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Everything posted by Fleisch

  1. I liked some of the show, I didn't like other parts, either way though I have cancelled the WWE Network because it's just so predictable for the most part (except Ryder and Corbin wins). Every other match was obvious. The death of the Wyatts was solidified in an absolutely pointless segment just so Cena could return and along with the Rock did a good job of burying the group. They have no more credibility as a fearsome group. Really liked the Ambrose v. Lesnar fight despite the obvious outcome - but it was good enough that I didn't care if the outcome was obvious. Liked the women's match, again the winner was obvious (to me) before the bell rang. I HATE the New Day and went and made dinner for most of that, although seeing HBK, Foley and Austin come and kick LONs asses was fun. Corbin winning the Battle Royal was good to see. I'm a fan of the guys no crap attitude and lack of respect. AJ v Jericho was pretty decent but again after AJ dominating on TV I was again certain of a Jericho victory. Being "surprised" in only 2 matches of a near 5 hour event though was a bit underwhelming. Just my random thoughts.
  2. <p>You want to hear my opinion on Reigns? Of course you don't, but this is the Internet so hush because I'm going to give it anyway... <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ring Style:</span> Roman Reigns is everything WWE want's their top worker to be when it comes to ring work. He is by no means an excellent wrestler, but he isn't as bad as people say he is either. I doubt he'll ever put on multiple 5 star matches, but he can beat the hell out of his opponent and is a believable bad ass... until the next part of my opinion...</p><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Promo Execution:</span> This is where Reigns falls on his face. He just has no Charisma, a monotone delivery that does nothing to hype or connect with the fans. There doesn't seem to be passion in his delivery. Anyone can shout into a microphone, but it is the ability to connect with the audience that willl make you an unforgettable superstar. This is why Daniel Bryan and CM Punk got the crowds behind them, because you could see their passion and desire. Roman Reigns does not work as a face.</p><p> </p><p> Is all the negativity Romans fault? Of course it isn't. The guy is employed to do a job, and he is doing what his bosses tell him to do. Unfortunately his employers have screwed the pooch by forcing him down everyones throats as a face because I think Roman Reigns could be one of the best bad ass heels we've seen in a long time. He has that intensity in his ring style that means he could just go out there and fight. Add a few more moves to his arsenal maybe and Pair him with a mouthpiece manager to do his talking.</p>
  3. Just got done watching the first 3 Edge & Christian Show That Totally Reeks of Awesomeness and was both entertained and amused by their... "Offbeat Shenanigans" © Lance Storm 2001. It's silly and it's fun.
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The_CoC" data-cite="The_CoC" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not trying to come of an a-hole but did you guys watch the episode?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You don't sound like an a-hole. Yes. I have been trying to give TNA another go but it is the same old recycled rubbish. Nothing new, nothing that makes me think "that was great" and nothing that can keep my attention.</p><p> </p><p> Here's the thing, I like CHIKARA - it's consistent, it's stories unfold over months, if not years and things happening now can be explained by things that happened in 2009 for example. Yes it's characters are off the wall and at points silly, but it's entertaining and consistent (for the most part) and you know who is who and who stands for what. It doesn't rush it's stories, it lets them develop over time and it is entertaining - because CHIKARA is exactly what it says, fun and it keeps to that format of being an entertaining product. </p><p> </p><p> TNA on the other hand don't know what sort of promotion they are and instead of putting some real quality writing into their shows have a tournament play out over months of TV, with no real pay off and then switch the roles of the people from the initial stories alignment. That's not clever, there is zero thought put into that and zero pay off. Their stories all follow 1 of these 3 formats.</p><p> </p><p> Format #1: Champion vs. Contender... Contender turns heel to win title by nefarious means. Example; Jeff Hardy, Magnus, Mr. Anderson, Bully Ray, Bobby Roode and Matt Hardy all turned heel to win the belt.</p><p> </p><p> Format #2: 2 guys align to fight off the heels... 1 guy turns on his partner and joins the heels.</p><p> </p><p> Format #3: Tournament for [Enter Newly Vacated Title]</p><p> </p><p> That (in my opinion from watching recent Impact episodes) is the depth of TNA's booking.</p>
