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Everything posted by adhodges94

  1. Yeah i assumed the same but i've got another storyline running with a 62 heat and the first rating for that was a 66 followed by 81 and 67 so i'm not too sure now.
  2. Hi, How is storyline heat calculated? i currently has a storyline with a heat rating of 59 I have 4 segments related to this storyline which have acheived 58, 58, 77 and 52 (in order from past to most recent) how do these ratings end up as a current heat of 59? is it an average? if i get another segment rated 80 would this boost it up to 80 or would it be lower? if i then follow this up with a rating of 60 would the heat drop back to 60 or would it not drop by as much due to the previous 80 keeping it high? i'm struggling to gain repeated high segment ratings by trying to keep the segments different and fresh with different workers who may not be as good eg. allowing a major role star to squash an unrecognisable. unforunately these types of angles are killing my ratings and therefore storyline heat. is there a road agent note i can use which means a lower workers performance rating will be negated in the segment rating calculation so it does not bring my match rating down and is mainly rated on the squashing performance of my star and therefore higher? Thanks
  3. Also I believe there are many different personality types which negatively influence things. Eg. Brick lesnar/JBL are set as bullies. They just start trouble for no reason
  4. My backstage rules are currently set for optimum moral. I provide and pay for everything. I allow full freedom (except drug use). It seems workers are most upset mainly by how I treat other workers during incidents. Eg. Vince mcmahon and family were furious I gave Stephanie mcmahon a stern warning for beating up a worker I think it's just an element of the game I'm not adept at yet. I think the problem is there are a lot of positive and negative relationships within the roster so lots of others always get affected
  5. For a bit more detail I never fine or suspend people. The max I do is stern talking to. Some workers get unhappy when I give them this. Others get annoyed that I have been to soft. Others believe I was too strict. Basically I can't win. I never leave any worker off shows for more than two weeks. Stars and major stars are used weekly.
  6. Yeah sorry I didn't clarify that. I didn't fire them. They asked for release or wouldn't renew their contracts with me
  7. So I've discovered i'm awful at judging my response to backstage incidents. each negative moral has had a massive knock on effect to the rest of workers and my backstage moral is now at 0%. at every show/event almost every worker is affected with the moral note related to toxic atmosphere backstage. i'm not sure how much this is affecting my show ratings but i'm yet to get a match rating above 72. (this may just be because i'm a rookie at booking matches but i'm not sure). any suggestions on how i can fix this? I've already released a load of angry workers, and given bonuses and time off where i can. it's barely helped at all though. for every decision i make at least 2 workers don't like it. (fyi i'm using a real world mod with a WWE save (Killing the Business)) thanks
  8. Toxic backstage atmosphere So I've discovered i'm awful at judging my response to backstage incidents. each negative moral has had a massive knock on effect to the rest of workers and my backstage moral is now at 0%. at every show/event almost every worker is affected with the moral note related to toxic atmosphere backstage. i'm not sure how much this is affecting my show ratings but i'm yet to get a match rating above 72. (this may just be because i'm a rookie at booking matches but i'm not sure). any suggestions on how i can fix this? I've already released a load of angry worker, and given bonuses and time off where i can. it's barely helped at all though. for every decision i make at least 2 workers don't like it. (fyi i'm using a real world mod with a WWE save (Killing the Business)) thanks
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