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Brock Lesnar & The Giant w/ Paul Heyman vs [B]Sting & Mick Foley[/B] Hulk Hogan & The Warrior vs [B]Chris Jericho & Mark Copani[/B] w/ Trish Stratus & Paul Heyman WCW TV Title Match [B]Colt Cabana (C)[/B] vs Elix Skipper *Special Guest Referee - "Macho Man" Randy Savage* WCW Tag Team Title Match Impact Players (c) w/ Dawn Marie vs The Revolution w/ Cheerleader Melissa vs The Briscoes vs [B]The New Foundation[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Kid Kash (c)[/B] vs Mistico vs TAKA WCW Hardcore Title Match - NEW! Roderick Strong vs Bob Sapp vs [B]Sly Terkay[/B] vs The American Dragon
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[CENTER] Sunday, Week 4 May 2007 in front of a Sell-Out 15,000 @ The MGM Grand Garden Arena PRE SHOW MATCH Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart & Caprice Coleman vs "The Spanish Announce Team" - Jose & Joel Maximo These two teams open the card up for those watching live in attendance. Jim Neidhart and Caprice Coleman defeated The SAT in 5:33 when Jim Neidhart defeated Joel Maximo by pinfall with a Power Slam. The fans had a huge chant going for the Anvil. D [COLOR="Purple"][B]****[/B] We go LIVE! on PPV! and the fans go wild in the MGM GRand for WCW Slamboree!! The pyros fly into the air as we see various shots of the crowd and their signs... "FEAR THE WARRIOR!" "BROCK IS A ROCK" "MELISSA BE MINE!" We then zoom down to ringside with our Colour Commentary Team of Bret Hart & Eric Bischoff, who introduce us to Slamboree Hart - [I]"Good Evening and Welcome to World Championship Wrestlings Slamboree, IM Bret Hart, and hes Eric Bischoff, and we are here tonight with a bumper event sure to get you off your seats, and thats coming from the Hitman!"[/I] Bischoff - [I]"Yep, as The Hitman said, tonight we have a double main event for you, but right now we have the Slamboree theme "Tonight" performed live by Chris Cornell....[/I] We then cut to Chris Cornell who performs WCW Exclusive Song "Tonight" for the sold out crowd.. [B]A ****[/B][/COLOR] A video airs, hyping the event here tonight, and the fact that we have a double main event! Hulk Hogan & The Warrior vs Mark Copani & Chris Jericho - Sting & Mick Foley vs Brock Lesnar & The Giant [B]A ****[/B] Backstage, We see a Red Shiny Hummer pull up and Trish Stratus steps out to the cheers of the males in the crowd, she is followed out of the hummer by Chris Jericho, Paul Heyman and WCW United States Champion "Marvellous" Mark Copani, who get loud boos from this sold out crowd. Trish steps towards the camera - [I]"A Group this good needs a name, call us the 'Vice'"[/I] Heyman then steps in - [I]"Damn, thats NICE!"[/I] The crowd boo as the foursome walk off looking very confident for tonight! [B]B ****[/B] Down at Ringside we see the announce booth and Bret Hart & Eric Bischoff are bringing us into tonights first match.. Hart - [I]"First up tonight we bring to you a 4 way brawl for the WCW Hardcore Title that is being Reborn here tonight"[/I] Bischoff - [I]"When you've got Bob Sapp, Sylvester Terkay, Roddy Strong & Trent Acid in one ring, it wouldnt be anything else other than Hardcore Hitman...I cant wait!!!"[/I] [B]D **** [U]WCW Hardcore Championship Match[/U] "Big" Bob Sapp vs Roderick Strong vs "The Predator" Sylvester Terkay vs Trent Acid[/B] We see the relaunch of the WCW Hardcore title in dramatic style... Halfway through the match...... Hart - [I]"Predator's got Acid in a back breaking move here, Sapp & Strong are brawling in the corner...Ju-"[/I] Bischoff Interupts - [I]"What the?!..."[/I] The arena goes black....the fans erupt, the lights flash back on to see 2 men in the ring.... the arena goes black again....the lights flash once more as we see one of the figures in the ring beating down all four men in the ring.... Once again the arena goes black....it flashes on a final time to see the four competitors in the ring down on the canvas from a beatdown from these shadowy men...the fans erupt and no one else is to be seen! Hart - [I]"Whats going on here?! Who was that man, and who was that with him?!"[/I] Bischoff - [I]"Im stunned, i dont have a clue who that was!"[/I] All four men are knocked out, the ref has no choice, under hardcore rules, the match must continue.... Only one of the four men move.....Its Bob Sapp!!! He crawls agonisingly over to Trent Acid and makes the cover! 