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Posts posted by NowThenMates

  1. I won't be working on any area outside of the British Isles and aiming to make it compatible with QuestLove's Real World Chronicles



    I started this for a personal save I plan on starting when the full game released, however due to the lock down I thought I might as well work on this to try and get a sort of realistic UK scene. I'm not claiming to be an encyclopedia of the UK local feds, if anything outside of the North I've been using cagenet and youtube. Although I've probably watched more indie wrestling during this lockdown then the rest of my life combined.


    So what's going on...

    As most people know the UK Scene has taken a huge hit since NXT UK was created, stripping most of the indies of constant excellent workers that brought name value. Progress was hit hard as most of the companies previous stars went abroad of work more for NXT UK and not performing to previous standard, they have recently shown *Dad joke* progress by pushing young up-and-coming stars in Cara Noir and Scotty Davis. RevPro have put some excellent shows on in 2020, gaining some momentum they desperately needed. ICW also fell to the culling losing many stars. OTT arguably came out the best being able to work with both NJPW and WWE until recently, but have been putting on stellar shows all 2019.


    For the rest the rebuild of the UK scene has began as companies started to rely less on the WWE guys and started to focus on the next set of indie wrestlers looking for a chance to thrive. Now this isn't going to be a NXT UK bashing thread...


    Initial Companies included:




















    I'm looking to include more Irish/Welsh companies if anyone has suggestions on them. I'm also willing to listen to suggestions on any companies in general that you believe are growing in the scene and I will look into them.


    There are currently 421 Workers based in the British Isles but I will be adding more.


    The Plan:


    Step One

    Import/Create every company mentioned above (Done)

    Cagenet each company and review the roster they've used on shows in 2020 and 2019. (Done)

    Go through each company adding Galaxy pictures to those without. (Done: BWP, Chaos and TNT )

    Adding stats to workers created or imported on a base level using the generate. (Done: BWP, Chaos and TNT )

    Going through the popular UK workers to review stats.


    Step Two

    Adding events to each company (that they annually/consistently run)

    Run a few tests to see how the companies run

    Reviewing stats of workers again


    Step Three

    Going through people based outside of the British Isles, to check pop for BI

    Adding Workers who aren't wrestlers such as refs and announcers

    Releasing data for feedback


    There is no time frame on this. Hell it may never see light of day but it's keeping me occupied during these trying times :)


    There are a lot of people I'd like to credit:


    Fleisch,Southside_Hitman and Questlove for their Real World Database because that is where the base of this mod was formed.


    TheWho87 because, when possible, I imported some workers I was looking to add from his database.


    JoeMurphy for the SAMP Pack.


    Efanga for creating the Galaxy Picture Pac, which has been continued by Lukkearthur, Android, Devil_Cyborg, Muffins and RefNick.


    There's a lot of awesome work on these forums, which make the game that much enjoyable, so a thank you to everyone.


    Any feedback on the idea is welcome :)

  2. Love this pic pack definitely the one I used the most last year, I've been working on the UK scene for a mod, I've been creating cuts for people who don't have them (mainly because their relatively unknown), I've only done about 20 or so, but working through the companies over the next week. I'll post some examples later, obviously you might not want to include them (quality/obscurity) but thought I'd share.


    It's probably worth me checking the update to see if they've already been done actually.

  3. NXT UK makes things tough, not just in real life. If you bumped them down they'd no doubt just take it back up to meet the broadcaster requirements. They're almost a tertiary promotion as it is, if we could set a location for tapings then you could almost merge them in to NXT and have a US and UK brand with all UK brand TV and events set accordingly for the UK. But, then again, would ICW still bump up to compete with that?


    Tapings get changed by the AI across all mods, sometimes down from 4 or however to 1 and other times up from 1. To be fair that's two things we've cried out for...tapings and AI working to cut costs



    It's a bit strange as Progress don't seem to bump up their Production, so I have an incline it's related to the ICW Fight Club TV show, I might try changing it to a weekly event for now and see if that changes anything.


    The merge is an interesting Idea. My first plan is to make sure none of the promotions screw themselves over in the first 3 months. All the local/small feds I've added are fine ICW just decide to spend 100k on production of the bat. Hopefully, like you said, the AI can be more reasonable at understanding income vs expenditure relative to expansion.

  4. Hi, Pretty new to this, I've been working on adding a lot of the UK Scene into the RWC mod (Added 11 indy companies so far with full rosters and titles), however ICW always bump up their production to high quality from semi-pro to compete with NXT UK. The issue is they can't afford that. They start with 150k but lose it within the first month and continue to lose 100k+ a month. Any suggestions on how to fix?


    I've also tried making them tape there shows monthly but for some reason it changes to taping 2 at a time when I test?

  5. Loved the mod in 2016 and great to see someone carrying it over and by the looks of it improving it and putting a lot of effort in! Although one thing I noticed, Erick Rowan has 60 pop across the US which I imagine is an error. Only thing I've spotted so far. After typing this I realised there's an Erick Rowan and Thorius in the database which is where the issue has come from.
  6. Right now all mods are set as cancelled because I'm really struggling to get anything to play the way I need it to play (WWE barely getting 60 for Raw/Smackdown even if AI books them yet those same events on 2016 were getting around 80+). The whole conversion of these mods has been nothing short of an f'n nightmare. I'm kind of giving up at the minute until I can start again, fresh eyes, fresh ideas.


    Also because I'm not a fan of the game so far in general I don't want to build peoples Hope's up as the chance of me getting the game is not high as for the first time I don't think the game is worth the money.


    Extremely sad to hear but very understandable, no point doing something you don't enjoy especially in these times!

  7. Any chance you can give everyone the age is just a number attribute and the one that slows decline. It would really help the game alot. Finally people over 65 would not just sit there. People would not decline fast too.


    You can bulk edit that in the database yourself if you wish? Not sure on TheWho's thoughts but I don't think everyone in the database should have an attribute, that is designed to be for those who can fight off father time when the majority can't.


    Although I've not tested to see how bad the decline in this years game is. So I could just be chatting waffle.

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gazwefc83" data-cite="gazwefc83" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48694" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Im not willing to use a work around and have incorrect data in the mod just to allow the game to run as it should. Adam will get everything fixed, we just need to wait it out.<p> </p><p> On the subject of waiting it out...</p><p> </p><p> BETA V11</p><p> </p><p> Just received a run time error 3077 on the loading screen, "Syntax error (missing operator) in expression."</p><p> </p><p> Just loaded up the game again and it happened again, I seem to be stuck at Week 2 January 2021 <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Very strange I was having the issue where I couldn't get past week 2 jan 2021 in Patch 10 but Patch 11 seems to have fixed it for me. Hopefully 12 fixes it for you!</p><p> </p><p> On the mod itself it's as great as always IMO. The skin, pic pack and database are just unbelievable.</p>
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gazwefc83" data-cite="gazwefc83" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47318" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's true, I did have an idea of cutting pictures of relatively unknown wrestlers, importing all the c-verse yet to debut workers, giving them a random name and assigning them a picture so that the game didn't need to generate new workers</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sounds really good! I'm looking into making a ton of cuts of UK wrestlers in that style as it's so aesthetically pleasing.</p>
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