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Johnny Fenoli

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Posts posted by Johnny Fenoli

  1. Well, you know I'm old school... Lucky I didn't say Scott LaRock, or Magic Mike, or Jam Master J (RIP), or... heck, I should have said Wolfman Jack, for all it would matter with this crowd. I didn't want to use someone like Ludacris (started as a DJ), or any of the so called Video Dj's, or anyone that uses the push the beat buttons, and hit "mix", lol. I still have my Technique's, and I'll pull them out sometime in the future, I'm sure.




    Celebrity is different then talent, yes, but.... 300 a shot really sucks.. How do they afford their augmentations? That's only 300 a week if I'm reading the other posts right. I guess paper routes and May I take your order Sir? are relevant in the land of women's wrestling.... Really sucks.




    I always thought Jazzy Jeff is one of the best/ most famous DJ's out there/ever.... but you're my favorite.

  2. Yes, it feels that way sometimes, and alot of times. The thing is I try not to get too caught up in that, and I think most here do as well. All wrestling fans want the same thing... another EPIC ERA! That's all we want.


    That simple... why can't they just do it agian? Jeez...


    Wait... TNA just pulled their nWo card.... I bet we see Vince back on TV soon on the other channel... The re-revolution will be televised.... :D

  3. I don't understand why they keep pulling this trick, if they have to resort to this kind of thing isn't that a sign that Reaction on TV just... isn't working? Is it worth pissing off the entire international market to pull this stunt and up ratings?


    Why don't they just scrap Reaction and see if they can get another hour or half hour added if they want to do this every week? I mean Reaction is ok, I kinda like the whole documentary/natural feel to it, but I honestly think it would work better as a web series on TNA's YouTube.


    Agreed. It's stupid... why alienate the rest of world?

  4. Well, that would be true if the show was only 80 minutes long, but since it's what... 120 minutes long, that's like 7% I believe (well, I hate to say it, but it's 6.66%.


    there was like 12 minutes, two four minute matches, and 4 minutes into the main event...


    But, we can use your's because it fits the wrestling Anti-Christ better. :eek:

  5. IMO Hardy has a lot of potential as a heel this time around he is reminding me of a Raven type


    yeah, EXACTLY what I was thinking... I actually wonder if he wrote the promo for him.


    RVD's been pulling the Sting lately... wrestling in a T Shirt.... Man Boobs? We're officially watching Reaction right now... dont tell us, or we might change the channel.

  6. I'm not watching but I can't imagine enjoying a pro wrestling show with only four minutes of wrestling and the show is nearly over.


    That being said atleast you guys are enjoying it.


    Pfft... 8 minutes thank you.... and there's still 10 minutes to go, so we might have time to squeeze in a couple matches....


    and yes, it has been fun. :)

  7. You know what I love? TNA spending $15,000 on Jwoww, having Jwoww go on Twitter to promote it (Note she said "Watch me on TNA for the first hour and then watch Jersey Shore at 10), hyping the hell out of this Cookie/Jwoww segment and so many people talking about how this was such a brilliant business decision.... what does TNA do? Have Hogan Knows Best for 45 minutes and a fingerpoke of doom for the first hour. Have the Jwoww/Cookie showdown go up against a new episode of Jersey Shore in the second.


    Oh look, wrestling. At 1 hour 15 minutes.


    Yeah, that's brilliant....... :rolleyes:


    How stupid do you have to be, you have this heffer on so she brings her fans to you, that and the main stream exposure...

  8. at the 1 hour 15 minute mark, TNA still hasn't held one real match.


    Yes this is my running diary.


    Yes, I still enjoy it.


    They didnt explain everything like Liontamer did.... I thought they where going to, the eluded to it... I still hope they put together a video package and run it on the next couple of shows.


    I dont really see the need of having Fourtune involved at all, but whatever... It's TNA, they're like my special cousin who's done all his homework, but forgot to put his name on it.





    UH OH.... A MATCH!!! One hour, 16 minutes in... Abyss vs Samoa Joe.

  9. Why didn't Pope, Sting and Nash come out and say "They're gonna recreate nWo guys."


    Why did Sting take RVD's title belt.


    Why did Hardy turn? For the lols?


    Why did Hogan bring in RVD, just to mess with him?




    MY GUESSES....


    1. They felt it, and knew it, but weren't sure? Scared to loose their jobs? Would end the storyline too early, lol


    2. Because he thought RVD could be part of it, and the belt represents power?


    3. He's the one that's popular and they could control, he's thought to be of weaker mind, due to addictions? Shock value?


    4. He's popular with the fans, and Hogan could get the fans over on his side? But then realized RVD was loyal to the fans and ECW... not to money, power and Hogan?


