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About CrazyLi

  • Birthday 08/25/1987

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  1. Is it possible at all to have the auto booker avoid matches with known bad chemistry? Because the auto booker will just book the same match over and over again, I have to keep throwing out one of its matches every time I use it. The first time it paired the two, it was found they have Awful chemistry, so if I just take the auto-suggestions, I'm going to continuously have that tanked match come up like 3 times in a row until it (presumably) stops because of the repeat penalty. I have a lot of other more minor issues with the way auto booker works (like creating an angle for Chris Beniot rated on Acting every single time, despite said angle being doomed to get a poor rating), but I think this is the most harmful thing it does.
  2. I love to play this setting, so I'm thankful for this mod, but it does have some issues. As already pointed out, there's no Power Plant (and thus the wrestlers that come through it as first refusal for WCW won't be available that way), WWF may be a bit overpowered in the mod (AI WWF is casually booking 99-rated matches all the time on Raw, which is incredibly unrealistic for 95-96 WWF), and some of the TV Broadcasting stuff is setup real screwy. To elaborate further on the last point, I've run into a serious glitch the way things are set up. Nitro is set to be on TNT and Saturday Night and Main Event are set for TBS. I don't remember if that's accurate or not, but doesn't sound too off. Minor problem is TBS expects a min rating of 64 out of Saturday Night, but it's set up as a B show! Why would it be configured this way? But more significant problem is that once the shows on TBS run out, it's impossible to renew them. I get blocked by Turner Media because of conflicting coverage on another of their networks. So it seems like Nitro being on TNT means I can't have Saturday Night or Main Event shown on anything Turner-related? I don't understand that at all, but this is what the game's telling me.
  3. Hmm... well, why did the auto suggestion book me in an arena that was smaller than the Dynamite estimated attendance by a good couple thousand? Also, it seems Show Priority just has options for Events first or TV first but not A show vs B show.
  4. I've noticed an issue with trying to book for AEW in the RW stuff... it comes with multiple shows scheduled in the same night. Since AEW record Dark and Dynamite in the same night, that's how it's currently set up. The problem with this is that in TEW, it forces me to book for Dark first and then Dynamite... well that basically has me lock in an arena for my B show that then my A show is restricted to. So I'm basically holding Dynamite in an arena that has less than 1K max attendance when the show will need like 5K or something. Sure, I could just guess what Dynamite might draw and book that venue for Dark... but that's going to lead to over or under-booking most of the time, I think. If I could only book for Dynamite FIRST, then this wouldn't be a problem. Does anyone know a way around this?
  5. I think child companies have a limit on pop? Maybe you've capped?
  6. Okay, that makes more sense if I look at it like that. Granted, I'm sure the AI doesn't play by the same rules and is probably free to job my stars out if they borrowed them xP
  7. Creative Control Across Companies? I just noticed something interesting today. If you take a worker on an alliance loan, they can potentially block your booking decisions with creative control. I can only assume this worker has creative control in their contract with their home company? Not that I had any way of knowing that (pretty sure you can't see the details of a worker's contract if it's in another company). It's kind of a nasty surprise to pay for a worker, setup a match, and then see they blocked the booking. For one, why would their creative control clause apply to your company? I didn't agree to that. Second, how was I even supposed to know he had that arrangement before I took him on loan? It's a little baffling unless I'm overlooking something, loans can be potentially dangerous to your plans because you have workers who can just veto stuff without you even having any way to anticipate that being a thing. And then if I can't make the match work out, I just paid a company to not use the worker like a sucker.
  8. They do get pre-booking bonuses though. They're just exempt from the requirement to pre-book but if you do it anyway, you can gain a boost. I've had a Tiny company gain a large boost from pre-booking star power.
  9. I thought this was already part of TEW, but I can't find it anywhere. I looked through all the options and settings and user prefs I could find... but I don't see any way to disable pre-booking warnings so if I'm not just missing it, it would be nice if this was a thing. I find them to be incredibly obnoxious and add extra clicks for no reason. There is no situation in which I'm ever going to pre-book a match following an angle. I plan everything ahead of time, so the match is already going to be booked if there is supposed to be a match to follow. This makes it really annoying every time I run an angle that was set for pre-booking (and a lot of default ones are) and I can't proceed with the show without seeing a pop-up asking me if I really want to continue without pre-booking (when 90% of the time the match is already on that very card and the other 10%, it's pre-booked for a later card). Long story short, I just want to be able to get rid of these pop-ups because they're useless to me and slow things down.
