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Thane of Fife

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Posts posted by Thane of Fife

  1. There are a lot of types of tokens and ways to generate them in the game. One possibility that I don't think is there is starting with some X number of tokens. And a token type that might be useful that is not there is Ammunition.

    I'm imagining a character who comes into a fight with a loaded weapon but only has a limited number of shots before they have to go to melee or reload, or perhaps a character who is charged with energy to start but might burn it all off if the fight goes too long. Or some kind of spider-themed character might run out of webbing.

  2. On 10/23/2022 at 2:57 PM, Adam Ryland said:

    It's for balance; there needs to be something to make you think twice about aggressively going after a ranged opponent as they'll often be very vulnerable to melee so you're getting a major advantage most of the time.

    Whereas creating distance is much more of a defensive move and there's already an in-built penalty to failing in that you're stuck in a (presumably) bad position.

    I guess I see what you mean. That seems reasonable during most fights; in my limited experience thus far, I thought it started to feel a little weird towards the end of a fight, when you might have two or three melee characters trying to corral one or two ranged characters.

    Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not asking you to change anything, I'm just commenting.

    9 hours ago, Adam Ryland said:

    To confirm, this suggestion has been added.

    That sounds great, thanks.

    10 hours ago, landxx said:

    anyone tried converting my mod  from cbh? i dont have acess to my pc right now , it would be intresting how well it converted to new game

    My impression is that it does an okay job with attributes, but it seems to lose pretty much all distinction in ability scores and powers (beyond names). Those all seem to go to fairly generic values.

  3. I like a lot of what I've seen thus far. The game seems vaguely reminiscent of HeroClix, which isn't a bad thing. I think the structure does a pretty good job of making the different characters feel distinct. The combat tactics don't seem to devolve to always focus-firing on one person until they go down. I like what I've seen of the universe material. I've gone through the first six issues twice now and it seems like fun.

    On the more critical side, I think that the presentation of information could be better. As some examples:

    1. When you go to a character profile, at the top you get something like "Aikio (wildcard, currently active, rated at 7 stars, well known popularity, currently in Principal City)". I think this would be easier to read if it was spaced out rather than presented as one statement. For example:       "Aikio            Wildcard            Active         7 stars          Well known        Principal City"
    2. When selecting characters for a fight, the handbook advises you of the importance of having primary or secondary attackers, but it's difficult to figure out what characters qualify. You either have to use the filter or, to check a specific character, you have to highlight them, click on their portrait to get to their main profile, then click on Settings, where it's two thirds of the way down the text block in a sentence. It might be helpful if there was some sort of combat summary space or tab, which could summarize things like "This character is a primary attacker," "This character only has melee attacks," or "This character can deal Physical and Heat damage."
    3. When selecting powers in a fight or puzzle, you can have it filter between passive and active powers, but it would be nice to be able to more easily view powers that require an action vs those that don't (either by having another filter option or by having multiple lists).

    Apart from that, there is a design decision that I'm a little curious about. I don't think I have enough experience to say whether it's good or bad, but it seems a little odd to me. Specifically, why is it easier to create distance (i.e. to move to range) than to close distance (i.e. to attack someone who is at range in melee)? If you fail to create distance, you've only lost your move, whereas if you fail to close distance, you lose your action, and losing your action is typically a lot worse.

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/11/2022 at 11:04 AM, The Masked Orange said:

    Since there was no event or email, I was curious as to what triggered these loyalty relationships (I'm guessing the pushes were a big deal), what makes them more/less likely to happen and how personalities might be involved (I'm guessing an egomaniac wouldn't care I pushed them because they expected that anyway).

    I believe (but am not certain) that loyalty relationships are typically generated from after-show speeches. When you talk kindly about people, you can get these. I imagine the odds are related to their personality, and possibly your personality.

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  5. I've played quite a few games of TEW at this point, but I pretty much always start with a very small company - usually somewhere between Insignificant and Small in TEW 2020 terms, and rarely even as big as Small if I'm not starting from scratch.

    Now of late, I've been trying to go through every company in the C-Verse and play each one for a year. I've made it through NYCW, RIPW, and IPW, and I'm looking at doing 21CW next, and I've run into the same roadblock that I've hit every time I try to play such a big company, which is that I simply have no idea how to get started. I feel like there's too much to take in all at once.