1-2-3!!!! Bob Sapp defeated Trent Acid by pinfall in the 11th minute.... We got a new WCW Hardcore Champ - "Big" Bob Sapp! Bischoff - [I]"What a way to kick off Slamboree!"[/I] [B]C **** Meanwhile, Backstage....[/B] We join Gene Okerland with WCW Television Champion Colt Cabana standing in the interview area.. Gene - [I]"Wrestling fans i am joined here by our Television Champion COlt Cabana, who is set to go one on one here tonight with newcomer Elix Skipper in a title match. Of course, rules stipulate, if you lose in a TV title match, you are gone from WCW, whether you are Champion or Challenge, so stood next to me is the champion....."[/I] The fans pop for the champ who is wearing crazy glasses.... Colt - [I]"Skipper tonight, you are just another number, D-Lo Brown couldnt beat me, Shamrock tried and Chris Hero tried, tonight you crash and burn chump! Im gonna beat your a$$ like an unwanted step child!"[/I] Colt then walks off leaving Gene Okerland looking bemused... [B]D **** The camera cuts backstage where we find Randy Savage warming up for his spec ref match[/B] Backstage, We peep into the dressing room of WCW Icon Randy Savage who is the special guest referee in the WCW TV Title match which is up next!! He is wearing Refs attire, and is talking to himself..."OH YEAH!!!" [B]C **** [U]WCW TV Championship Match[/U] "Classic" Colt Cabana (C) vs Elix Skipper[/B] We all know the score, you win and you're TV Champ and on top of the world... ..you lose and you're gone from WCW,,,,, Cabana had the crowd heavily into him here.... Colt Cabana defeated Elix Skipper in 15:46 by pinfall with a RamMan. Colt Cabana retains the WCW TV title. [B]C **** Backstage....[/B] We cut to the parking lot where we see a group of people standing around a 4x4 truck, we cant quite make out who it is until we get closer.... Hart - [I]"What are Mick Foley, Sting, Randy Savage & new Hardcore Champ Bob Sapp doing here??"[/I] The fans erupt as Hulk Hogan & The Warrior step out of the 4x4 and are shown MEGA appreciation by the 4 guys standing by...the fans eruption was huge!!! Bischoff - [I]"Thats what the internet would call "Over" Hitman..."[/I] [B]A **** At the locker room of "The Vice" we hear laughing.....[/B] US Champ Mark Copani, Chris Jericho, Paul Heyman and the lovely Trish Stratus are sitting around in their dressing room and sharing some sort of joke... the camera does a good job of poking into the room to hear Jericho & Copani talking.... Jericho - [I]"HAHA! Did you see those two old guys out there!!?! Hogan and Warrior - UH Yeah Right!!"[/I] Copani - [I]"Damn right! They cant beat us, We are cooler.....We are cooler than old school!"[/I] Trish Stratus then walks over with a couple of cigars....as we cut out! [B]B **** The tag team title match is up next....[/B] The music of the Revolution, Doug Williams, TJ Wilson & Cheerleader Melissa hits.... Melissa has a microphone and it looks like shes coming to speak....Both Wilson & Williams pose either side of her on the stage... Melissa - [I]"TONIGHT!....Tonight, it is time for a Revolution, its time for the most complete tag team in Wrestling History to strike down 3 other teams in glory....We are the future of the Division, We arent just a couple of brothers who decided to team togather cause we cant operate alone.....We arent just cashing on a name full of tradition...no... ....we arent even a team with 2 guys who never made it in the big time...only in the small time....I feel sorry for tonights opponents of my Revolution, because tonight is the night....."[/I] Melissa drops the mic to a decent pop as the team strolls down the ring... [B]E **** [U]WCW Tag Team Championship Match[/U] "The Impact Players" (c) Justin Credible & Lance Storm w/ Dawn Marie vs "The Revolution" Doug Williams & TJ Wilson w/ Cheerleader Melissa vs "The New Foundation" Jack Evans & Teddy Hart vs "The Briscoe Brothers" Jay & Mark Briscoe[/B] In a tight match up.....Dawn Marie was the difference maker....She distracted almost every sinple opponent here allowing Storm & Credible to take charge....Dawn also tackled Melissa early in the match, leading to Melissa needing EMT attention with threw The Revolution off their game! Impact Players defeated The Revolution, The Briscoe's and The New Foundation in 13:58; the order of elimination was The Revolution first, then The Briscoe's, and finally The New Foundation. Impact Players make defence number 2 of their WCW World Tag Team titles. [B]C ****[/B] Brock Lesnar comes out to the podium and delivers a scathing promo in which he questions the careers of Sting and Mick Foley. He then states that it is now his mission to destroy the careers of Sting and Foley. Brock - [I]"Im too tough for you, Im Brock Lesnar damn it, and im gonna destroy you!"