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About GalaxyBrain

  • Birthday 05/19/1985

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. If this mod was more forgiving on Popularit for both Companies and Wrestlers, it would be number 1 if it did that. Last time I played this mod in 2016 I had to grind for 2 years in WWE to get my top stars to not get my company to drop popularity every month or for my shows to get cancelled, and even with that no woman had more than 30 popularity, so booking them was pointless.
  2. I feel like the new system is taking away control of your roster which is the appeal of this game, to control a company and it's booking, If I can't control my pushes or even worse my products, what kind of control as an owner do I have other than putting names on the card and calling it a day, at this point just make it automated, overall I just feel like i'm loosing more and more control over customization of the game.
  3. Most threads that are slightly critical or even show the slghtest bit of concern about the game other than "great game adam I love it, there's no problem" will be met with people that attack them blindly for no reason other than to defend the game even if they're wrong, I'm sure Adam isn't blinded by those overly positive comments that hide the genuine consern over the status of the game for most players.
  4. <p>It's mods like Killing the buisness that makes me wish this mod was more leniant on Popularity, I've had more fun with that Mod booking a show and having fun than worrying if my company is gonna die within the first week, sometimes wanting realism out of your mod just makes it worse, look at WWE2K for example.</p><p> </p><p> So dropping WWE to Medium just to solve the problem with the company falling in popularity within the first week is an easy fix but it's bad in the long run, I don't know if you have personal problems with WWE or Women's Wrestling or anyone that's not an "indy darling" for their stats to be so shit, it's sad that the only good thing about this mod is the number of workers and the Graphics file.</p>
  5. Even though it's probably better for discoverability and I legit know people who only play TEW 2013 not knowing either 2016 exists let alone 2020 because of steam. I would want TEW 2020 to be on steam, but I doubt it, I mean we got newer games in TEW and both of 2013 and 2016's prices haven't been lowered since release.
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