  5. <p>Wait?!?! TNA turned somebody heel?!?! That hasn't happened in... er... 2 weeks? Anyone who didn't see Spud turning the minute he aligned with EC3, well I've a bag of fresh air I'm willing to sell you. Yes it's "logical" but no, it isn't really surprising, and certainly isn't a swerve as most fans saw it coming. TNA have unfortunately played the "heel turn" card so often, it's cheap and meaningless these days when they do it.</p><p> </p><p> Nothing is deep or thoughtful when it comes to TNA's creative. In terms of depth, I doubt you could really fill a shot glass. Some may say I'm being harsh, but I watched TNA for so many years, even stuck through the Hogan/Bischoff disaster and a little way beyond. It isn't even a 10th as entertaining as it once was. It makes WWE creative look like Shakespearean playwrights it's that predictable in it's so called "thoughtful" stories.</p>
  6. Agreed. Like they do with Fifa. Every mode is exactly the same this year as last (except you get a crappy womens tournament NO fifa fan really cared about) but you also got more options in Ultimate Team. Nothing EA said about Fifa is true. The goalkeepers still make more errors than any real life keeper, the AI players on your team don't close down (despite you setting it up under tactics) leaving the opponent AI to have more space than they should, the free kick giveaways are shocking still (exactly the same as 15 despite them saying "we've workerd on it") We all know the only thing EA worked on was how to squeeze even more money out of the idiots who want an Ultimate Team Messi or Ronaldo card. I built my team with coins I won from matches rather than buying any Fifa Points out of sheer bloody mindedness as they were given £50 for a game they said they'd fixed when in fact they hadn't. "EA Sports. It's not in the Game... now hand over your wallet" would be a more suitable slogan for them.
  7. " AJ Styles signed a multi-year contract with WWE which allows him to retain his ring name and various other trademarks. The report notes the deal was signed last week, and allows WWE to use trademarks associated with Styles including the “The Phenomenal One” nickname and “The Styles Clash” finishing move name. WWE will also retain some of the rights to Styles’ name in regards to video once he leaves the company." That's the reason AJ can use his name. He has a deal that benefits both parties by using his name. Samoa Joe was different as he came in originally as an "Indy" guy like Johnny Gargano or Tommaso Ciampia. I know he's signed an exclusive deal now, but I guess Samoa Joe's name is worth something in the US market, same with Austin Aries where as Prince Devitt was less known to US audiences and so chose to go by the name Finn Balor. Triple H said it himself, WWE are the victims of their own success as without territories, where do you bring in future stars from?
  8. You're a part of the "IWC" yourself so do you think there was a burial? I find it ironic that people cannot see the IWC is anyone who talks online about wrestling. Don't tar everyone with the same brush, I'm sure you're better than that. Now I've slept I figured I'd give my opinion on what I liked/disliked. I loved Owens v Ambrose as that match really got me hyped for the show. It finished the way I hoped. Kevin Owens as a heel works because he is such a douche you want him to lose but at the same time you know he can back up his bravado. I also liked the tag title match (although I can't stand Kofi Kingston's 5 year old girl routine. Skipping and clapping like a little girl is stupid). The match was solid, even if the outcome was obvious. US title match was a botch-fest and Kalisto will drop it to ADR again before Fastlane. No one cared as the match has happened 3 times in the last few weeks. I fell asleep just after this but luckily woke up as Reigns was entering the Rumble. 2 surprise entrants for me made it all too predictable (maybe that's my fault) and despite the ending making "sense" WWE really dropped the ball again in not making someone come out of that a new legit main event star. Instead we are going to see the THIRD Wrestlemania where a part time champion is in the Main Event. How no one in the company sees this as a bad thing is beyond me. They are supposed to be smart and yet go the easy route. The minute Reigns was eliminated any one who thought Ambrose would win it were delusional however it too would have made sense as Ambrose is then the guy who won a last man standing and the Rumble match in the same night, plus the crowd like him which with Reigns they do not. It could then lead to a Reigns turn and Ambrose v Reigns at Mania. No one cares enough for Reigns or Triple H to buy the PPV who wouldn't have already.
  9. Well done to WWE. Proof yet again they cannot build a star and have to rely on a part timer champion. Shame as it was a good PPV until the end. Oh well Lucha Underground will be back soon.
  10. Bully Ray turned heel to win World title, Magnus turned heel to win World title, Mr. Anderson turned heel to win World title, Jeff Hardy turned heel to win World title, Matt Hardy turned heel to win the World title. They take "copy and paste" stories to a whole new level. It isn't that I'm in a negative mind frame, I try to see the positives and TNA have none in my opinion. It'sthe same tired old rubbish. The reason I post these things is because TNA could actually be a viable alternative if it showed some creativity instead of quick fixes and endless swerves.
