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Everything posted by Fleisch

  1. Excellent. Thank you. I'll set Reo as retired in the data. Think I'll keep her in the mod though as I really liked her and thought she had potential to be a great worker.
  2. I may have to seriously think about doing a new streamlined location file (not looking forward to that!) I shall make it in a different database and then delete the old locations and import the new locations file when it is finished. Anyone got that map of where each state is in TEW locations for the US and Canada?
  3. When did Reo Hazuki leave? I heard something happened in late 2015 where she had to be replaced in the Stardom 5 STAR GP but haven't seen anything to say she left the business. I'll get her set to out of the business if you can get me the source. I'll delete Maaya from the data as I can't find anything on her since 2014. I'll take a look but unsure what I can do as finances are linked to Popularity etc... and TNA are already set as D+ in the USA and between D- & E- everywhere else. I could drop them again but if people play as them, they shouldn't expect to be renewing many of their workers contracts because the company will be too small for them. I'll see what I can do with it. EDIT: Having run a sim on TNA, they make less than $700,000 every month (still too much in my opinion). I tried dropping them a bit more in terms of popularity but they then went regional and got rid of half the roster. The TV, PPV and Sponsorship revenue is where the bulk of their money is coming from. I'm unsure what I can do to combat this without seriously screwing up the game world balance. Any suggestions from you guys?
  4. In the new release WWE still don't get near the fans attending they do in real life. I've just boosted them to 83 overness in US and Canada and it makes little difference as they are still only getting around 4000 people to Raw.
  5. Yeah gimmicks are something I want to eventually get up to scratch. So much still to do but taking a break for the rest of weekend as stupidly burnt myself out. Response to Matt... reputations are another thing on my list that still needs looking at. Sorry Claxton! I shall add you to the list. I knew I'd forget someone.
  6. Oversight. Although, I'd say he's probably still using. I'll take a look later.
  7. Done. A 3rd Version is uploaded for anyone who wants a fixed copy.
  8. The game doesn't let me select where people are on the card. Kevin Owens overness in US is at 70, 75 in Canada, and pretty much 60 everywhere else which I think is about right compared to the rest of the roster. I have spent around 3 hours trying to get people in the right order (or close as) in terms of where they are compared to others on the WWE roster. He has huge momentum in his contract as well so pushing him into the main event shouldn't take the player long. I am willing to up his US overness to the same as his Canadian so he is 75 in the US too. If I move the New Days popularity up someone else will just drop into that midcard slot that are more over than New Day. I agree Vaudevillains should probably get a bit of a boost. It will mean someone else taking their place though but based on their recent exposure on WWE TV, I have boosted them to the mid-card. I've changed Nakamura to face and Kane to semi-active as per your post. No idea on Dana and Emma. Last show I watched they were in NXT. I'll move them to the main roster though if they are no longer appearing in NXT regularly. Thank you for the feedback. Don't take my response as an attack, it is merely an explanation as to why I have given people the overness I have and why I'm not willing to change New Day. Thanks for all the CHIKARA info. Do you happen to have stats for those people you want added? I don't know who they are and don't have time to watch them so have no idea what stats to give them. Jimmy Hart is 72 and will be out of the business I should imagine within the first couple of months. I'll add him if I get time at the end. Please think about how you word things as adding "Surely he has a native language" comes across like you think I'm an idiot who purposely left his main language blank. It is an error where the mouse wheel has slipped and I've not noticed. He is English.
