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Everything posted by Willsky

  1. Predictions Old School Fan: 3/4 DinoKea: 3/4 The Blonde Bomber: 2/4 Nottingham Trophy 1978 Predictions Old School Fan: 25/32 DinoKea: 24/32 The Blonde Bomber: 18/28 christmas_ape: 10/12 Show posting will go on a brief break for a couple of weeks. I always write shows way in advance of posting, however posting has caught up with writing now, so it'll take me a little bit to get back ahead of schedule.
  2. PGHW Night of HONOUR, September 1997 Elite Tag Series Semi-Final 1: Team Dynasty (Shuji Inukai & Yoshimi Mushashibo) vs. Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) Elite Tag Series Semi-Final 2: Team EXPLOSION (Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu) vs. Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz) Dread vs. Yodo Nakane Hayate Hasegawa, Noriyori Sanda & Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara) vs. Walter Morgan, Torajiro Sekozawa & Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara) Luis Figo Manico vs. Mito Miwa © for the Historical Japan title Chuichi Sanda, Hito Ichihara & Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Danger Kumasaka, Kazuo Mitsushi & Roka Furuhata Koryusai Kitoaji © vs. Mamoru Nagahama for the Glory Crown title Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs. Winner of Semi-Final 2 for the PGHW Elite Tag Team Series titles MATCH 1: Elite Tag Series Semi-Final 1: Team Dynasty (Shuji Inukai & Yoshimi Mushashibo) vs. Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) When Yoshimi Mushashibo elected to tag with Shuji Inukai in the Elite Tag Series, they immediately became one of the favourites to win the whole thing. And in the block stage, they looked strong, topping Block A ahead of Team EXPLOSION and going on to face the runners up in Block B, Team VIOLENCE of Java & Dino Maldini. By this time, it was confirmed that Java would be leaving PGHW to join HGC in a matter of days, so those in the loop had more than an inkling about the result. And they were proved right as Inukai hit the Untouchable Lariat on the big Indonesian to get the win and propel Team Dynasty into the final. MATCH 2: Elite Tag Series Semi-Final 2: Team EXPLOSION (Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu) vs. Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz) These teams had become bitter rivals in 1997 and they met once again, this time, for a change, without the Glory Tag Crown titles on the line, but in a massive, unpredictable, semi-final. Team EXPLOSION had faltered heading into the tournament, with singles losses in the previous show, Night of TOUGHNESS. Team STRENGTH RUSH, by contrast, looked in their best form yet and proudly displayed the Glory Tag Crown titles to the men they vanquished for them a month ago. As usual, the action was intense, and this time it got blood. Raymond Diaz got his lip cut open from a Kunomasu strike, and Hoshino had blood pouring out of his ear by the end of the match. Hoshino wouldn’t care about the injury, though, as his team got the victory. They isolated Lee Wright and hit him with an Eisaku Explosion for the three count. They went on to face Team Dynasty in the final. MATCH 3: Dread vs. Yodo Nakane Yodo Nakane was the latest man to stand up to Dread’s destructive tear through the roster. So far, the big man had 8 straight victories. However, most of those wins had been against wrestlers further down the card, with the notable exception of Nobuatsu Tatsuko. Nakane had claimed that Dread lacked passion and this goal of defeating everyone was just a mental trick to motivate himself. Nakane would show him what true fighting spirit looked like. And he certainly brought spirit. There was fire in the eyes of the 44-year-old as he took the fight to Dread. But passion alone was not enough. Nakane was known for his brainbuster suplex, a move that required lifting the opponent up and dumping him on his head. Dread proved too large for that. Dread had no such problem lifting Nakane up, and he did so emphatically when hitting the Dread Bomb to win. MATCH 4: Hayate Hasegawa, Noriyori Sanda & Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara) vs. Walter Morgan, Torajiro Sekozawa & Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara) This match was essentially an excuse for some of the midcarders and tag teams who didn’t qualify for the final stages of the Elite Tag Series to get on the card. Walter Morgan again showed off his technical abilities, and the fresh young lion Noriyori Sanda made his first high-profile appearance. It would also be his first major victory as his team got the win thanks to Hasegawa pinning Torajiro Sekozawa. MATCH 5: Luis Figo Manico vs. Mito Miwa © for the Historical Japan title Mito Miwa was in impressive form. Ever since defeating Nobuatsu Tatsuko for the Historical Japan title in April, he had defended it eight times against a wide variety of opponents. Now he came up against a threat that was less familiar. Known simply as Figo by the Japanese fans, the Pain from Spain had a 100% singles record since joining PGHW in April. Both with six months of success under their belt, the match promised to be closely fought. Figo was predominantly known as a technical wrestler, but could just as comfortably slug it out with the best of them. Mito Miwa was similarly versatile, and the match transitioned from a grappling contest into a striking battle. The Pain from Spain lived up to his nickname. For the first time he got a real chance to show the company what he was made of, and he would have impressed many in the arena and at home. But Mito Miwa was late to catch on. He was guilty of underestimating Figo somewhat, perhaps buoyed by the feeling of historical significance in this title reign he believed would last for a long time. He had even said after the last show that he hadn’t watched any of Figo’s matches. And that was his downfall. He never really accepted that Figo could possibly defeat him, and neither did the crowd, so when the challenger hit the Madrid Maul and pinned Miwa for the three count, a shocked silence fell on the arena. Luis Figo Manico became the new Historical Japan champion! When Mito Miwa regained his senses, he couldn’t believe it. He questioned the referee and paced around the ring in disbelief. Figo, exhausted and triumphant, carried a wide grin on his way to the back. MATCH 6: Chuichi Sanda, Hito Ichihara & Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Danger Kumasaka, Kazuo Mitsushi & Roka Furuhata This exhibition match saw two new signings make their debut. Chuichi Sanda was a highly-rated 26-year-old who had previously wrestled in QUEST and BHOTWG, but decided to join the exciting project under Sadaharu Jimbo on a permanent contract. Roka Furuhata, on the other hand, was a temporary signing. He carried a lot more name value, having been a mainstay at BHOTWG for over 15 years, but had decided to branch out as a freelancer. Sanda teamed with former Glory Crown champion Hito Ichihara and former Historical Japan champion Nobuatsu Tatsuko. They faced Furuhata’s team with Danger Kumasaka and Kazuo Mitsushi. Mitsushi’s presence on a team was becoming like a curse, as it seemed to guarantee a loss, as was the case here. Tatsuko pinned Mitsushi after hitting the Tatsuko Driller. MATCH 7: Koryusai Kitoaji © vs. Mamora Nagahama for the Glory Crown This was by far and away the biggest match of Mamoru Nagahama’s fledgling career. Koryusai Kitoaji had picked him out as his next challenger, a decision that prompted plenty of controversy. Critics claimed that Nagahama hadn’t beaten anyone significant yet, while others countered that this was the kind of opportunity afforded to those who worked hard. What nobody expected was for Nagahama to defeat Kitoaji. And he didn’t. But he did give a great account of himself, withstanding some of Kitoaji’s most dangerous strikes and slams. Of course, Kitoaji dominated, but Nagahama showed the kind of spirit that would see him rise in the future. A Kitoaji Braindrop got the job done for the champion. Many hoped he would choose someone who posed more of a threat as his next challenger. MATCH 8: Elite Tag Series Final: Team Dynasty (Shuji Inukai & Yoshimi Mushashibo) vs. Team EXPLOSION (Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu) Despite their faltering form prior to the tournament, Team EXPLOSION had made it to the final. Hoshino & Kunomasu were two of the company’s most anticipated talents. Yet across the ring from them were two young men who many thought would have even brighter futures. The stakes were high. The winning team would not only go down in history as the first team to win the Elite Tag Series, but they’d also get a shot at Team STRENGTH RUSH’s Glory Tag Crown titles in the near future. Not to mention the glory of winning the main event of such a huge show in front of over 22,000 fans. Hoshino and Kunomasu came out of the gate hot. Hoshino’s wounded ear had been bandaged up but after only five minutes, the dressing had come loose and crimson spilled down his neck. If anything, that spurred him on to be more violent. Shuji Inukai matched their intensity, and even surpassed it. Inukai’s reputation for being able to take the hardest of hits and get straight back up was deserved, and he showed it in this match, receiving a serious beating from Team EXPLOSION, but surviving to tag in his team mate. When Mushashibo got into the action, he deliberately slowed the pace. He knew his strengths and weaknesses, and a mat-based match suited him better. Kunomasu was happy to go along with this and surprised a lot of people by going hold-to-hold with Mushashibo. This spanner in the works nearly cost Mushashibo, as Kunomasu managed to work his way into a pinning predicament. It was a narrow escape for Mushashibo and all thanks to Shuji Inukai’s intervention. Mushashibo looked stunned that someone had outwrestled him. But while he hesitated, Inukai took over. He launched himself at Kunomasu in a flurry of attacks, forcing him to tag out to Hoshino. Hoshino and Inukai went at it strike for strike, with blood now streaming out of Hoshino’s head. After one heavy elbow strike, Inukai looked like he might fall unconscious, but he rallied, returning fire with an Untouchable Lariat straight into a pin! One…two…three!! Team Dynasty won the first ever Elite Tag Series! Danger