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Imitation Eh? The Coastal Chronicals

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CZCW Beach Party (April, Week 4) How Can A Unicorn be both Invisible and Pink? Only at CZCW Beach Party! CZCW Beach Party The Snake Pit (690 Fans) Jacob Jett vs. Insane Machine Jacob Jett dominates a short match. Payback for missing our biggest show so far? Maybe... (D-) Cliff Anderson and Plague are in the ring. "Now, Don Quixote. You won a match against Plague a while back. Plague didn't care about you at that point. But now, you have that Xtreme Title. And Plague wants that. And he'll get it, tonight!" (D) Ultimate Phoenix vs. Fox Mask Ultimate Phoenix and Fox Mask have an open match here, and the two workers battle around the ring. Phoenix hits the Firebird Splash, and this one is history. (D) Plague vs. Don Quixote Xtreme Division Title Match This saved the show. Plague and Don Quixote have something special going, and it was on full display tonight. Both men were going all out, and it worked out great. Don Quixote wins with a Deus Ex Machina. (C) [B]Overall Show Grade: D+[/B] We're hitting our stride here in the CZCW. Anyway, questions, comments, everything is encouraged. NEXT WEEK: - Ultimate Phoenix vs. Masked Cougar Rematch. - That's all we got. It's Mexico.
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CZCW Mexican Invasion (April, Week 4) Where Jedi is a religion! Welcome to CZCW Mexican Invasion! CZCW Mexican Invasion Gutierrez Community Center (28 Fans) Ultimate Phoenix is in the ring. "Hey Masked Cougar. You. Me. Tonight. CZCW Mexican Title. That's all I need to say." (C-) [I]And the crowd goes wild![/I] Ultimate Phoenix vs. Masked Cougar CZCW Mexican Title These two guys matched last weeks effort, and hit it hard. Ultimate Phoenix wins, and The Mexican Crowds went nuts, and just started yelling and screaming. (C-) Masked Cougar wants a microphone. "Ultimate Phoenix, we seem to have something special here. So lets make this a best of seven series starting next week." Ultimate Phoenix nods his agreement, and the crowd dances. (D+) [B]Overall Show Grade: C-[/B] One night in Mexico... The CZCW Puts on another great show! NEXT WEEK: - American Elemental will go one-on-one with a worker of Mainstream Hernandez's choice. - Plague wants a rematch. Will Don Quixote give him one?
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CZCW Beach Party (May, Week 1) Where "Bob" blesses you all! Welcome to CZCW Beach Party! I think that's all the religion segments for the day. Mainstream Hernandez is in the center of the ring with a microphone. "Now, Cliff Anderson, in the middle of a rant about Mixed Martial Arts, stopped and told me that I could pick the opponent of American Elemental tonight, in this very ring. Now, I'm a fair guy, and I want American Elemental to be healthy, for our match at Welcome to the Coastal Zone, which is next week! But, I also want him to test his abilities. So, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. Tonight, in this very ring, American Elemental will go One-on-One with... "The Amazing" Jacob Jett! (D+) Citizen X walks out. "Wait, I was supposed to take on Jacob Jett, and make him pay for all his trangressions. What do I do now? " Jacob Jett appears. "Hey, I'm done with you X. But I have a friend here who'd like a piece of you." Joey Beauchamp nails X with a flying dropkick, and the match begins. Beauchamp and X put on a pretty good match, and a solid opening to our show. Joey wins with a Breeze block. (D-) Don Quixote is backstage. "Hey Plague. I beat you last week, so imagine my surprise when Cliff Anderson is in my face backstage, about giving you a rematch. But, he wanted it to be an Xtreme Title Match. Now, I'm not willing to do that now. But, if you beat me tonight, maybe I'll consider it. (D+) Don Quixote vs. Plague A great match, as we found out last week. Don Quixote got a two count with a Deus Ex Machina, but Cliff Anderson dragged the referee out of the ring, and the match continued. Plague ended up winning with a New Jersey Turnpike. (C-) American Elemental vs. Jacob Jett Finally, American Elemental meets up with someone who can really keep up with him in the ring. Jett puts on a great show, flipping and flopping all around the ring. American Elemental, is of course no slouch, and he's the one who takes the match with an Inferno Splash. (C-) Mainstream Hernandez climbs down to the ring, and the two lock eyes until we end the show (E+) [B]Overall Show Grade: D+[/B] That last segment dragged it down. Oh well. Last show for the night, and the last until Welcome to the Coastal Zone! NEXT WEEK: - Mainstream Hernandez vs. American Elemental (CZCW World) - Don Quixote vs. Plague (CZCW Xtreme) - An addition to our already strong roster. - Remember Tag Team Wrestling?
