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Posts posted by BurningHamster

  1. Seconding the driving and GTA complaints, although I found all the remote controlled missions pretty annoying.


    - People who take their goofy interests too seriously. I mean damn, I am a wrestling fan and I enjoy it but if someone else doesn't, or has different views on it I don't really care. Each to their own and all that. I really cannot stand people who take their favourite band, movies, books etc so seriously that they get hostile if someone else says they don't like it. I'm not talking about teenagers either. I'm talking about twenty somethings, college graduates, people who should have pulled their head out by now. Is it really the end of the world because I think Harry Potter books are childish derivative drivel that nobody above the age of about 14 has any business reading? Or that Boondock Saints is overrated or that I think Lost is boring?


    - People who bitch and whine about parts of their job which they pretty much knew they would have to deal with when they applied. This annoys me even more when it's something relatively minor such a someone in retail being annoyed that occasionally customers ask questions.


    - Television. I used to love it, but maybe DVDs have spoilt me or maybe commercials and reality TV shows have just made the whole thing more obnoxious. Just can't watch it without starting to get annoyed at how much stuff there is which I hate and how little stuff there is that I like.


    - Radio, pretty much the same as TV and maybe MP3 Players have spoilt me. I especially hate talkback or breakfast FM radio. Idiots talking about things that don't matter which they don't really understand anyway and zany losers failing to be funny way too early in the morning.


    - Telemarketers. Especially the Indian ones as there is no way in hell I am going to trust any of my details to a shady stranger making unsolicited calls from another country. The fact they don't understand that "Sorry, not interested" is the polite way for Australians to say "Go away, I want nothing to do with you and I want to get off the phone as quickly as possible" only makes them more obnoxious.


    - Gyms. Nope, don't want a personal trainer because I don't have any more money. I spent it all joining this gym which I am feeling less comfortable about coming to because you keep bugging me about getting a personal trainer.

  2. The predictability kind of goes the way of Punk and Jericho as well, in my opinion. In fact, other then the difference in personality, they bassically all say the same thing. I'm better then you... I'm better then the crowd.... I'm better then "insert famous sports team that is the local favorite here"...


    In a way I agree as they are primarily saying the same things, but in another I disagree. Punk and Jericho in my opinion are a little more creative in how they say it - their wording, their references, little things that to me are the difference between being good and being great. I always found that The Miz said things in a very direct, straightforward "WWE" style. Slip in a catchphrase, say exactly what you mean and get it over with. I always feel like I can finish every one of his sentences myself, because as soon as he opens his mouth I can tell almost word for word what is coming. Jericho to me is more playful, has the goofy humour combined with arrogance that while I have a hard time taking seriously I almost always enjoy and does occasionally catch me off guard. CM Punk has more fire and I think works at making his promos something different, we all know he is going to talk about the straight edge stuff and earlier in his career I found the whole "straight edge and that makes me better than you" stuff a little lame. Now I think he finds different ways to deliver the same message which makes it a lot easier to listen to if he's on the mic every week.


    That's just my thoughts though. Not trying to diss The Miz too much as he's evolved from someone I would actively avoid watching due to how awful I thought he was to someone I consider pretty entertaining.

  3. But he's acceptable on the Mic


    Fixed that for you.


    Seriously. I do think The Miz has improved immensely but he is nowhere NEAR great on the mic. Saying "I'm Awesome" just doesn't cut it with me, he's pretty predictable and while his delivery is fine, maybe even above average, and he doesn't screw up there is no way you'll ever hear me say "shut up dudes, The Miz is talking".


    At the moment the only people in the WWE who I have any real interest in listening to are CM Punk and Chris Jericho.

  4. If this NXT is a sign of anything to come, its really only meant to focus on maybe the top 4-5 guys. Are Darren Young, Skip Sheffield, or Michael Tarver going to amount to anything? No.


    I mean one HAS to see promise in Wade Barrett. WWE seems fond of David Otunga (I'm not sold) and one has to assume Daniel Bryan is going to have at least a medicore run alongside Justin Gabriel who might flame out if you ask me (his high risk stuff isnt as good as Evan Bourne's, so they dont need another guy like him, unless he proves he can talk). And Heath Slater seems like he'll fail... Unless WWE puts focus back on tag team wrestling where I think Slater could flurish.