Kumasaka came to the ring to celebrate with Inukai and Mushashibo as they held the trophies aloft. And after all their squabbling, Shuji Inukai extended a hand to Danger Kumasaka, and they shook with a generous bow on both sides. Mushashibo grabbed them both in a hug as the show went off the air. Conclusion A huge night for Team Dynasty, who established themselves as a huge player in the tag division. After the show, PGHW announced that, as well as the signings of Roka Furuhata and Chuichi Sanda, the company would be saying goodbye to a few talents. Firstly, Hirokumi Saito, Torajiro Sekozawa, Fukusaburu Fukuzawa (a recent graduate) and Noriyori Sanda would all be heading to Canadian Golden Combat on excursion to develop their skills on weekly television. Dragon Agakawa would also depart, as would Ninsei Tanuma who was headed for BHOTWG. And finally, as had previously been announced, Java left the company to join HGC full time. It had been a strange few months for Hito Ichihara. Taking a step away from the spotlight had allowed him to compete with and against other members of the roster, and Mamoru Nagahama was someone who had impressed. After the show, Ichihara said this: Ichihara: It’s rare to find someone as hard-working as Nagahama. I think we all saw tonight what he will be capable of in the future, and I’m excited for that. In fact, I would like to be part of that development. I make this offer with no pressure to accept, purely as an opportunity for you. Become my tag partner. This will not exclude either of us from pursuing singles ambitions… I think Team Dynasty has proved that’s a possible reality. But I think, together, we can compete in the division, and perhaps you will become a better competitor by my side. The offer was enthusiastically accepted by Nagahama. Critics of Ichihara doubted the former champion’s commitment to such a project, though. At some point, his focus would return to Kitoaji’s Glory Crown, and he would need no distractions then. In the singles division, the company was still reeling from Figo’s title victory over Mito Miwa. The defeated Miwa spoke after the show. Miwa: I don’t know what to say. This is an upset. I will make no excuses for my loss. I took Figo for granted, and that was a mistake. I showed disrespect before the match, saying I didn’t know much about him, and that led to my fall. So, thank you, Figo. You got what you deserve, and you taught me a lesson. Next time I face you, I will not be so careless. Attention turned to Koryusai Kitoaji, with many wanting to know who he’d pick as his next challenger for the Glory Crown. He refused to give an answer. Kitoaji: There are many good competitors who have shown their ability in the last few months. But to pick one right now would be… He was briefly interrupted by a journalist muttering “Nobuatsu Tatsuko” Kitoaji: Tatsuko? Why do you say his name? Do you think he deserves a title shot? Why? What has he done recently that stands above anyone else? Why do you not say Dread, or Figo, or Nakane? When I consider Tatsuko worthy of a title shot, he will get one, and that’s my final word.
  3. PGHW Night of HONOUR, September 1997 Elite Tag Series Semi-Final 1: Team Dynasty (Shuji Inukai & Yoshimi Mushashibo) vs. Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) Elite Tag Series Semi-Final 2: Team EXPLOSION (Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu) vs. Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz) Dread vs. Yodo Nakane Hayate Hasegawa, Noriyori Sanda & Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara) vs. Walter Morgan, Torajiro Sekozawa & Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara) Luis Figo Manico vs. Mito Miwa © for the Historical Japan title Chuichi Sanda, Hito Ichihara & Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Danger Kumasaka, Kazuo Mitsushi & Roka Furuhata Koryusai Kitoaji © vs. Mamoru Nagahama for the Glory Crown title Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs. Winner of Semi-Final 2 for the PGHW Elite Tag Team Series titles
  4. HONOUR AMONG TEAMS Earlier in the year saw the first ever Elite Series tournament for singles competitors, won by current Glory Crown champion, Koryusai Kitoaji. In September, the first Elite Tag Series would take place, and expectations were high. Two of the top teams in the company had battled over the Glory Tag Crown for the last few months: Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz) who were the inaugural title holders, and the newly minted Team EXPLOSION of Eisaku Hoshino and Eisaku Kunomasu who won the belts at Night of PRIDE in March. Despite the excellence of these two teams, the rest of the tag division was lacking. Team VIOLENCE of Java and Dino Maldini had shown flashes of aggressive potential, but often lacked focus. Hayate Hasegawa and Ninsei Tanuma were a tough proposition, but could never get it done when fighting for the title, and both Boundary 97 and Rebel Cell had struggled to get any momentum. But there was another tag team lurking in a cloud of young egos. Team Dynasty. Yoshimi Mushashibo and Shuji Inukai. While Mushashibo had defeated his partner, meaning he could still pursue singles competition, he had told Inukai that he would be willing to fight by his side when the time was right. And what better time than the Elite Tag Series? At Night of HONOUR, the tournament would see its semi-final and final matches, with qualifying block matches taking place throughout the month of September. Who would triumph – one of the big names who had been duking it out for the Glory Tag Crown? Would an underperforming duo step up to the plate? Or could the part-time prodigies come together for victory? And along the way, would Team EXPLOSION keep hold of the Glory Tag Crown? Night of STRENGTH, June 1997 At Night of STRENGTH, Team EXPLOSION (Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu) defended their title against Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara). Despite being similar ages, Team EXPLOSION had shown much more talent and potential than their challengers, and they made clear how different the teams were in a decisive victory, hitting an Eisaku Explosion. Elsewhere on the show, Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz) partnered with Koryusai Kitoaji and Nobuatsu Tatsuko to beat the foursome of Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara) and Hayate Hasegawa & Ninsei Tanuma. Night of WARRIORS, July 1997 The unusual pairing of Yodo Nakane and Kazuo Mitsushi challenged Team EXPLOSION (Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu) with the Glory Tag Crown on the line. Nakane and Mitsushi struggled to find any chemistry and instead opted to hit the young champions as hard as they can. They found out that Hoshino and Kunomasu can hit back even harder, and the Eisaku Explosion finished off the challengers. Mitsushi and Nakane made it clear they didn’t enjoy the experience and wouldn’t tag together again. Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) saw victory, teaming with Hito Ichihara and Nobuatsu Tatsuko to beat Ninsei Tanuma & Hayate Hasegawa and Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara). Another interesting tag match took place, with Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara) going up against the duo of Danger Kumasaka and Shuji Inukai. Kumasaka and Inukai demolished Boundary 97 and some suggested that Kumasaka and Inukai might end up forming a team for the Elite Tag Series, although that story is told better in “Yoshimi’s Path”. Night of VICTORY, July 1997 Team Dynasty (Shuji Inukai & Yoshimi Mushashibo) were reunited as a pair for the first time in months. They earned a hard-fought victory against Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini). The Glory Crown champions Team EXPLOSION (Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu) fell to a defeat in trios action. They counted themselves unlucky to be partnered with Kazuo Mitsushi against the fearsome gaijin triplet of Luis Figo Manico and Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz). Mitsushi proved to be the weak link and Team STRENGTH RUSH demanded a shot at the Glory Tag Crown at the next show. Team EXPLOSION accepted. Night of LEGACY, August 1997 In the opening match, Yoshimi Mushashibo and Danger Kumasaka beat Ninsei Tanuma and Hayate Hasegawa without too many issues. This was the third combination of Kumasaka, Mushashibo and Inukai to have wrestled in the lead up to Night of HONOUR, and all three looked impressive. Team STRENGTH RUSH and Team EXPLOSION renewed their rivalry for the Glory Tag Crown in a typically ferocious match. The challengers brought everything they had, and the champions struggled to match their intensity. But as the match progressed, the pace slowed and a slugging match began, often with all four men in the ring at the same time. The referee struggled to keep control of things. It was in this confusion that Raymond Diaz avoided the Eisaku Explosion and countered with a Ray Gun. This set up the challenger’s new finisher, Too Hot to Handle, that ended up with Diaz pinning Kunomasu for the three count! Team STRENGTH RUSH became new Glory Tag Crown champions! Night of TOUGHNESS, August 1997 In the last show before the Elite Tag Series, teams were looking to pick up momentum. None more so than Team EXPLOSION who wanted to bounce back after dropping the titles. For reasons only understood by them, though, they decided the best way to do this was in singles action. Eisaku Kunomasu lost to Luis Figo Manico, while Eisaku Hoshino failed in his Historical Japan title shot against Mito Miwa. This put Team EXPLOSION in a bit of a hole before the biggest tag tournament of the year. Team STRENGTH RUSH, by contrast, looked strong as they made the first defence of their second reign with the Glory Tag Crown. They battled to victory over Ninsei Tanuma & Hayate Hasegawa. Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) picked up some speed in an 8-man tag, at the expense of Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara), although it did help that they had Koryusai Kitoaji on their team. And in the main event, the last match before the tournament, Danger Kumasaka, Shuji Inukai and Yoshimi Mushashibo scored a big win over Hito Ichihara, Nobuatsu Tatsuko and Yodo Nakane. Team Dynasty set their stake out as serious contenders for the Elite Tag Series!