[/I] [B]B **** A music video is shown to promote Mistico.[/B] The fans seemed into what they see on the big screen, we see many of his career highlights from Japan, which contained some mega highspots and quickspots... Catch his debut NEXT!! [B]C **** [U]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match[/U] Kid Kash (C) vs Taka Michinoku vs Mistico[/B] This one was a Cruiserweight classic, which put the division back on the map... Mistico was quicker than your average, Taka was smooth and Kash was Slick..... But, Mistico defeated TAKA Michinoku and Kid Kash in 17:56 when Mistico defeated Kid Kash by submission with a Palanca Tornado. Mistico wins the WCW Cruiserweight title. [B]B ****[/B] A music video is shown to promote the training habits of Hulk Hogan and Warrior; roadwork, mat work, cardiovascular and weight training all make up the intensive program. We also see the WCW Highlights of the Warrior & Hogan, which left the screen with the words... [B]"UNFINISHED BUSINESS"[/B] The fans loved this segment!! [B]B **** [U]Part One of The Double Main Event[/U] "The Vice" US Champion - 'Marvellous' Mark Copani & Chris Jericho w/ Paul Heyman & Trish Stratus vs The Warrior & Hulk Hogan[/B] In a titanic battle, Strength in numbers was the key...a foreign object left by Heyman on the side of the ring was the difference maker...The fans were hot in this one... It was back and forth, Warrior & Hogan were dominant.... But... 'Marvellous' Mark Copani and Chris Jericho defeated Warrior and Hulk Hogan in 19:48 when Chris Jericho defeated Hulk Hogan by pinfall after using a foreign object. After the match, the four members of the Vice were celebrating in the four corners of the ring but the main focal point was Warrior & Hogan who left the ring seperately! Both men stared at each other through the ring...Perhaps some tension... Bischoff - [I]"We mentioned unfinished business....well there you go.."[/I] Hart - [I]"Warrior - Hogan, watch this space?!"[/I] [B]B ****[/B] Lesnar and The Giant are seen backstage looking Ready for a war! Both men are standing in the rampway awaiting the music to hit.... Talk about being ready! [B]B **** We cut backstage,[/B] We see Foley & Sting leaving their dressing room, They look ready for that war with Lesnar & Giant, but neither men speak... [B]B[/B] [B]**** [U]Part Two of The Double Main Event[/U] WCW Champion - Brock Lesnar & The Giant vs Sting & Mick Foley[/B] This one was a classic...the fans were wild and you could cut the tension with a knife.... 4 great superstars in a War for their lives! Foley got hit hard by Lesnar, Sting got destroyed by Giant... The heels dominate the Icons here.... If only Foley or Sting could...... Hart - [I]"DEATHDROP!!!"[/I] Sting nails Lesnar!! 1-2............3!!!! The fans go wild!!! Mick Foley and Sting defeated Brock Lesnar and The Giant in 21:56 when Sting defeated Brock Lesnar by pinfall with a Scorpion Death Drop. At the end of the match Lesnar & Giant leave the ring as once again Foley & Sting celebrate! [B]A*[/B] [B][I]FINAL SLAMBOREE Rating - B - The Show was a definate success. WWE. ECW......Watch out!! WCW Is Back and Coming for YOU!![/I][/B][/CENTER]
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Monday, Week 1 June 2007[/U][/B] WCW is coming off the huge PPV Last Night with Slamboree....Which drew a good 4.97 Rating, which although was significantly less of buy rate than Super Brawl & Revenge, but was said to an absolutely superb show. The immergence of Colt Cabana, The Vice & Mistico, The debut of "Anoai" and "The Shadow" was a plus point also, with the duo set to be WCWs answer to Umaga... A perfect way to prepare for tonights Redebut of Nitro!! In other news today, The WWE has taken the plunge and pulled ECW on Sci Fi which is said to effectively end the split...so you would think. No word from the E' but all signs point to it... Jimmy Snuka has finally hung up his tights after a superb legacy in the ring.. Kamala has also effectively retired from active competition also... On a side note, WCWs Bret Hart mentioned today to PWTORCH that his son Dallas Hart has joined the business, expect Dallas in WCW in thge future, thats for sure.