    .... in the end... I dont know, I'm just guessin'...

  10. First to Stenicks post: I agree on AJ (also perplexed about the whole TV title thing and how he's going to defend it every week, but never does). I agree on Morgan, not to mention he lost to Kendrick recently. I agree on lethal, he was the main reason to tune in for a few weeks there and now he's been reduced to nothing again. But I only partly agree on pope. He was on a roll before he kept getting attacked by wolfe. But that said, won some pretty big matches during the tournament (uncluding external matches like pinning angle in the final four tag match on impact), and most of those he lost were due to foul play. They may put the title back on Sting, maybe. Highly doubt it's going on Nash. I think Pope will have a strong push for a title shot before next year's end, either the world title, or taking the Legends/Global/TV title off of AJ.


    As for the clues, I'm only doing this once, because it's very time consuming (6 hrs to be exact). It's not comprehensive, but it's enough for the major stuff, some of it very repetitive (which is why it amazes me some parts of this storyline were unseen by people). It's close to chronological order, a few may be off. This is the evidence for the 1st and most likely version I proposed before, based on the most obvious storylines, there are still other possiblities as to where it will go.


    This starts after Sting returns to attack Hogan and abyss and starts brawlling with RVD




    Deception interview Sting not sure if RVD is in on it or a pawn



    Nash vs JJ part two, gives possible motive for why hulk and EB have been avoiding him (presumably, for bringing back hall and waltman, although I think EB was in on that), Nash is threatened with suspension like sting



    Sting vs JJ, HH, and EB



    Segment 1: Hogan 'welcomes' Ev2. To me what I hear is Hogan is upset Dixie didn't let him in on Ev2, about the compairson of Ev2 to him, and he states he basically missed everything they did while he was in WCW with the nWo (he's slighting them, not complimenting them). Per Abyss THEY are pissed about Ev2 and hold Dixie responsible

    Same clip, 2nd half of 2nd last segment, EB not happy with Dixie's decisions, tries to upstage her and sets up the Abyss RVD match. Abyss comes out and confronts, but never attacks EB





    Segment 1: Hardy and Angle Draw while Hardy is in the ankle lock. EB advances both, Dixie overrides and makes a rematch. Bischoff looks upset


    Segment 1 and part of segment 2 same show (but carried onto reaction): They Tie Again, EB is happy, dixie is not. Not sure it matters, but I do note the hebners are involved. Segment three reactions from EB and dixie.


    So here's my take whether it was a plan from the go or something that developed later, hogan and EB were conspiring to control TNA (warning, I found it pretty much impossible to keep this perfectly chronological). They brought in everybody (Hall, Waltman, the nasties, OJ, Bubba, Hardy, RVD, Anderson etc - not sure hall and waltment were intended by HH and EB, although EB seemed in on it). I doubt any of the last three were in on it initially and I don't think they are with fortune (that monday night hogan/abyss, flair AJ match was just to make headlines to compete with Raw). Anyway, Sting (who had skipped interviews and appearances since Hogan took over to show his disapproval and later voiced it while attacking Dixie) could smell a rat and attacked.


    hogan knows the power that goes with the title and given that he and EB are very power hungry they wanted one of their guys to become champ (since hogan can't wrestle anymore). In comes RVD. I'm not sure if they were playing RVD from the start or not. My feeling is they had no reason to until Ev2 showed up and he showed allegiance to them (not to mention they were loyal to dixie who Hogan and EB are trying to screw over). This makes RVD one of the enemies so they need to take the title off of him. Hardy and abyss fail mutple times and thus they need a plan to Remove RVD (as abyss stated multiple times).


    Initially, JJ also knew what was going on, but then joined HH and EB to oust Dixie and try to get some of the power back. Nash tries unsuccessfully to set up a meeting with HH and EB, meets tessmacher and suddenly sides with sting against HH (sting was previously suspended for his efforts and Nash is threateded with suspension. Dixie is given bodyguards to keep her from contacting these sting so that she doesn't find out what he knows). Pope later finds out from tessmacher and joins forces. In between, we see the first proof I'm aware of that fortune is with HH and JJ when the attack Sting and Nash only during the arguement between the four. I'm not sure when they joined forces, but my guess would be somewhere around the time Ev2 showed up. It wouldn't make since to have been earlier as they would have just kept the title on AJ and there would have been no reason for the long feud with flair and AJ. Basically they needed a large group to take care of the problem and these guys answered.


