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About raycobaine

  • Birthday 06/02/1993

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  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rufas2000" data-cite="rufas2000" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah I have to agree. If that is correct it might be a bug. I could see merch taking a bit of a hit and Adam increasing that some for gameplay purposes (cost / benefit of taking the belt off Rocky) but not a 90% drop-off. The money is in the chase too, a hero has to have something to do. I don't have historical figures but I'm pretty sure Hogan, Cena, Austin, The Rock didn't drop too much from losing or not having a belt.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> His pop shot down to the 80s after the loss. I assumed that it was because of the loss and his gimmick.</p>
  2. Reporting back. Taking the belt off Rocky plummeted his merchandise sales by almost 90%. Went from making over $1,000,000 a month on merchandise to about $100,000.
  3. SWF Supreme TV SWF Supreme TV #1 Held at Connecticut Symphony Hall on Tuesday, Week 1, January 2020 _________________________________________________________________ The show starts with Scythe standing in a dark and creepy room with Avalanche and Bear Bekowski. Avalanche and Bear have blank stares on their faces, as if they are under some sort of trance. Scythe is saying some sort of chant in an unintelligible language. As the camera fades away, all three men stare into the camera with evil smirks. Segment Rating: 60 _________________________________________________________________ Next is a tag team match between Hawaiian Crush (Ekuma and High Flyin Hawaiian) and The Pain Alliance (Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee), where Hawaiian Crush won after High Flyin Hawaiian hit Kurt Laramee with a Pacific Crush. Segment Rating: 68 _________________________________________________________________ After the conclusion of this match, we go backstage where we see Mikey Lau backstage, working out. Brandon James starts teasing him about the weight he is lifting, saying that he's weak and that's why he always loses. Mikey promises to show James something in his match tonight, and winks at Krissy Angelle. Segment Rating: 70 _________________________________________________________________ Next up is a match between Mikey Lau and Randy Unleashed. Mikey Lau starts the match making quick work of Randy, landing quick and heavy kicks to the legs and body early in the match. However, Randy uses underhanded heel tactics to gain a brief advantage, which Lau quickly puts a stop to with a momentum stopping missile dropkick. Randy makes a come back and attempts a standing moonsault, only for Lau to land a kick to Randy's chin and pin him for the win. Segment Rating: 69 _________________________________________________________________ Next, we see Lenny Brown backstage demanding a match against Des Davids for the North American title. Eric Eisen denies him the opportunity and tells him that he needs to prove himself a few times first. Lenny gets upset and Eric says that Lenny can start proving himself by beating Des Davids and Atom Smasher in a triple threat title match, RIGHT NOW. Segment Rating: 68 _________________________________________________________________ Lenny Brown enters the match against Des Davids and Atom Smasher with one thing on his mind, getting his hands on the North American champion and proving a point to Eric Eisen. However, it is not a smart choice, as Atom Smasher is able to capitalize and Davids and Atom Smasher beat up Lenny Brown and throw him out of the ring. As Lenny Brown flies out of the ring, Des Davids attacks Atom Smasher and starts getting the best of him but Atom Smasher is able to land a Radiation Blast and Davids rolls out of the ring. While the camera is focused on Davids rolling out of the ring, Lenny Brown slips under the ropes and hits an unsuspecting Atom Smasher with the Star Treatment and pins him for the win. Segment Rating: 75 _________________________________________________________________ Hollywood Bart Starr is backstage when Starr puts his bag down to tie his boot. As ZWB walks by, he accidentally kicked Starr's bag. Starr calls him a silly idiot and tells him to watch his step. They have a tense staredown and the camera fades to commercial. Segment Rating: 84 _________________________________________________________________ After the commercial, Spencer Spade comes out to the ring and makes an open challenge. Segment Rating: 72 _________________________________________________________________ Ekuma comes out and answers Spencer Spade's challenge. However, the fatigue from his earlier match is obvious and he is unable to keep up with Spade. Spade arrogantly takes his time with Ekuma before hitting him with a Supreme Stunner and pinning him for the win. Segment Rating: 67 _________________________________________________________________ as he makes his way to the ring. As walks down the ramp for his title defense against Remo, the music stops and the lights go off. A spotlight illuminates the ring, where you see Scythe, Avalanche, and Bear Bekowski standing in the ring. They are all glaring at Rocky. Rocky grabs a microphone from a camera guy on the ramp and asks Scythe what he's doing here. Scythes gives a distrubed laugh before the lights turn back on and Rocky's music restarts. Segment Rating: 75 _________________________________________________________________ Once Remo gets to the ring, the main event gets underway. Both workers are putting on an excellent show, clearly looking to represent themselves well to the new worldwide audience that is watching on Supreme TV. Remo gets off to a fast start, hitting Rocky with hard slams and a clothesline that almost gets Remo the win. Rocky makes a big comeback and puts Remo in The Rack. However, Remo powers out and is able to hit Rocky a scoop slam that drives his head and neck into the canvas. Just then, Rogue comes running down the ramp. Remo looks toward Rogue and starts trash talking him. He turns around into a Rocky Road and Rocky Golden pins Remo to retain the title. Segment Rating: 82 _________________________________________________________________ Show Rating: 80 _________________________________________________________________ Supreme TV #2 Remo vs Valiant Mikey Lau vs Brandon James vs Rogue ZWB vs Mainstream Hernandez Lenny Brown vs The Crippler The Dallas Cowboys vs Hawaiian Crush
  4. Product probably changes this but for sports entertainment, storyline and angles are important in getting a guy over. Look at it like real life. You probably wouldn’t care about a guy if he kept winning matches every week and that was it. You probably wouldn’t even think about him once the match ended. But if a guy was in a 6 month feud with John Cena, you would end up being more aware of him from the angles and promos, even if he never actually beats Cena in the ring.
  5. This is similar to what others have said but the actual booking doesn’t take too long if I map out the storylines, at least in general, in my mind beforehand. I usually use sports entertainment products so most of my booking is based around storylines and I treat my PPVS like “major episodes” of a TV show where the main conflicts in the stories are finally addressed. For example, if I have a main event level feud going on and it’s a couple of weeks before my PPV, my main event can be a tag match that features both workers involved in the feud. Then, for angles, I explain why that tag match is happening. For another storyline that I know is going to be “resolved” at the PPV in a singles match, I might book the heel to run in during the match, interfere, cause the face to lose, and then beat him up. Then I book another angle earlier in the show to “lead up” to that. That’s pretty much what I do for TV. Sometimes it still takes me a while to book a TV show but I don’t mind because it kind of adds to the “realism” of the game. Sometimes I feel like a real life booker, pacing and trying to figure out how to get over this worker without killing that guys momentum or boring the fans before my main event. Also, nothing is better than that feeling when you take forever to book a show, down to each meticulous detail, and it actually turns out as planned. PPVS usually take me a long time to book, but that’s because these are the matches that I’ve been building up to and I don’t want to “waste” storyline heat because I was trying to rush. On a side note about booking, one thing that helps me a lot is using stables in storylines. That way, I always have a cast of “characters” to use in my stories. It’s a lot easier for me to think of “this worker will interfere because his stablemate is involved and there’s a larger in a feud with the opponents stablemate” vs when I just book on the fly. When I book on the fly, it’s typically main event triple threat some of my top guys and generic angles rated on my workers best attributes. I try to avoid booking like that because it’s not fun for me in the long run but the great thing about TEW is that there is no objective “goal.” It’s all about what each player considers to be fun.