  11. Disclaimer: The following is one mans views. This man has been known to be wrong from time to time and fully acknowledges he isn't the font of all knowledge (rare on the internet). However he is a man with something to say, and damn it, he's going to say it! Now that's out the way... I can tell you exactly why I believe TNA did this. Because "Creative" (I use that term loosely) have zero ideas for story lines. Since breaking away from the NWA, they have had 3 Tournaments for the World Title already. One when Rob Van Dam was "injured" so technically TNA's choice as it was a story line injury, another when they let AJ Styles walk out with the belt and now this injunction rubbish. Now you may say "3 is that all?" let's compare shall we... Since 1988 WWE have held 4 Tournaments for their World title. 4 Title tournaments in 28 years opposed to TNA's 3 in the last 5 years - does 3 sound a lot now for a company who claims their belt means something? A tournament for your belt should only be set up if your Champion is injured or walks out on the company. That is it. No other reason as you then show the belt as being just a prop, and once that happens, title matches are meaningless and the product is meaningless. In total, there have been between 35 and 40 Tournaments in TNA in 12 years. That's around (average) 3 tournaments for "something" a year. That is not including The Bound for Glory Series, Feast or Fired or the One Night Stand tournaments. It's lazy writing and shows they have no clue what they are doing. "Sorry Miss Dixie, we're whistling Dixie with our ideas and soooo.... how about a tournament to crown a new Hot dog vendor". "Damn it boys you've come up with a gem there! Let me just get daddy to sign a blank cheque and we'll get started. We've got to make it complicated though, and make sure it's undone at the end by re-instating the original hot dog vendor as that in the wrestling biz is what you call a swerve." By comparison, there have been close to the same number of tournaments in WWE in the last 31 years, not including the King of the Ring (Royal Rumble isn't technically a tournament). I use WWE as the "counter" example as that is what Dixie strives to be, not an alternative, but WWE: Zero (zero for zero clue and zero ideas). I know this will hurt some of the born again or never left TNA faithful, but don't have me confused with a WWE fanboy (far from loving that these days either) I used to really enjoy TNA and watched every week and every PPV. Unfortunately I guess my tastes changed from accepting 6 month recycled rubbish and nonsensical characters and stories who were face one week, heel the next, and then face again (Matt hardy will be face again soon when Tyrus turns on him). If you enjoy it though, well, who am I to tell you it's crap? People like what they like.
  12. I get to put my old man head on! 1) Anyone who can't tell the difference between opinion and fact. 2) People who lack basic manners and fail to say please or thank you. 3) The spineless cowards that run Britain. 4) Political Correctness - can't tell "An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman" joke without someone getting their panties in a bunch. Usually a Welshman who wasn't included in the joke. 5) When people in a shop say "can I help you" as if you don't know a) how to shop or b) find an assistant if you do need assistance. 6) Hypocrisy That's all for now. Sometimes I have to let the Scottish side of me out for a few minutes!
  13. Typical TNA. It's as if writing more than 1 week TV is too difficult for their creative. 1 step forward and 25 backwards.I wish I'd not bothered complimenting the debut on POP because it was obvious they'd screw it all up.
  14. These 2 will be added to my folder and used in my next game! I absolutely love them. I like the rest too, but with these 2 they'll get no use! Some amazing work as always Asaemon.
  15. I'm going to have to agree with you. I wasn't expecting much after their last "reboot" but this had something for everyone. It really was a lot of action, which the promotion had been in years gone past. Now I've not watched TNA in around 10 months but I can't remember a time before that where I enjoyed TNA (probably the beginning of Aces & Eights - before the let down of the group). The only thing I would have liked to have seen that wasn't on the card was an X-Division match. I still think TNA should make it a relevant belt again, bringing back the 220lb weight limit as I don't want to see Abyss, Angle etc with it. However, that aside does not take away from what an enjoyable show Impact was. I may begin watching again.
  16. So long as they don't call it Balor Club, I would love to see Balor introduce these guys as a stable. He could get called up to the main roster, cut a promo on how Dallas, Neville and Owens (former NXT Champions) are being kept down or just not good enough, but that won't happen to him as not only is he the best wrestler in the world, even a Demon has some "friends" to watch his back, and then later Anderson & Gallows come down and help during Balors match against lets say Ziggler (it could be anyone half decent the crowd likes). Ziggler gets beaten down and the 3 former Bullet Club members stand tall. AJ Styles & Nakamura could join a few weeks later as run ins during a 6 man tag match. I have other ideas but the one I posted would be the more "WWE style" option. Plus it was the shortest and least complicated idea I liked.