  5. That's very true. I didn't intend to make it quite so similar, but it has definitely been the best league format I've found so far. Leagues are great for telling certain stories, although they do get quite limiting, too. Not a bad score! I love the Jash Singh reference... I'd forgotten all about that guy! Angus's form is a bit variable. It gets better the closer to Scotland he is, due to his popularity, but he was also working through an injury for a while which bumped him down a bit.
  6. Predictions Old School Fan: 4/4 DinoKea: 3/4 The Blonde Bomber: 3/4 Nottingham Trophy 1978 Predictions Old School Fan: 22/28 DinoKea: 21/28 The Blonde Bomber: 16/24 christmas_ape: 10/12 Next Time Kenny Maynard vs. Mikel de Sota Leo King vs. Sander Bodjukyan Chris Alpha vs. Jacques Strapp Angus McCloud vs. William Riley
  7. Non-Title Match… If The Underdogs win, they earn a 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title shot: The Underdogs (Joe Simpson & Michael X) [vs] The Brat Pack (Artemis Eyre-Rochester & Thurston Darcy III) ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ Bedlam [vs] ‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu ??? [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason The Lee FamiLee (Gorilla Lee & JK Lee) [vs] Edison Silva & Kelvin Badberry Welsh Dragon [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton w/ Wade Orson
  8. Nooooo, Kumasaka!!!! That's so sad. And a huge loss for the many, many wrestlers he mentors or has mentored over the years. Still loving this diary!
  9. KITOAJI'S CROWN At Night of GLORY, Koryusai Kitoaji defeated Hito Ichihara in an unforgettable main event to regain the PGHW Glory Crown. It started his second reign with the belt, and the third reign in the title’s history since its inception just under a year ago. But Kitoaji’s achievement was overshadowed by the nature of his victory. As many would comment after the show, it wasn’t Kitoaji’s victory, but Ichihara’s loss. Ichihara took to the skies and failed miserably. Kitoaji, clearly sensing this narrative would dominate, made a point of emphasising that it was he who pushed Ichihara into taking such a risk. Kitaoji’s ego bristled at the thought of him not receiving the plaudits he deserved. Nonetheless, his attempts to put himself in the spotlight mostly failed. Everybody was talking about Hito Ichihara. Yes, Kitoaji had been victorious, yes he had deserved to win, and yes he was setting the bar extremely high in PGHW. But Ichihara had fallen. And that was more exciting. But Kitoaji was not one to sit about and sulk. Instead, he would press on with his title reign with the intention of making it (and himself) the most talked about thing in the company once again. Night of STRENGTH, June 1997 At Night of STRENGTH, Koryusai Kitoaji teamed with Nobuatsu Tatsuko, and Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright and Raymond Diaz) to take on Ninsei Tanuma, Hayate Hasegawa and Boundary 97 (Takeshi Umehara & Go Matsunaga). On paper, the match was rather one-sided, and that’s how it turned out in practice. Tatsuko impressed as always, and Kitoaji nodded his approval as the younger man hit the Tatsuko Driller to get the victory. However, if Tatsuko had expected Kitoaji to offer him a shot at the Glory Crown, he would have been disappointed. Instead, Kitoaji waited until the end of the show. In the main event, Danger Kumasaka, Shuji Inukai and Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Yodo Nakane and Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini). Both Mushashibo and Inukai impressed in that match, and Kitoaji said so after the bell. At Night of GLORY, Mushashibo had defeated his tag partner Inukai and later made a challenge to Kitoaji, so the champion addressed that. Kitoaji: Mushashibo, you do not ask for a title shot. You ask for nothing. Instead, you must earn it by proving yourself worthy in my eyes. That is my way and that is how it will be. No begging, no requesting, no sucking up. But you have earned an opportunity. You have won several high-profile matches recently and I consider you a suitable contender. So, at Night of WARRIORS, take your shot. And when you fail, do not plead for another chance, but improve yourself and come back stronger. Night of WARRIORS, July 1997 Yoshimi Mushashibo challenged Koryusai Kitoaji for the Glory Crown. It was the first time the two had met in singles competition and the anticipation was palpable. Mushashibo had shown he was on the cusp of stepping up to the main event scene. With Danger Kumasaka coaching him from his corner, many thought that guidance may propel Mushashibo to a massive win. And for stretches of the match, Mushashibo looked capable of doing just that. His technical skills had developed to the point where only Danger Kumasaka could claim to be superior, and Kitoaji certainly couldn’t match him on the mat. But Kitoaji had more to his game that grappling. Famous for his strong-style strikes, he battered Mushashibo whenever he could, and finally that was too much for the young man to handle. A Kitoaji Braindrop got the job done, cementing Kitoaji’s first defence of the reign. Mushashibo made sure to show his respect in defeat, and Kitoaji recognised the talents of the challenger. Night of VICTORY, July 1997 Koryusai Kitoaji teaned with Ninsei Tanuma and Yodo Nakane in the main event in a winning effort against Danger Kumasaka, Nobuatsu Tatsuko and Go Matsunaga. While Nobuatsu Tatsuko impressed in defeat, he was once again overlooked by Kitoaji. Instead, the champion focused on a competitor from earlier in the night. He spoke in the post-show conference about how impressed he had been with Shuji Inukai who had teamed with Yoshimi Mushashibo to beat Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini). And so the challenge was made for Night of LEGACY. Night of LEGACY, August 1997 In his two previous encounters with Koryusai Kitoaji, Shuji Inukai had shown clear signs of development. Their first meeting had been in the blocks of the Elite Series, and the second was the final of the number one contender’s tournament that took place at Night of SUCCESS. Kitoaji’s victory in that match earned him the title shot at Night of GLORY where he won the Glory Crown. Now, Inukai hoped to do one better and defeat the champion. His direct aggression matched that of Kitoaji, and the match became a series of thumping blows and precise, cracking strikes. Both men’s chests were red with welts, and they each suffered contusions and bruises on their faces and shoulders. The intensity was extreme. And it turned out to be too extreme for Inukai, who, after refusing to give up after taking enough damage to fell a dozen men, couldn’t escape the Kitoaji Braindrop that earned the champion his second successful defence. Kitoaji made an effort to congratulate Inukai on his efforts and talk up his future prospects. Night of TOUGHNESS, August 1997 Koryusai Kitoaji competed in an 8-man tag match alongside Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) and Mamoru Nagahama. They defeated the team of Walter Morgan, Torajiro Sekozawa and Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara). The standout performer of the match was Mamoru Nagahama, whose physical capabilities and slickness visibly impressed the Glory Crown champion. It may have been a surprise to some that Kitoaji would offer a title shot to a man who had yet to really break out, but those who had watched Nagahama’s trajectory in the last six months would agree that he was due an opportunity of some sort. Just a month beforehand, at Night of VICTORY, he had nearly upset Hito Ichihara in a very competitive outing. While he lost that match, he earned many plaudits for his hard work and spirit. And on tour, he had picked up a string of victories over his peers which had seen him rise up the card. While some may argue there were other more deserving contenders (Nobuatsu Tatsuko chief among them), Nagahama had certainly earned his shot. The 22-year-old had these words after the show. Nagahama: I’m grateful to Kitoaji for recognising what I have achieved. I am certain that this title match will be the biggest match of my life, and also the toughest. Kitoaji is the top of this industry and I will have to bring everything I have to stand a chance. But I will do that. He has risked his reputation by making this challenge, so I will show him, and everyone else, that his judgement was correct. Kitoaji was in a rare, cheerful mood. Kitoaji: This is what PGHW is about. Wrestlers achieving based on merit. Nagahama has shown his worth, he has earned this title shot. No, he doesn’t have much hope of beating me. But very few in this company do. For someone like him, just being in a title match is an achievement in itself.
