Kelowna Playaz (Green & Boone), K-Squared, TJ Bailey and a masked Brendan Idol – now dubbed Mystic Idol. Just before I made my way to The Snake Pit I got a call from the Gilberts and Zeus informing me that they were up in Canada working a show for GCG – so no Tag Team Title match tonight. [quote][B]CZCW The Coastal Zone[/B] [I]Friday, Week 3, January 2007 LIVE from The Snake Pit, South West USA Held in front of 914 people[/I] Donnie J is in the ring hyping his Championship match with James Prudence tonight, claiming that he would drive his former partner out of the Zone for good. (D+) Jimmy P then comes out and tells Donnie that he plans to do the exact same thing. (D) [B]Singles Match[/B] TJ Bailey defeated K-Squared in 3:56 by pinfall. (F+) [B] Tag Team Contenders Match[/B] Air Force 1 defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 7:19 when Flying Jimmy Foxx defeated Gregg Boone by pinfall with a Flying Foxx to become the Number One Contenders. (D) [B]Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Match[/B] Insane Machine defeated Remmy Skye in 9:46 by pinfall with a Termination Kick. Insane Machine makes defence number 2 of his Coastal Zone Xtreme title. (D+) [B]Coastal Zone Championship Match[/B] James Prudence drew with Donnie J in 8:57 following a double disqualification. During the match we also saw Jacob Jett run in and attack Donnie J, and Fox Mask do the same to Prudence. Donnie J makes defence number 1 of his Coastal Zone Championship title. (D+) After the ensuing chaos calmed down, Pee-Wee took the Coastal Zone Championship and hung it above the ring. It was announced that we would have a four-way ladder match right now. (D-) [B]Fatal Four-Way Ladder Match for the Coastal Zone Championship[/B] Jacob Jett defeated James Prudence, Donnie J and Fox Mask in 11:37 when Jacob Jett capitalised on Jimmy and Donnie brawling into the crowd. Jacob Jett wins the Coastal Zone Championship title. (C-) [B]Final Rating: D+[/B][/quote] With our main belt moved to someone who cost us a bit less per show, we could now move on with our next stage of reconstructing the Zone. I scheduled meetings with both Donnie and Jimmy about their contracts, expressing the wish to bring them back once we had the financial stability we required. Speaking of contract terminations, Plague, Phoenix and Sparrow all accepted the terms and said they would see me on the other side – whatever that meant. [i]OOC: Ive simmed passed Spring Break Bash in April, but will keep the updates limited to 1 or 2 a day - just in case I get busy and cant play the game, the diary wont go without (in theory)..[/i]
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[B]The Coastal Diaries – Week 4, January 2007[/B] With The Fly Boys gone as well, the restructured Zone looked like this: [B]Main Event[/B] – Fox Mask [I](Face, Comic Book Hero)[/I]; Insane Machine [I](Heel, Machine)[/I]; Remmy Skye [I](Face, Weirdo)[/I]; Jacob Jett [I](Heel, ****y Youth)[/I] [B]Upper Midcard[/B] – Citizen X [I](Heel, Anarchist)[/I]; Masked Cougar [I](Face, Comic Book Hero)[/I]; Mystic Idol [I](Face, Underdog)[/I]; Snap Dragon [I](Heel, Mysterious)[/I] [B]Midcard[/B] – Jesse Gilbert [I](Heel, Hockey Fan)[/I]; TJ Bailey [I](Face, Happy-Go-Lucky)[/I]; Jeremiah Moose [I](Heel, Show Stealer)[/I]; Flying Jimmy Foxx [I](Heel, Dancing Fool)[/I]; Joe Gilbert [I](Heel, Hockey Fan)[/I]; Marc Speed [I](Heel, Prima Donna)[/I] [B]Lower Midcard[/B] – Canadian Dragon [I](Heel, Comic Book Villain)[/I]; Gregg Boone [I](Face, Pop Band)[/I]; K-Squared [I](Heel, Thief)[/I]; Craig Green [I](Face, Pop Band)[/I] [B]Opener[/B] – Zeus Maxmillion [I](Heel, Egomaniac)[/I] [quote][B]CZCW The Coastal Zone[/B] [I]Friday, Week 4, January 2007 LIVE from The Snake Pit, South West USA Held in front of 899 people[/I] We start the night with Fox Mask in the ring, he pumps up the crowd and claims that tonight shall be a special night, as Fox attempts to regain his… Hold on – Snap Dragon assaults Fox from behind and lays him out with a Dragon's Breath. (E-) [B]Singles Match[/B] TJ Bailey defeated Canadian Dragon in 3:51 by pinfall. (E-) The cameras catch Citizen X, K-Squared and Marc Speed backstage discussing something, X notices the