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Everything posted by francis86

  1. I love silver age pro wrestling. Its one of the only product heavily based on performance but also attractive to sponsors. the downside is the 20 minutes matchs and the ratio which is 85% match 15% angle… but for a small company it reduce the show cost since you need less workers ( 1 hour show is 3 matches and 2 small angles.) It's also faster to book shows since there is less segments because of the longer matchs. And I can put more details on my 2 angles when I compare to other product I used where I had to put 4 or 5 angles on my show, ideas start to get hard to find quick.
  2. I keep everything default. I agree with everything that have been said. Some time, some of the preference are a bit unrealistic. But I keep them anyway because of the challenge it provide. It may be a problem with me but I feel like I am cheating if I turn them off. The only one I am scare to use is the pre booking.
  3. QPW world champion: Christian Price, defeating Alan Parent and Philippe Lagrenier in a triple threat. I plan on turning price face to have him feud with Ozzie Goldstein next month. QPW tag team champion: Gilbert brothers defeated Rocking ryan turner and Stan manna, before defeating bad boys of wrestling (Ryan Powell and Shane Douglas) to win the tag team tournament. QPW Quebecois champion: Cal Sanders defeated Canadian crusher and Eric Lamonica to win the title match.
  4. Hi, I know there is a lot of mod that change the cornellverse universe, but I wanted to know if a mod existed that only expand the cornellverse in any ways, such as a worker pack by example. Even if it's for 2016 I was wondering if such a mod existed.
  5. can't wait for the main game new workers to be added so I can start this with a long game!
  6. I also find it kind of hard, if you wanted to use unimportant worker, the maximum time limit he can wrestle without being overuse too much is 13 minutes so it tend to get hard to get good rating with the 20 minutes cap.
  7. I think it would be logical when you sign a worker from a different region that either he moves to your home region upon signin (or close) or you would have to pay for their travel in their contract. I find it weird to have workers that wrestle in japan, and come work in Canada for 20$. I think it would add a little something to consider when signing workers, and there would be more benefits from signing local or unemployed talent who would be more willing to change region. Thanks guys you are doing a good job!
  8. Am I the only one who find it weird to sign a wrestler from another continent to come work in canada, without needing to pay for his travel cost. The guy is crazy to switch from japan to canada every week for 20$ haha Would also be nice to have a specific language for the hire rule, to keep the cultural identity of some small european promotion by example.
  9. Can't wait for this mod! Personnaly my dream would be for french canadian wrestling entertainement to have started and be owned by a great french canadian dynasty such as the Nadeau family Always had a soft spot for FCWE I must admit!
  10. What have been the change to product? The product I love the most is silver age pro wrestling... But 20 minutes match are really hard to make for a tv show of 1 hour. Would like an episodic product with shorter matches time that is similar to this one with some angle ratio... I need to adjust to this one
  11. Jack avatar, I like the fact that he start with super low popularity and moderate stats so we can developp him as a great worker for the future. I usually change his name and picture to match myself tho
  12. I am french canadian myself too! wish there were more of us in the database Yours skins look really good, too bad there is no thumbs up on greydogs software
  13. hi everyone, I wanted to know if we hire someone from another area that have 0 popularity in our region, and we give them a manager that have high popularity, will it help in some ways? Also, does the manager popularity give a boost to the match's overall popularity or only the wrestlers does? thanks guys this would help me a lot in my current game!
  14. Damn with QPW I reached small size but now I get wrecked by everyone else because their high production lol mostly NOTBPW
  15. Can't wait to play QPW with those. Now I need to find more french-canadian and french workers to make it a majorly french based company sorry Dirty Frank you are fired haha
  16. Man these looks awesome! Thanks for this QPW love, you're the man!
  17. Yea for QPW the only title that seem to fit for now is the generic Quebec title
  18. Your alternative world is awesome. As a big fan of QPW, I love how you made a lore for it with Christian Price having hostility with Decolt and leaving to start his own promotion in his own province of Quebec! Thats the starting story I use everytime I play QPW now!
  19. Before playing this mod I couldn't get involve in any fictionnal database… now it's the only database I use. Thunderverse 2020 is by far the mod I am looking forward to the most, keep up the good work mate!
  20. my revenue are 25% for me and the rest for the broadcaster. I pay nothing to the broadcaster, I would only have paid if I would have asked for 30%.
  21. I only run Tv taping in block of 4 once a month, all taped on Q-Tv, the broadcast deal is for my TV show. 100% sure all of them aired. Thanks anyway guys I will look into that
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