    So I'm interested if anyone has any advice on how to get started with these large companies.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jaysounder said:

    Also what exactly is a 'reversal in angles'? I usually just use freestyle angles and the only road agent notes are cameo, turn, title change, bumps, advance/end storyline. Other thoughts, do workers receive bonus momentum by having matches/angles on monthly events compared to TV?

    When you book an angle, towards the right there is a dropdown for each worker where you can select from Major Defeat, Defeat, Minor Defeat, Neutral (I think), Minor Success, Success, or Major Success. If you select one of the defeat options, I believe it has negative impacts on momentum (and the opposite if you pick one of the success options).

  7. A few questions I had from the journal and thinking about CBH:


    First, there were some kinds of moves that I felt couldn't really be made in CBH, so I'm curious if they'll be more doable here:


    1. Finishers. Buffy usually opens with martial arts and then closes with a stake. The megazord opens with punches and kicks and then ends fights with the power sword. Cyclops might open with regular eye beams, then end the fight by taking his visor off. In CBH, they always start with their best moves, so this usually happens backwards. Could a power be limited by, say, the health of the target instead of the user?


    2. Team moves. For example, Colossus throws Wovlverine as the fastball special, or the Charmed Ones work together with the Power of Three. Can you set up a power so it can only be used if other characters are present?


    3. Improvisation. It's pretty common in comic books for a character to improvise an attack or lure someone into danger. For example, Spider-Man doesn't have any sonic powers, but he still uses noise against Venom. Is there any way to handle something like that? (This is a bigger stretch, I think, but I thought I'd ask).


    Second, as a bigger picture question, what do you imagine as being the main "game?" I ask because I felt like one of the biggest flaws in CBH was that it seemed kind of aimless. Combat was okay, but out of combat, there were many actions that mostly felt kind of pointless. From a game perspective, probably the optimal way to play was to spam civic work until you had enough hero points to buy whatever you wanted (though I can't imagine anyone did that, because it would be really boring). Much of the gameplay was not terribly interesting (and often ran counter to feeling like a superhero).


    So do you imagine CBU as mostly about playing through fights? About putting together teams that can handle disparate situations despite the semi-random dispersion of heroes? Can the player influence where heroes move to influence what teams they can put together? Is it mostly a sandbox that generates stuff happening to heroes and villains with occasional fights to play through?

  8. Can databases from TEW2016 be transferred over to TEW2020?


    Yes, they can be. Go to the Main Editor, Create Database, copy the 2016 database into the created folder, then use the Convert button.


    The converter is pretty bad at converting company products, though, as well as not producing many worker attributes and sometimes being a bit odd on personalities. You'll probably want to manually fix the products, and may also want to change owner size preferences.


    What is a Venue that says "Hot bed: Yes", what are the benefits / drawbacks?




    I think hotbeds just draw larger crowds. I think it basically just represents places that are known for wrestling or wrestling fans.

  9. Some products penalize angles based "primarily" on sex appeal. What makes that the primary basis of the angle?


    I ranked one person on their mic skills and one on their sex appeal and got dinged. There are a few conclusions I can come to and I'm not sure which is accurate.


    1. 50 percent of the talent basing their performance on sex appeal is too much. I needed more people with their performance rated on other factors.
    2. No one in an angle is allowed to be ranked on sex appeal. If they are the angle gets dinged.
    3. Her sex appeal was higher than his mic skill so it was primarily based on sex appeal.
    4. She was more popular in the region than he is so the angle was primarily based on the skill she was being rated on, which is sex appeal.
    5. He's a non-wrestler and she's a wrestler and so her skill is considered the primary skill the angle is ranked on.


    Can anyone tell me which it is? I couldn't find the information in the guide.


    I'm pretty sure that an angle counts as primarily ranked on sex appeal if at least half of the people in it are rated on sex appeal. So 1 person in a 3 person angle is okay, but 2 people in a four person angle is not.

  10. That was a rough main event. Mercedes Martinez, who is someone that nobody cares about (I think it's like her 3rd match in AEW) against Deonna Purrazzo, making her AEW debut with zero hype and no buzz. And to have them follow Fénix vs Dante? The rest of the show was not that good either.


    I mean, speaking as someone who never watches AEW, Mercedes Martinez vs Deonna Purazzo was enough of a draw to get me to watch the show.

  11. Is there any way to tweak that so the popularity factor can be modified


    I believe the answer is no.


    But why should the popularity factor be modified? Fans want to see stars. Generally speaking, if you introduce new talent that isn't over with your audience, their segments -- particularly angles -- wouldn't be scored as high as if they were for stars. That 49 angle sounds like it had an odd time because that is a really big dip.