  10. PRIDE COMES BEFORE Since winning the Historical Japan title at Night of FORTITUDE in April, Mito Miwa had defended the belt against three very different opponents – the fellow prodigy, Yoshimi Mushashibo, the company man Dragon Agakawa, and the nostalgic veteran Kyoshiro Kanashi. But three successful defences don’t make a great champion. After all, the man who he beat for the belt, Nobuatsu Tatsuko boasted over 40 defences across nearly two years. So Miwa prepared himself for the long haul – no matches ducked, no shows missed, no challengers brushed aside. But could The Pride Warrior maintain such a schedule? Or was it possible that one of those nights he’d make a costly error, or get caught out by an unorthodox opponent. Miwa understood his situation. And he knew that a truly great champion would always find a way to win. Night of STRENGTH, June 1997 Mito Miwa’s reign continued with a relatively straightforward match against Kazuo Mitsushi. The badass veteran had struggled to get victories in the twilight of his career, but his aggressive style and refusal to back down meant he was a hero to a particular portion of the crowd. Nonetheless, Miwa hit the Pride Bomber for a solid victory. His body language after the match suggested he had never really felt threatened. Night of WARRIORS, July 1997 With his tag partner competing earlier in the show, Lee Wright challenged Mito Miwa for the Historical Japan title. Lee Wright had actually held the belt back in 1991 to 1992 in a solid reign that was his only singles championship on record. During that time, he regularly toured with GCG and BHOTWG as well as featuring on the independent scene where, for seven months, he held the title. As always, Miwa welcomed the nod to history. But while he showed respect for the past, he didn’t allow it any mercy. Wright is a tough opponent for anyone, but Miwa survived the American’s assault without much issue and got the win with the Pride Bomber. Wright’s partner, Raymond Diaz, also suffered a defeat. He took on the recent arrival Luis Figo Manico in an exhibition singles match. “The Pain from Spain” showed why he was one of the biggest stars in Europe and hit a Madrid Maul to maintain his 100% winning record since joining the company. Night of VICTORY, July 1997 Hayate Hasegawa was next to step up to Mito Miwa with the Historical Japan title on the line. Hasegawa made his name in QUEST, but always fell short of winning the company’s top belt. This match was considered to be his last shot to add it to his two QUEST tag championships. He failed. Miwa looked in imperious form. You could see in his eyes that he fully expected to win every time he stepped in the ring, no matter the opponent. However, he mentioned after the show that he was tired of facing veteran opponents and wanted some younger talents to have a go at the title. Night of LEGACY, August 1997 Miwa’s call for young challengers was heeded by Java. Rumours had spread by this point that HGC were interested in signing the young Indonesian, and many expected him to leave the company in the next couple of months. Despite this, Java looked determined to get his hands on some gold on his way out. He brought a different problem for Miwa, and that was size. Veterans he could handle, but massive chunks of flesh were harder to withstand. But withstand he did, and after getting cut open by a vicious strike to the brow, he hit the Pride Bomber to win. Standing tall with crimson on his face, Miwa took yet another step forwards and upwards. Night of TOUGHNESS, August 1997 Eisaku Hoshino challenged Mito Miwa for the Historical Japan title at the end of August. Hoshino had lost the Glory Tag Crown at the previous show and was keen to get some measure of momentum before the Elite Tag Series began, so he offered a serious threat to Miwa. Hoshino was one of those fighters that, in spite of a caustic, spiky exterior and unorthodox style, through his tenacity and never-say-die attitude, he always had the fans in his corner by the end of a match. And he took Miwa to the limit. Miwa would later say that Hoshino’s challenge had been the toughest since he won the belt from Tatsuko. But ultimately, it was an unsuccessful challenge, as Miwa reversed a Godzilla Plunge into the Pride Bomber. After the match, Miwa’s celebrations were interrupted by Luis Figo Manico. Manico had kept up his 100% winning streak in singles action, defeating Eisaku Kunomasu earlier in the show. He now had several high-profile wins and considered himself ready for a shot at the Historical Japan title. He had these words for Miwa: Figo: I have proved myself. Twelve singles matches and twelve victories. You claim you are a proud champion, well you have yet to prove yourself against The Pain from Spain. Miwa seemed nonplussed and accepted the challenge, saying in the press conference after the show: Miwa: Honestly, I haven’t seen any of Figo’s matches yet. The record looks good, and he certainly looks the part, but I think he needs to realise that I don’t have to prove myself against him, but the other way around. I am the champion for a reason. I will defeat him, just like I have the other eight men who have challenged me. This reign will not end so soon.
  11. Predictions Old School Fan: 4/4 DinoKea: 4/4 The Blonde Bomber: 3/4 Nottingham Trophy 1978 Predictions DinoKea: 18/24 Old School Fan: 18/24 The Blonde Bomber: 13/20 christmas_ape: 10/12 Next Time Kenny Maynard vs. Mikel de Sota Leo King vs. Sander Bodjukyan Chris Alpha vs. Jacques Strapp Angus McCloud vs. William Riley
  12. DREADSTORM Nobuatsu Tatsuko failed to derail Dread’s charge of dominance at Night of GLORY. The youngster had been the first real threat to the big man’s nascent streak, and pushed him hard. But Dread had said himself that he was unstoppable when in the right mood. And that dark cloud over his colossal head showed no signs of shifting. There were still plenty more wrestlers on the roster to defeat. But at some point he would have to slow down, or so many thought. His size meant that at some point his knees would start to go, or his focus would slip. And who would be the one to take advantage? Or, would Dread continue the Dreadstorm he had started and rampage all the way through PGHW? Night of STRENGTH, June 1997 Walter Morgan, a recent arrival to PGHW faced Dread. Morgan was a dour Englishman trained in the Wigan shoot-style, with some serious technical skill. Unfortunately, Dread showed no interest in rolling around on the mat with the far smaller man and instead launched him from one end of the ring to the other, finishing him off with a Dreadsault. Night of WARRIORS, July 1997 Dread took on the young lion Hirokumi Saito at Night of WARRIORS in one of the most one-sided matches in the company’s history. Saito had clear potential, but at just 21, he lacked experience and enough training to stand even an outside chance. But Dread had requested the match as there was talk of Saito going out on excursion to Canada in the next month, and he wanted to make sure he missed nobody on the roster. Night of VICTORY, July 1997 Torajiro Sekozawa was another youngster lined up for an excursion to Canada. He got his chance at a famous upset against Dread in Kobe, with over 14,000 fans in attendance. It was a night to forget for him, though. Dread showed no mercy in systematically destroying the GCG graduate. Night of LEGACY, August 1997 “Hurricane” Harumi Okazawaya was next on Dread’s list. Nobody expected the youngster to win, especially not in singles action, as he had been almost exclusively competing in tag matches with his Rebel Cell partner Sotatsu Sarumara. Needless to say, Dread won the match. But despite his dominance, each of Dread’s victims came out of the match with a lesson learned, earning some measure of respect just for having the guts to spend time between the ropes with such a fearsome competitor. Night of TOUGHNESS, August 1997 The other half of Rebel Cell, Sotatsu Sarumara took on Dread next, with the outcome of the match a near guarantee. Sarumara was yet to make a real impact in PGHW, with the fans caring little about his armlock variations. Dread also cared little, and pounded Sarumara into a mess, finishing him off with the Dread Bomb. Dread’s mood had been dark but focused during the previous five nights. He never seemed to enjoy dominating weaker wrestlers, only taking pleasure in the fact he continued to prove his doubters wrong. But these were small fry. It was time for a real threat to step up to the plate. Yodo Nakane agreed. Nakane had found PGHW a welcome home since struggling with injury in GCG. At the tail end of his career, he had a few years left to really cement his legacy. Defeated Dread would go a long way to doing just that. He confronted Dread after the show and challenged him at Night of HONOUR. Nakane: People may see me as an outside bet to defeat you, Dread. But I know better. Have I held top titles like you? No. Have I main evented the biggest shows on two continents? No. But that means nothing when we get in the ring. You lack passion. This is all about proving a point, about showing the world how great you are. But those doubters are just straw men. You’ve imagined them in order to give you some purpose. Because you can’t find the passion in yourself to wrestle for the joy of it, for the people who watch and for the feeling of honour that fills the heart of a true lion. That’s why at Night of HONOUR, I’ll show you who the honourable man is.