  6. This will be my first TEW dynasty, and I’ll be using my favorite federation in the Cornellverse, the Supreme Wrestling Federation. —————————————————————————————————————————- As our journey begins, wrestling superstar Rocky Golden is the SWF World Heavyweight champion. Paul Huntington and Monty Trescade are the tag champs and Des Davids holds the SWF North American Championship. As 2020 begins, Jerry Eisen is focused on the future. He starts the year shocking the world by spending almost $20,000,000 to establish Supreme TV, a network that will broadcast SWF owned content, including a new TV show that he is funding for RIPW. He also signed about a dozen new workers and sent them to develop on RIPW. While the fans anxiously await the first episode on the new network, it is clear that Jerry Eisen is determined to overtake USPW as the top wrestling federation in the world.
  7. As a player who doesn't know much about the Cornell-verse pre-TEW2016, although I downloaded the 2010 demo to follow SWF's path, can anyone tell me where I can go to read about this match between Nemesis and Cornell and why it would be controversial ? Somehow, this is my first time hearing of this.
  8. Marc Dubois needs an episode. From all of the drug addiction to the unexplained tension with Randy Bumfhole, he might need a two part episode. Also, the Stone family. Especially the one brother who used drugs and ended up getting kicked out of the family business and had to work for TCW.
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Grfcboy95" data-cite="Grfcboy95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Oh wow, just got to my second PPV and Golden offered to put over Scythe to get him to the next level! its good for 2 matches in the next 2 months! I had Golden go over at the first PPV and had no plans to take the belt off him but now i am thinking i should take up the offer. I do want Scythe to be more over as a lot of the guys under Remo and Golden are just too far away in pop to be credible threats. I did have a plan for once the full game came out to do Smasher Vs Golden for the title, but i could do it without? With Smasher still playing his fallen hero character, I could have him mess with Golden, claim the fans see him as a villain, join the darkside etc? Could be like Cena Vs Kane but actually booked well.<p> </p><p> But what would i do with Scythe? Valiant Vs Scythe or Gilmore Vs Scythe and keep the belt on Scythe until Supreme Challenge? Golden Vs Scythe 3? </p><p> What do you guys think?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> On my save, I re-signed Skull Debones as an on air personality and brought him back as Vengeance. Scythe beat Rocky clean at Nothing to Lose and was confronted by Vengeance. Eventually I plan to bring Son of Vengeance up from RIPW to join the storyline, which should push him to at least well known. </p><p> </p><p> As for Rocky, I’ve been looking at USPW’s contracts and both Steve Frehley and Nicky Champion will be available for negotiations fairly soon (Frehley in 24 days, Champion in a month and two weeks. I hope to poach at least one of them from USPW and match them against Rocky Golden for my storyline going into Supreme Challenge.</p>
  10. Read the handbook, even if you have a good understanding of how TEW 2016 worked. TEW 2020 has changed the way that segments and events are graded and you might experience some bad shows/PPVS without understanding why if you don’t at least skim the handbook before booking.
  11. <p>Other people have explained it, but for more details check the Angles section of the handbook. I was having difficulty booking any successful angles until I read it. </p><p> </p><p> In case you don’t know how to access it, as I didn’t, you click on the question mark in the right hand corner of the screen to access the handbook. Double click Angles and read through it, especially the individual “rated on” sections.</p><p> </p><p> For example, the rating for an angle rated on overness starts to decay after 4 minutes. </p><p> </p><p> Hopefully this helps.</p>
  12. I would definitely pay for the full game in its current form and expect daily patches.
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Truly, Rocky Golden IS the SWF in 2020. He's one of the most over workers in the world, he pulls in a massive amount of money, and he also carries the largest contract in the world (it seems). With that in mind, he's your 'cash cow.' <p> </p><p> I can totally see why someone would want to take the belt off of him from a story perspective but, strictly from a financial perspective, it may be best to keep the belt on him for longer. He's John Cena, in a way, for that reason.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That was the first comparison that came to me when I saw the merchandise data. John Cena.</p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Markw" data-cite="Markw" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Pull the trigger and report back on how badly the switch impacts merch sales.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Hmmm that’s actually a good idea. I’m already in the middle of February though, so I may need to start a new test save to get an accurate comparison of January with the belt vs February without.</p>
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