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Everything posted by lawrencelorenz

  1. This was kinda the route I took. Greg Gauge, Matthew Keith, Cameron Vessey, and Jay Chord pooled together some family money and started their own fed. Keith brought in KC Glenn, Reaver, and Simon Flemmingway from Japan. Talked other 2nd gen talent like Casey Valentine and Bret Starr into coming along. Enticed a scorned Robbie Sanchez to be head ref and gave him the book. High workrate guys like Mikey Lau and Steven Parker and Shooter Sean Deeley that "felt overlooked/unappreciated/lost in the shuffle" signed on. Got a bunch of MAW grads (Keith/Chord connection) like McManus, O'Farraday, Collier, del Veccio. Then poached top talent from the indies - American Cobras, Frankie Perez, Youngman, Callum, The Architect.
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