  9. I decided to take a look at what is going on in TNA to re-familiarise myself and hopefully help with the full release of my RWC mod (cheap plug ). I don't understand, Bobby Lashley vs. Drew Galloway for the title is scheduled for the Slammiversary PPV in June, yet they are also fighting for the belt on an episode of Impact. Well who the hell is going to pay to see a rematch - even if ti is a Submission/KO rematch? Wouldn't common sense dictate that "hey we got Slammiversary coming up, we should build this title match and feud, have them wrestle exclusively for the belt on PPV to help the buyrate." rather than "Lets give fans the title match on free TV and then expect them to buy the PPV with an Impact main event." It appears once again, those making business and booking decisions within TNA are lost in terms of what they need to be doing to rebuild this company and start turning a reasonable profit. It is unacceptable that they keep making the exact same mistakes every single year. Booking 101 - Drew Galloway is defeated in a non-title match by Bobby Lashley, setting up their Championship match for Slammiversary. Various shenanigans ensue over the coming weeks, with Lashley assaulting Galloway, Galloway retaliating with promo's and eventually his own revenge attack on Lashley. This builds Lashley up and gives the fans a sense that the outcome could go either way at the PPV. It's tried and tested, and if you make people care enough, they will buy. I'm not even "in the biz" and can work out that makes more booking AND business sense than giving your main title feud away for free on TV. WCW began doing that and PPV buyrates fell through the trapdoor. If TNA are only gonig to have 4 PPV's a year, they need to make each of them mean something more than just an extended episode of Impact. Anyway, that aside, I'm kind of liking the ECIII/Michael Bennett stuff but again, build it for the PPV in an old school manner. The decay disturb me a little - Rosemary is a freak. Abyss thinking he is "beautiful" is pretty funny to watch. The guy is so versatile in the way he plays the Abyss character. The Knockouts division seems pretty competitive again and Sienna is probably my favourite Knockout at this point. Hope she eventually gets a run with the belt, but again, build, build, build. TNA are too haphazard in their booking and rush everything to a point a good portion of the audience just doesn't care. It's a shame when a lot of former TNA supporters are saying "how are they going to screw this up" because, again, the earlier years of the company were their best by far. They SHOULD be competing with WWE by now, but bad decisions, a huge decrease in fans (look at attendance figures). Their UK tours used to do good numbers, They had a crowd of 3000 turn up however only 1500 people bothered to stay for the second set of TV tapings when they were in Manchester. If 50% of your audience walks out after paying for tickets, you are really doing something wrong. In London, 2013 TNA got upwards of around 5000 people in attendance, this years tapings, 4000. A 25% decrease in attendance within a country you do good numbers in does not bode well. In the US, they are getting between 200-500 fans for TV tapings, not House Shows, TV tapings, and again alarm bells don't ring when your attendances used to be in the thousands? The facts are there. Yes people do enjoy TNA, but those people are now in the minority because a good chunk of their fan base has upped sticks due to TNA failing one too many times to capitalise on getting something good going without (excuse the phrase) crapping all over themselves. People will argue it's because they are touring now but that's not a good enough excuse because they have had 14 years to build their product, to build their identity but instead, they look like they don't know which way is up and too many people have seen them fail than they have succeed. It is a huge shame, but I think TNA have damaged their image to a point where they will never be able to become as popular as they could have been. You could give the company back AJ Styles and Samoa Joe, you could give them Sami Zayn, Finn Balor, etc... and they would still screw up how to use them. If it wasn't for their international deals that set them apart from their real competition (ROH, etc), I wouldn't even say TNA were the #3 or 4 company in the US presently.
  10. That will teach me not to do my own cuts. It's an easily fixed error - I mean over 2000 new pictures so 1 wrongly tagged isn't bad going! I'll get it changed and have upload a new ACH picture so if people could rename the ACH one TaDarius Thomas in their picture folder and put the below image in - along with the Sara Lee.jpg and Patrick Clarek.jpg opne below. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/ACH_zpskgyqef97.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Sara%20Lee_zpsgg0evd1v.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Patrick%20Clark_zpszdacntj1.jpg EDIT: Just realised I didn't put the Read Me file in with the data so for those who want it... READ ME DOCUMENT
  11. Quite a lot. I'm just updating the second post with a "so far..." list. Might take me a while.
  12. I did. Did I not reply?! Apologies. I have been getting so many PM's recently I don't know which I have or haven't replied to. I haven't included the move sets in the beta but I will be in the full release as I need to tidy the move sets up for WWE and this saves me a whole lot of time so thank you, and sorry again for not replying to your PM. For those who want it, a second version of the beta is up.
  13. That's cool. I didn't think you were complaining (I would have ignored it if I had done) so no problem.
  14. Just to explain, it's an ongoing June beta. Things have happened in May that I have added which I would have to delete (ie title histories, any roster changes - the Bullet Clubs new members etc) for it to be a proper May release, and then re-add it again for a full June release. Hence the reason it starts in June. This is not a full release as I've said and the things that happen in May will all be in the full June/July release but I needed help from people to get things fixed as I couldn't go through everything myself due to time constraints so released the June beta now. Hope that clarifies things. Also, an update will be posted in about 30 minutes with 90% of the fixes mentioned above.