  13. YOSHIMI'S PATH Throughout the spring, Yoshimi Mushashibo and his tag partner Shuji Inukai didn’t see eye to eye. Inukai wanted Mushashibo’s commitment to tag competition, while Mushashibo thought they should be able to compete in singles and tag matches. The fact was, the pair had hardly teamed together all year. Coupled with the fact that Mushashibo was now Danger Kumasaka’s protégé, and it was easy to see why Inukai doubted his friend’s loyalty. So they went head to head at Night of GLORY, and Mushashibo won. This meant both men would agree to compete in both singles and tag competition. Mushashibo added, magnanimously, that he would make an effort to tag with Inukai more often. With the Elite Tag Series approaching in September, it seemed like the two were on the same page. Or at least they would have been if Danger Kumasaka wasn’t around. Night of STRENGTH, June 1997 In Kyoto, the trio of Danger Kumasaka, Shuji Inukai and Yoshimi Mushashibo main-evented the show, defeating Yodo Nakane and Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini). Throughout the match, Danger Kumasaka and Shuji Inukai seemed reluctant to get along. The veteran, Kumasaka, obviously disapproved of Inukai’s rashness and lack of respect towards his elders. Meanwhile Inukai still remembered how Kumasaka dismissed him as a potential protégé earlier in the year. And Inukai was not the kind of man to forget a slight. Fortunately, they didn’t let their differences affect the result of the match, as Mushashibo acted as a buffer. Inukai got the win with an Untouchable Lariat. After the match, Kumasaka and Inukai got into an argument about something. Words were exchanged, but nothing more because at that point. Koryusai Kitoaji appeared to challenge Mushashibo to a Glory Crown match. Mushashibo accepted. He suggested after the show that Kumasaka and Inukai should team together at the next show, Night of WARRIORS, and learn to work together. Night of WARRIORS, July 1997 Yoshimi Mushashibo main-evented the show, facing the Glory Crown champion Koryusai Kitoaji. It was a strong showing for Mushashibo, but he ended up suffering a defeat to the imperious new champ. Earlier in the show, Danger Kumasaka and Shuji Inukai teamed together in a winning effort against Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara). The result wasn’t a massive surprise, but the nature of it would have raised eyebrows. The fact was, Inukai and Kumasaka worked brilliantly as a team. Their conflicting styles and approaches balanced out and their timing was impeccable. Inukai won the match with another devastating Untouchable Lariat, and earned an appreciative nod from Kumasaka. By no means had this eased the tension between them, though, as they did not celebrate together, nor leave ringside as a pair. There was plenty of chatter, though. If Inukai and Kumasaka worked that well as a team, could they become a more regular tag pairing and enter the Elite Tag Series? Night of VICTORY, July 1997 Team Dynasty (Shuji Inukai & Yoshimi Mushashibo) reunited as a tag team for the first time since March. Danger Kumasaka joined them at ringside as they took on Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini). The pair looked great. Not quite as impressive as Inukai and Kumasaka had been at the previous show, but that was mostly due to the superior opponents. Team Dynasty reminded the world why they could be a serious threat in the tag division. There were smiles all round. Inukai looked delighted to have wrestled alongside his friend again, and Danger Kumasaka looked on like a proud father. Inukai would be even more pleased later when Koryusai Kitoaji would offer him a Glory Crown title shot at the next show, Night of LEGACY. Night of LEGACY, August 1997 Shuji Inukai suffered a similar fate to Yoshimi Mushashibo in his bid to become Glory Crown champion against Koryusai Kitoaji. Inukai showed his capacity to take and deliver vast amounts of punishment, but couldn’t quite keep up with a man on top of his game. With Inukai busy with that main event match, Yoshimi Mushashibo took the opportunity to team up with his mentor, Danger Kumasaka. They faced Ninsei Tanuma & Hayate Hasegawa. Mentor and mentee had a great time. In contrast to their respective tag matches alongside Inukai, Mushashibo and Kumasaka had a very similar style of grappling and limb manipulation. This meant their efforts to wear down Tanuma’s left shoulder joined with devastating consequences. Mushashibo got the victory with the Yoshimi Lock. Mushashibo clearly expressed his joy at having teamed with Kumasaka and even said he’d like to do it again some time. Those in the media took this as an indication he might enter the Elite Tag Series with Danger Kumasaka as his partner instead of Shuji Inukai. Night of TOUGHNESS, August 1997 Sepculation ran wild about which pairing of Danger Kumasaka, Shuji Inukai and Yoshimi Mushashibo would enter the Elite Tag Series in September. At this show, though, they all competed together in a six-man tag main event against Hito Ichihara, Nobuatsu Tatsuko and Yodo Nakane. It was a close-fought battle that brought the best out of all men involved. In fact, the crowd enjoyed it so much that it entered contention for PGHW match of the year. It was Shuji Inukai who once again proved himself a deadly weapon by hitting the Untouchable Lariat on Yodo Nakane for the victory. Then all attention turned to the three men as they would have to make their decision about which two would compete in the tournament. In the post-match press conference, Yoshimi Mushashibo was pensive. Mushashibo: I have requested an exception to the normal tag team rulings from Saduharu Jimbo, however I understand his response. I imagined he would decline. We cannot compete as a three, alternating competitors, as that would be unfair. So we must decide. Shuji Inukai is one of my closest friends. In wrestling, I don’t trust anyone more than him. That’s why it hurt so much to fight him at Night of GLORY. But that’s in the past. He understands why I make the decisions I do. That’s why I consider him a true ally. Danger Kumasaka. In the last few months, I have learned more from him than I could even imagine. His experience is valuable in every aspect of this business. I have grown to treasure having him by my side and in my corner. Certainly, he would be a fearsome partner in the Elite Tag Series. For a while I wondered if I should be the one that stands back, but I am not confident that Shuji will appreciate me forcing him to tag with Kumasaka for a whole month. In fact, he has expressed that he would withdraw if that was the case. So which path will I take? The path of friendship, or the path of progress? This is my decision. Danger Kumasaka. I am sorry. You will have to watch from the sidelines. Because Team Dynasty is going to enter the Elite Tag Series, Yoshimi Mushashibo and Shuji Inukai. And, you know what? I think we’re going to win it!
  14. Apollo Prince [vs] J-B Cash Beast Bantom [vs] Luke Cool Local Talent [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby Kenobi High (Christopher Lister & Jase Cole) [vs] Doomsday & BW Eddie w/ The House of Business Evan Alpass [vs] Blackheart w/ Grave Digger ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers
  15. Predictions Old School Fan: 4/4 DinoKea: 3/4 The Blonde Bomber: 2/4 Nottingham Trophy 1978 Predictions DinoKea: 14/20 Old School Fan: 14/20 christmas_ape: 10/12 The Blonde Bomber: 10/16 Next Time Angus McCloud vs. Jacques Strapp Chris Alpha vs. Leo King Kenny Maynard vs. Sander Bodjukyan Mikel de Sota vs. William Riley
  16. RUNNING DRY I’ve always been careful with finances. Even as a kid I’d stash away what money I was given or earned. And when I started wrestling, the paltry pay I earned didn’t go on parties and creature comforts, but instead I saved it all up for when work ran dry. With this mentality, I made myself a rich man. You get that if you’re the top of the business, the main event star. I’m not ashamed to say I had several million dollars’ worth of savings in the bank, or invested in low-risk bonds. That’s who I am. Not a rockstar, or a playboy. Just a man who grew up in a certain way. And I always knew PGHW would run at a loss to begin with. The scale of that loss, however, was something that took me by surprise. I suppose I should have seen it coming with the… let’s say “generous” contracts for Ichihara and Kitoaji. At that point, money was no object – I needed the biggest stars available and was happy to pay them whatever it took. And you can’t argue that they weren’t worth it. The thing is, with a $2 million budget (my own savings), you think the money will last. That you won’t run dry. I did. For the first time in my life I was in the red and things weren’t turning around. The shows had seen a decent income from gates and a modest one from the network, but with Ichihara, Kitoaji, Kumasaka and Dread setting me back the better part of $400,000 a month, the company was haemorrhaging. It couldn’t last. I had to make a decision. The options were clear. Cut my losses and come to an agreement with one of Ichihara or Kitoaji, or even both, to leave the company, or keep them on and hope things got better. The first option was the obvious choice. My life’s success was down to being careful with finances and removing risk. Fighting the uphill battle, but the one that didn’t result in the abyss. And moments before I picked up the phone to speak to one of the top stars (I won’t reveal which), I received a message from a major broadcasting company. They promised that if PGHW improved the music and production quality of the shows, they would give us a lucrative Pay Per View deal. What was the catch? Oh, the quality of the wrestling on the shows had to meet extremely high standards without fail. The kind of ratings we had been getting were the lower end of what they wanted. And if we didn’t live up to those standards… well, it would be hard to recover from the reputational damage of being cut. The future of the company could swing based on one high profile match bombing. We would have to deliver every single night without fail. Or, I could reject the deal and take the balanced, low-risk route. The decision was mine alone and I spent several days mulling it over. What did I decide? Well, some things are stronger than a lifetime of caution. Some feelings overwhelm rationality. Trust is one of those things. Trust in the boys. And I trusted in them. Every single one.