camera and K-Squared and Marc Speed are quickly dismissed. (F+) We head to the ring where Fox Mask has reappeared, he challenges Snap Dragon to a match tonight, but is told he will face Snap’s partner Flying Jimmy Foxx instead. (D-) [B]Tag Team Match[/B] The Kelowna Playaz drew with K-Squared and Marc Speed in 5:39 following a double disqualification when chaos breaks out after Citizen X lays out the Playaz and the referee – he shouts at Speed and K-Squared and they follow X’s orders out of the ring. (E+) [B]Singles Match[/B] Mystic Idol defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 7:40 by pinfall with an Idolizer. (D) [B]Singles Match[/B] Fox Mask defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 10:26 by pinfall with a Fox Hunter, despite the best efforts of Snap Dragon at ringside. (D+) The Coastal Zone Champion, Jacob Jett is in the ring with a microphone. He claims that he is so good nobody in the Zone can defeat him, and so he is making an open challenge for any wrestler on the roster to face him in a singles match tonight. He laughs at the irony of how this type of challenge gave him the opportunity to debut. (D) But Remmy Skye rushes out and accepts the open challenge. (E+) [B]Coastal Zone Championship Match[/B] Jacob Jett defeated Remmy Skye in 11:48 by submission with a Jett Engine. Jacob Jett makes defence number 1 of his Coastal Zone Championship title. (E+) [B]Final Rating: E+[/B][/quote] That show went horrendously, end of. The ‘brainwashing’ from Citizen X should’ve been on two workers people actually cared about, ah well. The main event went wrong, Jett and Skye didn’t click and Remmy was off his game to boot. At least we’ve got Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon to build to, and Idol and Zeus can put on competent contests as well. All-in-all a show to forget really.
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[B]The Coastal Diaries – Week 1, February 2007[/B] We ended January with a loss of $2,885, which is not bad considering it was my first month running the ship on my own. The Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation opened up North, whilst the European League of Professional Fighters opened in Central Europe. A batch of new talent announced that they had finished their training and were accepting bookings, including Cameron Vessey and Carlos Gonzalez – goes without saying that we’d enquire. Larry Wood announced that he had become the owner of CWWF whilst Razor Valentine grabbed hold of the reigns over at ELPF. [quote][B]CZCW The Coastal Zone[/B] [I]Friday, Week 1, February 2007 LIVE from The Snake Pit, South West USA Held in front of 825 people[/I] Jacob Jett is in the ring as the show begins, he tells the fans that he is the Coastal Zone. He’s making an open challenge for tonight, and over the coming weeks he would face any who dare debut in his new territory. (D) [B]Tag Team Match[/B] The Kelowna Playaz defeated Corporation X in 5:36 when Craig Green defeated Citizen K by pinfall with a VIP Pass. (E+) Citizen K is consoled by Citizen M in the ring as The Playaz leave, they are quickly joined by their leader Citizen X. X slaps M across the face and launches him from the ring, he picks up K and gives him a mouthful. X leads K away, but quickly turns and plants him with the X-Wave – what the hell was that about? (E-) [B]Singles Match[/B] Zeus Maxmillion defeated TJ Bailey in 5:36 by submission with an Olympian Clutch. (E-) [B]Singles Match[/B] Mystic Idol defeated Canadian Dragon in 5:32 by pinfall with an Idolizer. (E+) After picking up the victory Idol tells us that he wants Insane Machine for the Xtreme Title next week. (E) [B]Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship Match[/B] Flying Maple Leafs defeated Air Force 1 in 8:36 when Jesse Gilbert defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx by pinfall after double teaming him – after Fox had appeared at ringside and began brawling with Snap Dragon. The Flying Maple Leafs make defence number 1 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles. (D-) Fox Mask tells Snap Dragon that next the pair would square off one-on-one and finish this thing. (D) [B]Coastal Zone Championship Match[/B] Jacob Jett defeated Masked Cougar in 13:24 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. Jacob Jett makes defence number 2 of his Coastal Zone Championship title. (C-) [B]Final Rating: D[/B][/quote]