  17. And lack of restraint makes a mans bank account empty!
  18. The way I would book Reigns is to have him a voiceless Heel who just beats his opponents up. Focused stare at his opponents and then obliterates them. leaves without saying a word or playing to the crowd. Literally have him not even care if the crowd are there, all business. If they need to get him over verbally, give him a mouthpiece such as Heyman or Zeb Colter to do his talking. The main thing is to have him focused and intense in his matches. He doesn't work well at all as a Face, certainly not the #1 face! That's just my opinion on what would make me actually feel like Reigns is relevant.
  19. What do you think about the move to POPTV? It won't make a blind bit of difference as the booking of TNA is absolute dog s***. If they have any chance of surviving they need someone in charge of creative who knows what they are doing and how to book long term. Look at CHIKARA as a great example of long term booking. TNA need a Quackenbush or it's going to be the same old rubbish recycled every 6 months. Out of the final 8 members left, order them from who deserves the belt the most to least Ethan Carter III. No point listing the rest as the actual tournament is an absolute joke. They can drag a tournament out longer than it needs to be but can't even get a decent year long story going. Hell they can't even get a decent 2 month storyline going! Why the F can Crimson never win anything? Because he's an average worker with average mic skills. He has improved a lot since he first entered TNA, but still has a way to go before he'll be a contender. Don't forget he is only 30 years old, and Bret Hart didn't win his first WWE title until he was 32 so there is still plenty of time for Crimson, however he needs a big story or something to make the rest of the fans care about him (no offence but the whole ex-military spiel is getting boring). Why the F are the Wolves the only team still? Because tag team wrestling is dying/dead in TNA. The idiots in charge of TNA can't book many decent 1-on-1 matches let alone a tag match. Jessie wanted Kong to touch his abs, how does that make you feel? Didn't watch it sooooo... I feel nothing. Since the year is ending, what has been the best match in TNA of 2015 for you? Er... I don't think I've really even watched TNA properly since Bound for Glory 2013. The odd show/event here or there but it's hard work trying to watch because everything is so bad. Did Chris Melendez ever get his leg back? Probably not. If TNA creative have anything to do with it we'll probably see a ladder match for Chris Melendez leg. If I shout Zema's DJ noise will you do it with me?.......BAAA BAAA BAAA BAAARRRRRRRR We shall go with no.
  20. I love that! Now to find a way to use it in may current game.
  21. I wondered the same thing. League of Nations being the new World Elite.
  22. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mootinie" data-cite="Mootinie" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Dixie did save TNA, but she definitely shouldn't be hands-on in the management of the company. The fact that even she can't see this is very alarming.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Financially, you're right. Creatively she has too many people telling her "what works for WWE" when "what works for TNA" is what they were doing in the earlier days.</p><p> </p><p> TNA could become a viable alternative again (never in competition with WWE) but in order to do that, the X-Division needs to be a huge part of shows again. Make it relevant. Bring in talent from all over (seeing as they are doing tapings to keep costs low any way). Plenty of top Indy talent out there that could make the X-Division great to watch again. Make Spud a key figure in that division along with Tigre Uno.</p><p> </p><p> Their Knockouts division should continue to be pushed as more than just eye candy (one thing they are doing correctly). I liked Awesome Kong as the beast that just flung her opponents about. I know Angelina won't be back for a while due to being pregnant but Velvet Sky could be pushed as an Ice Cold, no words, just beats you up knockout. She looks like a model but that could be the gimmick. "Sexy, but Deadly". Says nothing, beats up her opponents and maybe isn't interested in winning but hurting her opponents. Bring back Cheerleader Melissa, whether it be as Alissa Flash or Melissa but bring her in for some shows. If Leva bates has finished up with NXT then bring her in for a few shows too.</p><p> </p><p> They need a strong Heavyweight division based around ECIII (who has to be billed as their #1 wrestler), Drew Galloway, Bobby Roode, Eric Young, Lashley (although not a fan) & Tyrus. Have the Hardys return to tag team action as both are past their best days and reforming The Hardy Boys is probably a better alternative at this point. The Wolves need to be kept together and made the top team in that division.</p><p> </p><p> I have so many ideas for trying to get TNA back on an even keel again (I know not all are probably good to others), but obviously I'm not in the business, don't know if people want to work for TNA, and don't know all the backstage shenanigans and who has Dixies ear or how difficult it is for their Creative to implement other ideas they may have had.</p>