  17. PGHW Night of GLORY, June 1997 Shuji Inukai vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo Dragon Agakawa and Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) vs. Kazuo Mitsushi and Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara) Dread vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Danger Kumasaka, Luis Figo Manico, Hayate Hasegawa and Ninsei Tanuma vs. Yodo Nakane, Walter Morgan and Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara) Kyoshiro Kanashi vs. Mito Miwa © for the Historical Japan title Eisaku Hoshino and Eisaku Kunomasu © vs. Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz) for the PGHW Glory Tag Crown Hito Ichihara © vs. Koryusai Kitoaji for the PGHW Glory Crown MATCH 1: Shuji Inukai vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo The two members of the tag outfit Team Dynasty went head-to-head with their future direction on the line. Shuji Inukai suggested the match after finding himself frustrated at his tag partner’s lack of focus on tag competition and he claimed that together, they could win gold. Mushashibo, on the other hand, was enjoying life as Danger Kumasaka’s protégé, and argued that they should both be able to compete in singles and tag competition at the same time. This match was agreed with the winner getting their way. If Inukai defeated Mushashibo, the latter would commit to tag competition for a year. If Inukai failed to win, he said the future of Team Dynasty was less clear. One reason why Team Dynasty were highly rated was the complete contrast in styles. Mushashibo was calm and thoughtful, with technical superiority giving him an advantage. Inukai was all aggression. He hit as hard as anyone on the roster and could take just as much punishment in return. What he lacked was focus and clarity of thought in crucial moments, something that had cost him matches against the elite of PGHW. And it cost him here. When Inukai got into his stride in this match, he looked unstoppable. He threw elbow strikes and knees at Mushashibo, landing them with impact. Then he set up the Untouchable Lariat – a move nobody had ever kicked out of. But such was his eagerness to hit the move, he didn’t see the drop of the shoulder and the shift of balance from Mushashibo that resulted in a smart leg sweep transitioning into the Yoshimi Lock. Inukai had seen the Yoshimi lock applied to many opponents, and few could survive it. But he had never experienced it himself. While his efforts to break free were impressive in their intensity, they were futile as he was fighting against leverage and angles he didn’t understand. Finally, exhausted, his hand tapped against Yoshimi’s arm and the match was over. If Inukai was angry, his fatigue hid it. Mushashibo was just as tired, and the pair of them required assistance getting out of the ring. The fans in the New Mei Sports Stadium sounded their approval after seeing another glimpse of the future of PGHW. MATCH 2: Dragon Agakawa and Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) vs. Kazuo Mitsushi and Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara) A chance for some of the midcarders and tag teams to show their stuff. Java got his team the victory, pinning Takeshi Umehara. MATCH 3: Dread vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Dread’s self-imposed crusade to defeat everyone in PGHW reached an early obstacle in Nobuatsu Tatsuko. After Dread had bullied Mamoru Nagahama and Fukusaburu Inao, Tatsuko stepped up, hoping his recent impressive form would put a quick end to Dread’s domination. And many believed Tatsuko could do it. After holding the Historical Japan title for nearly two years, he had proven himself as a serious competitor and looked ready to step up to the main event picture. A win over a huge name like Dread would surely put him in the frame, and a shot at the Glory Crown could be waiting. The problem was, Dread cared little for anybody’s prospects other than his own. He had set himself a mission and when someone like him set his mind to something, he could be unstoppable. And, despite an early flurry from Tatsuko at the start of the match, Dread looked every bit the dominant force he had proved to be over the last fifteen years. Any sign of aging or slowing down could hardly be noticed. He threw Tatsuko around like a child, only pausing to growl in his face or rile up the crowd. As if the crowd needed riling up. They already loved Tatsuko for the sheer willpower he displayed in every match. He fought with courage, spirit and strength. Dread had underestimated him. The battle swung in Tatsuko’s favour, with the young man ready to land his famous Tatsuko Driller, but he couldn’t quite lift the big man into position to deliver the final blow and instead, Dread slipped free, clobbered Tatsuko over the head with a massive elbow strike and finished him with a Dread Bomb. For a brief moment after the match, Dread’s face showed respect towards Tatsuko, but quickly a scowl took over and he stormed to the back. MATCH 4: Danger Kumasaka, Luis Figo Manico, Hayate Hasegawa and Ninsei Tanuma vs. Yodo Nakane, Walter Morgan and Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara) Another multi-man tag match highlighted new arrivals from Europe: Luis Figo Manico and Walter Morgan. Both had already competed in tour matches and at a few previous events, with Luis Figo Manico, known to the Japanese fans simply as “Figo”, going unbeaten in singles competition. He continued this impressive run with a tag victory here, impressing his tag partner Danger Kumasaka. MATCH 5: Kyoshiro Kanashi vs. Mito Miwa © for the Historical Japan title Mito Miwa’s quest to uphold the history of the title he had recently won brought him face to face with the man who held the record for most reigns with it – Kyoshiro Kanashi. Kanashi was old. Everybody could see that, and few expected him to pose a serious threat to “The Pride Warrior”. But history and nostalgia combined to light a fire inside Kanashi, who fought with the ferocity of a man half his age. At 24, Mito Miwa was in fact a shade under half Kanashi’s age (he was 50). Miwa was usually a crowd favourite, but in this case, it was hard for fans to get behind anyone other than the underdog veteran battling his hardest in one last shot at glory. In the end, passion for the past was no match for youthful endurance, and Miwa showed maturity beyond his years when he put away Kanashi with the Pride Bomber. The crowd gave Kanashi an ovation for his efforts, and the man who helped make the belt special thanked Mito Miwa for the opportunity and expressed his pleasure that his legacy would be continued with pride. MATCH 6: Eisaku Hoshino and Eisaku Kunomasu © vs. Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz) for the PGHW Glory Tag Crown Having defeated the rest of the active tag teams in the company, Glory Tag Crown champions Eisaku Hoshino and Eisaku Kunomasu found themselves up against the team they won the titles from back at Night of PRIDE – Team STRENGTH RUSH. There was no love lost between these two teams, and, realistically, they were head and shoulders above the rest of the pack, the main contenders for tag gold. A typically violent match ensued. When the most refined competitor in the match is Eisaku Kunomasu, an ice-cold striker with a penchant for pain, you’re always in for a wild ride. Blood was spilled, bones were bruised and chests were painted red with vicious chops. Raymond Diaz showed his continued development, incorporating a little more precision into his powerful offence. But it wasn’t enough to dethrone the champions as they showed off a devastating new finishing move called the Eisaku Explosion – an exploder suplex from Kunomasu into the waiting knee of Hoshino, who then pinned Lee Wright for the title retention. Team STRENGTH RUSH were angry at their loss and made it clear they were going nowhere, especially while no other tag teams had stepped up to their level. However, with the Elite Tag Series approaching, fortunes may have been about to change. MATCH 7: Hito Ichihara © vs. Koryusai Kitoaji for the PGHW Glory Crown This was the fourth instalment of Ichihara vs. Kitoaji. The first had been won by Koryusai Kitoaji as he became inaugural Glory Crown champion nearly a year ago. Ichihara had won the next two, defeating Kitoaji for the belt at Night of WRESTLING at the end of 1996, and defending it at Night of FORTITUDE two months ago. But nobody could deny, and he was always quick to point it out, that Kitoaji hadn’t earned his title shots. He had won the first ever Elite Series and then a number one contender’s tournament. He never asked. And this only served to irritate Hito Ichihara. Was this Kitoaji playing deliberate mind games? Or was it simply a principled man trying to set an example? Nobody was sure. In their last encounter, Hito Ichihara had surprised Kitoaji by abandoning his usual patient, methodical approach and attacking early. This switch left Kitoaji struggling, and ultimately cost him the match. To avoid this happening again, Kitoaji took the lead. He set a rapid early tempo, battering Ichihara with deadly strikes, the kind he had built his career around. Ichihara backpedalled. He spent the early portion of the match trying to limit the damage Kitoaji was doing to him, but soon realised he couldn’t keep going like this. He turned things around and wrestled Kitoaji to the mat. Here, Kitoaji couldn’t unleash his elbow and knee strikes. The champion switched and swivelled, trying to make the strategy work, trying to apply a triangle choke. But Kitoaji still had plenty of energy. His defensive grappling was strong enough to untie himself and deliver more hard hits. One knee strike caught Ichihara in the temple and seemed to have knocked him out, but the champ managed to get a shoulder up at three. Ichihara changed plan again. His quick-thinking tactical approach had brought him so much success and now, backed into a corner, literally and figuratively, he had to improvise. He climbed the ropes. At this point in time, it was rare for anyone in PGHW to gain any height, although it had been done on occasion. That kind of thing was for the super juniors over in BHOTWG. But Ichihara was desperate, and he needed something to divert from Kitoaji’s intensity. So he climbed until his feet wobbled on the top rope, and he flung himself down towards his competitor with both feet forward – a missile dropkick. It missed. Spectacularly. Kitoaji didn’t so much dodge as simply sidestep as Ichihara’s weight came crashing down on the mat beside him. A moment of stunned silence hung in the arena after the massive misjudgement. And he had landed hard on his back. Kitoaji was first to react, piling in on Ichihara and taking advantage. Killer instinct. While everybody else gawped at Ichihara’s huge mistake, Kitoaji was busy winning the match. He landed some devastating elbow strikes then got the job done with the Kitoaji Braindrop. The crowd realised what had happened just in time to witness the three count and the crowning of a new champion: Koryusai Kitoaji won the Glory Crown! Elation for the new champion, humiliation for the loser. Conclusion Night of GLORY 1997 would always