    I think Skip Sheffield could be a perfectly useful undercarder, I find him somewhat entertaining. Gabriel is there for the South African fans as I think WWE is in the process of making their roster more international. I think he will be around at least for a short run to see if he catches on. I agree on Otunga, dude is everything I don't want to see. Heath Slater is growing on me and I cannot begin to imagine why.



    Just watched NXT and Bryan getting another loss is just frustrating as all hell. Dude needs to win sometimes otherwise your casual WWE fans will never buy into him. I am starting to suspect NXT is not in fact some beautiful plan designed to present Bryan to WWE audiences but rather an evil underhanded attempt to destroy the credibility of all indy wrestling.


    Is anyone else getting sick of those guys being wild and young?


    Also, the lack of pros being on the show is starting to do my head in. The shows are feeling more and more thrown together as we go.

  5. Being massive/impressive looking makes it much, much easier to get over initially. Staying over long term isn't that much easier though. Once someone overcomes an unstoppable force, that aura often fades. Khali, Umaga, Goldberg even. That's why I think it's worth putting the effort into getting someone like Daniel Bryan over, because he has the in ring talent to sustain the highest level without some sort of weird mystique, unlike Khali, who faded pretty spectacularly once he'd been beaten a couple of times because people realised 1) he's beatable and 2) he's pretty damn poor.


    I agree with this which is why it is important to get some smaller guys who can go in the ring over. Once they are over, few people remember how many times they lose because they are entertaining and nobody expects them to win all the time whereas your big giant guys with limited talent pretty much live and die based on their win/loss record.

  6. Super Parka, Seriously? Dude should be working the undercards of CMLL's d-rate shows in rundown arenas in small towns, not main eventing anything, especially not north of the border.


    I bought a DVD once that advertised La Parka being on it. Start watching it and then realize the bums hired Super Parka not La Parka but could barely tell the difference as they kept getting confused on commentary. They may wear very similar costumes but you'd have to be an idiot to confuse those two after watching them work.


    Okay ... rant over.

  7. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Final Countdown" data-cite="The Final Countdown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah, seriously. He has personality. He knows how to work a crowd</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I concur. Seriously, that is one thing about NXT that makes me laugh, how they keep claiming Danielson has no personality but that Otunga has the "it" factor ... apparently the "it" factor consists of being married to a D lister, being black and being somewhat jacked up because Otunga got nothing else. Danielson on the other hand seems pretty comfortable in front of a crowd and knows how to work them. I've seen him live and in person and without Michael Cole ranting in your ear he definately has a charisma and can be either intense and serious or goofy and comedic.</p>
  8. So does anyone NOT think Bryan will win NXT and challenge the Miz for the US title since they made it so clear its not just a World title shot?


    I'm not sure, I have yet to see the latest NXT so I am weighing in a touch early, but it would not surprise me if WWE did the old swerve the smarks thing and let one of the other guys (maybe Wade Barrett, Hopefully not Otunga) win but still develop the Miz/Bryan feud to the point where Bryan gets a shot at Miz despite not winning/getting screwed or something.

  9. You would be correct! I like the dominating heel and it seems like it has been ages since the WWE had one of these. Orton was pretty good but he still lost too many matches.


    I'd love to see a heel go on a 6+ month streak kicking the crap out of everyone. When that face finally beats a guy like this then the match has meaning.


    WWE books their heels to look so weak at times.


    I remember hearing someone comment once (think it may have been Kevin Sullivan) that WWE/F has always been set up as a babyface promotion which when you think about it is kind of true dating back to the Hogan era and possibly earlier. Top guy sells the merch, does the talking, brings in the crowds and takes on all comers and the heels are usually (with the exception of the long Triple H run which most people hated) getting beaten down and taking most of the bumps.


    I agree though, if a good heel went on a total dominant run I would be all over that. CM Punk preferably because I think he is one of the few people who could remain heel while being so dominant thanks to his jerkish charm.

  10. On another note, the WWE camera work was unusually bad last night. Woof. And the announcers were god awful. Jim Ross meant so much to the credibility of the E.