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]WCW NITRO RETURNS TO TNT TONIGHT @ 10PM![/U][/B] [I][B]Catch the triumphant Return of World Championship Wrestling & Flagship show Nitro!! On tonights bumper show...[/B][/I][/COLOR] [B]WCW Title Match Brock Lesnar (C) vs The Warrior WCW US Title Match 'Marvellous' Mark Copani (C) vs Mick Foley Number One Contender for WCW Title @ Road Wild Chris Jericho vs Sting WCW Tag Team Title Match The Impact Players (C) vs The Revolution WCW Cruiserweight Title Match Mistico (C) vs Taka Michinoku The Debut of "Anoai" Anoai vs Bob Sapp[/B] [[COLOR="red"]B][I]All this and much more - Only on Nitro[/I][/B]![/CENTER][/COLOR]
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Must apologise guys for not having many visuals on Slamboree, im so busy at the mo, i just wanted to get the report up! Thanks Trell, Much appreciated dude! Nitro will go down in history, Thats for sure. MtM2k6, lol, Jericho & Copani have huge futures in their stable. They are long term thats for sure. And with no Match yet for Hogan, Giant, and many others, a few interesting feuds could progress or even develop on Nitro! Stay tuned! Today we should have an update on all the feuds, developing storylines, gimmicks and champions in WCW, just to get us ready for Nitro's return! So get predicting!
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WCW Title Match [B]Brock Lesnar (C)[/B] vs The Warrior WCW US Title Match [B]'Marvellous' Mark Copani (C)[/B] vs Mick Foley Number One Contender for WCW Title @ Road Wild Chris Jericho vs [B]Sting[/B] WCW Tag Team Title Match [B]The Impact Players (C)[/B] vs The Revolution WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Mistico (C)[/B] vs Taka Michinoku The Debut of "Anoai" Anoai vs [B]Bob Sapp[/B]
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WCW Title Match Brock Lesnar (C) vs [B]The Warrior[/B] WCW US Title Match 'Marvellous' Mark Copani (C) vs [B]Mick Foley[/B] Number One Contender for WCW Title @ Road Wild Chris Jericho vs [B]Sting[/B] WCW Tag Team Title Match The Impact Players (C) vs [B]The Revolution[/B] WCW Cruiserweight Title Match [B]Mistico (C) [/B]vs Taka Michinoku The Debut of "Anoai" [B]Anoai[/B] vs Bob Sapp Finally a diary that truly understands the greatness of the Warrior! Warrior is going to crush Lesnar and then feed his bones to the ghosts of warrior past and push forward into a world known only by madness and chaos!!! aaarrrggggghhhh
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[CENTER] [B]WCW NITRO RETURNS! - Live on TNT, 10pm (2 Hours) Live in front of a packed, Civic Centre Colliseum Crowd of 7,752 in Attendance[/B] [B]Pre Show Match[/B] [B]"The Briscoe Brothers" Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe vs "The New Foundation" Teddy Hart & Jack Evans vs "The SAT" Jose Maximo & Joel Maximo[/B] The Briscoe's defeated The New Foundation and The SAT in 6:33 when Mark Briscoe put Jack Evans through a table. [B]E **** Pre Show Match Kid Kash vs Roderick Strong vs Trent Acid vs "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson[/B] The former Cruiserweight Champ came out on top here, not even the returning Bryan Danielson, from injury could beat Kash. Kid Kash defeated Roderick Strong, Trent Acid and Bryan Danielson in 3:36 when Kid Kash defeated Trent Acid by pinfall with a Dead Level. [B]C ****[/B] The pyros fly into the air as Nitro returns, New set, New Theme, New Music....The packed crowd go wild, as the red and black filled arena of Nitro, is filled with the new theme "Numb Encore" by Jay Z & Linkin Park....NITRO IS BACK!! We then go down to the announce team of Eric Bischoff & Bret Hart who are looking pleased and welcome us into Nitro... [I]Hitman - "Last time you saw us on this network, it was the darkest day in Professional Wrestling," Bischoff - "Tonight, stepping out of the darkness, right here in 2007 is the Rebirth of WCW, And fans, we are back!" Hitman - "Im Bret Hart, He's Eric Bischoff and we trust that you will be putting your trust in us this Monday Night, and the Monday Night after that." Bischoff - "Tonight we have a jam packed card for you. The first card ever which has held Sting, Hogan, Warrior, Lesnar, The Vice, Savage, Foley & this announce team under one roof. Forget Brand Splits, Forget Evil Bosses, Nitro is where the big boys play, and they play for Gold." Hitman - "I know all about gold Eric, and WCW is the premier place to be right now, and you'll see that right here, tonight..."