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[B]The Coastal Diaries – Week 2, February 2007[/B] As we entered a new week, we got confirmation on deals for Vessey and Gonzalez as well as young rookie Mario Runnels. All three men have been shoved straight into our midcard and will hopefully have a regular place on the show. Expect Jacob Jett to face all three at some stage in his invitational – then we can move him onto a real feud. Fox and Snap will have their showdown on this weeks show and we also have Idol challenging Machine for the Xtreme Title. The Coastal Zone is looking strong this Friday, and we’ll keep the amount of ‘filler’ to a minimum – oh, and no Corporation X advancement this week as the ratings suck. [quote][B]CZCW The Coastal Zone[/B] [I]Friday, Week 2, February 2007 LIVE from The Snake Pit, South West USA Held in front of 778 people[/I] A video plays hyping Fox Mask vs. Snap Dragon to start the show. (E) [B]Single Match[/B] Zeus Maxmillion defeated Flying Jimmy Foxx in 6:23 by pinfall with a Thunder Bolt. (D-) [B]Coastal Zone Championship Match[/B] Jacob Jett defeated Mario Runnels in 8:59 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. Jacob Jett makes defence number 3 of his Coastal Zone Championship title against the first debutant Runnels. (D) Jacob Jett cuts a promo hyping himself up, claiming that he was better than the Zone and everyone in it. (D) [B]Coastal Zone Xtreme Ladder Match[/B] Insane Machine defeated Mystic Idol in 10:37 when Insane Machine retrieved the title. Insane Machine makes defence number 3 of his Coastal Zone Xtreme title. (C-) Fox Mask cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Snap Dragon – claiming that the Zone isn’t big enough for the both of them. (D+) [B]Main Event[/B] Fox Mask drew with Snap Dragon in 14:33 following a double disqualification. (D+) [B]Final Rating: D+[/B][/quote]
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[B]The Coastal Diaries – Week 3, February 2007[/B] In a relatively quiet week – nothing happened apart from Mid Atlantic Wrestling rising to Small size after their Painkiller event. Nothing else of any real importance happened, but we did decide that the week after next we would have a 10 man Battle Royal to decide who would face Jett for the Coastal Zone strap. But before then, we still had a Fox vs. Snap rematch, and Jacob himself had two more scheduled defences. [quote][B]CZCW The Coastal Zone[/B] [I]Friday, Week 3, February 2007 LIVE from The Snake Pit, South West USA Held in front of 1,000 people[/I] [B]Singles Match[/B] Jeremiah Moose defeated Canadian Dragon in 5:04 by pinfall with a High Velocity Headbutt. (E+) Making his debut, Carlos Gonzalez makes his way to the ring and makes it know that he is challenging Jacob Jett tonight for the Coastal Zone Championship. (E+) [B]Coastal Zone Championship Match[/B] Jacob Jett defeated Carlos Gonzalez in 9:45 by pinfall with a Jett Take Off. Jacob Jett makes defence number 4 of his Coastal Zone Championship title. (D+) [B]Singles Match[/B] Mystic Idol defeated Mario Runnels in 8:56 by pinfall with an Idolizer. (D-) Fox Mask is stood backstage and demands that Snap Dragon steps up and gives him a rematch. (D-) [B]Coastal Zone Xtreme Ladder Match[/B] Insane Machine defeated Masked Cougar in 7:19 when Insane Machine retrieved the belt. Insane Machine makes defence number 4 of his Coastal Zone Xtreme title. (C) [B]Main Event[/B] Fox Mask defeated Snap Dragon in 10:52 by pinfall with a Fox Hunter. (D+) [B]Final Rating: D+[/B][/quote] Flying Jimmy Foxx arrived late, so he wasn’t used –ok he wasn’t in our plans but still. Masked Cougar and Insane Machine had some great chemistry, so naturally they’ll be fighting again next week. Fox finally put Snap Dragon away, didn’t he? Jett had one more match left in his ‘Newcomer Welcoming’ angle – if he defeats Cameron Vessey next week he gets to face the winner of the Battle Royal, which kicks off March.
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