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  1. Chris Jericho lost, The Elite lost, it was a good Dynamite.
  2. The same number of defenses Jack Perry has for the TNT title if memory serves and one of those was against Marko Stunt for crying out loud!
  3. Like the fact that they're going to have to actually book Daniel Garcia to beat somebody of note, if they actually want him to become a big star. I'd say Danielson being booted from the BCC was random but I've only been skimming reviews rather then watching the show, so I probably missed foreshadowing that explained that.
  4. So apparently Danielson's first challenge for his new title is....Jack Perry. I mean Okada's far more over with the crowd and Okada/Danielson would make a far more profitable main event but sure, let's give Luchasauraus' luggage a title shot.
  5. Apparently the first match announced for Maple Leaf Pro's inaugural show is Josh Alexander vs Konosuke Takeshita. Or that's what I read on Facebook at least. If that's true the show has an amazing main event.
  6. Somebody should have told that to the guy who programmed 2020 then, 'cause it was super easy for OLLIE to get a tv deal and a PPV deal.
  7. Oh gosh oh golly, he wants the game to be more user friendly not less, I might just faint dead away from the shock of it. The nerve of him to ask for this perfectly reasonable thing, thank goodness we have "brave" keyboard warriors like you around to throw tantrums in the face of such behavior.
  8. The big issue for me is that OLLIE, the number two lucha fed in Mexico, goes under while two feds that are smaller it are apparently unphased. It would have made sense if CILL went under, it was tiny in comparison to OLLIE after all but I'm supposed to believe that OLLIE was having such dire financial problems that they had to close but still remained the number two fed? Asking me to suspend disbelief is one thing, expecting me to throttle it till it's dead is quite another.
  9. Like removed entirely from the editor? Was it the only thing removed?
  10. Heck the number too lucha fed in Mexico can suddenly go under when, logically it would have a fairly stable fanbase. I mean if the friggin' NWA can keep operating after all the crap that's happened to it since it's founding then OLLIE surely would be able too as well. It doesn't make any sense and certainly doesn't mirror real life wrestling as the game is meant to do but it seems Ryland doesn't care about that anymore, if he ever did.
  11. It's like they put all their effort into making it superficially prettier and none at all into things that fans of the game might actually like.
  12. In my opinion, if he wasn't going to make any changes to the game setting he shouldn't have bothered with the "update."
  13. No, I was wanting to make certain that I understood him correctly. Hence why it was phrased as a question.
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