[/I] [B]A **** Backstage,[/B] In the parking lot a flashy looking limo pulls up with the Name "VICE" Logo-ed on top of the limo. A big chauffeur steps out of the front and opens the door which outstep Trish Stratus to huge pops, man she looks hot here tonight, shes followed out by Paul Heyman, Chris Jericho & Mark Copani with his US Strap over his shoulder, they get loud boos. Heyman does his usual and steps towards the camera, [I]Heyman - "Nitro, The Vice are here! Nitro is ours!!! Tonight, "The Lionheart" will destroy Sting and become No1 contender to the gold that is around the waist of the man i created, Brock Lesnar!!!!" Stratus - "Hey Paul-E, Dont forget The "Marvellous" one is gonna beat that other hasbeen you know all about...Mick Foley!"[/I] The fans erupt at Foley's name as the Vice walk off looking very smug!!! [B]B ****[/B] The bell rings as the first Return match of Nitro is about to get underway! [B][U]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match[/U] Mistico (c) vs Taka Michinoku[/B] [I]What a way to kick off Nitro, Mistico flys through the air as Taka tries to slow the pace down here and hit some heavier moves. Taka nails a hard, hard dropkick as Mistico was taking to the air. Taka is going upstairs... Mistico gets up, he throws Taka down!! Palanca Tornado!!!!! 1....2....3!!! Mistico!!! Mistico!! WCW Cruiserweight Action at its very finest!!![/I] Mistico defeated TAKA Michinoku in 10:56 by submission with a Palanca Tornado. Mistico makes defence number 1 of his WCW Cruiserweight title. [B]B ****[/B] [I]Hitman - "WOW, Those cruiserweights can fly Eric..." Eric - "Sorry Hitman, but theres something developing backstage....."[/I] The fans erupt as we see WCW Icon, "Macho Man" Randy Savage walking towards the canteen area, he turns a corner and bumps straight into WCW TV Champ, Colt Cabana, who also recieves a nice pop, [I]Cabana - "Hey Chump Man, dont touch what you can't afford..." Savage - "Kid, you can't afford to talk to the Macho Man like that, Kid, i havent even been in a ring for years, but i could even beat you..." Cabana - "Proove it Savage, Tonight!!"[/I] The fans erupt as Cabana keeps walking on, but Savage is left smiling! [B]B ****[/B] [I]Eric - "Hitman, i was going to try to talk about what we've just seen there with Colt Cabana & Randy Savage, leading to a match tonight, but again, we need to head straight backstage..."[/I] We see the camera running down a hall to a skirmish that has developed with the Giant!! The Giant & The Warrior!!! Giant has got Warrior in a corner, holding a taser, Warrior is helpless here! No matter how strong he is, he cant avoid a taser here! [I]Giant - "Warrior, tonight, you are lucky to be in the ring with my good pal, Brock Lesnar (BOOS), So heres a little....."[/I] Before the Giant can finish speaking.... Hulk Hogan runs in from nowhere in normal clothes with a chair and nails The Giant square on the back of his head!! He knocks him out, and The Giant starts to bleed, Warrior & Hogan, look at each other in approval and walk off to the crowd going nuts!!! [B]B **** [U]The In-Ring Debut of "Anoai"....[/U] WCW Hardcore Champion "Big" Bob Sapp vs Anoai w/ The Shadow Sheik[/B] [I]My god, Anoai looks big, he looks mean, he looks tough...and thats even stood next to "Big" BoB! Sapp looks focused as he flaunts his Hardcore Title.... Anoai goes crazy on Sapp with big kicks and stiff punches, Sapp retaliates to the crowds delight, and Anoai gets hit 10 times by solid Sapp Punches, At ringside, we hear The Shadow Sheik laugh madly!! Anoai then laughs to as he goes to Sapp like a mad man, hes chocking Sapp out!!! The Shadow Sheik throws an iron bar out of his sleeve and Anoai picks it up and chokes Sapp out!! The referee needs to get control here, the bells ringing, and Anoai & The Shadow Sheik here need to be restrained!!![/I] Eventually WCW Security Staff seperate the men.....Anoai and Sheik get hugh boos!!!! Anoai drew with Bob Sapp in 7:46 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. During the match we also had The Shadow run in and attack Sapp. [B]C ****[/B] The bell has sounded, yet The Shadow Sheik and Anoai continue to do battle with Bob Sapp all the way to the backstage area, Sapp is gushing blood here!!! Sapp needs help!!!! Thank god the WCW Security are here...get them apart!! ...We then cut a commercial...... [B]C ****[/B] We come back from the enforced commercial and we are with Eric Bischoff & Bret Hart at ringside at the booth... [I]Hitman - "We just want to apologise for those scenes that may have disturbed you before the break with Anoai and the Sheik literally tearing Bob Sapp apart, it wasnt pretty...and this isnt over, im sure...." Eric - "But now, its Cabana-Savage!!!"