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About crap-artist

  • Birthday 05/08/1985

crap-artist's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hmmm, top 5. Let's see. Undertaker Bret Hart AJ Styles Mr Perfect Chris Jericho
  2. If this is a go, and hope it is cause damn it sounds fun, my pick would have to be Shawn Michaels.
  3. The year is 1980. During a feverish night Kevin Von Erich has a vision of the future to come. What he sees disturbs him, terrifies him. The wrestling world being shocked by the deaths of those he cares most about, and those who's stars have only started to shine. Suicides, murders, assassinations. Mental and physical health fluttering like a candle in the wind. With these images pressed into his head, Kevin takes matters into his own hands. He leaves the WCCW, forms Sanctuary Wrestling, and begins his mission to alter the timeline of the future to come. He hires Gino Hernandez, Dino Bravo, Bruiser Brody, his brothers, and countless others in a hope to forge a new path where no one dies before their prime. At least, that is the goal...
  4. One of my favourite memories was watching D'Lo Brown and AJ Styles wrestle their best of three matches during the starting years of TNA. It was impressive and legitimate, and was my first exposure to wrestling outside of WWF and made be a bigger fan of the business overall.
  5. Currently playing around with the WOTI VI mod and really enjoying the multitudes of creative booking you can explore. Though in saying that I did come across this....? I assume it is a quirk of the game. Damn fun to discover.
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