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Johnny Fenoli

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Posts posted by Johnny Fenoli

  1. Shock value. I think it would send a shock wave through the wrestling world. Shane is still young enough to have a feel for what the younger generation may want, yet old enough from his time under dad to exploit it. I dont know thought it would be cool, now that you rained on my parade. :mad: lol just teasing.


    That's true, people would be like "holy crap!" and maybe they turn over for a couple more weeks.


    Also true that maybe he has a feel for how to run things since he grew up in WWE, in particular during it's Attitude Era... Though I dont think he had anything to do with creative... But still...


    I'm Shane O' Mac fan... but if he's "THEY" then "THEY" needs to include Pete Gas, Rodney and Joey Abs.... OH YEAH


    Wasn't trying to crap on your idea, I really wanted to hear why you thought they should want Shane. I for one, would rather see something in the vain of the New Church, Ministry of Darkness, and Dungeon of Doom. I like EEEVIL....

  2. No real clues more storylines like the Joe kidnapping that need clarification. A lot of things point to Bisch though. As Abyss has never attacked him and let himself get talked down by Bisch, Bisch gave a strong speech to Joe before the abduction to find his old self again, Bisch was hinted at being not on Hogan's side pre Lockdown, Bisch went over Dixie's head making it a three way.


    As far as Abyss hints well the weapon's are named after Dixie's parents but that is more inside humour imho. For the rest "They" are coming and going after Dixie and then Hogan (note did not say Bisch) and are taking over. So "They" are probably pissed at current and past TNA management or an outside force.


    The Sting deception storyline is definitely Hogan and Bisch but Sting has not been real clear evidence wise etc yet.


    How it will tie into "They" is uncertain but Bisch being behind or leading "They" seems logicial.


    Thanks for the recap. Would be interesting if TNA put together something like this as a video package at the beginning or as part of the PPV... but then they'd be forced to follow through with answers to the questions huh?

  3. I fear it's going to be a big let-down.... So I'm not going to get to hyped for it.


    However, if they do bring Kevin Sullivan and Mitchell, and some really "evil" looking people into the frey, I'm going to love it.


    Can't help wondering if it's going to be alot of WCW types though... which is going to be a letdown for me.


    Yeah, I'm prepared for a major let down... no faith anymore... :(


    Any of you TNA heads able to put together a list of clues? Things that Abyss has said to hint who it could be....

  4. Actuly i might be wrong on this one but i think the time table is off here. the mem was first, then he started the nation of violence stuff cutting up people, he then got kidnapped to basicly make people forget about the nation of violence stuff and he came back with his old look without the face pant and back to the old trunks. Nothing came out of the "kidnapping" if i remember. My time frame might be off but i think that is how it went down.




    SO.... THEY kidnapped him... brain washed him... and turned him back into his ORIGINAL self, his TNA ORIGINAL self.... :eek:

  5. I am just hoping Russo plays some mind games even if it is for one night only. Like as the show goes on the air they show Christopher Daniels, Monty Brown, Chris Storm, and whoever else outside the arena. The announcers speculate that the oringals are THEY. Then during the lethal lockdown match WWE cast offs Haas, Benjamin, Carlito, and whoever else they got show up and interfere. The announcers are confident that the WWE guys are THEY. During the 3 on 2 match, Nash is taken out, then Pope and Samoa Joe turn on thier partners, beating down Sting and Jarrett. Then the main event comes along, Bischoff comes out to help Mr. Anderson win. Abyss comes out to destroy Angle and Hardy. Bischoff, Anderson, and Abyss are celebrating in the ring when Sting and Jarrett come to the ring. Pope and Samoa Joe show back up for the beat down. So THEY is a Bischoff lead regime lead by the new World Champ Mr. Anderson, Abyss, Samoa Joe, and Pope. Bischoff gets around the whole firing Abyss because he really tricked Dixie into signing the company over to him.



    That last line is what I think actually will/ did happen...


    also, your whole scenario would be cool.

  6. The Samoa Joe Kidnapp angle was dropped turned into Joe in the NAtion of Violence which was dropped and turned into Joe in the MEM which was dropped too.


    They will probably be Hogan, Bischoff, Jarret, and Sting which is stoopid although not the Original They due to NAsh leaving...


    They SHOULD be AJ Styles, Hernandez, Daniels with Cornett as the voice.


    that's what I thought...


    Why can't they just close out storylines? even if it's something ultra simple, just to bring fruition to things... frustrates me when wrestling companies do that crap...



    In my TEW game, "THEY" was Legion... (Mark 5:9 "And [Jesus] asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." This is when talking to the demons possessing a person.)


    Legion in my game was a ministry of darkness type of stable, consisting of:



    Father Mitchell

    Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

    Cucuy (Black Pain aka Big Papi Sanchez)


    JaRVi the JiaNT


    Judas Mesias





    They pretty much "haunted" Hulk Hogan, RVD, Jeff Hardy and the incoming Matt Hardy.

  7. TNA goes off the air while their main event battle royal is still going.........what a sack of s***. No wonder Vince doesn't see them as a threat. Bloody joke!


    I was just about to post that. Shockingly bad broadcasting.


    You guys not get reaction? If not, then that does really suck... it continued over into reaction...



    CRAP... I gotta start refreshing before I post...

  8. What about the Undertaker with Paul Bearer? DX with Rick Rude then Chyna?

    Anyone in the Heenan Family became a main eventer and feuded with Hogan. JJ Dillion "managed" the 4 Horsemen.


    DX, with Rude and Chyna? No... They weren't real managers... and Rude, did NOTHING for them.


    Heenan Family, was all midcarders save Andre, who was way over before the Brain...


    The Horsemen, same as Andre. Flair didn't need Dillion's help, what so ever.




    opps, looks like I responded too slow... What Stennick said...

  9. I loved that the crowd chanted boring during Ronnie E and Cookies promo. That wasn't even a good knock off impersonation of the Jersey Shore.


    know what I think the problem was? They where trying waaaay too hard... I mean if Zack Ryder can pull it off.... These guys I assume aren't from Jersey, or the area... and are trying to imitate the whole scene. I was hoping someone would come out and end them right then on the spot...

  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Astil" data-cite="Astil" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I thought it was Trips. I nearly exploded with glee.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> wow... you know that NEVER crossed my mind... I can't believe I didnt even think that.</p>
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="sabataged" data-cite="sabataged" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So...is Edge a face now? He is fighting heels again...I am confused.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> yeah... it's all confusing......... great writing.</p>
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