[/I] [B]****[/B] [B][U]WCW TV Championship Match[/U] "Classic" Colt Cabana (C) vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage[/B] [I]The fans were loud here, and very much split 50-50 on the two men! Superb chemistry shown here with these two... Can Savage turn back that clock and get his hands on some gold, its been 7 years... Cabana starts like a brute on Savage Savage cant mount any offensive and this is beginning to look like a poor decision for Savage... ...But Cabana makes a mistake, he took to long up top.... ...Savage nails a Super Plex off the top!!!! Huge Move! Huge Move!! ...But in the end, youth prevailed, Cabana took advantage of Savages fatigue and began to go upstairs and pick the pace up... Ramman! Ramman!!! Its over, 1 - 2 - 3! Cabana wins!![/I] The fans give Savage a standing ovation...Cabana gets decent pops here... Colt Cabana defeated Randy Savage in 7:01 by pinfall with a RamMan. Colt Cabana makes defence number 1 of his WCW TV title. [B]B ****[/B] The fans erupt as we see on the Nitron Screen, WCW Legend Sting has arrived in the building, He has the opportunity, to tonight fend of "Lionheart" Chris Jericho and go onto face the WCW Champion @ Roadwild! [B]B **** [U]WCW United States Championship Match[/U] "Marvellous" Mark Copani (C) w/ Paul Heyman vs "Hardcore Icon" Mick Foley[/B] [I]What a staredown here, we hear Heyman shouting at Copani "HIT HIM"-"HIT HIM", Copani then attempts the strike and Foley ducks it and nails Copani down!! Its a back and forth encounter! Foley dominates, then Copani dominates.....Heyman reaches under the ring and pulls out a pain of glass!! The referee leans over and gives Heyman what for!! "GET OUTTA HERE!!" Shouts Brian Hebner....Foley and Copani are still fighting...but whats this....JERICHO!!! JERICHO RUNS in, and nails Foley with a dumbell!!! Foleys down!! The ref turns around as Heyman begins to walk out laughing from the Rampway, Copani covers Foley whilst doing single arm press ups....1....2....3.....Oh please!!! Jericho fled back through the crowd but is seen cheering for Copani as he shares an embrace with his US Title in the middle of the ring!![/I] 'Marvellous' Mark Copani defeated Mick Foley in 8:38 by pinfall with The Finishing Touch. 'Marvellous' Mark Copani makes defence number 2 of his WCW United States title. [B]A **** Backstage we are with Gene Okerland....[/B] [I]Gene - "Wrestling fans, im stood here with our WCW Tag Team Champions The Impact Players, and there intrepid Manager Dawn Marie.... Tonight we see them hook up with new WCW Tag Team "The Revolution"...." Dawn - "Gene, im gonna keep this short and sweet...much like whats in your pants...(FANS POP)...Revolution, you may think you are a good, tough tag team, but im sorry guys, you are not, you lack the Impact of the Impact Players...."[/I] The 3 some then stroll off leaving Mean Gene looking bemused! [B]C **** [U]WCW Tag Team Championship Match[/U] "The Impact Players" (C) Justin Credible & Lance Storn w/ Dawn Marie vs "The RevolutioN" Doug Williams & TJ Wilson w/ Cheerleader Melissa[/B] [I]Once again, the dominant Tag Team Champions were in awesome form, Williams and Wilson were strong and quick, but The tag team champs bent every rule in the book, Storm went for a slack cover, but Dawn Marie held down Wilson's legs!! A travesty of justice here tonight!!! We need to do something about these WCW Managers!! At the bell we see Cheerleader Melissa chase out Dawn Marie![/I]!! Impact Players defeated The Revolution in 8:43 when Lance Storm defeated TJ Wilson by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Impact Players make defence number 3 of their WCW World Tag Team titles. [B]C **** Backstage,[/B] We cut into the dressing room of the Warrior who is pumping some iron before his big match later tonight.... The door opens and Hulk Hogan walks in and the crowd erupts.... [I]Hogan - "You know i got ya back brother, Good Luck.." Warrior - "Thanks Man...."