be remember for Hito Ichihara’s spectacular miss. The fans in the arena and watching live at home would never forget that moment, and people in the future would look back with a mixture of sympathy for the poor man and cruel delight at seeing someone knocked off their throne. But it would be remiss to ignore the rest of the event, arguably the best of the year so far with the young stars continuing to impress. One of them, Yoshimi Mushashibo, spoke in the post-show press conference. Yoshimi Mushashibo: I know that me and Inukai have settled this now. We’re still good friends and team mates, even if we differ on some things. He will respect my victory, and in turn, I will respect his desire to compete in the tag division. Now I sincerely hope he and my mentor, Danger Kumasaka, can learn to respect each other and together we are all stronger. Dread also had something to say. Dread: Kids like Tatsuko have a lot of heart and not enough brain. You don’t run full pelt into a freight train. You don’t punch a mountain. You don’t beat Dread when he’s on a roll. Nobody does. The kid’s good. But not good enough. Nobody on this roster is. Still, it’s worth proving that for those who think I’m spent. So, the domination continues. Hito Ichihara showed incredible courage in facing the press after his embarrassing loss, but he looked bereft. Most of his answers were short and non-descript, except when asked what he would do next. Hito Ichihara: I’m not going to ask for a rematch, I think that precedent has been set. And right now, I don’t think I’d be able to. It hurts. Losing like that. You can all see that. But I’m not going to hide from this. I just need some time to think, to see what’s been going on around here, to ground myself… On Night of GLORY, it was Kitoaji who emerged with the Glory Crown, and he was typically direct. Koryusai Kitoaji: I hope you don’t all forget that I won that match. I can already sense you’re all going to say that Ichihara lost the match because of his mistake. But I remind you that if I hadn’t put the pressure on, he never would have tried such a stupid thing. That mistake was as a result of my actions. So, my victory is not because Ichihara messed up, it’s because I demolished him. Now, challengers to the Glory Crown are plenty. But with no Elite Series or tournaments in the near future, I’ll take it upon myself to challenge suitable contenders to remove the need for them to beg. Yoshimi Mushashibo, you impressed me tonight. At Night of WARRIORS, a year on from when I won the Glory Crown for the first time, you will challenge me. Bring everything you have. I will be waiting.
  18. Predictions christmas_ape: 4/4 The Blonde Bomber: 4/4 DinoKea: 3/4 Old School Fan: 3/4 Nottingham Trophy 1978 Predictions DinoKea: 11/16 Old School Fan: 10/16 christmas_ape: 10/12 The Blonde Bomber: 8/12 Next Time Chris Alpha vs. Mikel de Sota Jacques Strapp vs. Leo King Sander Bodjukyan vs. William Riley Angus McCloud vs. Kenny Maynard
  19. Card for PGHW Night of GLORY, June 1997 Shuji Inukai vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo Dragon Agakawa and Team VIOLENCE (Java & Dino Maldini) vs. Kazuo Mitsushi and Boundary 97 (Go Matsunaga & Takeshi Umehara) Dread vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko Danger Kumasaka, Luis Figo Manico, Hayate Hasegawa and Ninsei Tanuma vs. Yodo Nakane, Walter Morgan and Rebel Cell (Harumi Okazawaya & Sotatsu Sarumara) Kyoshiro Kanashi vs. Mito Miwa © for the Historical Japan title Eisaku Hoshino and Eisaku Kunomasu © vs. Team STRENGTH RUSH (Lee Wright & Raymond Diaz) for the PGHW Glory Tag Crown Hito Ichihara © vs. Koryusai Kitoaji for the PGHW Glory Crown
  20. Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Vicki Company ‘The Immovable Object’ Brickhouse Balder [vs] Ruin w/ Nightmare ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester [vs] Edison Silva ‘D-B-F’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] Lone Wolf Landon Mallory [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Ozzie Invasion
  21. CROWN OF GLORY Despite Hito Ichihara’s request for the developing members of the roster to step up and challenge him for the Glory Crown, everyone knew it was only a matter of time before Koryusai Kitoaji would surge into title contention again. Yes, he had lost the last two matches against Ichihara, in December and most recently at Night of PRIDE in April. But he remained one of the few men to have ever beaten Ichihara in PGHW’s short history. The way things went in the early part of the year, though, it was unlikely that Kitoaji would ask for a title match, considering himself above such formalities, and Ichihara wasn’t about to hand him one. So, would Kitoaji be able to earn another chance, or would somebody else step up and take his place? Night of POWER, April 1997 Night of POWER saw an excellent eight-man tag main event the show. It featured a mixture of top stars and the men who would surely replace them. Danger Kumasaka teamed with his new protégé, Yoshimi Mushashibo, former Historical Japan champion, Nobuatsu Tatsuko and none other than Koryusai Kitoaji. They faced an equally powerful team led by Hito Ichihara and featuring Dread, new Historical Japan champion, Mito Miwa and Shuji Inukai. During the course of the match, the younger talent shone. They frequently out-performed and out-smarted their older counterparts, and Shuji Inukai came a split second away from pinning Kitoaji before Tatsuko broke up the pin. In the end, it was Danger Kumasaka who got the job done for his team, capitalising on Inukai’s over-aggression and catching him with a spinning sitout powerbomb for the win. After the match, Kumasaka encouraged his protégé, Yoshimi Mushashibo to step up and challenge Mito Miwa for the Historical Japan title. Mushashibo had proven over the last few months he was certainly worthy of a shot, and Mito Miwa didn’t hesitate to accept. Then Mushashibo surprised Kumasaka, by turning the tables and getting the veteran to make a challenge for Ichihara’s Glory Crown. Kumasaka had got the win a few moments ago and held a victory over Ichihara in the Elite Series. Kumasaka smiled at his protégé, confirming he’d made the right choice in selecting him, and challenged Ichihara. At first, Ichihara was reluctant, as he’d beaten Kumasaka earlier in the year, but he was forced to accept that Kumasaka had earned his way back to the top of the pile. The title match was set for the next show, Night of EXCELLENCE. Night of EXCELLENCE, May 1997 Danger Kumasaka took on the Glory Crown champion, Hito Ichihara in the main event of the show. Their meeting at Night of RESPECT at the start of the year had gone in Ichihara’s favour, but there was plenty of reason to believe Kumasaka might get the win this time. His victory over Ichihara in the semi-final of the Elite Series came as a result of his smothering ground game, and that is how this title match began. For nearly fifteen minutes, Kumasaka dominated. In previous times, Ichihara had figured out a way to escape, but now the veteran technician had tweaked his approach to great success. But Ichihara was champion because he always found a way to adapt. And once again, he used his brains and experience to keep calm under pressure and devise a new strategy on the fly. With a smart reversal of the Aurora Surfboard Vice, he twisted Kumasaka around and knocked him hard in the face with a knee strike. This put the momentum firmly back in the champion’s favour, and despite an admirable rally from Kumasaka, the writing was on the wall. A head drop suplex got the job done for the champion. After the match, Kumasaka made it clear this would be his last title shot for a while. He wanted to make sure the younger talent, like his protégé were allowed opportunities instead of the old guard who had seen their time. Earlier in the show, four men contested the semi-finals of a number one contender’s tournament. The matches were Shuji Inukai vs. Yodo Nakane and Koryusai Kitoaji vs. Nobuatsu Tatsuko. Nakane’s experience couldn’t make up for his declining physical abilities, and Inukai battered him into defeat. Kitoaji and Tatsuko brought such energy and intensity to their match that it seemed for a while that they’d whack each other to death before the match was won. But in the end, Kitoaji edged it, hitting a Kitoaji Braindrop. However, he looked bruised and tired after the match and made a show of respect for Tatsuko, who many believe would one day emulate the older man’s success. Night of SUCCESS, May 1997 Hito Ichihara took part in another 8-man tag match, this time alongside Nobuatsu Tatsuko, Yodo Nakane and Kyoshiro Kanashi. They defeated the team of Danger Kumasaka, Yoshimi Mushashibo, Hayate Hasegawa and Ninsei Tanuma, with Tatsuko getting the pin on Tanuma. Tatsuko looked strong in the match and, despite his narrow loss to Kitoaji at the previous show, his performances had elevated him to a position where a shot at the title wouldn’t be out of the question. He would have to wait a little longer for an opportunity, though, as another match on the card would determine the next Glory Crown challenger. It saw Shuji Inukai attempt to earn his first stab at the gold. Inukai’s year had been going well enough, but of the young talent destined for stardom, he was yet to shine as bright as some of the others, particularly his tag partner Yoshimi Mushashibo. He had the chance to right that. Unfortunately, he was up against Koryusai Kitoaji who had defeated Tatsuko to get to this number one contender’s mini-tournament final. Kitoaji and Inukai had fought a couple of times before, with the former champion winning on both occasions. This time was no different. However, Inukai reminded the world why he was considered in the same bracket as Miwa, Tatsuko and Mushashibo, with a typically violent and passionate showing. Kitoaji narrowly dodged the Untouchable Lariat on several occasions, with the fans knowing if that move had connected, Inukai would surely get the win. But the move never connected. Instead, the Kitoaji Braindrop was the decisive move, putting an end to what was already being touted as a potential match of the year candidate. After the show, Kitoaji made his feelings known in public. Kitoaji: Once again, I EARN my way into title contention. I’ve heard the voices even before I won tonight, the people who say I get paid too much and take all the opportunities. With all due respect, if someone like Inukai deserves a shot at the Glory Crown, he should have defeated me. Inukai fought bravely, and one day he’ll hit that lariat and my neck will snap back and I’ll look at the lights. Then he’ll get the big bucks. And that day won’t be too far away. Until then, I’m top of the pile by merit, not by reputation. And this time, at Night of Glory, the Glory Crown will be mine. I will walk away victorious, and that’s a guarantee. I cannot lose again. In fact… yes, if I don’t come out of that match with Ichihara as the Glory Crown champion, I will leave PGHW. That’s right. I’ll leave the company. But that won’t happen. All those who say I don’t deserve another opportunity will get their wish because I’ll be the one giving them out. As champion once again.