  15. I shall try to get everything fixed for a potential updated release Saturday/Sunday for those who want it. I might not be able to get all the NXT house show guys in at this stage but should get them in by July. Thanks for all the feedback.
  16. Do you have any good sources I can get ages, debuts and pictures from for the people not in the data? Can someone also give me a rough guide on their stats as I don't have time to watch all these people wrestle. Thanks.
  17. Thanks. I shall get that all fixed. By the way, a replacement picture. Save it in the picture folder as Disciple of Death II.jpg and it will sync up with the data. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Disciple%20of%20Death%20II_zpsoowbejv0.jpg
  18. Thanks. All fixed. Authority I've kept inactive at the moment. I have also just realised I forgot to put AAA's new show on the Fight Network so have done that too.
  19. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Image6_zpsmlj9kjax.jpg Real World Chronicles: Beta for June is released. Files (as always) are in the first post. Please report any errors, updates that are needed and most importantly, try to have fun with it!
  20. Well that's a TEW style WTF pairing! Good luck to them - although I can see I'll probably be changing this relationship again in the not too distant future.. EDIT: For those who don't check the first post, I have a new project in the works. One I am really looking forward to producing. Couple of screens for Territory Wars: An Earth-2 Mod. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/WWF_zpsv0t05eas.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Papa%20Shango_zpsmqtbqhip.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Mike%20Sharpe_zpsvrvts82t.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/territorywars_zpsrzvyupnt.jpg
  21. I tried very hard to finish the picture pack for tomorrows beta but unfortunately, we're still 286 shy. I will be tweaking a couple of things in the data tomorrow morning (UK time) and may get time to do a few more cuts, although not many and hope to have the beta out by 5pm at the latest (although could be earlier).
  22. Having done a quick couple of months sim to see viewership, at tiny worldwide it varies between 2,000 and 20,000 viewers depending on promotion. I tried it the way Diablo80 said too, and there is little change in the viewership numbers for most (only ICW lose viewers). I may just keep it as the one company for the beta release and then we can decide after a few others have played whether to keep it as is, or change it to Diablo80's idea.
  23. Not going to crap on you. Your opinion is your opinion, but just because people don't agree with your opinion, doesn't automatically make them children. It's a shame you didn't watch it in the earlier years because it was amazing. It was an alternative to WWE, it had it's own style, it's own identity and it worked. It didn't try to emulate WWE as much as it does now. It isn't an alternative, it's just the same product WWE produce but with less audience. They have the best roster they have had in a long while, but still they just go to "Matt vs. Jeff Hardy" that WWE gave fans about 10 years ago. I like Mike Bennett, ECIII and Drew Galloway (not seen any of their TNA work apart from ECIII) and hopefully they do push those 3 as the top guys in the company. I don't care about either Hardy brother or Bobby Lashley and I'd guess they'll be the focus of the shows which doesn't interest me even remotely. I must admit, I've not watched TNA in about a year - maybe more, so if their product has improved, great, unfortunately I've seen the best "side" of TNA and they will never replicate that enjoyment for me they once did. I don't want the company to "die", but I've no interest in watching the product they are producing either. Maybe when they bring back a decent X-Division. I'll just say (so as to put something positive in), some of my favourite matches from TNA were Kurt Angle against Desmond Wolfe in 2009 (?), the steel cage match between America's Most Wanted Vs Triple X in 2004 (how can you not shout "Holy you know what" at THAT point in the match), and if you've never seen it, I suggest you watch Christopher Daniels Vs AJ Styles Vs Samoa Joe at Unbreakable 2005 because in my humble opinion that is my favourite ever TNA match. I may be in the minority but 2004-2007 was probably the best time for TNA, with parts of 2008 and 2009 being pretty entertaining.
  24. Excellent. Thank you for getting the information. Maybe I'll do their coverage very small in US and UK (seeing as it appears to be UK and US promotions using it), and tiny everywhere else just to start with. That way they don't get ridiculously over in other areas. We shall see how it goes! Alternatively, Tiny everywhere as it is subscription. I shall see what numbers it throws up in terms of viewers. EDIT: Just realised SMASH and AIW are also on Pivotshare so for now everywhere is set as tiny in terms of viewership.
  25. Thing with Pivotshare is it would then mean all those promotions being shown worldwide on subscription. Is that right? Can anyone sign up to watch CZW or do they have blocks in place so it is only the US? I'm happy to add all those promotions to it but it will mean companies will be getting more exposure in places they may not in real life.
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