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Bobby Brown

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Everything posted by Bobby Brown

  1. hell-o bhoys & ghirls! someone got this wall? but "clean"? 🙃 thank you very much in advance! 👍
  2. hell-o bhoys & ghirls! how do you implement the likes of IndependentWrestling.TV? my idea is to have them as an alliance, with the companies broadcasted by IWTV are a part of. is there a way to link the alliance with the broadcaster? haven't found a way yet. or what else would you do?
  3. ... and now go looking for the Women's and Cruiserweight championship! 🙃
  4. i'm sorry for all the trouble you had with it. but i think it was worth it ... it looks very good! thank you fleisch ... once again! 🤘 and fleisch ... a couple of weeks ago, you said that you did a "Gates Of Agony" logo?! would you be so nice and upload it here for me?
  5. hello bhoys & ghirls! it's bobby again with a little wish 🙃 can someone make a good looking logo out of this WCW Prime picture? (on transparent background please) i would really appreciate this! thank you very much in advance! 👍
  6. thank you very much, fleisch! they both look awesome! 🤘
  7. hell-o bhoys & ghirls! is anybody in possession of this this WCW Thunder logo, but without the WBS logo? thank you very much in advance! 🙃
  8. hell-o bhoys & ghirls! is some able and maybe has fun making the old WCW WorldWide logo: with the help of this one: this would be very cool! 🙃 if anyone wants to deal with it: i would love to have it as large as possible and on the transparent background. and maybe one with the WCW logo and one without a logo? thank you very much in advance!
  9. hell-o! someone got this NWA High Voltage logo? thank you very much in advance! 🙃
  10. i just saw that: the annual awards are a bit off. would be cool if you could change this! 🤘
  11. chevron looks too good, mister arber. how is it going? 🙃
  12. maybe that was why i wrote regular matches!? i'm impressed with Action Mike Jackson!
  13. 73 years old? regular matches? an 11 minute match with marko stunt? what's up with this man? 🤘
  14. can anyone tell me the name of this awesome ring announcer? he reminds me a lot of the amazing david penzer. 1.mp4
  15. hell-o! just imagine ... in the late nineties, WCW brought in even more WWF stars. what names would WCW have given the likes of Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker ( "The American Bad Ass" Mark Calaway, or "Mean" Mark Callous again? 🙃 ), Triple H ( just Paul Levesque?) or Mankind? what names/nicknames/gimmicks would you give them if you were WCW in the late nineties.
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