[/I] Hogan then walks out as the tension between the two is obvious as Warrior just keeps pumping on his dumbells. [B]C **** [U]Number 1 Contenders Match for ROAD WILD[/U] Sting vs "Lionheart" Chris Jericho w/ Trish Stratus[/B] [I]Both men stare down here, and referee Jack Doan makes best call of the night... ..."TRISH, IM NOT TAKING ANY CHANCES WITH YOU - GET OUTTA HERE!!!" The fans erupt as Referee Jack Doan evens the odds here! He's sent Trish outta here!!! Jericho & Sting walk together and suss each other out here... Jericho goes for the first punch, but Sting catches his hand!!! The fans go wild!!! Jericho then kicks Sting with a low blow... ...the match goes back and forth and passes the 15minute mark with both men looking like theyve been in a war here tonight! Jericho goes for a superkick, ducked by Sting... Sting takes Jerichos leg and is softening it up perhaps for the Deathlock, He moves onto Jericho's back... Sting is dominating here!! Jericho tries to mount some offense....but Sting gets him back down on the mat! WHATS THIS?!?! Copani, the US Champ is coming down here to ringside, he has NO business being here!!! Sting gets off Jericho and signals to Copani to F-OFF!! The fans cheer.... ....A ROLL UP!! Jericho - STING - 1,2,3! Its over! Jericho wins! He caught Sting unaware and its cause of that snake Copani!!! The fans boo wildly as Jericho bails quickly as he and Copani run backstage! Sting gets a big cheer, but is unlucky here tonight..[/I].. Chris Jericho defeated Sting in 18:43 by pinfall following interference from 'Marvellous' Mark Copani. [B]B **** Backstage,[/B] The cameras take us backstage to a party-like atmosphere, where Chris Jericho is seen celebrating his win here tonight. Copani, Heyman, and Stratus float in and out of the background, patting Jericho on the back and shouting their congratulations. Champagne begins to flow, as Jericho gets funky with the monkey, cutting a rug like no one's business. "Lionheart" Chris Jericho is to face the WCW Champ @ Roadwild!!! [B]B ****[/B] Brock Lesnar is seen on the Nitron walking to the ring, ready for his match, a mixed reaction for Lesnar here!! [B]B **** [U]WCW Heavyweight Championship Match[/U] Brock Lesnar (C) vs The Warrior[/B] [I]What a titanic standoff here, you thought it would never be seen, but right here on Nitro it is...... Lesnar & Warrior trade punches in this huge battle! Lesnar begins to dominate Warrior, Warrior turns it around...HOGAN!!! HOGAN is HERE!!! Lesnar focuses on Hogan, and Lesnar leans over the ropes and tries to grab Hogan, who retaliates, and the ref gets knocked down here!!! Hogan Nails Lesnar with a Hogan Punch! The fans go wild! The ref begins to stir as Warrior comes around and crawls over Lesnar!! 1... 2... ... 3!! NEW CHAMPION! NEW CHAMPION!! ...Whats happening?! Charles Robinson, the ref has just seen the replay....! Hes reversing the decision!!!! Hogan is seen nailing Lesnar! Lesnar retains!!! Lesnar retains!! Lesnar retains! Warrior cant believe it! He's furious!!! Hogan is left shocked & Lesnar is still out cold!!! Charles Robinson lays the belt over Lesnar!![/I] Brock Lesnar defeated Warrior in 11:27 by DQ Via Hulk Hogan's Interference. Brock Lesnar makes defence number 2 of his WCW World Heavyweight title. [I]We cut to a commercial!!![/I] [B]B **** We come back from the commercial and Brock Lesnar is seen leaving with the Giant smiling, battered and bruised, but with the gold!! B **** Meanwhile,[/B] The Warrior is storming off to his 4x4 Truck whilst Hogan is trying to talk to him..... [I]....We're outta time!!!![/I] [B]B **** Final - B- Nitro Returns!!!!![/B][/CENTER]
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Warrior turns it around...HOGAN!!! HOGAN is HERE!!! Lesnar focuses on Hogan, and Lesnar leans over the ropes and tries to grab Hogan, who retaliates, and the ref gets knocked down here!!! Hogan Nails Lesnar with a Hogan Punch! The fans go wild! The ref begins to stir as Warrior comes around and crawls over Lesnar!! 1... 2... ... 3!! NEW CHAMPION! NEW CHAMPION!! :'( ...Whats happening?! Charles Robinson, the ref has just seen the replay....! Hes reversing the decision!!!! Hogan is seen nailing Lesnar! Lesnar retains!!! Lesnar retains!! Lesnar retains! Warrior cant believe it! He's furious!!! Hogan is left shocked & Lesnar is still out cold!!! Charles Robinson lays the belt over Lesnar!! Brock Lesnar defeated Warrior in 11:27 by DQ Via Hulk Hogan's Interference. Brock Lesnar makes defence number 2 of his WCW World Heavyweight title. :D And did Hogan just punch Lesnar and knock him out? Wow, Lesnar's weak :p
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You'd better watch out if you leave the belt on Lesnar long enough he's liable to walk out on you and refuse to return the belt. I still think he's a disrespectful arrogant blowhard, I've got nothing but Lesnar hate...seriously I'm going to cheer when he looses that belt...he could loose it to the return of Repo Man and I'd argue with anyone that it was a smart booking move.