    Actually I think the camera work was solid but the vision mixer screwed up a number of times by going to the wrong camera, including once during Taker/Michaels when it seemingly went to a shot of nothing. (sorry to be pedantic, cameraman here)


    I agree about the announcers though, Michael Cole just isn't very good and while I find Jim Ross boring when you have to listen to him talk about high school football careers every week he is the kind of guy who knows how to add gravity to major events and really put them over.


    That aside, I am surprised at how negative a lot of the feedback for the show was. I personally think it was a good show, not the best wrestlemania ever but definitely above average and I would say best in the last 5 years or so.


    America the beautiful sung by generic black woman I never heard of sucked but I liked the hokey imagery and I think the whole atmosphere with the jets, the fireworks etc made the show feel pretty epic. The crowd wasn't the best and I think the open stadium effected the sound a bit but what can ya do?


    The opening tag match got things off to a nice start, fast paced, Morrison in slow mo with fireworks behind him was a cool visual. There were a few nice spots and this was perfectly alright for a short "warm up the crowd" type of opener.


    Three way was decent (short of Lawler's confusion over the rules) and Orton has gotten really good while I was avoiding him because he used to suck. DiBiase Jr and Cody Rhodes are both barely a step above David Flair on the awful children of awesome wrestlers list though.


    MITB Ladder match was fun, some nice spots, the ladder stilts spot looked pretty goofy but at least it was something different and creative. Jack Swagger doesn't impress me much but I enjoyed the match plenty.


    Triple H against Sheamus was what I expected. I'm not really a fan of generic WWE heavyweight wrestling so this was probably the least exciting match for me.


    CM Punk against Rey was good. CM Punk is the king at the moment, accusing 70000 people of being on hallucinogenic drugs making them think Rey was a super hero? Superb. GI Joe trunks? Doubly superb. Rey's Avatar outfit was mad goofy though and not sure what happened with his entrance.


    Hart against McMahon is the one match I can see people being disappointed the most by. I understand why it was done like that, because I really don't think Hart is in good enough condition to wrestle a full length physical match and take bumps but McMahon buying the Hart Family was pretty stupid. I have to admit McMahon taking a Hart Attack was good though and the chairshots, dear lord the chairshots.


    Jericho against Edge. Pretty good match, everything made sense and I still like Jericho. Plus the post match spear off the announce table was good times.


    Diva Tag Match was perfectly fine for what it was. Bunch of chicks hitting the only spots they know how to do then getting the hell out of the ring plus at this point in the show it was nice to have a nice, short match to break up the longer segments.


    Batista against Cena was pretty solid. The mixed crowd reaction maybe hurt this one a bit since there were a fair few obviously anti-Cena people. I've never been a Batista fan and probably never will be but this match was better than it should have been.


    HBK against Undertaker was pretty awesome. Taker's leg seemed to slow things down and there was perhaps less spots than last year and I do think the multiple Sweet Chins and Tombstones could have been cut down a bit but damn. The epic vibe of the match, the intensity, the moonsault onto the table. Good stuff.


    Plus Mean Gene in a dress, Inoki, Mad Dog Vachon spazzing out in a wheelchair, WWE getting some stiffness and intensity going which has been sorely lacking for years now. Seriously, If you couldn't enjoy that show then maybe it's time to take a break from watching wrestling or get into the indies or something.

  11. I think Goldberg has so much left to offer the business. His run with the E was so disappointing. I can not believe we never got Goldberg vs Austin.


    I usually agree with you on most things about wrestling justtxyank, but holy cow could I not disagree with this more :p


    Even during his prime I thought Goldberg had very little to offer, difference is now he is older, less motivated (not that he ever seemed to be into wrestling to begin with) and has no momentum behind him.


    I think signing him for a merchandise deal makes sense as WWE could probably make some money off the WCW nostalgia, and as was mentioned I could see him be used in a Bret Hart style mini-run but of all the former WCW people I would like to see in WWE now Goldberg ranks about 129 on the list. Bring in La Parka or give us a 3 Count reunion first.

  12. What you don't like his diplomatic immunity? :p


    Haha nice reference. Nah, just when I think of South Africans I don't really think of babyfaces. Like British guys being posh or Russian guys being jacked up bald heels, Samoans having hard heads, Japanese guys knowing "martial arts" etc. Plus the only wrestler I recall who claimed to be from SA was Colonel DeBeers who was such an awesome and timely heel.