  10. Wait... what? What penalty? I've used the WNN product and did a ladder match fine with no penalties. Though if we are talking on ways to tweak WNN to make it more like AEW... how about a penalty for Cheap Finishes? To date, AEW has only had 1 DQ victory, 1 Count Out, and 1 double count-out. The product promises clean finishes and like 99% of their matches are just that. I think it only makes sense to have a penalty on DQs and Count Outs to represent how rarely they should occur.
  11. This is less of a new Product Suggestion and just an issue I see with an existing definition. Wrestling Nerd Nirvana has what appears to be a very major oversight... "Fans will be put off by overbooked matches" "Each show will need at least one match aimed at Wild Brawl, Car Crash, or Mayhem" Doesn't that conflict? Mayhem says it automatically adds "Overbooked" and while I haven't tested it (afraid to), it feels like this reads that if I used Mayhem to fulfill that requirement, I would actually get penalized anyway because the fans wouldn't like the overbooked nature of that match? Or am I overlooking something? I just use Wild Brawl and Car Crash for now because I'm not sure Mayhem matches could even work given the other comment. Is that an oversight? EDIT: actually I just tested and yes, it DOES in fact tank the match rating. So I'm just really confused why that product is built in such a way that it wants you to use a match type that you get penalized for. That makes 0 sense to me.
  12. Man that looks so good! I wish TEW looked like that xD
  13. I saw another thread suggesting this sort of thing already and again, I agree 100%. A lot of moves in the database, I don't even know what they are, so I gotta look them up every time
  14. Also what happens if you're at war with the company that signs them? Like it's one thing if you don't have a bad relationship with the company in question, so appearing on both products makes sense... but if you're direct competitors, there's no way the worker is gonna do shows for both companies at the same time. Stuff like that has gotten really messy in the past like Rick Rude appearing on both Raw and Nitro on the same night due to the fact that Raw was pre-taped. It's the kinda thing that has WWE put non-compete clauses into contracts so there's a cooldown period before wrestlers and even show up anywhere else sometimes. Yes, it's very possible for a company to steal someone on a non-exclusive by signing them to an exclusive... but if they have some sorta clause that says they can't break contract, there has to be better ways of handling it. The more I think about it, it should probably be treated like the old written contracts where they can't work at the exclusive company until the iron clad deal is finished. So let's say you have Moxley signed for 5 years left to AEW, non-exclusive, written, iron clad. WWE offers him an exclusive deal that he accepts. It should make it so he can't appear on WWE TV until the AEW contract has expired due to the conflicting nature of the contracts. If they wanted him sooner, they would have to sign him to a non-exclusive deal so as to not to conflict. That's how I see it anyway. This means it wouldn't be advantageous to try to sign these types of guys unless there was a lot less time left on their contracts. You COULD do it, but it benefits you less the longer you have to wait. This sort of makes sense to me. I still REALLY want the contract offer email to tell you if it's exclusive or non-exclusive though so I don't have to check every damn time.
  15. AEW seems pretty open to letting people do work for other companies on the side. I don't think they're formally loaning them out in this case... but it's true that in TEW, you could replicate this effect by forming an alliance with certain companies so that they can borrow your workers and you'd get the same general effect even if this isn't actually what's going on with AEW. I know there's a few people in AEW who do work in AAA and have even held their titles while doing stuff in AEW. That is maybe where the TEW way falls apart since even if AEW is in an alliance with AAA, their workers can't retain AAA titles beyond the loan period. It'll just be good for X number of shows (often capping at 5, but the true cap is 10, I think?) and then they "leave" the company, dropping any belts they have automatically. The only way they can keep a title is if it's an alliance title and not a company title. This isn't what's going on with AAA. AAA has the equivalent of an "ongoing" handshake deal that just lasts as long as both sides agree to continue the partnership and thus they can have normal title reigns without a specific end point. It's a lot looser and freer than anything TEW has aside from what the OP is trying to do with just doing non-exclusive written deals. Traditionally, a non-exclusive deal could be re-negotiated at any time. This is because they were always PPA deals though. I don't know how TEW2020 handles this now with the idea of a written non-exclusive... but if it doesn't let you change it t an exclusive deal at any time, I think that's a mistake and should be corrected.
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