    While I would generally agree with this in terms of actual wrestling shows, I feel like there are products in the game where it would make sense for it to vary. For example, Variety Show, Skit Show, Risqué Comedy, Performance Art - I think in any of those, it could be reasonable to have the skill of the entertainer matter more, because I imagine that for those types of shows, the crowd is comparatively more interested in being entertained than they are invested in the characters.

  12. I don't think that the product really has much impact on how angles are rated. The handbook tells you the skill/popularity split for each rating. For example, Selling and Acting are both rated about 25/75 skill/overness, so it's not too surprising that you would get less-than-great ratings if you're using unknown workers.


    (Note that there are some effects - for example, some products limit ratings in sex appeal angles, and I think that products influence how charisma is modified by sex appeal, star quality, and acting).

  13. Okay, new problem in my 0/0/0 game. One of my created newbie workers designed for the upstart promotion, worth 10/show by the game's own logic, demanded a pay raise to over $900 after one appearance wherein popularity went up to 3. I can only keep playing by giving myself a million bucks as the owner also gives himself a goofy raise, but it feels like cheating.


    I'm starting to think the 0/0/0/0 game really isn't possible. Avoiding bankruptcy just isn't feasible with workers wanting $1000 per show when making no money. I know that is realistic since one can't open a wrestling promotion with no money, but I figured it'd still be possible if only barely.


    Is the worker available for roles other than wrestler/manager/personality? I've seen cases where a wrestler wants $30 or so, then you ask them to become available as a road agent (or color commentator or something) and they agree, but now they want a lot more money.

  14. I've noticed in a handful of mods that there will be companies set to open up at some time, but then, when the company opens, I guess there is nobody qualified to own it. It just sits there, ownerless, canceling every show for months or years until it eventually goes bankrupt.


    It would be neat if the game could just generate an owner (just a non-wrestling investor or something) if it saw that a company was ownerless for more than a few weeks. This could be attached to the Autofix Imbalances option (hence the title of the thread), or something else.

  15. The penalty is for having a women's match it says in the road agent report that fans were expecting to see men's wrestling. I checked the product screen and didn't see anything related to women's wrestling.


    If you go to the Product screen, look on the lower left and there's some dropdown menus: Women's Wrestling, Match Focus, Angle Focus, and AI Booking Style. You need to change Women's Wrestling to something other than None (and since you don't want intergender matches, you don't want Integrated either).

  16. I just noticed something interesting today. If you take a worker on an alliance loan, they can potentially block your booking decisions with creative control. I can only assume this worker has creative control in their contract with their home company? Not that I had any way of knowing that (pretty sure you can't see the details of a worker's contract if it's in another company). It's kind of a nasty surprise to pay for a worker, setup a match, and then see they blocked the booking.


    For one, why would their creative control clause apply to your company? I didn't agree to that. Second, how was I even supposed to know he had that arrangement before I took him on loan? It's a little baffling unless I'm overlooking something, loans can be potentially dangerous to your plans because you have workers who can just veto stuff without you even having any way to anticipate that being a thing. And then if I can't make the match work out, I just paid a company to not use the worker like a sucker.


    I believe that when you borrow a worker, they always get creative control. I think it's intended to represent that the other company won't agree to lend you one of their top stars just so that you can have them put over your guys and steal their pop. It's probably better to think of it as the other company having creative control rather than the worker. (At least, I think this is how it worked in previous versions of TEW).

  17. I'm not 100% sure, since it's been a while since I've played with a company who needs brands, but I think you have to make them "unbranded" from the Bland Split screen before the show.


    You should click on "Toggle Brands [On]" button.


    While booking your show, go to your roster and click on the worker you want to book. If you click on his name in the roster profile, it will open a window that shows his alter egos, his manager, his division, and his brand. If you change the brand to the unbranded or current brand you can then book him. After the show just go back to the same screen and change him to the original brand.


    Thanks. I had figured there would be a way to do it just with filters or something, but if changing brands works, I can work with that.


    Also, quick question on my own for anyone reading: do tag teams gain experience only when they're set as an active tag team, or do they gain from it even if set as Inactive, or even just not created at all ? Basically, do workers gain experience as a tag team if I'm putting them together in random post show tag matches every once in a while, or do I have to set them as a tag team with a proper name and everything ?


    I am almost certain that you do not gain experience if you are not a named tag team. I'm not sure if you do or do not if the team is set as Inactive.

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