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Everything posted by Harts4Life

  1. What a wonderful Christmas present Kam! The only thing that sucks is that I'm currently at work, and can't download those amazing logos yet! I absolutely adore the LCW one with the tower in the middle! It actually looks like our City Hall! Thank you so much!
  2. You don't need a picture on that one, if that will help ...
  3. Kam, did you get my reply to your PM? I am wondering because it's been almost a week.
  4. SW - Summit Wrestling An elite promotion, one that would be considered top of the line. Based in Canada, but that doesn't really factor into the promotion itself. No preference to colors. LCW - Limestone City Wrestling A modern indy type promotion, like ROH, again, based in Canada. Shades of green and silver/grey would be great.
  5. Shortly after I posted the request, my machine died, so I missed all this ... Yes, thank you Trell. With the 30-odd pages in this thread, I thought I covered the possibility that he isn't doing requests with the "Dunno if you're still doing requests" part of the first sentence. Kam, take your time, neither of them are uber-important.
  6. Dunno if you're still taking requests, but here goes: SW - Summit Wrestling An elite promotion, one that would be considered top of the line. Based in Canada, but that doesn't really factor into the promotion itself. No preference to colors. LCW - Limestone City Wrestling A modern indy type promotion, like ROH, again, based in Canada. Shades of green and silver/grey would be great.
  7. I can't seem to get it to work with anything but 32 man tournaments ... just fyi
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