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Tuesday Week 1 June 2007 MONDAY NIGHT WARS RETURN![/U][/B] Yes thats right, its the morning after the return of WCW Nitro to our screens, Us wrestling fans have been waiting 6 years for this, and last night it finally happened, WCW & WWE went head to head once more, albeit only during the 10-11pm Slot. We all know Raw goes out at 9-11pm & Nitro goes out at 10-12pm, but this was a huge boost for wrestling, And ultimately for the WWE who won the first battle.... Raw drew 29.39, while Nitro drew 18.85, although there is a difference, WCW might not be as disapointed as you may think due to the later time slot. Raw had Jeff Hardy retain his Intercontintental Belt over Chris Masters, and in the Main Event we saw Khali beat Carlito. Nitro had of course Hogan, Warrior, Lesnar, Jericho, Sting & Copani all in the last hour which must have been a boost. For a fair ride, Nitro needs at least 5 or 6 weeks back, then we can start taking this War seriously once more. On a side Note, TNA Impact Tapings took place last night where Samoa Joe is said to have destroyed Abyss, big time.
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Wednesday, Week 1 June 2007[/U] [U]WCW Nitro Preview[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]WCW has posted the Preview for Next Weeks Nitro on TNAWCW.COM,[/COLOR] [B][U]The Main Event[/U][/B] [I]Can Warrior & Hogan Co-Exist Against the WCW Champ & His Big Mean Friend?[/I] WCW Champion - Brock Lesnar & The Giant [B][I]vs[/I][/B] Hulk Hogan & The Warrior [B][U]Non Title Match[/U][/B] [I]US Champion Mark Copani has pi$$ed off Icon Sting with his medling in Stings affairs last week on Nitro...Copani cost Sting the WCW Title.... ...Will Sting make it his mission to do the same to the US Title... ....Its Non Title, But anything can Happen![/I] [I]WCW US Champ -[/I] "Marvellous" Mark Copani w/ Paul Heyman [B][I]vs[/I][/B] Sting [B][U]"A Warm Up"[/U][/B] [I]"Lionheart" Chris Jericho is the No1 Contender to Brock Lesnars Title, and tonight he gets ready for Road Wild with a "Warm Up Match"[/I] [I]"Lionheart"[/I] Chris Jericho w/ Trish Stratus [B][I]vs[/I][/B] Trent Acid [B][I]vs[/I][/B] Roderick Strong [B][U]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match[/U][/B] [I]Since Arriving in WCW, Champ Mistico and rival TAKA have been tearing the house down....add "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson & Former Champ Kid Kash into the mix, and Nitro is going to the air![/I] Mistico (C) [B][I]vs[/I][/B] Taka Michinoku [B][I]vs[/I][/B] [I]"American Dragon"[/I] Bryan Danielson [B][I]vs[/I][/B] Kid Kash [B][U]WCW TV Championship Match[/U][/B] [I]"Classic" Colt Cabana continues his WCW TV Title Challenge when another hopeful newcomer takes him on for the gold...who will it be this week??[/I] [I]"Classic"[/I] Colt Cabana (C) [B][I]vs[/I][/B] ??? [B][U]One vs One Hardcore Match[/U][/B] [I]Since bursting into WCW at Slamboree, Anoai & The Shadow, his Manager have been a dark and deadly duo, After indefenately putting Hardcore Champion "Big" Bob Sapp out of action, Anoai is gunning for "Predator" Sylvester Terkay on Nitro...Can he be stopped!?[/I] "Anoai" w/ The Shadow Sheik [B]vs[/B] [I]"Predator"[/I] Sylvester Terkay [B][U]5 Man - Mixed Tag Team Match[/U][/B] [I]5v5, 8 Men, 2 Women. The feud continues, and this time the WCW Girls are involved...[/I] [I][U]- Team Impact -[/U][/I] Dawn Marie Justin Credible (One Half of the WCW Tag Team Championships) Lance Storm (One Half of the WCW Tag Team Championships) Jay Briscoe Mark Briscoe [B][I]vs[/I][/B] [I][U]- Team Revolution -[/U][/I] Cheerleader Melissa Doug Williams TJ Wilson Teddy Hart Jack Evans [COLOR="Red"][B][I]Also on Nitro, WCW Officials take to the stage to "Discuss" the rumours of a WCW President being Announced.[/I][/B] Tune in Monday Night @ 10pm![/COLOR]
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[B][U]FROM PWTORCH.COM Thursday, Week 1 June 2007[/U][/B] [B][U]WWE & WCW News[/U][/B] Last Night on Smackdown we saw The Undertaker destroy Mark Henry and put him out of action for months due to a back breaking injury. Also we saw Vince lay down a challenge to Scott Hall, Triple H & Shawn Michaels, DX...... WCW broke the hint on their Nitro preview yesterday that we will more than likely see the role of an on screen President role, or General Manager if you will. The fans have been talking and names such as DDP, Arn Anderson, Paul Orndorf among others have been mooted. But with guys already on screen such as Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Eric Bischoff or Mick Foley, dont rule out a guy closer to home being appointed
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