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CZCW Welcome to the Coastal Zone! (May, Week 2) Where This Title could confuse some people, Welcome to The Coastal Zone! Welcome To The Coastal Zone! Snake Pit (1000 Fans) Matt Sparrow vs. Citizen X A basic opening match, but these guys are good enough that they can pull off basically something from scratch, and make it legitimate. (D) Flying Jimmy Foxx and Snap Dragon are in the ring. "We are the CZCW Tag Team Champions. Now, we know we haven't put the titles on the line in a while, and what better place than here, at Welcome To The Coastal Zone!" (D-) Air Force 1 vs. The Breeze and Triple Threat CZCW Tag Team Titles Air Force 1 is in the ring, awaiting their opponent, and out comes Joey Beauchamp and Davis Wayne Newton! They get ready for the title bout, and it begins. Newton keeps the match on the ground, isolating Jimmy Foxx, and Beauchamp ends it with a Breeze Block. (D) Cliff Anderson is in the ring. "Now, the more astute viewers may have caught our little clue to the big addition to the roster. And, you're ready? It's Alicia Strong! (D) Alicia Strong walks out, smiling and waving to the crowd. "It's great to be here! And... SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS! I'm here because my dad doesn't want me to wrestle. Says I should stick to doing girly things. But I'm here. And I'm the damn best in this company! I am the Coastal Zone, and you're all here to see ME. So, you want me to have a match. And my opponent will be... "The Bulldozer" Brandon Smith! (C-) Alicia Strong vs. "The Bulldozer" Brandon Smith These two put on a great match, as referenced by their ability. The two battle all around the ring before the match stops. The two workers face off, and suddenly, Brandon Smith falls down! Alicia Strong gets the cover, 1...2...3! The two were in cahoots the whole time! (C-) Ultimate Phoenix is in the ring. "Hey, Masked Cougar. I know the Mexican Title is only to be defended in Mexico. But I'm itching for a fight, so let's kick off that Best of Seven series, tonight!" (D+) Ultimate Phoenix vs. Masked Cougar We know what these two guys can do. And therefore, they did what they do best. After the brawl-fest that the last match seemed to be, this one is full of high spots, and flying. That's what CZCW is about, BABAY! (C-) Don Quixote is backstage. "Now Plague, you beat me last week. And I'm a man of my word, so tonight, you'll get your title shot. Me vs. You. CZCW Xtreme Title." (C-) Don Quixote vs. Plague CZCW Xtreme Title Also, another match what we know what these guys are capable of. The two continue their streak of great matches. Don Quixote irish whips Plague into the ropes, and hits the Deus Ex Machina for the win. (C) Mainstream Hernandez is in the ring, with the CZCW World Title. "Hey, American Elemental. I know you want this. And this is your chance to get it. But I'm telling you, I'm not gonna give it up easily. Can you man up, and get it done?" (D+) Mainstream Hernandez vs. American Elemental CZCW World Title These two tore into each other, as they knew what they wanted. The two battled in, out, and all around the ring, totally consumed for their desires for that belt. American Elemental hit an Inferno Splash, and cover. 1...2...KICK OUT. That's the first man to ever kick out of an Inferno Splash! American Elemental is stunned! He's going for another! Nobody Home! Apparition #14! 1...2...3! Mainstream Hernandez retains! (C-) Mainstream Hernandez celebrates as we go off the air. [B]Overall Show Rating: C-[/B] Almost a C! But great results. Yes, Alicia Strong is in a Coastal Zone diary. But hopefully, I can do something different with her. NEXT SHOW: On CZCW Beach Party! - American Elemental vs. Mainstream Hernandez: The Rematch. - Alicia Strong has something to say.
