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Everything posted by lawrencelorenz

  1. I haven't been around the board much since the release, so apologies if I missed any conversation surrounding this. I've noticed that backstage events for AI companies don't appear to impact relationships at all. For instance, in my current save there's a headline that says "There appears to be tension between Jerry Eisen and Des Davids, with sources in the SWF locker room reporting that there was a huge row between the two last night..." Based on the text, I would think there should now be a simmering tension between the two, but that does not appear to be the case. I noticed something similar with BW Eddie and Phillip Cooper earlier in the save too. Eddie laid him out, but it's not reflected at all in Personal Details, or in Recent News, for that matter. I'm on Beta 4, but from what I can tell reading Adam's update, this does not appear to have been addressed in 5.
  2. Damn. Not trying to sway you in any way -- your decision is your decision, of course, and I respect it, but this is a big blow to the community. Thanks for everything over the years, Fleisch.
  3. Hey ?uest! I know ratings are subjective, and overall I think you really do a great job with them, but I think Danny Garcia, and Austin and Colten Gunn are due for some boosts. I also realize that those three are pretty polarizing, but I think their improvements (particularly in performance skills) over the last year plus are undeniable. Appreciate the consideration and thanks for all you do!
  4. Just throwing this out there -- what if you gave small pop to Yet to Debut workers (say, 5) in their home region and/or the base region for the company that they debuted in IRL? Would that be enough for the AI to take a chance on them?
  5. Excited for this! I was checked out of wresting at this time, but have recently started a sequential rewatch of NXT and ROH from around this period -- been fun to watch the growth of today's stars. Really respect the work you've done with Fleisch on '92. High hopes for this one, for sure. Good luck and thanks for taking it on!
  6. It's available here -- https://bethebooker.net/thread/162/tew2020-download-index
  7. Could someone make me a Big Money Wrestling or BMW logo with kind of a Million Dollar Man feel -- black and gold and maybe a little green? Please and thanks!
  8. May be a bit of a cheat, but wonder if setting the hiring preference for some of those bookers as "young raw talent," and/or setting a company hiring rule of nobody over 35 yrs old could help that some.
  9. First time in here, so be easy if this has already been discussed. I'm also about 20 minutes behind tonight's broadcast. A prediction: I think all this Saraya "this is my house" stuff is leading to a DMD face turn that will ultimately culminate when Hayter turns on her and joins forces with Saraya, possibly as soon as Saturday. DMD begins a sub-feud with Toni, and Toni joins up with Saraya and Hayter. I'm pretty hyped for Saturday. This'll be the first pape for me since Revolution.
  10. This mod truly is so good -- so many details! The bios and attributes really make this mod feel so complete and immersive. Really appreciate the work you've done here, @Mammoth. Haven't spent too much time in Shifting Sands yet, but I'm all the way in on anything with your name on it.
  11. December 1976 -- WTBS (which airs GCW) goes national, WWF is currently part of the NWA, AJPW & NJPW still in their infancy, Inoki/Ali just months prior March 1988 -- Belt is off Hogan for the first time in four years, Bruiser Brody is still alive (would be murdered 4 months later), JCP on its last legs before being sold to Turner August 1996 -- Following the formation of the nWo, peak of Monday Night Wars
  12. Seems like there's gonna be a lot of worker relationships edits that need to happen in AEW. Haha
  13. This looks great! I had found your 2018 one, but I'd completely overlooked this one somehow.
  14. Would anyone happen to have a consolidated list of converted C-Verse mods from previous iterations, and C-Verse expansions? Also, are there any other fictional mods out there similar to the Thunderverse? Thanks in advance!
  15. Weren't you considering an '83ish mod at one point? That would be amazing!!
  16. http://greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545002
  17. 100% understand the burnout, but I'm really looking forward to this one too! Hope you can get over the hump soon!
  18. aw man...and to think i had actual plans today. thanks for this mammoth!
  19. Are you still looking for someone to write-up a Manitoba or Alberta, or are you now primarily focused on Quebec? I think I'd like to take on one of the former, but not the latter. Would possibly take on Wales if neither of the above, but I'd have to do some homework.
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