  23. <p><strong>What do you guys think of the world title series?</strong></p><p> An absolute joke. TNA do a title tournament every 3 months it seems and to be honest, it was a pointless waste of time. Whoever booked it should be fired.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Who do you want to win it?</strong></p><p> Do not care in the slightest. That belt means as much as the WCW Hardcore title these days.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>What's your take on Robbie E getting a push?</strong></p><p> Robbie E is one of the most hardworking guys on the roster. He has improved 100 fold since he first rocked up as a Jersey Shore knockoff. He has a good look, and would be the guy I'd like to see end the streak of ECIII (if Galloway doesn't).</p><p> </p><p> <strong>What's your take on TNA burying Crimson?</strong></p><p> Was never a fan of Crimson to be honest, but that is just a personal preference.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Knockouts main evented this past IMPACT. Did you watch and was it good?</strong></p><p> No but I imagine it was better than at least 90% of the show. The women in that company deserve all the credit they get.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Is Matt Hardy on Time Decline?</strong></p><p> Matt's a veteran and certainly past his best (as is Jeff). I wouldn't say he's declining as much, but he won't get fans into TNA either. He's been gone from the spotlight too long to have any positive impact on er... Impact.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Has EC3 hit a halt?</strong></p><p> To be honest, TNA taking that World Title off him was yet another huge mistake in TNA. It's as if their creative staff have got a giant hat with 1000's of scenarios in and just pick one at random every couple of weeks because this World Title situation has had ZERO effect in getting people watching again, ZERO effect in getting people speaking positively about the product, and ZERO ****'s have been given by the vast majority.</p><p> </p><p> I know that may be harsh, but as I've said before, TNA is worse than WCW's product was in 2000 - and they haven't even reached a 1/4 of WCW's popularity.</p><p> </p><p> They could have, but then Dixie happened.</p>
  24. I tend to try and get a feel for a wrestler by watching 2 random matches of theirs or reading up about them if possible. I don't watch their best or worst because then I'd instantly think, "well worker A botched 8 moves that match so I'll set him/her at 20 consistency" because that wouldn't be fair - he/she may have been having a rare off day. If I watch 2 matches and he/she botches 8 moves in each then I tend to think maybe they are a bit more inconsistent, and have a little less knowledge on the basics. I also try to gauge others opinions who have watched them, so if someone said to me "Fleisch wrestler A should have more in consistency than you've given because I've seen X amount of matches and they've never botched a move in any of those" then I'll take another look at him/her (providing their fix suggestions are within the balance of the mod as a whole and not "he/she should be 90 across the board". If I want to play favourites, then Taya Valkyrie would have 100 everywhere ). This tends to be my reason for not adding random workers I've never seen as it takes up way too much of my time.
  25. Halo 5... oh my god. Worst PvP mode in a game ever released bar none! I actually prefer Destiny than this pile of s***. At least in most PvP first person shooters, emptying a clip into an enemy is enough to kill them, but not in this! So I went online with this "game" at 8:30 this morning and was immediately met with instant death after instant death after... yep you guessed it, instant death! I emptied an entire clip into another player, just for them to once again turn around with 2 shots and killed me. I know my bullets were hitting them as they were in a constant state of "yellow glow" but alas, my 10 kills (all with melee and grenade) was surpassed by the ridiculous 26 deaths, of which I was never shot more than 3 times per death. Now you can say "you are rubbish at Halo blah blah" but no, I really am not. I was a well above average player on previous Halo games, above average on Destiny and damn near godlike on Battlefield PvP modes - all FPS. My shots weren't missing their targets, hell I was probably 90% on target most of the time. I'm not the only person who "rubber bullet syndrome" was happening to either. At least another 5 players I've played with this morning were having the same issue. I can put it down to the servers being s*** or my opponents having over powered weaponry, which doesn't leave a very level or fair playground especially in a game that lacks a tactical element and is an all out mess of bullets and grenades whizzing by at every opportunity. There is a small glimmer of promise to the game, and that is it's campaign. The ability for 4 player Co-Op is very alluring, however I have only sampled the campaign in solo mode and haven't done enough to really give a true reflection, other than, it has potential to be the only good thing in a below average game. The REQ system is a pointless little cash cow. I despise micro-transactions in a game I've spent nearly £50 on, especially when such items could be unlocked via campaign. Again though, you have the opportunity to make up the points you need to buy "packs" simply by going through Campaign and playing the dire PvP. Most REQ items are also only available in Warzone mode, which is PvP with AI... but this is just as bad, if not worse than normal Slayer and such like. That's my thoughts, Microsoft probably should have just let Halo die. Game Rating: 4/10
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