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CZCW Beach Party (May, Week 2) Where We desperately try to be different, welcome to CZCW Beach Party! CZCW Beach Party Snake Pit (1000 Fans) Joey Beauchamp is in the ring with a microphone as we open the show. "Snap Dragon, Flying Jimmy Foxx. Davis Wayne Newton, the Triple Threat, and me, "The Breeze" won your tag team titles! Now, I thought you might want a little revenge, so next week, we're gonna have a bit of Tidal Booking. The night'll end with a Tag Team Title Match, so get ready!" (D) Tempest Appleby vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith A squash match for the Bulldozer. He dominates Appleby from start to finish, even catching him when he goes for a flying cross body, and military pressing him. The Bulldozer ends the match with a sickening powerbomb. (D) Alicia Strong is backstage with our own Buttercup. "Alicia, last week you said you [I]were[/I] the Coastal Zone. What did you mean by that?" "Buttercup, I am the reason these fans are here tonight. I have the bloodline, I have the history. Now, I'm here, and I am the show. And it's only right that the Show has the World Title. So Mainstream Hernandez, watch out. I'm coming for you." (C-) Alicia Strong vs. Insane Machine With Insane Machine being on-and-off here in the Coastal Zone, do you really thing he has a shot here? Yes! The match is surprisingly open until Alicia Strong reverses a Termination Kick into a Strong Arm Tactic for the win. (C-) American Elemental is in the ring. "Mainstream Hernandez, we put on a show at Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Now, I want one more shot at your title. And if I lose, I'll give up my Number One Contendership!" (D) Mainstream runs out, signaling his readiness for the match. Mainstream Hernandez vs. American Elemental CZCW World Title An open match, with both of these men wanting it to be a good one. American Elemental hits several high spots, but Mainstream ends up retaining with an Apparition #14. (C-) The two men shake hands as we end the show (D) [B]Overall Show Rating: D+[/B] I overused Buttercup. Drat. A transitional show, here on the Coastal Zone. They can't all be gems folks! NEXT SHOW: - The Best of Seven series between Ultimate Phoenix and Masked Cougar continues.
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CZCW Mexican Invasion (May, Week 2) CZCW Mexican Invasion Bar Juarez (30 Fans) A hype video plays, with the best of seven series between Masked Cougar and Ultimate Phoenix highlight. Masked Cougar vs. Ultimate Phoenix Best of Seven Series (Match 2, Cougar 1-0) Both men take to the skies, and get the crowd going behind them. Phoenix misses a firebird splash, and Cougar capitalizes with an I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar for the 1...2...3! (C) The men shake hands as the crowd roars it's approval. (D) [B]Overall Show Grade: D+[/B] Those crazy Mexicans, they love them Cat vs. Bird matches. NEXT SHOW: - Tidal Booking Time!
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[QUOTE=Bye1918;217421]OK, because the greatest thing ever just happened. Read all about it in Imitation Eh? The Coastal Chronicals [/QUOTE] what happend? also in yours I agree with infinitywpi about posting frequency. if you want people to respond to a certin part (predictions for a card, new worker ect...rapid fire posting is not going to give people time to respond because by the time they get ready to the part you want a response from is revealed/completed.
