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Posts posted by djskeemask

  1. On a somewhat similar topic. I think AEW had and still has a great tag team division if compared to other companies. On a Grilling JR podcast, he talked about how he doesn't think Vince was into Tag Teams as much as building individual stars. I definitely agree with that. Besides the late 80's-early 90's, WWF/E has not had a strong tag division of 'teams'. I'm talking teams with matching or complimenting styles and matching gear. It seems Vince would sort of play the spaghetti game of throwing it against the wall and see what sticks. I mean, I get that eventually teams grow apart, but you have to plan for that and keep new ones waiting in the wings. Bret outgrew The Anvil. Dynamite Kid was not the best backstage presence and eventually had to be let go, giving The Bulldog a chance to go on to better things. Billy Gunn was obviously more talented than Bart. Anyway, too much WWF/E talk in the AEW thread.

    Right now in AEW, you have The Acclaimed who make perfect comedy champs, but can still put on great matches. Swerve In Our Glory (who have been rumored to be splitting). Lucha Bros. FTR. 2Point0. Private Party. House of Black. One of the most underrated tag teams in The Butcher & The Blade. I love how all these teams have similar or complimentary styles and matching gear. Beyond talent, those are key elements in a star tag team.

  2. 1 hour ago, James The Animator said:

    “Sammy, Ortiz and Santana and all of the JAS are higher up than they were.”

    Santana hasn’t been on TV in months! Ortiz is in midcard limbo, Hager hasn’t moved or evolved, and Sammy hasn’t done much on that front either.

    Hager has evolved! He really likes that purple hat!!

  3. 16 minutes ago, Makhai said:

    Neither do I, in his only full year; had feud of the year, match of the year, and storyline of the year. He got both MJF and Wardlow over like rover, and he helped out Eddie Kingston which should have elevated Eddie into the main event. He's also a feminist. So.... yeah, no. 

    As much as I want to like Kingston, I just can't get into him.

  4. I caught Adam and Britt on an episode of Bar Rescue with that obnoxious jerk of a host. They were so nice and friendly. They played the recon couple to go in and check it out before the host came in to surprise them. I really find it hard to believe that nobody in the bar recognized them. They didn't do anything to change their looks except for street clothes.

  5. 1 hour ago, Self said:

    I think MJF just says the opposite of whatever he thinks a typical internet wrestling fan would like, or an indy wrestler would say. Lots of wrestlers talk about following their dreams or seeking creative freedom for their art, so MJF says he'll go to whoever pays him the most. The Miz is looked down upon by diehard fans, so MJF "loves The Miz" when he's compared to him. New Japan has been held up as this mark of excellence for a long time, so MJF says they suck and isn't interested. 


    The guy aims for heat with pretty much everything he does. If he's smart he'll never reveal his true feelings on anything ever. 

    There is truth to that. However, he was fairly candid with this guy. I went back and watched it again. He is very articulate and has a huge knowledge of the business. It really seemed like MJF has a true hatred for NJPW. "Dog s***" is his exact words. He was upset with Okada getting #2 in the PWI Top 500. He says the only guy he likes in NJPW is "Killer Khan" which I'm pretty sure he's referring to Great O-Khan. He has great taste. O-Khan is one of my favs too.

    Great interview with MJF

    (PS...Adam, I know I've been warned, but I don't think this violates copyright at all. If you are uncomfortable with it in any way, please feel free to edit it, no hard feelings bud.)

  6. 16 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

    I don’t get it. I think Punk’s run for the year he was there was some of the best tv AEW did especially the MJF feud which was the best feud in wrestling in years.

    I'm not taking any stance. But it definitely elevated MJF to a higher status. Deservedly so.

    On a somewhat different topic. I watched an interview with MJF recently. He said he is open to going anywhere that offers him the most money when his AEW contract is up. However, he made it absolutely clear he will not go to NJPW! Anybody got any light to shed on that situation? I would love to see him with the talent that is there. I think it has to do with Okada being the "Ace" after all these years and not pushing many others. I also think NJPW would stifle him a little bit as well, as they hardly ever do promos, except for the end of the night interview with the main event winner. Him not getting mic time on a regular basis kind of kills his ego vibe. Although Will Ospreay still comes off with a similar persona and does just fine. So I don't know.

    I think it is harder for an established star, especially American, that has not been in New Japan to carry over. Even some stars who have been there in the past are struggling to get over again. *cough* Good Brothers *cough*

  7. 7 hours ago, Mootinie said:

    Considering AEW is the promotion of stables, I would totally vibe with Saraya starting a group, Britt Baker starting a group, and having them build to a 5 vs 5 match somewhere down the line. If you cannot get Saraya cleared and you're concerned about how her body is going to hold up, having her drive a story that leads to a match where she just has to play the hits is certainly the direction I would go in. 

    hair vs. hair!!!!

  8. 3 hours ago, Makhai said:

    You haven't even see me try yet. That's the funny part. I have this incredible reputation around here, and I haven't even lifted a finger to earn it, beyond have a different opinion then you three or four times a year when I swing by to grab some mods or renders. 

    It's hilarious. 

    Oh yeah, I forgot. We are beneath you. We must marvel at your ass-holinesss. Bow Down.  🙏 🙏 🙏

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Matt_Black said:

    You may not think so, but Saraya IS a big name. The only free agents that could have gotten an equal or bigger pop than she did are AJ Lee and Sasha/ Mercedes, and I don't see either one of them showing up in AEW anytime soon.