  13. I might be alone in this but I am enjoying NXT way more than I have enjoyed any WWE show in years. Mainly because with new guys all coming in at once it isn't as obvious what is going to happen.


    Daniel Bryan's flying knee off the apron was cool. I am concerned however that this is his second week of jobbing. It made sense and he wasn't buried though, but you know how WWE can be.


    Skip Sheffield is so gloriously goofy.


    Justin Gabriel's outfit was bizarre, it was nice to see a 450 splash but between his haircut, his outfit and the fact he is South African not sure I can get behind him as a babyface.


    I found the Otunga/Young match interesting as I am not sure where they are going with it. First week it seemed that R-Truth and Otunga were made for each other, two black guys, one a rapper and the other linked to the entertainment industry who seemed like they would get along while Punk and Young were chalk and cheese. This week with Punk helping out Young makes me curious as to where they are going to go in the relationship between those two while R-Truth and Otunga end up brawling.


    Overall I think it was pretty entertaining.

  14. I'll say what I say every time somebody gets released: stop sucking, Charlie. It's that simple. Be more entertaining, make people want to watch you, and they'll put you on TV. Obviously Charlie didn't convince creative that people wanted to see him, and so he's gone.


    You have to remember that you don't represent the entire WWE universe. You represent you. You were entertained by Charlie Haas? Great...so was I, actually. Obviously not enough people agreed with us. WWE management has access to a lot of information (ratings, merchandise sales, viewer feedback, etc.) that we don't. Trust me, they have a much better idea what people want to see than you or I do. If people want to see somebody, they're going to use them.


    See, I understand where this argument is coming from and to a degree it makes sense but well ... WWE guys are often not in any real control of what they say or their character or what goes on in their matches. They generally do what they are told and while they can make suggestions there is no guarantee they will be listened to. They can just try to make things work to the best of their ability. Some people out and out suck and cannot do anything right (see Divas) while others can wrestle or be entertaining but they are given such a limited role or one that isn't really suited to their abilities that the ball really isn't in their court at all. If you do what you are told as best you can and it doesn't work well ... I don't think the wrestler deserves all the blame.

  15. :rolleyes: Wrestling fans always expect the worst. Granted, it had the potential to be horribly offensive and incredibly lame, but there was potential for good too. Set the right tone. Bit of subtlety. I'm rewatching Lost right now, and the Boone/Shannon dynamic is pretty similar to how I'd have played it.


    Given WWE's track record, it probably would have been awful, but I wish they had the balls to try.


    EDIT: I'm expecting Slam Master J is next on the chopping block. I don't care who his daddy is.


    I'm glad WWE had the restraint not to try. I just don't see what incest has to do with wrestling or how it could be done without it all being a tasteless, offensive waste of time. Seriously, a dude banging his sister is not going to make me want to watch something and I question the morals, intellect and sanity of anyone who would tune in or buy tickets to see something like that.

  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ECW 2.0" data-cite="ECW 2.0" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The thing with me is the E needs to play it a little better and let someone win who has a chance as a future champ in WWE, I just dont see that in that Bryan kid he just dosn't have the "look" <p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Seriously the "look" is responsible for getting more bad wrestlers on TV than just about anything else in the world.</p><p> </p><p> But hey, maybe if he was 6'6" juiced up, fake tanned and had some tribal tattoos he'd stand out from the crowd of all the other big, juiced up, overly tanned guys with stupid looking ink right? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  17. I have to say that I really enjoyed NXT which surprised me. In theory it sounded horrible, but Bryan Danielson .... sorry, Daniel Bryan being the star of the show was cool and if they keep the focus on him the show will be worth watching. I didn't find the few iffy spots in his match too worrying because everything else he did looked awesome and was so refreshing after the half-speed lethargic WWE I've been barely watching for years.


    As much as i have never gotten into The Miz, he is the perfect foil for a show like this. Michael Cole's heeling against the IWC was kind of annoying to me because well .... it wasn't really any different to the typical WWE attitude they've been espousing for years.


    I'll be interested in checking this out again, I don't have particularly high hopes for too many of the rookies. The English guy seemed kind of entertaining but the rest don't seem that interesting but I think there will at least be some interesting moments with CM Punk mentoring the black guido John Cena goof.

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