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CZCW Beach Party (May, Week 3) Where we experiment on live shows! Welcome to CZCW Beach Party! CZCW Beach Party Snake Pit (1000 Fans) Remmington Remus reminds the fans that tonight, the first ever tidal tag team championship match will be held. Three matches, two one-on-one bouts, and a tag team title match. The winners of two of the three matches will be crowned CZCW World Tag Team Champions! Davis Wayne Newton vs. Snap Dragon These two put a good match, but Triple Threat is a little over matched in only his second CZCW Match. Snap Dragon hits a moonsault for the pin. (D) Joey Beauchamp vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx Another open match, but Foxx is in the doghouse for being repeatedly late to shows, and Beauchamp is "The Breeze." Beauchamp with a Breeze Block. (D) Alicia Strong comes out flanked by Bulldozer Brandon Smith. "Mainstream Hernandez. You know I'm the reason these people are here. Not you, and therefore not the CZCW World Title. But I can change that. I'll let you hand the title over voluntarily, or I'll have to take it from you at Surf Slam! (D+) Air Force 1 vs. The Breeze and Triple Threat CZCW Tag Team Titles An open match, but the Breeze and Triple Threat are just more talented than Dragon and Foxx. Especially Foxx. Anyway, the match is over with a Breeze Block, and The Breeze and Triple Threat retain. (D+) [B]Overall Show Grade: D+[/B] The Big Surprise is... revealed at Surf Slam! But here's Hint #1: What was the topic this was revealed in about? NEXT SHOW: - The Best of Seven Series between Masked Cougar and Ultimate Phoenix continues! - Another hint about the big surprise!
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CZCW Mexican Invasion (May, Week 3) Where we always Ganbatte! Welcome to CZCW Mexican Invasion? CZCW Mexican Invasion 67 Fans (Bar Juarez) Ultimate Phoenix is in the ring. "Masked Cougar, I know I'm down 2 - 0 in our Best of Seven Series for the CZCW Mexican Title, but I know I'm going to make it happen. So watch out!" (C) Ultimate Phoenix vs. Masked Cougar (0-2) Once again, the two men locked up, and these fans ate it up. The spots were great, the action overwhelming. And the Mexicans ate it up. Cougar seems to really be getting over, and Phoenix is a Lucha favorite! (C) [B]Overall Show Rating: C-[/B] Two C's = C-? Whatsupwithdat? NEXT SHOW: - An Xtreme Title Match. - Hint #2: This man's contract ran out early in May.
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CZCW Beach Party (May, Week 4) Where You Smell.... Low Tide! Welcome to CZCW Beach Party! CZCW Beach Party Snake Pit (1000 Fans) The show opens with Alicia Strong in the ring. "Now, I'm not going to fight tonight, but I know all you fans are here because of me, so I decided to give you a taste. I am the Strongest One of Them All! Now, I know you all want me to beat Mainstream Hernandez at Surf Slam, but nope, I don't think that's in the cards. See, I asked our wonderful booker, Don Quixote, if he'd give me that match. He said no, I had to "pay my dues" in CZCW. Well, I've been hearing a lot about this new worker coming to CZCW, and I'm letting him or her know, I'm challenging you to a match at Surf Slam! (D+) Joey Beauchamp vs. Tempest Appleby Not quite what I expected, but not so bad in general. Appleby's a good flier, so I thought I'd throw him some in-ring time. Beauchamp wins with a Breeze Block. (D-) Don Quixote is in the ring with a microphone. "Now, You all heard Alicia Strong say she won't get a shot at Mainstream Hernandez at Surf Slam! Well, someone will, and that someone will be... the Mexican Champion, Ultimate Phoenix! Will there be the first ever double champion in CZCW at Surf Slam?" (D+) "But there's a more pressing matter to attend to, and that's my match tonight against Jacob Jett for the CZCW Insane Championship. Well Jacob, I'm not quite ready to give up this strap, so I'll just tell you that I gonna take this matchup tonight!" (D+) Don Quixote vs. Jacob Jett CZCW Xtreme Title An open match, both men hitting spot after spot, and the whole crowd gets into it. Don Quixote hits a Deus Ex Machina for the 1...2...KICK OUT. Jacob Jett kicked out! Jett with the Jett Take Off! Roll up, and he's got the tights! 1..2..3! My god! Jacob Jett has won the CZCW Xtreme Title! (D+) [B]Overall Show Rating: D+[/B] A good show, just wanted to shake things up. NEXT WEEK: - The Best of Seven Series between Ultimate Phoenix and Masked Cougar continues. Can Ultimate Phoenix keep his momentum going into Surf Slam? - HINT 3: This man fits in beautifully with the CZCW Style.