    And the WWE probably did bend the rules for Edge. They bend the rules for lots of people that Vince thinks are draw, like that time Brock tested positive for steroids but wasn't disciplined at all because "something something part time status", or how Jimmy Uso can get his third DUI and then get handed the tag team belts immediately after. But when Naomi would rather DEFEND the tag titles on the PPV instead of getting fed to Bianca, who really shouldn't need any more build at this point, WELL NOW, the WWE has to take a firm hard stand!

    Back to the issue at hand- all her issues aside, Saraya is a big name, and her return was the most talked about Grand Slam moment. Of the many issues with AEW women's division, one of them has been that they've not had a Jericho, or even a Mox, someone established and over who can get eyes on the product and elevate talent. Saraya could certainly do the former, and hey, Willow Nightingale & Skye Blue actually got to be on Dynamite! So maybe it will work. Even if she never gets cleared, if she were to act as a manager, that might boost the profile of someone like Willow or Skye.

    Makhai likes to stir the pot. Don't let it get under your skin.

  10. 2 hours ago, HarmonyOfDissonance said:

    No drugs allowed, three hour pre-show arrival time, and I provide catering. And as a 0 pop fed, they should be happy I'm doing that! 


    Mills, Riley, and Oscar are all negative influences though which undoubtedly had a lot to do with it too.

    Three hour pre-show might be the culprit. My backstage environments seem better without it. Makes sense too. You got your whole roster sitting there waiting to fight each other. Some don't want to wait.

  11. Did anyone watch Burning Spirit last night?? Awesome show. Main event David Finlay Jr vs. Will Ospreay for the US Title! Definitely could be in the running for match of the year! They put on a 30 minute clinic in wrestling and story-telling. I never thought much of Finlay Jr., but this much certifies him as a top wrestler in the biz. Even Ospreay praised him after the match in the backstage promo to close the show. I don't think I've ever heard him compliment anyone other than himself or the rest of United Empire. Also, a turn happened and the crowd loved it! I don't want to spoil anything. It was one of the loudest reactions I've heard from a 'no cheering rule' crowd. Must see!

  12. On 9/25/2022 at 2:44 AM, RaptorMcFly said:

    Is there a way to dictate the order of elimination in elimination matches (Survivor Series specifically)? I know there was on EWR, I just want to know if I can do this on this game. If not, can I at least dictate who doesn't get eliminated from the winning team?

    It's been a long time since I've booked a survivor series match. I know the road agent notes change for battle royals to allow you to say who has most eliminations, who is runner up, who are finalists, etc. So it may be possible. If it's not in the road agent notes, maybe ask Adam in the TEW suggestions thread. I have no knowledge of coding or programming, but it might be easy to add that into an update. Only other suggestion I would have...It's less control, but maybe say you only want 3 of the 5 to survive. Do a victor note for those 3 guys. Maybe try putting a loss note in the order you want the guys to be eliminated. Not sure if that would work, but it's worth a try since you want all 5 of them to lose anyway. TBH, I used to let the AI decide survivor series matches, it would teach me a little more about who is better than who.

  13. 1 hour ago, malcompete said:

    When I download from the link, I get a .rar file?  What am I missing?

    It's a compressed file like a .zip file. (Multiple files inside one file). You need Winzip or Winrar (I recommend Winrar, it's still fully useable after the trial period). Windows won't open .rar files, like it does for .zip files. A quick google search should get you the link.

  14. 1 hour ago, Sisma said:

    I thought about it,but I decided to give her a few weeks and see if she recovers. Obviously, only doing scripted short promos, now. 😋

    I considered turning it into a storyline.

    Everyone is making fun of her for Shockmastering her debut, calling her a joke. She loses her first few matches, being easily defeated by the heels of the division, humiliating her even more. She considers quiting, but our Women's Champion (being all John Cena like) tells her not to quit, keep chasing her dream and even offers her a title shot, to show that everyone deserves a proper chance to prove themselves.

    So, next week, title match in the main event. She completely destroys the champ (who obviously underestimated her), wins the title and turns heel, revealing that it was all an act to accomplish exactly this. 

    Too Vince Russo?

    Not Russo enough. LOL. Everyone loves an underdog. Go for it!

    • Haha 1
  15. I could be wrong. Like I said, I haven't followed NOAH too much. Just going mostly on what I have read about them. According to the ratings on cagematch, it does seem the fan ratings have been declining over the most recent events.

  16. 1 hour ago, The Swanton825 said:

    Oh I know he's popular in Japan, it's the NOAH part that surprised me. Alas, I am old and still think of NOAH as they were when Misawa was still alive. Sting's one of the only guys who could call himself The Icon and it not be a ridiculous boast, but I don't think he would have meshed well with the old King's Road style. (Yes, I know that's the name for 90s All Japan, but Misawa took that to NOAH and I can't remember if they called it something else afterwards)

    They call it Odo, or Royal Road with Ark. Nowadays, NOAH is right up there underneath NJPW. NOAH uses stars like AEW does. That meaning they have their own roster but also use workers from other companies, even AJPW. I have a feeling this is why NJPW is now "lending out" workers to AEW and ROH to compete in that aspect with NOAH. In Japan, it kind of seems like the equivalent to USA is NJPW = WWE and NOAH = AEW. I know I shouldn't compare because all 4 companies are their own entities with their own charms and faults. However, if I were explaining Japan wrestling to a casual American viewer, that is how I would explain it. I haven't watched much NOAH, but the recent stuff I have seen is more in line with Puro style.

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