    The smoke and mirrors sting and Nash keep talking about are Hulk and Eric constantly talking about how they are here for TNA, falsely befriending Dixie, and trying to make it look like they are the faces and Sting and Nash are the bad guys, in addition to the abyss 'THEY' storyline.,


    We also see JJ try to recruit Joe and even though he later helps JJ, he intially refuses and states he's basically in this for himself and therefore he can't be trusted and gets screwed at the PPV


    As for Hardy, I don't know when he's first in on it, but the seeds are planted with his losses to RVD and all of the overly positive interviews about their relationship. Going into BFG, I thought he may turn, but wasn't sure and thought anderson and or angle could have also turned. Looking back, I think they were definitely with Hardy (they called his near loss to angle a draw just as he was liekly about to tap), and angle may have been in on it as well and lead to believe he'd get the title win (as they drew again which is what EB wanted and not at all what dixie wanted and gives EB a back up plan in case something happens to hardy. Not to mention per the reports he tweeted he is upset they chose hardy overy him and the supposed phone call from hulk endorsing him at the start of impact)


    Things I don't know: if hulk was with EB all along on this plan or not. EB seemed like a heel all along, Hulk seemed to vary, especially the first few weeks. I'm also not sure what the fake argument before hardy turned at BFG was about unless maybe they were still not yet in agreement on it or on whether it'd be hardy or angle. That would also explain Anderson's comments and brawl with angle on reaction before BFG


    My bet is that now that they have accomplished what they came together for, some of the different players in the new group may start to go their own ways after a few weeks and there may be further storylines within the storyline, but we'll see, I've been wrong before ..... they still haven't explained Joe's kidnapping or what dixie's surprise was going to be.


    I also have a feeling that the whole ranking 's system has been to keep the title on their guys by limting other's title shots. Who were constantly in the top spots?... Anderson, RVD, Hardy, Abyss, all of whom initially were with hogan whether or not they were in on this particular plan at the time or not.



    and to answer the most recent post's point about sting..... he's been trying to warn us/dixie and he tried to take the title off of RVD who I believe was aligned with them at the time. That said, the fact that he didn't do more,especially when she wanted answers when she suspended him, makes me wonder (although I also wonder what more he could do, heck choking the woman didn't get her attention), which along with them beating the crap out of Joe when JJ left at BFG (why else if Joe is not part of THEY?) is the only reason I had the version where he and nash end up joining THEY.


    I hope I covered everything important.




    Wow... great job LT... that was nice, I actually like and support the whole thing. They should do this for the next episode of iMPACT tomorrow.


    It LOOKS like it was planned out and storylined well in advance. So, I give them a ton of credit for that. Jarrett, Hogan and Bischoff are the power hungry ones... Abyss is their minion who's a Hogan disciple that they can use to destroy whatever gets in their way. Fourtune, are in it for the money.


    Then on the good guy side you have Sting and Nash, who've been trying to warn us the whole time. You've got Miss Tessmacher (named after the character from the Superman movie who is very similar) playing both sides of the fence, giving info to Nash and Pope. The Pope/Jay Lethal stuff didnt play just right because Pope was injured, so their storylines are confusing and less thought out because of this. Lethal since Pope came back has been pushed back down allowing Pope to move back into the spotlight. RVD, stuff makes total sense the way you layed it out... They wanted him at first, but his loyalty is always going to be to ECW. He couldn't be played... Instead the went with the one who is weak, just see his addiction history...


    Jeff Hardy, I think the writers chose him mainly for the shock value. I think the use of him is what threw me off the most at first. Him paired with Abyss, who I was thinking was building up to a "darker/eviler" storyline, got me confused, when you throw Jarrett in the mix. A better way to go, to me, from the beginning would have been Matt Morgan in the Abyss role. Then, I personally wouldn't have gone off on my on path in my mind.


    So now you got Angle, who the whole time thought HE was going to be in Hardy's role, he even grew his beard out for it. But instead they chose Hardy, so now he's in this tweener spot. Mad they didn't choose him as their champ, instead went with Hardy.


    The face/heel lineup looks like this, right?:


    The bad guys: Abyss, Hardy, Jarrett, Hogan, Bischoff, with the help of Fourtune


    The Good Guys: Sting, Nash, Pope, EV2.0


    Then the tweeners: Angle and Anderson; oh and Miss Tessmacher.




    just went to the TNA page to look for something like this, and looked at the roster. I haven't been on this site in a long long time, why is Amazing Kong and Roxxi still on the roster? Weird that they've added people like Cookie (no Robbie) , but haven't removed Kong and Roxxi...

  11. You know it's funny. I saw a story about this on AOL the other day and even AFTER reading it, I didn't get who this person was or what it had to with anything. That link says more just coming up than AOL's story in several paragraphs.



    She's one of the most popular "characters" from a very popular MTV reality show, called the Jersey Shore, for which "the shore" is an over the top rip off of.

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