  22. I really like the Product system in TEW 2020 as it means each company is unique and booking them is a different challenge. However, something I often have trouble with is the presentation of the features of each product and the language used, especially when comparing products. Assuming the product system remains the same, or similar, in future versions, I'd like to suggest the following changes: 1. Categorise the different aspects of the product (rating ratio, penalised matches, match length expectations, etc.) 2. Present the information in a more visually accessible way. For example points on a scale to show match:angle ratios, or coloured bars to show the extent of how much match types are penalised and how hard the product is on the workers' bodies. Basically make it less wordy so it looks less like a mass of text. 3. Add the possibility of comparing two similar products. This would save a lot of time jumping from one to the other to try to spot the differences hidden in the text. I know this isn't a major thing and most people probably don't spend much time on the product screen, but when I start a new promotion or change an existing one I spend a long time getting frustrated with this. And for modders it would probably streamline things, too.
  23. DYNASTY DIVIDED Since the inception of PGHW, Yoshimi Mushashibo and Shuji Inukai had competed as a tag team known as Team Dynasty. While they each pursued singles success, they were regarded as one of the most likely teams to get their hands on the Glory Tag Crown within a year. And after Team STRENGTH RUSH’s dominance was ended by Eisaku Hoshino and Eisaku Kunomasu, another pair of highly-rated youngsters, some expected Mushashibo and Inukai to push forward in the tag ranks. In the early months of 1997, the pair competed together in large tag matches, but never as a duo. Yoshimi Mushashibo earned the respect and mentorship of Danger Kumasaka, while Inukai found himself treading water. Incidentally, Inukai also wrestled Kumasaka with the intention of impressing the veteran, but Kumasaka didn’t like his attitude. Regardless, Shuji Inukai spoke publicly, but with reservation, about how he’d like to focus more on tag wrestling, seeing much greater opportunities to win gold and get experience at a high level. He said that if Eisaku Kunomasu, a man with less than a year in the business, could hold the Glory Tag Crown, why shouldn’t he and Mushashibo? The problem was, with Mushashibo finding success as a single competitor, would he agree to Inukai’s request, or would the pair go their separate ways? Night of POWER, April 1997 Both Inukai and Mushashibo were involved in the 8-man main event tag match and, unusually, were on opposite teams. Mushashibo tagged with his mentor Danger Kumasaka, Koryusai Kitoaji and Nobuatsu Tatsuko. In the other corner, Inuka joined Dread, Hito Ichihara and Mito Miwa. Shuji Inukai impressed more than any other in the match, nearly getting a pinfall over Koryusai Kitoaji, which if he had succeeded, would have sent shockwaves through the company. As it was, Tatsuko broke up the pin and Kumasaka took advantage of Inukai’s frustrated aggression, pinning him after a spinning sitout powerbomb. After the match, title challenges were made. The most notable for this story was Yoshimi Mushashibo stepping up to Mito Miwa and requesting a shot at the Historical Japan belt. Miwa accepted, and the match was made for the next show. This irritated Inukai. Not only had he narrowly missed out on a career-changing pinfall victory, his tag partner once again wanted to focus on his singles career at the expense of tag success. Night of EXCELLENCE, May 1997 Mito Miwa defended his Hisotrical Japan title successfully against Yoshimi Mushashibo. The youngsters both looked impressive in the match, but Miwa wasn’t ready to drop his freshly won belt so quickly, and hit the Pride Bomber to win. Shuji Inukai also appeared in singles action on the show. He defeated Yodo Nakane in the semi-final of the number one contender’s mini-tournament. Nakane was the favourite to win the match, but Inukai’s aggression perhaps coupled with a fair dose of spite led him to victory. Mushashibo congratulated his tag partner on the victory, seemingly unaware of the point Inukai was trying to make: that he could succeed in singles competition too. Night of SUCCESS, May 1997 The final of the number one contender’s mini-tournament saw Shuji Inukai take on Koryusai Kitoaji. Inukai was desperate to do what he narrowly failed to do at Night of POWER and pin the former Glory Crown champion in the middle of the ring. However, in a one-on-one contest, things were much more challenging. Regardless, Inukai proved he had what it takes to compete with the best, and his refusal to lie down and be beaten earned him plenty of admiration from the crowd and Kitoaji alike. Three times Inukai swung the Untouchable Lariat, a move that nobody had ever kicked out of, but three times Kitoaji avoided it. In the end, a Kitoaji Braindrop got the Kitoaji the victory, and while he praised Inukai for his efforts, the younger man looked bitter. In the main event, Mushashibo teamed with Danger Kumasaka, Hayate Hasegawa and Ninsei Tanuma in a losing effort against Hito Ichihara, Nobuatsu Tatsuko, Yodo Nakane and Kyoshiro Kanashi. After the show, Mushashibo and Inukai shared words in the press conference. Inukai: Yoshimi, I need commitment. We have both tried to win singles gold, but failed. If we concentrate our efforts on the tag division, the other teams don’t stand a chance. Mushashibo: What’s the rush? I would like to develop both in singles and tag competition. My mentor, Kumasaka-sensei is teaching me many things and I believe that soon I will win many matches. Inukai: Sure, great. You have a mentor. But what about me? What about Team Dynasty? Kumasaka is YOUR mentor, not OURS. Where does your loyalty lie? Mushashibo: With you, of course. And also with Kumasaka-sensei. And thirdly, with myself. I cannot betray my own progress by focusing solely on the tag division, much as I know it would please you. To become the best, I must do both. Inukai: But you can’t do both and win gold! You are not capable yet. But if we set our minds on one thing, we would surely get a title to our name. Mushashibo: This is where we differ. I am not seeking instant prizes. My aim is to develop my craft such that I will be at the top with more longevity. Short term prizes would be a bonus, but not the main objective. Don’t you see? I don’t want to rush. I want to build. To build a Dynasty that will last a thousand years. Inukai: We differ on many things, Yoshimi. And we will not resolve this issue with words. Here is what I propose. At Night of GLORY, we wrestle. One on one. You vs. me. If I win, you promise to focus solely on the tag division with me for the next full year, in which time we will surely win the Glory Tag Crown. Mushashibo: And if I win? Inukai: If you can defeat me… I will let you continue with your singles development. Mushashibo: I hope you do not wish to abandon Team Dynasty in that case. Inukai: I will have to think carefully about that. But it will not happen, my friend, because at Night of Glory, you’ll find out that tagging regularly with me is the best kind of development your career can have!
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