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CZCW Mexican Invasion (May, Week 4) Where we need a new storyline! Welcome to CZCW Mexican Invasion! CZCW Mexican Invasion Bar Juarez (67 Fans) A hype video plays, hyping the Best of Seven Series between Ultimate Phoenix vs. Masked Cougar. They still love it. (C-) Ultimate Phoenix vs. Masked Cougar (0-2) Ultimate Phoenix is fired up, ready for that title shot at Surf Slam. He dominates this match up, and puts Masked Cougar away with a Firebird Splash! (C-) [B]Overall Show Rating: D+[/B] NEXT SHOW: - Jacob Jett vs. Don Quixote (Rematch) - Alicia Strong takes on Remmy Skye. - HINT #4: This man has worked for CZCW in the past. (Not this diary) Damn, short.
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CZCW Beach Party (June, Week 1) If he's Dean Koontz, I'm John Grisham! Welcome to CZCW Beach Party! Unless you consider John Grisham better then Dean Koontz, then I'm not. CZCW Beach Party Snake Pit (1000 Fans) Davis Wayne Newton vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx These two locked up with a continuation of our little tag team story here. Foxx shows up late a [I]lot[/I] for someone as not talented as him. Triple Threat takes it. (D) Don Quixote is backstage with our own Jenny Playmate. "Jenny, last week Jacob Jett took my Xtreme Title from me. Now, I want it back bad, but I know I have to work for it, so I'm challenging him to a match tonight. If I win, I get a rematch at Surf Slam!" (D+) Jacob Jett comes out to the ring. "Hell yes, Don I'd enjoy kicking your ass out of this arena!" Don Quixote vs. Jacob Jett These two lock up again, and the results are good. Quixote hits a Deus Ex Machina for the 1...2...3. (D+) Alicia Strong walks out. "Now, as you may know I challenged this "newcomer" to a match at Surf Slam, and Cliff Anderson has accepted. So that's official. But I know you fans want more then that from "The Strongest One There Is" so I'll take on anyone back their in a match tonight! (D+) Remmy Skye runs out, and the match begins. Alicia Strong vs. Remmy Skye Strong dominates this one, but Remmy Skye mounts some surprising offense. Just when it looks like he might steal one, Davis Wayne Newton and Bulldozer Brandon Smith run out of the crowd. Newton distracts the referee, while Bulldozer tosses Alicia a chair. She nails Remmy Skye, and gets the pin. (C-) [B]Overall Show Rating: D+[/B] Just to tell you all, we're up to F throughout Mexico! Woohoo! NEXT SHOW: - What are we going to do at Surf Slam Brain? The same thing we do every show, throw it together at the last minute! - Hint #5: This man last worked for TCW.
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Air Force 1 vs. The Breeze and Triple Threat Air Force 1 has demanded a rematch with The Breeze and Triple Threat, and they will get it, for the CZCW Tag Team Titles! Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs. Matt Sparrow Brandon Smith is the biggest thing in CZCW Wrestling. Can he destroy Matt Sparrow, or will he win on a wing and a prayer? Remmy Skye vs. Insane Machine Insane Machine returns to CZCW with a match with Remmy Skye. And this just in! It will be a ladder match! Masked Cougar vs. Fox Mask Masked Cougar is riding high after his battles in Mexico? Can he ride his momentum to a victory? Or will Fox Mask, the CZCW Original, steal the Cougar's Thunder? Alicia Strong vs. ??? Who is the latest addition to the CZCW Roster? And will he defeat the Strongest One Their Is, Alicia Strong? Mainstream Hernandez vs. Ultimate Phoenix Champion vs. Champion. World Title on the line. Will Mainstream Hernandez retain, or will Ultimate Phoenix become the first man to hold two titles at the same time here in CZCW?
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You know guys, I've been missing this one a lot. And if you'll have me, I'm going to bring it back. I've got some free time, and this one doesn't take a lot out of me to write up a show, so.... In short, Welcome Back To CZCW!
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